Linux ip-172-26-7-228 5.4.0-1103-aws #111~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue May 23 20:04:10 UTC 2023 x86_64

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Current Path : /var/www/html/studentportal_test/
Upload File :
Current File : /var/www/html/studentportal_test/smspush.php


	//include 'database.php';
	$servername = "";
	$username   = "logisys3_logu";
	$password  = "Logisys@2106";

	/*$servername = "server";
	$username   = 'root';
	$password  = "";*/

	$conn = new  mysqli($servername,$username,$password);
        die("Connection failed: " . mysqli_connect_error());

	$commondb = "logisys3_comexam";
	ini_set('max_execution_time', 300);
	$sql = "select fdbname, funivcode from {$commondb}.dbname where ifnull(fdeleted,'') <> 'T'"; 
	$result = mysqli_query($conn,$sql);

	$result1 = 0;
		while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC))
			$db = $row['fdbname'];
			$univcode = $row['funivcode'];

			//IA marks insert
			$enttype = 'IA';
			$sql1 = "insert ignore into {$commondb}.sendsms(funivcode, fregno, fenttype, fmessage, fstatus, fdeleted, fyear, fexamtype)
			select distinct '{$univcode}', x.fregno, '{$enttype}', 
			'Dear Student, IA marks has been uploaded. Login to Student Portal http://studentportal.logisys.org to check', 'F', 'F', x.fyear, x.fexamtype
			from {$db}.marks x inner join {$db}.collexam y
			on x.fdegree = y.fdegree and x.fexamno = y.fexamno and x.fcollcode = y.fcollcode
			where ifnull(x.fmarks,-1) <> -1
			and date_format(now(),'%Y-%m-%d') between y.fiato and 
			DATE_ADD(y.fiato,INTERVAL 30 DAY) and ifnull(y.iapush,'F') = 'F'
			and x.fyear = '2018' and x.fexamtype = '1'";
			$result1 = mysqli_query($conn, $sql1);		
			$sql1 = "update {$db}.marks x,{$db}.collexam y, set fiapush = 'T' 
			where x.fdegree = y.fdegree and x.fexamno = y.fexamno 
			and x.fcollcode = y.fcollcode and ifnull(x.fmarks,-1) <> -1 
			and date_format(now(),'%Y-%m-%d') between y.fiato 
			and DATE_ADD(y.fiato,INTERVAL 30 DAY)";

			$result1 = mysqli_query($conn, $sql1);

			//Hall Ticket
			$enttype = 'HT';
			$sql1 = "insert ignore into {$commondb}.sendsms(funivcode, fregno, fenttype, fmessage, fstatus, fdeleted, fyear, fexamtype)
			select distinct '{$univcode}', x.fregno, '{$enttype}', 
			'Dear Student, Hall Ticket is available at http://studentportal.logisys.org for download', 'F', 'F', x.fyear, x.fexamtype
			from {$db}.candsum x inner join {$db}.collexam y
			on x.fdegree = y.fdegree and x.fcollcode = y.fcollcode
			inner join {$db}.student z 
			on x.fdegree = z.fdegree and x.fregno = z.fregno 
			where ifnull(x.frecptdate,'') <> ''
			and date_format(now(),'%Y-%m-%d') between y.fhtfrom and y.fhtto
			and x.fyear = '2018' and x.fexamtype = '1' and ifnull(z.fexamappblk,'') <> 'T' 
			and ifnull(z.fmp,'') <> 'T'";
			$result1 = mysqli_query($conn, $sql1);		
			$sql1 = "update {$db}.candsum x,{$db}.collexam y, set fhtpush = 'T' 
			where x.fdegree = y.fdegree and x.fcollcode = y.fcollcode 
			and ifnull(x.frecptdate,'') <> '' 
			and date_format(now(),'%Y-%m-%d') between y.fhtfrom and y.fhtto";

			$result1 = mysqli_query($conn, $sql1);

			$enttype = 'AT';
			$sql1 = "insert ignore into {$commondb}.sendsms(funivcode, fregno, fenttype, fmessage, fstatus, fdeleted, fyear, fexamtype)
			select distinct '{$univcode}', x.fregno, '{$enttype}', 
			'Dear Student, Attendance details are available in Student Portal http://studentportal.logisys.org', 'F', 'F', x.fyear, x.fexamtype
			from {$db}.attend x inner join {$db}.collexam y
			on x.fdegree = y.fdegree and x.fexamno = y.fexamno and x.fcollcode = y.fcollcode
			where ifnull(x.fper,-1) <> -1
			and date_format(now(),'%Y-%m-%d') between y.fattto and DATE_ADD(y.fattto,INTERVAL 10 DAY)
			and x.fyear = '2018' and x.fexamtype = '1'";
			$result1 = mysqli_query($conn, $sql1);	

