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    function meViewIaStudDet($aobj_context){
        $teachcode = $aobj_context->mobj_data["teachcode"];
        $classid = $aobj_context->mobj_data["classid"];
        $subject = $aobj_context->mobj_data["subelement"];
        $txtmarks = $aobj_context->mobj_data["txtmarks"];
        $testName = $aobj_context->mobj_data["testName"];
        $sort = $aobj_context->mobj_data["fsort"];

        $split = explode("*", $subject);
        $subelement = $split[0];
        $subdet = $split[1];

        $queryView = "select * from maxmarksint 
                      where fclassid='{$classid}' and ftestname='{$testName}'
                      and fsubcode = '{$subelement}'";

        if(count($resMarks) == 0){
            $arr['msg'] = "Questionwise maximum marks and CO not entered";
            echo($aobj_context->mobj_output->ToJSONEnvelope($arr, -1, "Failure"));  

        $query = "select distinct fcollcode, fdegree, fexamno from attendsum where fclassid = '{$classid}'";
        $collcode = $res['fcollcode'];
        $degree = $res['fdegree'];
        $exam = $res['fexamno'];

        if($testName == "Test 1"){
            $dateCond = "DATE_FORMAT(fia1from,'%Y-%m-%d') 
                         and DATE_FORMAT(fia1to,'%Y-%m-%d')";
        }else if($testName == "Test 2"){
            $dateCond = "DATE_FORMAT(fia2from,'%Y-%m-%d') 
                         and DATE_FORMAT(fia2to,'%Y-%m-%d')";
        }else if($testName == "Test 3"){
            $dateCond = "DATE_FORMAT(fia3from,'%Y-%m-%d') 
                         and DATE_FORMAT(fia3to,'%Y-%m-%d')";
        }else if($testName == "Test 4"){
            $dateCond = "DATE_FORMAT(fia4from,'%Y-%m-%d') 
                         and DATE_FORMAT(fia4to,'%Y-%m-%d')";
        $query = "select * from subdet 
        where fcollcode = '{$collcode}' and DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%Y-%m-%d') between 
        and concat(fcsubcode,fsubcode) = '{$subelement}' 
        and fdegree='{$degree}'";
        $res3 = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetAll($query);

        if(count($res3) == 0){
            $arr['msg'] = "Dates not enabled";
            echo($aobj_context->mobj_output->ToJSONEnvelope($arr, -1, "Failure"));  

        $query = "select stu.FREGNO, stu.FNAME, sd.fexamno, sd.fdegree, stu.fcollcode, 
                  ifnull(ftotal, '')as ftotal, ifnull(facttotal, '')as facttotal,
                  fu1max FROM attendsum a inner join student stu on stu.FREGNO=a.FREGNO 
                  and stu.fdegree = a.fdegree inner join degree d on d.FDEGREE =a.FDEGREE and d.Fexamno=a.Fexamno 
                  inner join subdet sd on a.fdegree = sd.fdegree and a.fexamno = sd.fexamno 
                  and left(a.fsubcode,4) = left(sd.fcsubcode,4) 
                  left join marksint mak ON a.fdegree = mak.fdegree and a.FREGNO=mak.FREGNO 
                  and mak.ftest = '{$testName}' and mak.fsubcode='{$subelement}' 
                  where a.fteachcode = '{$teachcode}' and a.fclassid = '{$classid}' 
                  and a.FCOLLCODE='{$collcode}' 
                  and concat(sd.fcsubcode,sd.fsubcode) = '{$subelement}'
                  and left(a.fsubcode,4) = left('{$subelement}',4) group by fregno order by {$sort}";

        $table = "<table id='tabledata' class='table' width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' >";
        $table .= "<thead style='position:sticky; top:0; z-index:1'>";
        $table .= "<tr style='position: sticky; top: 0; background: white;'>
                        <th colspan='7' class='ui-jqgrid-titlebar ui-widget-header ui-corner-tl ui-corner-tr ui-helper'>
                        <input type='text' style='width:96%; padding:4px;margin:2px; border-radius:20px;' id='myInput' onkeyup='searchRegCode()' placeholder='Search by Name....'></th>
        $table .= "<tr align='center' class='ui-state-default ui-jqgrid-hdiv'>";
        $table .= "<td class='column'>Sl. No.</td>";
        $table .= "<td class='column'>USN</td>";
        $table .= "<td class='column'>Student Name</td>";
        $table .= "<td class='column'>Max Marks</td>";
        $table .= "<td class='column'>Secure Marks</td>";
        $table .= "<td class='column'>Action</td>";
        $table .= "<td class='column'>Absent ?</td>";
        $table .= "</tr></thead><tbody>";

