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Code Editor : candidate_list.js
var prevPhotoStatus = 0; function DisplayStudentSubjectDetails(r, c, li) { prevPhotoStatus = 0; var funivcode = getCookie("univcode"); $("#index_main_page_result").load("candidate_list.html", function() { clearcandidateList(); $("#candidate_list_reg_no").focus(); $("#candidate_list_reg_no_details").html(""); $("#candidate_list_reg_no_details").hide(); $("#input_div_15").hide(); $g_total_count_of_each_div = 0; g_funivcode = ""; $g_student_reg_no_exam_details = ""; enableCandidateHeaderFields(); $("#candidate_list_exam_A_details").hide(); $("#candidate_list_exam_B_details").hide(); $("#candidate_list_exam_C_details").hide(); $("#candidate_list_exam_D_details").hide(); $("#candidate_list_exam_E_details").hide(); $("#candidate_list_exam_F_details").hide(); $("#candidate_list_exam_G_details").hide(); $("#candidate_list_exam_H_details").hide(); $("#candidate_list_exam_I_details").hide(); $("#candidate_list_exam_J_details").hide(); $("#candidate_list_footer_details").hide(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", async: false, data: "r=" + r + "&c=" + trim(c) + "&li=" + trim(li), url: $host_url + "DisplayStudentSubjectDetails", success: DisplayStudentSubjectDetailsResponce }); }); } var stuDegree = ""; var feetype = ""; function DisplayStudentSubjectDetailsResponce($responce) { $responce = eval("(" + $responce + ")"); $("#candidate_list_reg_no_details").show(); $("#candidate_list_exam_A_details").html(""); $("#candidate_list_exam_B_details").html(""); $("#candidate_list_exam_C_details").html(""); $("#candidate_list_exam_D_details").html(""); $("#candidate_list_exam_E_details").html(""); $("#candidate_list_exam_F_details").html(""); $("#candidate_list_exam_G_details").html(""); $("#candidate_list_exam_H_details").html(""); $("#candidate_list_exam_I_details").html(""); $("#candidate_list_exam_J_details").html(""); $("#Candidate_total_fee").html(""); $("#input_div_15").hide(); feetype = $; //$("#payment_type").val('POSTOFFICE'); document.getElementById("payment_type").value = "POSTOFFICE"; if ($responce.error_code == 0) { var payMode_type = $["paymode_type"]; setCookie("funivcode", funivcode, 1); document.getElementById("payment_type").options.length = 0; //$op = new Option("Select Payment", "");$""; //document.getElementById('payment_type').options.add($op); for ($i = 0; $i < payMode_type.length; $i++) { $op = new Option( payMode_type[$i]["bank_name"], payMode_type[$i]["payment_type"] ); $ = payMode_type[$i]["payment_type"]; //specifying the id for options document.getElementById("payment_type").options.add($op); } disableCandidateHeaderFields(); $g_total_count_of_each_div = $; $g_student_reg_no_exam_details = $; $g_FUNIVCODE = $; $("#candidate_list_category").val($; $("#candidate_list_gender").val($; $("#candidate_list_reg_no_details").html($; if (funivcode == "016" || funivcode == "026") stuDegree = $; $("#student_info").val(""); $("#student_info").html($["student_info"]); $("#candidate_list_exam_A_details").html( $ ); $("#candidate_list_exam_B_details").html( $ ); $("#candidate_list_exam_C_details").html( $ ); $("#candidate_list_exam_D_details").html( $ ); $("#candidate_list_exam_E_details").html( $ ); $("#candidate_list_exam_F_details").html( $ ); $("#candidate_list_exam_G_details").html( $ ); $("#candidate_list_exam_H_details").html( $ ); $("#candidate_list_exam_I_details").html( $ ); $("#candidate_list_exam_J_details").html( $ ); if ($ != "img/default_photo.jpg") { $("#student_entry_photo").attr("src", $; $("#student_entry_uploadapp").hide(); prevPhotoStatus = 1; } else { $("#student_entry_photo").attr("src", $; } for ($c_code = 65; $c_code < 75; $c_code++) { $char_code = String.fromCharCode($c_code); var fresh_exam = $("#fresh_exam_" + $char_code).val(); if (fresh_exam != undefined && trim(fresh_exam) != "") { showExamNosDiv("candidate_list_exam_" + fresh_exam + "_details"); var elechk = document.getElementById( "candidate_list_exam_" + fresh_exam + "_details^" + fresh_exam ); if (typeof elechk != "undefined" && elechk != null) { document.getElementById( "candidate_list_exam_" + fresh_exam + "_details^" + fresh_exam ).checked = true; checkAllCandidateSemisterSub( "candidate_list_exam_" + fresh_exam + "_details^" + fresh_exam ); } } else showExamNosDiv("candidate_list_exam_A_details"); } $("#candidate_list_footer_details").show(); document.getElementById("cand_entry_A").checked = false; } else if ($responce.error_code == -9) { /* else