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Current Path : /var/www/oasis/Report_details/
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Current File : /var/www/oasis/Report_details/report_bulk_applications_nitte.php

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$pdf_writer_class =$main_src."/tcpdf/tcpdf.php";

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class AddmissionApplication
	function DefaultConstructor($aobj_context)
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		$lobj_get_college_name = $this->aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($get_college_name);
		$aobj_context->col_name = $lobj_get_college_name['col_name'];
		$this->aobj_context->current_date =  $obj['now_date'];
		$app_no = trim($aobj_context->mobj_data["app_no"]);
		$query = "select d.fdescpn as degree,ifnull(d.fadmyear,'') as fadmyear 
		from studadm s inner join degree d on s.fdegree = d.fdegree and d.fexamno = 'a' and fappno = '{$app_no}'";
		$result = $this->aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($query);
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	function formcolldata()
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	function writeApplication($per_details, $subjects,$FUNIVCODE)
		// var_dump($per_details);die();



		//$keyname = "027/".urlencode($per_details['fphotopath']);
		//$full_photo_path = "https://university-student-photos.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/".$keyname;

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		$photopath = $path .'/'.$per_details['fphotopath'];
		$fnation = "";
		if($per_details['fnationality'] == "" || $per_details['fnationality'] == NULL){
			$fnation = $per_details['fnational'];
			$fnation = $per_details['fnationality'];

		$fblood = "";
		// var_dump($per_details['fbloodgrp'],$per_details['fblood_group']);die();
		if($per_details['fbloodgrp'] == "" || $per_details['fbloodgrp'] == NULL){
			$fblood = $per_details['fblood_group'];
			$fblood = $per_details['fbloodgrp'];
		$i= 1;

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				<td  width="135" style = "font-size:15px;">'.$per_details['fnucatno'].'</td>
				<td  width="70" class="lable">NUCAT Rank</td>
				<td  width="165" style = "font-size:15px;">'.$per_details['fnucatrank'].'</td>
			<tr nobr="true">
				<td  width="150" class="lable">Application No.</td>
				<td  width="135" colspan="2" style = "font-size:15px;">'.$per_details['fappno'].'</td>
				<td  width="70" class="lable">Adm. Date</td>';
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					$table1.='<td  width="165" >'.$per_details['admdate'].'</td>';

		// var_dump($aobj_context);

		// var_dump($path.'/'.urlencode($per_details['fphotopath']));

		$table1 .='<tr nobr="true">
				<td width="150" class="lable">Name of the Applicant</td>';
				if($_SESSION['FUNIVCODE'] == "050"){
					$table1.='<td width="270" colspan="2">'.$per_details['fname'].'</td></tr>';
					$table1.='<td width="370" colspan="2">'.$per_details['fname'].'</td></tr>';
		$table1 .='<tr nobr="true">
				<td width="150" class="lable" >Father`s /Guardian`s Name</td>';
				if($_SESSION['FUNIVCODE'] == "050"){
					$table1 .='<td width="270" colspan="2">'.$per_details['ffatname'].'</td></tr>';
					$table1 .='<td width="370" colspan="2">'.$per_details['ffatname'].'</td></tr>';

		$table1 .='<tr nobr="true">
				<td width="150" class="lable">Mother`s Name</td>';
				if($_SESSION['FUNIVCODE'] == "050"){
					$table1 .='<td width="270" colspan="2">'.$per_details['fmotname'].'</td></tr>';
					$table1 .='<td width="370" colspan="2">'.$per_details['fmotname'].'</td></tr>';

		$table1 .='<tr nobr="true">
				<td width="150" class="lable">Date of Birth</td>
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				if($_SESSION['FUNIVCODE'] == "050"){
					$table1 .='<td width="65">'.$per_details['fgender'].'</td>';
					$table1 .='<td width="165">'.$per_details['fgender'].'</td>';
				$table1 .='</tr>';

		$table1 .='<tr nobr="true">
				<td width="150" class="lable">Nationality</td>
				<td width="135">'.$fnation.'</td>
				<td width="70" class="lable">Religion</td>
				<td width="165">'.$per_details['freligion'].'</td>

		$table1 .='<tr nobr="true">
				<td width="150" class="lable">Caste</td>
				<td width="135">'.$per_details['fcatecode'].'</td>
				<td width="70" class="lable">Category</td>
				<td width="165" >'.$per_details['fcaste'].'</td>

		$table1 .='<tr nobr="true">
				<td width="150" class="lable">Aadhaar No.</td>
				<td width="135">'.$per_details['faadharno'].'</td>
				<td width="135" class="lable">Blood Group</td>
				<td width="100" >'.$fblood.'</td>

