Linux ip-172-26-7-228 5.4.0-1103-aws #111~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue May 23 20:04:10 UTC 2023 x86_64
Your IP :
namespace Razorpay\Api;
use Requests;
use Exception;
use Razorpay\Api\Errors;
use Razorpay\Api\Errors\ErrorCode;
* Request class to communicate to the request libarary
class Request
* Headers to be sent with every http request to the API
* @var array
protected static $headers = array(
'Razorpay-API' => 1
* Fires a request to the API
* @param string $method HTTP Verb
* @param string $url Relative URL for the request
* @param array $data Data to be passed along the request
* @return array Response data in array format. Not meant
* to be used directly
public function request($method, $url, $data = array())
$url = Api::getFullUrl($url);
$options = array(
'auth' => array(Api::getKey(), Api::getSecret()),
'timeout' => 60
$headers = $this->getRequestHeaders();
$response = Requests::request($url, $headers, $data, $method, $options);
return json_decode($response->body, true);
* Adds an additional header to all API requests
* @param string $key Header key
* @param string $value Header value
* @return null
public static function addHeader($key, $value)
self::$headers[$key] = $value;
* Returns all headers attached so far
* @return array headers
public static function getHeaders()
return self::$headers;
* Process the statusCode of the response and throw exception if necessary
* @param Object $response The response object returned by Requests
protected function checkErrors($response)
$body = $response->body;
$httpStatusCode = $response->status_code;
$body = json_decode($response->body, true);
catch (Exception $e)
$this->throwServerError($body, $httpStatusCode);
if (($httpStatusCode < 200) or
($httpStatusCode >= 300))
$this->processError($body, $httpStatusCode, $response);
protected function processError($body, $httpStatusCode, $response)
$this->verifyErrorFormat($body, $httpStatusCode);
$code = $body['error']['code'];
// We are basically converting the error code to the Error class name
// Replace underscores with space
// Lowercase the words, capitalize first letter of each word
// Remove spaces
$error = str_replace('_', ' ', $code);
$error = ucwords(strtolower($error));
$error = str_replace(' ', '', $error);
// Add namespace
// This is the fully qualified error class name
$error = __NAMESPACE__.'\Errors\\' . $error;
$description = $body['error']['description'];
$field = null;
if (isset($body['error']['field']))
$field = $body['error']['field'];
// Create an instance of the error and then throw it
throw new $error($description, $code, $httpStatusCode, $field);
throw new $error($description, $code, $httpStatusCode);
protected function throwServerError($body, $httpStatusCode)
$description = "The server did not send back a well-formed response. " . PHP_EOL .
"Server Response: $body";
throw new Errors\ServerError(
protected function getRequestHeaders()
$uaHeader = array(
'User-Agent' => $this->constructUa()
$headers = array_merge(self::$headers, $uaHeader);
return $headers;
protected function constructUa()
$ua = 'Razorpay/v1 PHPSDK/' . Api::VERSION . ' PHP/' . phpversion();
$ua .= ' ' . $this->getAppDetailsUa();
return $ua;
protected function getAppDetailsUa()
$appsDetails = Api::$appsDetails;
$appsDetailsUa = '';
foreach ($appsDetails as $app)
if ((isset($app['title'])) and (is_string($app['title'])))
$appUa = $app['title'];
if ((isset($app['version'])) and (is_scalar($app['version'])))
$appUa .= '/' . $app['version'];
$appsDetailsUa .= $appUa . ' ';
return $appsDetailsUa;
* Verifies error is in proper format. If not then
* throws ServerErrorException
* @param array $body
* @param int $httpStatusCode
* @return void
protected function verifyErrorFormat($body, $httpStatusCode)
if (is_array($body) === false)
$this->throwServerError($body, $httpStatusCode);
if ((isset($body['error']) === false) or
(isset($body['error']['code']) === false))
$this->throwServerError($body, $httpStatusCode);
$code = $body['error']['code'];
if (Errors\ErrorCode::exists($code) === false)
$this->throwServerError($body, $httpStatusCode);