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Code Editor : EventHelpers.js
/******************************************************************************* * This notice must be untouched at all times. * * This javascript library contains helper routines to assist with event * handling consinstently among browsers * * EventHelpers.js v.1.3 available at * * released under the MIT License: * * *******************************************************************************/ var EventHelpers = new function(){ var me = this; var safariTimer; var isSafari = /WebKit/i.test(navigator.userAgent); var globalEvent; me.init = function () { if (me.hasPageLoadHappened(arguments)) { return; } if (document.createEventObject){ // dispatch for IE globalEvent = document.createEventObject(); } else if (document.createEvent) { globalEvent = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); } me.docIsLoaded = true; } /** * Adds an event to the document. Examples of usage: * me.addEvent(window, "load", myFunction); * me.addEvent(docunent, "keydown", keyPressedFunc); * me.addEvent(document, "keyup", keyPressFunc); * * @author Scott Andrew - * @author John Resig - * @param {Object} obj - a javascript object. * @param {String} evType - an event to attach to the object. * @param {Function} fn - the function that is attached to the event. */ me.addEvent = function(obj, evType, fn){ if (obj.addEventListener) { obj.addEventListener(evType, fn, false); } else if (obj.attachEvent) { obj['e' + evType + fn] = fn; obj[evType + fn] = function(){ obj["e" + evType + fn](self.event); } obj.attachEvent("on" + evType, obj[evType + fn]); } } /** * Removes an event that is attached to a javascript object. * * @author Scott Andrew - * @author John Resig - * @param {Object} obj - a javascript object. * @param {String} evType - an event attached to the object. * @param {Function} fn - the function that is called when the event fires. */ me.removeEvent = function(obj, evType, fn){ if (obj.removeEventListener) { obj.removeEventListener(evType, fn, false); } else if (obj.detachEvent) { try { obj.detachEvent("on" + evType, obj[evType + fn]); obj[evType + fn] = null; obj["e" + evType + fn] = null; } catch (ex) { // do nothing; } } } function removeEventAttribute(obj, beginName){ var attributes = obj.attributes; for (var i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) { var attribute = attributes[i] var name = if (name.indexOf(beginName) == 0) { //obj.removeAttributeNode(attribute); attribute.specified = false; } } } me.addScrollWheelEvent = function(obj, fn){ if (obj.addEventListener) { /** DOMMouseScroll is for mozilla. */ obj.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', fn, true); } /** IE/Opera. */ if (obj.attachEvent) { obj.attachEvent("onmousewheel", fn); } } me.removeScrollWheelEvent = function(obj, fn){ if (obj.removeEventListener) { /** DOMMouseScroll is for mozilla. */ obj.removeEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', fn, true); } /** IE/Opera. */ if (obj.detachEvent) { obj.detatchEvent("onmousewheel", fn); } } /** * Given a mouse event, get the mouse pointer's x-coordinate. * * @param {Object} e - a DOM Event object. * @return {int} - the mouse pointer's x-coordinate. */ me.getMouseX = function(e){ if (!e) { return; } // NS4 if (e.pageX != null) { return e.pageX; // IE } else if (window.event != null && window.event.clientX != null && document.body != null && document.body.scrollLeft != null) return window.event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft; // W3C else if (e.clientX != null) return e.clientX; else return null; } /** * Given a mouse event, get the mouse pointer's y-coordinate. * @param {Object} e - a DOM Event Object. * @return {int} - the mouse pointer's y-coordinate. */ me.getMouseY = function(e){ // NS4 if (e.pageY != null) return e.pageY; // IE else if (window.event != null && window.event.clientY != null && document.body != null && document.body.scrollTop != null) return window.event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop; // W3C else if (e.clientY != null) { return e.clientY; } } /** * Given a mouse scroll wheel event, get the "delta" of how fast it moved. * @param {Object} e - a DOM Event Object. * @return {int} - the mouse wheel's delta. It is greater than 0, the * scroll wheel was spun upwards; if less than 0, downwards. */ me.getScrollWheelDelta = function(e){ var delta = 0; if (!e) /* For IE. */ e = window.event; if (e.wheelDelta) { /* IE/Opera. */ delta = e.wheelDelta / 120; /** In Opera 9, delta differs in sign as compared to IE. */ if (window.opera) { delta = -delta; } } else if (e.detail) { /** Mozilla case. */ /** In Mozilla, sign of delta is different than in IE. * Also, delta is multiple of 3. */ delta = -e.detail / 3; } return delta } /** * Sets a mouse move event of a document. * * @deprecated - use only if compatibility with IE4 and NS4 is necessary. Otherwise, just * use EventHelpers.addEvent(window, 