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Code Editor : jquery.searchFilter.js
/* Plugin: searchFilter v1.2.9 * Author: Kasey Speakman ( * License: Dual Licensed, MIT and GPL v2 ( * * REQUIREMENTS: * jQuery 1.3+ ( * A Themeroller Theme ( * * SECURITY WARNING * You should always implement server-side checking to ensure that * the query will fail when forged/invalid data is received. * Clever users can send any value they want through JavaScript and HTTP POST/GET. * * THEMES * Simply include the CSS file for your Themeroller theme. * * DESCRIPTION * This plugin creates a new searchFilter object in the specified container * * INPUT TYPE * fields: an array of field objects. each object has the following properties: * text: a string containing the display name of the field (e.g. "Field 1") * itemval: a string containing the actual field name (e.g. "field1") * optional properties: * ops: an array of operators in the same format as jQuery.fn.searchFilter.defaults.operators * that is: [ { op: 'gt', text: 'greater than'}, { op:'lt', text: 'less than'}, ... ] * if not specified, the passed-in options used, and failting that, jQuery.fn.searchFilter.defaults.operators will be used * *** NOTE *** * Specifying a dataUrl or dataValues property means that a <select ...> (drop-down-list) will be generated * instead of a text input <input type='text'.../> where the user would normally type in their search data * ************ * dataUrl: a url that will return the html select for this field, this url will only be called once for this field * dataValues: the possible values for this field in the form [ { text: 'Data Display Text', value: 'data_actual_value' }, { ... } ] * dataInit: a function that you can use to initialize the data field. this function is passed the jQuery-fied data element * dataEvents: list of events to apply to the data element. uses $("#id").bind(type, [data], fn) to bind events to data element * *** JSON of this object could look like this: *** * var fields = [ * { * text: 'Field Display Name', * itemval: 'field_actual_name', * // below this are optional values * ops: [ // this format is the same as jQuery.fn.searchFilter.defaults.operators * { op: 'gt', text: 'greater than' }, * { op: 'lt', text: 'less than' } * ], * dataUrl: 'http://server/path/script.php?propName=propValue', // using this creates a select for the data input instead of an input type='text' * dataValues: [ // using this creates a select for the data input instead of an input type='text' * { text: 'Data Value Display Name', value: 'data_actual_value' }, * { ... } * ], * dataInit: function(jElem) { jElem.datepicker(options); }, * dataEvents: [ // these are the same options that you pass to $("#id").bind(type, [data], fn) * { type: 'click', data: { i: 7 }, fn: function(e) { console.log(; } }, * { type: 'keypress', fn: function(e) { console.log('keypress'); } } * ] * }, * { ... } * ] * options: name:value properties containing various creation options * see jQuery.fn.searchFilter.defaults for the overridable options * * RETURN TYPE: This plugin returns a SearchFilter object, which has additional SearchFilter methods: * Methods * add: Adds a filter. added to the end of the list unless a jQuery event object or valid row number is passed. * del: Removes a filter. removed from the end of the list unless a jQuery event object or valid row number is passed. * reset: resets filters back to original state (only one blank filter), and calls onReset * search: puts the search rules into an object and calls onSearch with it * close: calls the onClose event handler * * USAGE * HTML * <head> * ... * <script src="path/to/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> * <link href="path/to/themeroller.css" rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" /> * <script src="path/to/jquery.searchFilter.js" type="text/javascript"></script> * <link href="path/to/jquery.searchFilter.css" rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" /> * ... * </head> * <body> * ... * <div