Linux ip-172-26-7-228 5.4.0-1103-aws #111~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue May 23 20:04:10 UTC 2023 x86_64
Your IP :
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// $this->Cell(25, 5, '', '0', 0, 'L');
// $this->Cell(0, 5, '2. Write the same question numbers as they appear in this question paper.', '0', 1, 'L');
// $this->Cell(25, 5, '', '0', 0, 'L');
// $this->Cell(0, 5, '3. Mark Legibly.', '0', 1, 'L');
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class Report{
public function DefaultConstructor($aobj_context){
$this->aobj_context = $aobj_context;
$this->univcode = $aobj_context->mobj_data["univcode"];
$this->qpcode = $aobj_context->mobj_data["qpcode"];
$this->year = $aobj_context->mobj_data["year"];
$this->mode = $aobj_context->mobj_data["mode"];
$this->ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
$get_date = "select DATE_FORMAT(now(), '%d/%m/%Y') as now_date";
$obj = $this->aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($get_date);
$this->reportType = $aobj_context->mobj_data["rtype"];
$get_coll_name = "select FUNIVNAME as 'FUNIVNAME',FUNIVCODE,
FUNIVADD1 as 'state', pdf_logo_path,
ifnull(FEXAMAPPREQ,'F') as FEXAMAPPREQ From control";
$lobj_get_coll_name = $this->aobj_context->pobj_db->GetRow($get_coll_name);
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$aobj_context->pdf_logo_path = $lobj_get_coll_name['pdf_logo_path'];
$aobj_context->FUNIVCODE = $lobj_get_coll_name['FUNIVCODE'];
$query = "select su.fsubname,d.fexamname,d.fdescpn,
from subject su
inner join degree d on su.fdegree = d.fdegree and su.fexamno = d.fexamno
inner join qpset_deggrp dg on dg.fdeggrp = d.fdeggrp
where fqpcode = '{$this->qpcode}'";
$res = $this->aobj_context->pobj_db->GetRow($query);
$aobj_context->fsubname = $res['fsubname'];
$aobj_context->fdegexam = $res['fdescpn'];
$aobj_context->fqpcode = $res['fqpcode'];
$aobj_context->fexamname = $res['fexamname'];
$aobj_context->fexamdate = $res['fexamdate'];
$this->pdf = new MYPDF('P');
$this->pdf->aobj_context = $aobj_context;
public function writeReport($result,$verion){
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$qp = "Which homonym describes a young person who assists a magician during a performance?";
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foreach($result as $val){
$qnno = $val['fqpno'];
$qn = str_replace("</p>","",str_replace("<p>","",$val['fquestion']));
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$table1 .='<tr nobr="true">
<td width="20" height="20px" style = "text-align:center;line-height:1;" >A)</td>
<td width="205" height="20px" style = "text-align:left;margin-left: 10px;line-height:1;" >'.$opta.' </td>
<td width="20" height="20px" style = "text-align:center;line-height:1;" >B)</td>
<td width="205" height="20px" style = "text-align:left;margin-left: 10px;line-height:1;" >'.$optb.' </td>
$table1 .='<tr nobr="true">
<td width="20" height="20px" style = "text-align:center;" >C)</td>
<td width="205" height="20px" style = "text-align:left;margin-left: 10px;line-height:1;" >'.$optc.'</td>
<td width="20" height="20px" style = "text-align:center;" >D)</td>
