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Code Editor : fpdf.php
<?php /******************************************************************************* * FPDF * * * * Version: 1.6 * * Date: 2008-08-03 * * Author: Olivier PLATHEY * *******************************************************************************/ define('FPDF_VERSION', '1.6'); ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); class FPDF { // ########### TARKA VARIABLES ################ public $WhichReport; public $FUNIVNAME; public $FTOWN; public $date_1; public $college_name; public $Degree_name; public $sub_degree_code; public $Subject_name; public $Exam; public $AdmissionYear; public $page_absent_count; public $total_absent_count; public $RFROM; public $RTO; public $REGROLL; public $REPORT_STATUS; public $EXM_START; public $EXM_END; //####################################################### var $page; //current page number var $n; //current object number var $offsets; //array of object offsets var $buffer; //buffer holding in-memory PDF var $pages; //array containing pages var $state; //current document state var $compress; 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"/img/logo.jpg"; if (file_exists($img_path)) $this->Image($img_path, 15, 5, 22); $img_path2 = $this->aobj_context->main_src . "/img/logo2.jpg"; if (file_exists($img_path2)) { $this->Image($img_path2, 170, 6, 23, 23); } $this->SetFont('Times', 'B', 14); $this->Cell(5, 2, "", 0, "", 'C'); $this->Cell(0, 4, $this->FUNIVNAME, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Times', '', 7); $this->Cell(0, 4, $this->FUNIVADD1, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Times', '', 10); $this->Cell(185, 0, 'Page No. : ' . $this->PageNo() . ' / {nb}', 0, 1, 'R'); $this->Ln(1); $this->SetFont('Times', 'B', 10); $this->MultiCell(0, 4, 'College : ' . $this->college_name, '0', 'C'); } else if ($this->WhichReport == 'iamarks_pending' || $this->WhichReport == 'college_degree_status') { $img_path = $this->aobj_context->main_src . "/img/logo.jpg"; if (file_exists($img_path)) $this->Image($img_path, 20, 9, 22); $img_path2 = $this->aobj_context->main_src . "/img/logo2.jpg"; if (file_exists($img_path2)) { $this->Image($img_path2, 170, 6, 23, 23); } $this->SetFont('Times', 'B', 14); $this->Cell(0, 4, $this->FUNIVNAME, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Times', 'B', 10); $this->Ln(2); if ($this->WhichReport == 'college_degree_status') $this->Cell(0, 4, "College Wise Course Details", 0, 1, 'C'); else $this->Cell(0, 4, "IA MARKS PENDING REPORT", 0, 1, 'C'); } else { $img_path = $this->aobj_context->main_src . "/img/logo.jpg"; if (file_exists($img_path)) $this->Image($img_path, 15, 6, 23, 23); $img_path2 = $this->aobj_context->main_src . "/img/logo2.jpg"; if (file_exists($img_path2)) { if ($this->WhichReport == 'ReportCandidateList') $this->Image($img_path2, 260, 7, 23, 23); else $this->Image($img_path2, 170, 6, 23, 23); } $this->SetFont('Times', 'B', 14); //$this->Cell(12,4,"",0,"",'C'); $this->Cell(0, 4, $this->FUNIVNAME, 0, 1, 'C'); //$this->Cell(0,2,'Page No. : '.$this->PageNo().' / {nb}',0,1,'R'); $this->SetFont('Times', '', 7); $this->Cell(0, 4, $this->FUNIVADD1, 0, 1, 'C'); //$this->Ln(5); //$this->Cell(0,4,'Date:'.$this->date_1,0,0,'L'); $this->SetFont('Times', '', 10); //$this->Cell(0,4,'Page No. : '.$this->PageNo().' / {nb}',0,1,'R'); //if($this->WhichReport !='IA MARKS PENDING REPORT') $this->SetFont('Times', 'B', 11); $college = $this->college_name; if ($FUNIVCODE == '038') $college = "Department : " . $this->college_name; if (strrpos("000*017*033*035*034*036*011*011*", $FUNIVCODE . '*') == false) $this->MultiCell(0, 4, $college, '0', 'C'); } } $this->SetFont('Times', '', 10); switch ($this->WhichReport) { case 'Degree': $this->SetFont('Times', 'B', 10); $this->Cell(0, 4, 'Degree Listing ', 0, 1, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Times', '', 8); $this->Cell(0, 4, '(' . ' ' . $this->DEGREETYPES . ' ' . ') ', 0, 1, 'C'); break; case 'Admission': if ($FUNIVCODE == '005') { $this->SetFont('Times', 'B', 10); $this->Cell(0, 4, 'ADMISSION LIST', 0, 1, 'C'); $this->Cell(0, 4, 'Admission Year: ' . $this->AdmissionYear, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Times', '', 10); $this->Cell(0, 4, 'Degree: ' . $this->Degree_name, 0, 1, 'C'); if (!empty($this->sub_degree_code)) { $this->Cell(0, 4, 'Sub Degree : ' . $this->sub_degree_code, 0, 1, 'C'); } $this->Ln(4); $new_y = $this->GetY(); $this->SetDash(1, .3); //5mm on, 5mm off $this->Line(10, $new_y, 200, $new_y); $this->Line(10, $new_y + .5, 200, $new_y + .5); $this->SetFont('Times', 'B', 10); $this->Cell(10, 6, 'Sl.No', '0', 0, 'L'); $this->Cell(150, 6, 'Admission Details', '0', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(108, 6, '', '0', 1, 'C'); $new_y = $this->GetY(); $this->SetDash(1, .3); //5mm on, 5mm off $this->Line(10, $new_y, 200, $new_y); $this->Line(10, $new_y + .5, 200, $new_y + .5); $this->Ln(1); } else { $this->Ln(3); $this->SetFont('Times', 'B', 11); $this->Cell(0, 5, $this->Degree_name . ' ADMISSION LIST - ' . $this->AdmissionYear, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->Ln(3); if (!empty($this->sub_degree_code)) { $this->Cell(0, 4, 'Sub Degree : ' . $this->sub_degree_code, 0, 1, 'C'); } // $this->Cell(0, 4, 'ADMISSION LIST - ' . $this->AdmissionYear, 0, 1, 'C'); // $this->Cell(0, 4, 'Year of Admission : ' . $this->AdmissionYear, 0, 1, 'C'); // $this->Ln(3); if ($FUNIVCODE != '027') { $this->Cell(75, 6, 'Sl.No Name', '1', 0, 'L'); $this->Cell(108, 6, 'Subject Appearing', '1', 1, 'C'); } } break; case 'Admission Summary': $this->Ln(3); $this->SetFont('Times', 'B', 11); $this->Cell(0, 5, $this->Degree_name, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->Ln(3); $this->Cell(0, 5, ' ADMISSION SUMMARY - ' . $this->AdmissionYear, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->Ln(3); // $this->Ln(3); // $this->Cell(0, 4, ' Degree : ' . $this->Degree_name, 0, 1, 'C'); // $this->Cell(0, 4, 'Year of Admission : ' . $this->AdmissionYear, 0, 1, 'C'); // $this->Cell(0, 4, $this->Exam, 0, 1, 'C'); // $this->SetFont('Times', 'B', 10); // $this->Cell(0, 6, 'ADMISSION SUMMARY', 0, 1, 'C'); // $this->Ln(5); $this->SetFont('Times', 'B', 10); $this->Cell(15, 6, 'Sl. No.', '1', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(25, 6, 'Category. ', '1', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(25, 6, 'Male', '1', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(25, 6, 'Female ', '1', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(25, 6, 'Total', '1', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(25, 6, 'Reg. Fee.', '1', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(25, 6, 'Oth. Fee.', '1', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(25, 6, 'Fine', '1', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(25, 6, 'Total Fee.', '1', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(60, 6, 'Remarks', '1', 1, 'C'); break; case 'SUBJECT_ADCL': $this->Ln(3); $this->Cell(0, 4, 'Degree : ' . $this->Degree_name, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->Cell(0, 4, $this->Exam, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->Cell(0, 6, 'SUBJECT LIST (ADMISSION / CANDIDATE)', 0, 1, 'C'); $this->Ln(3); $this->Cell(12, 6, 'Sl.No.', '1', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(20, 6, 'Sub. Code ', '1', 0, 'L'); $this->Cell(80, 6, 'Name ', '1', 0, 'L'); $this->Cell(20, 6, 'ShortName ', '1', 1, 'C'); break; case 'SUBJECT_GENERAL': $this->Ln(3); $this->Cell(0, 4, 'Degree : ' . $this->Degree_name, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->Cell(0, 4, $this->Exam, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->Cell(0, 6, 'SUBJECT LIST (GENERAL)', 0, 1, 'C'); $this->Ln(3); $this->Cell(12, 6, 'Sl.No.', '1', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(20, 6, 'Sub. Code', '1', 0, 'L'); $this->Cell(130, 6, 'Subject Name ', '1', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(18, 6, 'Short Name ', '1', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(18, 6, 'MAX.Marks', '1', 1, 'C'); break; case 'Revaluation Report': $this->Ln(3); $this->Cell(0, 4, 'Degree : ' . $this->Degree_name, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Times', 'B', 10); $this->Cell(0, 6, 'Revaluation Check List', 0, 1, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Times', '', 10); $this->Ln(3); break; case 'Teachers Report': $this->Ln(3); $this->Cell(0, 6, 'TEACHERS CHECK LIST', 0, 1, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Times', '', 10); $this->Ln(3); break; case 'MARKS_SUBJECTWISE': $this->page_absent_count = 0; $this->Cell(0, 4, 'Degree : ' . $this->Degree_name, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->Cell(0, 4, $this->Exam, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->Cell(0, 6, ' SUBJECTWISE I.A. MARKS LIST', 0, 1, 'C'); $this->Cell(0, 6, ' SUBJECT : ' . $this->Subject_name, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Times', 'I', 10); $this->Cell(0, 5, ' STATUS : ' . $this->REPORT_STATUS, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Times', '', 10); //$this->Cell(0,6,'Reg. No. Range : '.$this->RFROM.' to '.$this->RTO,0,1,'C'); $this->Ln(2); $this->Cell(10, 6, 'Sl.No.', '1', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(20, 6, $this->REGROLL, '1', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(70, 6, 'Name', '1', 0, 'C'); if ($fsnglent == 'T') $this->Cell(20, 6, 'Marks', '1', 0, 'C'); else { $this->Cell(20, 6, 'Marks 1', '1', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(20, 6, 'Marks 2', '1', 0, 'C'); } $this->Cell(40, 6, 'Remarks ', '1', 1, 'C'); break; case 'MARKS_STUDENTWISE': $this->page_absent_count = 0; $this->SetFont('Times', 'B', 10); if ($this->percentage == 'T') $text = "(Percentage less than {$this->percent})"; else $text = ''; $this->Cell(0, 6, "STUDENTWISE I.A. MARKS LIST {$text}", 0, 1, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Times', '', 10); $this->Cell(0, 4, 'Degree : ' . $this->Degree_name, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->Cell(0, 6, ' ' . $this->Exam, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Times', '', 10); //$this->Cell(0,5,' STATUS : '.$this->REPORT_STATUS,0,1,'C'); $this->SetFont('Times', '', 10); $this->Cell(0, 6, 'Reg. No. Range : ' . $this->RFROM . ' to ' . $this->RTO, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->Ln(2); $this->Cell(10, 6, 'Sl.No.', '1', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(25, 6, $this->REGROLL, '1', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(50, 6, 'Name', '1', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(190, 6, ' Marks', '1', 1, 'C'); break; case 'ReportCandidateList': // $this->Ln(1); $this->Cell(0, 4, 'Degree : ' . $this->Degree_name, 0, 1, 'C'); if (!empty($this->sub_degree_code)) { $this->Cell(0, 4, 'Sub Degree : ' . $this->sub_degree_code, 0, 1, 'C'); } $this->SetFont('Times', '', 12); $this->Cell(0, 6, 'Candidate List', 0, 1, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Times', '', 10); $this->Cell(0, 7, 'Reg. No. Range : ' . $this->RFROM . ' to ' . $this->RTO, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->Ln(2); break; case 'ReportRegList': // $this->Ln(1); $exam = ""; if($this->exam_code == 'E') { $exam = "Third Year"; }else if($this->exam_code == 'C') { $exam = "Second Year"; } $this->Cell(0, 4, 'Degree : ' . $this->Degree_name." ".$exam, 0, 1, 'C'); if (!empty($this->sub_degree_code)) { $this->Cell(0, 4, 'Sub Degree : ' . $this->sub_degree_code, 0, 1, 'C'); } $this->SetFont('Times', '', 12); $this->Cell(0, 6, 'Registration List', 0, 1, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Times', '', 12); $this->Cell(0, 6, "Academic year: ".$this->FADYEAR, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Times', '', 10); $this->Cell(0, 7, 'Reg. No. Range : ' . $this->RFROM . ' to ' . $this->RTO, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->Ln(2); break; case 'roomallotmentsummary': // $this->Ln(1); if ($this->session == 'M%') $m = "Morning"; if ($this->session == 'N%') $m = "Afternoon"; $this->SetFont('Times', '', 12); $this->Cell(0, 6, 'Room Allotment Summary', 0, 1, 'C'); $this->Cell(0, 4, 'Exam Date: ' . $this->frm_date, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->Cell(0, 4, 'Session: ' . $m, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Times', '', 10); $this->Ln(2); break; case 'ReportDaliy': // $this->Ln(1); $this->Cell(0, 8, 'Degree : ' . $this->Degree_name, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Times', '', 12); $this->Cell(0, 6, 'Daliy Report Status', 0, 1, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Times', '', 10); $this->Cell(0, 7, 'Subject / Paper : ' . $this->Subject_name, 0, 1, 'C'); // $this->Cell(0,4,'Exam: '.$this->EXM_START.' to '.