'mousemove', func) instead. Cannot be used to add * multiple mouse move event handlers. * * @param {Function} func - the function that you want a mouse event to fire. */ me.addMouseEvent = function(func){ if (document.captureEvents) { document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); } document.onmousemove = func; window.onmousemove = func; window.onmouseover = func; } /** * Find the HTML object that fired an Event. * * @param {Object} e - an HTML object * @return {Object} - the HTML object that fired the event. */ me.getEventTarget = function(e){ // first, IE method for mouse events(also supported by Safari and Opera) if (e.toElement) { return e.toElement; // W3C } else if (e.currentTarget) { return e.currentTarget; // MS way } else if (e.srcElement) { return e.srcElement; } else { return null; } } /** * Given an event fired by the keyboard, find the key associated with that event. * * @param {Object} e - an event object. * @return {String} - the ASCII character code representing the key associated with the event. */ me.getKey = function(e){ if (e.keyCode) { return e.keyCode; } else if (e.event && e.event.keyCode) { return window.event.keyCode; } else if (e.which) { return e.which; } } /** * Will execute a function when the page's DOM has fully loaded (and before all attached images, iframes, * etc., are). * * Usage: * * EventHelpers.addPageLoadEvent('init'); * * where the function init() has this code at the beginning: * * function init() { * * if (EventHelpers.hasPageLoadHappened(arguments)) return; * * // rest of code * .... * } * * @author This code is based off of code from by Dean * Edwards, with a modification by me. * * @param {String} funcName - a string containing the function to be called. */ me.addPageLoadEvent = function(funcName){ var func = eval(funcName); // for Internet Explorer (using conditional comments) /*@cc_on @*/ /*@if (@_win32) pageLoadEventArray.push(func); return; /*@end @*/ if (isSafari) { // sniff pageLoadEventArray.push(func); if (!safariTimer) { safariTimer = setInterval(function(){ if (/loaded|complete/.test(document.readyState)) { clearInterval(safariTimer); /* * call the onload handler * func(); */ me.runPageLoadEvents(); return; } set = true; }, 10); } /* for Mozilla */ } else if (document.addEventListener) { var x = document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", func, null); /* Others */ } else { me.addEvent(window, 'load', func); } } var pageLoadEventArray = new Array(); me.runPageLoadEvents = function(e){ if (isSafari || e.srcElement.readyState == "complete") { for (var i = 0; i < pageLoadEventArray.length; i++) { pageLoadEventArray[i](); } } } /** * Determines if either addPageLoadEvent('funcName') or addEvent(window, 'load', funcName) * has been executed. * * @see addPageLoadEvent * @param {Function} funcArgs - the arguments of the containing. function */ me.hasPageLoadHappened = function(funcArgs){ // If the function already been called, return true; if (funcArgs.callee.done) return true; // flag this function so we don't do the same thing twice funcArgs.callee.done = true; } /** * Used in an event method/function to indicate that the default behaviour of the event * should *not* happen. * * @param {Object} e - an event object. * @return {Boolean} - always false */ me.preventDefault = function(e){ if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } try { e.returnValue = false; } catch (ex) { // do nothing } } me.cancelBubble = function(e){ if (e.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); } try { e.cancelBubble = true; } catch (ex) { // do nothing } } /* * Fires an event manually. * @author Scott Andrew - * @author John Resig - * @param {Object} obj - a javascript object. * @param {String} evType - an event attached to the object. * @param {Function} fn - the function that is called when the event fires. * */ me.fireEvent = function (element,event, options){ if(!element) { return; } if (document.createEventObject){ /* var stack = DebugHelpers.getStackTrace(); var s = stack.toString(); jslog.debug(s); if (s.indexOf('fireEvent') >= 0) { return; } */ return element.fireEvent('on' + event, globalEvent) jslog.debug('ss'); } else{ // dispatch for firefox + others globalEvent.initEvent(event, true, true); // event type,bubbling,cancelable return !element.dispatchEvent(globalEvent); } } /* EventHelpers.init () */ function init(){ // Conditional comment alert: Do not remove comments. Leave intact. // The detection if the page is secure or not is important. If // this logic is removed, Internet Explorer will give security // alerts. /*@cc_on @*/ /*@if (@_win32) document.write('<script id="__ie_onload" defer src="' + ((location.protocol == 'https:') ? '//0' : 'javascript:void(0)') + '"><\/script>'); var script = document.getElementById("__ie_onload"); me.addEvent(script, 'readystatechange', me.runPageLoadEvents); /*@end @*/ } init(); } EventHelpers.addPageLoadEvent('EventHelpers.init');