<td width="205" height="20px" style = "text-align:left;margin-left: 10px;line-height:1;" >'.$optd.'</td>
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public function writeReportTheory($aobj_context,$result,$verion){
$univcode = $aobj_context->mobj_data["univcode"];
$qpcode = $aobj_context->mobj_data["qpcode"];
$year = $aobj_context->mobj_data["year"];
$mode = $aobj_context->mobj_data["mode"];
$teachcode = $aobj_context->mobj_data["teachcode"];
$set = $aobj_context->mobj_data["noqp"];
$verion = $aobj_context->mobj_data["verion"];
$type = $aobj_context->mobj_data["type"];
$pdf = $this->pdf;
$pdf->SetMargins(10, 40.5);
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$query = "select q.ftempcode,th.fpartcode,th.fpartdesc,
from qpseterdet q inner join tdvs_qptemphead th on q.ftempcode = th.ftempcode
where q.fqpcode='{$qpcode}'
and q.fyear='{$year}'
and q.fexamtype='{$mode}'
and q.fteachcode='{$teachcode}'
and q.fset='{$set}'";
$res = $aobj_context->pobj_db->GetAll($query);
$table1 = "";
foreach($res as $value)
$fpartdesc = $value['fpartdesc'];
$fpartcode = $value['fpartcode'];
$fmandqn = $value['fmandqn'];
$fmaxqn = $value['fmaxqn'];
$fmaxmarks = $value['fmaxmarks'];
$table1 = "";
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td {
border: 0.5px solid black;
.lable {
font-weight: bold;
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding = "2" >';
$str = "";
if($fmaxqn == $fmandqn)
$str = $fpartdesc.": Answer Following Questions. ".$fmaxmarks."M";
$str = $fpartdesc.": Answer Any ".$fmandqn." Following Questions. ".$fmaxmarks."M";
$table1 .='<tr nobr="true">
<td width="550" height="20px" style = "text-align:center;" colspan="5" class="lable">'.$str.' </td>
$table1 .='<tr nobr="true">
<td width="40" height="20px" style = "text-align:center;" colspan="5" class="lable">Qn.No.</td>
<td width="450" height="20px" style = "text-align:center;" colspan="5" class="lable">Questions</td>
<td width="20" height="20px" style = "text-align:center;" colspan="5" class="lable">M</td>
<td width="20" height="20px" style = "text-align:center;" colspan="5" class="lable">CO</td>
<td width="20" height="20px" style = "text-align:center;" colspan="5" class="lable">PO</td>
$query = "select cast(m.fqpno as signed) as fqpno,
ifnull(m.fmodquestion, '') as fquestion,
ifnull(m.fco,'') as fco,
ifnull(m.fpo,'') as fpo,
ifnull(m.fblooms,'') as fblooms,
ifnull(m.fmodopta, '')as fopta,
ifnull(m.fmodoptb, '')as foptb,
ifnull(m.fmodoptc, '')as foptc,
ifnull(m.fmodoptd, '')as foptd,
ifnull(m.fmodoptafile, '')as foptafile,
ifnull(m.fmodoptbfile, '')as foptbfile,
ifnull(m.fmodoptcfile, '')as foptcfile,
ifnull(m.fmodoptdfile, '')as foptdfile,
ifnull(m.fmodqnfile,'') as fqnfile,
'' as fkeyans
from mcqqpdet m inner join qpseterdet q on m.fteachcode = q.fteachcode
and m.fyear = q.fyear and m.fexamtype = q.fexamtype
and q.fset = m.fnoqp and m.fqpcode = q.fqpcode
inner join tdvs_qptemphead th on q.ftempcode = th.ftempcode
inner join tdvs_qptempdetl td on th.ftempcode = td.ftempcode
and td.fpartcode = th.fpartcode
and m.fqncode = td.fqncode
where m.fqpcode='{$qpcode}' and m.fyear='{$year}'