$this->EXM_END,0,1,'C'); $this->Cell(0, 4, 'Date: ' . $this->RFROM . ' to ' . $this->RTO, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->Ln(2); break; case 'SubjectWiseStudent': $this->Cell(0, 6, 'Degree : ' . $this->Degree_name, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Times', 'B', 12); $this->Cell(0, 6, 'SUBJECTWISE STUDENTS LIST (Active Students Only)', 0, 1, 'C'); $this->Cell(0, 6, $this->fddate . ' EXAMINATION', 0, 1, 'C'); $this->Ln(1); break; case 'AppearListQpWise': $this->SetFont('Times', 'B', 11); $this->Ln(2); $this->Cell(0, 7, 'QP WISE STUDENTS APPEARING LIST - ' . $this->fddate . ' EXAMINATION', 0, 1, 'C'); $this->Ln(1); break; case 'AdmissionSummery': //$this->Ln(2); $this->SetFont('Times', 'B', 10); $this->Ln(1); $this->Cell(0, 4, 'Registration / Examination 1st Semester 2015', 0, 1, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Times', 'B', 10); $this->Ln(1); $this->Cell(0, 4, $this->Degree_name, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->Ln(2); $new_y = $this->GetY(); //$this->SetDash(1, 1); //5mm on, 5mm off $this->Line(10, $new_y, 285, $new_y); //$this->Line(10, $new_y+.5, 200, $new_y+.5); $this->Cell(10, 5, ' Sl.', '0', 0, 'L'); $this->Cell(60, 5, 'Name', '0', 0, 'L'); $this->Cell(20, 5, 'Roll No.', '0', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(20, 5, 'Regn. No.', '0', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(15, 5, 'Gender', '0', 0, 'L'); $this->Cell(20, 5, 'Honours', '0', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(30, 5, 'Combination', '0', 0, 'L'); $this->Cell(35, 5, 'Last Exam Passed', '0', 0, 'L'); $this->Cell(15, 5, '', '0', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(5, 5, 'Fee', '0', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(15, 5, '', '0', 1, 'C'); $this->Cell(10, 5, ' No.', '0', 0, 'L'); $this->Cell(60, 5, '', '0', 0, 'L'); $this->Cell(20, 5, '', '0', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(20, 5, '', '0', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(15, 5, '', '0', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(20, 5, 'Subject', '0', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(30, 5, '', '0', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(35, 5, 'Board / Univ', '0', 0, 'L'); $this->Cell(10, 5, 'Regn.', '0', 0, 'R'); $this->Cell(10, 5, 'Enrol', '0', 0, 'R'); $this->Cell(10, 5, 'Exam', '0', 0, 'R'); $this->Cell(10, 5, 'Total', '0', 1, 'R'); $new_y = $this->GetY(); //$this->SetDash(1, 1); //5mm on, 5mm off $this->Line(10, $new_y, 285, $new_y); //$this->Line(10, $new_y+.5, 200, $new_y+.5); $this->Ln(1); break; case 'AdmissionCollwiseSummery': //$this->Ln(2); $this->SetFont('Times', 'B', 10); $this->Ln(2); $this->Cell(0, 4, 'Registration Summery List ', 0, 1, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Times', 'B', 10); $this->Ln(1); $this->Cell(0, 4, $this->Degree_name, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->Ln(3); $new_y = $this->GetY(); $this->SetDash(1, .3); //5mm on, 5mm off $this->Line(10, $new_y, 285, $new_y); $this->Line(10, $new_y + .5, 285, $new_y + .5); $this->Cell(15, 6, 'Sl.No', '0', 0, 'L'); //$this->Cell(20,6,'Degree code','0',0,'L'); $this->Cell(20, 6, 'College ', '0', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(100, 6, 'College Name', '0', 0, 'L'); $this->Cell(20, 6, 'Total', '0', 1, 'C'); //$this->Cell(20,6,'Deleted','0',1,'C'); $this->Cell(15, 6, '', '0', 0, 'L'); //$this->Cell(20,6,'Degree code','0',0,'L'); $this->Cell(20, 6, 'code', '0', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(100, 6, '', '0', 0, 'L'); $this->Cell(20, 6, '', '0', 1, 'C'); //$this->Cell(20,6,'','0',1,'C'); $new_y = $this->GetY(); $this->SetDash(1, .3); //5mm on, 5mm off $this->Line(10, $new_y, 285, $new_y); $this->Line(10, $new_y + .5, 285, $new_y + .5); $this->Ln(1); break; case 'ReportCandidateListSummary': $this->Cell(0, 4, 'Degree : ' . $this->Degree_name, 0, 1, 'C'); if (!empty($this->sub_degree_code)) { $this->Cell(0, 4, 'Sub Degree : ' . $this->sub_degree_code, 0, 1, 'C'); } $this->SetFont('Times', '', 12); $this->Cell(0, 6, 'Candidate List Summary', 0, 1, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Times', '', 10); $this->Cell(0, 7, 'Reg. No. Range : ' . $this->RFROM . ' to ' . $this->RTO, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->Ln(2); // $this->Cell(40,6,'','0',0,'C'); // $this->Cell(12,6,'Sl. No.','1',0,'C'); // $this->Cell(20,6,'Category','1',0,'C'); // $this->Cell(20,6,'Tot. Stud.','1',0,'C'); // $this->Cell(20,6,'App. Fee','1',0,'C'); // $this->Cell(20,6,'Exam Fee','1',0,'C'); // $this->Cell(20,6,'M.C. Fee','1',0,'C'); // $this->Cell(20,6,'Project Fee','1',0,'C'); // $this->Cell(20,6,'P.P.C. Fee','1',0,'C'); // $this->Cell(20,6,'Other Fee','1',0,'C'); // $this->Cell(20,6,'Fine','1',0,'C'); // $this->Cell(20,6,'Total Fee','1',1,'C'); break; case 'ReportRegListSummary': $this->Cell(0, 4, 'Degree : ' . $this->Degree_name, 0, 1, 'C'); if (!empty($this->sub_degree_code)) { $this->Cell(0, 4, 'Sub Degree : ' . $this->sub_degree_code, 0, 1, 'C'); } $this->SetFont('Times', '', 12); $this->Cell(0, 6, 'Registration List Summary', 0, 1, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Times', '', 10); $this->Cell(0, 7, 'Reg. No. Range : ' . $this->RFROM . ' to ' . $this->RTO, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->Ln(2); // $this->Cell(40,6,'','0',0,'C'); // $this->Cell(12,6,'Sl. No.','1',0,'C'); // $this->Cell(20,6,'Category','1',0,'C'); // $this->Cell(20,6,'Tot. Stud.','1',0,'C'); // $this->Cell(20,6,'App. Fee','1',0,'C'); // $this->Cell(20,6,'Exam Fee','1',0,'C'); // $this->Cell(20,6,'M.C. Fee','1',0,'C'); // $this->Cell(20,6,'Project Fee','1',0,'C'); // $this->Cell(20,6,'P.P.C. Fee','1',0,'C'); // $this->Cell(20,6,'Other Fee','1',0,'C'); // $this->Cell(20,6,'Fine','1',0,'C'); // $this->Cell(20,6,'Total Fee','1',1,'C'); break; case 'Attendance Summary Report': $this->SetFont('Times', 'B', 12); $this->Cell(0, 6, 'Attendance Report', 0, 1, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Times', '', 10); $this->Cell(0, 4, 'Degree : ' . $this->degree_name, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->Cell(0, 4, 'Exam : ' . $this->exam_name, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->Cell(0, 4, 'Subject : ' . $this->subject_name, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->Ln(2); break; case 'Attendance Shortage Report': $this->SetFont('Times', 'B', 12); $this->Cell(0, 6, $this->Exam, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Times', '', 12); $this->Cell(0, 5, 'Degree : ' . $this->degree_name, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->Cell(0, 5, 'Exam : ' . $this->exam_name, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->Cell(0, 5, 'Cut off Percentage : ' . $this->fattper . '%', 0, 1, 'C'); //$this->Cell(0,4,'Subject : '.$this->subject_name,0,1,'C'); $this->Ln(2); break; case 'Student Wise Attendance Report': $this->SetFont('Times', 'B', 12); $this->Cell(0, 6, 'Student Wise Attendance Report', 0, 1, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Times', '', 10); $this->Cell(0, 4, 'Degree : ' . $this->Degree_name, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->Cell(0, 4, 'Exam : ' . $this->Exam, 0, 1, 'C'); $this->Ln(2); break; //IA MARKS PENDING REPORT default: $this->Ln(); break; } } function Footer() { //To be implemented in your own inherited class switch ($this->WhichReport) { case 'MARKS_SUBJECTWISE': $this->SetY(-20); $this->SetFont('Arial', 'I', 8); $this->Cell(0, 3, 'Absent On This Page : ' . $this->page_absent_count, '0', 1, 'C'); $this->Cell(0, 3, ' Total Absent : ' . $this->total_absent_count, '0', 1, 'C'); //$this->toatal_absent_count=0; break; case 'MARKS_STUDENTWISE': $this->SetY(-20); $this->SetFont('Arial', 'I', 8); //$this->Cell(0,3,'Absent On This Page : '.$this->page_absent_count,'0',1,'C'); break; case 'SUBJECT_ADCL': $this->SetY(-8); $this->SetFont('Arial', 'I', 8); $this->Cell(0, 3, 'Note : * Mandatory Subjects', '0', 1, 'C'); break; case 'SUBJECT_GENERAL': $this->SetY(-8); $this->SetFont('Arial', 'I', 8); $this->Cell(0, 3, 'Note : * Mandatory Subjects', '0', 1, 'C'); break; case 'AppearListQpWise': $this->ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $this->SetY(-8); $this->SetFont('Arial', '', 8); $this->Cell(140, 6, 'Printed : IP Address : ' . $this->ip . " Date " . $this->date_1, '0', 0, 'L'); break; case 'roomallotmentsummary': $this->ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $this->SetY(-8); $this->SetFont('Arial', 'I', 8); $this->Cell(140, 6, 'Printed : IP Address : ' . $this->ip . " Date " . $this->date_1, '0', 0, 'L'); break; case 'Attendance Summary Report': $this->ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $this->SetY(-8); $this->SetFont('Arial', 'I', 8); $this->Cell(140, 6, 'Printed : IP Address : ' . $this->ip . " Date " . $this->date_1, '0', 0, 'L'); break; case 'Attendance Shortage Report': $this->ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $this->SetY(-8); $this->SetFont('Arial', 'I', 8); $this->Cell(140, 6, 'Printed : IP Address : ' . $this->ip . " Date " . $this->date_1, '0', 0, 'L'); break; case 'iamarks_pending': $this->ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $this->SetY(-8); $this->SetFont('Arial', 'I', 8); $this->Cell(140, 6, 'Printed : IP Address : ' . $this->ip . " Date " . $this->date_1, '0', 0, 'L'); break; case 'Student Wise Attendance Report': $this->ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $this->SetY(-13); $this->SetFont('Arial', 'I', 8); $this->Cell(0, 6, "Note : Att. : Class Attended , Con. : Class Conducted ", '0', 0, 'L'); $this->Cell(0, 6, 'Printed : IP Address : ' . $this->ip . " Date " . $this->date_1, '0', 1, 'R'); break; } } function PageNo() { //Get current page number return $this->page; } function SetDrawColor($r, $g = null, $b = null) { //Set color for all stroking operations if (($r == 0 && $g == 0 && $b == 0) || $g === null) $this->DrawColor = sprintf('%.3F G', $r / 255); else $this->DrawColor = sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F RG', $r / 255, $g / 255, $b / 255); if ($this->page > 0) $this->_out($this->DrawColor); } function SetFillColor($r, $g = null, $b = null) { //Set color for all filling operations if (($r == 0 && $g == 0 && $b == 0) || $g === null) $this->FillColor = sprintf('%.3F g', $r / 255); else $this->FillColor = sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F rg', $r / 255, $g / 255, $b / 255); $this->ColorFlag = ($this->FillColor != $this->TextColor); if ($this->page > 0) $this->_out($this->FillColor); } function SetTextColor($r, $g = null, $b = null) { //Set color for text if (($r == 0 && $g == 0 && $b == 0) || $g === null) $this->TextColor = sprintf('%.3F g', $r / 255); else $this->TextColor = sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F rg', $r / 255, $g / 255, $b / 255); $this->ColorFlag = ($this->FillColor != $this->TextColor); } function GetStringWidth($s) { //Get width of a string in the current font $s = (string)$s; $cw = &$this->CurrentFont['cw']; $w = 0; $l = strlen($s); for ($i = 0; $i < $l; $i++) $w += $cw[$s[$i]]; return $w * $this->FontSize / 1000; } function SetLineWidth($width) { //Set line width $this->LineWidth = $width; if ($this->page > 0) $this->_out(sprintf('%.2F w', $width * $this->k)); } function Line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) { //Draw a line $this->_out(sprintf('%.2F %.2F m %.2F %.2F l S', $x1 * $this->k, ($this->h - $y1) * $this->k, $x2 * $this->k, ($this->h - $y2) * $this->k)); } function Rect($x, $y, $w, $h, $style = '') { //Draw a rectangle if ($style == 'F') $op = 'f'; elseif ($style == 'FD' || $style == 'DF') $op = 'B'; else $op = 'S'; $this->_out(sprintf('%.2F %.2F %.2F %.2F re %s', $x * $this->k, ($this->h - $y) * $this->k, $w * $this->k, -$h * $this->k, $op)); } function AddFont($family, $style = '', $file = '') { //Add a TrueType or Type1 font $family = strtolower($family); if ($file == '') $file = str_replace(' ', '', $family) . strtolower($style) . 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' ' . $s . ' Q'; $this->_out($s); } function AcceptPageBreak() { /* if($this->col<8) { //Go to next column $this->SetCol($this->col+1); $this->SetY(10); return false; } else { //Go back to first column and issue page break $this->SetCol(0); return true; } */ //Accept automatic page break or not return $this->AutoPageBreak; } function Cell($w, $h = 0, $txt = '', $border = 0, $ln = 0, $align = '', $fill = false, $link = '') { //Output a cell $k = $this->k; if ($this->y + $h > $this->PageBreakTrigger && !$this->InHeader && !$this->InFooter && $this->AcceptPageBreak()) { //Automatic page break $x = $this->x; $ws = $this->ws; if ($ws > 0) { $this->ws = 0; $this->_out('0 Tw'); } $this->AddPage($this->CurOrientation, $this->CurPageFormat); $this->x = $x; if ($ws > 0) { $this->ws = $ws; $this->_out(sprintf('%.3F Tw', $ws * $k)); } } if ($w == 0) $w = $this->w - $this->rMargin - $this->x; $s = ''; if ($fill || $border == 1) { if ($fill) $op = ($border == 1) ? 'B' : 'f'; else $op = 'S'; $s = sprintf('%.2F %.2F %.2F %.2F re %s ', $this->x * $k, ($this->h - $this->y) * $k, $w * $k, -$h * $k, $op); } if (is_string($border)) { $x = $this->x; $y = $this->y; if (strpos($border, 'L') !== false) $s .= sprintf('%.2F %.2F m %.2F %.2F l S ', $x * $k, ($this->h - $y) * $k, $x * $k, ($this->h - ($y + $h)) * $k); if (strpos($border, 'T') !== false) $s .= sprintf('%.2F %.2F m %.2F %.2F l S ', $x * $k, ($this->h - $y) * $k, ($x + $w) * $k, ($this->h - $y) * $k); if (strpos($border, 'R') !== false) $s .= sprintf('%.2F %.2F m %.2F %.2F l S ', ($x + $w) * $k, ($this->h - $y) * $k, ($x + $w) * $k, ($this->h - ($y + $h)) * $k); if (strpos($border, 'B') !== false) $s .= sprintf('%.2F %.2F m %.2F %.2F l S ', $x * $k, ($this->h - ($y + $h)) * $k, ($x + $w) * $k, ($this->h - ($y + $h)) * $k); } if ($txt !== '') { if ($align == 'R') $dx = $w - $this->cMargin - $this->GetStringWidth($txt); elseif ($align == 'C') $dx = ($w - $this->GetStringWidth($txt)) / 2; else $dx = $this->cMargin; if ($this->ColorFlag) $s .= 'q ' . $this->TextColor . ' '; $txt2 = str_replace(')', '\\)', str_replace('(', '\\(', str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $txt))); $s .= sprintf('BT %.2F %.2F Td (%s) Tj ET', ($this->x + $dx) * $k, ($this->h - ($this->y + .5 * $h + .3 * $this->FontSize)) * $k, $txt2); if ($this->underline) $s .= ' ' . $this->_dounderline($this->x + $dx, $this->y + .5 * $h + .3 * $this->FontSize, $txt); if ($this->ColorFlag) $s .= ' Q'; if ($link) $this->Link($this->x + $dx, $this->y + .5 * $h - .5 * $this->FontSize, $this->GetStringWidth($txt), $this->FontSize, $link); } if ($s) $this->_out($s); $this->lasth = $h; if ($ln > 0) { //Go to next line $this->y += $h; if ($ln == 1) $this->x = $this->lMargin; } else $this->x += $w; } function MultiCell($w, $h, $txt, $border = 0, $align = 'J', $fill = false) { //Output text with automatic or explicit line breaks $cw = &$this->CurrentFont['cw']; if ($w == 0) $w = $this->w - $this->rMargin - $this->x; $wmax = ($w - 2 * $this->cMargin) * 1000 / $this->FontSize; $s = str_replace("\r", '', $txt); $nb = strlen($s); if ($nb > 0 && $s[$nb - 1] == "\n") $nb--; $b = 0; if ($border) { if ($border == 1) { $border = 'LTRB'; $b = 'LRT'; $b2 = 'LR'; } else { $b2 = ''; if (strpos($border, 'L') !== false) $b2 .= 'L'; if (strpos($border, 'R') !== false) $b2 .= 'R'; $b = (strpos($border, 'T') !== false) ? $b2 . 'T' : $b2; } } $sep = -1; $i = 0; $j = 0; $l = 0; $ns = 0; $nl = 1; while ($i < $nb) { //Get next character $c = $s[$i]; if ($c == "\n") { //Explicit line break if ($this->ws > 0) { $this->ws = 0; $this->_out('0 Tw'); } $this->Cell($w, $h, substr($s, $j, $i - $j), $b, 2, $align, $fill); $i++; $sep = -1; $j = $i; $l = 0; $ns = 0; $nl++; if ($border && $nl == 2) $b = $b2; continue; } if ($c == ' ') { $sep = $i; $ls = $l; $ns++; } $l += $cw[$c]; if ($l > $wmax) { //Automatic line break if ($sep == -1) { if ($i == $j) $i++; if ($this->ws > 0) { $this->ws = 0; $this->_out('0 Tw'); } $this->Cell($w, $h, substr($s, $j, $i - $j), $b, 2, $align, $fill); } else { if ($align == 'J') { $this->ws = ($ns > 1) ? ($wmax - $ls) / 1000 * $this->FontSize / ($ns - 1) : 0; $this->_out(sprintf('%.3F Tw', $this->ws * $this->k)); } $this->Cell($w, $h, substr($s, $j, $sep - $j), $b, 2, $align, $fill); $i = $sep + 1; } $sep = -1; $j = $i; $l = 0; $ns = 0; $nl++; if ($border && $nl == 2) $b = $b2; } else $i++; } //Last chunk if ($this->ws > 0) { $this->ws = 0; $this->_out('0 Tw'); } if ($border && strpos($border, 'B') !== false) $b .