		$table1 .='<tr nobr="true">
				<td width="150" class="lable">Father Occupation</td>
				<td width="135">'.$per_details['ffatocc'].'</td>
				<td width="135" class="lable">Father Income</td>
				<td width="100">'.$per_details['ffatincome'].'</td>

		$table1 .='<tr nobr="true">
				<td width="150" class="lable">Mother Occupation</td>
				<td width="135">'.$per_details['fmotocc'].'</td>
				<td width="135" class="lable">Mother Income</td>
				<td width="100">'.$per_details['fmotincome'].'</td>

		$table1 .='<tr nobr="true">
				<td width="150" class="lable">State of Study</td>
				<td width="135">'.$per_details['fboardstate'].'</td>
				<td width="135" class="lable">Mother Tongue</td>
				<td width="100">'.$per_details['fmottong'].'</td>
		// $table1 .='<tr nobr="true">
		// 		<td width="150" class="lable">Physicaly disabled</td>
		// 		<td width="370">'.$per_details['fph'].'</td>
		// 		</tr>';

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// var_dump($_SESSION['FUNIVCODE']);
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		<td width="150" class="lable">Father Mobile No.</td>
		<td width="135">'.$per_details['ffatmob'].'</td>
		<td width="90" class="lable">Father Email</td>
		<td width="145" >'.$per_details['ffatemail'].'</td>

		$table2 .='<tr nobr="true">
				<td width="150" class="lable">Mother Mobile No.</td>
				<td width="135">'.$per_details['fmotmob'].'</td>
				<td width="90" class="lable">Mother Email</td>
				<td width="145" >'.$per_details['fmotemail'].'</td>

				$table2 .='<tr nobr="true">
				<td width="150" class="lable">Guardian Mobile No.</td>
				<td width="135">'.$per_details['fguamob'].'</td>
				<td width="90" class="lable">Guardian Email</td>
				<td width="145" >'.$per_details['fguaemail'].'</td>

				$table2 .='<tr nobr="true">
				<td width="150" class="lable">Student Mobile No.</td>
				<td width="135">'.$per_details['fstudmob'].'</td>
				<td width="90" class="lable">Student Email</td>
				<td width="145" >'.$per_details['fstudemail'].'</td>

				$table2 .='<tr nobr="true">
				<td width="150" class="lable">Communication Address</td>
				<td width="370">'.$per_details['comadd'].'</td>
				$table2 .='<tr nobr="true">
				<td width="150" class="lable">Permanent Address</td>
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		// ====================Degree Details====================================
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		<tr nobr="true">
		<td width="150" class="lable">Qualifying Course</td>
		<td width="135">'.$per_details['fqual'].'</td>
		<td width="90" class="lable">Reg No.</td>
		<td width="145" >'.$per_details['fqregno'].'</td>

		$table4 .='<tr nobr="true">
				<td width="150" class="lable">College Name</td>
				<td width="135">'.$per_details['fqcollname'].'</td>
				<td width="90" class="lable">Area Type</td>
				<td width="145" >'.$per_details['fareatype'].'</td>

				$table4 .='<tr nobr="true">
				<td width="150" class="lable">Name of Board</td>
				<td width="135">'.$per_details['fboard'].'</td>
				<td width="90" class="lable">Year of passing</td>
				<td width="145" >'.$per_details['fqyear'].'</td>

				$table4 .='<tr nobr="true">
				<td width="150" class="lable">Board State</td>
				<td width="370">'.$per_details['fboardstate'].'</td>

				$table4 .='<tr nobr="true">
				<td width="150" class="lable">SSLC / 10th Percentage</td>
				<td width="370">'.$per_details['fsscperc'].'</td>

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		// 	<thead>
		// 		<th width="100" align="center"><b>Subject</b></th>
		// 		<th width="100" align="center"><b>Max. Marks</b></th>
		// 		<th width="110" align="center"><b>Marks Obtained</b></th>
		// 		<th width="110" align="center"><b>Percentage</b></th>
		// 	</thead>
		// 	</tr>';//Percentage

		// $table5 .= '<tr nobr="true">
		// 		<td width="100">Physics</td>
		// 		<td width="100" align="center">'.$per_details['fpcmmax'].'</td>
		// 		<td width="110" align="center">'.$per_details['fpcmsec'].'</td>
		// 		<td width="110" align="center" rowspan="3"></td>
		// 	</tr>';

