Linux ip-172-26-7-228 5.4.0-1103-aws #111~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue May 23 20:04:10 UTC 2023 x86_64
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Code Editor :
#!/bin/bash set -o errexit set -o pipefail source function test_append_file { describe "Testing append to file ..." TEST_INPUT="echo ${TEST_TEXT} to ${TEST_TEXT_FILE}" # Write a small test file for x in `seq 1 $TEST_TEXT_FILE_LENGTH` do echo $TEST_INPUT done > ${TEST_TEXT_FILE} check_file_size "${TEST_TEXT_FILE}" $(($TEST_TEXT_FILE_LENGTH * $(echo $TEST_INPUT | wc -c))) rm_test_file } function test_truncate_file { describe "Testing truncate file ..." # Write a small test file echo "${TEST_TEXT}" > ${TEST_TEXT_FILE} # Truncate file to 0 length. This should trigger open(path, O_RDWR | O_TRUNC...) : > ${TEST_TEXT_FILE} check_file_size "${TEST_TEXT_FILE}" 0 rm_test_file } function test_truncate_empty_file { describe "Testing truncate empty file ..." # Write an empty test file touch ${TEST_TEXT_FILE} # Truncate the file to 1024 length t_size=1024 truncate ${TEST_TEXT_FILE} -s $t_size check_file_size "${TEST_TEXT_FILE}" $t_size rm_test_file } function test_mv_file { describe "Testing mv file function ..." # if the rename file exists, delete it if [ -e $ALT_TEST_TEXT_FILE ] then rm $ALT_TEST_TEXT_FILE fi if [ -e $ALT_TEST_TEXT_FILE ] then echo "Could not delete file ${ALT_TEST_TEXT_FILE}, it still exists" return 1 fi # create the test file again mk_test_file # save file length ALT_TEXT_LENGTH=`wc -c $TEST_TEXT_FILE | awk '{print $1}'` #rename the test file mv $TEST_TEXT_FILE $ALT_TEST_TEXT_FILE if [ ! -e $ALT_TEST_TEXT_FILE ] then echo "Could not move file" return 1 fi #check the renamed file content-type if [ -f "/etc/mime.types" ] then check_content_type "$1/$ALT_TEST_TEXT_FILE" "text/plain" fi # Check the contents of the alt file ALT_FILE_LENGTH=`wc -c $ALT_TEST_TEXT_FILE | awk '{print $1}'` if [ "$ALT_FILE_LENGTH" -ne "$ALT_TEXT_LENGTH" ] then echo "moved file length is not as expected expected: $ALT_TEXT_LENGTH got: $ALT_FILE_LENGTH" return 1 fi # clean up rm_test_file $ALT_TEST_TEXT_FILE } function test_mv_empty_directory { describe "Testing mv directory function ..." if [ -e $TEST_DIR ]; then echo "Unexpected, this file/directory exists: ${TEST_DIR}" return 1 fi mk_test_dir mv ${TEST_DIR} ${TEST_DIR}_rename if [ ! -d "${TEST_DIR}_rename" ]; then echo "Directory ${TEST_DIR} was not renamed" return 1 fi rmdir ${TEST_DIR}_rename if [ -e "${TEST_DIR}_rename" ]; then echo "Could not remove the test directory, it still exists: ${TEST_DIR}_rename" return 1 fi } function test_mv_nonempty_directory { describe "Testing mv directory function ..." if [ -e $TEST_DIR ]; then echo "Unexpected, this file/directory exists: ${TEST_DIR}" return 1 fi mk_test_dir touch ${TEST_DIR}/file mv ${TEST_DIR} ${TEST_DIR}_rename if [ ! -d "${TEST_DIR}_rename" ]; then echo "Directory ${TEST_DIR} was not renamed" return 1 fi rm -r ${TEST_DIR}_rename if [ -e "${TEST_DIR}_rename" ]; then echo "Could not remove the test directory, it still exists: ${TEST_DIR}_rename" return 1 fi } function test_redirects { describe "Testing redirects ..." mk_test_file ABCDEF CONTENT=`cat $TEST_TEXT_FILE` if [ "${CONTENT}" != "ABCDEF" ]; then echo "CONTENT read is unexpected, got ${CONTENT}, expected ABCDEF" return 1 fi echo XYZ > $TEST_TEXT_FILE CONTENT=`cat $TEST_TEXT_FILE` if [ ${CONTENT} != "XYZ" ]; then echo "CONTENT read is unexpected, got ${CONTENT}, expected XYZ" return 1 fi echo 123456 >> $TEST_TEXT_FILE LINE1=`sed -n '1,1p' $TEST_TEXT_FILE` LINE2=`sed -n '2,2p' $TEST_TEXT_FILE` if [ ${LINE1} != "XYZ" ]; then echo "LINE1 was not as expected, got ${LINE1}, expected XYZ" return 1 fi if [ ${LINE2} != "123456" ]; then echo "LINE2 was not as expected, got ${LINE2}, expected 123456" return 1 fi # clean up rm_test_file } function test_mkdir_rmdir { describe "Testing creation/removal of a directory" if [ -e $TEST_DIR ]; then echo "Unexpected, this file/directory exists: ${TEST_DIR}" return 1 fi mk_test_dir rm_test_dir } function test_chmod { describe "Testing chmod file function ..." # create the test file again mk_test_file if [ `uname` = "Darwin" ]; then ORIGINAL_PERMISSIONS=$(stat -f "%p" $TEST_TEXT_FILE) else ORIGINAL_PERMISSIONS=$(stat --format=%a $TEST_TEXT_FILE) fi chmod 777 $TEST_TEXT_FILE; # if they're the same, we have a problem. if [ `uname` = "Darwin" ]; then CHANGED_PERMISSIONS=$(stat -f "%p" $TEST_TEXT_FILE) else CHANGED_PERMISSIONS=$(stat --format=%a $TEST_TEXT_FILE) fi if [ $CHANGED_PERMISSIONS == $ORIGINAL_PERMISSIONS ] then echo "Could not modify $TEST_TEXT_FILE permissions" return 1 fi # clean up rm_test_file } function test_chown { describe "Testing chown file function ..." # create the test file again mk_test_file if [ `uname` = "Darwin" ]; then ORIGINAL_PERMISSIONS=$(stat -f "%u:%g" $TEST_TEXT_FILE) else ORIGINAL_PERMISSIONS=$(stat --format=%u:%g $TEST_TEXT_FILE) fi # [NOTE] # Prevents test interruptions due to permission errors, etc. # If the chown command fails, an error will occur with the # following judgment statement. So skip the chown command error. # '|| true' was added due to a problem with Travis CI and MacOS # and ensure_diskfree option. # chown 1000:1000 $TEST_TEXT_FILE || true # if they're the same, we have a problem. if [ `uname` = "Darwin" ]; then CHANGED_PERMISSIONS=$(stat -f "%u:%g" $TEST_TEXT_FILE) else CHANGED_PERMISSIONS=$(stat --format=%u:%g $TEST_TEXT_FILE) fi if [ $CHANGED_PERMISSIONS == $ORIGINAL_PERMISSIONS ] then if [ $ORIGINAL_PERMISSIONS == "1000:1000" ] then echo "Could not be strict check because original file permission 1000:1000" else echo "Could not modify $TEST_TEXT_FILE ownership($ORIGINAL_PERMISSIONS to 1000:1000)" return 1 fi fi # clean up rm_test_file } function test_list { describe "Testing list" mk_test_file mk_test_dir file_cnt=$(ls -1 | wc -l) if [ $file_cnt != 2 ]; then echo "Expected 2 file but got $file_cnt" return 1 fi rm_test_file rm_test_dir } function test_remove_nonempty_directory { describe "Testing removing a non-empty directory" mk_test_dir touch "${TEST_DIR}/file" ( set +o pipefail rmdir "${TEST_DIR}" 2>&1 | grep -q "Directory not empty" ) rm "${TEST_DIR}/file" rm_test_dir } function test_external_modification { describe "Test external modification to an object" echo "old" > ${TEST_TEXT_FILE} OBJECT_NAME="$(basename $PWD)/${TEST_TEXT_FILE}" sleep 2 echo "new new" | aws_cli s3 cp - "s3://${TEST_BUCKET_1}/${OBJECT_NAME}" cmp ${TEST_TEXT_FILE} <(echo "new new") rm -f ${TEST_TEXT_FILE} } function test_read_external_object() { describe "create objects via aws CLI and read via s3fs" OBJECT_NAME="$(basename $PWD)/${TEST_TEXT_FILE}" sleep 3 echo "test" | aws_cli s3 cp - "s3://${TEST_BUCKET_1}/${OBJECT_NAME}" cmp ${TEST_TEXT_FILE} <(echo "test") rm -f ${TEST_TEXT_FILE} } function test_rename_before_close { describe "Testing rename before close ..." ( echo foo mv $TEST_TEXT_FILE ${TEST_TEXT_FILE}.new ) > $TEST_TEXT_FILE if ! cmp <(echo foo) ${TEST_TEXT_FILE}.new; then echo "rename before close failed" return 1 fi rm_test_file ${TEST_TEXT_FILE}.new rm -f ${TEST_TEXT_FILE} } function test_multipart_upload { describe "Testing multi-part upload ..." dd if=/dev/urandom of="/tmp/${BIG_FILE}" bs=$BIG_FILE_LENGTH count=1 dd if="/tmp/${BIG_FILE}" of="${BIG_FILE}" bs=$BIG_FILE_LENGTH count=1 # Verify contents of file echo "Comparing test file" if ! cmp "/tmp/${BIG_FILE}" "${BIG_FILE}" then return 1 fi rm -f "/tmp/${BIG_FILE}" rm_test_file "${BIG_FILE}" } function test_multipart_copy { describe "Testing multi-part copy ..." dd if=/dev/urandom of="/tmp/${BIG_FILE}" bs=$BIG_FILE_LENGTH count=1 dd if="/tmp/${BIG_FILE}" of="${BIG_FILE}" bs=$BIG_FILE_LENGTH count=1 mv "${BIG_FILE}" "${BIG_FILE}-copy" # Verify contents of file echo "Comparing test file" if ! cmp "/tmp/${BIG_FILE}" "${BIG_FILE}-copy" then return 1 fi #check the renamed file content-type check_content_type "$1/${BIG_FILE}-copy" "application/octet-stream" rm -f "/tmp/${BIG_FILE}" rm_test_file "${BIG_FILE}-copy" } function test_multipart_mix { describe "Testing multi-part mix ..." if [ `uname` = "Darwin" ]; then cat /dev/null > $BIG_FILE fi dd if=/dev/urandom of="/tmp/${BIG_FILE}" bs=$BIG_FILE_LENGTH seek=0 count=1 dd if="/tmp/${BIG_FILE}" of="${BIG_FILE}" bs=$BIG_FILE_LENGTH seek=0 count=1 # (1) Edit the middle of an existing file # modify directly(seek 7.5MB offset) # In the case of nomultipart and nocopyapi, # it makes no sense, but copying files is because it leaves no cache. # cp /tmp/${BIG_FILE} /tmp/${BIG_FILE}-mix cp ${BIG_FILE} ${BIG_FILE}-mix MODIFY_START_BLOCK=$((15*1024*1024/2/4)) echo -n "0123456789ABCDEF" | dd of="${BIG_FILE}-mix" bs=4 count=4 seek=$MODIFY_START_BLOCK conv=notrunc echo -n "0123456789ABCDEF" | dd of="/tmp/${BIG_FILE}-mix" bs=4 count=4 seek=$MODIFY_START_BLOCK conv=notrunc # Verify contents of file echo "Comparing test file (1)" if ! cmp "/tmp/${BIG_FILE}-mix" "${BIG_FILE}-mix" then return 1 fi # (2) Write to an area larger than the size of the existing file # modify directly(over file end offset) # cp /tmp/${BIG_FILE} /tmp/${BIG_FILE}-mix cp ${BIG_FILE} ${BIG_FILE}-mix OVER_FILE_BLOCK_POS=$((26*1024*1024/4)) echo -n "0123456789ABCDEF" | dd of="${BIG_FILE}-mix" bs=4 count=4 seek=$OVER_FILE_BLOCK_POS conv=notrunc echo -n "0123456789ABCDEF" | dd of="/tmp/${BIG_FILE}-mix" bs=4 count=4 seek=$OVER_FILE_BLOCK_POS conv=notrunc # Verify contents of file echo "Comparing test file (2)" if ! cmp "/tmp/${BIG_FILE}-mix" "${BIG_FILE}-mix" then return 1 fi # (3) Writing from the 0th byte # cp /tmp/${BIG_FILE} /tmp/${BIG_FILE}-mix cp ${BIG_FILE} ${BIG_FILE}-mix echo -n "0123456789ABCDEF" | dd of="${BIG_FILE}-mix" bs=4 count=4 seek=0 conv=notrunc echo -n "0123456789ABCDEF" | dd of="/tmp/${BIG_FILE}-mix" bs=4 count=4 seek=0 conv=notrunc # Verify contents of file echo "Comparing test file (3)" if ! cmp "/tmp/${BIG_FILE}-mix" "${BIG_FILE}-mix" then return 1 fi # (4) Write to the area within 5MB from the top # modify directly(seek 1MB offset) # cp /tmp/${BIG_FILE} /tmp/${BIG_FILE}-mix cp ${BIG_FILE} ${BIG_FILE}-mix MODIFY_START_BLOCK=$((1*1024*1024)) echo -n "0123456789ABCDEF" | dd of="${BIG_FILE}-mix" bs=4 count=4 seek=$MODIFY_START_BLOCK conv=notrunc echo -n "0123456789ABCDEF" | dd of="/tmp/${BIG_FILE}-mix" bs=4 count=4 seek=$MODIFY_START_BLOCK conv=notrunc # Verify contents of file echo "Comparing test file (4)" if ! cmp "/tmp/${BIG_FILE}-mix" "${BIG_FILE}-mix" then return 1 fi rm -f "/tmp/${BIG_FILE}" rm -f "/tmp/${BIG_FILE}-mix" rm_test_file "${BIG_FILE}" rm_test_file "${BIG_FILE}-mix" } function test_special_characters { describe "Testing special characters ..." ( set +o pipefail ls 'special' 2>&1 | grep -q 'No such file or directory' ls 'special?' 2>&1 | grep -q 'No such file or directory' ls 'special*' 2>&1 | grep -q 'No such file or directory' ls 'special~' 2>&1 | grep -q 'No such file or directory' ls 'specialĀµ' 2>&1 | grep -q 'No such file or directory' ) mkdir "TOYOTA TRUCK 8.2.2" } function test_symlink { describe "Testing symlinks ..." rm -f $TEST_TEXT_FILE rm -f $ALT_TEST_TEXT_FILE echo foo > $TEST_TEXT_FILE ln -s $TEST_TEXT_FILE $ALT_TEST_TEXT_FILE cmp $TEST_TEXT_FILE $ALT_TEST_TEXT_FILE rm -f $TEST_TEXT_FILE [ -L $ALT_TEST_TEXT_FILE ] [ ! -f $ALT_TEST_TEXT_FILE ] rm -f $ALT_TEST_TEXT_FILE } function test_extended_attributes { describe "Testing extended attributes ..." rm -f $TEST_TEXT_FILE touch $TEST_TEXT_FILE # set value set_xattr key1 value1 $TEST_TEXT_FILE get_xattr key1 $TEST_TEXT_FILE | grep -q '^value1$' # append value set_xattr key2 value2 $TEST_TEXT_FILE get_xattr key1 $TEST_TEXT_FILE | grep -q '^value1$' get_xattr key2 $TEST_TEXT_FILE | grep -q '^value2$' # remove value del_xattr key1 $TEST_TEXT_FILE ! get_xattr key1 $TEST_TEXT_FILE get_xattr key2 $TEST_TEXT_FILE | grep -q '^value2$' rm_test_file } function test_mtime_file { describe "Testing mtime preservation function ..." # if the rename file exists, delete it if [ -e $ALT_TEST_TEXT_FILE -o -L $ALT_TEST_TEXT_FILE ] then rm $ALT_TEST_TEXT_FILE fi if [ -e $ALT_TEST_TEXT_FILE ] then echo "Could not delete file ${ALT_TEST_TEXT_FILE}, it still exists" return 1 fi # create the test file again mk_test_file sleep 2 # allow for some time to pass to compare the timestamps between test & alt #copy the test file with preserve mode cp -p $TEST_TEXT_FILE $ALT_TEST_TEXT_FILE testmtime=`get_mtime $TEST_TEXT_FILE` altmtime=`get_mtime $ALT_TEST_TEXT_FILE` if [ "$testmtime" -ne "$altmtime" ] then echo "File times do not match: $testmtime != $altmtime" return 1 fi rm_test_file rm_test_file $ALT_TEST_TEXT_FILE } function test_update_time() { describe "Testing update time function ..." # create the test mk_test_file mtime=`get_ctime $TEST_TEXT_FILE` ctime=`get_mtime $TEST_TEXT_FILE` sleep 2 chmod +x $TEST_TEXT_FILE