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| Current File : /var/www/html/reva/src/ia_room_allotment_datewise.php |
class room_allotment
function __construct($aobj_context)
$this->user_id = $_SESSION['user_id'];
$this->funivcode = $_SESSION['FUNIVCODE'];
$this->collcode = $_SESSION['collcode'];
$this->log_name = $_SESSION['usr'];
function DisplayIARoomAllotmentDetatilsDatewise()
ini_set('max_execution_time', '400');
$frm_date = ($this->aobj_context->mobj_data["frm_date"]);
$session = ($this->aobj_context->mobj_data["session"]);
$fexamno = stripslashes($this->aobj_context->mobj_data["degexam"]);
$fdegree = stripslashes($this->aobj_context->mobj_data["degree"]);
$ra_from = ($this->aobj_context->mobj_data["ra_from"]);
$ra_to = ($this->aobj_context->mobj_data["ra_to"]);
$canddet = "marks";
$subject = "subject";
$room_allotment = "room_allotment";
$query1 = "SET SESSION group_concat_max_len=100000";
$results1 = $this->aobj_context->mobj_db->Execute($query1);
$query1 = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT cd.FREGNO) AS reg_cnt
FROM {$canddet} cd INNER JOIN {$subject} s ON s.fdegree = cd.fdegree
AND s.fexamno = cd.fexamno AND s.FCSUBCODE = cd.FSUBCODE
inner join degree dd on cd.fdegree=dd.fdegree
and dd.fexamno=cd.fexamno
inner join iatimetable t on
cd.fcollcode = t.fcollcode and cd.fexamno = t.fexamno
and cd.fsubcode = t.fsubcode
and cd.fdegree = t.fdegree
WHERE t.fdoe = date_format(STR_TO_DATE('{$frm_date}', '%d/%m/%Y'),'%Y-%m-%d')
and t.fsession = '{$session}'
and cd.fdegree = '{$fdegree}'
and cd.fexamno = '{$fexamno}'
and cd.fcollcode = '{$this->collcode}'
GROUP BY t.fdoe";
$results1 = $this->aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($query1);
$reg_cnt = $results1['reg_cnt'];
$query1 = "select sum(fcapacity) as fcapacity from iamasroom where
froomno >= '0'
AND froomno <='z'
and fcollcode = '{$this->collcode}'
and fdegree = '{$fdegree}'
and fexamno = '{$fexamno}'
order by forder";
$results1 = $this->aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($query1);
$fcapacity = $results1['fcapacity'];
if($reg_cnt > $fcapacity)
$arr = "Insufficient Rooms for the allotment. Total Capacity : ".$fcapacity." Total Strength :".$reg_cnt;
echo $this->aobj_context->mobj_output->ToJSONEnvelope($arr,-1,"failure");
$query = "update {$canddet} cd, {$subject} s, iatimetable t
set cd.FHALLNO = NULL, cd.fslno = NULL
where cd.fdegree = s.fdegree and cd.fexamno = s.fexamno
and t.fcollcode = cd.fcollcode
and t.fsubcode = cd.fsubcode
and cd.fsubcode = s.fcsubcode
and cd.fcollcode = '{$this->collcode}'
and t.fsession = '{$session}'
and cd.fdegree = '{$fdegree}'
and cd.fexamno = '{$fexamno}'
and t.fdoe = date_format(STR_TO_DATE('{$frm_date}', '%d/%m/%Y'),'%Y-%m-%d')";
$rst1 = $this->aobj_context->mobj_db->Execute($query);
$query = "update iamasroom set fbalroomcnt = fcapacity where froomno >= '0'
AND froomno <='z' AND fcollcode = '{$this->collcode}'
and fdegree = '{$fdegree}'
and fexamno = '{$fexamno}'";
$rst1 = $this->aobj_context->mobj_db->Execute($query);
$query = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT cd.FREGNO) AS reg_cnt,t.fdoe,cd.fsubcode
FROM {$canddet} cd INNER JOIN {$subject} s ON s.fdegree = cd.fdegree
AND s.fexamno = cd.fexamno AND s.FCSUBCODE = cd.FSUBCODE
inner join iatimetable t on cd.fcollcode = t.fcollcode
and cd.fexamno = t.fexamno
and cd.fdegree = t.fdegree
and cd.fsubcode = t.fsubcode
WHERE t.fdoe = date_format(STR_TO_DATE('{$frm_date}', '%d/%m/%Y'),'%Y-%m-%d')
and t.fsession = '{$session}'
and cd.fdegree = '{$fdegree}'
and cd.fexamno = '{$fexamno}'
and cd.fcollcode = '{$this->collcode}'
GROUP BY cd.fsubcode
ORDER BY reg_cnt DESC,s.fsession";
$results = $this->aobj_context->mobj_db->GetAll($query);
$k = 1;
foreach($results as $ak=>$value)
$reg_cnt = $value['reg_cnt'];
$fsubcode = $value['fsubcode'];
$query2 ="SELECT * FROM iamasroom
WHERE froomno >= '0'
AND froomno <='z'
AND fcollcode = '{$this->collcode}'
and fdegree = '{$fdegree}'
and fexamno = '{$fexamno}'
and fcapacity > 0
order by forder,froomno";
$restults = $this->aobj_context->mobj_db->GetAll($query2);
foreach($restults as $key => $value)
if($value['fbalroomcnt'] <= 0)
if($value['fmaxqpcnt'] == 0)
$value['fmaxqpcnt'] = 1;
$capacity = $value['fcapacity'];
$studperqp = round($value['fcapacity'] / $value['fmaxqpcnt']);
$balroomcnt = $value['fcapacity'] - $studperqp;
if($reg_cnt < $studperqp)
$studperqp = $reg_cnt;
if($value['fbalroomcnt'] <= $studperqp)
$studperqp = $value['fbalroomcnt'];
$query1 = "SET SESSION group_concat_max_len=100000";
$results1 = $this->aobj_context->mobj_db->Execute($query1);
$query = "select group_concat(distinct concat(\"'\",cd.FREGNO,\"'\") order by cd.fregno) as fregno
from {$canddet} cd inner join iatimetable t on cd.fcollcode = t.fcollcode
and cd.fdegree = t.fdegree and cd.fexamno = t.fexamno
and cd.fsubcode = t.fsubcode
where cd.fsubcode = '{$fsubcode}'
and ifnull(cd.FHALLNO,'') = ''
and t.fdoe = date_format(STR_TO_DATE('{$frm_date}', '%d/%m/%Y'),'%Y-%m-%d')
and t.fsession = '{$session}'
and cd.fcollcode = '{$this->collcode}'
and cd.fdegree = '{$fdegree}'
and cd.fexamno = '{$fexamno}'
order by cd.fregno
limit {$studperqp}";
$rst3 = $this->aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($query);
$regarr = explode(',',$rst3['fregno']);
$regnoin = array_slice($regarr,0,$studperqp);
$regnoin = implode(',',$regnoin);
$query = "update {$canddet} set FHALLNO = '{$value['froomno']}'
where fregno in ({$regnoin}) and fsubcode = '{$fsubcode}'
and fdegree = '{$fdegree}'
and fexamno = '{$fexamno}'";
$rst1 = $this->aobj_context->mobj_db->Execute($query);
$rows_affected = $this->aobj_context->mobj_db->affected_rows();
// var_dump($rows_affected,$qpcode,$value['froomno']);
// var_dump($query);
$query = "update iamasroom set fbalroomcnt = ({$value['fbalroomcnt']} - $rows_affected)
where froomno = '{$value['froomno']}'
and fcollcode = '{$this->collcode}'
and fdegree = '{$fdegree}'
and fexamno = '{$fexamno}'";
$rst1 = $this->aobj_context->mobj_db->Execute($query);
values ('{$this->collcode}','{$fsubcode}' ,'{$value['froomno']}','{$rows_affected}','{$this->log_name}',now(),{date_format(STR_TO_DATE('{$frm_date}', '%d/%m/%Y'),'%Y-%m-%d')},'{$session}','{$k}')";
//$lobj_insert = $this->aobj_context->mobj_db->Execute($insert);
values ('{$this->collcode}','{$fsubcode}' ,'{$value['froomno']}','{$rows_affected}','{$this->log_name}',now(),date_format(STR_TO_DATE('{$frm_date}', '%d/%m/%Y'),'%Y-%m-%d'),'{$session}','{$k}','{$fbatch}')
FCOLLCODE = '{$this->collcode}',
FQPCODE = '{$fsubcode}',
FHALLNO = '{$value['froomno']}',
FCAPACITY = '{$rows_affected}',
FLOGNAME = '{$this->log_name}',
FLOGDATE = now(),
FDOE = date_format(STR_TO_DATE('{$frm_date}', '%d/%m/%Y'),'%Y-%m-%d'),
FSESSION = '{$session}',
FORDER = '{$k}',
FBATCH = '{$fbatch}'";
$lobj_insert = $this->aobj_context->mobj_db->Execute($insert);
if($alternative == 'T')
$query = "SELECT distinct cd.fhallno
FROM {$canddet} cd INNER JOIN {$subject} s ON s.fdegree = cd.fdegree
AND s.fexamno = cd.fexamno AND s.FCSUBCODE = cd.FSUBCODE
inner join iatimetable t on cd.fcollcode = t.fcollcode
and cd.fexamno = t.fexamno
and cd.fdegree = t.fdegree
and cd.fsubcode = t.fsubcode
WHERE t.fdoe = date_format(STR_TO_DATE('{$frm_date}', '%d/%m/%Y'),'%Y-%m-%d')
and cd.fcollcode = '{$this->collcode}'
and cd.fdegree = '{$fdegree}'
and cd.fexamno = '{$fexamno}'
and t.fsession = '{$session}'
and ifnull(cd.fhallno,'') <> ''
order by cd.fhallno";
$results = $this->aobj_context->mobj_db->GetAll($query);
foreach($results as $value)
$query = "update {$canddet} x, (select right(concat('000',@a:=@a+1),3) as fslno, fregno, fsubcode, fhallno
from (select cd.fdegree, cd.fcollcode,
cd.fregno,cd.fsubcode, cd.fhallno from {$canddet} cd, {$subject} s, iatimetable t
where s.fdegree = cd.fdegree
AND s.fexamno = cd.fexamno AND s.FCSUBCODE = cd.FSUBCODE
and cd.fcollcode = t.fcollcode
and cd.fexamno = t.fexamno
and cd.fdegree = t.fdegree
and cd.fsubcode = t.fsubcode
and t.fdoe = date_format(STR_TO_DATE('{$frm_date}', '%d/%m/%Y'),'%Y-%m-%d')
and t.fsession = '{$session}'
AND cd.fhallno = '{$value['fhallno']}'
and cd.fdegree = '{$fdegree}'
and cd.fexamno = '{$fexamno}'
and cd.fcollcode = '{$this->collcode}'
order by cd.fsubcode,fregno) b, (SELECT @a:= '000') AS a) y
set x.fslno = y.fslno
where x.fsubcode = y.fsubcode
and x.fhallno = y.fhallno
and x.fregno = y.fregno";
$lobj_insert = $this->aobj_context->mobj_db->Execute($query);
//$query = "";
//var_dump($query);// and cd.fregno in(select distinct fregno from student where fcollcode = '{$this->collcode}' order by fregno)
echo $this->aobj_context->mobj_output->ToJSONEnvelope($arr,0,"success");
function DisplayIARoomAllotmentDetatilsDatewise($aobj_context)
$class_obj=new room_allotment($aobj_context);
function getIARoomdetails($aobj_context)
$collcode = $_SESSION['collcode'];
$degexam = stripslashes($aobj_context->mobj_data["degexam"]);
$degree = stripslashes($aobj_context->mobj_data["degree"]);
$query = "select froomno as id, froomname as value from iamasroom
where fcollcode = '{$collcode}'
and fdegree = '{$degree}'
and fexamno = '{$degexam}'
and fcapacity > 0 order by froomno ";
$rst1 = $aobj_context->mobj_db->getAll($query);
$rst['rooms'] = $rst1;
echo $aobj_context->mobj_output->ToJSONEnvelope($rst,0,"success");
function getIAExamDates($aobj_context)
$collcode = $_SESSION['collcode'];
$degexam = stripslashes($aobj_context->mobj_data["degexam"]);
$degree = stripslashes($aobj_context->mobj_data["degree"]);
$query = "select distinct date_format(fdoe,'%d/%m/%Y') as internal_code,
date_format(fdoe,'%d/%m/%Y') as VALUE
from iatimetable
where fcollcode = '{$collcode}'
and fdegree = '{$degree}'
and fexamno = '{$degexam}'";
$rst1 = $aobj_context->mobj_db->getAll($query);
$rst['iadoe'] = $rst1;
echo $aobj_context->mobj_output->ToJSONEnvelope($rst,0,"success");
function getIASession($aobj_context)
$collcode = $_SESSION['collcode'];
$degexam = stripslashes($aobj_context->mobj_data["degexam"]);
$degree = stripslashes($aobj_context->mobj_data["degree"]);
$frm_date = stripslashes($aobj_context->mobj_data["frm_date"]);
$query = "select fsession as internal_code, fsession as VALUE
from iatimetable
where fcollcode = '{$collcode}'
and fdegree = '{$degree}'
and fexamno = '{$degexam}'
and fdoe = date_format(str_to_date('{$frm_date}','%d/%m/%Y'),'%Y-%m-%d')";
$rst1 = $aobj_context->mobj_db->getAll($query);
$rst['iasession'] = $rst1;
echo $aobj_context->mobj_output->ToJSONEnvelope($rst,0,"success");