Linux ip-172-26-7-228 5.4.0-1103-aws #111~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue May 23 20:04:10 UTC 2023 x86_64
Your IP :
$pdf_writer_class =$main_src."/tarka_pdf/fpdf.php";
class report_ra_roomwise_register_nos_list extends FPDF
function DefaultConstructor($aobj_context)
$this->pdf= new FPDF();
$this->fromdate = trim($this->aobj_context->mobj_data["fromdate"]);
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$this->session = trim($this->aobj_context->mobj_data["session"]);
$this->room_range_from = trim($this->aobj_context->mobj_data["room_range_from"]);
$this->room_range_to = trim($this->aobj_context->mobj_data["room_range_to"]);
$this->rtype = trim($this->aobj_context->mobj_data["rtype"]);
$this->room_range_from = str_pad($this->room_range_from, 3, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
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$this->room_range_from=str_pad($this->room_range_from, 3, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
$this->room_range_to=str_pad($this->room_range_to, 3, "z", STR_PAD_LEFT);
$get_date="select date_format(now(),'%d/%m/%Y %H:%i:%s') now_date";
function Footer()
$this->Cell(140,6,'Printed : IP Address : '.$this->ip." Date ".$this->current_date,'0',0,'L');
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function formcolldata()
$get_coll_name="select FUNIVNAME as 'FUNIVNAME', ifnull(fregroll, 'USN')as fregroll,
funivcode,ifnull(fsubas,'Subject') as fsubas,
FUNIVADD1 as 'state', pdf_logo_path From control";
// $this->collcode=$lobj_get_coll_name['collcode'];
$get_data = "SELECT c.FCOLLCODE,if('{$this->funivcode1}' = '052',CONCAT('Center Code: ',c.FCOLLCODE),CONCAT(c.FCOLLCODE, ' - ', c.FCOLLNAME,', ',c.FTOWN)) AS FCOLLNAME FROM college c
where c.FCOLLCODE='{$this->collcode}'";
$this->degree_details=" College : {$this->FCOLLNAME}";
if($_SESSION['fexamseparate'] == 'T')
$FEXAMDATE = "fexexamdate as FEXAMDATE";
$get_qp_details="select {$FEXAMDATE},CONCAT(s.FSUBNAME,' ',s.FSSUBNAME) AS FSSUBNAME,fsubshort from subject s
inner join degree d on d. FDEGREE=s.FDEGREE and d.fexamno = s.fexamno
where s.FQPCODE='{$this->qp_code}'";
$fsubshort = $obj_get_qp_details['fsubshort'];
if($this->funivcode1 == '049'){
$this->sub_details="Course : {$this->qp_code} - {$FSSUBNAME} ";
else if($this->funivcode1 == '052') {
$this->sub_details="Subject : {$fsubshort} - {$FSSUBNAME} ( {$this->qp_code} )";
// var_dump($this->sub_details);die();
$this->sub_details="Subject : {$this->qp_code} - {$FSSUBNAME} ";}
$get_qp_data="SELECT distinct DATE_FORMAT(s.FDOE,'%d/%m/%Y') AS FDOE,s.FSESSION, r.fdescpn
FROM room_allotment ra inner join subject s on ra.fqpcode = s.fqpcode left outer join
reason r on s.fsession = r.freasoncd
WHERE ra.FCOLLCODE='{$this->collcode}'
AND ra.FQPCODE='{$this->qp_code}'";
$this->exam_date="Exam Date : {$obj_get_qp_data['FDOE']}, {$obj_get_qp_data['fdescpn']} ";
function GetFullQry()
$get_coll_name="select FUNIVNAME as 'FUNIVNAME',
funivcode, ifnull(fregroll, 'USN')as fregroll,
FUNIVADD1 as 'state', pdf_logo_path From control";
$this->fregroll = $lobj_get_coll_name['fregroll'];
// var_dump( $this->funivcode1);
if($this->session == 'both')
$sectionvalue = "";
$sectionvalue = "and s.fsession like '{$this->session}%'";
function formData()
$get_coll_name="select FUNIVNAME as 'FUNIVNAME',
FUNIVADD1 as 'state', pdf_logo_path From control";
if($this->session == 'both')
$sectionvalue = "";
$sectionvalue = "and s.fsession like '{$this->session}%'";
if($this->funivcode1 == '062')
$sectionvalue = "and t.fsessiont like '{$this->session}%'";
if($this->funivcode1 == '027')
$order = "masroom.froomno,";
$order = "masroom.forder,masroom.froomno,";
