Linux ip-172-26-7-228 5.4.0-1103-aws #111~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue May 23 20:04:10 UTC 2023 x86_64
: | :
Cant Read [ /etc/named.conf ]
Backdoor Destroyer
Linux Exploit
Lock Shell
Lock File
Create User
PHP Mailer
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+ Create File
var /
www /
html /
convocation /
custom_js /
Code Editor : cms.js
var fee = 0; let a = 0; let lat = ""; CMS = { GetHeaderDetails: function () { $("#T14").inputmask("d/m/y", { placeholder: "dd/mm/yyyy", }); $("#passport_expiry_date").inputmask("d/m/y", { placeholder: "dd/mm/yyyy", }); $("#visa_expiry_date").inputmask("d/m/y", { placeholder: "dd/mm/yyyy", }); $("#p_dob").inputmask("d/m/y", { placeholder: "dd/mm/yyyy", }); $("#c_dob").inputmask("d/m/y", { placeholder: "dd/mm/yyyy", }); $("#apps_dob").inputmask("d/m/y", { placeholder: "dd/mm/yyyy", }); $("#date_from").inputmask("d/m/y", { placeholder: "dd/mm/yyyy", }); $("#date_to").inputmask("d/m/y", { placeholder: "dd/mm/yyyy", }); $("#rp_dob").inputmask("d/m/y", { placeholder: "dd/mm/yyyy", }); $("#pd_from_date").inputmask("d/m/y", { placeholder: "dd/mm/yyyy", }); $("#pd_to_date").inputmask("d/m/y", { placeholder: "dd/mm/yyyy", }); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: $host_url + "GetHeaderDetails", error: AjaxErrorMessage, success: function GetHeaderDetailsResponce(responce) { try { $("#tatkalid").hide(); responce = eval("(" + responce + ")"); document.getElementById("header_title").innerHTML =["FUNIVNAME"]; document.getElementById("header_addr").innerHTML =["FUNIVADD1"]; $("#header_logo").attr("src",["FLOGOPATH"]); CMS.GetCMSDropDownMenuValues(); } catch (err) { txt = err.message; $.unblockUI(); } }, }); }, GetCMSDropDownMenuValues: function () { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: $host_url + "GetCMSDropDownMenuValues", error: AjaxErrorMessage, success: function GetCMSDropDownMenuValuesResponce(responce) { try { responce = eval("(" + responce + ")"); var payment_arr =["acctype"]; var conv_arr =["convtype"]; var univdata =["univdata"]; var cat_arr =["category"]; var db =["db"]; // if (db == "vskub") $("#disp_uploads").show(); //console.log(univdata.length); CMS.FillDropdownValues(payment_arr, "T13"); CMS.FillDropdownValues(univdata, "univ"); CMS.FillDropdownValues(cat_arr, "T16"); } catch (err) { txt = err.message; $.unblockUI(); //bootbox.alert(txt); } }, }); }, FillDropdownValues: function (arr, ele_name) { if (ele_name == "univ" && arr.length == 1) { document.getElementById(ele_name).options.length = 0; jQuery.each(arr, function (k, v) { var op = new Option(v["val"], v["int_code"]); = v["int_code"]; document.getElementById(ele_name).options.add(op); document.getElementById(ele_name).disabled = true; }); } else { document.getElementById(ele_name).options.length = 0; var op = new Option(" Select ", "00"); = "00"; document.getElementById(ele_name).options.add(op); jQuery.each(arr, function (k, v) { var op = new Option(v["val"], v["int_code"]); = v["int_code"]; document.getElementById(ele_name).options.add(op); }); } }, ValidateCertificateDetails: function () { list_data = ""; var student_entry_photo = $("#student_entry_upload").val(); var reg_no = encodeURIComponent($("#T1").val()); var candidate_name = encodeURIComponent($("#T2").val()); var college = encodeURIComponent($("#T3").val()); var degree = encodeURIComponent($("#T4").val()); var mobileno = encodeURIComponent($("#T5").val()); var confmobileno = encodeURIComponent($("#T6").val()); var kanname = encodeURIComponent($("#T99").val()); var emailid = $("#T7").val(); var univ = $("#univ").val(); //var postaladdr2 = encodeURIComponent($("#T10").val()); var amount = encodeURIComponent($("#T12").val()); var convtype = encodeURIComponent($("#T15").val()); var category = encodeURIComponent($("#T16").val()); var paytype = encodeURIComponent($("#T13").val()); var dob = date_format($("#T14").val()); var event = document.createEvent("Event"); var rctype = encodeURIComponent($("#rctype").val()); var nationality = encodeURIComponent($("#nationality").val()); var aadhar = encodeURIComponent($("#aadhar").val()); var postaladdr1 = encodeURIComponent($("#T8").val()); var postaladdr2 = encodeURIComponent($("#T9").val()); var city = encodeURIComponent($("#T31").val()); var state = encodeURIComponent($("#T32").val()); var pincode = encodeURIComponent($("#T33").val()); var sem_mks = $("#h_sem_mks").val(); var deg_cert = $("#h_deg_cert").val(); console.log(sem_mks, deg_cert); if (univ != "018") { if (empty(reg_no)) { bootbox.alert("Enter Register no."); $("#T1").focus(); return false; } if (empty(rctype)) { bootbox.alert("Select Receive Certificate"); $("#rctype").focus(); return false; } if (empty(nationality)) { bootbox.alert("Select Nationality"); $("#nationality").focus(); return false; } if (category == "00") { bootbox.alert("Select Category"); $("#T16").focus(); return false; } else if (empty(candidate_name)) { bootbox.alert("Enter candidate name"); $("#T2").focus(); return false; } else if (dob == "0000-00-00") { bootbox.alert("Enter Date of Birth"); $("#T14").focus(); return false; } else if (empty(aadhar)) { bootbox.alert("Enter aadhar number"); $("#aadhar").focus(); return false; } else if (empty(mobileno) || mobileno.length != 10) { bootbox.alert("Enter 10 digit mobile number"); $("#T5").focus(); return false; } // else if (empty(confmobileno) || confmobileno.length != 10) { // bootbox.alert("Enter 10 digit mobile number"); // $("#T6").focus(); // return false; // } else if (mobileno != confmobileno) { // bootbox.alert( // "The confirmed mobile no. does not match with mobile no." // ); // $("#T6").focus(); // return false; // } if (!validateemail(event, emailid)) { bootbox.alert( "The Email ID format is invalid,the valid Email Id format is or" ); document.getElementById("T7").focus(); return false; } if (rctype != "by%20Post") { if (empty(postaladdr1)) { bootbox.alert("Enter Postal Address 1"); $("#T8").focus(); return false; } if (empty(postaladdr2)) { bootbox.alert("Enter Postal Address 2"); $("#T9").focus(); return false; } if (empty(city)) { bootbox.alert("Enter City"); $("#T31").focus(); return false; } if (empty(state)) { bootbox.alert("Enter State"); $("#T32").focus(); return false; } if (empty(pincode)) { bootbox.alert("Enter Pincode"); $("#T33").focus(); return false; } } if (paytype == "00") { alert("Select Payment Type"); $("#T13").focus(); return false; } if (kanname == "") { alert("Enter Kannada Name"); $("#T99").focus(); return false; } if ( document.getElementById("student_entry_photo").getAttribute("src") == "img/default_photo.jpg" ) { alert("Upload photo"); $("#student_entry_photo").focus(); return false; } } else { if (empty(reg_no)) { bootbox.alert("Enter Register no."); $("#T1").focus(); return false; } if (empty(rctype)) { bootbox.alert("Select Receive Certificate"); $("#rctype").focus(); return false; } if (empty(candidate_name)) { bootbox.alert("Enter candidate name"); $("#T2").focus(); return false; } if (empty(mobileno) || mobileno.length != 10) { bootbox.alert("Enter 10 digit mobile number"); $("#T5").focus(); return false; } // if (empty(confmobileno) || confmobileno.length != 10) { // bootbox.alert("Enter 10 digit mobile number"); // $("#T6").focus(); // return false; // } // if (mobileno != confmobileno) { // bootbox.alert( // "The confirmed mobile no. does not match with mobile no." // ); // $("#T6").focus(); // return false; // } if ( document.getElementById("student_entry_photo").getAttribute("src") == "img/default_photo.jpg" ) { alert("Upload photo"); $("#student_entry_photo").focus(); return false; } if (paytype == "00") { alert("Select Payment Type"); $("#T13").focus(); return false; } console.log(rctype, "by%20Post"); if (rctype != "by%20Post") { if (empty(pincode)) { bootbox.alert("Enter Pincode"); $("#T33").focus(); return false; } if (empty(postaladdr1)) { bootbox.alert("Enter Postal Address 1"); $("#T8").focus(); return false; } if (empty(postaladdr2)) { bootbox.alert("Enter Postal Address 2"); $("#T9").focus(); return false; } if (empty(city)) { bootbox.alert("Enter City"); $("#T31").focus(); return false; } if (empty(state)) { bootbox.alert("Enter State"); $("#T32").focus(); return