        for($i=0; $i<count($result); $i++){
            $total = $result[$i]['facttotal'] == "-2" ? "Absent" : $result[$i]['facttotal'];
            $ent = $total == "Absent" ? "": "<span class='btn' onclick='getStudentMarks(`{$result[$i]['FREGNO']}`, `{$testName}`, `{$subelement}`, `{$collcode}`, `{$classid}`, `{$result[$i]['fdegree']}`, `{$result[$i]['fexamno']}`, `{$result[$i]['FNAME']}`)'>Enter Marks</span>";
            $style = $result[$i]['facttotal'] == "-2" ? 'color:#b62020;' : 'color:#000;';
            $slno = $i + 1;
            $table .= "<tr align='center' lass='ui-widget-content jqgrow'>";
            $table .= "<td class='column'>". $slno ."</td>";
            $table .= "<td class='column'>". $result[$i]['FREGNO'] ."</td>";
            $table .= "<td class='column' style='text-align:initial;width: 200px;'>". $result[$i]['FNAME'] ."</td>";
            $table .= "<td class='column'>". $result[$i]['fu1max'] ."</td>";
            $table .= "<td class='column' style='{$style}'>". $total ."</td>";
            $table .= "<td class='column'>". $ent ."</td>";
            $table .= "<td class='column'>
            <span class='btn' style='background:#b62020;' onclick='absentHandler(`{$result[$i]['FREGNO']}`, `{$testName}`, `{$subelement}`, `{$collcode}`, `{$classid}`, `{$result[$i]['fdegree']}`, `{$result[$i]['fexamno']}`)'>Absent</span>
            <span class='btn' style='background:#6495ED;' onclick='removeAbsentHandler(`{$result[$i]['FREGNO']}`, `{$testName}`, `{$subelement}`, `{$collcode}`, `{$classid}`, `{$result[$i]['fdegree']}`, `{$result[$i]['fexamno']}`)'>Remove AB</span>
            $table .= "</tr>";
        $table .= "</tbody></table>";
        $arr['html'] = $table;
        echo $aobj_context->mobj_output->ToJSONEnvelope($arr, 0, "success"); 

    function meGetStudentMarksData($aobj_context){
        $testname = $aobj_context->mobj_data["testname"];
        $subcode = $aobj_context->mobj_data["subcode"];
        $classid = $aobj_context->mobj_data["classid"];
        $degree = $aobj_context->mobj_data["degree"];
        $sem = $aobj_context->mobj_data["sem"];
        $regno = $aobj_context->mobj_data["regno"];
        $name = $aobj_context->mobj_data["name"];
        $collcode = $_SESSION['collcode'];

        $query1 = "select t.* from tdvs_qptemphead t inner join subdet s on s.ftempcode = t.ftempcode where concat(fcsubcode, fsubcode) = '{$subcode}' and fdegree='{$degree}' and fexamno='{$sem}'";

        if(count($result) == 0){
            $arr['msg'] = "Template not found";
            echo $aobj_context->mobj_output->ToJSONEnvelope($arr, -1, "failure");

        $query = "select ifnull(fclassid, '')as fclassid, ifnull(fclassid, '')as fclassid,
                  ifnull(fclassid, '')as fclassid, ifnull(fqn, '')as fqn, 
                  ifnull(fqnno, '')as fqnno, ifnull(fmarks, '')as fmarks, ifnull(fco, '')as fco 
                  from maxmarksint where fclassid='{$classid}' and ftestname='{$testname}'
                  and fsubcode='{$subcode}'
                  order by lpad(fqnno, 3, 0)";


        $table = "<table id='marksdata' style='position:sticky; top:0' class='table' width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>
                <thead style='position: sticky; top: 0; z-index: 1'> 
                <th colspan='5' style='text-align: initial;padding:10px' class='ui-jqgrid-titlebar ui-widget-header ui-corner-tl ui-corner-tr ui-helper'>
                   Marks Entry
                <tr style='background:#fff'>
                <th colspan='2' class='column'> USN: {$regno}</th>
                <th colspan='2' class='column'> Name: {$name}</th>
                <th colspan='2' class='column' align='center'><span class='btn' onclick='saveMarksEntryQnWiseNew()'>Save</span> </th>
                <tr class='ui-state-default ui-jqgrid-hdiv'>
                    <th class='column' align='center' width='20%'>Question No.</th>
                    <th class='column' align='center' width='20%'>Sub Qn.</th>
                    <th class='column' align='center' width='20%'>Max Marks</th>
                    <th class='column' align='center' width='20%'>Secured Marks</th>
                    <th class='column' align='center' width='20%'>Total</th>
        $newQn = "";
        $count = 0;
        $newArr = [];
        foreach($result as $val){
            $obj['fclassid'] = $classid;
            $obj['subcode'] = $subcode;
            $obj['test'] = $testname;
            $obj['fco'] = $val['fco'];
            $obj['fmarks'] = $val['fmarks'];
            $obj['fqn'] = $val['fqn'];
            $obj['fqnno'] = $val['fqnno'];
            $table .= "<tr>";
            if($val['fqn'] !== $newQn){
                $query1 = "select count(*)as count, fqn from 
                           maxmarksint where fclassid='{$classid}' and ftestname='{$testname}'
                           and fsubcode='{$subcode}' and fqn = '{$val['fqn']}'";
                $count = $result1['count'];
                $table .= "<td class='column' align='center' rowspan='{$count}'>".$val['fqn']."</td>";

