Linux ip-172-26-7-228 5.4.0-1103-aws #111~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue May 23 20:04:10 UTC 2023 x86_64
Your IP :
Current Path : /var/www/html/oums/src/ |
| Current File : /var/www/html/oums/src/user_setup.php |
$resp_mesg = "";
$resp_stat = "";
$resp_file = "";
if ($_POST['load_data'] == 'grid_data') {
$dept_code = $_POST['dept_code'];
$empl_stat = $_POST['empl_stat'];
$user_type = $_POST['user_type'];
$find_data = $_POST['find_data'];
$i = 1;
// if ($type_id == 'ADMIN') {
// $grid_sele = "";
// $grid_sele .= "select masempl.*,masdesn.*,masdept.* from masempl,masdesn,masdept ";
// $grid_sele .= "where masempl.fdeptcode like '$dept_code' and femplstat like '$empl_stat' and fusertype like '$user_type' ";
// $grid_sele .= "and (femplname like '%$find_data%' or femplmobl like '%$find_data%') ";
// $grid_sele .= "and masempl.fempldesn=masdesn.fempldesn ";
// $grid_sele .= "and masempl.fdeptcode=masdept.fdeptcode ";
// $grid_sele .= "and ifnull(masempl.fdeleted,'F')<>'T' ";
// $grid_sele .= "order by masempl.fdeptcode,fdesnordr,masdesn.fempldesn,fempltype,femplname";
// } else {
// $grid_sele = "";
// $grid_sele .= "select masempl.*,masdesn.*,masdept.* from masempl,masdesn,masdept,masdept_user ";
// $grid_sele .= "where masempl.fdeptcode like '$dept_code' and femplstat like '$empl_stat' ";
// $grid_sele .= "and (femplname like '%$find_data%' or femplmobl like '%$find_data%') ";
// $grid_sele .= "and masempl.fempldesn=masdesn.fempldesn ";
// $grid_sele .= "and masempl.fdeptcode=masdept.fdeptcode ";
// $grid_sele .= "and masdept.fdeptcode=masdept_user.fdeptcode ";
// $grid_sele .= "and masempl.fdeptcode=masdept_user.fdeptcode ";
// $grid_sele .= "and masdept_user.fusercode='$user_id' and ifnull(masempl.fdeleted,'F')<>'T' ";
// $grid_sele .= "order by masempl.fdeptcode,fdesnordr,masdesn.fempldesn,fempltype,femplname";
// }
if ($type_id == 'ADMIN') {
$myqry = " ";
} elseif ($type_id == 'CHIEF') {
$myqry = " inner join masdept_user du on em.fdeptcode = du.fdeptcode and du.fusercode = '$user_id' ";
$grid_sele = "select distinct dp.fdeptcode,dp.fdeptshrt,em.femplcode,em.femplname,em.fempldesn,em.fusercode,em.fusertype,
date_format(em.fbrthdate,'%d/%m/%Y') as fbrthdate,
from masempl em
inner join masdept dp on em.fdeptcode = dp.fdeptcode
" . $myqry . "
where (em.femplcode like '%$find_data%' or em.femplname like '%$find_data%' or em.femplmobl like '%$find_data%')
and em.fdeptcode like '$dept_code' and femplstat like '$empl_stat' and fusertype like '$user_type' and ifnull(em.fdeleted,'F')='F'
order by em.femplcode";
$grid_para = grid_limit($grid_sele);
$page_numb = $grid_para[0];
$last_page = $grid_para[1];
$page_limt = $grid_para[2];
$lowr_limt = $grid_para[3];
$mysql = $grid_sele . " limit $lowr_limt, $page_limt";
$myres = mysqli_query($mycon, $mysql);
$mycnt = mysqli_num_rows($myres);
if ($mycnt > 0) {
echo "<table class=''>";
echo "<thead>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th width=4%> # </th>";
echo "<th width=6%> Client</th>";
echo "<th width=5%> Empl ID </th>";
echo "<th width=20%> Employee Name</th>";
echo "<th width=15%> Designation </th>";
echo "<th width=10%> Mobile No </th>";
echo "<th width=10%> Login Type </th>";
echo "<th width=10%> Login ID </th>";
echo "<th width=10%> Action </th>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</thead>";
echo "<tbody>";