id='mySearch'></div> * ... * </body> * JQUERY * Methods * initializing: $("#mySearch").searchFilter([{text: "Field 1", value: "field1"},{text: "Field 2", value: "field2"}], {onSearch: myFilterRuleReceiverFn, onReset: myFilterResetFn }); * Manual Methods (there's no need to call these methods unless you are trying to manipulate searchFilter with script) * add: $("#mySearch").searchFilter().add(); // appends a blank filter * $("#mySearch").searchFilter().add(0); // copies the first filter as second * del: $("#mySearch").searchFilter().del(); // removes the bottom filter * $("#mySearch").searchFilter().del(1); // removes the second filter * search: $("#mySearch").searchFilter().search(); // invokes onSearch, passing it a ruleGroup object * reset: $("#mySearch").searchFilter().reset(); // resets rules and invokes onReset * close: $("#mySearch").searchFilter().close(); // without an onClose handler, equivalent to $("#mySearch").hide(); * * NOTE: You can get the jQuery object back from the SearchFilter object by chaining .$ * Example * $("#mySearch").searchFilter().add().add().reset().$.hide(); * Verbose Example * $("#mySearch") // gets jQuery object for the HTML element with id="mySearch" * .searchFilter() // gets the SearchFilter object for an existing search filter * .add() // adds a new filter to the end of the list * .add() // adds another new filter to the end of the list * .reset() // resets filters back to original state, triggers onReset * .$ // returns jQuery object for $("#mySearch") * .hide(); // equivalent to $("#mySearch").hide(); */ jQuery.fn.searchFilter = function(fields, options) { function SearchFilter(jQ, fields, options) { //--------------------------------------------------------------- // PUBLIC VARS //--------------------------------------------------------------- this.$ = jQ; // makes the jQuery object available as .$ from the return value //--------------------------------------------------------------- // PUBLIC FUNCTIONS //--------------------------------------------------------------- this.add = function(i) { if (i == null) jQ.find(".ui-add-last").click(); else jQ.find(".sf:eq(" + i + ") .ui-add").click(); return this; }; this.del = function(i) { if (i == null) jQ.find(".sf:last .ui-del").click(); else jQ.find(".sf:eq(" + i + ") .ui-del").click(); return this; }; = function(e) { jQ.find(".ui-search").click(); return this; }; this.reset = function(o) { if(o===undefined) o = false; jQ.find(".ui-reset").trigger('click',[o]); return this; }; this.close = function() { jQ.find(".ui-closer").click(); return this; }; //--------------------------------------------------------------- // "CONSTRUCTOR" (in air quotes) //--------------------------------------------------------------- if (fields != null) { // type coercion matches undefined as well as null //--------------------------------------------------------------- // UTILITY FUNCTIONS //--------------------------------------------------------------- function hover() { jQuery(this).toggleClass("ui-state-hover"); return false; } function active(e) { jQuery(this).toggleClass("ui-state-active", (e.type == "mousedown")); return false; } function buildOpt(value, text) { return "<option value='" + value + "'>" + text + "</option>"; } function buildSel(className, options, isHidden) { return "<select class='" + className + "'" + (isHidden ? " style='display:none;'" : "") + ">" + options + "</select>"; } function initData(selector, fn) { var jElem = jQ.find("tr.sf " + selector); if (jElem[0] != null) fn(jElem); } function bindDataEvents(selector, events) { var jElem = jQ.find("tr.sf " + selector); if (jElem[0] != null) { jQuery.each(events, function() { if ( != null) jElem.bind(this.type,, this.fn); else jElem.bind(this.type, this.fn); }); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // SUPER IMPORTANT PRIVATE VARS //--------------------------------------------------------------- // copies