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Code Editor : MainPage2.js
var data = []; var GrandTtl = 0; const getPaymentTypes = (fappno, funivcode) => { $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "src/getPaymentTypes.php?a=getPaymentTypes", success: function(response) { var { status, error_code, paytype } = JSON.parse(response); if (error_code == 0) { var paymentTypes = `<div class="container"><div class="row px-1">`; paytype.forEach((el, i) => { // if(${el.}) console.log("paytype", el, i); //transform: rotate(-45deg) scale(0.9); var prntChallan = ""; if (el.bank_name.toLowerCase() == "razorpay") { var button = ""; $.ajax({ type: "POST", async: false, data: "appno=" + fappno + "&funivcode=" + funivcode, url: "razorpay/pay.php", success: function(responce) { button = responce; } }); prntChallan += button; } else { prntChallan += el.bank_name.toLowerCase().includes("post") || el.bank_name.toLowerCase().includes("challan") == true ? `<a href="#" class="btn btn-primary" onClick="">Print Challan</a>` : `<a href="#" class="btn btn-primary">Make Payment</a>`; } paymentTypes += ` <div class="card col-lg-5 col-md-5 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 mr-3 p-0"> <img src="${el.logo}" class="card-img-top" alt="logo" height="15%" style=" display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 50%;"> <div class="card-body"> <h5 class="card-title">${el.bank_name}</h5> <p class="card-text">${el.charges}</p> <div style = "text-align: center">${prntChallan}</div> </div> </div> `; }); paymentTypes += `</div></div>`; // return paymentTypes; $("#idpayType").html(paymentTypes); } } }); }; const getAmt = (subcode, el) => { var typeFee = 0; var arr = []; var AppFee = 0; var grandttl = 0; var applFee = 0; var isRT = false; var isRV = false; var isPC = false; var isCV = false; $("#TblMain") .find("> tbody > tr ") .each(function(i, tr) { typeFee = 0; subcode = $(tr) .find("td.subcode") .text(); // applFee = $(tr) // .find("td.appFee") // .text(); // console.log("applFee", applFee); $(tr) .find("input[type=checkbox]") .each(function(i, chk) { if ($(chk).is(":checked")) { var name = $(chk).attr("name"); if (name == "RV") { isRV = true; } if (name == "RT") { isRT = true; } if (name == "PC") { isPC = true; } if (name == "CV") { isCV = true; } var fee = $(el) .parents("tr") .find(`input[type=hidden][name=${name}]`) .val(); typeFee += parseInt(fee); var obj = { fsubcode: subcode, fcorrtype: name, ffee: fee }; arr.push(obj); } }); $("#td_" + subcode).text(typeFee); grandttl += parseInt(typeFee); }); var rowappfee = 0; if (isRV) { applFee = $("#TblMain") .find("input[type=hidden][name=RVappFee]") .val(); grandttl += parseInt(applFee); rowappfee += parseInt(applFee); } if (isRT) { applFee = $("#TblMain") .find("input[type=hidden][name=RTappFee]") .val(); grandttl += parseInt(applFee); rowappfee += parseInt(applFee); } if (isPC) { applFee = $("#TblMain") .find("input[type=hidden][name=PCappFee]") .val(); grandttl += parseInt(applFee); rowappfee += parseInt(applFee); } if (isCV) { applFee = $("#TblMain") .find("input[type=hidden][name=CVappFee]") .val(); grandttl += parseInt(applFee); rowappfee += parseInt(applFee); } data = arr; console.log("data", data); GrandTtl = grandttl; $("#appTtl").text(rowappfee); $("#grdTtl") .text(grandttl) .css({ "font-weight": "bold" }); }; function applyRVRT() { $("#loadtab").css({ padding: "0px", "margin-bottom": "10%" }); $("#loadtab").load("html_modules/rvrtapp.html?v=" + version, function() { $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "src/results.php?a=getExamno", success: function(response) { var { error_code, data, status } = JSON.parse(response); console.log(data, error_code); var examno = data; html1 = ""; // console.log(data.length); if (error_code == 0) { var options = ``; for (let i in examno) { options += `<option value="${examno[i]["fexamno"]}">${ examno[i]["fexamno"] } - ${examno[i]["fexamname"]}</options>`; } console.log("opt", options); $("#idexamNo").html(options); } if (error_code == 1) { $("#errstatus").html( `<h6 style="color:red">No Exam Number to choose</h6>` ); swal( { title: "No results found", type: "warning", showCancelButton: false, confirmButtonColor: "#5495ff", confirmButtonText: "OK", closeOnConfirm: false }, function(isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) swal.close(); loadProfile(); $("#profile").addClass("active"); $("#resultsmenu").removeClass("active"); } ); } var selOpt = $("#idexamNo option:first") .attr("selected", "selected") .val(); console.log(selOpt); applyRVRTForm(selOpt); } }); }); } function applyRVRTForm(examno) { // $("#loadtab").load("html_modules/rvrtapp.html?v=" + version, function() { // $.blockUI({ message: "<img src='images/Loading_icon.gif' border='0'>" }); // url: "src/applyrvrt.php", $.ajax({ type: "get", url: "src/rvrtapp.php?a=GetRevalutionDetails", data: `&examno=${examno}®no=${FREGNO}`, // + examno success: response => { // $.unblockUI(); var { data, thead, rvappfee, xrappfee, appFee } = JSON.parse(response); // console.log("resss", JSON.parse(response)); console.log({ data, thead }); tblTD = ""; is_rv = data[0]["is_rv"]; is_rt = data[0]["is_rt"]; is_xr = data[0]["is_xr"]; is_cv = data[0]["is_cv"]; FNAME = data[0]["FNAME"]; curDate = data[0]["cur_date"]; FRVFEE = data[0]["FRVFEE"]; FRTFEE = data[0]["FRTFEE"]; FXRFEE = data[0]["FXRFEE"]; FCVFEE = data[0]["FCVFEE"]; //=========== Display Fee Details for RVRT ================// var FeeCard = `<div class="card" style=" background: transparent; box-shadow: none;"> <div class="card-content"> <h5>Fee Details</h5> <div class="row" style="margin:auto 0px"> `; for (i in thead) { if (thead[i]["ele"] == 1) { FeeCard += ` <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-6 col-xs-6"> ${thead[i]["Name"]} : ₹${thead[i]["fee"]}/- </div>`; } } FeeCard += ` </div> </div> </div>`; $("#idFeeDisp").html(FeeCard); // ` // <table> // <tr> // <td style="width:20%"><b>Fees Details </b></td><td></td> // <td>Revaluation :</td><td style="width:10%"> <b>₹${FRVFEE}/-</b></td> // <td>ReTotalling :</td><td style="width:10%"> <b>₹${FRTFEE}/-</b></td> // <td >Photocopy :</td><td style="width:10%"> <b>₹${FXRFEE}/-</b></td> // <td>Challenged Reval. :</td><td style="width:10%"> <b>₹${FCVFEE}/-</b></td> // </tr> // </table> // ` tbl = ` <table class="table table-condensed table-bordered table-striped table-hover col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-xs-12" style="margin:0px;border-left-style: hidden;border-right-style: hidden;" id="TblMain"> <thead> <tr style = "height:40px;background-color: #184F76 !important;color: #fff;"> <th class="text-center">Sl. No</th> <th class="text-center">Sub. Code</th> <th class="text-center">Sub. Name</th> `; tot_col = 0; var j = 0; var appTD = ""; var cnt = 0; for (i in thead) { if (thead[i]["ele"] == 1) { tbl += `<th class="text-center">${i.toUpperCase()}</th>`; // console.log("ifff", thead[i]["fee"], thead[i]["H"]); input = `<input type="hidden" value=${thead[i]["fee"]} id="amt_${ thead[i]["fee"] }"/>`; cnt++; } // tblTD += ` // <td id="${"rowTD_"+j}"> // <input type="hidden" value=${thead[i]["fee"]} id="amt_${thead[i]["fee"]}"/> // <input type="checkbox" class="filled-in" id="Fee_${thead[i]["fee"]}" // onChange="getAmt(${thead[i]["fee"]})" // style="opacity:1;position:unset" /> // </td>; // `; // if (thead[i]["ele"] == "1") { value="${thead[i]["fee"]}" // console.log("ifff",thead[i]["H"]); // // res = thead[i]["H"]; // // tot_col++; // // tbl += `<th class="text-center">${res}</th>`; // }else{ // console.log("else",thead[i]["H"]); // } j++; } tbl += `<th class="text-center">Total</th></tr></thead><tbody>`;, i) => { tbl += ` <tr id="${"row_" + i}"> <td style="text-align:center">${i + 1}</td> <td class="subcode" style="text-align:center">${el.FSUBCODE}</td> <td>${el.FSUBNAME}</td>`; for (i in thead) { if (thead[i]["ele"] == 1) { tbl += ` <td id="${"rowTD_" + j}" style="text-align:center"> <input type="hidden" value=${thead[i]["fee"]} id="amt_${ el.FSUBCODE }" name="${thead[i]["H"]}"/> <input type="checkbox" class="filled-in" id="${thead[i]["H"]}_${ el.FSUBCODE }" name="${thead[i]["H"]}" onChange="getAmt('${el.FSUBCODE}', this)" /> <label for="${thead[i]["H"]}_${el.FSUBCODE}"></label> </td>`; } // if (thead[i]["ele"] == "1") { value="${thead[i]["fee"]}" // console.log("ifff",thead[i]["H"]); // // res = thead[i]["H"]; // // tot_col++; // // tbl += `<th class="text-center">${res}</th>`; // }else{ // console.log("else",thead[i]["H"]); // } j++; } tbl += `<td id="td_${el.FSUBCODE}"> 0</td> </tr>`; }); tbl += ` <tr> <td colspan="3" style="text-align:right">Application Fee</td>`; const appfee = appFee[0]; for (i in thead) { if (thead[i]["ele"] == 1 && thead[i]["H"] == "RV") { tbl += `<td class="RVappFee"><input type="hidden" name="RVappFee" value="${appfee.RV}"/>${appfee.RV}</td>`; } if (thead[i]["ele"] == 1 && thead[i]["H"] == "RT") { tbl += `<td class="RTappFee"><input type="hidden" name="RTappFee" value="${appfee.RT}"/>${appfee.RT}</td>`; } if (thead[i]["ele"] == 1 && thead[i]["H"] == "PC") { tbl += `<td class="PCappFee"><input type="hidden" name="PCappFee" value="${appfee.PC}"/>${appfee.PC}</td>`; } if (thead[i]["ele"] == 1 && thead[i]["H"] == "CV") { tbl += `<td class="CVappFee"><input type="hidden" name="CVappFee" value="${appfee.CV}"/>${appfee.CV}</td>`; } if (thead[i]["ele"] == 1 && thead[i]["H"] == "RI") { tbl += `<td class="RIappFee"><input type="hidden" name="RIappFee" value="${appfee.RI}"/>${appfee.RI}</td>`; } } // appFee.forEach(el => { // tbl += `<td class="RVappFee"><input type="hidden" name="RVappFee" value="${el.RV}"/>${el.RV}</td>` // tbl += `<td class="RTappFee"><input type="hidden" name="RTappFee" value="${el.RT}"/>${el.RT}</td>` // tbl += `<td class="PCappFee"><input type="hidden" name="PCappFee" value="${el.PC}"/>${el.PC}</td>` // tbl += `<td class="CVappFee"><input type="hidden" name="CVappFee" value="${el.CV}"/>${el.CV}</td>`; // }); tbl += `<td id="appTtl"></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="${3 + cnt}" style="text-align:right">Total</td> <td id="grdTtl">${GrandTtl}</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>`; tbl += `<div> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary waves-effect mr-5 mt-5 pull-right" onclick = "saveRVRTApp('${examno}')">Apply</button> </div>`; // <tr> // <td class="grandTtl"></td> // </tr> // console.table(tbl) $("#rvrt_table").html(tbl); //=======================// } }); } //================== Save RVRT Application =========================// const saveRVRTApp = examno => { if (GrandTtl == 0) { alert("Please select one subject to proceed further."); return; } $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "src/rvrtapp.php?a=SaveRevalution", data: `examno=${examno}®no=${FREGNO}&data=${JSON.stringify( data )}&grand_total=${GrandTtl}`, // + examno success: response => { console.log("RES", JSON.parse(response)); var { status, error_code, appno, paytype } = JSON.parse(response); if (error_code == "0") { rvrtResponse(appno); GrandTtl = 0; } else { alert("application failed"); } } }); }; const rvrtResponse = appno => { $("#loadtab").load("html_modules/payment_page.html?v=" + version, function() { var studDet = ``; var registrationStats = ""; studDet += ` <tr> <td width="15%">Register number</td> <td width="2%"> : </td> <td width="30%"> <b>${FREGNO}</b></td></tr>`; studDet += ` <tr> <td>Student Name</td> <td > : </td>`; studDet += FNAME != "" ? `<td width="68%"> <b>${FNAME}</b></td>` : `<td width="68%"> </td>`; studDet += `</tr> <tr> <td>Application No.</td> <td > : </td> <td> <b>${appno} </b></td></tr>`; $("#AppDet").html(studDet); registrationStats += `<b style="color:green">Registered Successfully !!</b>`; $("#regStat").html(registrationStats); getPaymentTypes(appno, window.FUNIVCODE); }); }; //================== Your Application RVRT =========================// const yourAppsRVRT = () => { $.ajax({ type: "get", url: "src/yourAppsRVRT.php?a=getYourAppsRVRT", data: `®no=${FREGNO}`, success: response => { console.log("RES", JSON.parse(response)); var { status, error_code, tableHeader, tableData } = JSON.parse(response); if (error_code == "0") { $("#loadtab").load( "html_modules/listrvrtApps.html?v=" + version, function() { var tblDet = ` <thead style = "height:40px;background-color: #184F76 !important;color: #fff;"> <tr >`; tableHeader.forEach((el, i) => { tblDet += `<th class="text-center">${el}</td>`; }); tblDet += ` </tr> </thead> <tbody>`; tableData.forEach((el, i) => { var payBtn = el.PAYSTATUS == "" ? `<Button type="button" class="btn btn-primary waves-effect mr-1" id="idpayment" onclick="rvrtResponse(${el.APPNO})">Make Payment</button>` : `<a class="btn btn-primary waves-effect mr-1" href="${}">${el.print}</a>`; tblDet += ` <tr style="text-align:center"> <td style="width:10px">${el.sl_no}</td> <td>${el.APPNO}</td> <td>${el.FTOTAL}</td> <td>${el.FAPPDATE}</td> <td>${el.status}</td> <td>${payBtn}</td> </tr>`; }); $("#AppsDet").html(tblDet); } ); } else { alert("No Applications Found."); } } }); }; //============== End Your Applications - RVRT ==================// // function loadResults() { // var sem1; // var ufolder; // var uregno; // var usem; // var status; // $("#loadtab").load("html_modules/results.html?v=" + version, function() { // var id = ""; // var dataString = "&id=" + id; // $.blockUI({ message: "<img src='images/Loading_icon.gif' border='0'>" }); // // url: "src/applyrvrt.php", // $.ajax({ // type: "post", // url: "src/results.php", // data: dataString, // success: function(response) { // $.unblockUI(); // response = eval("(" + response + ")"); // status = response.status; // if (status === "success") { // var sem = response.resdet; // usem = response.sem; // var folder = response.folder; // ufolder = response.folder; // var fregno = response.fregno; // uregno = response.fregno; // fcaste = response.fcaste; // UNIVCODE = response.UNIVCODE; // var category = ""; // if (UNIVCODE == "032") { // if (fcaste == "SC" || fcaste == "ST") category = "SCST"; // } // /*if(sem.length > 1) // {*/ // var list = ""; // var div = ""; // console.log(sem); // Object.size = function(obj) { // var size = 0, // key; // for (key in obj) { // if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) size++; // } // return