Linux ip-172-26-7-228 5.4.0-1103-aws #111~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue May 23 20:04:10 UTC 2023 x86_64
: | :
Cant Read [ /etc/named.conf ]
Backdoor Destroyer
Linux Exploit
Lock Shell
Lock File
Create User
PHP Mailer
+ Create Folder
+ Create File
usr /
share /
os-prober /
Code Editor :
newns () { [ "$OS_PROBER_NEWNS" ] || exec /usr/lib/os-prober/newns "$0" "$@" } cleanup_tmpdir=false cleanup () { if $cleanup_tmpdir; then rm -rf "$OS_PROBER_TMP" fi } require_tmpdir() { if [ -z "$OS_PROBER_TMP" ]; then if type mktemp >/dev/null 2>&1; then export OS_PROBER_TMP="$(mktemp -d /tmp/os-prober.XXXXXX)" cleanup_tmpdir=: trap cleanup EXIT HUP INT QUIT TERM else export OS_PROBER_TMP=/tmp fi fi } count_for() { _labelprefix="$1" _result=$(grep "^${_labelprefix} " /var/lib/os-prober/labels 2>/dev/null || true) if [ -z "$_result" ]; then return else echo "$_result" | cut -d' ' -f2 fi } count_next_label() { require_tmpdir _labelprefix="$1" _cfor="$(count_for "${_labelprefix}")" if [ -z "$_cfor" ]; then echo "${_labelprefix} 1" >> /var/lib/os-prober/labels else sed "s/^${_labelprefix} ${_cfor}/${_labelprefix} $(($_cfor + 1))/" /var/lib/os-prober/labels > "$OS_PROBER_TMP/os-prober.tmp" mv "$OS_PROBER_TMP/os-prober.tmp" /var/lib/os-prober/labels fi echo "${_labelprefix}${_cfor}" } progname= cache_progname() { case $progname in '') progname="${0##*/}" ;; esac } log() { cache_progname logger -t "$progname" "$@" } error() { log "error: $@" } warn() { log "warning: $@" } debug() { if [ -z "$OS_PROBER_DISABLE_DEBUG" ]; then log "debug: $@" fi } result () { log "result:" "$@" echo "$@" } # shim to make it easier to use os-prober outside d-i if ! type mapdevfs >/dev/null 2>&1; then mapdevfs () { readlink -f "$1" } fi item_in_dir () { if [ "$1" = "-q" ]; then q="-q" shift 1 else q="" fi [ -d "$2" ] || return 1 # find files with any case ls -1 "$2" | grep $q -i "^$1$" } # We can't always tell the filesystem type up front, but if we have the # information then we should use it. Note that we can't use block-attr here # as it's only available in udebs. # If not detected after different attempts then "NOT-DETECTED" will be printed # because function is not supposed to exit error codes. fs_type () { local fstype="" if (export PATH="/lib/udev:$PATH"; type vol_id) >/dev/null 2>&1; then PATH="/lib/udev:$PATH" \ fstype=$(vol_id --type "$1" 2>/dev/null || true) [ -z "$fstype" ] || { echo "$fstype"; return; } fi if type lsblk >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then fstype=$(lsblk --nodeps --noheading --output FSTYPE -- "$1" || true) [ -z "$fstype" ] || { echo "$fstype"; return; } fi if type blkid >/dev/null 2>&1; then fstype=$(blkid -o value -s TYPE "$1" 2>/dev/null || true) [ -z "$fstype" ] || { echo "$fstype"; return; } fi echo "NOT-DETECTED" } is_dos_extended_partition() { if type blkid >/dev/null 2>&1; then local output output="$(blkid -o export $1)" # old blkid (util-linux << 2.24) errors out on extended p. if [ "$?" = "2" ]; then return 0 fi # dos partition type and no filesystem type?... if echo $output | grep -q ' PTTYPE=dos ' && ! echo $output | grep -q ' TYPE='; then return 0 else return 1 fi fi return 1 } parse_proc_mounts () { while read -r line; do set -f set -- $line set +f printf '%s %s %s\n' "$(mapdevfs "$1")" "$2" "$3" done } parsefstab () { while read -r line; do case "$line" in "#"*) : ;; *) set -f set -- $line set +f printf '%s %s %s\n' "$1" "$2" "$3" ;; esac done } unescape_mount () { printf %s "$1" | \ sed 's/\\011/ /g; s/\\012/\n/g; s/\\040/ /g; s/\\134/\\/g' } find_label () { local output if type blkid >/dev/null 2>&1; then # Hopefully