ctime2=`get_ctime $TEST_TEXT_FILE` mtime2=`get_mtime $TEST_TEXT_FILE` if [ $ctime -eq $ctime2 -o $mtime -ne $mtime2 ]; then echo "Expected updated ctime: $ctime != $ctime2 and same mtime: $mtime == $mtime2" return 1 fi sleep 2 chown $UID:$UID $TEST_TEXT_FILE; ctime3=`get_ctime $TEST_TEXT_FILE` mtime3=`get_mtime $TEST_TEXT_FILE` if [ $ctime2 -eq $ctime3 -o $mtime2 -ne $mtime3 ]; then echo "Expected updated ctime: $ctime2 != $ctime3 and same mtime: $mtime2 == $mtime3" return 1 fi sleep 2 set_xattr key value $TEST_TEXT_FILE ctime4=`get_ctime $TEST_TEXT_FILE` mtime4=`get_mtime $TEST_TEXT_FILE` if [ $ctime3 -eq $ctime4 -o $mtime3 -ne $mtime4 ]; then echo "Expected updated ctime: $ctime3 != $ctime4 and same mtime: $mtime3 == $mtime4" return 1 fi sleep 2 echo foo >> $TEST_TEXT_FILE ctime5=`get_ctime $TEST_TEXT_FILE` mtime5=`get_mtime $TEST_TEXT_FILE` if [ $ctime4 -eq $ctime5 -o $mtime4 -eq $mtime5 ]; then echo "Expected updated ctime: $ctime4 != $ctime5 and updated mtime: $mtime4 != $mtime5" return 1 fi rm_test_file } function test_rm_rf_dir { describe "Test that rm -rf will remove directory with contents" # Create a dir with some files and directories mkdir dir1 mkdir dir1/dir2 touch dir1/file1 touch dir1/dir2/file2 # Remove the dir with recursive rm rm -rf dir1 if [ -e dir1 ]; then echo "rm -rf did not remove $PWD/dir1" return 1 fi } function test_copy_file { describe "Test simple copy" dd if=/dev/urandom of=/tmp/simple_file bs=1024 count=1 cp /tmp/simple_file copied_simple_file cmp /tmp/simple_file copied_simple_file rm_test_file /tmp/simple_file rm_test_file copied_simple_file } function test_write_after_seek_ahead { describe "Test writes succeed after a seek ahead" dd if=/dev/zero of=testfile seek=1 count=1 bs=1024 rm_test_file testfile } function test_overwrite_existing_file_range { describe "Test overwrite range succeeds" dd if=<(seq 1000) of=${TEST_TEXT_FILE} dd if=/dev/zero of=${TEST_TEXT_FILE} seek=1 count=1 bs=1024 conv=notrunc cmp ${TEST_TEXT_FILE} <( seq 1000 | head -c 1024 dd if=/dev/zero count=1 bs=1024 seq 1000 | tail -c +2049 ) rm_test_file } function test_concurrency { describe "Test concurrent updates to a directory" for i in `seq 5`; do echo foo > $i; done for process in `seq 10`; do for i in `seq 5`; do file=$(ls `seq 5` | sed -n "$(($RANDOM % 5 + 1))p") cat $file >/dev/null || true rm -f $file echo foo > $file || true done & done wait rm -f `seq 5` } function test_concurrent_writes { describe "Test concurrent updates to a file" dd if=/dev/urandom of=${TEST_TEXT_FILE} bs=$BIG_FILE_LENGTH count=1 for process in `seq 10`; do dd if=/dev/zero of=${TEST_TEXT_FILE} seek=$(($RANDOM % $BIG_FILE_LENGTH)) count=1 bs=1024 conv=notrunc & done wait rm_test_file } function test_open_second_fd { describe "read from an open fd" rm_test_file second_fd_file RESULT=$( (echo foo ; wc -c < second_fd_file >&2) 2>& 1>second_fd_file) if [ "$RESULT" -ne 4 ]; then echo "size mismatch, expected: 4, was: ${RESULT}" return 1 fi rm_test_file second_fd_file } function test_write_multiple_offsets { describe "test writing to multiple offsets" ../../ ${TEST_TEXT_FILE} rm_test_file ${TEST_TEXT_FILE} } function test_clean_up_cache() { describe "Test clean up