if(funivcode=='026') { $("#candidate_list_reg_no_details").html($; $("#hTabTopmainEach").hide();; } else { var adm_ticket = $; if(adm_ticket =='true') { $("#downloadAdm").show(); } $("#candidate_list_reg_no_details").html($; $("#hTabTopmainEach").hide(); } */ $("#download_admtcard_enable").hide(); $("#candidate_list_reg_no_details").html($; $("#hTabTopmainEach").hide(); } else { var adm_ticket = $; if (adm_ticket == "true") { $("#download_admtcard_enable").show(); var photo_present = $; if (photo_present == "true") { $("#uploadPhotoToAdmcard").hide(); $("#downloadAdm").show(); } else { $("#uploadPhotoToAdmcard").show(); $("#downloadAdm").hide(); } } $("#candidate_list_reg_no_details").html($; $("#hTabTopmainEach").hide(); } } function enableCandidateHeaderFields() { $("#candidate_list_reg_no").val(""); $("#candidate_list_reg_name").val(""); $("#Candidate_total_fee").html(""); $g_total_exam_details = ""; window.location.fee_exam_J = ""; hideAllDivs(); } function clearcandidateList() { $("#candidate_list_degree_code").val(""); $("#candidate_list_degree_name").val(""); $("#candidate_list_reg_no").val(""); $("#candidate_list_reg_name").val(""); $("#Candidate_total_fee").html(""); $g_total_exam_details = ""; } function hideAllDivs() { $("#candidate_list_reg_no_details").hide(); $("#candidate_list_exam_A_details").hide(); $("#candidate_list_exam_B_details").hide(); $("#candidate_list_exam_C_details").hide(); $("#candidate_list_exam_D_details").hide(); $("#candidate_list_exam_E_details").hide(); $("#candidate_list_exam_F_details").hide(); $("#candidate_list_exam_G_details").hide(); $("#candidate_list_exam_H_details").hide(); $("#candidate_list_exam_I_details").hide(); $("#candidate_list_exam_J_details").hide(); $("#candidate_list_footer_details").hide(); } function showExamNosDiv($id) { $div_id_split = $id.split("_"); $char_code = $div_id_split[3]; document.getElementById("cand_entry_" + $char_code).checked = true; $("#candidate_list_exam_A_details").hide(); $("#candidate_list_exam_B_details").hide(); $("#candidate_list_exam_C_details").hide(); $("#candidate_list_exam_D_details").hide(); $("#candidate_list_exam_E_details").hide(); $("#candidate_list_exam_F_details").hide(); $("#candidate_list_exam_G_details").hide(); $("#candidate_list_exam_H_details").hide(); $("#candidate_list_exam_I_details").hide(); $("#candidate_list_exam_J_details").hide(); $("#" + $id).show(); if (funivcode == "018" || funivcode == "031" || funivcode == "003") { var fresh_exam = $("#fresh_exam_" + $char_code).val(); if (fresh_exam == $char_code) { document.getElementById($id + "^" + $char_code).checked = true; checkAllCandidateSemisterSub($id + "^" + $char_code); } } var grand_total = 0; var table_obj = $("table[id*='fee_table_']"); jQuery.each(table_obj, function(k, v) { var char_id = v["id"].split("_")[2]; i_total = $("#nfee_" + char_id + "_total").val(); grand_total = eval(grand_total + parseFloat(i_total)); }); $("#Candidate_total_fee").html(grand_total); } function saveCandidateEntryDetails() { var funivcode = getCookie("univcode"); if (funivcode == "017") alert("Rs.100/- Fine will be added."); if (funivcode == "012") alert("Rs.500/- Fine will be added."); //################Check Empty Subjects Starts################################# var payment_type = $("#payment_type").val(); if (payment_type == "College Bank") { url_object = GetUrlParameters(); //$reg_no=trim(url_object['r']); var collreturn = ""; $.ajax({ type: "POST", async: false, data: "fregno=" + trim(url_object["r"]), url: $host_url + "checkcollbankdet", success: function($responce) { $responce = eval("(" + $responce + ")"); if ($responce.error_code == -1) { alert($; collreturn = "false"; } } }); if (collreturn == "false") return; } for ($c_code = 65; $c_code < 75; $c_code++) { $char_code = String.fromCharCode($c_code); $div_id = "candidate_list_exam_" + $char_code + "_details"; $div_id_total = "nfee_" + $char_code + "_total"; $div_id_date = "exam_" + $char_code + "_date"; if ($g_total_count_of_each_div[$div_id] > 0) { $checked_flag = 0; $total_rows = $g_total_count_of_each_div[$div_id]; $n = 0; $exam_fee = parseFloat($("#" + $div_id_total).val()); for ($k = 0; $k < $total_rows; $k++) { $input_id = "exam_" + $char_code + "_ce_sub_code_" + $k; $pass_id = "exam_" + $char_code + "_ce_pass_" + $k; $year_id = "exam_" + $char_code + "_ce_pass_" + $k; if ( trim($("#" + $input_id).val()) == "0" || trim($("#" + $input_id).val()) == "None" ) { showExamNosDiv($div_id); alert("Select all subjects in Exam " + $char_code); $("#" + $input_id).focus(); return; } if (document.getElementById($year_id).checked == true) $checked_flag = 1; if ( ($checked_flag == 0 && $exam_fee > 0) || ($checked_flag == 1 && $exam_fee == 0.0) ) { } /* if(!isDate(document.getElementById($div_id_date).value,'d/M/y')) { alert("Please enter the date format as dd/mm/yyy"); showExamNosDiv($div_id); return; } */ } var fresh_exam = $("#fresh_exam_" + $char_code).val(); if ($checked_flag == 0 && $exam_fee > 0) { alert("Select atleast one subject as you have entered Exam Fee"); showExamNosDiv($div_id); $("#" + $div_id_total).focus(); return; } else if ( $checked_flag == 1 && ($exam_fee == 0.0 || $exam_fee == 0) && funivcode != "017" && funivcode != "037" && funivcode != "011" ) { alert("Exam fee cannot be zero for Exam " + $char_code); showExamNosDiv($div_id); $("#" + $div_id_total).focus(); return; } else if ( $checked_flag == 1 && ($exam_fee == 0.0 || $exam_fee == 0) && $char_code != fresh_exam && funivcode != "037" && funivcode != "011" ) { alert("Exam fee cannot be zero for Exam " + $char_code); showExamNosDiv($div_id); $("#" + $div_id_total).focus(); return; } } } if (funivcode == "008") var moi = document.getElementById("moi").value; if (funivcode == "011") { if (prevPhotoStatus == 0) { if ( document.getElementById("student_entry_uploadapp").value == "" || $("#student_entry_uploadapp").attr("src") == "img/default_photo.jpg" ) { alert("Upload Your Photo"); return; } } } var payment_type = $("#payment_type").val(); if (payment_type == "") { alert("Select payment type"); document.getElementById("payment_type").focus(); return; } //################Check Empty Subjects ENDS################################# showExamNosDiv("candidate_list_exam_A_details"); url_object = GetUrlParameters(); $reg_no = trim(url_object["r"]); $total_fee = parseFloat( trim(document.getElementById("Candidate_total_fee").innerHTML) ); $details = new Object(); $fee_details = new Object(); $sub_details = new Object(); if ( funivcode != "018" && funivcode != "017" && funivcode != "037" && funivcode != "011" ) { if ($total_fee <= 0) { alert("Total fee is Zero!"); return false; } } for ($c_code = 65; $c_code < 75; $c_code++) { $char_code = String.fromCharCode($c_code); $div_id = "candidate_list_exam_" + $char_code + "_details"; $div_id_total = "nfee_" + $char_code + "_total"; $div_id_receipt_no = "exam_" + $char_code + "_receipt_no"; $div_id_date = "exam_" + $char_code + "_date"; $app_id = "FAPPEAR" + $char_code; $details[$char_code] = new Object(); $sub_details[$char_code] = new Object(); $sub_fee = new Object(); if ( $g_total_count_of_each_div[$div_id] > 0 && $g_student_reg_no_exam_details[$app_id] != "N" && $g_student_reg_no_exam_details[$app_id] != "P" ) { $total_rows = $g_total_count_of_each_div[$div_id]; $sub_arr = ""; $sub_arr = "$exam_" + $char_code; $sub_arr = new Object(); $sub_fee = ""; $sub_fee = "$exam_" + $char_code; $sub_fee = new Object(); $sub_fee[0] = new Object(); $sub_fee[0]["total_fee"] = trim($("#" + $div_id_total).val()); $n = 0; for ($k = 0; $k < $total_rows; $k++) { fi = "exam_" + $char_code + "_fi_" + $k; $input_id = "exam_" + $char_code + "_ce_sub_code_" + $k; $pass_id = "exam_" + $char_code + "_ce_pass_" + $k; if (trim($("#" + $input_id).val()) != "") { $sub_arr[$n] = new Object(); $sub_arr[$n]["sub"] = trim($("#" + $input_id).val()); $sub_arr[$n]["fi"] = trim($("#" + fi).val()); $sub_arr[$n]["ex"] = $char_code; if (document.getElementById($pass_id).type == "checkbox") { if (document.getElementById($pass_id).checked == true) $sub_month_year = 1; else $sub_month_year = 0; } else $sub_month_year = -1; $sub_arr[$n]["smy"] = $sub_month_year; $n++; } } var myJSONText = ""; myJSONText = $sub_arr; $details[$char_code] = myJSONText; var myJSONSubText = ""; myJSONSubText = $sub_fee; $sub_details[$char_code] = myJSONSubText; } else { $details[$char_code] = ""; $sub_fee[$char_code] = 0; $sub_fee[$char_code] = 0; $sub_fee[$char_code] = 0; } } var new_fee_details = new Object(); var table_obj = $("table[id*='fee_table_']"); jQuery.each(table_obj, function(k, v) { var char_id = v["id"].split("_")[2]; new_fee_details[char_id] = new Object(); exam_fee_details = new Object(); var fee_obj = $("td[id^='tfh_" + char_id + "_']"); var i_total = 0; jQuery.each(fee_obj, function(fk, fv) { var input_id = fv["id"]; var head_code = $("#" + input_id).text(); var exam_code = fv["id"].split("_")[2]; exam_fee_details[head_code] = $( "#nfee_" + char_id + "_" + exam_code ).val(); }); new_fee_details[char_id] = exam_fee_details; }); degree = ""; var data = "®_no=" + $reg_no + "°ree=" + degree + "&total_fee=" + $total_fee + "&details=" + JSON.stringify($details) + "&sub_fee=" + JSON.stringify($sub_details) + "&new_fee_details=" + JSON.stringify(new_fee_details); data += "&c=" + url_object["c"]; data += "&li=" + url_object["li"]; data += "&payment_type=" + payment_type; data += "&prevPhotoStatus=" + prevPhotoStatus; data += "&student_entry_photo_path=" + encodeURIComponent($("#student_entry_photo").attr("src")); if (funivcode == "008") data += "&moi=" + moi; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: $host_url + "saveCandidateEntryDetails", async: false, data: data, success: saveCandidateEntryDetailsResponse }); } function saveCandidateEntryDetailsResponse($responce) { $responce = eval("(" + $responce + ")"); if ($responce.error_code == -1) { alert($["data"]); return false; } else { if ($["fpaymode"] != "Other Banks") { $("#candidate_list").html($["html"]); } else { var button = ""; $.ajax({ type: "POST", async: false, data: "appno=" + $["fappno"] + "&funivcode=" + $["funivcode"], url: "razorpay/pay.php", success: function(responce) { button = responce; } }); $["html"]; var bankdet = $["masbank"]; var str = `<style>.button { background-color: #4CAF50; border: none; color: white; padding: 15px 32px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; display: inline-block; font-size: 16px; margin: 4px 2px; cursor: pointer; }</style>${ $["html"] }<br/><table width = "80%" style = "margin :1% auto;border-collapse:collapse" border = "1" > <thead> <th> Sl. No. </th> <th> Bank </th> <th> Bank Charges </th> <th> Make Payment </th> </thead><tbody>`; var z = 1; for (var i = 0; i < $["masbank"].length; i++) { str += `<tr> <td width = "5%;" style = "text-align: center;"> ${z} </td> <td width = "15%;"> <img alt="${ bankdet[i]["fbank"] }" style="margin: 5px auto;width: 70%;height: 30%;align-self: center;margin-left: 12%;" src = "${ bankdet[i]["fbanklog"] }" /> </td> <td width = "40%;" > ${bankdet[i]["fbankcharge"]} </td>`; if (bankdet[i]["fbank"] == "razorpay") { str += `<td width = "20%;"> ${button} </td>`; } else { str += `<td width = "20%;"> <button id="paytm1" class = "button" style="width: 85%;margin-left: 7%;" onclick = "MakePayment('${ bankdet[i]["fbank"] }','${$["fappno"]}','${ $["funivcode"] }')"> Make Payment </button> </td>`; } str += `</tr>`; z++; } str += `</tbody></table>`; $("#candidate_list").html(str); } } } function UpdateExamFeeForEachSelectedSubject() { for ($c_code = 65; $c_code < 75; $c_code++) { $char_code = String.fromCharCode($c_code); $div_id = "candidate_list_exam_" + $char_code + "_details"; $div_id_receipt_no = "exam_" + $char_code + "_receipt_no"; $div_id_date = "exam_" + $char_code + "_date"; $app_id = "FAPPEAR" + $char_code; //14503515 if ( $g_total_count_of_each_div[$div_id] > 0 && $g_student_reg_no_exam_details[$app_id] != "N" && $g_student_reg_no_exam_details[$app_id] != "P" ) { $total_rows = $g_total_count_of_each_div[$div_id]; $sub_month_year = 0; var subject_wise_thr_pr_arr = new Object(); var sub_cnt = 0; for ($k = 0; $k < $total_rows; $k++) { $input_id = "exam_" + $char_code + "_ce_sub_code_" + $k; $pass_id = "exam_" + $char_code + "_ce_pass_" + $k; if (trim($("#" + $input_id).val()) != "") { var sub_code = $("#" + $input_id).val(); if (document.getElementById($pass_id).type == "checkbox") { if (document.getElementById($pass_id).checked == true) { $sub_month_year = eval($sub_month_year + 1); if (sub_code != "None") { subject_wise_thr_pr_arr[sub_code] = new Object(); subject_wise_thr_pr_arr[sub_code]["th_cnt"] = $( "#exam_" + $char_code + "_th_cnt_" + $k ).val(); subject_wise_thr_pr_arr[sub_code]["pr_cnt"] = $( "#exam_" + $char_code + "_pr_cnt_" + $k ).val(); sub_cnt++; } } } } } var fee_obj = $("input[id^='nfee_" + $char_code + "_']"); //alert(fee_obj); jQuery.each(fee_obj, function(fk, fv) { var input_id = fv["id"]; var min_val_input_id = input_id.replace("nfee_", "minnfee_"); var o_val_input_id = input_id.replace("nfee_", "o_fee_"); var prfee_input_id = input_id.replace("nfee_", "prfee_"); //alert($("#"+prfee_input_id).val()); var fee_name = $("#tfh_" + $char_code + "_" + input_id_l).html(); //if(min_val_input_id.split("_")[2]) var minnfee_val = parseFloat($("#" + min_val_input_id).val()); var input_id_l = fv["id"].split("_")[2]; console.log(input_id_l); //alert(input_id_l); var f_val = 0; //var fee_name = $("#tfh_"+$char_code+"_02").html(); var fee_name = $("#tfh_" + $char_code + "_" + input_id_l).html(); //var fee_sp=$("#tfh_"+$char_code+"_10").html(); if (input_id_l != "total") { //alert($char_code); jQuery.each(subject_wise_thr_pr_arr, function(fkk, fvv) { pr_cnt = parseFloat(fvv["pr_cnt"]); th_cnt = parseFloat(fvv["th_cnt"]); //alert($("#"+prfee_input_id).val()); var pra_exam_val = 0; var th_exam_val = 0; if ($g_FUNIVCODE == "012") { if (pr_cnt > 0 && th_cnt == 0) { pra_exam_val = parseFloat($("#" + prfee_input_id).val()) * pr_cnt; th_exam_val = parseFloat($("#" + o_val_input_id).val()); } else { if (pr_cnt > 0) pra_exam_val = parseFloat($("#" + prfee_input_id).val()) * pr_cnt; if (th_cnt > 0) th_exam_val = parseFloat($("#" + o_val_input_id).val()) * th_cnt; } } else { if (pr_cnt > 0) pra_exam_val = parseFloat($("#" + prfee_input_id).val()) * pr_cnt; if (th_cnt > 0) th_exam_val = parseFloat($("#" + o_val_input_id).val()) * th_cnt; } f_val = eval(f_val + th_exam_val + pra_exam_val); }); var fresh_exam = $("#fresh_exam_" + $char_code).val(); //console.log(fee_name); if ( $g_FUNIVCODE == "026" && fee_name == "01 EXAM FEE" && fresh_exam != $char_code && sub_cnt > 1 ) { // handling specificallly for univ code if (sub_cnt == 2 && f_val < minnfee_val) { if ( stuDegree.toUpperCase() == "BED" || stuDegree.toUpperCase() == "BED1" ) { f_val = 300; } else { f_val = 250; } } else if (sub_cnt > 2) { f_val = minnfee_val; } } else if ( $g_FUNIVCODE == "008" && fresh_exam != $char_code && feetype != "Low Income" ) { if (sub_cnt > 3 && $char_code != "E") { //alert(feetype); f_val = minnfee_val; } } else if ($g_FUNIVCODE == "008" && fresh_exam != $char_code) { if (sub_cnt > 3 && $char_code != "E") { f_val = minnfee_val; } } else if ($g_FUNIVCODE == "043" && fresh_exam != $char_code) { if (sub_cnt > 2) { f_val = minnfee_val; } } else if ( $g_FUNIVCODE == "035" && fresh_exam != $char_code && fee_name != "03 MARKS CARD" ) { if (sub_cnt > 3) { f_val = minnfee_val; } } console.log(fee_name + " - " + f_val); if (parseFloat(f_val) > minnfee_val) { f_val = parseFloat(minnfee_val); $("#" + input_id).val(f_val); } else $("#" + input_id).val(f_val); if ($g_FUNIVCODE == "018" && fresh_exam == $char_code) { f_val = 0; $("#" + input_id).val(f_val); } else $("#" + input_id).val(f_val); } }); } } CalculateNewwFeeTotals(); } function CalculateNewwFeeTotals() { var grand_total = 0; var sp_fee_tot = 0; var table_obj = $("table[id*='fee_table_']"); jQuery.each(table_obj, function(k, v) { var char_id = v["id"].split("_")[2]; var fee_obj = $("input[id^='nfee_" + char_id + "_']"); var i_total = 0; jQuery.each(fee_obj, function(fk, fv) { var input_id = fv["id"]; var min_val_input_id = input_id.replace("nfee_", "minnfee_"); var minnfee_val = parseFloat($("#" + min_val_input_id).val()); var input_id_l = fv["id"].split("_")[2]; if (input_id_l != "total") { var f_val = $("#" + input_id).val(); if (input_id == "nfee_" + char_id + "_10") { sp_fee_tot = sp_fee_tot + parseFloat(f_val); } if (input_id == "nfee_" + char_id + "_10" && sp_fee_tot > 1500) { f_val = 0; $("#nfee_" + char_id + "_10").val(0); } if (parseFloat(f_val) > minnfee_val) { f_val = parseFloat(minnfee_val); $("#" + input_id).val(f_val); } i_total = eval(i_total + parseFloat(f_val)); } }); grand_total = eval(grand_total + parseFloat(i_total)); $("#nfee_" + char_id + "_total").val(i_total); $("#ssub_fee_" + char_id).html(i_total); }); $("#Candidate_total_fee").html(grand_total); } function disableCandidateHeaderFields() { // document.getElementById('candidate_list_degree_code').disabled=true; //document.getElementById('candidate_list_reg_no').disabled=true; } function checkAllCandidateSemisterSub($full_div_id) { $div_id_split = $full_div_id.split("^"); $div_id = $div_id_split[0]; $div_name = $div_id_split[1]; if (document.getElementById($full_div_id).checked == true) { for ($k = 0; $k < $g_total_count_of_each_div[$div_id]; $k++) { document.getElementById( "exam_" + $div_name + "_ce_pass_" + $k ).checked = true; } } else if (document.getElementById($full_div_id).checked == false) { for ($k = 0; $k < $g_total_count_of_each_div[$div_id]; $k++) { document.getElementById( "exam_" + $div_name + "_ce_pass_" + $k ).checked = false; } } UpdateExamFeeForEachSelectedSubject(); } function CheckCheckBoxIsChecked($div_id) { $div_id_split = $div_id.split("_"); $char_code = $div_id_split[3]; $div_id_total = $div_id + "_total"; $exam_fee = parseFloat($("#" + $div_id_total).val()); $checked_flag = 0; if ($g_total_count_of_each_div[$div_id] > 0) { $total_rows = $g_total_count_of_each_div[$div_id]; for ($k = 0; $k < $total_rows; $k++) { $input_id = "exam_" + $char_code + "_ce_pass_" + $k; if (document.getElementById($input_id).checked == true) $checked_flag = 1; } if ($checked_flag == 0 && $exam_fee > 0) { alert("Select