		// 	$table5 .= '<tr nobr="true">
		// 		<td width="100">Mathematics</td>
		// 		<td width="100" align="center">'.$per_details['fmatmax'].'</td>
		// 		<td width="110" align="center">'.$per_details['fmatsec'].'</td>
		// 	</tr>';

		// 	$table5 .= '<tr nobr="true">
		// 		<td width="100">Chemistry</td>
		// 		<td width="100" align="center">'.$per_details['fchemax'].'</td>
		// 		<td width="110" align="center">'.$per_details['fchesec'].'</td>
		// 	</tr>';

		// 	$table5 .= '<tr nobr="true">
		// 		<td width="100">PCM Total</td>
		// 		<td width="100" align="center">'.$per_details['fpcmmax'].'</td>
		// 		<td width="110" align="center">'.$per_details['fpcmsec'].'</td>
		// 		<td width="110" align="center">'.$per_details['fpcmmax'].'</td>
		// 	</tr>';

		// 	$table5 .= '<tr nobr="true">
		// 		<td width="100">PUC/12th Total</td>
		// 		<td width="100" align="center">'.$per_details['fpcmax'].'</td>
		// 		<td width="110" align="center">'.$per_details['fpusec'].'</td>
		// 		<td width="110" align="center">'.$per_details['fpumax'].'</td>
		// 	</tr>';

		// 	$table5 .= '<tr nobr="true">
		// 		<td width="100">English</td>
		// 		<td width="100" align="center">'.$per_details['fengmax'].'</td>
		// 		<td width="110" align="center">'.$per_details['fengsec'].'</td>
		// 		<td width="110" align="center">'.$per_details['fengper'].'</td>
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			td, th {
			    border: 0.5px solid black;
		<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
			<tr nobr="true"><th width="40" align="center"><b>Sl. No.</b></th>
				<th width="300" align="center"><b>Subject Name</b></th>
				<th width="60" align="center"><b>Max. Marks</b></th>
				<th width="60" align="center"><b>Sec. Marks</b></th>
				<th width="60" align="center"><b>Percent</b></th>
		foreach ($subjects as $key => $value) 
			$table6 .= '<tr nobr="true">
				<td width="40" align="center">'.$i.'</td>
				<td width="300" align="left">'.$value['fsubname'].'</td>
				<td width="60" align="center">'.$value['fmaxmarks'].'</td>
				<td width="60" align="center">'.$value['fsecmarks'].'</td>
				<td width="60" align="center">'.$value['fpercent'].'</td>

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			$pdf->Cell(180,4,'Declaration by Student:',0,1,'L');
			$str = "I have carefully read the details regarding admission to the ".$this->aobj_context->degree." course. I declare that the information provided by 
			me in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge Should it be found that the information 
			furnished is untrue in material particulars, I know that 1 am liable for criminal prosecution and will forego the 
			allotted seat. In all matters regarding my admission to the course, the decision of the College is final and binding. 
			I am also aware that the college will not refund the fees either in full or in part, under any circumstance. I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the College that may be framed from time to time. 1 am aware that any 
			dispute arising out of the admission to the course will be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of the city of Mangalore or the Honorable High Court of Karnataka.";

			$pdf->Cell(160,4,'Place : ..............................................',0,1,'L');
			$pdf->Cell(160,4,'Date : ...............................................',0,0,'L');
			$pdf->Cell(30,4,'Signature of the Applicant ',0,1,'R');


			$pdf->Cell(180,4,'Declaration by Parent/Guardian:',0,1,'L');
			$str1 = "I ................................................................................................................... hereby affirm that the information provided and enclosures submitted thereto in this application of my son / daughter / ward ........................................................................... for admission to ".$this->aobj_context->degree." course is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Should it be found that the information furnished is untrue in material particulars, I know that I am liable for criminal prosecution and he/she will forego the allotted seat. I am aware that in all matters regarding his/her admission to the course, the decision of the College is final and binding. I am aware that any dispute arising out of the admission to the course will be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of the city of Mangalore or the Honorable High Court of Karnataka.";

			$pdf->Cell(160,4,'Place : ..............................................',0,1,'L');
			$pdf->Cell(160,4,'Date : ...............................................',0,0,'L');
			$pdf->Cell(30,4,'Signature of the Parent/Guardian ',0,1,'R');


			$pdf->MultiCell(180,4," I ................................................................................................................. a student of 1st year ".$this->aobj_context->degree.", Branch hereby promise that, on my admission, during the academic year 2023-24, I will follow the rules and regulations of conduct an discipline and that I will not indulge in any undesirable activity detrimental to myself and the institution. If found and charged for any undesirable activity, I am liable to be expelled from the college or any other punishment as deemed fit. I understand that usage of mobile phones in the academic area is strictly prohibited and I will not carry the same to the college.",0,'L');

