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Current File : /var/www/oasis/Report_details/CIEAttendanceNotEligiblepdf.php

function genrteCieAttndEligblityPdfReport($aobj_context)
    $college_code = $_SESSION['collcode']; 
	$degree = $aobj_context->mobj_data["degree"];  
    $date = $aobj_context->mobj_data["date"];
    $sem = $aobj_context->mobj_data["sem"];

        $degcond="AND m.fdegree in ($degre)";

    $array = explode(", ", $degree);
    $quotedArray = array_map(function($value) {
        return "'" . $value . "'";
    }, $array);
    $degre = implode(",", $quotedArray);
        $degcond="AND m.fdegree in ($degre)";

	$pdf= new FPDF();
    if ($pdf === null) {
        // Handle error, maybe log it or display an error message
        die("Failed to initialize PDF object");
	//$pdf->$title='20000 Leagues Under the Seas';

	$page_header_university = "select c.FUNIVNAME,c.FTOWN,concat(d.fcollname,', ',d.ftown) as fcollname, date_format(now(),'%d/%m/%Y') as date from control c,college d where d.fcollcode='{$college_code}'";
	$lobj_page_header_university = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($page_header_university);
	$pdf->aobj_context =$aobj_context ;
	$pdf->WhichReport = 'genrteCieAttndEligblityPdfReport';
	$pdf->FUNIVNAME = $lobj_page_header_university['FUNIVNAME'];
	$pdf->FTOWN = $lobj_page_header_university['FTOWN'];
	$pdf->college_name = $lobj_page_header_university['fcollname'];
    $pdf->semester = $sem;

	$pdf->date_1 = $lobj_page_header_university['date'];

    $get_subject_data="SELECT d.fexamname,d.fexamdate,m.fdegree,d.fdescpn,m.fregno,st.fname,s.fsubcode,s.fsubshort,s.fsubname, m.fmarks,
                        IF(((m.fmarks/s.fvalmax)*100) <50,'NE','') AS 'CIENE',
                        CEILING(a.fper),IF(CEILING(a.fper) < 75,'NE','') AS 'ATTNE' 
                        FROM marks m INNER JOIN attend a ON m.fcollcode = a.fcollcode
                        AND m.fdegree = a.fdegree AND m.fexamno = a.fexamno AND m.fregno = a.fregno
                        AND LEFT(m.fsubcode,4) = LEFT(a.fsubcode,4)
                        INNER JOIN student st ON m.fregno = st.fregno AND m.fcollcode = st.fcollcode 
                        AND m.fdegree = st.fdegree
                        INNER JOIN subject s ON m.fdegree = s.fdegree AND m.fexamno = s.fexamno 
                        AND m.fsubcode = s.fcsubcode
                        inner join degree d on m.fdegree=d.fdegree and m.fexamno=d.fexamno
                        WHERE ( ((m.fmarks/s.fvalmax)*100) <50 OR  CEILING(ifnull(a.fper,0)) < 75) $degcond
                         AND m.fexamno='{$sem}' 
                        GROUP BY m.fregno,s.fsubcode
                        ORDER BY m.fdegree,m.fregno,s.fsubcode";

	$aobj_context->mobj_db->execute("SET @@session.group_concat_max_len=1000000");
	$res = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetAll($get_subject_data);
    $pdf->frm_date = $examdate;
    $pdf->semester = $semister;


    $i = 1;
    $oldDegree = $res[0]['fdegree'];
    $newDegree = "";
	$oldregno = $res[0]['fregno'];
    $newregno = "";
    $pdf->Cell(9,5,'Sl. No.','1',0,'C');
    $pdf->Cell(50,5,'Student Name','1',0,'C');
    $pdf->Cell(15,5,'Sub Code ','1',0,'C');
    $pdf->Cell(18,5,'Course Code','1',0,'C');
    $pdf->Cell(87,5,'Subject Name','1',0,'C');
    $pdf->Cell(15,5,'CIE Elig.?','1',0,'C');
    // $pdf->Cell(284,5,$res[0]['fdegree']." - ".$res[0]['fdescpn'],1,1,'L');

    for($z=0; $z<count($res); $z++){
        // var_dump($pdf->GetY());
        $yAxisPosition = 190;
        if($pdf->GetY() > $yAxisPosition)
            $pdf->Cell(9,5,'Sl. No.','1',0,'C');
            $pdf->Cell(50,5,'Student Name','1',0,'C');
            $pdf->Cell(15,5,'Sub Code ','1',0,'C');
            $pdf->Cell(18,5,'Course Code','1',0,'C');
            $pdf->Cell(87,5,'Subject Name','1',0,'C');
            $pdf->Cell(15,5,'CIE Elig.?','1',0,'C');
        if($oldDegree !== $newDegree){
            $pdf->Cell(283,5,$res[$z]['fdegree']." - ".$res[$z]['fdescpn'],1,1,'L');

        if($oldregno !== $newregno){
            $cond = 'LRT';
            $name = $res[$z]['fname'];
            $regno = $res[$z]['fregno'];
            $slno = $i;
            $cond = 'LR';
            $name = "";
            $regno = "";
            $slno = "";
        $pdf->Cell(50, 5,$name, $cond, 0, 'L'); 
        $remarks = "";
        if ($res[$z]['CIENE'] === "NE" && $res[$z]['ATTNE'] === "NE") {
            $remarks = "CIE & Att. Not Eligible";
        } elseif ($res[$z]['CIENE'] === "NE") {
            $remarks = "CIE Not Eligible";
        } elseif ($res[$z]['ATTNE'] === "NE") {
            $remarks = "Att. Not Eligible";

        $newregno = $res[$z + 1]['fregno'];
        $oldregno = $res[$z]['fregno'];
        $newDegree = $res[$z + 1]['fdegree'];
        $oldDegree = $res[$z]['fdegree'];