false; } if (!validateemail(event, emailid)) { bootbox.alert( "The Email ID format is invalid,the valid Email Id format is or" ); document.getElementById("T7").focus(); return false; } } } var lstr_query_string = window.location.href; lstr_query_string = lstr_query_string.split("/"); console.log(lstr_query_string); lstr_query_string = lstr_query_string[4]; if (lstr_query_string == "vskub") { if (sem_mks == "") { alert("Upload All Semester marks cards"); return; } // if (deg_cert == "") { // alert("Upload Degree Certificate"); // return; // } } /* else if(convtype == '00') { alert("Select Convocation"); $("#T15").focus(); return false; } */ var flag = true; if (flag == true) { if (category == "SCST") { var exam_det = $("#upload_table input[id*='categoryatt']"); jQuery.each(exam_det, function (ak, av) { var id = av["id"].split("_").pop(); var cert = $("#upload_table #doc_upload_" + id).html(); var file = $("#upload_table #categoryatt").val(); if ( empty(file) || empty(document.getElementById("categoryattpath").value) ) { alert("Upload Category Certificate"); flag = false; return false; } }); } } if (lat != "T") { var x = 0; for (let i = 1; i <= a; i++) { if (document.getElementById("confirm" + i).checked != true) x = 1; } if (x > 0) { alert("Confirm your all Semester Marks"); return false; } } if (document.getElementById("student_declr").checked != true) { alert("Read the Declaration and check I agree to the Terms "); return false; } return flag; }, SaveCertificateDetails: function () { var applicantOrThirdOrPost = $("#rctype").val(); console.log(applicantOrThirdOrPost, "hi"); var freccer; var list_data = $host_url + "SaveCertificateDetails"; if (applicantOrThirdOrPost == "IN ABSENTIA") { var valid_file_extentionsletter = new Array("jpeg", "jpg", "png", "gif"); var extletter = $("#letter_upload").val(); filepathletter = extletter; var ext1 = extletter.substring(extletter.length - 4, extletter.length); ext1 = ext1.toLowerCase(); extletter = extletter.substring(extletter.length - 3, extletter.length); extletter = extletter.toLowerCase(); if ( extletter != "" && !in_array(extletter, valid_file_extentionsletter) ) { console.log(ext1); if (ext1 != "" && !in_array(ext1, valid_file_extentionsletter)) { alert("Please Select the Valid Photo!"); return false; } } App.blockUI({ boxed: true, message: "Please wait, We are saving Data" }); list_data += "&filepathletter=" + filepathletter; var thirdpersonName = $("#thirdName").val(); list_data += "&thirdName=" + thirdpersonName; var thirdPersonRelation = $("#relative").val(); list_data += "&relative=" + thirdPersonRelation; if (thirdPersonRelation == "father") { list_data += "&father=" + thirdPersonRelation; } else if (thirdPersonRelation == "mother") { list_data += "&mother=" + thirdPersonRelation; } else if (thirdPersonRelation == "spouse") { list_data += "&spouse=" + thirdPersonRelation; } else if (thirdPersonRelation == "other") { list_data += "&other=" + thirdPersonRelation; var otherRelName = $("#otherralation").val(); list_data += "&otherralation=" + otherRelName; } var thirdPersonEmail = $("#thirdPersonEmail").val(); list_data += "&thirdPersonEmail=" + thirdPersonEmail; var thirdPersonMobile = $("#thirdPersonMobile").val(); list_data += "&thirdPersonMobile=" + thirdPersonMobile; var thirdPersonAddress = $("#thirdPersonAddress").val(); list_data += "&thirdPersonAddress=" + thirdPersonAddress; var thirdPersonidproof = $("#idproof").val(); list_data += "&idproof=" + thirdPersonidproof; if (thirdPersonidproof == "aadhar") { list_data += "&aadhar=" + thirdPersonidproof; var aadharno = $("#aadharno").val(); list_data += "&aadharno=" + aadharno; } else if (thirdPersonidproof == "driving") { list_data += "&driving=" + thirdPersonidproof; var drivingliecence = $("#drivingliecence").val(); list_data += "&drivingliecence=" + drivingliecence; } else if (thirdPersonidproof == "voter") { list_data += "&voter=" + thirdPersonidproof; var voterproof = $("#voterproof").val(); list_data += "&voterproof=" + voterproof; } else if (thirdPersonidproof == "other") { list_data += "&other=" + thirdPersonidproof; var otherproof = $("#otherproof").val(); list_data += "&otherproof=" + otherproof; var otherproofnumber = $("#otherproofnumber").val(); list_data += "&otherproofnumber=" + otherproofnumber; } var valid_file_extentionsletter = new Array("jpeg", "jpg", "png", "gif"); var extproof = $("#letter_upload").val(); filepathextproof = extproof; var filepathextproof1 = extproof.substring( extproof.length - 4, extproof.length ); filepathextproof1 = filepathextproof1.toLowerCase(); extproof = extproof.substring(extproof.length - 3, extproof.length); extproof = extproof.toLowerCase(); if (extproof != "" && !in_array(extproof, valid_file_extentionsletter)) { console.log(filepathextproof1); if ( filepathextproof1 != "" && !in_array(filepathextproof1, valid_file_extentionsletter) ) { alert("Please Select the Valid Photo!"); return false; } } App.blockUI({ boxed: true, message: "Please wait, We are saving Data" }); list_data += "&filepathextproof=" + filepathextproof; } else if (applicantOrThirdOrPost == "by Post") { var houseno = $("#byposthouseno").val(); list_data += "&byposthouseno=" + houseno; var streetName = $("#bypoststreetname").val(); list_data += "&bypoststreetname=" + streetName; var areaname = $("#bypostarea").val(); list_data += "&bypostarea=" + areaname; var landmark = $("#bypostlandmark").val(); list_data += "&bypostlandmark=" + landmark; var statebypost = $("#counties").val(); list_data += "&counties=" + statebypost; if (statebypost == "india") { statess = $("#indiasState").val(); list_data += "&indiasState=" + statess; } else if (statebypost == "other") { var othercountrt = $("#otherthanall").val(); list_data += "&otherthanall=" + othercountrt; statess = $("#otherthanstate").val(); list_data += "&otherthanstate=" + statess; } else { statess = $("#otherthanstate").val(); list_data += "&otherthanstate=" + statess; } var postdist = $("#postdist").val(); list_data += "&postdist=" + postdist; var pincodebypost = $("#bypostpincode").val(); list_data += "&bypostpincode=" + pincodebypost; } var reg_no = encodeURIComponent($("#T1").val()); list_data += "®_no=" + reg_no; var course = $("#T4").val(); list_data += "&course=" + course; var college = $("#T3").val(); list_data += "&college=" + college; var candidate_name = encodeURIComponent($("#T2").val()); list_data += "&candidate_name=" + candidate_name; var univ = encodeURIComponent($("#univ").val()); list_data += "&univ=" + univ; var catcode = encodeURIComponent($("#T16").val()); list_data += "&catcode=" + catcode; var paddr1 = encodeURIComponent($("#T8").val()); list_data += "&paddr1=" + paddr1; var paddr2 = encodeURIComponent($("#T9").val()); list_data += "&paddr2=" + paddr2; var city = encodeURIComponent($("#T31").val()); list_data += "&city=" + city; var state = encodeURIComponent($("#T32").val()); list_data += "&state=" + state; var pincode = encodeURIComponent($("#T33").val()); list_data += "&pincode=" + pincode; var mobile_no = encodeURIComponent($("#T5").val()); list_data += "&mobile_no=" + mobile_no; var email_id = encodeURIComponent($("#T7").val()); list_data += "&email_id=" + email_id; var amount = encodeURIComponent($("#T12").val()); list_data += "&amount=" + amount; var nationality = encodeURIComponent($("#nationality").val()); list_data += "&nationality=" + nationality; var rctype = encodeURIComponent($("#rctype").val()); list_data += "&rctype=" + rctype; var aadhar = encodeURIComponent($("#aadhar").val()); list_data += "&aadhar=" + aadhar; var paytype = encodeURIComponent($("#T13").val()); list_data += "&paytype=" + paytype; var kanname = encodeURIComponent($("#T99").val()); list_data += "&kanname=" + kanname; list_data += "°_cert=" + $("#h_deg_cert").val(); list_data += "&sem_mks=" + $("#h_sem_mks").val(); var feearry = []; $("#feetable tbody>tr").each(function () { var headcode = ["slno", "headcode", "fee"]; var x = 0; var item = {}; $("td", this).each(function () { item[headcode[x]] = $(this).text(); feearry.push(item); x++; }); }); list_data += "&fee_arr=" + JSON.stringify(feearry); //var paytype = encodeURIComponent($("#T30").val());list_data+="&paytype="+paytype; var dob = date_format($("#T14").val()); list_data += "&dob=" + dob; var valid_file_extentions = new Array("jpeg", "jpg", "png", "gif"); var ext = $("#student_entry_upload").val(); filepath = ext; var ext1 = ext.substring(ext.length - 4, ext.length); ext1 = ext1.toLowerCase(); ext = ext.substring(ext.length - 3, ext.length); ext = ext.toLowerCase(); console.log(ext); // if (ext != "" && !in_array(ext, valid_file_extentions)) { // alert("Please Select the Valid Photo!"); // return false; // } if (ext != "" && !in_array(ext, valid_file_extentions)) { console.log(ext1); if (ext1 != "" && !in_array(ext1, valid_file_extentions)) { alert("Please Select the Valid Photo!"); return false; } } App.blockUI({ boxed: true, message: "Please wait, We are saving Data" }); list_data += "&filepath=" + filepath; document .getElementById("form_module_details_upload") .setAttribute("action", list_data); return AIM.submit( document.getElementById("form_module_details_upload"), "same_tab", { onComplete: CMS.SaveCertificateDetailsResponse } ); }, SaveCertificateDetailsResponse: function (responce) { try { $.fancybox.close(); App.unblockUI(); responce = eval("(" + trim(responce) + ")"); if (responce.error_code == 0) { CMS.GetpaymentLinkForAppNo(["app_no"]); } else { alert(; return false; } } catch (err) { txt = err.message; bootbox.alert(txt + "<br>" + responce); } }, SaveCertificateDetailsNehu: function () { var freccer; var list_data = $host_url + "SaveCertificateDetailsNehu"; var reg_no = encodeURIComponent($("#T1").val()); list_data += "®_no=" + reg_no; var course = $("#T4").val(); list_data += "&course=" + course; var college = $("#T3").val(); list_data += "&college=" + college; var candidate_name = encodeURIComponent($("#T2").val()); list_data += "&candidate_name=" + candidate_name; var univ = encodeURIComponent($("#univ").val()); list_data += "&univ=" + univ; var catcode = encodeURIComponent($("#T16").val()); list_data += "&catcode=" + catcode; var paddr1 = encodeURIComponent($("#T8").val()); list_data += "&paddr1=" + paddr1; var paddr2 = encodeURIComponent($("#T9").val()); list_data += "&paddr2=" + paddr2; var city = encodeURIComponent($("#T31").val()); list_data += "&city=" + city; var state = encodeURIComponent($("#T32").val()); list_data += "&state=" + state; var pincode = encodeURIComponent($("#T33").val()); list_data += "&pincode=" + pincode; var mobile_no = encodeURIComponent($("#T5").val()); list_data += "&mobile_no=" + mobile_no; var email_id = encodeURIComponent($("#T7").val()); list_data += "&email_id=" + email_id; var amount = encodeURIComponent($("#T12").val()); list_data += "&amount=" + amount; var nationality = encodeURIComponent($("#nationality").val()); list_data += "&nationality=" + nationality; var rctype = encodeURIComponent($("#rctype").val()); list_data += "&rctype=" + rctype; var aadhar = encodeURIComponent($("#aadhar").val()); list_data += "&aadhar=" + aadhar; var paytype = encodeURIComponent($("#T13").val()); list_data += "&paytype=" + paytype; var kanname = encodeURIComponent($("#T99").val()); list_data += "&kanname=" + kanname; list_data += "°_cert=" + $("#h_deg_cert").val(); list_data += "&sem_mks=" + $("#h_sem_mks").val(); var feearry = []; $("#feetable tbody>tr").each(function () { var headcode = ["slno", "headcode", "fee"]; var x = 0; var item = {}; $("td", this).each(function () { item[headcode[x]] = $(this).text(); feearry.push(item); x++; }); }); list_data += "&fee_arr=" + JSON.stringify(feearry); //var paytype = encodeURIComponent($("#T30").val());list_data+="&paytype="+paytype; var dob = date_format($("#T14").val()); list_data += "&dob=" + dob; var valid_file_extentions = new Array("jpeg", "jpg", "png", "gif"); var ext = $("#student_entry_upload").val(); filepath = ext; var ext1 = ext.substring(ext.length - 4, ext.length); ext1 = ext1.toLowerCase(); ext = ext.substring(ext.length - 3, ext.length); ext = ext.toLowerCase(); console.log(ext); // if (ext != "" && !in_array(ext, valid_file_extentions)) { // alert("Please Select the Valid Photo!"); // return false; // } if (ext != "" && !in_array(ext, valid_file_extentions)) { console.log(ext1); if (ext1 != "" && !in_array(ext1, valid_file_extentions)) { alert("Please Select the Valid Photo!"); return false; } } App.blockUI({ boxed: true, message: "Please wait, We are saving Data" }); list_data += "&filepath=" + filepath; document .getElementById("form_module_details_upload") .setAttribute("action", list_data); return AIM.submit( document.getElementById("form_module_details_upload"), "same_tab", { onComplete: CMS.SaveCertificateDetailsNehuResponse } ); }, SaveCertificateDetailsNehuResponse: function (responce) { try { $.fancybox.close(); App.unblockUI(); responce = eval("(" + trim(responce) + ")"); if (responce.error_code == 0) { CMS.GetpaymentLinkForAppNo(["app_no"]); } else { alert(; return false; } } catch (err) { txt = err.message; bootbox.alert(txt + "<br>" + responce); } }, GetpaymentLinkForAppNo: function (app_no) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", //async:false, url: $host_url + "GetpaymentLinkForAppNo", error: AjaxErrorMessage, data: "&app_no=" + app_no, success: function GetpaymentLinkForAppNoResponce(responce) { try { responce = eval("(" + responce + ")"); $("#tasks_inbox").html(; } catch (err) { txt = err.message; $.unblockUI(); bootbox.alert(txt); } }, }); }, ValidatePaymentApplicationData: function () { var p_appno = $("#p_appno").val(); var p_dob = date_format($("#p_dob").val()); var p_reg_no = $("#p_regno").val(); if (empty(p_appno)) { bootbox.alert("Please Enter Application no."); return false; } else if (empty(p_reg_no)) { bootbox.alert("Please Enter Reg No"); return false; } else if (p_dob == "0000-00-00") { bootbox.alert("Please Enter Date of Birth"); return false; } App.blockUI({ boxed: true, message: "Please wait,validating input details...", }); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: $host_url + "ValidatePaymentApplicationData", error: AjaxErrorMessage, data: "&p_appno=" + p_appno + "&p_dob=" + p_dob + "&p_reg_no=" + p_reg_no, success: function GetpaymentLinkForAppNoResponce(responce) { try { responce = eval("(" + responce + ")"); $.unblockUI(); if (responce.error_code == -1) { bootbox.alert(; } else { CMS.MakeOnlinePayment(["app_no"],["UNIVCODE"] ); } } catch (err) { txt = err.message; $.unblockUI(); bootbox.alert(txt); } }, }); }, ValidatePrintCertificateApplicationData: function () { var appno = $("#rp_app_no").val(); var regno = date_format($("#rp_reg_no").val()); if (db != "sikkim" && db != "nehu") { var dob = date_format($("#rp_dob").val()); if (dob == "0000-00-00") { bootbox.alert("Enter Date of Birth"); return false; } } if (empty(appno)) { bootbox.alert("Enter Application no."); return false; } else if (empty(regno)) { bootbox.alert("Enter Reg No"); return false; } App.blockUI({ boxed: true, message: "Please wait,generating report..." }); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: $host_url + "ValidatePrintCertificateApplicationData", error: AjaxErrorMessage, data: "&appno=" + appno + "&dob=" + dob + "®no=" + regno, success: function ValidatePrintCertificateApplicationDataResponce( responce ) { try { responce = eval("(" + responce + ")"); $.unblockUI(); if (responce.error_code == -1) { bootbox.alert(; } else { if (["paytype"] == "POSTOFFICE") { CMS.PrintPOSTCertifcate(["app_no"]); } if ( (["paytype"] == "Other Banks" ||["paytype"] == "Paytm") &&["paystatus"] == "success" ) { CMS.PrintNETBANKCertifcate(["app_no"]); } if ( (["paytype"] == "Other Banks" ||["paytype"] == "Paytm") &&["paystatus"] != "success" ) { txt = "Online Payment Pending"; bootbox.alert(txt); if (db == "sikkim") { window.location.href = "" +["app_no"] + "&type=convo"; } else if (db == "nehu") { window.location.href = "" +["app_no"] + "&type=convo"; } } } } catch (err) { txt = err.message; $.unblockUI(); bootbox.alert(txt); } }, }); }, viewGoldMedal: function () { var regno = $("#regno").val(); if (regno == "") { alert("Enter Roll No."); $("#regno").focus(); return; } App.blockUI({ boxed: true, message: "Please wait" }); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: $host_url + "viewGoldMedal", error: AjaxErrorMessage, data: "®no=" + regno, success: function