= 'B'; $this->Cell($w, $h, substr($s, $j, $i - $j), $b, 2, $align, $fill); $this->x = $this->lMargin; } function Write($h, $txt, $link = '') { //Output text in flowing mode $cw = &$this->CurrentFont['cw']; $w = $this->w - $this->rMargin - $this->x; $wmax = ($w - 2 * $this->cMargin) * 1000 / $this->FontSize; $s = str_replace("\r", '', $txt); $nb = strlen($s); $sep = -1; $i = 0; $j = 0; $l = 0; $nl = 1; while ($i < $nb) { //Get next character $c = $s[$i]; if ($c == "\n") { //Explicit line break $this->Cell($w, $h, substr($s, $j, $i - $j), 0, 2, '', 0, $link); $i++; $sep = -1; $j = $i; $l = 0; if ($nl == 1) { $this->x = $this->lMargin; $w = $this->w - $this->rMargin - $this->x; $wmax = ($w - 2 * $this->cMargin) * 1000 / $this->FontSize; } $nl++; continue; } if ($c == ' ') $sep = $i; $l += $cw[$c]; if ($l > $wmax) { //Automatic line break if ($sep == -1) { if ($this->x > $this->lMargin) { //Move to next line $this->x = $this->lMargin; $this->y += $h; $w = $this->w - $this->rMargin - $this->x; $wmax = ($w - 2 * $this->cMargin) * 1000 / $this->FontSize; $i++; $nl++; continue; } if ($i == $j) $i++; $this->Cell($w, $h, substr($s, $j, $i - $j), 0, 2, '', 0, $link); } else { $this->Cell($w, $h, substr($s, $j, $sep - $j), 0, 2, '', 0, $link); $i = $sep + 1; } $sep = -1; $j = $i; $l = 0; if ($nl == 1) { $this->x = $this->lMargin; $w = $this->w - $this->rMargin - $this->x; $wmax = ($w - 2 * $this->cMargin) * 1000 / $this->FontSize; } $nl++; } else $i++; } //Last chunk if ($i != $j) $this->Cell($l / 1000 * $this->FontSize, $h, substr($s, $j), 0, 0, '', 0, $link); } function Ln($h = null) { //Line feed; default value is last cell height $this->x = $this->lMargin; if ($h === null) $this->y += $this->lasth; else $this->y += $h; } function Image($file, $x = null, $y = null, $w = 0, $h = 0, $type = '', $link = '') { //Put an image on the page if (!isset($this->images[$file])) { //First use of this image, get info if ($type == '') { $pos = strrpos($file, '.'); if (!$pos) $this->Error('Image file has no extension and no type was specified: ' . $file); $type = substr($file, $pos + 1); } $type = strtolower($type); if ($type == 'jpeg') $type = 'jpg'; $mtd = '_parse' . $type; if (!method_exists($this, $mtd)) $this->Error('Unsupported image type: ' . $type); $info = $this->$mtd($file); $info['i'] = count($this->images) + 1; $this->images[$file] = $info; } else $info = $this->images[$file]; //Automatic width and height calculation if needed if ($w == 0 && $h == 0) { //Put image at 72 dpi $w = $info['w'] / $this->k; $h = $info['h'] / $this->k; } elseif ($w == 0) $w = $h * $info['w'] / $info['h']; elseif ($h == 0) $h = $w * $info['h'] / $info['w']; //Flowing mode if ($y === null) { if ($this->y + $h > $this->PageBreakTrigger && !$this->InHeader && !$this->InFooter && $this->AcceptPageBreak()) { //Automatic page break $x2 = $this->x; $this->AddPage($this->CurOrientation, $this->CurPageFormat); $this->x = $x2; } $y = $this->y; $this->y += $h; } if ($x === null) $x = $this->x; $this->_out(sprintf('q %.2F 0 0 %.2F %.2F %.2F cm /I%d Do Q', $w * $this->k, $h * $this->k, $x * $this->k, ($this->h - ($y + $h)) * $this->k, $info['i'])); if ($link) $this->Link($x, $y, $w, $h, $link); } function GetX() { //Get x position return $this->x; } function SetX($x) { //Set x position if ($x >= 0) $this->x = $x; else $this->x = $this->w + $x; } function GetY() { //Get y position return $this->y; } function SetY($y) { //Set y position and reset x $this->x = $this->lMargin; if ($y >= 0) $this->y = $y; else $this->y = $this->h + $y; } function SetXY($x, $y) { //Set x and y positions $this->SetY($y); $this->SetX($x); } function Output($name = '', $dest = '') { //Output PDF to some destination if ($this->state < 3) $this->Close(); $dest = strtoupper($dest); if ($dest == '') { if ($name == '') { $name = 'doc.pdf'; $dest = 'I'; } else $dest = 'F'; } switch ($dest) { case 'I': //Send to standard output if (ob_get_length()) $this->Error('Some data has already been output, can\'t send PDF file'); if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli') { //We send to a browser header('Content-Type: application/pdf'); if (headers_sent()) $this->Error('Some data has already been output, can\'t send PDF file'); header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($this->buffer)); header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="' . $name . '"'); header('Cache-Control: private, max-age=0, must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: public'); ini_set('zlib.output_compression', '0'); } echo $this->buffer; break; case 'D': //Download file if (ob_get_length()) $this->Error('Some data has already been output, can\'t send PDF file'); header('Content-Type: application/x-download'); if (headers_sent()) $this->Error('Some data has already been output, can\'t send PDF file'); header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($this->buffer)); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $name . '"'); header('Cache-Control: private, max-age=0, must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: public'); ini_set('zlib.output_compression', '0'); echo $this->buffer; break; case 'F': //Save to local file $f = fopen($name, 'wb'); if (!$f) $this->Error('Unable to create output file: ' . $name); fwrite($f, $this->buffer, strlen($this->buffer)); fclose($f); break; case 'S': //Return as a string return $this->buffer; default: $this->Error('Incorrect output destination: ' . $dest); } return ''; } /******************************************************************************* * * * Protected methods * * * *******************************************************************************/ function _dochecks() { //Check availability of %F if (sprintf('%.1F', 1.0) != '1.0') $this->Error('This version of PHP is not supported'); //Check mbstring overloading if (ini_get('mbstring.func_overload') & 2) $this->Error('mbstring overloading must be disabled'); //Disable runtime magic quotes if (get_magic_quotes_runtime()) @set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); } function _getpageformat($format) { $format = strtolower($format); if (!isset($this->PageFormats[$format])) $this->Error('Unknown page format: ' . $format); $a = $this->PageFormats[$format]; return array($a[0] / $this->k, $a[1] / $this->k); } function _getfontpath() { if (!defined('FPDF_FONTPATH') && is_dir(dirname(__FILE__) . '/font')) define('FPDF_FONTPATH', dirname(__FILE__) . '/font/'); return defined('FPDF_FONTPATH') ? FPDF_FONTPATH : ''; } function _beginpage($orientation, $format) { $this->page++; $this->pages[$this->page] = ''; $this->state = 2; $this->x = $this->lMargin; $this->y = $this->tMargin; $this->FontFamily = ''; //Check page size if ($orientation == '') $orientation = $this->DefOrientation; else $orientation = strtoupper($orientation[0]); if ($format == '') $format = $this->DefPageFormat; else { if (is_string($format)) $format = $this->_getpageformat($format); } if ($orientation != $this->CurOrientation || $format[0] != $this->CurPageFormat[0] || $format[1] != $this->CurPageFormat[1]) { //New size if ($orientation == 'P') { $this->w = $format[0]; $this->h = $format[1]; } else { $this->w = $format[1]; $this->h = $format[0]; } $this->wPt = $this->w * $this->k; $this->hPt = $this->h * $this->k; $this->PageBreakTrigger = $this->h - $this->bMargin; $this->CurOrientation = $orientation; $this->CurPageFormat = $format; } if ($orientation != $this->DefOrientation || $format[0] != $this->DefPageFormat[0] || $format[1] != $this->DefPageFormat[1]) $this->PageSizes[$this->page] = array($this->wPt, $this->hPt); } function _endpage() { $this->state = 1; } function _escape($s) { //Escape special characters in strings $s = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $s); $s = str_replace('(', '\\(', $s); $s = str_replace(')', '\\)', $s); $s = str_replace("\r", '\\r', $s); return $s; } function _textstring($s) { //Format a text string return '(' . $this->_escape($s) . ')'; } function _UTF8toUTF16($s) { //Convert UTF-8 to UTF-16BE with BOM $res = "\xFE\xFF"; $nb = strlen($s); $i = 0; while ($i < $nb) { $c1 = ord($s[$i++]); if ($c1 >= 224) { //3-byte character $c2 = ord($s[$i++]); $c3 = ord($s[$i++]); $res .= chr((($c1 & 0x0F) << 4) + (($c2 & 0x3C) >> 2)); $res .= chr((($c2 & 0x03) << 6) + ($c3 & 0x3F)); } elseif ($c1 >= 192) { //2-byte character $c2 = ord($s[$i++]); $res .= chr(($c1 & 0x1C) >> 2); $res .= chr((($c1 & 0x03) << 6) + ($c2 & 0x3F)); } else { //Single-byte character $res .= "\0" . chr($c1); } } return $res; } function _dounderline($x, $y, $txt) { //Underline text $up = $this->CurrentFont['up']; $ut = $this->CurrentFont['ut']; $w = $this->GetStringWidth($txt) + $this->ws * substr_count($txt, ' '); return sprintf('%.2F %.2F %.2F %.2F re f', $x * $this->k, ($this->h - ($y - $up / 1000 * $this->FontSize)) * $this->k, $w * $this->k, -$ut / 1000 * $this->FontSizePt); } function _parsejpg($file) { //Extract info from a JPEG file $a = GetImageSize($file); if (!$a) $this->Error('Missing or incorrect image file: ' . $file); if ($a[2] != 2) $this->Error('Not a JPEG file: ' . $file); if (!isset($a['channels']) || $a['channels'] == 3) $colspace = 'DeviceRGB'; elseif ($a['channels'] == 4) $colspace = 'DeviceCMYK'; else $colspace = 'DeviceGray'; $bpc = isset($a['bits']) ? $a['bits'] : 8; //Read whole file $f = fopen($file, 'rb'); $data = ''; while (!feof($f)) $data .= fread($f, 8192); fclose($f); return array('w' => $a[0], 'h' => $a[1], 'cs' => $colspace, 'bpc' => $bpc, 'f' => 'DCTDecode', 'data' => $data); } function _parsepng($file) { //Extract info from a PNG file $f = fopen($file, 'rb'); if (!$f) $this->Error('Can\'t open image file: ' . $file); //Check signature if ($this->_readstream($f, 8) != chr(137) . 'PNG' . chr(13) . chr(10) . chr(26) . chr(10)) $this->Error('Not a PNG file: ' . $file); //Read header chunk $this->_readstream($f, 4); if ($this->_readstream($f, 4) != 'IHDR') $this->Error('Incorrect PNG file: ' . $file); $w = $this->_readint($f); $h = $this->_readint($f); $bpc = ord($this->_readstream($f, 1)); if ($bpc > 8) $this->Error('16-bit depth not supported: ' . $file); $ct = ord($this->_readstream($f, 1)); if ($ct == 0) $colspace = 'DeviceGray'; elseif ($ct == 2) $colspace = 'DeviceRGB'; elseif ($ct == 3) $colspace = 'Indexed'; else $this->Error('Alpha channel not supported: ' . $file); if (ord($this->_readstream($f, 1)) != 0) $this->Error('Unknown compression method: ' . $file); if (ord($this->_readstream($f, 1)) != 0) $this->Error('Unknown filter method: ' . $file); if (ord($this->_readstream($f, 1)) != 0) $this->Error('Interlacing not supported: ' . $file); $this->_readstream($f, 4); $parms = '/DecodeParms <</Predictor 15 /Colors ' . ($ct == 2 ? 3 : 1) . ' /BitsPerComponent ' . $bpc . ' /Columns ' . $w . '>>'; //Scan chunks looking for palette, transparency and image data $pal = ''; $trns = ''; $data = ''; do { $n = $this->_readint($f); $type = $this->_readstream($f, 4); if ($type == 'PLTE') { //Read palette $pal = $this->_readstream($f, $n); $this->_readstream($f, 4); } elseif ($type == 'tRNS') { //Read transparency info $t = $this->_readstream($f, $n); if ($ct == 0) $trns = array(ord(substr($t, 1, 1))); elseif ($ct == 2) $trns = array(ord(substr($t, 1, 1)), ord(substr($t, 3, 1)), ord(substr($t, 5, 1))); else { $pos = strpos($t, chr(0)); if ($pos !== false) $trns = array($pos); } $this->_readstream($f, 4); } elseif ($type == 'IDAT') { //Read image data block $data .= $this->_readstream($f, $n); $this->_readstream($f, 4); } elseif ($type == 'IEND') break; else $this->_readstream($f, $n + 4); } while ($n); if ($colspace == 'Indexed' && empty($pal)) $this->Error('Missing palette in ' . $file); fclose($f); return array('w' => $w, 'h' => $h, 'cs' => $colspace, 'bpc' => $bpc, 'f' => 'FlateDecode', 'parms' => $parms, 'pal' => $pal, 'trns' => $trns, 'data' => $data); } function _readstream($f, $n) { //Read n bytes from stream $res = ''; while ($n > 0 && !feof($f)) { $s = fread($f, $n); if ($s === false) $this->Error('Error while reading stream'); $n -= strlen($s); $res .= $s; } if ($n > 0) $this->Error('Unexpected end of stream'); return $res; } function _readint($f) { //Read a 4-byte integer from stream $a = unpack('Ni', $this->_readstream($f, 4)); return $a['i']; } function _parsegif($file) { //Extract info from a GIF file (via PNG conversion) if (!function_exists('imagepng')) $this->Error('GD extension is required for GIF support'); if (!function_exists('imagecreatefromgif')) $this->Error('GD has no GIF read support'); $im = imagecreatefromgif($file); if (!$im) $this->Error('Missing or incorrect image file: ' . $file); imageinterlace($im, 0); $tmp = tempnam('.', 'gif'); if (!$tmp) $this->Error('Unable to create a temporary file'); if (!imagepng($im, $tmp)) $this->Error('Error while saving to temporary file'); imagedestroy($im); $info = $this->_parsepng($tmp); unlink($tmp); return $info; } function _newobj() { //Begin a new object $this->n++; $this->offsets[$this->n] = strlen($this->buffer); $this->_out($this->n . ' 0 obj'); } function _putstream($s) { $this->_out('stream'); $this->_out($s); $this->_out('endstream'); } function _out($s) { //Add a line to the document if ($this->state == 2) $this->pages[$this->page] .= $s . "\n"; else $this->buffer .= $s . "\n"; } function _putpages() { $nb = $this->page; if (!empty($this->AliasNbPages)) { //Replace number of pages for ($n = 1; $n <= $nb; $n++) $this->pages[$n] = str_replace($this->AliasNbPages, $nb, $this->pages[$n]); } if ($this->DefOrientation == 'P') { $wPt = $this->DefPageFormat[0] * $this->k; $hPt = $this->DefPageFormat[1] * $this->k; } else { $wPt = $this->DefPageFormat[1] * $this->k; $hPt = $this->DefPageFormat[0] * $this->k; } $filter = ($this->compress) ? '/Filter /FlateDecode ' : ''; for ($n = 1; $n <= $nb; $n++) { //Page $this->_newobj(); $this->_out('<</Type /Page'); $this->_out('/Parent 1 0 R'); if (isset($this->PageSizes[$n])) $this->_out(sprintf('/MediaBox [0 0 %.2F %.2F]', $this->PageSizes[$n][0], $this->PageSizes[$n][1])); $this->_out('/Resources 2 0 R'); if (isset($this->PageLinks[$n])) { //Links $annots = '/Annots ['; foreach ($this->PageLinks[$n] as $pl) { $rect = sprintf('%.2F %.2F %.2F %.2F', $pl[0], $pl[1], $pl[0] + $pl[2], $pl[1] - $pl[3]); $annots .= '<</Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /Rect [' . $rect . '] /Border [0 0 0] '; if (is_string($pl[4])) $annots .= '/A <</S /URI /URI ' . $this->_textstring($pl[4]) . '>>>>'; else { $l = $this->links[$pl[4]]; $h = isset($this->PageSizes[$l[0]]) ? $this->PageSizes[$l[0]][1] : $hPt; $annots .= sprintf('/Dest [%d 0 R /XYZ 0 %.2F null]>>', 1 + 2 * $l[0], $h - $l[1] * $this->k); } } $this->_out($annots . ']'); } $this->_out('/Contents ' . ($this->n + 1) . ' 0 R>>'); $this->_out('endobj'); //Page content $p = ($this->compress) ? gzcompress($this->pages[$n]) : $this->pages[$n]; $this->_newobj(); $this->_out('<<' . $filter . '/Length ' . strlen($p) . '>>'); $this->_putstream($p); $this->_out('endobj'); } //Pages root $this->offsets[1] = strlen($this->buffer); $this->_out('1 0 obj'); $this->_out('<</Type /Pages'); $kids = '/Kids ['; for ($i = 0; $i < $nb; $i++) $kids .