            $col = "fmarks".$val['fqnno'];
            $tot = "ftotal".$val['fqn'];
            $qry = "select ifnull($col, '-1')as $col, ifnull($tot, '')as $tot from marksint where fregno='{$regno}' and fsubcode ='{$subcode}' and ftest='{$testname}' and fdegree='{$degree}' and fexamno='{$sem}'";
            $res = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($qry);
            $obj['marks'] = $res[$col] == "" ? '-1': $res[$col];
            $res[$col] = $res[$col] == "" ? '-1' : $res[$col];
            $res[$col] = $res[$col] == "-2" ? 'ab' : $res[$col];
            $table .= "<td class='column' align='center'>".$val['fqnno']."</td>
                        <td class='column' align='center'>".$val['fmarks']."</td>
                        <td class='column' align='center'><input type='text' style='height:100%; width:60%; padding:5px;' value='{$res[$col]}' id='marks_{$val['fqnno']}' onblur='addStMarks(`{$val['fqn']}`, `{$val['fqnno']}`, `{$val['fmarks']}`, `{$i}`, `{$testname}`, `{$subcode}`)'/></td>";
            if($val['fqn'] !== $newQn){
                $totalMarks = $res[$tot] == "-1.0" ? "" : $res[$tot];
                $table .= "<td class='column' align='center' rowspan='{$count}'><input type='text' style='height:100%; width:60%; padding:5px;' id='total_{$val['fqn']}' value='{$totalMarks}' disabled/></td>";
            $table .= "</tr>";
            $newQn = $val['fqn']; 
            array_push($newArr, $obj);
        $table .= "</tbody></table>";

        $arr['marksArr'] = $newArr;
        $arr['html'] = $table;
        echo $aobj_context->mobj_output->ToJSONEnvelope($arr, 0, "success");    

    function saveMeStudenMarks($aobj_context){
        $degree = $aobj_context->mobj_data["degree"];
        $sem = $aobj_context->mobj_data["sem"];
        $regno = $aobj_context->mobj_data["regno"];
        $data = json_decode($aobj_context->mobj_data["data"], true);
        $collcode = $_SESSION['collcode'];
        $test = $data[0]['ftest'];
        $subcode = $data[0]['fsubcode'];
        $columns = "";
        $totColumns = "";
        $tot = "";

        $marksColumn = "";
        $totMarksCol = "";//20
        $totMarks = 0;//10
        $totM = $data[0]['fqn'];
        $count = 1;
        foreach($data as $val){
            if($i == count($data)){
                $cond = "";
                $cond = ",";

            $marksColumn.= $val['fmarks']=="ab" ? '-2'.$cond : $val['fmarks'].$cond;
            if($totM == $val['fqn']){
                $totMarks+=($val['fmarks']=="-1" || $val['fmarks']=="ab") ? 0:$val['fmarks'];
                if($i == count($data)){
                $count += 1;
                $totM = $val['fqn'];
                $totMarks = ($val['fmarks']=="-1" || $val['fmarks']=="ab") ? 0:$val['fmarks'];
                $count = 1;

            if($tot !== 'ftotal'.$val['fqn']){
                $tot = 'ftotal'.$val['fqn'];
        if($count == 1){
        $query1 = "delete from marksint where fregno='{$regno}' and fsubcode ='{$subcode}' and ftest='{$test}' and fdegree='{$degree}' and fexamno='{$sem}'";
        $result1 = $aobj_context->mobj_db->Execute($query1);

        $query = "insert into marksint(fdegree, fexamno, fcollcode, fregno, fsubcode, ftest, $totColumns $columns)
                values('{$degree}', '{$sem}', '{$collcode}', '{$regno}', '{$subcode}', '{$test}', $totMarksCol $marksColumn)";
        $result = $aobj_context->mobj_db->Execute($query);