size; // }; // if (location.protocol != "https:") { // var protocol = "http://"; // } else { // var protocol = "https://"; // } // // Get the size of an object // var size = Object.size(sem); // for (var i = 0; i < size - 1; i++) { // var cat = sem[i]; // sem1 = sem[0].fexamno; // list += `<li role="presentation" id = "sem_${cat.fexamno}"> // <a href="#${cat.fexamno}" data-toggle="tab"> // <i class="material-icons">layers</i> ${cat.fexamname} // </a> // </li>`; // div += `<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane fade in " id="${ // cat.fexamno // }"> // <iframe // src="${protocol}${ufolder}/result.php?r=${ // cat.fregno // }&e=${cat.fexamno}&ct=${category}" // id = "i${cat.fexamno}results" // width="100%" style="height:82vh;background: #fff;min-height: 50px; // box-shadow: 0 2px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); // position: relative; // border: 0;"> // </iframe> // </div>`; // } // $("#resultslink").html(list); // $("#divlink").html(div); // $("#" + sem[0].fexamno).addClass("active"); // $("#sem_" + sem[0].fexamno).addClass("active"); // //} // /*else // { // sem1 = sem[0].fexamno; // $('#results').html(`<iframe // src="${protocol}${ufolder}/result.php?r=${uregno}&e=${sem1}&ct=${category}" // width="100%" style="height:87vh;background: #fff;min-height: 50px; // box-shadow: 0 2px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); // position: relative; // border: 0;"></iframe>`); // }*/ // } else { // swal( // { // title: "No results found", // type: "warning", // showCancelButton: false, // confirmButtonColor: "#5495ff", // confirmButtonText: "OK", // closeOnConfirm: false // }, // function(isConfirm) { // if (isConfirm) swal.close(); // loadProfile(); // $("#profile").addClass("active"); // $("#resultsmenu").removeClass("active"); // } // ); // } // } // /* // complete: function () // { // if(status === 'success') // { // if(usem.length > 1) // $(`#i${sem1}results`).attr('src', `${protocol}${ufolder}/result.php?r=${uregno}&e=${sem1}&ct=`); // } // }*/ // }); // }); // } //=====NewFunction=====// function loadResults() { $("#loadtab").css({ padding: "0px", "margin-bottom": "10%" }); $("#loadtab").load("html_modules/results.html?v=" + version, function() { var regno = $("#side_regno").val(); console.log("regno", regno); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "src/results.php?a=getExamno", success: function(response) { var { error_code, data, status } = JSON.parse(response); console.log(data, error_code); var examno = data; html = ""; html1 = ""; console.log(data.length); if (error_code == 0) { var options = ``; for (let i in examno) { options += `<option value="${examno[i]["fexamno"]}">${ examno[i]["fexamno"] } - ${examno[i]["fexamname"]}</options>`; // if ($("#res").prop("id")) { // console.log("resres", examno[i]["fexamno"]); // html += ` // <input type="radio" class="form-check-input" id="${ // examno[i]["fexamno"] // }" name="examno" onclick="getResults('${examno[i]["fexamno"]}')"> // <label class="form-check-label" for="${examno[i]["fexamno"]}">${ // examno[i]["fexamno"] // }</label>`; // } // if ($("#resdet").prop("id")) { // console.log("resdetresdetresdetresdetresdet"); // html1 += ` // <input type="radio" class="form-check-input" id="resdet${ // e.fexamno // }" name="examno1" onclick="getResults('${e.fexamno}')"> // <label class="form-check-label" for="resdet${e.fexamno}">${ // e.fexamno // }</label>`; // } } console.log("opt", options); $("#idexmNo").html(options); } if (error_code == 1) { $("#errstatus").html( `<h6 style="color:red">No Exam Number to choose</h6>` ); swal( { title: "No results found", type: "warning", showCancelButton: false, confirmButtonColor: "#5495ff", confirmButtonText: "OK", closeOnConfirm: false }, function(isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) swal.close(); loadProfile(); $("#profile").addClass("active"); $("#resultsmenu").removeClass("active"); } ); } $("#disExNo").html(html); var selOpt = $("#idexmNo option:first") .attr("selected", "selected") .val(); // $("input:radio[name=examno]:first").attr("checked", true); // inputs = $("#radios").find("input[type=radio]"); console.log(selOpt); getResults(selOpt); //, el) => { // // console.log(i); // if ($("#" +":checked")) { // console.log(; // getResults(; // } // }); // $("#disExNo1").html(html1); // <div class="d-flex "> // <h5>Father : ${studDet["FFATNAME"]} </h5> // <div class="ml-auto"><h5>Mother : ${studDet["MOTNAME"]}</h5></div> // </div> } }); // getResults(); }); } //=== Result Overview ===// var examName = ""; const getResults = (examno, regno) => { console.log(examno, regno); examno = document.getElementById("idexmNo").value; $.blockUI({ message: "<img src='images/Loading_icon.gif' border='0'>" }); $.ajax({ type: "get", url: "src/results.php?a=getResults&examno=" + examno, success: function(response) { $.unblockUI(); var { error_code, body, headers, studDet, univcode, footerRemarks, dates, corrtype } = JSON.parse(response); var link = ""; console.log({ error_code, body, headers, studDet, univcode, corrtype }); if (error_code == 0) { var regno = studDet["fregno"]; var html = ``; var personalDet = ``; var passingCriteria = ``; var resSumm = ``; var CollDet = ``; var finalNote = ``; // console.log("Univ name", UNIVNAME); //=== ACU - Result Details should not be shown ===// if (univcode != "040") { getResDet(examno); } else { $("#subDetResBtn").hide(); } $("#SubjResDet").hide(); $("#ResBrfBtn").hide(); examName = studDet["FRESEXAMDATE"]; // $("#personalHead").html(`<h5 style="color:white;">Exam Details</h5>`); $("#examName") .html( `<h4 style="line-height:2rem;text-align:center">${ studDet["FEXAMNAME"] }, ${studDet["FDEGREE"]} [${studDet["FDESCPN"]}] </br> Results of ${studDet["FRESEXAMDATE"]} Examination </h4><hr class="mx-0 my-0" />` ) .css({ padding: "0px 0px 0px 10px" }); personalDet += ` <tr> <td width="15%">Register number</td> <td width="2%"> : </td> <td width="30%"> <b>${regno}</b></td> <td width="15%">Father Name</td> <td width="2%"> : </td>`; personalDet += studDet["FFATNAME"] != "" ? `<td width="68%"> <b>${studDet["FFATNAME"]}</b></td>` : `<td width="68%"> </td>`; personalDet += `</tr> <tr> <td>Student Name</td> <td > : </td> <td> <b>${studDet["FNAME"]} </b></td> <td>Mother Name</td> <td > : </td>`; personalDet += studDet["MOTNAME"] != "" ? `<td> <b>${studDet["MOTNAME"]} </b></td>` : `<td></td`; personalDet += `</tr>`; $("#studentDet").html(personalDet); // .css({ "background-color": "lightgrey" }); if (corrtype != undefined || corrtype != null) html += `${corrtype}`; //=========== Result Announced Date and Dates for Correction type ==============// $("#ResAccDates") .html( `<p>Result Announced Date : <b>${dates["accDate"]} </b> ${ dates["scroll_txt"] }</p>` ) .css({ color: "red" }); //"padding-top": "15px" // `<marquee><p>Result Announced Date : <b>${ // dates["accDate"] // } </b> ${dates["scroll_txt"]}</p></marquee>` // $("#ResDate") // .html(`<p>Result Announced Date : <b>${dates["accDate"]}</b> ${dates["scroll_txt"]}</p>`) // .css("color", "red"); //=== Dates for Correction type ===// // $("#dates") // .html(dates["scroll_txt"]) // .css("color", "red"); // html += ` // <div id="prntDet"></div> // <div class="row"> // <div class="text-center col-lg-8 col-lg-offset-2 col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12"> // <h5>${studDet["FEXAMNAME"]}, ${studDet["FDEGREE"]} [${ // studDet["FDESCPN"] // }]</h5>`; // if (studDet["FFATNAME"] != "") { // html += `<h5>Father : ${studDet["FFATNAME"]} </h5> // <h5>Mother : ${studDet["MOTNAME"]}</h5> // </div> // </div>`; // } $("#idResHeader").html(`<h5 style="color:white;">Marks List</h5>`); //=== Withheld Details ===// if (body["held_cnt"] != undefined) { if (univcode == "003D" && body["fwhrem"] == "EXAM FEE NOT PAID") html += `<a target = '_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' style = 'color:blue' href="${regno}"> clik here to apply</a>`; else html += ""; // if (univcode == "041" || univcode == "003D" || univcode == '003' || univcode == '008') { html += `<table align=center class='result_table_header'> <tr style='height:22px;'> <td align=center><span style='font-weight:bold;color:red;font-size: 21px;'>WITHHELD</span></td> </tr> <tr style='height:22px;'> <td align=center> <span style='font-weight:bold;font-size: 18px;align:center;'>Withheld Reason : <span style='color:red;'>${ body["fwhrem"] }</span></span> <td> </tr> </table>`; $("#SubjResDet").hide(); // } //=== kusdde Withhed details ===// if (univcode == "003D") { html += `<table class="table table-bordered table-hover"> <thead style = "height:40px;background-color: #184F76 !important;color: #fff;"> <tr class="text-center"> <th>Sl.No.</td> <th>Withheld Reason</td> <th>Remarks</td> </tr> </thead> <tr> <td align=center >1</td> <td align='left' >Exam Fee Not Paid</td> <td align=center >If Already paid, Send Exam Fee Paid Details to Registrar(Ev) Office.