jQuery.fn.searchFilter.defaults.options properties onto an empty object, then options onto that var opts = jQuery.extend({}, jQuery.fn.searchFilter.defaults, options); // this is keeps track of the last asynchronous setup var highest_late_setup = -1; //--------------------------------------------------------------- // CREATION PROCESS STARTS //--------------------------------------------------------------- // generate the global ops var gOps_html = ""; jQuery.each(opts.groupOps, function() { gOps_html += buildOpt(this.op, this.text); }); gOps_html = "<select name='groupOp'>" + gOps_html + "</select>"; /* original content - doesn't minify very well jQ .html("") // clear any old content .addClass("ui-searchFilter") // add classes .append( // add content "\ <div class='ui-widget-overlay' style='z-index: -1'> </div>\ <table class='ui-widget-content ui-corner-all'>\ <thead>\ <tr>\ <td colspan='5' class='ui-widget-header ui-corner-all' style='line-height: 18px;'>\ <div class='ui-closer ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-helper-clearfix' style='float: right;'>\ <span class='ui-icon ui-icon-close'></span>\ </div>\ " + opts.windowTitle + "\ </td>\ </tr>\ </thead>\ <tbody>\ <tr class='sf'>\ <td class='fields'></td>\ <td class='ops'></td>\ <td class='data'></td>\ <td><div class='ui-del ui-state-default ui-corner-all'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-minus'></span></div></td>\ <td><div class='ui-add ui-state-default ui-corner-all'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-plus'></span></div></td>\ </tr>\ <tr>\ <td colspan='5' class='divider'><div> </div></td>\ </tr>\ </tbody>\ <tfoot>\ <tr>\ <td colspan='3'>\ <span class='ui-reset ui-state-default ui-corner-all' style='display: inline-block; float: left;'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-arrowreturnthick-1-w' style='float: left;'></span><span style='line-height: 18px; padding: 0 7px 0 3px;'>" + opts.resetText + "</span></span>\ <span class='ui-search ui-state-default ui-corner-all' style='display: inline-block; float: right;'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-search' style='float: left;'></span><span style='line-height: 18px; padding: 0 7px 0 3px;'>" + opts.searchText + "</span></span>\ <span class='matchText'>" + opts.matchText + "</span> \ " + gOps_html + " \ <span class='rulesText'>" + opts.rulesText + "</span>\ </td>\ <td> </td>\ <td><div class='ui-add-last ui-state-default ui-corner-all'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-plusthick'></span></div></td>\ </tr>\ </tfoot>\ </table>\ "); /* end hard-to-minify code */ /* begin easier to minify code */ jQ.html("").addClass("ui-searchFilter").append("<div class='ui-widget-overlay' style='z-index: -1'> </div><table class='ui-widget-content ui-corner-all'><thead><tr><td colspan='5' class='ui-widget-header ui-corner-all' style='line-height: 18px;'><div class='ui-closer ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-helper-clearfix' style='float: right;'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-close'></span></div>" + opts.windowTitle + "</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class='sf'><td class='fields'></td><td class='ops'></td><td class='data'></td><td><div class='ui-del ui-state-default ui-corner-all'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-minus'></span></div></td><td><div class='ui-add ui-state-default ui-corner-all'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-plus'></span></div></td></tr><tr><td colspan='5' class='divider'><hr class='ui-widget-content' style='margin:1px'/></td></tr></tbody><tfoot><tr><td colspan='3'><span class='ui-reset ui-state-default ui-corner-all' style='display: inline-block; float: left;'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-arrowreturnthick-1-w' style='float: left;'></span><span style='line-height: 18px; padding: 0 7px 0 3px;'>" + opts.resetText + "</span></span><span class='ui-search ui-state-default