and m.fexamtype='{$mode}' and m.fteachcode='{$teachcode}'
and th.fpartcode = '{$fpartcode}'
and m.fnoqp='{$set}'
order by cast(m.fqna as UNSIGNED)";
$res1 = $aobj_context->pobj_db->GetAll($query);
foreach($res1 as $val1)
$fqnno = $val1['fqnno'];
$fquestion = $val1['fquestion'];
$fmaxmarks = $val1['fmaxmarks'];
$fco = $val1['fco'];
$fpo = $val1['fpo'];
$fblooms = $val1['fblooms'];
$fopta = $val1['fopta'];
$foptb = $val1['foptb'];
$foptc = $val1['foptc'];
$foptd = $val1['foptd'];
$fqnfile = $val1['fqnfile'];
$qusimgpath = "".$fqnfile;
$foptafile = $val1['foptafile'];
$foptbfile = $val1['foptbfile'];
$foptcfile = $val1['foptcfile'];
$foptdfile = $val1['foptdfile'];
$foptaimgpath = "".$foptafile;
$foptbimgpath = "".$foptbfile;
$foptcimgpath = "".$foptcfile;
$foptdimgpath = "".$foptdfile;
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$imageawidth = $foptaSize[0];
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$setaWidth = ($imageawidth >= 200) ? "200px" : $imageawidth . 'px';
$setaheight = ($imageaheight >= 220) ? "220px" : $imageaheight . 'px';
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$setbWidth = ($imagebwidth >= 200) ? "200px" : $imagebwidth . 'px';
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$setdWidth = ($imagedwidth >= 200) ? "240px" : $imagedwidth . 'px';
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$rowspan = ($fopta != "" && $foptb != "" && $foptc != "" && $foptd != "") ? 3 : 1;
if($fqnfile != ""){
$cond = ($fquestion != "") ? $fquestion . "<br/>" : "";
$table1 .='<tr nobr="true" >
<td width="40" style = "text-align:center;" height='.$height.' rowspan="'.$rowspan.'">'.$fqnno.'</td>
<td width="450px" height='.$height.' style = "text-align:left;margin-left: 10px;">'.$cond.'<img width='.$setWidth.' height='.$height.' src="'.$qusimgpath.'" /></td>
<td width="20" height='.$height.' style = "text-align:center;" rowspan="'.$rowspan.'">'.$fmaxmarks.' </td>
<td width="20" height='.$height.' style = "text-align:center;" rowspan="'.$rowspan.'">'.$fco.' </td>
<td width="20" height='.$height.' style = "text-align:center;" rowspan="'.$rowspan.'">'.$fpo.' </td>
$table1 .='<tr nobr="true" >
<td width="40" height="20px" style = "text-align:center;" rowspan="'.$rowspan.'" >'.$fqnno.' </td>
<td width="450" height="20px" style = "text-align:left;margin-left: 10px;" >'.$fquestion.' </td>
<td width="20" height="20px" style = "text-align:center;" rowspan="'.$rowspan.'">'.$fmaxmarks.' </td>
<td width="20" height="20px" style = "text-align:center;" rowspan="'.$rowspan.'">'.$fco.' </td>
<td width="20" height="20px" style = "text-align:center;" rowspan="'.$rowspan.'">'.$fpo.' </td>
if($foptafile != "" && $foptbfile != "" && $foptcfile != "" && $foptdfile != ""){
$conda = ($fopta != "") ? $fopta."<br/>": "";
$condb = ($foptb != "") ? $foptb."<br/>": "";
$condc = ($foptc != "") ? $foptc."<br/>": "";
$condd = ($foptd != "") ? $foptd."<br/>": "";
$table1 .='<tr nobr="true">
<td width="20" height="220px" style = "text-align:center;" >A)</td>
<td width="205" height="220px" style = "text-align:left;margin-left: 10px;" >'.$conda.'<img width='.$setaWidth.' height='.$setdheight.' src="'.$foptaimgpath.'" /></td>