if($_SESSION['fexamseparate'] == 'T')
$candsum = "examcandsum";
$canddet = "examcanddet";
$candsum = "candsum";
$canddet = "canddet";
$studenttmp = "student";
if($this->funivcode1 == '049')
$this->roomchart = 'T';
$query = "select d.fdeggrp from degree d inner join subject s on d.fdegree = s.fdegree
and d.fexamno = s.fexamno
where s.fdoe = date_format(str_to_date('{$this->fromdate}','%d/%m/%Y'),'%Y-%m-%d')";
$res = $this->aobj_context->mobj_db->GetAll($query);
$fdeggrp = $res['fdeggrp'];
if($fdeggrp ='BED' && ($this->funivcode1 == '027' || $this->funivcode1 == '026') )
$order = "st.fname, cd.FREGNO";
}else if($this->funivcode1 == '046')
$order = "s.FQPCODE,st.fayear,cd.FREGNO";
}else if($this->funivcode1 == '055')
$order = "cd.fslno,cd.FREGNO";
$order = "s.FQPCODE, cd.FREGNO";
if($this->funivcode1 == '012')
$orderby = "lpad(cd.FHALLNO,3,'0'),LPAD(ra.forder, 3, '0')";
}else if($this->funivcode1 == '033' || $this->funivcode1 == '049' ||$this->funivcode1 == '052')
$orderby = "lpad(cd.FHALLNO,3,'0'),LPAD(cd.fslno, 3, '0')";
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$orderby = "lpad(cd.FHALLNO,3,'0'),LPAD(cd.fslno, 3, '0')";
$orderby = "LPAD(ra.forder, 3, '0')";
if($this->funivcode1 == '060')
$get_data = "SELECT cd.FHALLNO,group_concat(cd.fslno,'*',cd.FREGNO order by {$order}) as fregno,
masroom.froomname, s.fqpcode, ra.forder,
count(cd.fregno) as regcnt
FROM {$canddet} cd INNER JOIN subject s ON s.fdegree = cd.fdegree
and s.fexamno = cd.fexamno and s.FSUBCODE=cd.FSUBCODE
inner join {$candsum} cs on cs.FREGNO=cd.FREGNO
inner JOIN masroom ON masroom.froomno = FHALLNO and masroom.fcollcode = cs.fcntrcode
inner join room_allotment ra on cs.fcntrcode = ra.fcollcode
inner join {$studenttmp} st on cs.fregno = st.fregno and cs.fcollcode = st.fcollcode
and cs.fdegree = st.fdegree
and s.fqpcode = ra.fqpcode and ra.fhallno = masroom.froomno
inner JOIN reason r ON s.FSESSION = r.FREASONCD
WHERE cs.FCNTRCODE='{$this->collcode}'
and s.FQPCODE between '{$this->fromqpcode}' and '{$this->toqpcode}'
and ifnull(cd.FHALLNO,'') <> ''
and INSTR(cs.fhtenable,cd.fexamno) >0
AND lpad(cd.FHALLNO,3,'0') between '{$this->room_range_from}' and '{$this->room_range_to}'
and s.fdoe = date_format(str_to_date('{$this->fromdate}','%d/%m/%Y'),'%Y-%m-%d')
and ifnull(cd.fpassmth,'') = '' AND cd.FPRESENT='P'
AND IFNULL(cs.FRECPTDATE,'0000-00-00')<>'0000-00-00'
group by cd.FHALLNO
order by {$orderby}
} else if($this->funivcode1 == '062')
$get_data = "SELECT cd.FHALLNO,group_concat(cd.FREGNO order by {$order}) as fregno,
masroom.froomname, s.fqpcode,
count(cd.fregno) as regcnt
FROM {$canddet} cd INNER JOIN subject s ON s.fdegree = cd.fdegree
and s.fexamno = cd.fexamno and s.FSUBCODE=cd.FSUBCODE
inner join {$candsum} cs on cs.FREGNO=cd.FREGNO
inner JOIN masroom ON masroom.froomno = FHALLNO and masroom.fcollcode = cs.fcntrcode
inner join {$studenttmp} st on cs.fregno = st.fregno and cs.fcollcode = st.fcollcode
and cs.fdegree = st.fdegree
inner join timetable t on s.fqpcode = t.fqpcode
and t.fyear = cd.fyear
and t.fexamtype = cd.fexamtype
inner JOIN reason r ON t.fsessiont = r.FREASONCD
WHERE cs.FCNTRCODE='{$this->collcode}'
and s.FQPCODE between '{$this->fromqpcode}' and '{$this->toqpcode}'
and ifnull(cd.FHALLNO,'') <> ''
and INSTR(cs.fhtenable,cd.fexamno) >0
AND lpad(cd.FHALLNO,3,'0') between '{$this->room_range_from}' and '{$this->room_range_to}'
and t.fdate = date_format(str_to_date('{$this->fromdate}','%d/%m/%Y'),'%Y-%m-%d')
and ifnull(cd.fpassmth,'') = '' AND cd.FPRESENT='P'
AND IFNULL(cs.FRECPTDATE,'0000-00-00')<>'0000-00-00'
group by cd.FHALLNO
order by {$orderby}
$get_data = "SELECT cd.FHALLNO,group_concat(cd.FREGNO order by {$order}) as fregno,
