Linux ip-172-26-7-228 5.4.0-1103-aws #111~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue May 23 20:04:10 UTC 2023 x86_64
: | :
Cant Read [ /etc/named.conf ]
Backdoor Destroyer
Linux Exploit
Lock Shell
Lock File
Create User
PHP Mailer
+ Create Folder
+ Create File
usr /
lib /
groff /
glilypond /
Code Editor :
######################################################################## # Legalese ######################################################################## my $License = q* groff_lilypond - integrate `lilypond' into `groff' files Source file position: `<groff-source>/contrib/glilypond/' Installed position: `<prefix>/lib/groff/glilypond' Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by Bernd Warken <> This file is part of `GNU groff'. `GNU groff' is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the `GNU General Public License' as published by the `Free Software Foundation', either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. `GNU groff' is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the `GNU General Public License' for more details. You should have received a copy of the 'GNU General Public License` along with `groff', see the files `COPYING' and `LICENSE' in the top directory of the `groff' source package. If not, see <>. *; ##### end legalese # use strict; # use warnings; # use diagnostics; use integer; our ( $Globals, $Args, $stderr, $v, $out ); # ---------- # subs for second run, for remaining long options after splitting and # transfer # ---------- my %opts_with_arg = ( '--eps_dir' => sub { $Args->{'eps_dir'} = shift; }, '--output' => sub { $Args->{'output'} = shift; }, '--prefix' => sub { $Args->{'prefix'} = shift; }, '--temp_dir' => sub { $Args->{'temp_dir'} = shift; }, ); # end of %opts_with_arg my %opts_noarg = ( '--help' => sub { &usage; exit; }, '--keep_all' => sub { $Args->{'keep_all'} = TRUE; }, '--license' => sub { &license; exit; }, '--ly2eps' => sub { $Args->{'eps_func'} = 'ly'; }, '--pdf2eps' => sub { $Args->{'eps_func'} = 'pdf'; }, '--verbose' => sub { $Args->{'verbose'} = TRUE; }, '--version' => sub { &version; exit; }, ); # end of %opts_noarg # used variables in both runs my @files = EMPTYARRAY; #---------- # first run for command line arguments #---------- # global variables for first run my @splitted_args; my $double_minus = FALSE; my $arg = EMPTYSTRING; my $has_arg = FALSE; # Split short option collections and transfer these to suitable long # options from above. Note that `-v' now means `--verbose' in version # `v1.1', earlier versions had `--version' for `-v'. my %short_opts = ( '?' => '--help', 'e' => '--eps_dir', 'h' => '--help', 'l' => '--license', 'k' => '--keep_all', 'o' => '--output', 'p' => '--prefix', 't' => '--temp_dir', 'v' => '--verbose', 'V' => '--verbose', ); # transfer long option abbreviations to the long options from above my @long_opts; $long_opts[3] = { # option abbreviations of 3 characters '--e' => '--eps_dir', '--f' => '--prefix', # --f for --file_prefix '--h' => '--help', '--k' => '--keep_all', # and --keep_files '--o' => '--output', '--p' => '--prefix', # and --file_prefix '--t' => '--temp_dir', '--u' => '--help', # '--usage' is mapped to `--help' }; $long_opts[4] = { # option abbreviations of 4 characters '--li' => '--license', '--ly' => '--ly2eps', '--pd' => '--pdf2eps', '--pr' => '--prefix', }; $long_opts[6] = { # option abbreviations of 6 characters '--verb' => '--verbose', '--vers' => '--version', }; # subs for short splitting and replacing long abbreviations my $split_short = sub { my @chars = split //, $1; # omit leading dash # if result is TRUE: run `next SPLIT' afterwards CHARS: while ( @chars ) { my $c = shift @chars; unless ( exists $short_opts{$c} ) { $stderr->print( "Unknown short option `-$c'." ); next CHARS; } # short option exists # map or transfer to special long option from above my $transopt = $short_opts{$c}; if ( exists $opts_noarg{$transopt} ) { push @splitted_args, $transopt; $Args->{'verbose'} = TRUE if ( $transopt eq '--verbose' ); next CHARS; } if ( exists $opts_with_arg{$transopt} ) { push @splitted_args, $transopt; if ( @chars ) { # if @chars is not empty, option $transopt has argument # in this arg, the rest of characters in @chars push @splitted_args, join "", @chars; @chars = EMPTYARRAY; return TRUE; # use `next SPLIT' afterwards } # optarg is the next argument $has_arg = $transopt; return TRUE; # use `next SPLIT' afterwards } # end of if %opts_with_arg } # end of while CHARS return FALSE; # do not do anything }; # end of sub for short_opt_collection my $split_long = sub { my $from_arg = shift; $from_arg =~ /^([^=]+)/; my $opt_part = lc($1); my $optarg = undef; if ( $from_arg =~ /=(.*)$/ ) { $optarg = $1; } N: for my $n ( qw/6 4 3/ ) { $opt_part =~ / # match $n characters ^ ( .{$n} ) /x; my $argn = $1; # get the first $n characters # no match, so luck for fewer number of chars next N unless ( $argn ); next N unless ( exists $long_opts[$n]->{$argn} ); # not in $n hash, so go on to next loop for $n # now $n-hash has arg # map or transfer to special long opt from above my $transopt = $long_opts[$n]->{$argn}; # test on option without arg if ( exists $opts_noarg{$transopt} ) { # opt has no arg $stderr->print( 'Option ' . $transopt . 