ui-corner-all' style='display: inline-block; float: right;'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-search' style='float: left;'></span><span style='line-height: 18px; padding: 0 7px 0 3px;'>" + opts.searchText + "</span></span><span class='matchText'>" + opts.matchText + "</span> " + gOps_html + " <span class='rulesText'>" + opts.rulesText + "</span></td><td> </td><td><div class='ui-add-last ui-state-default ui-corner-all'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-plusthick'></span></div></td></tr></tfoot></table>"); /* end easier-to-minify code */ var jRow = jQ.find("tr.sf"); var jFields = jRow.find("td.fields"); var jOps = jRow.find("td.ops"); var jData = jRow.find(""); // generate the defaults var default_ops_html = ""; jQuery.each(opts.operators, function() { default_ops_html += buildOpt(this.op, this.text); }); default_ops_html = buildSel("default", default_ops_html, true); jOps.append(default_ops_html); var default_data_html = "<input type='text' class='default' style='display:none;' />"; jData.append(default_data_html); // generate the field list as a string var fields_html = ""; var has_custom_ops = false; var has_custom_data = false; jQuery.each(fields, function(i) { var field_num = i; fields_html += buildOpt(this.itemval, this.text); // add custom ops if they exist if (this.ops != null) { has_custom_ops = true; var custom_ops = ""; jQuery.each(this.ops, function() { custom_ops += buildOpt(this.op, this.text); }); custom_ops = buildSel("field" + field_num, custom_ops, true); jOps.append(custom_ops); } // add custom data if it is given if (this.dataUrl != null) { if (i > highest_late_setup) highest_late_setup = i; has_custom_data = true; var dEvents = this.dataEvents; var iEvent = this.dataInit; var bs = this.buildSelect; jQuery.ajax(jQuery.extend({ url : this.dataUrl, complete: function(data) { var $d; if(bs != null) $d =jQuery("<div />").append(bs(data)); else $d = jQuery("<div />").append(data.responseText); $d.find("select").addClass("field" + field_num).hide(); jData.append($d.html()); if (iEvent) initData(".field" + i, iEvent); if (dEvents) bindDataEvents(".field" + i, dEvents); if (i == highest_late_setup) { // change should get called no more than twice when this searchFilter is constructed jQ.find("tr.sf td.fields select[name='field']").change(); } } },opts.ajaxSelectOptions)); } else if (this.dataValues != null) { has_custom_data = true; var custom_data = ""; jQuery.each(this.dataValues, function() { custom_data += buildOpt(this.value, this.text); }); custom_data = buildSel("field" + field_num, custom_data, true); jData.append(custom_data); } else if (this.dataEvents != null || this.dataInit != null) { has_custom_data = true; var custom_data = "<input type='text' class='field" + field_num + "' />"; jData.append(custom_data); } // attach events to data if they exist if (this.dataInit != null && i != highest_late_setup) initData(".field" + i, this.dataInit); if (this.dataEvents != null && i != highest_late_setup) bindDataEvents(".field" + i, this.dataEvents); }); fields_html = "<select name='field'>" + fields_html + "</select>"; jFields.append(fields_html); // setup the field select with an on-change event if there are custom ops or data var jFSelect = jFields.find("select[name='field']"); if (has_custom_ops) jFSelect.change(function(e) { var index =; var td = jQuery("tr.sf").find("td.ops"); td.find("select").removeAttr("name").hide(); // disown and hide all elements var jElem = td.find(".field" + index); if (jElem[0] == null) jElem = td.find(".default"); // if there's not an element for that field, use the default one jElem.attr("name", "op").show(); return false; }); else jOps.find(".default").attr("name", "op").show(); if (has_custom_data) jFSelect.change(function(e) { var index =; var td = jQuery("tr.sf").find(""); td.find("select,input").removeClass("vdata").hide(); // disown and hide all elements var jElem = td.find(".field" + index); if (jElem[0] == null) jElem = td.find(".default"); // if there's not an element for that field, use the default one"vdata"); return false; }); else jData.find(".default").show().addClass("vdata"); // go ahead and call the change event and setup the ops and data values if (has_custom_ops || has_custom_data) jFSelect.change(); // bind events jQ.find(".ui-state-default").hover(hover, hover).mousedown(active).mouseup(active); // add hover/active effects to all buttons jQ.find(".ui-closer").click(function(e) { opts.onClose(jQuery(jQ.selector)); return false; }); jQ.find(".ui-del").click(function(e) { var row = jQuery(".sf"); if (row.siblings(".sf").length > 0) { // doesn't remove if there's only one filter left if (opts.datepickerFix === true && jQuery.fn.datepicker !== undefined) row.find(".hasDatepicker").datepicker("destroy"); // clean up datepicker's $.data mess row.remove(); // also unbinds } else { // resets the filter if it's the last one row.find("select[name='field']")[0].selectedIndex = 0; row.find("select[name='op']")[0].selectedIndex = 0; row.find(".data input").val(""); // blank all input values row.find(".data select").each(function() { this.selectedIndex = 0; }); // select first option on all selects row.find("select[name='field']").change(function(event){event.stopPropagation();}); // trigger any change events } return false; }); jQ.find(".ui-add").click(function(e) { var row = jQuery(".sf"); var newRow = row.clone(true).insertAfter(row); newRow.find(".ui-state-default").removeClass("ui-state-hover ui-state-active"); if (opts.clone) { newRow.find("select[name='field']")[0].selectedIndex = row.find("select[name='field']")[0].selectedIndex; var stupid_browser = (newRow.find("select[name='op']")[0] == null); // true for IE6 if (!stupid_browser) newRow.find("select[name='op']").focus()[0].selectedIndex = row.find("select[name='op']")[0].selectedIndex; var jElem = newRow.find("select.vdata"); if (jElem[0] != null) // select doesn't copy it's selected index when cloned jElem[0].selectedIndex = row.find("select.vdata")[0].selectedIndex; } else { newRow.find(".data input").val(""); // blank all input values newRow.find("select[name='field']").focus(); } if (opts.datepickerFix === true && jQuery.fn.datepicker !== undefined) { // using $.data to associate data with document elements is Not Good row.find(".hasDatepicker").each(function() { var settings =, "datepicker").settings; newRow.find("#" +"id").removeClass("hasDatepicker").datepicker(settings); }); } newRow.find("select[name='field']").change(function(event){event.stopPropagation();} ); return false; }); jQ.find(".ui-search").click(function(e) { var ui = jQuery(jQ.selector); // pointer to search box wrapper element var ruleGroup; var group_op = ui.find("select[name='groupOp'] :selected").val(); // puls "AND" or "OR" if (!opts.stringResult) { ruleGroup = { groupOp: group_op, rules: [] }; } else { ruleGroup = "{\"groupOp\":\"" + group_op + "\",\"rules\":["; } ui.find(".sf").each(function(i) { var tField = jQuery(this).find("select[name='field'] :selected").val(); var tOp = jQuery(this).find("select[name='op'] :selected").val(); var tData = jQuery(this).find("input.vdata,select.vdata :selected").val(); tData += ""; if (!opts.stringResult) { ruleGroup.rules.push({ field: tField, op: tOp, data: tData }); } else { tData = tData.replace(/\\/g,'\\\\').replace(/\"/g,'\\"'); if (i > 0) ruleGroup += ","; ruleGroup += "{\"field\":\"" + tField + "\","; ruleGroup += "\"op\":\"" + tOp + "\","; ruleGroup += "\"data\":\"" + tData + "\"}"; } }); if (opts.stringResult) ruleGroup += "]}"; opts.onSearch(ruleGroup); return false; }); jQ.find(".ui-reset").click(function(e,op) { var ui = jQuery(jQ.selector); ui.find(".ui-del").click(); // removes all filters, resets the last one ui.find("select[name='groupOp']")[0].selectedIndex = 0; // changes the op back to the default one opts.onReset(op); return false; }); jQ.find(".ui-add-last").click(function() { var row = jQuery(jQ.selector + " .sf:last"); var newRow = row.clone(true).insertAfter(row); newRow.find(".ui-state-default").removeClass("ui-state-hover ui-state-active"); newRow.find(".data input").val(""); // blank all input values newRow.find("select[name='field']").focus(); if (opts.datepickerFix === true && jQuery.fn.datepicker !