viewGoldMedalResponce(responce) { try { responce = eval("(" + responce + ")"); $.unblockUI(); if (responce.error_code == -1) { bootbox.alert(; $("#medaldiv").hide(); } else { $("#medaldiv").show(); document.getElementById("regno").disabled = true; } } catch (err) { txt = err.message; $.unblockUI(); bootbox.alert(txt); } }, }); }, saveGoldMedal: function () { var regno = $("#regno").val(); var vname1 = $("#vname1").val(); var vname2 = $("#vname2").val(); var vrelation1 = $("#vrelation1").val(); var vrelation2 = $("#vrelation2").val(); var vemail1 = $("#vemail1").val(); var vemail2 = $("#vemail2").val(); var vmob1 = $("#vmob1").val(); var vmob2 = $("#vmob2").val(); if (regno == "") { alert("Enter Roll No."); $("#regno").focus(); return; } if (vname1 == "") { alert("Enter Visitor 1 Name"); $("#vname1").focus(); return; } if (vrelation1 == "") { alert("Enter Relation with Candidate"); $("#vrelation1").focus(); return; } if (vemail1 == "") { alert("Enter Email id"); $("#vemail1").focus(); return; } if (vmob1 == "") { alert("Enter Phone number"); $("#vmob1").focus(); return; } App.blockUI({ boxed: true, message: "Please wait" }); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: $host_url + "saveGoldMedal", error: AjaxErrorMessage, data: "®no=" + regno + "&vname1=" + vname1 + "&vname2=" + vname2 + "&vrelation1=" + vrelation1 + "&vrelation2=" + vrelation2 + "&vemail1=" + vemail1 + "&vemail2=" + vemail2 + "&vmob1=" + vmob1 + "&vmob2" + vmob2, success: function saveGoldMedalResponce(responce) { try { responce = eval("(" + responce + ")"); $.unblockUI(); if (responce.error_code == -1) { bootbox.alert(; //$('#medaldiv').hide(); } else { bootbox.alert(; $("#medaldiv").hide(); $("#regno").val(""); document.getElementById("regno").disabled = false; window.location.href = $host_url + "PrintNetbankCertificate&db=sikkim&app_no=" +; // } } catch (err) { txt = err.message; $.unblockUI(); bootbox.alert(txt); } }, }); }, MakeOnlinePayment: function (app_no, univcode) { //window.location.href="payment_gateway.php?productinfo="+app_no; if (db == "sikkim") { window.location.href = "" + app_no + "&type=convo"; } if (db == "nehu") { window.location.href = "" + app_no + "&type=convo"; } else { $host_url = ""; window.location.href = $host_url + "Paytm/pgRedirect.php?productinfo=" + app_no + "&funivcode=" + univcode; } }, PrintNETBANKCertifcate: function (app_no) { window.location.href = $host_url + "PrintNetbankCertificate&app_no=" + app_no; }, PrintNETBANKCertifcatepaytm: function (app_no) { $host_url = ""; window.location.href = $host_url + "PrintNetbankCertificate&app_no=" + app_no; }, PrintPOSTCertifcate: function (app_no) { window.location.href = $host_url + "PrintPostCertificate&app_no=" + app_no; }, ValidateOTPasssword: function () { $("#otp_error").hide(); if ( $("#otp_password_input").val() == document.getElementById("TH1").value ) { if (db == "sikkim") { CMS.SaveCertificateDetails(); } else { CMS.SaveCertificateDetailsNehu(); } } else { $("#otp_error").show(); } }, SendMailOtPToUser: function () { console.log("shivu"); if (CMS.ValidateCertificateDetails()) { $("#otp_password_input").val(""); $("#otp_error").hide(); App.blockUI({ boxed: true, message: "Please wait,System Sending OTP Password", }); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: $host_url + "SendMailOtPToUser", error: AjaxErrorMessage, data: "s_mobile_no=" + $("#T5").val() + "&s_email_id=" + $("#T7").val(), success: function GetPendingCertificatesDataResponce(responce) { try { $.unblockUI(); responce = eval("(" + responce + ")"); if (responce.error_code == -1) { bootbox.alert(; } else { console.log(; document.getElementById("TH1").value =; $(".fancybox").trigger("click"); // console.log(responce.error_code); } } catch (err) { txt = err.message; $.unblockUI(); bootbox.alert(txt); } }, }); } }, ShowCertficateToggle: function (id) { $("#cert_tr_" + id).toggle(); }, // : function() { // $.ajax({ // type: "POST", // //async:false, // url: $host_url + "GetCollwiseCandidateList", // error: AjaxErrorMessage, // data: // "from_app=" + // $("#app_from_app").val() + // "&to_app=" + // $("#app_to_app").val(), // success: function GetPendingCertificatesDataResponce(responce) { // try { // responce = eval("(" + responce + ")"); // if (responce.error_code == -1) { // } else { // $("#tasks_inbox_trial").html(["html"]); // } // } catch (err) { // txt = err.message; // $.unblockUI(); // bootbox.alert(txt); // } // } // }); // }, GetCollwiseCandidateList: function () { var fromdate = date_format($("#date_from").val()); var todate = date_format($("#date_to").val()); var fromdeg = $("#deg_from").val(); var todeg = $("#deg_to").val(); var paystatus = $("#paystatus").val(); var certificatetype = $("#certificatetype").val(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", //async:false, url: $host_url + "GetCollwiseCandidateList", error: AjaxErrorMessage, data: "from_app=" + $("#app_from_app").val() + "&to_app=" + $("#app_to_app").val() + "&fromdeg=" + fromdeg + "&todeg=" + todeg + "&fromdate=" + fromdate + "&todate=" + todate + "&paystatus=" + paystatus + "&certificatetype=" + certificatetype, success: function GetPendingCertificatesDataResponce(responce) { try { responce = eval("(" + responce + ")"); if (responce.error_code == -1) { } else { $("#tasks_inbox_trial").html(["html"]); } } catch (err) { txt = err.message; $.unblockUI(); bootbox.alert(txt); } }, }); }, viewCandidateDetails: function (appno, collcode) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", //async:false, url: $host_url + "GetCandidateDetails", error: AjaxErrorMessage, data: "appno=" + appno + "&collcode=" + collcode, success: function (responce) { try { responce = eval("(" + responce + ")"); if (responce.error_code == -1) { } else { document.getElementById("cand_list").className = " "; document.getElementById("cand_details").className = "active"; document.getElementById("tasks_inbox").className = "tab-pane"; document.getElementById("candidate_details").className += " active"; document.getElementById("cand_details").focus(); $("#candidate_details").html(["html"]); } } catch (err) { txt = err.message; $.unblockUI(); bootbox.alert(txt); } }, }); }, viewCollCandidateDetails: function (appno, collcode, type) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", //async:false, url: $host_url + "GetCandidateDetails", error: AjaxErrorMessage, data: "appno=" + appno + "&collcode=" + collcode, success: function (responce) { try { responce = eval("(" + responce + ")"); if (responce.error_code == -1) { } else { if (type == "pending") { document.getElementById("cand_list").className = " "; document.getElementById("cand_details").className = "active"; document.getElementById("tasks_inbox").className = "tab-pane"; document.getElementById("candidate_details").className += " active"; document.getElementById("cand_details").focus(); $("#candidate_details").html(["html"]); } if (type == "verified") { document.getElementById("cand_verified").className = " "; document.getElementById("cand_details").className = "active"; document.getElementById("verified_div").className = "tab-pane"; document.getElementById("candidate_details").className += " active"; document.getElementById("cand_details").focus(); $("#candidate_details").html(["html"]); } } } catch (err) { txt = err.message; $.unblockUI(); bootbox.alert(txt); } }, }); }, Getstudentdetails: function (event, dob) { var regno = document.getElementById("T1").value; if (regno.length > 0) { var univ = $("#univ").val(); App.blockUI({ boxed: true, message: "Please wait,loading data.." }); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: $host_url + "Getstudentdetails", error: AjaxErrorMessage, data: "regno=" + regno + "&univ=" + univ + "&birthData=" + dob, success: function (responce) { // let responce = JSON.parse(res); try { responce = eval("(" + responce + ")"); $.unblockUI(); var db =; if (db == "vskub") { $("#disp_uploads").show(); } if (responce.error_code == 0) { if ( == "by Post") { $("#bypostway").show(); $("#authorizedperson").hide(); $("#hideforPost").hide(); document.getElementById("byposthouseno").value =; document.getElementById("bypoststreetname").value =; document.getElementById("bypostarea").value =; document.getElementById("bypostlandmark").value =; document.getElementById("counties").value =; if ( == "india") { document.getElementById("states").style.display = "block"; $("#otherCountry").hide(); $("#Othercountryother").hide(); document.getElementById("indiasState").value =; } else if ( == "other") { document.getElementById("otherCountry").