= (3 + 2 * $i) . ' 0 R '; $this->_out($kids . ']'); $this->_out('/Count ' . $nb); $this->_out(sprintf('/MediaBox [0 0 %.2F %.2F]', $wPt, $hPt)); $this->_out('>>'); $this->_out('endobj'); } function _putfonts() { $nf = $this->n; foreach ($this->diffs as $diff) { //Encodings $this->_newobj(); $this->_out('<</Type /Encoding /BaseEncoding /WinAnsiEncoding /Differences [' . $diff . ']>>'); $this->_out('endobj'); } foreach ($this->FontFiles as $file => $info) { //Font file embedding $this->_newobj(); $this->FontFiles[$file]['n'] = $this->n; $font = ''; $f = fopen($this->_getfontpath() . $file, 'rb', 1); if (!$f) $this->Error('Font file not found'); while (!feof($f)) $font .= fread($f, 8192); fclose($f); $compressed = (substr($file, -2) == '.z'); if (!$compressed && isset($info['length2'])) { $header = (ord($font[0]) == 128); if ($header) { //Strip first binary header $font = substr($font, 6); } if ($header && ord($font[$info['length1']]) == 128) { //Strip second binary header $font = substr($font, 0, $info['length1']) . substr($font, $info['length1'] + 6); } } $this->_out('<</Length ' . strlen($font)); if ($compressed) $this->_out('/Filter /FlateDecode'); $this->_out('/Length1 ' . $info['length1']); if (isset($info['length2'])) $this->_out('/Length2 ' . $info['length2'] . ' /Length3 0'); $this->_out('>>'); $this->_putstream($font); $this->_out('endobj'); } foreach ($this->fonts as $k => $font) { //Font objects $this->fonts[$k]['n'] = $this->n + 1; $type = $font['type']; $name = $font['name']; if ($type == 'core') { //Standard font $this->_newobj(); $this->_out('<</Type /Font'); $this->_out('/BaseFont /' . $name); $this->_out('/Subtype /Type1'); if ($name != 'Symbol' && $name != 'ZapfDingbats') $this->_out('/Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding'); $this->_out('>>'); $this->_out('endobj'); } elseif ($type == 'Type1' || $type == 'TrueType') { //Additional Type1 or TrueType font $this->_newobj(); $this->_out('<</Type /Font'); $this->_out('/BaseFont /' . $name); $this->_out('/Subtype /' . $type); $this->_out('/FirstChar 32 /LastChar 255'); $this->_out('/Widths ' . ($this->n + 1) . ' 0 R'); $this->_out('/FontDescriptor ' . ($this->n + 2) . ' 0 R'); if ($font['enc']) { if (isset($font['diff'])) $this->_out('/Encoding ' . ($nf + $font['diff']) . ' 0 R'); else $this->_out('/Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding'); } $this->_out('>>'); $this->_out('endobj'); //Widths $this->_newobj(); $cw = &$font['cw']; $s = '['; for ($i = 32; $i <= 255; $i++) $s .= $cw[chr($i)] . ' '; $this->_out($s . ']'); $this->_out('endobj'); //Descriptor $this->_newobj(); $s = '<</Type /FontDescriptor /FontName /' . $name; foreach ($font['desc'] as $k => $v) $s .= ' /' . $k . ' ' . $v; $file = $font['file']; if ($file) $s .= ' /FontFile' . ($type == 'Type1' ? '' : '2') . ' ' . $this->FontFiles[$file]['n'] . ' 0 R'; $this->_out($s . '>>'); $this->_out('endobj'); } else { //Allow for additional types $mtd = '_put' . strtolower($type); if (!method_exists($this, $mtd)) $this->Error('Unsupported font type: ' . $type); $this->$mtd($font); } } } function _putimages() { $filter = ($this->compress) ? '/Filter /FlateDecode ' : ''; reset($this->images); while (list($file, $info) = each($this->images)) { $this->_newobj(); $this->images[$file]['n'] = $this->n; $this->_out('<</Type /XObject'); $this->_out('/Subtype /Image'); $this->_out('/Width ' . $info['w']); $this->_out('/Height ' . $info['h']); if ($info['cs'] == 'Indexed') $this->_out('/ColorSpace [/Indexed /DeviceRGB ' . (strlen($info['pal']) / 3 - 1) . ' ' . ($this->n + 1) . ' 0 R]'); else { $this->_out('/ColorSpace /' . $info['cs']); if ($info['cs'] == 'DeviceCMYK') $this->_out('/Decode [1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0]'); } $this->_out('/BitsPerComponent ' . $info['bpc']); if (isset($info['f'])) $this->_out('/Filter /' . $info['f']); if (isset($info['parms'])) $this->_out($info['parms']); if (isset($info['trns']) && is_array($info['trns'])) { $trns = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < count($info['trns']); $i++) $trns .= $info['trns'][$i] . ' ' . $info['trns'][$i] . ' '; $this->_out('/Mask [' . $trns . ']'); } $this->_out('/Length ' . strlen($info['data']) . '>>'); $this->_putstream($info['data']); unset($this->images[$file]['data']); $this->_out('endobj'); //Palette if ($info['cs'] == 'Indexed') { $this->_newobj(); $pal = ($this->compress) ? gzcompress($info['pal']) : $info['pal']; $this->_out('<<' . $filter . '/Length ' . strlen($pal) . '>>'); $this->_putstream($pal); $this->_out('endobj'); } } } function _putxobjectdict() { foreach ($this->images as $image) $this->_out('/I' . $image['i'] . ' ' . $image['n'] . ' 0 R'); } function _putresourcedict() { $this->_out('/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]'); $this->_out('/Font <<'); foreach ($this->fonts as $font) $this->_out('/F' . $font['i'] . ' ' . $font['n'] . ' 0 R'); $this->_out('>>'); $this->_out('/XObject <<'); $this->_putxobjectdict(); $this->_out('>>'); } function _putresources() { $this->_putfonts(); $this->_putimages(); //Resource dictionary $this->offsets[2] = strlen($this->buffer); $this->_out('2 0 obj'); $this->_out('<<'); $this->_putresourcedict(); $this->_out('>>'); $this->_out('endobj'); } function _putinfo() { $this->_out('/Producer ' . $this->_textstring('FPDF ' . FPDF_VERSION)); if (!empty($this->title)) $this->_out('/Title ' . $this->_textstring($this->title)); if (!empty($this->subject)) $this->_out('/Subject ' . $this->_textstring($this->subject)); if (!empty($this->author)) $this->_out('/Author ' . $this->_textstring($this->author)); if (!empty($this->keywords)) $this->_out('/Keywords ' . $this->_textstring($this->keywords)); if (!empty($this->creator)) $this->_out('/Creator ' . $this->_textstring($this->creator)); $this->_out('/CreationDate ' . $this->_textstring('D:' . @date('YmdHis'))); } function _putcatalog() { $this->_out('/Type /Catalog'); $this->_out('/Pages 1 0 R'); if ($this->ZoomMode == 'fullpage') $this->_out('/OpenAction [3 0 R /Fit]'); elseif ($this->ZoomMode == 'fullwidth') $this->_out('/OpenAction [3 0 R /FitH null]'); elseif ($this->ZoomMode == 'real') $this->_out('/OpenAction [3 0 R /XYZ null null 1]'); elseif (!is_string($this->ZoomMode)) $this->_out('/OpenAction [3 0 R /XYZ null null ' . ($this->ZoomMode / 100) . ']'); if ($this->LayoutMode == 'single') $this->_out('/PageLayout /SinglePage'); elseif ($this->LayoutMode == 'continuous') $this->_out('/PageLayout /OneColumn'); elseif ($this->LayoutMode == 'two') $this->_out('/PageLayout /TwoColumnLeft'); } function _putheader() { $this->_out('%PDF-' . $this->PDFVersion); } function _puttrailer() { $this->_out('/Size ' . ($this->n + 1)); $this->_out('/Root ' . $this->n . ' 0 R'); $this->_out('/Info ' . ($this->n - 1) . ' 0 R'); } function _enddoc() { $this->_putheader(); $this->_putpages(); $this->_putresources(); //Info $this->_newobj(); $this->_out('<<'); $this->_putinfo(); $this->_out('>>'); $this->_out('endobj'); //Catalog $this->_newobj(); $this->_out('<<'); $this->_putcatalog(); $this->_out('>>'); $this->_out('endobj'); //Cross-ref $o = strlen($this->buffer); $this->_out('xref'); $this->_out('0 ' . ($this->n + 1)); $this->_out('0000000000 65535 f '); for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->n; $i++) $this->_out(sprintf('%010d 00000 n ', $this->offsets[$i])); //Trailer $this->_out('trailer'); $this->_out('<<'); $this->_puttrailer(); $this->_out('>>'); $this->_out('startxref'); $this->_out($o); $this->_out('%%EOF'); $this->state = 3; } function SetDash($black = false, $white = false) { if ($black and $white) $s = sprintf('[%.3f %.3f] 0 d', $black * $this->k, $white * $this->k); else $s = '[] 0 d'; $this->_out($s); } function writeHTMLCell($w, $h, $x, $y, $html = '', $border = 0, $ln = 0, $fill = false, $reseth = true, $align = '', $autopadding = true) { return $this->MultiCell($w, $h, $html, $border, $align, $fill, $ln, $x, $y, $reseth, 0, true, $autopadding, 0, 'T', false); } protected function getGraphicVars() { $grapvars = array( 'FontFamily' => $this->FontFamily, 'FontStyle' => $this->FontStyle, 'FontSizePt' => $this->FontSizePt, 'rMargin' => $this->rMargin, 'lMargin' => $this->lMargin, 'cell_padding' => $this->cell_padding, 'cell_margin' => $this->cell_margin, 'LineWidth' => $this->LineWidth, 'linestyleWidth' => $this->linestyleWidth, 'linestyleCap' => $this->linestyleCap, 'linestyleJoin' => $this->linestyleJoin, 'linestyleDash' => $this->linestyleDash, 'textrendermode' => $this->textrendermode, 'textstrokewidth' => $this->textstrokewidth, 'DrawColor' => $this->DrawColor, 'FillColor' => $this->FillColor, 'TextColor' => $this->TextColor, 'ColorFlag' => $this->ColorFlag, 'bgcolor' => $this->bgcolor, 'fgcolor' => $this->fgcolor, 'htmlvspace' => $this->htmlvspace, 'listindent' => $this->listindent, 'listindentlevel' => $this->listindentlevel, 'listnum' => $this->listnum, 'listordered' => $this->listordered, 'listcount' => $this->listcount, 'lispacer' => $this->lispacer, 'cell_height_ratio' => $this->cell_height_ratio, 'font_stretching' => $this->font_stretching, 'font_spacing' => $this->font_spacing, 'alpha' => $this->alpha, // extended 'lasth' => $this->lasth, 'tMargin' => $this->tMargin, 'bMargin' => $this->bMargin, 'AutoPageBreak' => $this->AutoPageBreak, 'PageBreakTrigger' => $this->PageBreakTrigger, 'x' => $this->x, 'y' => $this->y, 'w' => $this->w, 'h' => $this->h, 'wPt' => $this->wPt, 'hPt' => $this->hPt, 'fwPt' => $this->fwPt, 'fhPt' => $this->fhPt, 'page' => $this->page, 'current_column' => $this->current_column, 'num_columns' => $this->num_columns ); return $grapvars; } public function getFontAscent($font, $style = '', $size = 0) { $fontdata = $this->AddFont($font, $style); $fontinfo = $this->getFontBuffer($fontdata['fontkey']); if (isset($fontinfo['desc']['Ascent']) and ($fontinfo['desc']['Ascent'] > 0)) { $ascent = ($fontinfo['desc']['Ascent'] * $size / 1000); } else { $ascent = 1.219 * 0.76 * $size; } return ($ascent / $this->k); } protected function getFontBuffer($font) { if ($this->diskcache and isset($this->fonts[$font])) { return unserialize($this->readDiskCache($this->fonts[$font])); } elseif (isset($this->fonts[$font])) { return $this->fonts[$font]; } return false; } public function getFontDescent($font, $style = '', $size = 0) { $fontdata = $this->AddFont($font, $style); $fontinfo = $this->getFontBuffer($fontdata['fontkey']); if (isset($fontinfo['desc']['Descent']) and ($fontinfo['desc']['Descent'] <= 0)) { $descent = (-$fontinfo['desc']['Descent'] * $size / 1000); } else { $descent = (1.219 * 0.24 * $size); } return ($descent / $this->k); } function writeHTML($html, $ln = true, $fill = false, $reseth = false, $cell = false, $align = '') { $gvars = $this->getGraphicVars(); // store current values $prev_cell_margin = $this->cell_margin; $prev_cell_padding = $this->cell_padding; $prevPage = $this->page; $prevlMargin = $this->lMargin; $prevrMargin = $this->rMargin; $curfontname = $this->FontFamily; $curfontstyle = $this->FontStyle; $curfontsize = $this->FontSizePt; $curfontascent = $this->getFontAscent($curfontname, $curfontstyle, $curfontsize); $curfontdescent = $this->getFontDescent($curfontname, $curfontstyle, $curfontsize); $curfontstretcing = $this->font_stretching; $curfonttracking = $this->font_spacing; $this->newline = true; $newline = true; $startlinepage = $this->page; $minstartliney = $this->y; $maxbottomliney = 0; $startlinex = $this->x; $startliney = $this->y; $yshift = 0; $loop = 0; $curpos = 0; $this_method_vars = array(); $undo = false; $fontaligned = false; $reverse_dir = false; // true when the text direction is reversed $this->premode = false; if ($this->inxobj) { // we are inside an XObject template $pask = count($this->xobjects[$this->xobjid]['annotations']); } elseif (isset($this->PageAnnots[$this->page])) { $pask = count($this->PageAnnots[$this->page]); } else { $pask = 0; } if ($this->inxobj) { // we are inside an XObject template $startlinepos = strlen($this->xobjects[$this->xobjid]['outdata']); } elseif (!$this->InFooter) { if (isset($this->footerlen[$this->page])) { $this->footerpos[$this->page] = $this->pagelen[$this->page] - $this->footerlen[$this->page]; } else { $this->footerpos[$this->page] = $this->pagelen[$this->page]; } $startlinepos = $this->footerpos[$this->page]; } else { // we are inside the footer $startlinepos = $this->pagelen[$this->page]; } $lalign = $align; $plalign = $align; if ($this->rtl) { $w = $this->x - $this->lMargin; } else { $w = $this->w - $this->rMargin - $this->x; } $w -= ($this->cell_padding['L'] + $this->cell_padding['R']); if ($cell) { if ($this->rtl) { $this->x -= $this->cell_padding['R']; $this->lMargin += $this->cell_padding['R']; } else { $this->x += $this->cell_padding['L']; $this->rMargin += $this->cell_padding['L']; } } if ($this->customlistindent >= 0) { $this->listindent = $this->customlistindent; } else { $this->listindent = $this->GetStringWidth('000000'); } $this->listindentlevel = 0; // save previous states $prev_cell_height_ratio = $this->cell_height_ratio; $prev_listnum = $this->listnum; $prev_listordered = $this->listordered; $prev_listcount = $this->listcount; $prev_lispacer = $this->lispacer; $this->listnum = 0; $this->listordered = array(); $this->listcount = array(); $this->lispacer = ''; if ((TCPDF_STATIC::empty_string($this->lasth)) or ($reseth)) { // reset row height $this->resetLastH(); } $dom = $this->getHtmlDomArray($html); $maxel = count($dom); $key = 0; while ($key < $maxel) { if ($dom[$key]['tag'] and $dom[$key]['opening'] and $dom[$key]['hide']) { // store the node key $hidden_node_key = $key; if ($dom[$key]['self']) { // skip just this self-closing tag ++$key; } else { // skip this and all children tags while (($key < $maxel) and (!$dom[$key]['tag'] or $dom[$key]['opening'] or ($dom[$key]['parent'] != $hidden_node_key))) { // skip hidden objects ++$key; } ++$key; } } if ($dom[$key]['tag'] and isset($dom[$key]['attribute']['pagebreak'])) { // check for pagebreak if (($dom[$key]['attribute']['pagebreak'] == 'true') or ($dom[$key]['attribute']['pagebreak'] == 'left') or ($dom[$key]['attribute']['pagebreak'] == 'right')) { // add a page (or trig AcceptPageBreak() for multicolumn mode) $this->checkPageBreak($this->PageBreakTrigger + 1); $this->htmlvspace = ($this->PageBreakTrigger + 1); } if ((($dom[$key]['attribute']['pagebreak'] == 'left') and (((!$this->rtl) and (($this->page % 2) == 0)) or (($this->rtl) and (($this->page % 2) != 0)))) or (($dom[$key]['attribute']['pagebreak'] == 'right') and (((!