== undefined) { // using $.data to associate data with document elements is Not Good row.find(".hasDatepicker").each(function() { var settings =, "datepicker").settings; newRow.find("#" +"id").removeClass("hasDatepicker").datepicker(settings); }); } newRow.find("select[name='field']").change(function(event){event.stopPropagation();}); return false; }); this.setGroupOp = function(setting) { /* a "setter" for groupping argument. * ("AND" or "OR") * * Inputs: * setting - a string * * Returns: * Does not return anything. May add success / failure reporting in future versions. * * author: Daniel Dotsenko ( */ selDOMobj = jQ.find("select[name='groupOp']")[0]; var indexmap = {}, l = selDOMobj.options.length, i; for (i=0; i<l; i++) { indexmap[selDOMobj.options[i].value] = i; } selDOMobj.selectedIndex = indexmap[setting]; jQuery(selDOMobj).change(function(event){event.stopPropagation();}); }; this.setFilter = function(settings) { /* a "setter" for an arbitrary SearchFilter's filter line. * designed to abstract the DOM manipulations required to infer * a particular filter is a fit to the search box. * * Inputs: * settings - an "object" (dictionary) * index (optional*) (to be implemented in the future) : signed integer index (from top to bottom per DOM) of the filter line to fill. * Negative integers (rooted in -1 and lower) denote position of the line from the bottom. * sfref (optional*) : DOM object referencing individual '.sf' (normally a TR element) to be populated. (optional) * filter (mandatory) : object (dictionary) of form {'field':'field_value','op':'op_value','data':'data value'} * * * It is mandatory to have either index or sfref defined. * * Returns: * Does not return anything. May add success / failure reporting in future versions. * * author: Daniel Dotsenko ( */ var o = settings['sfref'], filter = settings['filter']; // setting up valueindexmap that we will need to manipulate SELECT elements. var fields = [], i, j , l, lj, li, valueindexmap = {}; // example of valueindexmap: // {'field1':{'index':0,'ops':{'eq':0,'ne':1}},'fieldX':{'index':1,'ops':{'eq':0,'ne':1},'data':{'true':0,'false':1}}}, // if data is undefined it's a INPUT field. If defined, it's SELECT selDOMobj = o.find("select[name='field']")[0]; for (i=0, l=selDOMobj.options.length; i<l; i++) { valueindexmap[selDOMobj.options[i].value] = {'index':i,'ops':{}}; fields.push(selDOMobj.options[i].value); } for (i=0, li=fields.length; i < li; i++) { selDOMobj = o.find(".ops > select[class='field"+i+"']")[0]; if (selDOMobj) { for (j=0, lj=selDOMobj.options.length; j<lj; j++) { valueindexmap[fields[i]]['ops'][selDOMobj.options[j].value] = j; } } selDOMobj = o.find(".data > select[class='field"+i+"']")[0]; if (selDOMobj) { valueindexmap[fields[i]]['data'] = {}; // this setting is the flag that 'data' is contained in a SELECT for (j=0, lj=selDOMobj.options.length; j<lj; j++) { valueindexmap[fields[i]]['data'][selDOMobj.options[j].value] = j; } } } // done populating valueindexmap // preparsing the index values for SELECT elements. var fieldvalue, fieldindex, opindex, datavalue, dataindex; fieldvalue = filter['field']; if (valueindexmap[fieldvalue]) { fieldindex = valueindexmap[fieldvalue]['index']; } if (fieldindex != null) { opindex = valueindexmap[fieldvalue]['ops'][filter['op']]; if(opindex === undefined) { for(i=0,li=options.operators.length; i<li;i++) { if(options.operators[i].op == filter.op ){ opindex = i; break; } } } datavalue = filter['data']; if (valueindexmap[fieldvalue]['data'] == null) { dataindex = -1; // 'data' is not SELECT, Making the var 'defined' } else { dataindex = valueindexmap[fieldvalue]['data'][datavalue]; // 'undefined' may come from here. } } // only