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("Othercountryother").style.display = "block"; $("#states").hide(); document.getElementById("otherthanall").value =; document.getElementById("otherthanstate").value =; } else { document.getElementById("otherCountry").style.display = "block"; $("#states").hide(); $("#Othercountryother").hide(); document.getElementById("otherthanstate").value =; } document.getElementById("postdist").value =; document.getElementById("bypostpincode").value =; } else if ( == "IN ABSENTIA") { $("#authorizedperson").show(); $("#hideforPost").show(); $("#bypostway").hide(); // Display the photo in the img element // document.getElementById("letter_upload").value = //; // console.log( // document.getElementById("letter_upload").value, // "hi" // ); document.getElementById("thirdName").value =; if ( == "Father") { cnd = "father"; } else if ( == "Mother") { cnd = "mother"; } else if ( == "Spouse") { cnd = "spouse"; } else if ( == "Other") { cnd = "other"; } document.getElementById("relative").value = cnd; if (cnd == "other") { document.getElementById("otherralation").value =; } document.getElementById("thirdPersonEmail").value =; document.getElementById("thirdPersonMobile").value =; document.getElementById("thirdPersonAddress").value =; if ( == "Aadhar") { idcnd = "aadhar"; document.getElementById("idproof").value = idcnd; // document.getElementById("createIdrow").style.display = // "block"; // document.getElementById("aadharno").style.display = "block"; row = `<tr><td></td> <td><input type="text" class="form-control" style='min-width:150px;' value='${}' placeholder="Enter Aadhar No." id="aadharno"/></td> </tr>`; // $("#drivingliecence").hide(); // $("#voterproof").hide(); // $("#otherproof").hide(); // $("#otherproofnumber").hide(); } else if ( == "Driving") { idcnd = "driving"; document.getElementById("idproof").value = idcnd; row = `<tr><td></td> <td><input type="text" class="form-control" style='min-width:150px;' value='${}' placeholder="Enter Licence No." id="drivingliecence"/></td> </tr>`; } else if ( == "Voter") { idcnd = "voter"; document.getElementById("idproof").value = idcnd; row = `<tr><td></td> <td><input type="text" class="form-control" style='min-width:150px;' value='${}' placeholder="Enter Licence No." id="voterproof"/></td> </tr>`; } else if ( == "Other") { idcnd = "other"; document.getElementById("idproof").value = idcnd; row = `<tr> <td></td> <td><input type="text" class="form-control" style='min-width:150px;' value=${} placeholder="Enter Id Name"/ id="otherproof"></td> </tr> <br/> <tr> <td></td> <td><input type="text" class="form-control" style='min-width:150px;' value='${}' placeholder="Enter Id no."/ id="otherproofnumber"></td> </tr>`; } // if (idcnd == "aadhar") { // // $("#createIdrow").show(); // // document.getElementById("createIdrow").style.display ="block"; // // $("#aadharno").hide(); // // document.getElementById("aadharno").style.display = "block"; // // if ( != 0) { // // $("#createIdrow").show(); // // document.getElementById("aadharno").style.display = "block"; // // } // // $("#createIdrow").show(); // // $("#aadharno").show(); // // document.getElementById("aadharno").style.display = "block"; // // document.getElementById("aadharno").value = // //; // // console.log(; // } $("#createIdrow").html(row); //else if ( == "Driving") { // document.getElementById("drivingliecence").value = //; // } else if ( == "Voter") { // document.getElementById("voterproof").value = //; // } else if ( == "Other") { // document.getElementById("otherproof").value = //; // document.getElementById("otherproofnumber").value = //; // } } else if ( == "IN PERSON") { $("#authorizedperson").hide(); $("#bypostway").hide(); $("#hideforPost").show(); } $("#T5").prop("disabled", false); $("#T6").prop("disabled", false); $("#T7").prop("disabled", false); $("#T13").prop("disabled", false); $("#T8").prop("disabled", false); $("#T9").prop("disabled", false); $("#T31").prop("disabled", false); $("#T32").prop("disabled", false); $("#T33").prop("disabled", false); document.getElementById("hidden1").style.display = "block"; 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lat =["lat"]; if (["fdcmsg"] == "T") { $("#dcmsg").show(); } let str = `<br>ಸೆಮಿಸ್ಟರ್ನ ಗರಿಷ್ಠ / ಪಡೆದ ಅಂಕಗಳ ವಿವರಗಳು (ಪ್ರತಿ ಸೆಮಿಸ್ಟರ್ನ ಅಂಕಗಳನ್ನು ದೃಢೀಕರಿಸಿ)`; let str1 = `<br>ಮೇಲೆ ತೋರಿಸಿರುವ ಅಂಕಗಳ ವಿವರಗಳಲ್ಲಿನ ಯಾವುದೇ ವ್ಯತ್ಯಾಸಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ, ಸಹಾಯ ಕೇಂದ್ರವನ್ನು ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿಸಿ ಮತ್ತು ಸರಿಯಾದ ದಾಖಲೆಗಳನ್ನು ರಿಜಿಸ್ಟ್ರಾರ್ (ಮೌಲ್ಯಮಾಪನ), ವಿಶ್ವವಿದ್ಯಾಲಯಕ್ಕೆ ಸಲ್ಲಿಸಿ`; if (db == "sikkim" || db == "nehu") { str = ""; str1 = ""; } let table = ""; if (["fthesis"] != "-") { table += ` <span style = 'color:black'>Thesis Name and Registration No. Details (Confirm the Thesis Name)<br></span> <table id="upload_table" class="table table-bordered table-hover" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <thead> <tr> <th><i class="icon-briefcase"></i> Registration No.</th> <th>Thesis Name</th> <th>Confirm</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody>`; if (["fthesis"] != "-") { table += `<tr> <td>${["frollno"]}</td> <td>${["fthesis"]}</td> <td><input type="checkbox" id="confirm1" ></td> </tr>`; a++; } } else { table = ` <span style = 'color:black'>Semester wise Maximum / Secured Marks details (Confirm the marks against each semester) ${str}<br></span> <table id="upload_table" class="table table-bordered table-hover" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <thead> <tr> <th><i class="icon-briefcase"></i> Semester</th> <th>Max. Marks</th> <th>Sec. Marks</th> <th>Confirm</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody>`; if (["FMAXMARKSA"] != "-") { table += `<tr> <td>1st Semester</td> <td>${["FMAXMARKSA"]}</td> <td>${["FMARKSA"]}</td> <td><input type="checkbox" id="confirm1" ></td> </tr>`; a++; } if (["FMAXMARKSB"] != "-") { table += `<tr> <td>2nd Semester</td> <td>${["FMAXMARKSB"]}</td> <td>${["FMARKSB"]}</td> <td><input type="checkbox" id="confirm2" ></td> </tr>`; a++; } if (["FMAXMARKSC"] != "-") { table += `<tr> <td>3rd Semester</td> <td>${["FMAXMARKSC"]}</td> <td>${["FMARKSC"]}</td> <td><input type="checkbox" id="confirm3" ></td> </tr>`; a++; } if (["FMAXMARKSD"] != "-") { table += `<tr> <td>4th Semester</td> <td>${["FMAXMARKSD"]}</td> <td>${["FMARKSD"]}</td> <td><input type="checkbox" id="confirm4" ></td> </tr>`; a++; } if (["FMAXMARKSE"] != "-") { table += `<tr> <td>5th Semester</td> <td>${["FMAXMARKSE"]}</td> <td>${["FMARKSE"]}</td> <td><input type="checkbox" id="confirm5" ></td> </tr>`; a++; } if (["FMAXMARKSF"] != "-") { table += `<tr> <td>6th Semester</td> <td>${["FMAXMARKSF"]}</td> <td>${["FMARKSF"]}</td> <td><input type="checkbox" id="confirm6" ></td> </tr>`; a++; } if (["FMAXMARKSG"] != "-") { table += `<tr> <td>7th Semester</td> <td>${["FMAXMARKSG"]}</td> <td>${["FMARKSG"]}</td> <td><input type="checkbox" id="confirm7" ></td> </tr>`; a++; } if (["FMAXMARKSH"] != "-") { table += `<tr> <td>8th Semester</td> <td>${["FMAXMARKSH"]}</td> <td>${["FMARKSH"]}</td> <td><input type="checkbox" id="confirm8" ></td> </tr>`; a++; } if (["FMAXMARKSI"] != "-") { table += `<tr> <td>9th Semester</td> <td>${["FMAXMARKSI"]}</td> <td>${["FMARKSI"]}</td> <td><input type="checkbox" id="confirm9" ></td> </tr>`; a++; } if (["FMAXMARKSJ"] != "-") { table += `<tr> <td>10th Semester</td> <td>${["FMAXMARKSJ"]}</td> <td>${["FMARKSJ"]}</td> <td><input type="checkbox" id="confirm10" ></td> </tr>`; a++; } } table += `</tbody> </table> <br> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-md-3 control-label" style="text-align:left" >Passing Month</label> <div class="col-md-3"> <input type="text" disabled name="registerno" id="FCEXAM" class="form-control" style="text-transform: uppercase;min-width:150px;" title='University Register no.' value = '${["FCEXAM"]}' > </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-md-3 control-label" style="text-align:left" >Class </label> <div class="col-md-3"> <input type="text" disabled name="registerno" id="FCLASS" class="form-control" style="text-transform: uppercase;min-width:150px;" title='University Register no.' value = '${["FCLASS"]}' > </div> </div> <span style = 'color:black'>For any differences in marks details shown above, contact Help desk and submit the proper documents to Registrar (Evaluation) ${str1}<br></br></span> `; if (a > 0) $("#privmarks").html(table); // $("#disp_scstatt").hide(); if ( != 0) { document.getElementById("rctype").value =["FRCTYPE"]; if (univ != "018") { document.getElementById("T14").value =["dob"]; document.getElementById("T99").value =["FKANNAME"]; document.getElementById("nationality").value =["FNATIONAL"]; document.getElementById("aadhar").value =["FAADHAR"]; document.getElementById("aadhar").value =["FAADHAR"]; document.getElementById("T16").value =["FCATCODE"]; } document.getElementById("T5").value =["FMOBILE"]; // document.getElementById("T6").value = //["FMOBILE"]; document.getElementById("T7").value =["FEMAIL"]; document.getElementById("T8").value =["FPOSTADDR1"]; document.getElementById("T9").value =["FPOSTADDR2"]; document.getElementById("T31").value =["FCITY"]; document.getElementById("T32").value =["FSTATE"]; document.getElementById("T33").value =["FPINCODE"]; CMS.loadConvoFee(); var photo = "" +["fcunivcode"] + "/" +["FPHOTOPATH"]; $("#student_entry_photo").attr("src", photo); var s3_url = ""; if (["FALLSEMCERT"] != "") { var path_all = s3_url +["FALLSEMCERT"]; var html = '<a target="_blank" href="' + path_all + '" style="color:#AB45F9; padding-right:5px;">' + "All Semester Marks cards" + "</a>"; $("#attach_td_sem_mks").html(html); } if (["FDEGCERTPATH"] != "") { var path_deg = s3_url +["FDEGCERTPATH"]; var html = '<a target="_blank" href="' + path_deg + '" style="color:#AB45F9; padding-right:5px;">' + "Degree Certificate" + "</a>"; $("#attach_td_deg_cert").html(html); } } } else { document.getElementById("T2").value = ""; document.getElementById("T3").value = ""; document.getElementById("T4").value = ""; document.getElementById("T15").value = ""; //document.getElementById("T16").value = "00"; document.getElementById("T12").value = "0"; bootbox.alert(; } } catch (err) { txt = err.message; $.unblockUI(); bootbox.alert(txt); } }, }); } }, GetstudentdetailsNehu: function (event, regno) { if (regno.length > 0) { var univ = $("#univ").val(); App.blockUI({ boxed: true, message: "Please wait,loading data.." }); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: $host_url + "GetstudentdetailsNehu", error: AjaxErrorMessage, data: "regno=" + regno + "&univ=" + univ, success: function (responce) { try { responce = eval("(" + responce + ")"); $.unblockUI(); var db =; if (db == "vskub") { // console.log("hii"); $("#disp_uploads").show(); } if (responce.error_code == 0) { document.getElementById("T2").value =["FNAME"]; document.getElementById("T3").value =["FCOLLNAME"]; document.getElementById("T4").value =["FDESCPN"]; document.getElementById("T15").value =["FCNVNAME"]; document.getElementById("certificateno").value =["fcertificateno"]; if (univ != "018") { document.getElementById("T16").value =["FCASTE"]; lat = document.getElementById("T16").value =["lat"]; } // document.getElementById("T16").value = //["FCASTE"]; // lat = document.getElementById("T16").value = //["lat"]; lat =["lat"]; if (["fdcmsg"] == "T") { $("#dcmsg").show(); } let str = `<br>ಸೆಮಿಸ್ಟರ್ನ ಗರಿಷ್ಠ / ಪಡೆದ ಅಂಕಗಳ ವಿವರಗಳು (ಪ್ರತಿ ಸೆಮಿಸ್ಟರ್ನ ಅಂಕಗಳನ್ನು ದೃಢೀಕರಿಸಿ)`; let str1 = `<br>ಮೇಲೆ ತೋರಿಸಿರುವ ಅಂಕಗಳ ವಿವರಗಳಲ್ಲಿನ ಯಾವುದೇ ವ್ಯತ್ಯಾಸಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ, ಸಹಾಯ ಕೇಂದ್ರವನ್ನು ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿಸಿ ಮತ್ತು ಸರಿಯಾದ ದಾಖಲೆಗಳನ್ನು ರಿಜಿಸ್ಟ್ರಾರ್ (ಮೌಲ್ಯಮಾಪನ), ವಿಶ್ವವಿದ್ಯಾಲಯಕ್ಕೆ ಸಲ್ಲಿಸಿ`; if (db == "sikkim") { str = ""; str1 = ""; } let table = ""; if (["fthesis"] != "-") { table += ` <span style = 'color:black'>Thesis Name and Registration No. Details (Confirm the Thesis Name)<br></span> <table id="upload_table" class="table table-bordered table-hover" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <thead> <tr> <th><i class="icon-briefcase"></i> Registration No.</th> <th>Thesis Name</th> <th>Confirm</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody>`; if (["fthesis"] != "-") { table += `<tr> <td>${["frollno"]}</td> <td>${["fthesis"]}</td> <td><input type="checkbox" id="confirm1" ></td> </tr>`; a++; } } else { table = ` <span style = 'color:black'>Semester wise Maximum / Secured Marks details (Confirm the marks against each semester) ${str}<br></span> <table id="upload_table" class="table table-bordered table-hover" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <thead> <tr> <th><i class="icon-briefcase"></i> Semester</th> <th>Max. Marks</th> <th>Sec. Marks</th> <th>Confirm</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody>`; if (["FMAXMARKSA"] != "-") { table += `<tr> <td>1st Semester</td> <td>${["FMAXMARKSA"]}</td> <td>${["FMARKSA"]}</td> <td><input type="checkbox" id="confirm1" ></td> </tr>`; a++; } if (["FMAXMARKSB"] != "-") { table += `<tr> <td>2nd Semester</td> <td>${["FMAXMARKSB"]}</td> <td>${["FMARKSB"]}</td> <td><input type="checkbox" id="confirm2" ></td> </tr>`; a++; } if (["FMAXMARKSC"] != "-") { table += `<tr> <td>3rd Semester</td> <td>${["FMAXMARKSC"]}</td> <td>${["FMARKSC"]}</td> <td><input type="checkbox" id="confirm3" ></td> </tr>`; a++; } if (["FMAXMARKSD"] != "-") { table += `<tr> <td>4th Semester</td> <td>${["FMAXMARKSD"]}</td> <td>${["FMARKSD"]}</td> <td><input type="checkbox" id="confirm4" ></td> </tr>`; a++; } if (["FMAXMARKSE"] != "-") { table += `<tr> <td>5th Semester</td> <td>${["FMAXMARKSE"]}</td> <td>${["FMARKSE"]}</td> <td><input type="checkbox" id="confirm5" ></td> </tr>`; a++; } if (["FMAXMARKSF"] != "-") { table += `<tr> <td>6th Semester</td> <td>${["FMAXMARKSF"]}</td> <td>${["FMARKSF"]}</td> <td><input type="checkbox" id="confirm6" ></td> </tr>`; a++; } if (["FMAXMARKSG"] != "-") { table += `<tr> <td>7th Semester</td> <td>${["FMAXMARKSG"]}</td> <td>${["FMARKSG"]}</td> <td><input type="checkbox" id="confirm7" ></td> </tr>`; a++; } if (["FMAXMARKSH"] != "-") { table += `<tr> <td>8th Semester</td> <td>${["FMAXMARKSH"]}</td> <td>${["FMARKSH"]}</td> <td><input type="checkbox" id="confirm8" ></td> </tr>`; a++; } if (["FMAXMARKSI"] != "-") { table += `<tr> <td>9th Semester</td> <td>${["FMAXMARKSI"]}</td> <td>${["FMARKSI"]}</td> <td><input type="checkbox" id="confirm9" ></td> </tr>`; a++; } if (["FMAXMARKSJ"] != "-") { table += `<tr> <td>10th Semester</td> <td>${["FMAXMARKSJ"]}</td> <td>${["FMARKSJ"]}</td> <td><input type="checkbox" id="confirm10" ></td> </tr>`; a++; } } table += `</tbody> </table> <br> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-md-3 control-label" style="text-align:left" >Passing Month</label> <div class="col-md-3"> <input type="text" disabled name="registerno" id="FCEXAM" class="form-control" style="text-transform: uppercase;min-width:150px;" title='University Register no.' value = '${["FCEXAM"]}' > </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-md-3 control-label" style="text-align:left" >Class </label> <div class="col-md-3"> <input type="text" disabled name="registerno" id="FCLASS" class="form-control" style="text-transform: uppercase;min-width:150px;" title='University Register no.' value = '${["FCLASS"]}' > </div> </div> <span style = 'color:black'>For any differences in marks details shown above, contact Help desk and submit the proper documents to Registrar (Evaluation) ${str1}<br></br></span> `; if (a > 0) $("#privmarks").html(table); // $("#disp_scstatt").hide(); if ( != 0) { document.getElementById("rctype").value =["FRCTYPE"]; if (univ != "018") { document.getElementById("T14").value =["dob"]; document.getElementById("T99").value =["FKANNAME"]; document.getElementById("nationality").value =["FNATIONAL"]; document.getElementById("aadhar").value =["FAADHAR"]; document.getElementById("aadhar").value =["FAADHAR"]; document.getElementById("T16").value =["FCATCODE"]; } document.getElementById("T5").value =["FMOBILE"]; document.getElementById("T6").value =["FMOBILE"]; document.getElementById("T7").value =["FEMAIL"]; document.getElementById("T8").value =["FPOSTADDR1"]; document.getElementById("T9").value =["FPOSTADDR2"]; document.getElementById("T31").value =["FCITY"]; document.getElementById("T32").value =["FSTATE"]; document.getElementById("T33").value =["FPINCODE"]; CMS.loadConvoFee(); var photo = "" +["fcunivcode"] + "/" +["FPHOTOPATH"]; $("#student_entry_photo").attr("src", photo); var s3_url = ""; if (["FALLSEMCERT"] != "") { var path_all = s3_url +["FALLSEMCERT"]; var html = '<a target="_blank" href="' + path_all + '" style="color:#AB45F9; padding-right:5px;">' + "All Semester Marks cards" + "</a>"; $("#attach_td_sem_mks").html(html); } if (["FDEGCERTPATH"] != "") { var path_deg = s3_url +["FDEGCERTPATH"]; var html = '<a target="_blank" href="' + path_deg + '" style="color:#AB45F9; padding-right:5px;">' + "Degree Certificate" + "</a>"; $("#attach_td_deg_cert").html(html); } } } else { document.getElementById("T2").value = ""; document.getElementById("T3").value = ""; document.getElementById("T4").value = ""; document.getElementById("T15").value = ""; //document.getElementById("T16").value = "00"; document.getElementById("T12").value = "0"; bootbox.alert(; } } catch (err) { txt = err.message; $.unblockUI(); bootbox.alert(txt); } }, }); } }, loadConvoFee: function (val) { var regno = $("#T1").val(); var catcode = $("#T16").val(); var rctype = $("#rctype").val(); var nationality = $("#nationality").val(); var univ = $("#univ").val(); if (rctype == "") { $("#authorizedperson").hide(); return; } else if (rctype == "IN PERSON") { $("#authorizedperson").hide(); $("#bypostway").hide(); $("#hideforPost").show(); return; } else if (rctype == "IN ABSENTIA") { $("#authorizedperson").hide(); } $.ajax({ type: "post", url: $host_url + `loadConvoFee®no=${regno}&catcode=${catcode}&rctype=${rctype}&nationality=${nationality}&univ=${univ}`, success: function (response) { var { error_code, data, status } = JSON.parse(response); if (error_code == 0) { var feedet = data.fee; var table = `<table class = "table" id = "feetable"> <thead style = "height:40px;background-color: #184F76 !important;color: #fff;"> <th>Sl. No.</th> <th>Fee Head</th> <th>Amount</th> </thead> <tbody>`; var totfee = 0; // console.log(feedet.length); var j = 1; for (var i = 0; i < feedet.length; i++) { // console.log(feedet[i].fheadcode); table += `<tr> <td>${j}</td> <td>${feedet[i].fheadcode}</td> <td>${feedet[i].fee}</td> </tr>`; totfee = parseInt(feedet[i].fee) + parseInt(totfee); j++; } table += `<tr> <td></td> <td>Total Amount</td> <td>${totfee}</td> </tr>`; $("#feediv").html(table); // $("#T12").val(totfee); } else { alert(data.msg); return; } }, }); if (rctype == "IN ABSENTIA") { $("#bypostway").hide(); document.getElementById("authorizedperson").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("hideforPost").style.display = "block"; return; } else if (rctype == "by Post") { $("#authorizedperson").hide(); $("#hideforPost").hide(); document.getElementById("bypostway").style.display = "block"; return; } else if (rctype == "IN PERSON") { $("#bypostway").hide(); $("#authorizedperson").hide(); $("#hideforPost").show(); document.getElementById("hideforPost").style.display = "block"; return; } }, loadrelation: function () { var relation = $("#relative").val(); if (relation == "other") { row = `<tr><td></td> <td><input type="text" name="mobile no" id="otherralation" class="form-control" style='min-width:150px;' placeholder="Enter Relation"/></td> </tr>`; $("#createrow").html(row); document.getElementById("createrow").style.display = "block"; } else { $("#createrow").hide(); } console.log(relation, "hii"); }, loadidproof: function () { var idproof = $("#idproof").val(); if (idproof == "aadhar") { row = `<tr><td></td> <td><input type="text" class="form-control" style='min-width:150px;' placeholder="Enter Aadhar No." id="aadharno"/></td> </tr>`; } else if (idproof == "driving") { row = `<tr><td></td> <td><input type="text" class="form-control" style='min-width:150px;' placeholder="Enter Licence No." id="drivingliecence"/></td> </tr>`; } else if (idproof == "voter") { row = `<tr><td></td> <td><input type="text" class="form-control" style='min-width:150px;' placeholder="Enter Voter id."/ id="voterproof"></td> </tr>`; } else if (idproof == "other") { row = `<tr> <td></td> <td><input type="text" class="form-control" style='min-width:150px;' placeholder="Enter Id Name"/ id="otherproof"></td> </tr> <br/> <tr> <td></td> <td><input type="text" class="form-control" style='min-width:150px;' placeholder="Enter Id no."/ id="otherproofnumber"></td> </tr>`; } $("#createIdrow").html(row); }, loadcountry: function () { var country = document.getElementById("counties").value; if (country == "india") { document.getElementById("states").style.display = "block"; $("#otherCountry").hide(); $("#Othercountryother").hide(); } else if (country == "") { document.getElementById("otherCountry").style.display = "block"; $("#states").hide(); $("#Othercountryother").hide(); } else if (country == "other") { document.getElementById("otherCountry").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("Othercountryother").style.display = "block"; $("#states").hide(); } else { document.getElementById("otherCountry").style.display = "block"; $("#states").hide(); $("#Othercountryother").hide(); } }, loadcnvcategoryfee: function (catcode) { var regno = document.getElementById("T1").value; var amount = 0; var postamount = 0; var scheme = document.getElementById("T30").value; var recive = document.getElementById("T23").value; var collage = document.getElementById("T3").value; if (scheme == "Tatkal") { document.getElementById("T13").value = "DEBIT/CREDIT/NET BANKING"; document.getElementById("T13").disabled = true; amount = 3850; $("#tatkalid").show(); } else { $("#tatkalid").hide(); document.getElementById("T13").value = "00"; document.getElementById("T13").disabled = false; amount = 0; } if (document.getElementById("T23").checked == true) postamount = 165; else postamount = 0; if (!empty(regno)) { if (catcode == "SCST") { $("#disp_scstatt").show(); } else $("#disp_scstatt").hide(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: $host_url + "Getcnvcategoryfee", error: AjaxErrorMessage, data: "catcode=" + catcode + "®no=" + regno, success: function (responce) { responce = eval("(" + responce + ")"); if (responce.error_code == 0) { fee =["fee"]; if (scheme == "Tatkal") document.getElementById("T12").value = parseInt(["fee"]) + parseInt(amount); else document.getElementById("T12").value = parseInt(["fee"]) + parseInt(amount) + parseInt(postamount); document.getElementById("categoryatt").value = ""; document.getElementById("categoryattpath").value = ""; document.getElementById("attach_td_cat").innerHTML = ""; } }, }); } }, loadscheme: function () { var scheme = document.getElementById("T30").value; var amount = document.getElementById("T12").value; var recive = document.getElementById("T23").value; if (scheme == "Tatkal") { $("#tatkalid").show(); document.getElementById("T13").value = "DEBIT/CREDIT/NET BANKING"; document.getElementById("T13").disabled = true; if (document.getElementById("T23").checked == true) document.getElementById("T12").value = parseInt(fee) + parseInt(3850); else document.getElementById("T12").value = parseInt(fee) + parseInt(3850); } else { $("#tatkalid").hide(); document.getElementById("T13").value = "00"; document.getElementById("T13").disabled = false; if (document.getElementById("T23").checked == true) document.getElementById("T12").value = parseInt(fee) + parseInt(165); else document.getElementById("T12").value = fee; } CMS.loadpostofficeamount(); }, loadpostofficeamount: function () { var recive = document.getElementById("T23").value; var scheme = document.getElementById("T30").value; if ( document.getElementById("T23").checked == true && collage != "KUVEMPU UNIVERSITY, SHIVAMOGGA" ) { if (scheme == "Tatkal") { document.getElementById("T12").value = parseInt(fee) + parseInt(3850); $("#tatkalid").show(); } else { document.getElementById("T12").value = parseInt(fee) + parseInt(165); $("#tatkalid").hide(); } } else { if (scheme == "Tatkal") { document.getElementById("T12").value = parseInt(fee) + parseInt(3850); $("#tatkalid").show(); } else { document.getElementById("T12").value = fee; $("#tatkalid").hide(); } } }, ViewCertificateApplicationData: function () { var regno = document.getElementById("apps_reg_no").value; var appno = document.getElementById("apps_app_no").value; if (db != "sikkim") { var dob = document.getElementById("apps_dob").value; if (dob == "0000-00-00") { bootbox.alert("Enter Date of Birth"); return false; } } if (empty(appno)) { bootbox.alert("Enter Application no."); return false; } else if (empty(regno)) { bootbox.alert("Enter Register no."); return false; } App.blockUI({ boxed: true, message: "Please wait, data loading..." }); var datastring = "regno=" + regno + "&appno=" + appno + "&dob=" + dob; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: $host_url + "Getapplicationstatusdetails", error: AjaxErrorMessage, data: datastring, success: function (responce) { App.unblockUI(); responce = eval("(" + responce + ")"); if (responce.error_code == 0) { try { $("#status_task").html(["html"]); } catch (err) { txt = err.message; $.unblockUI(); bootbox.alert(txt); } } else { bootbox.alert(; } }, }); }, onLoad: function (evt) { var $i = 1; var charCode = evt.which ? evt.which : evt.keyCode; if (charCode == 32 || $i == 1) { var options = { sourceLanguage: google.elements.transliteration.LanguageCode.ENGLISH, destinationLanguage: [ google.elements.transliteration.LanguageCode.KANNADA, ], shortcutKey: "ctrl+g", transliterationEnabled: true, }; var control = new google.elements.transliteration.TransliterationControl( options ); // Enable transliteration in the editable elements with id // 'transliterateDiv'. control.makeTransliteratable(["T99"]); //control.makeTransliteratable(['transliterateDiv2']); //google.setOnLoadCallback(onLoad); $i++; } google.setOnLoadCallback(onLoad); }, UploadEmployeeDocuments: function (file_name) { var ext = $("#categoryatt").val(); var filepath = ext; if (empty(filepath)) { alert("please select the file!"); return false; } var list_data = ""; list_data = $host_url + "UploadEmployeeDocuments"; list_data += "&filepath=" + filepath; list_data += "&file_name=" + file_name; document .getElementById("form_module_details_upload") .setAttribute("action", list_data); App.blockUI({ boxed: true, message: "Please wait,Uploading" }); return AIM.submit( document.getElementById("form_module_details_upload"), "same_tab", { onComplete: CMS.UploadEmployeeDocumentsResponce } ); }, UploadEmployeeDocumentsResponce: function (responce) { responce = eval("(" + trim(responce) + ")"); App.unblockUI(); var int_code =["id"]; var path =["path"]; var file_name =["file_name"]; var html = '<a target="_blank" href="' + path + '" style="color:#AB45F9; padding-right:5px;">' + file_name + "</a>"; document.getElementById("categoryattpath").value = path; $("#attach_td_cat").html(html); }, UploadEmployeeDocumentsTAB: function (file_name) { // console.log(file_name); var ext = $("#" + file_name).val(); var fregno = $("#T1").val(); var filepath = ext; console.log(filepath); if (empty(filepath)) { alert("please select the file!"); return false; } var list_data = ""; list_data = $host_url + "UploadEmployeeDocumentsTAB"; list_data += "&filepath=" + filepath; list_data += "&file_name=" + file_name; list_data += "&fregno=" + fregno; console.log(list_data); document .getElementById("form_tab_uploads") .setAttribute("action", list_data); App.blockUI({ boxed: true, message: "Please wait,Uploading" }); return AIM.submit(document.getElementById("form_tab_uploads"), "same_tab", { onComplete: CMS.UploadEmployeeDocumentsTABResponce, }); }, UploadEmployeeDocumentsTABResponce: function (responce) { responce = eval("(" + trim(responce) + ")"); App.unblockUI(); console.log(responce); var int_code =["id"]; var path =["path"]; var file_name =["file_name_param"] == "deg_cert" ? "Degree Cerificate" : "All semester marks cards"; var html = '<a target="_blank" href="' + path + '" style="color:#AB45F9; padding-right:5px;">' + file_name + "</a>"; // console.log("hii"); // $("#attach_td_deg_cert").html("hii"); // attach_td_deg_cert; document.getElementById("categoryattpath").value = path; console.log("#attach_td_" +["file_name_param"]); $("#h_" +["file_name_param"]).val(["file_name"]); $("#attach_td_" +["file_name_param"]).html(html); }, downloadstudentphotos: function () { var fromdate = date_format($("#pd_from_date").val()); if (fromdate == "0000-00-00") { bootbox.alert("Enter from date"); $("#pd_from_date").focus(); return false; } var todate = date_format($("#pd_to_date").val()); if (todate == "0000-00-00") { bootbox.alert("Enter to date"); $("#pd_to_date").focus(); return false; } window.location.href = $host_url + "downloadstudentphotos&fromdate=" + fromdate + "&todate=" + todate; }, allowAlphaNumericSpace: function (e) { var code = "charCode" in e ? e.charCode : e.keyCode; if ( !(code == 32) && // space !(code > 47 && code < 58) && // numeric (0-9) !(code > 64 && code < 91) && // upper alpha (A-Z) !(code > 96 && code < 123) ) { // lower alpha (a-z) e.preventDefault(); } }, GetCollwiseCandidateReport: function () { var deg_from = $("#deg_from").val(); var deg_to = $("#deg_to").val(); var date_from = $("#date_from").val(); var date_to = $("#date_to").val(); var app_from_app = $("#app_from_app").val(); var app_to_app = $("#app_to_app").val(); var paystatus = $("#paystatus").val(); var certificatetype = $("#certificatetype").val(); window.location.href = $host_url + "GetCollwiseCandidateReport" + "&fromdeg=" + deg_from + "&todeg=" + deg_to + "&fromdate=" + date_from + "&todate=" + date_to + "&from_app=" + app_from_app + "&to_app=" + app_to_app + "&paystatus=" + paystatus + "&certificatetype=" + certificatetype; }, saveStudentSikkimDetails: function () { console.log("anitaaa"); var regno = $("#T1").val(); var sname = $("#T2").val(); var colname = $("#T3").val(); var degree = $("#T4").val(); var seatype = $("#rctype").val(); var mobile = $("#T5").val(); var perm_nobile = $("#T6").val(); var email = $("#T7").val(); var add1 = $("#T8").val(); var add2 = $("#T9").val(); var city = $("#T31").val(); var state = $("#T32").val(); var pincode = $("#T33").val(); var student_entry_photo = $("#student_entry_upload").val(); var convo = $("#T15").val(); var fee = $("#T12").val(); var paytype = $("#T13").val(); var applicantORThirdORPost = $("#rctype").val(); console.log(applicantORThirdORPost, "hii anita"); var data = "regno=" + regno + "&sname=" + sname + "&colname=" + colname + "°ree=" + degree + "&seatype=" + seatype + "&mobile=" + mobile + "&perm_nobile=" + perm_nobile + "&email=" + email + "&add1=" + add1 + "&add2=" + add2 + "&city=" + city + "&state=" + state + "&pincode=" + pincode + "&convo=" + convo + "&fee=" + fee + "&paytype=" + paytype + "&photo_path=" + student_entry_photo; if (document.getElementById("student_declr").checked) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: $host_url + "saveStudentSikkimDetails", data: data, success: function (res) { var status = JSON.parse(res); // console.log(status); // return; if (status.error_code == 0) { alert(; } else { alert(; return; } }, }); } }, }; function getStudDetails() { var registerNo = document.getElementById("register_no").value; var data = "®no=" + registerNo; $("#transtion_date").inputmask("d/m/y", { placeholder: "dd/mm/yyyy", }); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: $host_url + "getStudDetailsSikkim", data: data, success: function (res) { var status = JSON.parse(res); $("#name").val(; $("#transtion_no").val(; $("#transtion_date").val(; }, }); } function saveUpdatePayment() { var register_no = document.getElementById("register_no").value; var name = document.getElementById("name").value; var transtion_no = document.getElementById("transtion_no").value; var transtion_date = document.getElementById("transtion_date").value; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: $host_url + "saveTransactionDetailsSikkim", data: "®no=" + register_no + "&sname=" + name + "&transtionno=" + transtion_no + "&transtiondate=" + transtion_date, success: function (res) { var data = JSON.parse(res); if (data.error_code == 0) { alert(; return; } else { alert(; return; } }, }); }