$this->rtl) and (($this->page % 2) != 0)) or (($this->rtl) and (($this->page % 2) == 0)))) ) { // add a page (or trig AcceptPageBreak() for multicolumn mode) $this->checkPageBreak($this->PageBreakTrigger + 1); $this->htmlvspace = ($this->PageBreakTrigger + 1); } } if ($dom[$key]['tag'] and $dom[$key]['opening'] and isset($dom[$key]['attribute']['nobr']) and ($dom[$key]['attribute']['nobr'] == 'true')) { if (isset($dom[($dom[$key]['parent'])]['attribute']['nobr']) and ($dom[($dom[$key]['parent'])]['attribute']['nobr'] == 'true')) { $dom[$key]['attribute']['nobr'] = false; } else { // store current object $this->startTransaction(); // save this method vars $this_method_vars['html'] = $html; $this_method_vars['ln'] = $ln; $this_method_vars['fill'] = $fill; $this_method_vars['reseth'] = $reseth; $this_method_vars['cell'] = $cell; $this_method_vars['align'] = $align; $this_method_vars['gvars'] = $gvars; $this_method_vars['prevPage'] = $prevPage; $this_method_vars['prev_cell_margin'] = $prev_cell_margin; $this_method_vars['prev_cell_padding'] = $prev_cell_padding; $this_method_vars['prevlMargin'] = $prevlMargin; $this_method_vars['prevrMargin'] = $prevrMargin; $this_method_vars['curfontname'] = $curfontname; $this_method_vars['curfontstyle'] = $curfontstyle; $this_method_vars['curfontsize'] = $curfontsize; $this_method_vars['curfontascent'] = $curfontascent; $this_method_vars['curfontdescent'] = $curfontdescent; $this_method_vars['curfontstretcing'] = $curfontstretcing; $this_method_vars['curfonttracking'] = $curfonttracking; $this_method_vars['minstartliney'] = $minstartliney; $this_method_vars['maxbottomliney'] = $maxbottomliney; $this_method_vars['yshift'] = $yshift; $this_method_vars['startlinepage'] = $startlinepage; $this_method_vars['startlinepos'] = $startlinepos; $this_method_vars['startlinex'] = $startlinex; $this_method_vars['startliney'] = $startliney; $this_method_vars['newline'] = $newline; $this_method_vars['loop'] = $loop; $this_method_vars['curpos'] = $curpos; $this_method_vars['pask'] = $pask; $this_method_vars['lalign'] = $lalign; $this_method_vars['plalign'] = $plalign; $this_method_vars['w'] = $w; $this_method_vars['prev_cell_height_ratio'] = $prev_cell_height_ratio; $this_method_vars['prev_listnum'] = $prev_listnum; $this_method_vars['prev_listordered'] = $prev_listordered; $this_method_vars['prev_listcount'] = $prev_listcount; $this_method_vars['prev_lispacer'] = $prev_lispacer; $this_method_vars['fontaligned'] = $fontaligned; $this_method_vars['key'] = $key; $this_method_vars['dom'] = $dom; } } // print THEAD block if (($dom[$key]['value'] == 'tr') and isset($dom[$key]['thead']) and $dom[$key]['thead']) { if (isset($dom[$key]['parent']) and isset($dom[$dom[$key]['parent']]['thead']) and !TCPDF_STATIC::empty_string($dom[$dom[$key]['parent']]['thead'])) { $this->inthead = true; // print table header (thead) $this->writeHTML($this->thead, false, false, false, false, ''); // check if we are on a new page or on a new column if (($this->y < $this->start_transaction_y) or ($this->checkPageBreak($this->lasth, '', false))) { // we are on a new page or on a new column and the total object height is less than the available vertical space. // restore previous object $this->rollbackTransaction(true); // restore previous values foreach ($this_method_vars as $vkey => $vval) { $$vkey = $vval; } // disable table header $tmp_thead = $this->thead; $this->thead = ''; // add a page (or trig AcceptPageBreak() for multicolumn mode) $pre_y = $this->y; if ((!$this->checkPageBreak($this->PageBreakTrigger + 1)) and ($this->y < $pre_y)) { // fix for multicolumn mode $startliney = $this->y; } $this->start_transaction_page = $this->page; $this->start_transaction_y = $this->y; // restore table header $this->thead = $tmp_thead; // fix table border properties if (isset($dom[$dom[$key]['parent']]['attribute']['cellspacing'])) { $tmp_cellspacing = $this->getHTMLUnitToUnits($dom[$dom[$key]['parent']]['attribute']['cellspacing'], 1, 'px'); } elseif (isset($dom[$dom[$key]['parent']]['border-spacing'])) { $tmp_cellspacing = $dom[$dom[$key]['parent']]['border-spacing']['V']; } else { $tmp_cellspacing = 0; } $dom[$dom[$key]['parent']]['borderposition']['page'] = $this->page; $dom[$dom[$key]['parent']]['borderposition']['column'] = $this->current_column; $dom[$dom[$key]['parent']]['borderposition']['y'] = $this->y + $tmp_cellspacing; $xoffset = ($this->x - $dom[$dom[$key]['parent']]['borderposition']['x']); $dom[$dom[$key]['parent']]['borderposition']['x'] += $xoffset; $dom[$dom[$key]['parent']]['borderposition']['xmax'] += $xoffset; // print table header (thead) $this->writeHTML($this->thead, false, false, false, false, ''); } } // move $key index forward to skip THEAD block while (($key < $maxel) and (!( ($dom[$key]['tag'] and $dom[$key]['opening'] and ($dom[$key]['value'] == 'tr') and (!isset($dom[$key]['thead']) or !$dom[$key]['thead'])) or ($dom[$key]['tag'] and (!$dom[$key]['opening']) and ($dom[$key]['value'] == 'table'))))) { ++$key; } } if ($dom[$key]['tag'] or ($key == 0)) { if ((($dom[$key]['value'] == 'table') or ($dom[$key]['value'] == 'tr')) and (isset($dom[$key]['align']))) { $dom[$key]['align'] = ($this->rtl) ? 'R' : 'L'; } // vertically align image in line if ((!$this->newline) and ($dom[$key]['value'] == 'img') and (isset($dom[$key]['height'])) and ($dom[$key]['height'] > 0)) { // get image height $imgh = $this->getHTMLUnitToUnits($dom[$key]['height'], $this->lasth, 'px'); $autolinebreak = false; if (isset($dom[$key]['width']) and ($dom[$key]['width'] > 0)) { $imgw = $this->getHTMLUnitToUnits($dom[$key]['width'], 1, 'px', false); if (($imgw <= ($this->w - $this->lMargin - $this->rMargin - $this->cell_padding['L'] - $this->cell_padding['R'])) and ((($this->rtl) and (($this->x - $imgw) < ($this->lMargin + $this->cell_padding['L']))) or ((!$this->rtl) and (($this->x + $imgw) > ($this->w - $this->rMargin - $this->cell_padding['R'])))) ) { // add automatic line break $autolinebreak = true; $this->Ln('', $cell); if ((!$dom[($key - 1)]['tag']) and ($dom[($key - 1)]['value'] == ' ')) { // go back to evaluate this line break --$key; } } } if (!$autolinebreak) { if ($this->inPageBody()) { $pre_y = $this->y; // check for page break if ((!$this->checkPageBreak($imgh)) and ($this->y < $pre_y)) { // fix for multicolumn mode $startliney = $this->y; } } if ($this->page > $startlinepage) { // fix line splitted over two pages if (isset($this->footerlen[$startlinepage])) { $curpos = $this->pagelen[$startlinepage] - $this->footerlen[$startlinepage]; } // line to be moved one page forward $pagebuff = $this->getPageBuffer($startlinepage); $linebeg = substr($pagebuff, $startlinepos, ($curpos - $startlinepos)); $tstart = substr($pagebuff, 0, $startlinepos); $tend = substr($this->getPageBuffer($startlinepage), $curpos); // remove line from previous page $this->setPageBuffer($startlinepage, $tstart . '' . $tend); $pagebuff = $this->getPageBuffer($this->page); $tstart = substr($pagebuff, 0, $this->cntmrk[$this->page]); $tend = substr($pagebuff, $this->cntmrk[$this->page]); // add line start to current page $yshift = ($minstartliney - $this->y); if ($fontaligned) { $yshift += ($curfontsize / $this->k); } $try = sprintf('1 0 0 1 0 %F cm', ($yshift * $this->k)); $this->setPageBuffer($this->page, $tstart . "\nq\n" . $try . "\n" . $linebeg . "\nQ\n" . $tend); // shift the annotations and links if (isset($this->PageAnnots[$this->page])) { $next_pask = count($this->PageAnnots[$this->page]); } else { $next_pask = 0; } if (isset($this->PageAnnots[$startlinepage])) { foreach ($this->PageAnnots[$startlinepage] as $pak => $pac) { if ($pak >= $pask) { $this->PageAnnots[$this->page][] = $pac; unset($this->PageAnnots[$startlinepage][$pak]); $npak = count($this->PageAnnots[$this->page]) - 1; $this->PageAnnots[$this->page][$npak]['y'] -= $yshift; } } } $pask = $next_pask; $startlinepos = $this->cntmrk[$this->page]; $startlinepage = $this->page; $startliney = $this->y; $this->newline = false; } $this->y += (($this->getCellHeight($curfontsize / $this->k) + $curfontascent - $curfontdescent) / 2) - $imgh; $minstartliney = min($this->y, $minstartliney); $maxbottomliney = ($startliney + $this->getCellHeight($this->FontSize)); } } elseif (isset($dom[$key]['fontname']) or isset($dom[$key]['fontstyle']) or isset($dom[$key]['fontsize']) or isset($dom[$key]['line-height'])) { // account for different font size $pfontname = $curfontname; $pfontstyle = $curfontstyle; $pfontsize = $curfontsize; $fontname = (isset($dom[$key]['fontname']) ? $dom[$key]['fontname'] : $curfontname); $fontstyle = (isset($dom[$key]['fontstyle']) ? $dom[$key]['fontstyle'] : $curfontstyle); $fontsize = (isset($dom[$key]['fontsize']) ? $dom[$key]['fontsize'] : $curfontsize); $fontascent = $this->getFontAscent($fontname, $fontstyle, $fontsize); $fontdescent = $this->getFontDescent($fontname, $fontstyle, $fontsize); if (($fontname != $curfontname) or ($fontstyle != $curfontstyle) or ($fontsize != $curfontsize) or ($this->cell_height_ratio != $dom[$key]['line-height']) or ($dom[$key]['tag'] and $dom[$key]['opening'] and ($dom[$key]['value'] == 'li')) ) { if (($key < ($maxel - 1)) and ( ($dom[$key]['tag'] and $dom[$key]['opening'] and ($dom[$key]['value'] == 'li')) or ($this->cell_height_ratio != $dom[$key]['line-height']) or (!$this->newline and is_numeric($fontsize) and is_numeric($curfontsize) and ($fontsize >= 0) and ($curfontsize >= 0) and ($fontsize != $curfontsize)))) { if ($this->page > $startlinepage) { // fix lines splitted over two pages if (isset($this->footerlen[$startlinepage])) { $curpos = $this->pagelen[$startlinepage] - $this->footerlen[$startlinepage]; } // line to be moved one page forward $pagebuff = $this->getPageBuffer($startlinepage); $linebeg = substr($pagebuff, $startlinepos, ($curpos - $startlinepos)); $tstart = substr($pagebuff, 0, $startlinepos); $tend = substr($this->getPageBuffer($startlinepage), $curpos); // remove line start from previous page $this->setPageBuffer($startlinepage, $tstart . '' . $tend); $pagebuff = $this->getPageBuffer($this->page); $tstart = substr($pagebuff, 0, $this->cntmrk[$this->page]); $tend = substr($pagebuff, $this->cntmrk[$this->page]); // add line start to current page $yshift = ($minstartliney - $this->y); $try = sprintf('1 0 0 1 0 %F cm', ($yshift * $this->k)); $this->setPageBuffer($this->page, $tstart . "\nq\n" . $try . "\n" . $linebeg . "\nQ\n" . $tend); // shift the annotations and links if (isset($this->PageAnnots[$this->page])) { $next_pask = count($this->PageAnnots[$this->page]); } else { $next_pask = 0; } if (isset($this->PageAnnots[$startlinepage])) { foreach ($this->PageAnnots[$startlinepage] as $pak => $pac) { if ($pak >= $pask) { $this->PageAnnots[$this->page][] = $pac; unset($this->PageAnnots[$startlinepage][$pak]); $npak = count($this->PageAnnots[$this->page]) - 1; $this->PageAnnots[$this->page][$npak]['y'] -= $yshift; } } } $pask = $next_pask; $startlinepos = $this->cntmrk[$this->page]; $startlinepage = $this->page; $startliney = $this->y; } if (!isset($dom[$key]['line-height'])) { $dom[$key]['line-height'] = $this->cell_height_ratio; } if (!$dom[$key]['block']) { if (!(isset($dom[($key + 1)]) and $dom[($key + 1)]['tag'] and (!$dom[($key + 1)]['opening']) and ($dom[($key + 1)]['value'] != 'li') and $dom[$key]['tag'] and (!$dom[$key]['opening']))) { $this->y += (((($curfontsize * $this->cell_height_ratio) - ($fontsize * $dom[$key]['line-height'])) / $this->k) + $curfontascent - $fontascent - $curfontdescent + $fontdescent) / 2; } if (($dom[$key]['value'] != 'sup') and ($dom[$key]['value'] != 'sub')) { $current_line_align_data = array($key, $minstartliney, $maxbottomliney); if (isset($line_align_data) and (($line_align_data[0] == ($key - 1)) or (($line_align_data[0] == ($key - 2)) and (isset($dom[($key - 1)])) and (preg_match('/^([\s]+)$/', $dom[($key - 1)]['value']) > 0)))) { $minstartliney = min($this->y, $line_align_data[1]); $maxbottomliney = max(($this->y + $this->getCellHeight($fontsize / $this->k)), $line_align_data[2]); } else { $minstartliney = min($this->y, $minstartliney); $maxbottomliney = max(($this->y + $this->getCellHeight($fontsize / $this->k)), $maxbottomliney); } $line_align_data = $current_line_align_data; } } $this->cell_height_ratio = $dom[$key]['line-height']; $fontaligned = true; } $this->SetFont($fontname, $fontstyle, $fontsize); // reset row height $this->resetLastH(); $curfontname = $fontname; $curfontstyle = $fontstyle; $curfontsize = $fontsize; $curfontascent = $fontascent; $curfontdescent = $fontdescent; } } // set text rendering mode $textstroke = isset($dom[$key]['stroke']) ? $dom[$key]['stroke'] : $this->textstrokewidth; $textfill = isset($dom[$key]['fill']) ? $dom[$key]['fill'] : (($this->textrendermode % 2) == 0); $textclip = isset($dom[$key]['clip']) ? $dom[$key]['clip'] : ($this->textrendermode > 3); $this->setTextRenderingMode($textstroke, $textfill, $textclip); if (isset($dom[$key]['font-stretch']) and ($dom[$key]['font-stretch'] !== false)) { $this->setFontStretching($dom[$key]['font-stretch']); } if (isset($dom[$key]['letter-spacing']) and ($dom[$key]['letter-spacing'] !== false)) { $this->setFontSpacing($dom[$key]['letter-spacing']); } if (($plalign == 'J') and $dom[$key]['block']) { $plalign = ''; } // get current position on page buffer $curpos = $this->pagelen[$startlinepage]; if (isset($dom[$key]['bgcolor']) and ($dom[$key]['bgcolor'] !== false)) { $this->SetFillColorArray($dom[$key]['bgcolor']); $wfill = true; } else { $wfill = $fill | false; } if (isset($dom[$key]['fgcolor']) and ($dom[$key]['fgcolor'] !== false)) { $this->SetTextColorArray($dom[$key]['fgcolor']); } if (isset($dom[$key]['strokecolor']) and ($dom[$key]['strokecolor'] !== false)) { $this->SetDrawColorArray($dom[$key]['strokecolor']); } if (isset($dom[$key]['align'])) { $lalign = $dom[$key]['align']; } if (TCPDF_STATIC::empty_string($lalign)) { $lalign = $align; } } // align lines if ($this->newline and (strlen($dom[$key]['value']) > 0) and ($dom[$key]['value'] != 'td') and ($dom[$key]['value'] != 'th')) { $newline = true; $fontaligned = false; // we are at the beginning of a new line if (isset($startlinex)) { $yshift = ($minstartliney - $startliney); if (($yshift > 0) or ($this->page > $startlinepage)) { $yshift = 0; } $t_x = 0; // the last line must be shifted to be aligned as requested $linew = abs($this->endlinex - $startlinex); if ($this->inxobj) { // we are inside an XObject template $pstart = substr($this->xobjects[$this->xobjid]['outdata'], 0, $startlinepos); if (isset($opentagpos)) { $midpos = $opentagpos; } else { $midpos = 0; } if ($midpos > 0) { $pmid = substr($this->xobjects[$this->xobjid]['outdata'], $startlinepos, ($midpos - $startlinepos)); $pend = substr($this->xobjects[$this->xobjid]['outdata'], $midpos); } else { $pmid = substr($this->xobjects[$this->xobjid]['outdata'], $startlinepos); $pend = ''; } } else { $pstart = substr($this->getPageBuffer($startlinepage), 0, $startlinepos); if (isset($opentagpos) and isset($this->footerlen[$startlinepage]) and (!