			$pdf->Cell(160,4,'Student Name : ________________________________________',0,1,'L');
			$pdf->Cell(180,4,'                 Sign : _______________________________',0,1,'L');

			$pdf->Cell(160,4,'Parent/Guardian Name : _______________________________________',0,1,'L');
			$pdf->Cell(160,4,'                                 Sign : _________________________________',0,0,'L');
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		// $pdf->SetFont('Times','B',10);..............................................
		// $pdf->ln(10);                 ______________________________________________
		// $pdf->Cell(160,4,'Date:',0,0,'L');
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		// 	</tr>
		// 	<tr nobr="true"><th width="120" align="center"><b>Application No.</b></th>
		// 		<th width="100" align="center"><b>Approved</b></th>
		// 		<th width="100" align="center"><b>Approval Sl. No.</b></th>
		// 		<th width="210" align="center"><b>Remarks</b></th>
		// 	</tr>';

		// $table6 .= '<tr nobr="true">
		// <td width="120" style = "text-align:center;">'.$per_details['FAPPNO'].'</td>
		// <td width="100"></td>
		// <td width="100"></td>
		// <td width="210"></td>
		// 	</tr>';
		// $table6 .='</table>';
		// $pdf->SetX(11);
		// $pdf->writeHTML($table6, true, false, true, false, 'L');
		// $pdf->Cell(180,4,'Signature of the Verifier:',0,1,'C');
		// $pdf->ln(5);
		// $pdf->Cell(160,4,'Signature of the Superintendent',0,0,'L');	
		// $pdf->Cell(30,4,'Signature of the Asst.Reg.',0,1,'R');	
		// $pdf->ln(13);
		// $pdf->Cell(180,4,'Registrar',0,1,'C');
	function SendOutput()

function printApplicationNitte($aobj_context)
	$get_coll_name="select FUNIVNAME as 'FUNIVNAME',FUNIVCODE,
		FUNIVADD1 as 'state', pdf_logo_path,
		ifnull(FEXAMAPPREQ,'F') as FEXAMAPPREQ From control";

	$FUNIVCODE = $lobj_get_coll_name['FUNIVCODE'];

	$app_no = trim($aobj_context->mobj_data["app_no"]);
	$comadd = "CONCAT(sa.fcommadd1,',',sa.fcommadd2,',',sa.fcommpost,',',sa.fcommtaluk,',',sa.fcommdist,',',sa.fcommpin)";
	if($FUNIVCODE == '050')
		$comadd = "CONCAT(sa.fcurradd1,',',sa.fcurradd2,',',sa.fcommpost,',',

	$per_details_query = "select sa.*,date_format(ifnull(sa.fdob,''),'%d/%m/%Y') as fdob,
	date_format(ifnull(sa.fadmdate,''),'%d/%m/%Y') as admdate,
	{$comadd} as comadd,
	CONCAT(sa.fperadd1,',',sa.fperadd2,',',sa.fperpost,',',sa.fpertaluk,',',sa.fperdist,', ',sa.fperstate,',',sa.fperpin) as peradd
	FROM studadm sa inner join degree dg 
	on sa.fdegree = dg.fdegree
	and sa.fexamno = dg.fexamno inner join college cl
	on sa.fcollcode = cl.fcollcode
	WHERE sa.FAPPNO = '{$app_no}'";
	$per_details = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetAll($per_details_query);
	$class_obj = new AddmissionApplication();

	foreach($per_details as $key => $value)
		$class_obj = new AddmissionApplication();
		$aobj_context->FAPPNO = $value['FAPPNO'];
		$aobj_context->fcollcode = $value['fcollcode'];
		$aobj_context->fdegree = $value['FDEGREE'];

		// $subject_query = "select distinct su.fsubcode, su.fsubname, su.fsubshort
		// from subject su inner join options op 
		// on su.fdegree = op.fdegree
		// and su.fexamno = op.fexamno
		// and su.fsubcode = op.fsubcode
		// where fappno = '{$value['fappno']}'
		// order by su.fsubcode";

		$subject_query = "select s.fdegree,s.fsubcode,a.fsubname,s.fmaxmarks, s.fsecmarks,  s.fpercent 
		From studprevsub s inner join admprevsub a on s.fdegree = a.fdegree 
		and a.fsubcode = s.fsubcode
		where  fappno = '{$value['fappno']}'
		order by a.forder";

		$subjects = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetAll($subject_query);

		$class_obj->writeApplication($value, $subjects,$FUNIVCODE);