        $query2 = "select t.* from tdvs_qptemphead t inner join subdet s on s.ftempcode = t.ftempcode
                  where concat(fcsubcode, fsubcode) = '{$subcode}' and fdegree='{$degree}' and fexamno='{$sem}';";
        $result2 = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetAll($query2);

        $total = 0;
        foreach($result2 as $val){
            $limit = $val['fmandqn'];
            $explode = explode("*", $val['fqpcodes']);
            $totCol = "ftotal".$explode[0];
            $query3 = "select '' as qp, cast(ifnull($totCol, 0) as decimal(6,2)) as marks from marksint a where fregno = '{$regno}'
                      and fsubcode = '{$subcode}' and ftest = '{$test}'
                      and fdegree='{$degree}' and fexamno='{$sem}'";
            for ($i=1; $i < count($explode); $i++) { 
                $col = "ftotal".$explode[$i];
                $query3.=" union select '{$i}' as qp,cast(ifnull($col, 0) as decimal(6,2)) as marks from marksint a where fregno = '{$regno}'
                          and fsubcode = '{$subcode}' and ftest = '{$test}'
                          and fdegree='{$degree}' and fexamno='{$sem}'";
            $query3.=" order by marks desc limit $limit";
            $result3 = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetAll($query3);
            for ($i=0; $i < count($result3); $i++) { 
                $tot = $result3[$i]['marks'] == "-1" ? 0 : floatval($result3[$i]['marks']);
            $sql = "update marksint set ftotal='{$total}', facttotal='{$total}' where 
                    fdegree='{$degree}' and fexamno='{$sem}' and fcollcode='{$collcode}' and 
                    fregno='{$regno}' and fsubcode='{$subcode}' and ftest='{$test}'";

            $res = $aobj_context->mobj_db->Execute($sql);
            $arr['msg'] = "Saved Successfully";
            echo $aobj_context->mobj_output->ToJSONEnvelope($arr, 0, "success"); 
            $arr['msg'] = "failed to save";
            echo $aobj_context->mobj_output->ToJSONEnvelope($arr, -1, "failure"); 

    function makeStudentIaAbsent($aobj_context){
        $degree = $aobj_context->mobj_data["fdegree"];
        $sem = $aobj_context->mobj_data["fexamno"];
        $regno = $aobj_context->mobj_data["regno"];
        $classid = $aobj_context->mobj_data["fclassid"];
        $subcode = $aobj_context->mobj_data["fsubcode"];
        $testname = $aobj_context->mobj_data["ftestname"];
        $collcode = $_SESSION['collcode'];

        $query1 = "delete from marksint where fregno='{$regno}' and fsubcode ='{$subcode}' and ftest='{$testname}' and fdegree='{$degree}' and fexamno='{$sem}'";
        $result1 = $aobj_context->mobj_db->Execute($query1);

        $query = "insert into marksint(fdegree, fexamno, fcollcode, fregno, fsubcode, ftest, ftotal, facttotal)
                values('{$degree}', '{$sem}', '{$collcode}', '{$regno}', '{$subcode}', '{$testname}', '-2', '-2')";
        $result = $aobj_context->mobj_db->Execute($query);

            $arr['msg'] = "Saved Successfully";
            echo $aobj_context->mobj_output->ToJSONEnvelope($arr, 0, "success"); 
            $arr['msg'] = "failed to save";
            echo $aobj_context->mobj_output->ToJSONEnvelope($arr, -1, "failure"); 

    function removeAbsentHandler($aobj_context){
        $degree = $aobj_context->mobj_data["fdegree"];
        $sem = $aobj_context->mobj_data["fexamno"];
        $regno = $aobj_context->mobj_data["regno"];
        $classid = $aobj_context->mobj_data["fclassid"];
        $subcode = $aobj_context->mobj_data["fsubcode"];
        $testname = $aobj_context->mobj_data["ftestname"];
        $collcode = $_SESSION['collcode'];

        $query1 = "delete from marksint where fregno='{$regno}' and fsubcode ='{$subcode}' and ftest='{$testname}' and fdegree='{$degree}' and fexamno='{$sem}'";
        $result1 = $aobj_context->mobj_db->Execute($query1);

        $query = "insert into marksint(fdegree, fexamno, fcollcode, fregno, fsubcode, ftest, ftotal, facttotal)
                values('{$degree}', '{$sem}', '{$collcode}', '{$regno}', '{$subcode}', '{$testname}', '-1', '-1')";
        $result = $aobj_context->mobj_db->Execute($query);

            $arr['msg'] = "Saved Successfully";
            echo $aobj_context->mobj_output->ToJSONEnvelope($arr, 0, "success"); 
            $arr['msg'] = "failed to save";
            echo $aobj_context->mobj_output->ToJSONEnvelope($arr, -1, "failure"); 