$this->InFooter)) { $this->footerpos[$startlinepage] = $this->pagelen[$startlinepage] - $this->footerlen[$startlinepage]; $midpos = min($opentagpos, $this->footerpos[$startlinepage]); } elseif (isset($opentagpos)) { $midpos = $opentagpos; } elseif (isset($this->footerlen[$startlinepage]) and (!$this->InFooter)) { $this->footerpos[$startlinepage] = $this->pagelen[$startlinepage] - $this->footerlen[$startlinepage]; $midpos = $this->footerpos[$startlinepage]; } else { $midpos = 0; } if ($midpos > 0) { $pmid = substr($this->getPageBuffer($startlinepage), $startlinepos, ($midpos - $startlinepos)); $pend = substr($this->getPageBuffer($startlinepage), $midpos); } else { $pmid = substr($this->getPageBuffer($startlinepage), $startlinepos); $pend = ''; } } if ((isset($plalign) and ((($plalign == 'C') or ($plalign == 'J') or (($plalign == 'R') and (!$this->rtl)) or (($plalign == 'L') and ($this->rtl)))))) { // calculate shifting amount $tw = $w; if (($plalign == 'J') and $this->isRTLTextDir() and ($this->num_columns > 1)) { $tw += $this->cell_padding['R']; } if ($this->lMargin != $prevlMargin) { $tw += ($prevlMargin - $this->lMargin); } if ($this->rMargin != $prevrMargin) { $tw += ($prevrMargin - $this->rMargin); } $one_space_width = $this->GetStringWidth(chr(32)); $no = 0; // number of spaces on a line contained on a single block if ($this->isRTLTextDir()) { // RTL // remove left space if exist $pos1 = TCPDF_STATIC::revstrpos($pmid, '[('); if ($pos1 > 0) { $pos1 = intval($pos1); if ($this->isUnicodeFont()) { $pos2 = intval(TCPDF_STATIC::revstrpos($pmid, '[(' . chr(0) . chr(32))); $spacelen = 2; } else { $pos2 = intval(TCPDF_STATIC::revstrpos($pmid, '[(' . chr(32))); $spacelen = 1; } if ($pos1 == $pos2) { $pmid = substr($pmid, 0, ($pos1 + 2)) . substr($pmid, ($pos1 + 2 + $spacelen)); if (substr($pmid, $pos1, 4) == '[()]') { $linew -= $one_space_width; } elseif ($pos1 == strpos($pmid, '[(')) { $no = 1; } } } } else { // LTR // remove right space if exist $pos1 = TCPDF_STATIC::revstrpos($pmid, ')]'); if ($pos1 > 0) { $pos1 = intval($pos1); if ($this->isUnicodeFont()) { $pos2 = intval(TCPDF_STATIC::revstrpos($pmid, chr(0) . chr(32) . ')]')) + 2; $spacelen = 2; } else { $pos2 = intval(TCPDF_STATIC::revstrpos($pmid, chr(32) . ')]')) + 1; $spacelen = 1; } if ($pos1 == $pos2) { $pmid = substr($pmid, 0, ($pos1 - $spacelen)) . substr($pmid, $pos1); $linew -= $one_space_width; } } } $mdiff = ($tw - $linew); if ($plalign == 'C') { if ($this->rtl) { $t_x = - ($mdiff / 2); } else { $t_x = ($mdiff / 2); } } elseif ($plalign == 'R') { // right alignment on LTR document $t_x = $mdiff; } elseif ($plalign == 'L') { // left alignment on RTL document $t_x = -$mdiff; } elseif (($plalign == 'J') and ($plalign == $lalign)) { // Justification if ($this->isRTLTextDir()) { // align text on the left $t_x = -$mdiff; } $ns = 0; // number of spaces $pmidtemp = $pmid; // escape special characters $pmidtemp = preg_replace('/[\\\][\(]/x', '\\#!#OP#!#', $pmidtemp); $pmidtemp = preg_replace('/[\\\][\)]/x', '\\#!#CP#!#', $pmidtemp); // search spaces if (preg_match_all('/\[\(([^\)]*)\)\]/x', $pmidtemp, $lnstring, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER)) { $spacestr = $this->getSpaceString(); $maxkk = count($lnstring[1]) - 1; for ($kk = 0; $kk <= $maxkk; ++$kk) { // restore special characters $lnstring[1][$kk] = str_replace('#!#OP#!#', '(', $lnstring[1][$kk]); $lnstring[1][$kk] = str_replace('#!#CP#!#', ')', $lnstring[1][$kk]); // store number of spaces on the strings $lnstring[2][$kk] = substr_count($lnstring[1][$kk], $spacestr); // count total spaces on line $ns += $lnstring[2][$kk]; $lnstring[3][$kk] = $ns; } if ($ns == 0) { $ns = 1; } // calculate additional space to add to each existing space $spacewidth = ($mdiff / ($ns - $no)) * $this->k; if ($this->FontSize <= 0) { $this->FontSize = 1; } $spacewidthu = -1000 * ($mdiff + (($ns + $no) * $one_space_width)) / $ns / $this->FontSize; if ($this->font_spacing != 0) { // fixed spacing mode $osw = -1000 * $this->font_spacing / $this->FontSize; $spacewidthu += $osw; } $nsmax = $ns; $ns = 0; reset($lnstring); $offset = 0; $strcount = 0; $prev_epsposbeg = 0; $textpos = 0; if ($this->isRTLTextDir()) { $textpos = $this->wPt; } while (preg_match('/([0-9\.\+\-]*)[\s](Td|cm|m|l|c|re)[\s]/x', $pmid, $strpiece, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset) == 1) { // check if we are inside a string section '[( ... )]' $stroffset = strpos($pmid, '[(', $offset); if (($stroffset !== false) and ($stroffset <= $strpiece[2][1])) { // set offset to the end of string section $offset = strpos($pmid, ')]', $stroffset); while (($offset !== false) and ($pmid[($offset - 1)] == '\\')) { $offset = strpos($pmid, ')]', ($offset + 1)); } if ($offset === false) { $this->Error('HTML Justification: malformed PDF code.'); } continue; } if ($this->isRTLTextDir()) { $spacew = ($spacewidth * ($nsmax - $ns)); } else { $spacew = ($spacewidth * $ns); } $offset = $strpiece[2][1] + strlen($strpiece[2][0]); $epsposbeg = strpos($pmid, 'q' . $this->epsmarker, $offset); $epsposend = strpos($pmid, $this->epsmarker . 'Q', $offset) + strlen($this->epsmarker . 'Q'); if ((($epsposbeg > 0) and ($epsposend > 0) and ($offset > $epsposbeg) and ($offset < $epsposend)) or (($epsposbeg === false) and ($epsposend > 0) and ($offset < $epsposend)) ) { // shift EPS images $trx = sprintf('1 0 0 1 %F 0 cm', $spacew); $epsposbeg = strpos($pmid, 'q' . $this->epsmarker, ($prev_epsposbeg - 6)); $pmid_b = substr($pmid, 0, $epsposbeg); $pmid_m = substr($pmid, $epsposbeg, ($epsposend - $epsposbeg)); $pmid_e = substr($pmid, $epsposend); $pmid = $pmid_b . "\nq\n" . $trx . "\n" . $pmid_m . "\nQ\n" . $pmid_e; $offset = $epsposend; continue; } $prev_epsposbeg = $epsposbeg; $currentxpos = 0; // shift blocks of code switch ($strpiece[2][0]) { case 'Td': case 'cm': case 'm': case 'l': { // get current X position preg_match('/([0-9\.\+\-]*)[\s](' . $strpiece[1][0] . ')[\s](' . $strpiece[2][0] . ')([\s]*)/x', $pmid, $xmatches); if (!isset($xmatches[1])) { break; } $currentxpos = $xmatches[1]; $textpos = $currentxpos; if (($strcount <= $maxkk) and ($strpiece[2][0] == 'Td')) { $ns = $lnstring[3][$strcount]; if ($this->isRTLTextDir()) { $spacew = ($spacewidth * ($nsmax - $ns)); } ++$strcount; } // justify block if (preg_match('/([0-9\.\+\-]*)[\s](' . $strpiece[1][0] . ')[\s](' . $strpiece[2][0] . ')([\s]*)/x', $pmid, $pmatch) == 1) { $newpmid = sprintf('%F', (floatval($pmatch[1]) + $spacew)) . ' ' . $pmatch[2] . ' x*#!#*x' . $pmatch[3] . $pmatch[4]; $pmid = str_replace($pmatch[0], $newpmid, $pmid); unset($pmatch, $newpmid); } break; } case 're': { // justify block if (!TCPDF_STATIC::empty_string($this->lispacer)) { $this->lispacer = ''; continue; } preg_match('/([0-9\.\+\-]*)[\s]([0-9\.\+\-]*)[\s]([0-9\.\+\-]*)[\s](' . $strpiece[1][0] . ')[\s](re)([\s]*)/x', $pmid, $xmatches); if (!isset($xmatches[1])) { break; } $currentxpos = $xmatches[1]; $x_diff = 0; $w_diff = 0; if ($this->isRTLTextDir()) { // RTL if ($currentxpos < $textpos) { $x_diff = ($spacewidth * ($nsmax - $lnstring[3][$strcount])); $w_diff = ($spacewidth * $lnstring[2][$strcount]); } else { if ($strcount > 0) { $x_diff = ($spacewidth * ($nsmax - $lnstring[3][($strcount - 1)])); $w_diff = ($spacewidth * $lnstring[2][($strcount - 1)]); } } } else { // LTR if ($currentxpos > $textpos) { if ($strcount > 0) { $x_diff = ($spacewidth * $lnstring[3][($strcount - 1)]); } $w_diff = ($spacewidth * $lnstring[2][$strcount]); } else { if ($strcount > 1) { $x_diff = ($spacewidth * $lnstring[3][($strcount - 2)]); } if ($strcount > 0) { $w_diff = ($spacewidth * $lnstring[2][($strcount - 1)]); } } } if (preg_match('/(' . $xmatches[1] . ')[\s](' . $xmatches[2] . ')[\s](' . $xmatches[3] . ')[\s](' . $strpiece[1][0] . ')[\s](re)([\s]*)/x', $pmid, $pmatch) == 1) { $newx = sprintf('%F', (floatval($pmatch[1]) + $x_diff)); $neww = sprintf('%F', (floatval($pmatch[3]) + $w_diff)); $newpmid = $newx . ' ' . $pmatch[2] . ' ' . $neww . ' ' . $pmatch[4] . ' x*#!#*x' . $pmatch[5] . $pmatch[6]; $pmid = str_replace($pmatch[0], $newpmid, $pmid); unset($pmatch, $newpmid, $newx, $neww); } break; } case 'c': { // get current X position preg_match('/([0-9\.\+\-]*)[\s]([0-9\.\+\-]*)[\s]([0-9\.\+\-]*)[\s]([0-9\.\+\-]*)[\s]([0-9\.\+\-]*)[\s](' . $strpiece[1][0] . ')[\s](c)([\s]*)/x', $pmid, $xmatches); if (!isset($xmatches[1])) { break; } $currentxpos = $xmatches[1]; // justify block if (preg_match('/(' . $xmatches[1] . ')[\s](' . $xmatches[2] . ')[\s](' . $xmatches[3] . ')[\s](' . $xmatches[4] . ')[\s](' . $xmatches[5] . ')[\s](' . $strpiece[1][0] . ')[\s](c)([\s]*)/x', $pmid, $pmatch) == 1) { $newx1 = sprintf('%F', (floatval($pmatch[1]) + $spacew)); $newx2 = sprintf('%F', (floatval($pmatch[3]) + $spacew)); $newx3 = sprintf('%F', (floatval($pmatch[5]) + $spacew)); $newpmid = $newx1 . ' ' . $pmatch[2] . ' ' . $newx2 . ' ' . $pmatch[4] . ' ' . $newx3 . ' ' . $pmatch[6] . ' x*#!#*x' . $pmatch[7] . $pmatch[8]; $pmid = str_replace($pmatch[0], $newpmid, $pmid); unset($pmatch, $newpmid, $newx1, $newx2, $newx3); } break; } } // shift the annotations and links $cxpos = ($currentxpos / $this->k); $lmpos = ($this->lMargin + $this->cell_padding['L'] + $this->feps); if ($this->inxobj) { // we are inside an XObject template foreach ($this->xobjects[$this->xobjid]['annotations'] as $pak => $pac) { if (($pac['y'] >= $minstartliney) and (($pac['x'] * $this->k) >= ($currentxpos - $this->feps)) and (($pac['x'] * $this->k) <= ($currentxpos + $this->feps))) { if ($cxpos > $lmpos) { $this->xobjects[$this->xobjid]['annotations'][$pak]['x'] += ($spacew / $this->k); $this->xobjects[$this->xobjid]['annotations'][$pak]['w'] += (($spacewidth * $pac['numspaces']) / $this->k); } else { $this->xobjects[$this->xobjid]['annotations'][$pak]['w'] += (($spacewidth * $pac['numspaces']) / $this->k); } break; } } } elseif (isset($this->PageAnnots[$this->page])) { foreach ($this->PageAnnots[$this->page] as $pak => $pac) { if (($pac['y'] >= $minstartliney) and (($pac['x'] * $this->k) >= ($currentxpos - $this->feps)) and (($pac['x'] * $this->k) <= ($currentxpos + $this->feps))) { if ($cxpos > $lmpos) { $this->PageAnnots[$this->page][$pak]['x'] += ($spacew / $this->k); $this->PageAnnots[$this->page][$pak]['w'] += (($spacewidth * $pac['numspaces']) / $this->k); } else { $this->PageAnnots[$this->page][$pak]['w'] += (($spacewidth * $pac['numspaces']) / $this->k); } break; } } } } // end of while // remove markers $pmid = str_replace('x*#!#*x', '', $pmid); if ($this->isUnicodeFont()) { // multibyte characters $spacew = $spacewidthu; if ($this->font_stretching != 100) { // word spacing is affected by stretching $spacew /= ($this->font_stretching / 100); } // escape special characters $pmid = preg_replace('/[\\\][\(]/x', '\\#!#OP#!#', $pmid); $pmid = preg_replace('/[\\\][\)]/x', '\\#!#CP#!#', $pmid); if (preg_match_all('/\[\(([^\)]*)\)\]/x', $pmid, $pamatch) > 0) { foreach ($pamatch[0] as $pk => $pmatch) { $pmatch = str_replace('#!#OP#!#', '(', $pmatch); $pmatch = str_replace('#!#CP#!#', ')', $pmatch); $newpmid = '[(' . str_replace(chr(0) . chr(32), ') ' . sprintf('%F', $spacew) . ' (', $pamatch[1][$pk]) . ')]'; $pmid = str_replace($pmatch, $newpmid, $pmid); } unset($pamatch); } if ($this->inxobj) { // we are inside an XObject template $this->xobjects[$this->xobjid]['outdata'] = $pstart . "\n" . $pmid . "\n" . $pend; } else { $this->setPageBuffer($startlinepage, $pstart . "\n" . $pmid . "\n" . $pend); } $endlinepos = strlen($pstart . "\n" . $pmid . "\n"); } else { // non-unicode (single-byte characters) if ($this->font_stretching != 100) { // word spacing (Tw) is affected by stretching $spacewidth /= ($this->font_stretching / 100); } $rs = sprintf('%F Tw', $spacewidth); $pmid = preg_replace("/\[\(/x", $rs . ' [(', $pmid); if ($this->inxobj) { // we are inside an XObject template $this->xobjects[$this->xobjid]['outdata'] = $pstart . "\n" . $pmid . "\nBT 0 Tw ET\n" . $pend; } else { $this->setPageBuffer($startlinepage, $pstart . "\n" . $pmid . "\nBT 0 Tw ET\n" . $pend); } $endlinepos = strlen($pstart . "\n" . $pmid . "\nBT 0 Tw ET\n"); } } } // end of J } // end if $startlinex if (($t_x != 0) or ($yshift < 0)) { // shift the line $trx = sprintf('1 0 0 1 %F %F cm', ($t_x * $this->k), ($yshift * $this->k)); $pstart .= "\nq\n" . $trx . "\n" . $pmid . "\nQ\n"; $endlinepos = strlen($pstart); if ($this->inxobj) { // we are inside an XObject template $this->xobjects[$this->xobjid]['outdata'] = $pstart . $pend; foreach ($this->xobjects[$this->xobjid]['annotations'] as $pak => $pac) { if ($pak >= $pask) { $this->xobjects[$this->xobjid]['annotations'][$pak]['x'] += $t_x; $this->xobjects[$this->xobjid]['annotations'][$pak]['y'] -= $yshift; } } } else { $this->setPageBuffer($startlinepage, $pstart . $pend); // shift the annotations and links if (isset($this->PageAnnots[$this->page])) { foreach ($this->PageAnnots[$this->page] as $pak => $pac) { if ($pak >= $pask) { $this->PageAnnots[$this->page][$pak]['x'] += $t_x; $this->PageAnnots[$this->page][$pak]['y'] -= $yshift; } } } } $this->y -= $yshift; } } $pbrk = $this->checkPageBreak($this->lasth); $this->newline = false; $startlinex = $this->x; $startliney = $this->y; if ($dom[$dom[$key]['parent']]['value'] == 'sup') { $startliney -= ((0.3 * $this->FontSizePt) / $this->k); } elseif ($dom[$dom[$key]['parent']]['value'] == 'sub') { $startliney -= (($this->FontSizePt / 0.7) / $this->k); } else { $minstartliney = $startliney; $maxbottomliney = ($this->y + $this->getCellHeight($fontsize / $this->k)); } $startlinepage = $this->page; if (isset($endlinepos) and (!$pbrk)) { $startlinepos = $endlinepos; } else { if ($this->inxobj) { // we are inside an XObject template $startlinepos = strlen($this->xobjects[$this->xobjid]['outdata']); } elseif (!$this->InFooter) { if (isset($this->footerlen[$this->page])) { $this->footerpos[$this->page] = $this->pagelen[$this->page] - $this->footerlen[$this->page]; } else { $this->footerpos[$this->page] = $this->pagelen[$this->page]; } $startlinepos = $this->footerpos[$this->page]; } else { $startlinepos = $this->pagelen[$this->page]; } } unset($endlinepos); $plalign = $lalign; if (isset($this->PageAnnots[$this->page])) { $pask = count($this->PageAnnots[$this->page]); } else { $pask = 0; } if (!($dom[$key]['tag'] and !