<br>Email id :</td> </tr> <tr> <td align=center >2</td> <td align='left' >Admission Not Approved By DDE </td> <td align=center >Contact Study Center / College</td> </tr> <tr> <td align=center>3</td> <td align='left'>Combination Not Approved By DDE</td> <td align=center>Contact Study Center / College</td> </tr> <tr> <td align=center>4</td> <td align='left'>IA. (TH) / I.A. (PR) Pending</td> <td align=center>Contact Study Center / College</td> </tr> </table>`; $("#ResTab2").hide(); } html += `</br><hr>`; html += `<table align=left class='result_table_remarks'> <tr> <td align=left style='text-align:justify;'>${ footerRemarks["FRESULT_REMARKS"] } </td> </tr> </table> `; $("#res_table").html(html); // $("#idHeader").html(head); return; } html += ` <table class="table table-condensed table-bordered table-striped table-hover col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-xs-12" style="margin:0px;border-left-style: hidden;border-right-style: hidden;"> <thead> <tr style = "height:40px;background-color: #184F76 !important;color: #fff;">`; //=== Result Table Header ===// for (var a = 0; a < headers.length; a++) { html += `<th class="text-center">${headers[a]}</th>`; } html += `</tr></thead> <tbody>`; //=== Result table detail ===// for (var b = 0; b < body.length; b++) { FTOTMARKS = body[b]["FTOTMARKS"]; FMAXMARKS = body[b]["FMAXMARKS"]; FSMAXMARKS = body[b]["fsmaxmarks"]; FPERCENT = body[b]["FPERCENT"]; FSCHEME = body[b]["FSCHEME"]; RESULT = body[b]["result"]; FLTP = body[b]["FLTP"]; FCREDITS = body[b]["FCREDITS"]; FCP = body[b]["FCP"]; FGP = body[b]["FGP"]; FCGPA = body[b]["FCGPA"]; FPREVMAX = body[b]["FPREVMAX"]; var ttl_marks = ""; var viva_exam = ""; var max_marks = ""; if (FSCHEME == "CR" && univcode == "037") ttl_marks = ``; else { ttl_marks = `<td class="text-center">${body[b]["mthprue"]}</td>`; } if (FSCHEME != "CR" && univcode == "040") viva_exam = ``; else viva_exam = `<td class="text-center">${body[b]["viva_exam"]}</td>`; if (FSMAXMARKS != undefined) max_marks = `<td class="text-center">${FSMAXMARKS}</td>`; else max_marks = ""; html += ` <tr> <td class="text-center">${body[b]["sl_no"]}</td> <td>${body[b]["subject"]}</td> ${ttl_marks} ${max_marks} <td class="text-center">${body[b]["uni_exam"]}</td> ${viva_exam} <td class="text-center">${body[b]["ia_exam"]}</td> <td class="text-center">${body[b]["thtot"]}</td>`; if (body[b]["FSCHEME"] == "CR") { FCGPA = body[b]["FCGPA"]; FSGPA = body[b]["FSGPA"]; PERCENT = body[b]["FPERCENT"]; if ( body[b]["FCREDITS"] != undefined || body[b]["FGP"] != undefined || body[b]["FCP"] != undefined ) { // console.log("credits", FCREDITS); html += `<td class="text-center">${FCREDITS}</td> <td class="text-center">${FGP}</td> <td class="text-center">${FCP}</td> `; } } else { FPERCENT = body[b]["FPERCENT"]; } body[b]["remarks"].toLowerCase() == "fail" ? (color = "red") : (color = "green"); html += `<td class="text-center" style="color:${color}"><b>${ body[b]["remarks"] }</b></td> </tr>`; } // console.log("FCGPA", FSGPA, FCGPA); if (FSCHEME == "CR") { var cgpa = ""; if (FCGPA != "-") cgpa = `<b>C.G.P.A :</b> ${FCGPA}  `; if (univcode == "036") cgpa = ""; //if acu-034-only sgpa, no result if (FCREDITS != undefined || FGP != undefined || FCP != undefined) { if (RESULT == "Fail, Promoted" || RESULT == "Fail") { //for 039 & 035 color = "red"; if (univcode == "039") resSumm += `<b>Max. Marks :</b> ${FMAXMARKS} </br> <b>Sec. Marks :</b> ${FTOTMARKS} </br> <b>S.G.P.A :</b> ${FSGPA} </br><b>Result : Pass </b> </br> <b>Grade : <span style="color:red">${RESULT} </apsn></b>`; else resSumm += `<p ><b>Max. Marks :</b> ${FMAXMARKS} </br> <b>Sec. Marks :</b> ${FTOTMARKS} </br> <b>S.G.P.A :</b> ${FPERCENT} </br> <b>Result : <span style="color:red;">${RESULT}</span> </b></br> <b>Grade : </b> - `; } else { if (univcode == "035") resSumm += `<b>Max. Marks :</b> ${FMAXMARKS} </br> <b>Sec. Marks :</b> ${FTOTMARKS} </br> <b>S.G.P.A :</b> ${FSGPA} </br>${cgpa} <br/> <b>Result : Pass </b> </br> <b>Grade : <span style="color:green">${RESULT} </apsn></b>`; else resSumm += `<b>Max. Marks :</b> ${FMAXMARKS} </br> <b>Sec. Marks :</b> ${FTOTMARKS} </br> <b>S.G.P.A :</b> ${FSGPA} </br> <b>Result : Pass </b> </br> <b>Grade :<span style="color:green"> ${RESULT}</span> </b>`; } } else if (FMAXMARKS != undefined) { var resColor = ""; RESULT.toLowerCase().includes("fail") ? (resColor = "red") : (resColor = "green"); if (univcode == "034") resSumm += `<b>Max. Marks :</b> ${FMAXMARKS} </br> <b>Sec. Marks :</b> ${FTOTMARKS} </br> <b>S.G.P.A : </b> ${PERCENT} </br> ${cgpa} `; else if (univcode == "036" || univcode == "008") resSumm += `<b>Max. Marks :</b> ${FMAXMARKS} </br> <b>Sec. Marks :</b> ${FTOTMARKS} </br> <b>S.G.P.A : </b> ${PERCENT} </br><b>Result : <span style="color:${resColor}">${RESULT}</span></b>`; else resSumm += `<b>Max. Marks :</b> ${FMAXMARKS} </br> <b>Sec. Marks :</b> ${FTOTMARKS} </br> <b>Percentage :</b> ${FPERCENT} </br> <b>Result : <span style="color:${resColor}">${RESULT}</span></b>`; } else { var resColor = ""; RESULT.toLowerCase().includes("fail") ? (resColor = "red") : (resColor = "green"); if (univcode == "041" || univcode == "042") { resSumm += `<b>S.G.P.A : </b> ${PERCENT} </br>${cgpa} <b>Result : <span style="color:${resColor}">${RESULT}</span></b>`; } else resSumm += `<b>S.G.P.A : </b> ${PERCENT} </br>${cgpa} <b>Result :<span