if values for 'field' and 'op' and 'data' are 'found' in mapping... if (fieldindex != null && opindex != null && dataindex != null) { o.find("select[name='field']")[0].selectedIndex = fieldindex; o.find("select[name='field']").change(); o.find("select[name='op']")[0].selectedIndex = opindex; o.find("input.vdata").val(datavalue); // if jquery does not find any INPUT, it does not set any. This means we deal with SELECT o = o.find("select.vdata")[0]; if (o) { o.selectedIndex = dataindex; } return true } else { return false } }; // end of this.setFilter fn } // end of if fields != null } return new SearchFilter(this, fields, options); }; jQuery.fn.searchFilter.version = '1.2.9'; /* This property contains the default options */ jQuery.fn.searchFilter.defaults = { /* * PROPERTY * TYPE: boolean * DESCRIPTION: clone a row if it is added from an existing row * when false, any new added rows will be blank. */ clone: true, /* * PROPERTY * TYPE: boolean * DESCRIPTION: current version of datepicker uses a data store, * which is incompatible with $().clone(true) */ datepickerFix: true, /* * FUNCTION * DESCRIPTION: the function that will be called when the user clicks Reset * INPUT TYPE: JS object if stringResult is false, otherwise is JSON string */ onReset: function(data) { alert("Reset Clicked. Data Returned: " + data) }, /* * FUNCTION * DESCRIPTION: the function that will be called when the user clicks Search * INPUT TYPE: JS object if stringResult is false, otherwise is JSON string */ onSearch: function(data) { alert("Search Clicked. Data Returned: " + data) }, /* * FUNCTION * DESCRIPTION: the function that will be called when the user clicks the Closer icon * or the close() function is called * if left null, it simply does a .hide() on the searchFilter * INPUT TYPE: a jQuery object for the searchFilter */ onClose: function(jElem) { jElem.hide(); }, /* * PROPERTY * TYPE: array of objects, each object has the properties op and text * DESCRIPTION: the selectable operators that are applied between rules * e.g. for {op:"AND", text:"all"} * the search filter box will say: match all rules * the server should interpret this as putting the AND op between each rule: * rule1 AND rule2 AND rule3 * text will be the option text, and op will be the option value */ groupOps: [ { op: "AND", text: "all" }, { op: "OR", text: "any" } ], /* * PROPERTY * TYPE: array of objects, each object has the properties op and text * DESCRIPTION: the operators that will appear as drop-down options * text will be the option text, and op will be the option value */ operators: [ { op: "eq", text: "is equal to" }, { op: "ne", text: "is not equal to" }, { op: "lt", text: "is less than" }, { op: "le", text: "is less or equal to" }, { op: "gt", text: "is greater than" }, { op: "ge", text: "is greater or equal to" }, { op: "in", text: "is in" }, { op: "ni", text: "is not in" }, { op: "bw", text: "begins with" }, { op: "bn", text: "does not begin with" }, { op: "ew", text: "ends with" }, { op: "en", text: "does not end with" }, { op: "cn", text: "contains" }, { op: "nc", text: "does not contain" } ], /* * PROPERTY * TYPE: string * DESCRIPTION: part of the phrase: _match_ ANY/ALL rules */ matchText: "match", /* * PROPERTY * TYPE: string * DESCRIPTION: part of the phrase: match ANY/ALL _rules_ */ rulesText: "rules", /* * PROPERTY * TYPE: string * DESCRIPTION: the text that will be displayed in the reset button */ resetText: "Reset", /* * PROPERTY * TYPE: string * DESCRIPTION: the text that will be displayed in the search button */ searchText: "Search", /* * PROPERTY * TYPE: boolean * DESCRIPTION: a flag that, when set, will make the onSearch and onReset return strings instead of objects */ stringResult: true, /* * PROPERTY * TYPE: string * DESCRIPTION: the title of the searchFilter window */ windowTitle: "Search Rules", /* * PROPERTY * TYPE: object * DESCRIPTION: options to extend the ajax request */ ajaxSelectOptions : {} }; /* end of searchFilter */