$dom[$key]['opening'] and ($dom[$key]['value'] == 'table') and (isset($this->emptypagemrk[$this->page])) and ($this->emptypagemrk[$this->page] == $this->pagelen[$this->page]))) { $this->SetFont($fontname, $fontstyle, $fontsize); if ($wfill) { $this->SetFillColorArray($this->bgcolor); } } } // end newline if (isset($opentagpos)) { unset($opentagpos); } if ($dom[$key]['tag']) { if ($dom[$key]['opening']) { // get text indentation (if any) if (isset($dom[$key]['text-indent']) and $dom[$key]['block']) { $this->textindent = $dom[$key]['text-indent']; $this->newline = true; } // table if (($dom[$key]['value'] == 'table') and isset($dom[$key]['cols']) and ($dom[$key]['cols'] > 0)) { // available page width if ($this->rtl) { $wtmp = $this->x - $this->lMargin; } else { $wtmp = $this->w - $this->rMargin - $this->x; } // get cell spacing if (isset($dom[$key]['attribute']['cellspacing'])) { $clsp = $this->getHTMLUnitToUnits($dom[$key]['attribute']['cellspacing'], 1, 'px'); $cellspacing = array('H' => $clsp, 'V' => $clsp); } elseif (isset($dom[$key]['border-spacing'])) { $cellspacing = $dom[$key]['border-spacing']; } else { $cellspacing = array('H' => 0, 'V' => 0); } // table width if (isset($dom[$key]['width'])) { $table_width = $this->getHTMLUnitToUnits($dom[$key]['width'], $wtmp, 'px'); } else { $table_width = $wtmp; } $table_width -= (2 * $cellspacing['H']); if (!$this->inthead) { $this->y += $cellspacing['V']; } if ($this->rtl) { $cellspacingx = -$cellspacing['H']; } else { $cellspacingx = $cellspacing['H']; } // total table width without cellspaces $table_columns_width = ($table_width - ($cellspacing['H'] * ($dom[$key]['cols'] - 1))); // minimum column width $table_min_column_width = ($table_columns_width / $dom[$key]['cols']); // array of custom column widths $table_colwidths = array_fill(0, $dom[$key]['cols'], $table_min_column_width); } // table row if ($dom[$key]['value'] == 'tr') { // reset column counter $colid = 0; } // table cell if (($dom[$key]['value'] == 'td') or ($dom[$key]['value'] == 'th')) { $trid = $dom[$key]['parent']; $table_el = $dom[$trid]['parent']; if (!isset($dom[$table_el]['cols'])) { $dom[$table_el]['cols'] = $dom[$trid]['cols']; } // store border info $tdborder = 0; if (isset($dom[$key]['border']) and !empty($dom[$key]['border'])) { $tdborder = $dom[$key]['border']; } $colspan = intval($dom[$key]['attribute']['colspan']); if ($colspan <= 0) { $colspan = 1; } $old_cell_padding = $this->cell_padding; if (isset($dom[($dom[$trid]['parent'])]['attribute']['cellpadding'])) { $crclpd = $this->getHTMLUnitToUnits($dom[($dom[$trid]['parent'])]['attribute']['cellpadding'], 1, 'px'); $current_cell_padding = array('L' => $crclpd, 'T' => $crclpd, 'R' => $crclpd, 'B' => $crclpd); } elseif (isset($dom[($dom[$trid]['parent'])]['padding'])) { $current_cell_padding = $dom[($dom[$trid]['parent'])]['padding']; } else { $current_cell_padding = array('L' => 0, 'T' => 0, 'R' => 0, 'B' => 0); } $this->cell_padding = $current_cell_padding; if (isset($dom[$key]['height'])) { // minimum cell height $cellh = $this->getHTMLUnitToUnits($dom[$key]['height'], 0, 'px'); } else { $cellh = 0; } if (isset($dom[$key]['content'])) { $cell_content = stripslashes($dom[$key]['content']); } else { $cell_content = ' '; } $tagtype = $dom[$key]['value']; $parentid = $key; while (($key < $maxel) and (!(($dom[$key]['tag']) and (!$dom[$key]['opening']) and ($dom[$key]['value'] == $tagtype) and ($dom[$key]['parent'] == $parentid)))) { // move $key index forward ++$key; } if (!isset($dom[$trid]['startpage'])) { $dom[$trid]['startpage'] = $this->page; } else { $this->setPage($dom[$trid]['startpage']); } if (!isset($dom[$trid]['startcolumn'])) { $dom[$trid]['startcolumn'] = $this->current_column; } elseif ($this->current_column != $dom[$trid]['startcolumn']) { $tmpx = $this->x; $this->selectColumn($dom[$trid]['startcolumn']); $this->x = $tmpx; } if (!isset($dom[$trid]['starty'])) { $dom[$trid]['starty'] = $this->y; } else { $this->y = $dom[$trid]['starty']; } if (!isset($dom[$trid]['startx'])) { $dom[$trid]['startx'] = $this->x; $this->x += $cellspacingx; } else { $this->x += ($cellspacingx / 2); } if (isset($dom[$parentid]['attribute']['rowspan'])) { $rowspan = intval($dom[$parentid]['attribute']['rowspan']); } else { $rowspan = 1; } // skip row-spanned cells started on the previous rows if (isset($dom[$table_el]['rowspans'])) { $rsk = 0; $rskmax = count($dom[$table_el]['rowspans']); while ($rsk < $rskmax) { $trwsp = $dom[$table_el]['rowspans'][$rsk]; $rsstartx = $trwsp['startx']; $rsendx = $trwsp['endx']; // account for margin changes if ($trwsp['startpage'] < $this->page) { if (($this->rtl) and ($this->pagedim[$this->page]['orm'] != $this->pagedim[$trwsp['startpage']]['orm'])) { $dl = ($this->pagedim[$this->page]['orm'] - $this->pagedim[$trwsp['startpage']]['orm']); $rsstartx -= $dl; $rsendx -= $dl; } elseif ((!$this->rtl) and ($this->pagedim[$this->page]['olm'] != $this->pagedim[$trwsp['startpage']]['olm'])) { $dl = ($this->pagedim[$this->page]['olm'] - $this->pagedim[$trwsp['startpage']]['olm']); $rsstartx += $dl; $rsendx += $dl; } } if (($trwsp['rowspan'] > 0) and ($rsstartx > ($this->x - $cellspacing['H'] - $current_cell_padding['L'] - $this->feps)) and ($rsstartx < ($this->x + $cellspacing['H'] + $current_cell_padding['R'] + $this->feps)) and (($trwsp['starty'] < ($this->y - $this->feps)) or ($trwsp['startpage'] < $this->page) or ($trwsp['startcolumn'] < $this->current_column)) ) { // set the starting X position of the current cell $this->x = $rsendx + $cellspacingx; // increment column indicator $colid += $trwsp['colspan']; if (($trwsp['rowspan'] == 1) and (isset($dom[$trid]['endy'])) and (isset($dom[$trid]['endpage'])) and (isset($dom[$trid]['endcolumn'])) and ($trwsp['endpage'] == $dom[$trid]['endpage']) and ($trwsp['endcolumn'] == $dom[$trid]['endcolumn']) ) { // set ending Y position for row $dom[$table_el]['rowspans'][$rsk]['endy'] = max($dom[$trid]['endy'], $trwsp['endy']); $dom[$trid]['endy'] = $dom[$table_el]['rowspans'][$rsk]['endy']; } $rsk = 0; } else { ++$rsk; } } } if (isset($dom[$parentid]['width'])) { // user specified width $cellw = $this->getHTMLUnitToUnits($dom[$parentid]['width'], $table_columns_width, 'px'); $tmpcw = ($cellw / $colspan); for ($i = 0; $i < $colspan; ++$i) { $table_colwidths[($colid + $i)] = $tmpcw; } } else { // inherit column width $cellw = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $colspan; ++$i) { $cellw += $table_colwidths[($colid + $i)]; } } $cellw += (($colspan - 1) * $cellspacing['H']); // increment column indicator $colid += $colspan; // add rowspan information to table element if ($rowspan > 1) { $trsid = array_push($dom[$table_el]['rowspans'], array('trid' => $trid, 'rowspan' => $rowspan, 'mrowspan' => $rowspan, 'colspan' => $colspan, 'startpage' => $this->page, 'startcolumn' => $this->current_column, 'startx' => $this->x, 'starty' => $this->y)); } $cellid = array_push($dom[$trid]['cellpos'], array('startx' => $this->x)); if ($rowspan > 1) { $dom[$trid]['cellpos'][($cellid - 1)]['rowspanid'] = ($trsid - 1); } // push background colors if (isset($dom[$parentid]['bgcolor']) and ($dom[$parentid]['bgcolor'] !== false)) { $dom[$trid]['cellpos'][($cellid - 1)]['bgcolor'] = $dom[$parentid]['bgcolor']; } // store border info if (isset($tdborder) and !empty($tdborder)) { $dom[$trid]['cellpos'][($cellid - 1)]['border'] = $tdborder; } $prevLastH = $this->lasth; // store some info for multicolumn mode if ($this->rtl) { $this->colxshift['x'] = $this->w - $this->x - $this->rMargin; } else { $this->colxshift['x'] = $this->x - $this->lMargin; } $this->colxshift['s'] = $cellspacing; $this->colxshift['p'] = $current_cell_padding; // ****** write the cell content ****** $this->MultiCell($cellw, $cellh, $cell_content, false, $lalign, false, 2, '', '', true, 0, true, true, 0, 'T', false); // restore some values $this->colxshift = array('x' => 0, 's' => array('H' => 0, 'V' => 0), 'p' => array('L' => 0, 'T' => 0, 'R' => 0, 'B' => 0)); $this->lasth = $prevLastH; $this->cell_padding = $old_cell_padding; $dom[$trid]['cellpos'][($cellid - 1)]['endx'] = $this->x; // update the end of row position if ($rowspan <= 1) { if (isset($dom[$trid]['endy'])) { if (($this->page == $dom[$trid]['endpage']) and ($this->current_column == $dom[$trid]['endcolumn'])) { $dom[$trid]['endy'] = max($this->y, $dom[$trid]['endy']); } elseif (($this->page > $dom[$trid]['endpage']) or ($this->current_column > $dom[$trid]['endcolumn'])) { $dom[$trid]['endy'] = $this->y; } } else { $dom[$trid]['endy'] = $this->y; } if (isset($dom[$trid]['endpage'])) { $dom[$trid]['endpage'] = max($this->page, $dom[$trid]['endpage']); } else { $dom[$trid]['endpage'] = $this->page; } if (isset($dom[$trid]['endcolumn'])) { $dom[$trid]['endcolumn'] = max($this->current_column, $dom[$trid]['endcolumn']); } else { $dom[$trid]['endcolumn'] = $this->current_column; } } else { // account for row-spanned cells $dom[$table_el]['rowspans'][($trsid - 1)]['endx'] = $this->x; $dom[$table_el]['rowspans'][($trsid - 1)]['endy'] = $this->y; $dom[$table_el]['rowspans'][($trsid - 1)]['endpage'] = $this->page; $dom[$table_el]['rowspans'][($trsid - 1)]['endcolumn'] = $this->current_column; } if (isset($dom[$table_el]['rowspans'])) { // update endy and endpage on rowspanned cells foreach ($dom[$table_el]['rowspans'] as $k => $trwsp) { if ($trwsp['rowspan'] > 0) { if (isset($dom[$trid]['endpage'])) { if (($trwsp['endpage'] == $dom[$trid]['endpage']) and ($trwsp['endcolumn'] == $dom[$trid]['endcolumn'])) { $dom[$table_el]['rowspans'][$k]['endy'] = max($dom[$trid]['endy'], $trwsp['endy']); } elseif (($trwsp['endpage'] < $dom[$trid]['endpage']) or ($trwsp['endcolumn'] < $dom[$trid]['endcolumn'])) { $dom[$table_el]['rowspans'][$k]['endy'] = $dom[$trid]['endy']; $dom[$table_el]['rowspans'][$k]['endpage'] = $dom[$trid]['endpage']; $dom[$table_el]['rowspans'][$k]['endcolumn'] = $dom[$trid]['endcolumn']; } else { $dom[$trid]['endy'] = $this->pagedim[$dom[$trid]['endpage']]['hk'] - $this->pagedim[$dom[$trid]['endpage']]['bm']; } } } } } $this->x += ($cellspacingx / 2); } else { // opening tag (or self-closing tag) if (!isset($opentagpos)) { if ($this->inxobj) { // we are inside an XObject template $opentagpos = strlen($this->xobjects[$this->xobjid]['outdata']); } elseif (!$this->InFooter) { if (isset($this->footerlen[$this->page])) { $this->footerpos[$this->page] = $this->pagelen[$this->page] - $this->footerlen[$this->page]; } else { $this->footerpos[$this->page] = $this->pagelen[$this->page]; } $opentagpos = $this->footerpos[$this->page]; } } $dom = $this->openHTMLTagHandler($dom, $key, $cell); } } else { // closing tag $prev_numpages = $this->numpages; $old_bordermrk = $this->bordermrk[$this->page]; $dom = $this->closeHTMLTagHandler($dom, $key, $cell, $maxbottomliney); if ($this->bordermrk[$this->page] > $old_bordermrk) { $startlinepos += ($this->bordermrk[$this->page] - $old_bordermrk); } if ($prev_numpages > $this->numpages) { $startlinepage = $this->page; } } } elseif (strlen($dom[$key]['value']) > 0) { // print list-item if (!TCPDF_STATIC::empty_string($this->lispacer) and ($this->lispacer != '^')) { $this->SetFont($pfontname, $pfontstyle, $pfontsize); $this->resetLastH(); $minstartliney = $this->y; $maxbottomliney = ($startliney + $this->getCellHeight($this->FontSize)); if (is_numeric($pfontsize) and ($pfontsize > 0)) { $this->putHtmlListBullet($this->listnum, $this->lispacer, $pfontsize); } $this->SetFont($curfontname, $curfontstyle, $curfontsize); $this->resetLastH(); if (is_numeric($pfontsize) and ($pfontsize > 0) and is_numeric($curfontsize) and ($curfontsize > 0) and ($pfontsize != $curfontsize)) { $pfontascent = $this->getFontAscent($pfontname, $pfontstyle, $pfontsize); $pfontdescent = $this->getFontDescent($pfontname, $pfontstyle, $pfontsize); $this->y += ($this->getCellHeight(($pfontsize - $curfontsize) / $this->k) + $pfontascent - $curfontascent - $pfontdescent + $curfontdescent) / 2; $minstartliney = min($this->y, $minstartliney); $maxbottomliney = max(($this->y + $this->getCellHeight($pfontsize / $this->k)), $maxbottomliney); } } // text $this->htmlvspace = 0; if ((!$this->premode) and $this->isRTLTextDir()) { // reverse spaces order $lsp = ''; // left spaces $rsp = ''; // right spaces if (preg_match('/^(' . $this->re_space['p'] . '+)/' . $this->re_space['m'], $dom[$key]['value'], $matches)) { $lsp = $matches[1]; } if (preg_match('/(' . $this->re_space['p'] . '+)$/' . $this->re_space['m'], $dom[$key]['value'], $matches)) { $rsp = $matches[1]; } $dom[$key]['value'] = $rsp . $this->stringTrim($dom[$key]['value']) . $lsp; } if ($newline) { if (!$this->premode) { $prelen = strlen($dom[$key]['value']); if ($this->isRTLTextDir()) { // right trim except non-breaking space $dom[$key]['value'] = $this->stringRightTrim($dom[$key]['value']); } else { // left trim except non-breaking space $dom[$key]['value'] = $this->stringLeftTrim($dom[$key]['value']); } $postlen = strlen($dom[$key]['value']); if (($postlen == 0) and ($prelen > 0)) { $dom[$key]['trimmed_space'] = true; } } $newline = false; $firstblock = true; } else { $firstblock = false; // replace empty multiple spaces string with a single space $dom[$key]['value'] = preg_replace('/^' . $this->re_space['p'] . '+$/' . $this->re_space['m'], chr(32), $dom[$key]['value']); } $strrest = ''; if ($this->rtl) { $this->x -= $this->textindent; } else { $this->x += $this->textindent; } if (!isset($dom[$key]['trimmed_space']) or !$dom[$key]['trimmed_space']) { $strlinelen = $this->GetStringWidth($dom[$key]['value']); if (!empty($this->HREF) and (isset($this->HREF['url']))) { // HTML <a> Link $hrefcolor = ''; if (isset($dom[($dom[$key]['parent'])]['fgcolor']) and ($dom[($dom[$key]['parent'])]['fgcolor'] !== false)) { $hrefcolor = $dom[($dom[$key]['parent'])]['fgcolor']; } $hrefstyle = -1; if (isset($dom[($dom[$key]['parent'])]['fontstyle']) and ($dom[($dom[$key]['parent'])]['fontstyle'] !== false)) { $hrefstyle = $dom[($dom[$key]['parent'])]['fontstyle']; } $strrest = $this->addHtmlLink($this->HREF['url'], $dom[$key]['value'], $wfill, true, $hrefcolor, $hrefstyle, true); } else { $wadj = 0; // space to leave for block continuity if ($this->rtl) { $cwa = ($this->x - $this->lMargin); } else { $cwa = ($this->w - $this->rMargin - $this->x); } if (($strlinelen < $cwa) and (isset($dom[($key + 1)])) and ($dom[($key + 1)]['tag']) and (!