style="color:${resColor}">${RESULT}</span> </b>`; } if (FPREVMAX != "0000") //CollDet CollDet += `<b>Earlier Exams : [Max. Marks: ${FPREVMAX} Sec. Marks : ${FCGPA} ]</b> </br>`; } else { RESULT.toLowerCase().includes("fail") ? (color = "red") : (color = "green"); resSumm += `<b>Max. Marks :</b> ${FMAXMARKS} <b>Sec. Marks :</b> ${FTOTMARKS} <b>Percentage :</b> ${FPERCENT} <b>Result : <span style="color:${color}">${RESULT}</span></b>`; if (FPREVMAX != "0000") if (univcode != "033") //CollDet resSumm += `</br><b>Earlier Exams : [Max. Marks: ${FPREVMAX} Sec. Marks : ${FCGPA} ]</b> `; } if (FCREDITS != undefined || FGP != undefined || FCP != undefined) { if (univcode != "036" && univcode != "035" && univcode != "034") CollDet += `<b>College : </b> ${ studDet["FCOLLCODE"] } - ${studDet["FCOLLNAME"]}`; if (studDet["FELIGREM01"] != null) { passingCriteria += ` ${studDet["FELIGREM01"]} ${studDet["FELIGREM02"]} `; } } else { if ( univcode != "036" && univcode != "035" && univcode != "041" && univcode != "042" ) { CollDet += `<b>College : </b> ${ studDet["FCOLLCODE"] } - ${studDet["FCOLLNAME"]}`; } if (univcode == "041" || univcode == "042") { CollDet += `<b>College : </b> ${ studDet["FCOLLCODE"] } - ${studDet["FCOLLNAME"]}`; if (studDet["FELIGREM01"] != null) { passingCriteria += `${studDet["FELIGREM01"]} ${ studDet["FELIGREM02"] }`; } } else { if (studDet["FELIGREM01"] != null) { passingCriteria += `${studDet["FELIGREM01"]} ${ studDet["FELIGREM02"] }`; } } } html += `</tbody></table>`; if (footerRemarks["FRESULT_REMARKS"] != null) { finalNote += `<table align=left class='result_table_remarks'> <tr><td align=left style='text-align:justify;'>${ footerRemarks["FRESULT_REMARKS"] } </td></tr> </table> `; } // console.log(resSumm); $("#res_table").html(html); var passCritVar = ""; univcode == "040" || univcode == "017" || univcode == "003" || univcode == "035" || univcode == "032" || univcode == "039" ? (passCritVar = "") : (passCritVar = "<b>Passing Criteria :</b>"); $("#passCriteria").html(`${passCritVar} ${passingCriteria}`); $("#ResSummHeader").html( `<h5 style="color:white; ">Result Summary</h5>` ); $("#ResSummDets1") .html(resSumm) .css({ "text-align": "center", margin: "2% 0% 2% 0%" }); $("#ResSummDets2") .html(CollDet) .css({ "background-color": "lightgrey", padding: "10px", "border-radius": "0px 0px 5px 5px", "text-align": "center" }); $("#idFinalNote").html(finalNote); } if (error_code == 1) { swal( { title: "No results found", type: "warning", showCancelButton: false, confirmButtonColor: "#5495ff", confirmButtonText: "OK", closeOnConfirm: false }, function(isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) swal.close(); loadProfile(); $("#profile").addClass("active"); $("#resultsmenu").removeClass("active"); } ); } } /* complete: function () { if(status === 'success') { if(usem.length > 1) $(`#i${sem1}results`).attr('src', `${protocol}${ufolder}/result.php?r=${uregno}&e=${sem1}&ct=`); } }*/ }); }; // ========= show Result Details ===========// function shwResDet() { // console.log("shwww"); $("#SubjResDet").show(); $("#resdet_table").show(); $("#subDetResBtn").hide(); if ($("#SubjResDet").is(":visible")) { $("#ResBrfBtn").show(); $("#idResCard").hide(); } else { $("#ResBrfBtn").hide(); } } //===== print specific div =====// function printDiv(ScrnPrnt) { html = ` <div class="row text-center" id="PrntRow" style="margin-top:30px font-size:20px" > <div class="text-center col-lg-8 col-lg-offset-2 col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-sm-12 col-xs-12"> <b>${UNIVNAME}</b> </br> <b>Result of ${examName} Examination</b> </div> </div>`; // </br> // <b>Name : ${FNAME}</b> $("#prntDet").html(html); console.log("print", html); getPrint(ScrnPrnt); } function getPrint(ScrnPrnt) { var printContents = document.getElementById(ScrnPrnt).innerHTML; var originalContents = document.body.innerHTML; document.body.innerHTML = printContents; window.print(); document.body.innerHTML = originalContents; $("#PrntRow").hide(); } //=== Detailed Result Display ===// const getResDet = examno => { $.ajax({ type: "get", url: "src/results.php?a=getResDet&examno=" + examno, success: response => { var { data, error_code } = JSON.parse(response); // console.log(data); table = ``; if (error_code == 0) { table += `<table class="table table-bordered table-hover col-lg-12 col-md-12"> <thead class="text-center"> <tr style = "height:40px;background-color: #184F76 !important;color: #fff;"> <th style = "text-align:center;h">Sl. No.