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Current Path : /var/www/html/univadmin/Reports/
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Current File : /var/www/html/univadmin/Reports/AdmisionDegReport.php

$main_src = substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], 0, strlen($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) - 7);
$pdf_writer_class = $main_src . "/tcpdf/tcpdf.php";
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class MYPDF extends TCPDF
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    public $degreegrp;


    public function setData($aobj_context)
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    public function Header($aobj_context)

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			$this->cell(0,7,"RE-ACCREDITED by the NAAC with ‘A++’ Grade","0",1,'C');
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class ReprtObject

    public function DefaultConstructor($aobj_context)
        $this->aobj_context = $aobj_context;
        $this->deggrp = $aobj_context->mobj_data["deggrp"];
        $this->ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
        $get_date = "select DATE_FORMAT(now(), '%d/%m/%Y') as now_date";
        $obj = $this->aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($get_date);
        $this->reportType = $aobj_context->mobj_data["rtype"];

        $get_coll_name = "SELECT FUNIVNAME AS 'FUNIVNAME',FUNIVCODE,funivadd2,
        FUNIVADD1 AS 'state', pdf_logo_path,ftdvs_helplineno AS telno,
        IFNULL(FEXAMAPPREQ,'F') AS FEXAMAPPREQ,fnotifnum FROM control";

        $lobj_get_coll_name = $this->aobj_context->pobj_db->GetRow($get_coll_name);

        $aobj_context->FUNIVNAME = $lobj_get_coll_name['FUNIVNAME'];
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        $aobj_context->add = $lobj_get_coll_name['funivadd2'];
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    public function Report($aobj_context)
        $query = "SELECT DISTINCT  fdegree,fdescpn,fadmdeg FROM degree WHERE 
              fdeggrp='{$this->deggrp}' AND fexamno='A'";
        $res = $this->aobj_context->pobj_db->GetAll($query);
        $query01 = "SELECT DISTINCT  fdeggrp,fdescpn FROM deggrp WHERE 
        $res01 = $this->aobj_context->pobj_db->GetRow($query01);
        $pdf = $this->pdf;
        $pdf->SetFont('Times', 'B', 10);
        $pdf->Cell(0, 6, "Degree Group: ".$res01['fdescpn'],0, 1, 'L');
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        $pdf->SetFont('Times', 'B', 10);

    //     $table1 = '<style>
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    //     <table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
    //     <tr nobr="true">
    //         <th width="35" style="text-align: center;"><b>Sl. No.</b></th>
    //         <th width="100" style="text-align: center;"><b>Degree Code</b></th>
    //         <th width="350" style="text-align: center;"><b>Degreee Name</b></th> 
    //     </tr>
    //   ';
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    //   $count = 1;
    //   $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 11);
    //   for ($key = 0; $key < count($res); $key++) {
    //       $val = $res[$key];
    //       $fdegree = $val['fdegree'];
    //       $fdescpn = $val['fdescpn'];
    //       $table2 .= '<tr nobr="true">
    //           <td width="35" style="text-align: center;">' . $count . '</td>
    //           <td width="100" style="text-align: center;">' . $fdegree . '</td>
    //           <td width="350" style="text-align: left;">' . $fdescpn . '</td>
    //       </tr>';
    //       $count++;
    //   }
    //   echo $table2;
    //   $count = 1;

    //     foreach($res as $key => $val)
    //     {
    //         $fdegree = $val['fdegree'];
    //         $fdescpn = $val['fdescpn'];
    //         $table2 .= '<tr nobr="true">
    //         <td width="35" style="text-align: center;" >'.$count.'</td>
    //         <td width="100" style="text-align: center;>'.$fdegree.'</td>
    //         <td width="350" style="text-align: left;" >'.$fdescpn.'</td>
    //         </tr>';
    //         $count++;
    //     }  
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        $pdf->Cell(120, 8, "Degreee Name" ,'LRT', 1, 'C');
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                $fdescpn = $val['fdescpn'];
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        // $pdf->Cell(0, 6, "Sem / Year: I" ,0, 1, 'L');
        // $pdf->Cell(0, 6, "Sem / Year: I" ,0, 1, 'L');
        // $pdf->Cell(0, 6, "Sem / Year: I" ,0, 1, 'L');
        // $pdf->Cell(0, 6, "Sem / Year: I" ,0, 1, 'L');
        // $pdf->Cell(0, 6, "Sem / Year: I" ,0, 1, 'L');
        // $pdf->Cell(0, 6, "Sem / Year: I" ,0, 1, 'L');


    public function SendOutput()
        $this->pdf->Output("Admission Degree Report", "I");

function getAdmisionDegReport($aobj_context)
    $univcode = $aobj_context->mobj_data["univcode"];  
    $deggrp = $aobj_context->mobj_data["deggrp"];
    $class_obj = new ReprtObject();