<td width="20" height="220px" style = "text-align:center;" >B)</td>
<td width="205" height="220px" style = "text-align:left;margin-left: 10px;" >'.$condb.'<img width='.$setbWidth.' height='.$setdheight.' src="'.$foptbimgpath.'" /></td>
$table1 .='<tr nobr="true">
<td width="20" height="220px" style = "text-align:center;" >C)</td>
<td width="205" height="220px" style = "text-align:left;margin-left: 10px;" >'.$condc.'<img width='.$setcWidth.' height='.$setdheight.' src="'.$foptcimgpath.'" /></td>
<td width="20" height="220px" style = "text-align:center;" >D)</td>
<td width="205" height="220px" style = "text-align:left;margin-left: 10px;" >'.$condd.'<img width='.$setdWidth.' height='.$setdheight.' src="'.$foptdimgpath.'" /></td>
}else if($fopta != "" && $foptb != "" && $foptc != "" && $foptd != ""){
$table1 .='<tr nobr="true">
<td width="20" height="20px" style = "text-align:center;line-height:1;" >A)</td>
<td width="205" height="20px" style = "text-align:left;margin-left: 10px;line-height:1;" >'.$fopta.' </td>
<td width="20" height="20px" style = "text-align:center;line-height:1;" >B)</td>
<td width="205" height="20px" style = "text-align:left;margin-left: 10px;line-height:1;" >'.$foptb.' </td>
$table1 .='<tr nobr="true">
<td width="20" height="20px" style = "text-align:center;" >C)</td>
<td width="205" height="20px" style = "text-align:left;margin-left: 10px;line-height:1;" >'.$foptc.'</td>
<td width="20" height="20px" style = "text-align:center;" >D)</td>
<td width="205" height="20px" style = "text-align:left;margin-left: 10px;line-height:1;" >'.$foptd.'</td>
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public function SendOutput(){
$this->pdf->Output("OMR_QP.pdf", "I");
function getOmrQpReport($aobj_context){
$univcode = $aobj_context->mobj_data["univcode"];
$qpcode = $aobj_context->mobj_data["qpcode"];
$year = $aobj_context->mobj_data["year"];
$mode = $aobj_context->mobj_data["mode"];
$teachcode = $aobj_context->mobj_data["teachcode"];
$set = $aobj_context->mobj_data["noqp"];
$verion = $aobj_context->mobj_data["verion"];
$type = $aobj_context->mobj_data["type"];
$class_obj = new Report();
if($type == 'THEORY')
$query = "select cast(fqpno as signed)as fqpno,
ifnull(fmodquestion, '') as fquestion,
ifnull(fmodopta, '')as fopta,
ifnull(fmodoptb, '')as foptb,
ifnull(fmodoptc, '')as foptc,
ifnull(fmodoptd, '')as foptd,
ifnull(fmodoptafile, '')as foptafile,
ifnull(fmodoptbfile, '')as foptbfile,
ifnull(fmodoptcfile, '')as foptcfile,
ifnull(fmodoptdfile, '')as foptdfile,
ifnull(fmodqnfile,'') as fqnfile,
'' as fkeyans
from mcqqpdet where fqpcode='{$qpcode}' and fyear='{$year}'
and fexamtype='{$mode}' and fteachcode='{$teachcode}'
and fnoqp='{$set}'
order by cast(fqna as UNSIGNED)";
$result = $aobj_context->pobj_db->GetAll($query);
$class_obj->writeReportTheory($aobj_context,$result,'VERSION A');
if($verion == 'All')
$query = "select cast(fqpno as signed)as fqpno,
ifnull(fmodquestion, '') as fquestion,
ifnull(fmodopta, '')as fopta,
ifnull(fmodoptb, '')as foptb,
ifnull(fmodoptc, '')as foptc,
ifnull(fmodoptd, '')as foptd,