cache" dir="many_files" count=25 mkdir -p $dir for x in $(seq $count); do dd if=/dev/urandom of=$dir/file-$x bs=10485760 count=1 done file_cnt=$(ls $dir | wc -l) if [ $file_cnt != $count ]; then echo "Expected $count files but got $file_cnt" rm -rf $dir return 1 fi CACHE_DISK_AVAIL_SIZE=`get_disk_avail_size $CACHE_DIR` if [ "$CACHE_DISK_AVAIL_SIZE" -lt "$ENSURE_DISKFREE_SIZE" ];then echo "Cache disk avail size:$CACHE_DISK_AVAIL_SIZE less than ensure_diskfree size:$ENSURE_DISKFREE_SIZE" rm -rf $dir return 1 fi rm -rf $dir } function test_content_type() { describe "Test Content-Type detection" DIR_NAME="$(basename $PWD)" touch "test.txt" CONTENT_TYPE=$(aws_cli s3api head-object --bucket "${TEST_BUCKET_1}" --key "${DIR_NAME}/test.txt" | grep "ContentType") if [ `uname` = "Darwin" ]; then if ! echo $CONTENT_TYPE | grep -q "application/octet-stream"; then echo "Unexpected Content-Type(MacOS): $CONTENT_TYPE" return 1; fi else if ! echo $CONTENT_TYPE | grep -q "text/plain"; then echo "Unexpected Content-Type: $CONTENT_TYPE" return 1; fi fi touch "test.jpg" CONTENT_TYPE=$(aws_cli s3api head-object --bucket "${TEST_BUCKET_1}" --key "${DIR_NAME}/test.jpg" | grep "ContentType") if [ `uname` = "Darwin" ]; then if ! echo $CONTENT_TYPE | grep -q "application/octet-stream"; then echo "Unexpected Content-Type(MacOS): $CONTENT_TYPE" return 1; fi else if ! echo $CONTENT_TYPE | grep -q "image/jpeg"; then echo "Unexpected Content-Type: $CONTENT_TYPE" return 1; fi fi touch "test.bin" CONTENT_TYPE=$(aws_cli s3api head-object --bucket "${TEST_BUCKET_1}" --key "${DIR_NAME}/test.bin" | grep "ContentType") if ! echo $CONTENT_TYPE | grep -q "application/octet-stream"; then echo "Unexpected Content-Type: $CONTENT_TYPE" return 1; fi mkdir "test.dir" CONTENT_TYPE=$(aws_cli s3api head-object --bucket "${TEST_BUCKET_1}" --key "${DIR_NAME}/test.dir/" | grep "ContentType") if ! echo $CONTENT_TYPE | grep -q "application/x-directory"; then echo "Unexpected Content-Type: $CONTENT_TYPE" return 1; fi } function add_all_tests { if `ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep s3fs | grep -q ensure_diskfree` && ! `uname | grep -q Darwin`; then add_tests test_clean_up_cache fi add_tests test_append_file add_tests test_truncate_file add_tests test_truncate_empty_file add_tests test_mv_file add_tests test_mv_empty_directory add_tests test_mv_nonempty_directory add_tests test_redirects add_tests test_mkdir_rmdir add_tests test_chmod add_tests test_chown add_tests test_list add_tests test_remove_nonempty_directory add_tests test_external_modification add_tests test_read_external_object add_tests test_rename_before_close add_tests test_multipart_upload add_tests test_multipart_copy add_tests test_multipart_mix add_tests test_special_characters add_tests test_symlink add_tests test_extended_attributes add_tests test_mtime_file add_tests test_update_time add_tests test_rm_rf_dir add_tests test_copy_file add_tests test_write_after_seek_ahead add_tests test_overwrite_existing_file_range add_tests test_concurrency add_tests test_concurrent_writes add_tests test_open_second_fd add_tests test_write_multiple_offsets add_tests test_content_type } init_suite add_all_tests run_suite