			$sql1 = "update {$db}.attend x,{$db}.collexam y, set fattpush = 'T' 
			where x.fdegree = y.fdegree and x.fexamno = y.fexamno 
			and x.fcollcode = y.fcollcode 
			and ifnull(x.fper,-1) <> -1 
			and date_format(now(),'%Y-%m-%d') between y.fattto 
			and DATE_ADD(y.fattto,INTERVAL 10 DAY)";

			$result1 = mysqli_query($conn, $sql1);

			$enttype = 'AB';

			$sql1 = "insert ignore into {$commondb}.sendsms(funivcode, fregno, fenttype, fmessage, fstatus, fdeleted, fyear, fexamtype)
			select distinct '{$univcode}', x.fregno, 'AB', 
			concat('Dear Student, you are absent for the subject ', concat(x.fqpcode, ' - ',y.fsubname),' examination  on ',date_format(x.fdoe,'%d/%m/%Y')) as fmessage,
			'F', 'F', x.fyear, x.fexamtype
			from {$db}.absent x inner join {$db}.subject y
			on x.fqpcode = y.fqpcode and x.fdoe = y.fdoe 
			where ifnull(x.fabstype,-1) = 'QpA'
			and x.fyear = '2018' and x.fexamtype = '1'";
			$result1 = mysqli_query($conn, $sql1);	

			$enttype = 'MP';

			$sql1 = "insert ignore into {$commondb}.sendsms(funivcode, fregno, fenttype, fmessage, fstatus, fdeleted, fyear, fexamtype)
			select distinct '{$univcode}', x.fregno, 'MP', 
			concat('Dear Student,  you are booked under malpratice for the subject ', concat(x.fqpcode, ' - ',y.fsubname),' examination  on ',date_format(x.fdoe,'%d/%m/%Y')) as fmessage,
			'F', 'F', x.fyear, x.fexamtype
			from {$db}.absent x inner join {$db}.subject y
			on x.fqpcode = y.fqpcode and x.fdoe = y.fdoe 
			where ifnull(x.fabstype,-1) = 'QpM'
			and x.fyear = '2018' and x.fexamtype = '1'";
			$result1 = mysqli_query($conn, $sql1);

			//Room Allotment

			$sql1 = "insert ignore into {$commondb}.sendsms(funivcode, fregno, fenttype, fmessage, fstatus, fdeleted, fyear, fexamtype)
			select distinct '003', x.fregno, 'RA', 
			concat('Dear Student, you have alloted  to Room No.  : ',
			if(ifnull(z.froomname,'') = '',
			ifnull(x.FHALLNO,''),ifnull(z.froomname,'')), ' for the subject ',
			concat(y.fqpcode,' - ',y.fsubname),' on  ',
			date_format(y.fdoe,'%d/%m/%Y'),' at  ',  w.FDESCPN) as fmessage,
			'F', 'F', x.fyear, x.fexamtype
			from logisys3_kus.canddet x inner join logisys3_kus.subject y
			on  x.fdegree = y.fdegree and x.fexamno = y.fexamno and x.fsubcode = y.fsubcode 
			left join masroom z on x.fcollcode = z.fcollcode and x.FHALLNO = z.froomno
			left join reason w on y.FSESSION = w.FREASONCD
			where ifnull(x.fpresent,'') = 'p' and ifnull(x.fpassmth,'') = ''
			and x.fyear = '2018' and x.fexamtype = '1' 
			and date_format(now(),'%Y-%m-%d') = date_format(y.fdoe,'%Y-%m-%d')
			and ifnull(y.FSESSION,'') like 'M%' and ifnull(x.fhallno,'') <> ''";

			$result1 = mysqli_query($conn, $sql1);

		$sql1 = "update {$commondb}.sendsms x, {$commondb}.masuser y set x.fmobileno = y.fmobileno
		where x.funivcode = y.funivcode and x.fregno = y.fregno and ifnull(x.fmobileno,'') = ''";
		$result1 = mysqli_query($conn, $sql1);		
		$arr = "Updated Successfully";
		echo json_encode($arr);	
		$arr = "Updation Failed";
		echo json_encode($arr);