masroom.froomname, s.fqpcode, ra.forder,
count(cd.fregno) as regcnt
FROM {$canddet} cd INNER JOIN subject s ON s.fdegree = cd.fdegree
and s.fexamno = cd.fexamno and s.FSUBCODE=cd.FSUBCODE
inner join {$candsum} cs on cs.FREGNO=cd.FREGNO
inner JOIN masroom ON masroom.froomno = FHALLNO and masroom.fcollcode = cs.fcntrcode
inner join room_allotment ra on cs.fcntrcode = ra.fcollcode
inner join {$studenttmp} st on cs.fregno = st.fregno and cs.fcollcode = st.fcollcode
and cs.fdegree = st.fdegree
and s.fqpcode = ra.fqpcode and ra.fhallno = masroom.froomno
inner JOIN reason r ON s.FSESSION = r.FREASONCD
WHERE cs.FCNTRCODE='{$this->collcode}'
and s.FQPCODE between '{$this->fromqpcode}' and '{$this->toqpcode}'
and ifnull(cd.FHALLNO,'') <> ''
and INSTR(cs.fhtenable,cd.fexamno) >0
AND lpad(cd.FHALLNO,3,'0') between '{$this->room_range_from}' and '{$this->room_range_to}'
and s.fdoe = date_format(str_to_date('{$this->fromdate}','%d/%m/%Y'),'%Y-%m-%d')
and ifnull(cd.fpassmth,'') = '' AND cd.FPRESENT='P'
AND IFNULL(cs.FRECPTDATE,'0000-00-00')<>'0000-00-00'
group by cd.FHALLNO
order by {$orderby}
// var_dump($get_data);
$this->aobj_context->mobj_db->execute("SET @@session.group_concat_max_len=100000");
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$newhallname = '';
foreach($lobj_get_data as $hallk=>$hallv)
$newqpcode = $hallv['fqpcode'];
$newhallname = $hallv['froomname'];
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if('{$this->funivcode1}' = '055',concat(s.fsubshort,' - ',s.fsubname),CONCAT(s.FSUBNAME,' ',s.FSSUBNAME)) as FSSUBNAME,
from subject s
inner join degree d on d. FDEGREE=s.FDEGREE and d.fexamno = s.fexamno
where s.FQPCODE='{$newqpcode}'";
$fsubshort = $obj_get_qp_details['fsubshort'];
if($this->funivcode1 == '049')
$this->sub_details="Course : {$newqpcode} - {$FSSUBNAME}";
else if($this->funivcode1 == '052' || $this->funivcode1 == '055')
$this->sub_details=$this->fsubas." : {$fsubshort} - {$FSSUBNAME} ( {$newqpcode} ) ";
$this->sub_details=$this->fsubas." : {$newqpcode} - {$FSSUBNAME}";
$get_qp_data="SELECT distinct DATE_FORMAT(s.FDOE,'%d/%m/%Y') AS FDOE,s.FSESSION, r.fdescpn
FROM room_allotment ra inner join subject s on ra.fqpcode = s.fqpcode left outer join
reason r on s.fsession = r.freasoncd
WHERE ra.FCOLLCODE='{$this->collcode}'
AND ra.FQPCODE='{$newqpcode}'";
$this->exam_date="Exam Date : {$obj_get_qp_data['FDOE']}, {$obj_get_qp_data['fdescpn']} ";
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foreach($regnos as $regno){
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if($FUNIVCODE == '060')
// var_dump($regno);
$regarry = explode('*',$regno);
$slno = $regarry[0];
$regno = $regarry[1];
if ($i % 2 == 1)
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// foreach($regnos as $regno)
// {
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// {
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// {
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// // $this->pdf->AddPage();
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// // if ($i == ($sino1 + 1)) {
// // $this->pdf->setY($y);
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// // $this->pdf->Cell(65, 7, "{$regno} ", "1", 1, "C");
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// $i++;
// }
$oldhallname = $hallv['froomname'];
$this->pdf->cell($empty_cell_width,7, ""," ",0,"C");
$this->pdf->Cell(180,7,"Total Students : $regcnt ","0",1,"L");
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function SendOutput()
$this->pdf->Output("Roomwise Register No.s List.pdf","I");
function registernoallotlistonnoticeboard($aobj_context){
$class_obj=new report_ra_roomwise_register_nos_list();
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