everyone has blkid by now output="$(blkid -o device -t LABEL="$1")" || return 1 echo "$output" | head -n1 elif [ -h "/dev/disk/by-label/$1" ]; then # Last-ditch fallback readlink -f "/dev/disk/by-label/$1" else return 1 fi } find_uuid () { local output if type blkid >/dev/null 2>&1; then # Hopefully everyone has blkid by now output="$(blkid -o device -t UUID="$1")" || return 1 echo "$output" | head -n1 elif [ -h "/dev/disk/by-uuid/$1" ]; then # Last-ditch fallback readlink -f "/dev/disk/by-uuid/$1" else return 1 fi } do_dmsetup () { local prefix partition dm_device partition_name size_p prefix="$1" partition="$2" dm_device= if type dmsetup >/dev/null 2>&1 && \ type blockdev >/dev/null 2>&1; then partition_name="osprober-linux-${partition##*/}" dm_device="/dev/mapper/$partition_name" size_p=$(blockdev --getsize $partition ) if [ -e "$dm_device" ]; then error "$dm_device already exists" dm_device= else debug "creating device mapper device $dm_device" echo "0 $size_p linear $partition 0" | dmsetup create -r $partition_name fi fi echo "$dm_device" } # Sets $mountboot and $dm_device as output variables. This is very messy, # but POSIX shell isn't really up to the task of doing it more cleanly. linux_mount_boot () { partition="$1" tmpmnt="$2" bootpart="" mounted="" dm_device="" if [ -e "$tmpmnt/etc/fstab" ]; then # Try to mount any /boot partition. bootmnt=$(parsefstab < "$tmpmnt/etc/fstab" | grep " /boot ") || true if [ -n "$bootmnt" ]; then set -f set -- $bootmnt set +f boottomnt="" # Try to map labels and UUIDs ourselves if possible, # so that we can check whether they're already # mounted somewhere else. tmppart="$1" if echo "$1" | grep -q "LABEL="; then label="$(echo "$1" | cut -d = -f 2)" if tmppart="$(find_label "$label")"; then debug "mapped LABEL=$label to $tmppart" else debug "found boot partition LABEL=$label for Linux system on $partition, but cannot map to existing device" mountboot="$partition 0" return fi elif echo "$1" | grep -q "UUID="; then uuid="$(echo "$1" | cut -d = -f 2)" if tmppart="$(find_uuid "$uuid")"; then debug "mapped UUID=$uuid to $tmppart" else debug "found boot partition UUID=$uuid for Linux system on $partition, but cannot map to existing device" mountboot="$partition 0" return fi fi shift set -- "$(mapdevfs "$tmppart")" "$@" if grep -q "^$1 " "$OS_PROBER_TMP/mounted-map"; then bindfrom="$(grep "^$1 " "$OS_PROBER_TMP/mounted-map" | head -n1 | cut -d " " -f 2)" bindfrom="$(unescape_mount "$bindfrom")" if [ "$bindfrom" != "$tmpmnt/boot" ]; then if mount --bind "$bindfrom" "$tmpmnt/boot"; then mounted=1 bootpart="$1" else debug "failed to bind-mount $bindfrom onto $tmpmnt/boot" fi fi fi if [ "$mounted" ]; then : elif [ -e "$1" ]; then bootpart="$1" boottomnt="$1" elif [ -e "$tmpmnt/$1" ]; then bootpart="$1" boottomnt="$tmpmnt/$1" elif [ -e "/target/$1" ]; then bootpart="$1" boottomnt="/target/$1" else bootpart="" fi if [ ! "$mounted" ]; then if [ -z "$bootpart" ]; then debug "found boot partition $1 for linux system on $partition, but cannot map to existing device" else debug "found boot partition $bootpart for linux system on $partition" if type grub-mount >/dev/null 2>&1 && \ grub-mount "$boottomnt" "$tmpmnt/boot" 2>/dev/null; then mounted=1 elif dm_device="$(do_dmsetup osprober-linux "$boottomnt")" && [ "$dm_device" ]; then if mountinfo=`mount -o ro "$dm_device" "$tmpmnt/boot" -t "$3"`; then debug "mounted as $3 filesystem" mounted=1 else error "failed to mount $dm_device on $tmpmnt/boot: $mountinfo" fi fi fi fi fi fi if [ -z "$bootpart" ]; then bootpart="$partition" fi if [ -z "$mounted" ]; then mounted=0 fi mountboot="$bootpart $mounted" }