atleast one subject as you have entered Exam Fee"); showExamNosDiv($div_id); $("#" + $div_id_total).focus(); document.getElementById($div_id_total).focus(); return; } else if ($checked_flag == 1 && $exam_fee == 0.0) { alert("Enter the Exam Fee since you have already selected subjects"); showExamNosDiv($div_id); $("#" + $div_id_total).focus(); return; } } } function getSubjectNamesForSelectedSub(int_code, val, degree_code, exam) { var sub_code_id = "exam_" + exam + "_ce_sub_code_" + int_code; var sub_short_id = "exam_" + exam + "_ce_short_name_" + int_code; var desc_id = "exam_" + exam + "_ce_desc_" + int_code; var ch_box_id = "exam_" + exam + "_ce_pass_" + int_code; var th_cnt_id = "exam_" + exam + "_th_cnt_" + int_code; var pr_cnt_id = "exam_" + exam + "_pr_cnt_" + int_code; var finserted_id = "exam_" + exam + "_fi_" + int_code; var exsiting_sub_code_arr = new Array(); var e_obj = $("[id*='exam_" + exam + "_ce_sub_code']"); jQuery.each(e_obj, function(k, v) { var e_int_code = $(this) .attr("id") .split("_") .pop(); if (e_int_code != int_code) { exsiting_sub_code_arr.push($(this).val()); } }); if (in_array(val, exsiting_sub_code_arr)) { alert("This Subject is already selected"); $("#" + sub_code_id).val("None"); $("#" + sub_short_id).html(""); $("#" + desc_id).html(""); $("#" + ch_box_id).attr("checked", false); $("#" + th_cnt_id).val(0); $("#" + pr_cnt_id).val(0); $("#" + finserted_id).val("F"); return false; } if (val == "None") { $("#" + ch_box_id).attr("checked", false); $("#" + sub_short_id).html(""); $("#" + desc_id).html(""); $("#" + th_cnt_id).val(0); $("#" + pr_cnt_id).val(0); $("#" + finserted_id).val("F"); UpdateExamFeeForEachSelectedSubject(); CalculateNewwFeeTotals(); return; } $.ajax({ type: "POST", data: "degree_code=" + degree_code + "&exam=" + exam + "&subject_code=" + val, url: $host_url + "getSubjectNamesForSelectedSub", success: function getSubjectNamesForSelectedSubResponse(responce) { responce = eval("(" + responce + ")"); if (responce.error_code == 0) { $("#" + sub_short_id).html(["FSUBSHORT"]); $("#" + desc_id).html(["FSUBNAME"]); $("#" + th_cnt_id).val(["th_cnt"]); $("#" + pr_cnt_id).val(["pr_cnt"]); $("#" + finserted_id).val("T"); $("#" + ch_box_id).attr("checked", "checked"); UpdateExamFeeForEachSelectedSubject(); CalculateNewwFeeTotals(); } else { alert("Problem Exists while selecting subject"); } } }); } function PrintApplicationForm(type, app_no) { if (type == "NEFT") PrintApplicationFormNEFT(app_no); else if (type == "POSTOFFICE") PrintApplicationFormPOSTOFFICE(app_no); else if (type == "AXIS BANK" || type == "HDFC BANK (Challan)") PrintApplicationFormBankChalan(app_no); else PrintApplicationFormSBM(app_no); } function PrintApplicationFormSBM(app_no) { window.location.href = $host_url + "PrintApplicationFormSBM&app_no=" + app_no; } function PrintApplicationFormBankChalan(app_no) { window.location.href = $host_url + "PrintApplicationFormBankChalan&app_no=" + app_no; } function PrintApplicationFormNEFT(app_no) { window.location.href = $host_url + "PrintApplicationFormNEFT&app_no=" + app_no; } function PrintApplicationFormPOSTOFFICE(app_no) { window.location.href = $host_url + "PrintApplicationFormPOSTOFFICE&app_no=" + app_no; } function PrintApplicationFormNETBANKING(app_no) { //$host_url = "http://localhost//exam_acu/app.php?a="; if (location.protocol != "https:") { $host_url = ""; } else { $host_url = ""; } window.location.href = $host_url + "PrintApplicationFormNETBANKING&app_no=" + app_no; } /* Function Call to Student Admission Ticket download */ function GenerateAdmissionTicket() { url_object = GetUrlParameters(); var reg_no = trim(url_object["r"]); window.location.href = $host_url + "generateAdmissionTicket.demo®no=" + reg_no; /* url_object=GetUrlParameters(); var reg_no=trim(url_object['r']); var parameters = "reg_no="+reg_no; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: $host_url+"checkdateforhalticket", data:parameters, success: checkdateforhalticketResponse }); */ //window.location.href = $host_url+"generateAdmissionTicket.demo®no="+reg_no; } function checkdateforhalticketResponse($responce) { $responce = eval("(" + $responce + ")"); //alert($responce.error_code); if ($responce.error_code == "-1") { alert($; //$("#report_admission_ticket_degree_code").val(''); //$("#report_admission_ticket_degree_name").val(''); //document.getElementById('report_admission_ticket_degree_code').focus(); return false; } else { url_object = GetUrlParameters(); var reg_no = trim(url_object["r"]); window.location.href = $host_url + "generateAdmissionTicket.demo®no=" + reg_no; } } function validateNumber(ev) { var keyCode = window.event ? ev.keyCode : ev.which; //codes for 0-9 if (keyCode < 48 || keyCode > 57) { //codes for backspace, delete, enter if (keyCode != 0 && keyCode != 8 && keyCode != 13 && !ev.ctrlKey) { ev.preventDefault(); } } } /* End */ //photo upload for Admission Ticket download 22/09/2015 var filepath; function DisplayUserSelectedPhoto() { var valid_file_extentions = new Array("jpg"); var ext = $("#student_entry_uploadapp").val(); filepath = ext; ext = ext.substring(ext.length - 3, ext.length); ext = ext.toLowerCase(); if (ext != "" && !in_array(ext, valid_file_extentions)) { alert("Please Select the Valid Photo!"); $("#student_entry_uploadapp").val(""); return false; } $.blockUI({ message: "<h1 class='h1' style='font-size:12px'><img src='img/ajax-loader.gif' border='0'></h1>" }); var lstr_data = "&filepath=" + filepath; $upload = $host_url + "DiaplayUserSelectedPhotoApp&" + lstr_data; document .getElementById("form_module_image_upload") .setAttribute("action", $upload); return AIM.submit( document.getElementById("form_module_image_upload"), "same_tab", { onComplete: DiaplayUserSelectedPhotoResponse } ); } function DiaplayUserSelectedPhotoResponse($responce) { $responce = eval("(" + $responce + ")"); $.unblockUI(); if ($responce.error_code == 0) { $("#student_entry_photo").attr("src", $; } else if ($responce.error_code == -1) $("#student_entry_photo").attr("src", "img/default_photo.jpg"); else if ($responce.error_code == -2) { alert($; $("#student_entry_photo").attr("src", "img/default_photo.jpg"); $("#student_entry_upload").val(""); } } function DisplayUserSelectedPhotoAtDwn() { var valid_file_extentions = new Array("jpg"); var ext = $("#student_entry_upload").val(); filepath = ext; ext = ext.substring(ext.length - 3, ext.length); ext = ext.toLowerCase(); if (ext != "" && !in_array(ext, valid_file_extentions)) { alert("Please Select the Valid Photo!"); $("#student_entry_upload").val(""); return false; } var lstr_data = "&filepath=" + filepath; $upload = $host_url + "DiaplayUserSelectedPhoto&" + lstr_data; $.blockUI({ message: "<h1 class='h1' style='font-size:12px'><img src='img/ajax-loader.gif' border='0'></h1>" }); document .getElementById("form_module_image_upload") .setAttribute("action", $upload); return AIM.submit( document.getElementById("form_module_image_upload"), "same_tab", { onComplete: DiaplayUserSelectedPhotoAtDwResponse } ); } function DiaplayUserSelectedPhotoAtDwResponse($responce) { $responce = eval("(" + $responce + ")"); $.unblockUI(); if ($responce.error_code == 0) { $("#student_entry_atphoto").attr("src", $; } else if ($responce.error_code == -1) $("#student_entry_atphoto").attr("src", "img/default_photo.jpg"); else if ($responce.error_code == -2) { alert($; $("#student_entry_atphoto").attr("src", "img/default_photo.jpg"); $("#student_entry_upload").val(""); } } function uploadAdmissionTicketPhoto() { if ($("#student_entry_atphoto").attr("src") == "img/default_photo.jpg") { alert("Upload Photo"); return; } url_object = GetUrlParameters(); $reg_no = trim(url_object["r"]); $reg_no = $reg_no.toUpperCase(); var data = "®_no=" + $reg_no + "&student_entry_photo_path=" + encodeURIComponent($("#student_entry_atphoto").attr("src")); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: $host_url + "uploadAdmissionTicketPhoto", async: false, data: data, success: uploadAdmissionTicketPhotoResponse }); } function uploadAdmissionTicketPhotoResponse($responce) { $responce = eval("(" + $responce + ")"); alert($; $("#uploadPhotoToAdmcard").hide(); $("#downloadAdm").show(); } function onsavevalidate(lobj, lval) { forder = {}; msfields = {}; findex = {}; if (mandfields.length == mandfields.lastIndexOf(",") + 1) var mdfields = mandfields.substring(0, mandfields.length - 1); else var mdfields = mandfields; var msfields = mdfields.split(","); var validateStr = ""; var findex = new Array(); for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < msfields.length; i++) { if (trim(document.getElementById(msfields[i]).value) == "") { findex[j] = msfields[i]; fieldtitle = document.getElementById(msfields[i]).title; fieldtitlearr = fieldtitle.split(","); validateStr += fieldtitlearr[0] + "\r\n"; j++; } } if (validateStr != "") { alert( "Following fields are missing / invalid and please enter in Personal Details\r\n\r\n" + validateStr ); document.getElementById(findex[0]).focus(); return findex[0]; } else { return 999; } } function acceptNumbersOnlyForModule(evt) { var event = ""; var charCode = evt.which ? evt.which : event.keyCode; if (charCode > 31 && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57)) return false; return true; } function checkselected(id) { var checkboxes = document.getElementsByName("a"); for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { if (checkboxes[i].type == "checkbox" && id != checkboxes[i].id) { checkboxes[i].checked = false; } } showfiled(); } function checkselectedid(id) { var checkboxes = document.getElementsByName("b"); for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { if (checkboxes[i].type == "checkbox" && id != checkboxes[i].id) { checkboxes[i].checked = false; } } showfiled(); } function checkselectedbox(id) { var checkboxes = document.getElementsByName("c"); for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { if (checkboxes[i].type == "checkbox" && id != checkboxes[i].id) { checkboxes[i].checked = false; } } showfiled(); } function showfiled() { if (document.getElementById("T21").checked == true) { $("#test").show(); document.getElementById("T22").focus(); } else $("#test").hide(); if (document.getElementById("T23").checked == true) { $("#test2").show(); document.getElementById("T24").focus(); } else $("#test2").hide(); if (document.getElementById("T25").checked == true) { $("#test3").show(); document.getElementById("T26").focus(); } else $("#test3").hide(); } /* Function Call to Student Admission Ticket download */ /* function GenerateAdmissionTicket() { url_object=GetUrlParameters(); var reg_no=trim(url_object['r']); window.location.href = $host_url+"generateAdmissionTicket.demo®no="+reg_no; } */ function DisplayIAmarkdetails() { var funivcode = getCookie("univcode"); url_object = GetUrlParameters(); var r = url_object["r"]; $.ajax({ type: "POST", async: false, data: "r=" + r, url: $host_url + "DisplayIAmarkdetails", success: function(responce) { responce = eval("(" + responce + ")"); document.getElementById("iamarks").innerHTML =; } }); } function Displayattendance() { var funivcode = getCookie("univcode"); url_object = GetUrlParameters(); var r = url_object["r"]; $.ajax({ type: "POST", async: false, data: "r=" + r, url: $host_url + "Displayattendance", success: function(responce) { responce = eval("(" + responce + ")"); document.getElementById("attendance").innerHTML =; } }); } function MakeOnlinePayment(appno, tmpbankdet, univcode) { //bankdet = JSON.parse(bankdet); var bankdet = ""; $.ajax({ type: "POST", async: false, url: $host_url + "getmasbank", success: function(responce) { responce = eval("(" + responce + ")"); bankdet =; } }); var button = ""; $.ajax({ type: "POST", async: false, data: "appno=" + appno + "&funivcode=" + univcode, url: "razorpay/pay.php", success: function(responce) { button = responce; } }); var str = `<style>.button { background-color: #4CAF50; border: none; color: white; padding: 15px 32px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; display: inline-block; font-size: 16px; margin: 4px 2px; cursor: pointer; }</style><br/><table width = "90%" style = "margin:1% auto;border-collapse:collapse" border = "1" > <thead> <th> Sl. No. </th> <th> Bank </th> <th> Bank Charges </th> <th> Make Payment </th> </thead><tbody>`; var z = 1; for (var i = 0; i < bankdet.length; i++) { str += `<tr> <td width = "10%;" style = "text-align: center;"> ${z} </td> <td width = "20%;"> <img alt="${bankdet[i]["fbank"]}" height="100" width="100" src = "${ bankdet[i]["fbanklog"] }" /> </td> <td width = "40%;"> ${bankdet[i]["fbankcharge"]} </td>`; if (bankdet[i]["fbank"] == "razorpay") { str += `<td width = "20%;"> ${button} </td>`; } else { str += `<td width = "20%;"> <button id="paytm1" class = "button" onclick = "MakePayment('${ bankdet[i]["fbank"] }','${appno}','${univcode}')"> Make Payment </button> </td>`; } str += `</tr>`; z++; } str += `</tbody></table>`; // console.log(str); $("#index_main_page_result").show(); $("#applications").hide(); $("#candidate_list").html(str); } function MakePayment(bank, appno, univcode) { /*if(bank != 'razorpay') { window.location.href="Paytm/pgRedirect.php?productinfo="+appno; }*/ switch (bank) { case "paytm": window.location.href = "Paytm/pgRedirect.php?productinfo=" + appno; break; case "hdfc": window.location.href = "hdfc/ccavRequestHandler.php?productinfo=" + appno + "&funivcode=" + univcode; break; default: break; } } function MakeaxisOnlinePayment(appno, univcode) { //window.location.href="axis/Formdata.php?productinfo="+appno+"&funivcode="+univcode; top.document.location.href = "axis/Formdata.php?productinfo=" + appno + "&funivcode=041"; } /* End */