$dom[($key + 1)]['block'])) { // check the next text blocks for continuity $nkey = ($key + 1); $write_block = true; $same_textdir = true; $tmp_fontname = $this->FontFamily; $tmp_fontstyle = $this->FontStyle; $tmp_fontsize = $this->FontSizePt; while ($write_block and isset($dom[$nkey])) { if ($dom[$nkey]['tag']) { if ($dom[$nkey]['block']) { // end of block $write_block = false; } $tmp_fontname = isset($dom[$nkey]['fontname']) ? $dom[$nkey]['fontname'] : $this->FontFamily; $tmp_fontstyle = isset($dom[$nkey]['fontstyle']) ? $dom[$nkey]['fontstyle'] : $this->FontStyle; $tmp_fontsize = isset($dom[$nkey]['fontsize']) ? $dom[$nkey]['fontsize'] : $this->FontSizePt; $same_textdir = ($dom[$nkey]['dir'] == $dom[$key]['dir']); } else { $nextstr = TCPDF_STATIC::pregSplit('/' . $this->re_space['p'] . '+/', $this->re_space['m'], $dom[$nkey]['value']); if (isset($nextstr[0]) and $same_textdir) { $wadj += $this->GetStringWidth($nextstr[0], $tmp_fontname, $tmp_fontstyle, $tmp_fontsize); if (isset($nextstr[1])) { $write_block = false; } } } ++$nkey; } } if (($wadj > 0) and (($strlinelen + $wadj) >= $cwa)) { $wadj = 0; $nextstr = TCPDF_STATIC::pregSplit('/' . $this->re_space['p'] . '/', $this->re_space['m'], $dom[$key]['value']); $numblks = count($nextstr); if ($numblks > 1) { // try to split on blank spaces $wadj = ($cwa - $strlinelen + $this->GetStringWidth($nextstr[($numblks - 1)])); } else { // set the entire block on new line $wadj = $this->GetStringWidth($nextstr[0]); } } // check for reversed text direction if (($wadj > 0) and (($this->rtl and ($this->tmprtl === 'L')) or (!$this->rtl and ($this->tmprtl === 'R')))) { // LTR text on RTL direction or RTL text on LTR direction $reverse_dir = true; $this->rtl = !$this->rtl; $revshift = ($strlinelen + $wadj + 0.000001); // add little quantity for rounding problems if ($this->rtl) { $this->x += $revshift; } else { $this->x -= $revshift; } $xws = $this->x; } // ****** write only until the end of the line and get the rest ****** $strrest = $this->Write($this->lasth, $dom[$key]['value'], '', $wfill, '', false, 0, true, $firstblock, 0, $wadj); // restore default direction if ($reverse_dir and ($wadj == 0)) { $this->x = $xws; $this->rtl = !$this->rtl; $reverse_dir = false; } } } $this->textindent = 0; if (strlen($strrest) > 0) { // store the remaining string on the previous $key position $this->newline = true; if ($strrest == $dom[$key]['value']) { // used to avoid infinite loop ++$loop; } else { $loop = 0; } $dom[$key]['value'] = $strrest; if ($cell) { if ($this->rtl) { $this->x -= $this->cell_padding['R']; } else { $this->x += $this->cell_padding['L']; } } if ($loop < 3) { --$key; } } else { $loop = 0; // add the positive font spacing of the last character (if any) if ($this->font_spacing > 0) { if ($this->rtl) { $this->x -= $this->font_spacing; } else { $this->x += $this->font_spacing; } } } } ++$key; if (isset($dom[$key]['tag']) and $dom[$key]['tag'] and (!isset($dom[$key]['opening']) or !$dom[$key]['opening']) and isset($dom[($dom[$key]['parent'])]['attribute']['nobr']) and ($dom[($dom[$key]['parent'])]['attribute']['nobr'] == 'true')) { // check if we are on a new page or on a new column if ((!$undo) and (($this->y < $this->start_transaction_y) or (($dom[$key]['value'] == 'tr') and ($dom[($dom[$key]['parent'])]['endy'] < $this->start_transaction_y)))) { // we are on a new page or on a new column and the total object height is less than the available vertical space. // restore previous object $this->rollbackTransaction(true); // restore previous values foreach ($this_method_vars as $vkey => $vval) { $$vkey = $vval; } // add a page (or trig AcceptPageBreak() for multicolumn mode) $pre_y = $this->y; if ((!$this->checkPageBreak($this->PageBreakTrigger + 1)) and ($this->y < $pre_y)) { $startliney = $this->y; } $undo = true; // avoid infinite loop } else { $undo = false; } } } // end for each $key // align the last line if (isset($startlinex)) { $yshift = ($minstartliney - $startliney); if (($yshift > 0) or ($this->page > $startlinepage)) { $yshift = 0; } $t_x = 0; // the last line must be shifted to be aligned as requested $linew = abs($this->endlinex - $startlinex); if ($this->inxobj) { // we are inside an XObject template $pstart = substr($this->xobjects[$this->xobjid]['outdata'], 0, $startlinepos); if (isset($opentagpos)) { $midpos = $opentagpos; } else { $midpos = 0; } if ($midpos > 0) { $pmid = substr($this->xobjects[$this->xobjid]['outdata'], $startlinepos, ($midpos - $startlinepos)); $pend = substr($this->xobjects[$this->xobjid]['outdata'], $midpos); } else { $pmid = substr($this->xobjects[$this->xobjid]['outdata'], $startlinepos); $pend = ''; } } else { $pstart = substr($this->getPageBuffer($startlinepage), 0, $startlinepos); if (isset($opentagpos) and isset($this->footerlen[$startlinepage]) and (!$this->InFooter)) { $this->footerpos[$startlinepage] = $this->pagelen[$startlinepage] - $this->footerlen[$startlinepage]; $midpos = min($opentagpos, $this->footerpos[$startlinepage]); } elseif (isset($opentagpos)) { $midpos = $opentagpos; } elseif (isset($this->footerlen[$startlinepage]) and (!$this->InFooter)) { $this->footerpos[$startlinepage] = $this->pagelen[$startlinepage] - $this->footerlen[$startlinepage]; $midpos = $this->footerpos[$startlinepage]; } else { $midpos = 0; } if ($midpos > 0) { $pmid = substr($this->getPageBuffer($startlinepage), $startlinepos, ($midpos - $startlinepos)); $pend = substr($this->getPageBuffer($startlinepage), $midpos); } else { $pmid = substr($this->getPageBuffer($startlinepage), $startlinepos); $pend = ''; } } if ((isset($plalign) and ((($plalign == 'C') or (($plalign == 'R') and (!$this->rtl)) or (($plalign == 'L') and ($this->rtl)))))) { // calculate shifting amount $tw = $w; if ($this->lMargin != $prevlMargin) { $tw += ($prevlMargin - $this->lMargin); } if ($this->rMargin != $prevrMargin) { $tw += ($prevrMargin - $this->rMargin); } $one_space_width = $this->GetStringWidth(chr(32)); $no = 0; // number of spaces on a line contained on a single block if ($this->isRTLTextDir()) { // RTL // remove left space if exist $pos1 = TCPDF_STATIC::revstrpos($pmid, '[('); if ($pos1 > 0) { $pos1 = intval($pos1); if ($this->isUnicodeFont()) { $pos2 = intval(TCPDF_STATIC::revstrpos($pmid, '[(' . chr(0) . chr(32))); $spacelen = 2; } else { $pos2 = intval(TCPDF_STATIC::revstrpos($pmid, '[(' . chr(32))); $spacelen = 1; } if ($pos1 == $pos2) { $pmid = substr($pmid, 0, ($pos1 + 2)) . substr($pmid, ($pos1 + 2 + $spacelen)); if (substr($pmid, $pos1, 4) == '[()]') { $linew -= $one_space_width; } elseif ($pos1 == strpos($pmid, '[(')) { $no = 1; } } } } else { // LTR // remove right space if exist $pos1 = TCPDF_STATIC::revstrpos($pmid, ')]'); if ($pos1 > 0) { $pos1 = intval($pos1); if ($this->isUnicodeFont()) { $pos2 = intval(TCPDF_STATIC::revstrpos($pmid, chr(0) . chr(32) . ')]')) + 2; $spacelen = 2; } else { $pos2 = intval(TCPDF_STATIC::revstrpos($pmid, chr(32) . ')]')) + 1; $spacelen = 1; } if ($pos1 == $pos2) { $pmid = substr($pmid, 0, ($pos1 - $spacelen)) . substr($pmid, $pos1); $linew -= $one_space_width; } } } $mdiff = ($tw - $linew); if ($plalign == 'C') { if ($this->rtl) { $t_x = - ($mdiff / 2); } else { $t_x = ($mdiff / 2); } } elseif ($plalign == 'R') { // right alignment on LTR document $t_x = $mdiff; } elseif ($plalign == 'L') { // left alignment on RTL document $t_x = -$mdiff; } } // end if startlinex if (($t_x != 0) or ($yshift < 0)) { // shift the line $trx = sprintf('1 0 0 1 %F %F cm', ($t_x * $this->k), ($yshift * $this->k)); $pstart .= "\nq\n" . $trx . "\n" . $pmid . "\nQ\n"; $endlinepos = strlen($pstart); if ($this->inxobj) { // we are inside an XObject template $this->xobjects[$this->xobjid]['outdata'] = $pstart . $pend; foreach ($this->xobjects[$this->xobjid]['annotations'] as $pak => $pac) { if ($pak >= $pask) { $this->xobjects[$this->xobjid]['annotations'][$pak]['x'] += $t_x; $this->xobjects[$this->xobjid]['annotations'][$pak]['y'] -= $yshift; } } } else { $this->setPageBuffer($startlinepage, $pstart . $pend); // shift the annotations and links if (isset($this->PageAnnots[$this->page])) { foreach ($this->PageAnnots[$this->page] as $pak => $pac) { if ($pak >= $pask) { $this->PageAnnots[$this->page][$pak]['x'] += $t_x; $this->PageAnnots[$this->page][$pak]['y'] -= $yshift; } } } } $this->y -= $yshift; $yshift = 0; } } // restore previous values $this->setGraphicVars($gvars); if ($this->num_columns > 1) { $this->selectColumn(); } elseif ($this->page > $prevPage) { $this->lMargin = $this->pagedim[$this->page]['olm']; $this->rMargin = $this->pagedim[$this->page]['orm']; } // restore previous list state $this->cell_height_ratio = $prev_cell_height_ratio; $this->listnum = $prev_listnum; $this->listordered = $prev_listordered; $this->listcount = $prev_listcount; $this->lispacer = $prev_lispacer; if ($ln and (!($cell and ($dom[$key - 1]['value'] == 'table')))) { $this->Ln($this->lasth); if ($this->y < $maxbottomliney) { $this->y = $maxbottomliney; } } unset($dom); } function Code39($x, $y, $code, $ext = true, $cks = false, $w = 0.29, $h = 16, $wide = true) { //Display code $this->SetFont('Arial', '', 10); $this->Text($x, $y + $h + 4, $code); if ($ext) { //Extended encoding $code = $this->encode_code39_ext($code); } else { //Convert to upper case $code = strtoupper($code); //Check validity if (!preg_match('|^[0-9A-Z. $/+%-]*$|', $code)) $this->Error('Invalid barcode value: ' . $code); } //Compute checksum if ($cks) $code .= $this->checksum_code39($code); //Add start and stop characters $code = '*' . $code . '*'; //Conversion tables $narrow_encoding = array( '0' => '101001101101', '1' => '110100101011', '2' => '101100101011', '3' => '110110010101', '4' => '101001101011', '5' => '110100110101', '6' => '101100110101', '7' => '101001011011', '8' => '110100101101', '9' => '101100101101', 'A' => '110101001011', 'B' => '101101001011', 'C' => '110110100101', 'D' => '101011001011', 'E' => '110101100101', 'F' => '101101100101', 'G' => '101010011011', 'H' => '110101001101', 'I' => '101101001101', 'J' => '101011001101', 'K' => '110101010011', 'L' => '101101010011', 'M' => '110110101001', 'N' => '101011010011', 'O' => '110101101001', 'P' => '101101101001', 'Q' => '101010110011', 'R' => '110101011001', 'S' => '101101011001', 'T' => '101011011001', 'U' => '110010101011', 'V' => '100110101011', 'W' => '110011010101', 'X' => '100101101011', 'Y' => '110010110101', 'Z' => '100110110101', '-' => '100101011011', '.' => '110010101101', ' ' => '100110101101', '*' => '100101101101', '$' => '100100100101', '/' => '100100101001', '+' => '100101001001', '%' => '101001001001' ); $wide_encoding = array( '0' => '101000111011101', '1' => '111010001010111', '2' => '101110001010111', '3' => '111011100010101', '4' => '101000111010111', '5' => '111010001110101', '6' => '101110001110101', '7' => '101000101110111', '8' => '111010001011101', '9' => '101110001011101', 'A' => '111010100010111', 'B' => '101110100010111', 'C' => '111011101000101', 'D' => '101011100010111', 'E' => '111010111000101', 'F' => '101110111000101', 'G' => '101010001110111', 'H' => '111010100011101', 'I' => '101110100011101', 'J' => '101011100011101', 'K' => '111010101000111', 'L' => '101110101000111', 'M' => '111011101010001', 'N' => '101011101000111', 'O' => '111010111010001', 'P' => '101110111010001', 'Q' => '101010111000111', 'R' => '111010101110001', 'S' => '101110101110001', 'T' => '101011101110001', 'U' => '111000101010111', 'V' => '100011101010111', 'W' => '111000111010101', 'X' => '100010111010111', 'Y' => '111000101110101', 'Z' => '100011101110101', '-' => '100010101110111', '.' => '111000101011101', ' ' => '100011101011101', '*' => '100010111011101', '$' => '100010001000101', '/' => '100010001010001', '+' => '100010100010001', '%' => '101000100010001' ); $encoding = $wide ? $wide_encoding : $narrow_encoding; //Inter-character spacing $gap = ($w > 0.29) ? '00' : '0'; //Convert to bars $encode = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($code); $i++) $encode .= $encoding[$code[$i]] . $gap; //Draw bars $this->draw_code39($encode, $x, $y, $w, $h); } function checksum_code39($code) { //Compute the modulo 43 checksum $chars = array( '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '-', '.', ' ', '$', '/', '+', '%' ); $sum = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($code); $i++) { $a = array_keys($chars, $code[$i]); $sum += $a[0]; } $r = $sum % 43; return $chars[$r]; } function encode_code39_ext($code) { //Encode characters in extended mode $encode = array( chr(0) => '%U', chr(1) => '$A', chr(2) => '$B', chr(3) => '$C', chr(4) => '$D', chr(5) => '$E', chr(6) => '$F', chr(7) => '$G', chr(8) => '$H', chr(9) => '$I', chr(10) => '$J', chr(11) => '£K', chr(12) => '$L', chr(13) => '$M', chr(14) => '$N', chr(15) => '$O', chr(16) => '$P', chr(17) => '$Q', chr(18) => '$R', chr(19) => '$S', chr(20) => '$T', chr(21) => '$U', chr(22) => '$V', chr(23) => '$W', chr(24) => '$X', chr(25) => '$Y', chr(26) => '$Z', chr(27) => '%A', chr(28) => '%B', chr(29) => '%C', chr(30) => '%D', chr(31) => '%E', chr(32) => ' ', chr(33) => '/A', chr(34) => '/B', chr(35) => '/C', chr(36) => '/D', chr(37) => '/E', chr(38) => '/F', chr(39) => '/G', chr(40) => '/H', chr(41) => '/I', chr(42) => '/J', chr(43) => '/K', chr(44) => '/L', chr(45) => '-', chr(46) => '.', chr(47) => '/O', chr(48) => '0', chr(49) => '1', chr(50) => '2', chr(51) => '3', chr(52) => '4', chr(53) => '5', chr(54) => '6', chr(55) => '7', chr(56) => '8', chr(57) => '9', chr(58) => '/Z', chr(59) => '%F', chr(60) => '%G', chr(61) => '%H', chr(62) => '%I', chr(63) => '%J', chr(64) => '%V', chr(65) => 'A', chr(66) => 'B', chr(67) => 'C', chr(68) => 'D', chr(69) => 'E', chr(70) => 'F', chr(71) => 'G', chr(72) => 'H', chr(73) => 'I', chr(74) => 'J', chr(75) => 'K', chr(76) => 'L', chr(77) => 'M', chr(78) => 'N', chr(79) => 'O', chr(80) => 'P', chr(81) => 'Q', chr(82) => 'R', chr(83) => 'S', chr(84) => 'T', chr(85) => 'U', chr(86) => 'V', chr(87) => 'W', chr(88) => 'X', chr(89) => 'Y', chr(90) => 'Z', chr(91) => '%K', chr(92) => '%L', chr(93) => '%M', chr(94) => '%N', chr(95) => '%O', chr(96) => '%W', chr(97) => '+A', chr(98) => '+B', chr(99) => '+C', chr(100) => '+D', chr(101) => '+E', chr(102) => '+F', chr(103) => '+G', chr(104) => '+H', chr(105) => '+I', chr(106) => '+J', chr(107) => '+K', chr(108) => '+L', chr(109) => '+M', chr(110) => '+N', chr(111) => '+O', chr(112) => '+P', chr(113) => '+Q', chr(114) => '+R', chr(115) => '+S', chr(116) => '+T', chr(117) => '+U', chr(118) => '+V', chr(119) => '+W', chr(120) => '+X', chr(121) => '+Y', chr(122) => '+Z', chr(123) => '%P', chr(124) => '%Q', chr(125) => '%R', chr(126) => '%S', chr(127) => '%T' ); $code_ext = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($code); $i++) { if (ord($code[$i]) > 127) $this->Error('Invalid character: ' . $code[$i]); $code_ext .= $encode[$code[$i]]; } return $code_ext; } function draw_code39($code, $x, $y, $w, $h) { //Draw bars for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($code); $i++) { if ($code[$i] == '1') $this->Rect($x + $i * $w, $y, $w, $h, 'F'); } } //End of class } //Handle special IE contype request if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] == 'contype') { header('Content-Type: application/pdf'); exit; }