'has no argument: ' . $from_arg . '.' ) if ( defined($optarg) ); push @splitted_args, $transopt; $Args->{'verbose'} = TRUE if ( $transopt eq '--verbose' ); return TRUE; # use `next SPLIT' afterwards } # end of if %opts_noarg # test on option with arg if ( exists $opts_with_arg{$transopt} ) { # opt has arg push @splitted_args, $transopt; # test on optarg in arg if ( defined($optarg) ) { push @splitted_args, $1; return TRUE; # use `next SPLIT' afterwards } # end of if optarg in arg # has optarg in next arg $has_arg = $transopt; return TRUE; # use `next SPLIT' afterwards } # end of if %opts_with_arg # not with and without option, so is not permitted $stderr->print( "`" . $transopt . "' is unknown long option from `" . $from_arg . "'" ); return TRUE; # use `next SPLIT' afterwards } # end of for N return FALSE; # do nothing }; # end of split_long() #---------- # do split and transfer arguments #---------- sub run_first { SPLIT: foreach (@ARGV) { # Transform long and short options into some given long options. # Split long opts with arg into 2 args (no `='). # Transform short option collections into given long options. chomp; if ( $has_arg ) { push @splitted_args, $_; $has_arg = EMPTYSTRING; next SPLIT; } if ( $double_minus ) { push @files, $_; next SPLIT; } if ( $_ eq '-' ) { # file arg `-' push @files, $_; next SPLIT; } if ( $_ eq '--' ) { # POSIX arg `--' push @splitted_args, $_; $double_minus = TRUE; next SPLIT; } if ( / # short option or collection of short options ^ - ( [^-] .* ) $ /x ) { $split_short->($1); next SPLIT; } # end of short option if ( /^--/ ) { # starts with 2 dashes, a long option $split_long->($_); next SPLIT; } # end of long option # unknown option without leading dash is a file name push @files, $_; next SPLIT; } # end of foreach SPLIT # all args are considered $stderr->print( "Option `$has_arg' needs an argument." ) if ( $has_arg ); push @files, '-' unless ( @files ); @ARGV = @splitted_args; }; # end of first run, splitting with map or transfer #---------- # open or ignore verbose output #---------- sub install_verbose { if ( $Args->{'verbose'} ) { # `--verbose' was used # make verbose output into $v my $s = $v->get(); # get content of string so far as array ref, close $v = new FH_STDERR(); # make verbose output into STDERR if ( $s ) { for ( @$s ) { # print the file content into new verbose output $v->print($_); } } # verbose output is now active (into STDERR) $v->print( "Option `-v' means `--verbose'." ); $v->print( "Version information is printed by option `--version'." ); $v->print( "#" x 72 ); } else { # `--verbose' was not used # do not be verbose, make verbose invisible $v->close(); # close and ignore the string content $v = new FH_NULL(); # this is either into /dev/null or in an ignored string } # end if-else about verbose # `$v->print' works now in any case $v->print( "Verbose output was chosen." ); my $s = $Globals->{'prog_is_installed'} ? '' : ' not'; $v->print( $Globals->{'prog'} . " is" . $s . " installed." ); $v->print( 'The command line options are:' ); $s = " options:"; $s .= " `" . $_ . "'" for ( @ARGV ); $v->print( $s ); $s = " file names:"; $s .= " `" . $_ . "'\n" for ( @files ); $v->print( $s ); } # end install_verbose() #---------- # second run of command line arguments #---------- sub run_second { # Second run of args with new @ARGV from the former splitting. # Arguments are now splitted and transformed into special long options. my $double_minus = FALSE; my $has_arg = FALSE; ARGS: for my $arg ( @ARGV ) { # ignore `--', file names are handled later on last ARGS if ( $arg eq '--' ); if ( $has_arg ) { unless ( exists $opts_with_arg{$has_arg} ) { $stderr->print( "`\%opts_with_args' does not have key `" . $has_arg . "'." ); next ARGS; } $opts_with_arg{$has_arg}->($arg); $has_arg = FALSE; next ARGS; } # end of $has_arg if ( exists $opts_with_arg{$arg} ) { $has_arg = $arg; next ARGS; } if ( exists $opts_noarg{$arg} ) { $opts_noarg{$arg}->(); next ARGS; } # not a suitable option $stderr->print( "Wrong option `" . $arg . "'." ); next ARGS; } # end of for ARGS: if ( $has_arg ) { # after last argument die "Option `$has_arg' needs an argument."; } }; # end of second run sub handle_args { # handling the output of args if ( $Args->{'output'} ) { # `--output' was set in the arguments my $out_path = &path2abs($Args->{'output'}); die "Output file name $Args->{'output'} cannot be used." unless ( $out_path ); my ( $file, $dir ); ( $file, $dir ) = File::Basename::fileparse($out_path) or die "Could not handle output file path `" . $out_path . "': " . "directory name `" . $dir . "' and file name `" . $file . "'."; die "Could not find output directory for `" . $Args->{'output'} . "'" unless ( $dir ); die "Could not find output file: `" . $Args->{'output'} . "'" unless ( $file ); if ( -d $dir ) { die "Could not write to output directory `" . $dir . "'." unless ( -w $dir ); } else { $dir = &make_dir($dir); die "Could not create output directory in: `" . $out_path . "'." unless ( $dir ); } # now $dir is a writable directory if ( -e $out_path ) { die "Could not write to output file `" . $out_path . "'." unless ( -w $out_path ); } $out = new FH_FILE( $out_path ); $v->print( "Output goes to file `" . $out_path . "'." ); } else { # `--output' was not set $out = new FH_STDOUT(); } # no $out is the right behavior for standard output # $Args->{'prefix'} .= '_' . $Args->{'eps_func'} . '2eps'; @ARGV = @files; } 1; ######################################################################## ### Emacs settings # Local Variables: # mode: CPerl # End: