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Current File : /var/www/html/rcub/Report_details/report_marks_entry_subwise_list.php

function GenerateMarksEntrySubjectWiseReport($aobj_context)
    $college_code = $_SESSION['collcode'];
    $degree_code = $aobj_context->mobj_data["degree_code"];
    $exam_code = $aobj_context->mobj_data["exam_code"];
    $sublist_start = $aobj_context->mobj_data["subwise_start"];
    $sublist_end = $aobj_context->mobj_data["subwise_end"];
    $reg_start = $aobj_context->mobj_data["reg_start"];
    $reg_end = $aobj_context->mobj_data["reg_end"];
    $main_src_obj = (explode("/", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]));
    $main_src = $main_src_obj[1];

    $pdf_writer_class = $aobj_context->main_src . "/maya-pdf/fpdf.php";
    $root_pdf_file_download = $aobj_context->main_src . "/Report_details/output/report_general_list.pdf";
    $getnumword = $aobj_context->main_src . "/src/getnumword.php";
    // global varibales
    $p_count = 1;
    // end global varibales
    //echo getnumber_to_word("001"); die();
    $pdf = new FPDF();

    $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 10);
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    // query for the page header	
    $page_header_university = "select FUNIVNAME,FTOWN, date_format(now(),'%d/%m/%Y') as date from control";
    $lobj_page_header_university = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($page_header_university);

    $page_header_college = "select concat('[ ',FCOLLCODE,' ]  ',FCOLLNAME,', ',FTOWN) as college_name
							from college where FCOLLCODE='{$college_code}'";
    $lobj_page_header_college = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($page_header_college);

    $page_header_degree = "select concat('[ ',FDEGREE,' ] - ', FDESCPN) as Degree_name, 
							from degree where FDEGREE = '{$degree_code}' and FEXAMNO='{$exam_code}' ";
    $lobj_page_header_degree = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($page_header_degree);

    $page_header_REGROLL = "select FREGROLL, fsnglent from control";
    $lobj_page_header_REGROLL = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($page_header_REGROLL);

    $pdf->aobj_context = $aobj_context;
    //$pdf->WhichReport = 'MARKS_SUBJECTWISE';
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    $pdf->FTOWN = $lobj_page_header_university['FTOWN'];
    $pdf->date_1 = $lobj_page_header_university['date'];
    $pdf->college_name = $lobj_page_header_college['college_name'];
    $pdf->Degree_name = $lobj_page_header_degree['Degree_name'];
    $pdf->Exam = $lobj_page_header_degree['Exam'];
    $pdf->AdmissionYear = $lobj_page_header_degree['FADYEAR'];
    $pdf->REGROLL = $lobj_page_header_REGROLL['FREGROLL'];
    $fsnglent = $lobj_page_header_REGROLL['fsnglent'];
    $pdf->RFROM = strtoupper(substr($sublist_start, -4));
    $pdf->RTO = strtoupper(substr($sublist_end, -4));
#and m.fcollcode = stu.fcollcode
    $get_total_absent = " select  m.FSUBCODE, sum(case when m.fmarks = -2 then 1 else 0 end) as total_absent  
	from marks m inner join student stu on m.fdegree = stu.fdegree and m.FREGNO = stu.FREGNO
    and m.fcollcode = stu.fcollcode
	inner join subject s on m.fdegree = s.fdegree and m.fexamno = s.fexamno and m.FSUBCODE = s.FCSUBCODE
	where m.FDEGREE = '{$degree_code}' and m.FEXAMNO = '{$exam_code}'
	and m.FSUBCODE between '{$sublist_start}' and '{$sublist_end}'
	and m.fregno between '{$reg_start}' and '{$reg_end}'
	and m.FCOLLCODE = '{$college_code}' and IFNULL(stu.FDELETED,'F') <> 'T' 
	group by m.FSUBCODE order by m.FSUBCODE";
    $lobj_get_total_absent = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetAll($get_total_absent);
    //var_dump($get_total_absent); die();
    //echo $get_total_absent; die();
    foreach ($lobj_get_total_absent as $key => $absentcnt) {
        $sub_wise_total_absent[$absentcnt['FSUBCODE']] = $absentcnt['total_absent'];

    $get_subject_data = " select m.FREGNO, SUBSTRING(stu.FNAME,1,36) as Name1,
	SUBSTRING(stu.FNAME,37) as Name2,
	concat(s.FSUBNAME,', ', FSSUBNAME) as sub_name, 
	if(ifnull(m.FMARKS,-1) >= 0,right(concat('000',m.FMARKS),3),if(ifnull(m.FMARKS,-1) = -2,'ABSENT','')) as Marks, 
	m.FSUBCODE, s.FSMAXMARKS, ifnull(c.ffreezed, '') as ffreezed 
	from marks m inner join student stu on m.fdegree = stu.fdegree and m.FREGNO=stu.FREGNO
    and m.fcollcode = stu.fcollcode
	inner join subject s on m.fdegree = s.fdegree and m.fexamno = s.fexamno and m.FSUBCODE = s.FCSUBCODE
	inner join collia c on m.fdegree = c.fdegree and c.fexamno = m.fexamno and c.fcollcode = m.FCOLLCODE
	and m.fsubcode = c.fsubcode
	where m.FDEGREE = '{$degree_code}' and m.FEXAMNO = '{$exam_code}'
	and m.FSUBCODE between '{$sublist_start}' and '{$sublist_end}'
	and m.fregno between '{$reg_start}' and '{$reg_end}'
	and m.FCOLLCODE = '{$college_code}' and c.FCOLLCODE = '{$college_code}' 
	and ifnull(m.FMARKS,-1) <> -1 and IFNULL(stu.FDELETED,'F') <> 'T' 
	group by FCSUBCODE, m.FREGNO order by FCSUBCODE, m.FREGNO";
    //	var_dump($get_subject_data); die();
    $lobj_get_subject_data = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetAll($get_subject_data);
    $first = true;
    $sl_no = 1;
    $k2 = 1;
    $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 10);
    $oldsub = "";
    $newsub = "";
    $pdf->page_absent_count = 0;
    foreach ($lobj_get_subject_data as $key => $value) {
        $newsub = $value['FSUBCODE'];
        $tot_absent = $sub_wise_total_absent[$value['FSUBCODE']];
        if ($pdf->GetY() > 235) {

            $new_y = $pdf->GetY();
            $first = true;

        if ($newsub != $oldsub) {

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            $pdf->Cell(0, 6, 'Subject : ' . $value['FSUBCODE'] . ' - ' . $value['sub_name'] . ',  Max. Marks: ' . $value['FSMAXMARKS'], 0, 1, 'C');
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            $pdf->Cell(12, 6, ' ', 'LRB', 0, 'C');
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            $pdf->Cell(1500, 6, 'Signature                                 						     			Faculty Signature          																							Hod/Principal Signature', '0', 1, 'L');
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