</th> <th style = "text-align:center;h">Subject Name</th> <th style = "text-align:center;h">Component Name</th> <th style = "text-align:center;h">Marks</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody>`; var sl_no = 0; //<th>Subject Code</th> //<td><center>${j}</center></td> for (var i in data) { var d = data[i]; // console.log(d); sl_no++; var size = Object.keys(d).length; table += `<tr><td rowspan="${size}"><center>${sl_no}</center></td> <td rowspan="${size}">${i}</td>`; for (var j in d) { var det = d[j]; table += ` <td><center>${det["s"]}</center></td> <td><center>${det["m"]}</center></td> </tr>`; } } table += `</tbody></table>`; // console.log(table); $("#resdet_table").html(table); } if (error_code == 1) { console.log("failed"); swal( { title: "No results found", type: "warning", showCancelButton: false, confirmButtonColor: "#5495ff", confirmButtonText: "OK", closeOnConfirm: false }, function(isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) swal.close(); loadProfile(); $("#profile").addClass("active"); $("#resultsmenu").removeClass("active"); } ); } } }); }; const printResult = examno => { console.log(examno); window.location.href = "src/printResult.php?a=printRes&examno=" + examno; }; //======================= END RESULTS ==============================// function loadHallTicket() { $.blockUI({ message: "<img src='images/Loading_icon.gif' border='0'>" }); $.ajax({ type: "post", url: "src/hallticket.php", //data:parameters, success: function(response) { $.unblockUI(); response = JSON.parse(response); if (response.status === "success") { $("#loadtab").load( "html_modules/hallTicket.html?v=" + version, function() { $("#ht-upload").hide(); if ( == "F") { $("#ht-upload").show(); swal( { title: "Please upload photo to download hall ticket.", type: "warning", showCancelButton: false, confirmButtonColor: "#5495ff", confirmButtonText: "OK", closeOnConfirm: false }, function(isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) swal.close(); } ); } else { $("#iframe").attr("src", response.url); //$('#objdat').attr('data',response.url); $("#ht-download").attr("href", response.durl); $("#ht-download").attr("download", response.fileName); }; } ); } else { swal( { title: response.msg, type: "warning", showCancelButton: false, confirmButtonColor: "#5495ff", confirmButtonText: "OK", closeOnConfirm: false }, function(isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) swal.close(); loadProfile(); $("#profile").addClass("active"); $("#examHtMenu").removeClass("active"); } ); } } }); } function loadiframeresults(folder, regno, sem) { if (location.protocol != "https:") { var protocol = "${protocol}"; } else { var protocol = "https://"; } var loc = `${protocol}"+folder+"/result.php?r="+regno+"&e="+sem+"&ct=`; document.getElementById("i" + sem + "results").src = loc; } function loadchangepassword() { $("#loadtab").load( "html_modules/changepassword.html?v=" + version, function() { var id = ""; var dataString = "&id=" + id; $.ajax({ type: "post", url: "src/changepassword.php", data: dataString, success: function(response) { response = JSON.parse(response); } }); } ); } function loadrvguidelines() { $("#loadtab").load("html_modules/rvguidelines.html?v=" + version); } // const loadApplyRVRT = () => { // $("#loadtab").load("html_modules/rvrtapp.html?v=" + version); // }; function loadHelpDesk() { $.blockUI({ message: "<img src='images/Loading_icon.gif' border='0'>" }); $.ajax({ type: "post", url: "src/helpDesk.php", //data:parameters, success: function(response) { $.unblockUI(); response = JSON.parse(response); if (response.status === "success") { $("#loadtab").load( "html_modules/helpDesk.html?v=" + version, function() { var colladd = (response.FCOLLADD1 == "" ? "" : response.FCOLLADD1 + ", ") + (response.FCOLLADD2 == "" ? "" : response.FCOLLADD2 + ", ") + (response.FCOLLADD3 == "" ? "" : response.FCOLLADD3 + ", ") + response.FCOLLADD4; colladd = colladd.replace(/,\s*$/, ""); var strContact = ( == "" ? "" : + ", ") + response.FMOBILE; strContact = strContact.replace(/,\s*$/, ""); $("#studinfo").html(`<tr> <td width="35%"><b>College Name</b></td> <td width="2%"> : </td> <td width="68%"> ${response.fcollcode}</td> </tr> <tr> <td><b>College Address</b> </td> <td width="2%"> : </td> <td> ${colladd} </td> </tr> <tr> <td><b>Contact Number</b></td> <td width="2%"> : </td> <td>${strContact}</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="30%"><b>Email Id</b> </td><td width="2%"> : </td><td> ${response.FEMAIL} </td> </tr> <tr> <td><b></b></td><td width="2%"></td><td></td> <td width="30%"><b></b> </td><td width="2%"></td><td></td> </tr> <tr> <td><b></b></td><td width="2%"></td><td></td> <td width="30%"><b></b> </td><td width="2%"></td><td></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3"><b><u>For Technical Assistance </u></b></td> </tr> <tr> <td><b>Contact Number </b></td><td width="2%"> : </td><td>${response.ftechcontact}</td> </tr> <tr> <td><b>Email </b></td><td width="2%"> : </td><td>${response.ftechemail}</td> </tr>`); } ); } else { } } }); }