ifnull(fmodoptafile, '')as foptafile,
ifnull(fmodoptbfile, '')as foptbfile,
ifnull(fmodoptcfile, '')as foptcfile,
ifnull(fmodoptdfile, '')as foptdfile,
ifnull(fmodqnfile,'') as fqnfile,
'' as fkeyans
from mcqqpdet where fqpcode='{$qpcode}' and fyear='{$year}'
and fexamtype='{$mode}' and fteachcode='{$teachcode}'
and fnoqp='{$set}' order by cast(fqna as UNSIGNED)";
$result = $aobj_context->pobj_db->GetAll($query);
$class_obj->writeReport($result,'VERSION A');
$query = "select fqpno as fqpno,
ifnull(fmodquestion, '') as fquestion,
ifnull(fmodopta, '')as fopta,
ifnull(fmodoptb, '')as foptb,
ifnull(fmodoptc, '')as foptc,
ifnull(fmodoptd, '')as foptd,
ifnull(fmodoptafile, '')as foptafile,
ifnull(fmodoptbfile, '')as foptbfile,
ifnull(fmodoptcfile, '')as foptcfile,
ifnull(fmodoptdfile, '')as foptdfile,
ifnull(fmodqnfile,'') as fqnfile,
'' as fkeyans
from mcqqpdet where fqpcode='{$qpcode}' and fyear='{$year}'
and fexamtype='{$mode}' and fteachcode='{$teachcode}'
and fnoqp='{$set}' order by cast(fqnb as UNSIGNED)";
$result1 = $aobj_context->pobj_db->GetAll($query);
$class_obj->writeReport($result1,'VERSION B');
$query = "select cast(fqpno as signed)as fqpno,
ifnull(fmodquestion, '') as fquestion,
ifnull(fmodopta, '')as fopta,
ifnull(fmodoptb, '')as foptb,
ifnull(fmodoptc, '')as foptc,
ifnull(fmodoptd, '')as foptd,
ifnull(fmodoptafile, '')as foptafile,
ifnull(fmodoptbfile, '')as foptbfile,
ifnull(fmodoptcfile, '')as foptcfile,
ifnull(fmodoptdfile, '')as foptdfile,
ifnull(fmodqnfile,'') as fqnfile,
'' as fkeyans
from mcqqpdet where fqpcode='{$qpcode}' and fyear='{$year}'
and fexamtype='{$mode}' and fteachcode='{$teachcode}'
and fnoqp='{$set}' order by cast(fqnc as UNSIGNED)";
$result2 = $aobj_context->pobj_db->GetAll($query);
$class_obj->writeReport($result2,'VERSION C');
$query = "select cast(fqpno as signed)as fqpno,
ifnull(fmodquestion, '') as fquestion,
ifnull(fmodopta, '')as fopta,
ifnull(fmodoptb, '')as foptb,
ifnull(fmodoptc, '')as foptc,
ifnull(fmodoptd, '')as foptd,
ifnull(fmodoptafile, '')as foptafile,
ifnull(fmodoptbfile, '')as foptbfile,
ifnull(fmodoptcfile, '')as foptcfile,
ifnull(fmodoptdfile, '')as foptdfile,
ifnull(fmodqnfile,'') as fqnfile,
'' as fkeyans
from mcqqpdet where fqpcode='{$qpcode}' and fyear='{$year}'
and fexamtype='{$mode}' and fteachcode='{$teachcode}'
and fnoqp='{$set}' order by cast(fqnd as UNSIGNED)";
$result3 = $aobj_context->pobj_db->GetAll($query);
$class_obj->writeReport($result3,'VERSION D');
$query = "select cast(fqpno as signed)as fqpno,
ifnull(fmodquestion, '') as fquestion,
ifnull(fmodopta, '')as fopta,
ifnull(fmodoptb, '')as foptb,
ifnull(fmodoptc, '')as foptc,
ifnull(fmodoptd, '')as foptd,
ifnull(fmodoptafile, '')as foptafile,
ifnull(fmodoptbfile, '')as foptbfile,
ifnull(fmodoptcfile, '')as foptcfile,
ifnull(fmodoptdfile, '')as foptdfile,
ifnull(fmodqnfile,'') as fqnfile,
fmodkeyans as fkeyans
from mcqqpdet where fqpcode='{$qpcode}' and fyear='{$year}'
and fexamtype='{$mode}' and fteachcode='{$teachcode}'
and fnoqp='{$set}' order by fqpno";
$result = $aobj_context->pobj_db->GetAll($query);
$class_obj->writeReport($result,'VERSION A');