while ($myrow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($myres)) {
if ($myrow['femplphot'] == '') {
$empl_imge = "img-empl/blank.png";
} else {
$url = dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])."/oums/img-empl/" . $myrow['femplphot'];
$handle = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
$response = curl_exec($handle);
$httpCode = curl_getinfo($handle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
if ($httpCode == 404) {
$empl_imge = "img-empl/blank.png";
} else {
$empl_imge = "img-empl/" . $myrow['femplphot'];
if ($myrow['fusercode'] == '') {
$page_link = " <a class='btn btn-primary btn-sm' href=# onClick=edit_data('$myrow[femplcode]')><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-plus'></span> Add</a>";
if ($myrow['fusercode'] != '') {
$page_link = " <a class='btn btn-success btn-sm' href=# onClick=edit_data('$myrow[femplcode]')><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-edit'></span> Edit</a>";
if ($myrow['fusercode'] != '' && $myrow['fblckuser'] != 'T') {
$page_link .= " <a class='btn btn-danger btn-sm' href=# onClick=blck_user('$myrow[femplcode]')>Disable</a>";
if ($myrow['fusercode'] != '' && $myrow['fblckuser'] == 'T') {
$page_link .= " <a class='btn btn-success btn-sm' href=# onClick=open_user('$myrow[femplcode]')>Enable</a>";
echo "<tr id=$myrow[fdeptcode]>";
echo "<td align=center>$i</td>";
echo "<td align='center'> [$myrow[fdeptcode]] $myrow[fdeptshrt]</td>";
echo "<td align=center>$myrow[femplcode]</td>";
echo "<td align='left'> <img src='$empl_imge' height='30px' width='28px' style='border:1px solid #ccc;' align='absmiddle' alt=''> $myrow[femplname]</td>";
echo "<td align=left>$myrow[fempldesn]</td>";
echo "<td align=center>$myrow[femplmobl]</td>";
echo "<td align=center>$myrow[fusertype]</td>";
echo "<td align=center>$myrow[fusercode]</td>";
echo "<td align=center>$page_link</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</tbody>";
echo "</table>";
} else {
echo "<div class='alert alert-info'>No details found!</div>";
if ($_POST['load_data'] == 'blck_user') {
$empl_code = $_POST['dele_code'];
$mysql = "update masempl set fblckuser='T' where femplcode='$empl_code'";
$myres = mysqli_query($mycon, $mysql);
if ($_POST['load_data'] == 'open_user') {
$empl_code = $_POST['dele_code'];
$mysql = "update masempl set fblckuser='F' where femplcode='$empl_code'";
$myres = mysqli_query($mycon, $mysql);
if ($_POST['load_data'] == 'disp_data') {
$empl_code = $_POST['empl_code'];
$mysql = "select femplcode,femplname,fusercode,fusertype,dp.fdeptcode,dp.fdeptname,fempldesn,
femplmobl,femplphot,case when fempltype='P' then 'PERMANENT' when fempltype='T' then 'TEMPORARY' else '' end as fempltype
from masempl em
left join masdept dp on em.fdeptcode = dp.fdeptcode
where femplcode='$empl_code'";
$myres = mysqli_query($mycon, $mysql);
$myrow = array();
while ($r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($myres)) {
$myrow = $r;
echo json_encode($myrow);
if ($_POST['load_data'] == 'user_type') {
if ($type_id == 'ADMIN') {
$mysql = "select * from sys_user_type order by fuserordr";
} elseif ($type_id == 'CHIEF') {
$mysql = "select * from sys_user_type where fuserordr>0 order by fuserordr";
} elseif ($type_id == 'SUPER') {
$mysql = "select * from sys_user_type where fuserordr>1 order by fuserordr";
} else {
$mysql = "select * from sys_user_type where fuserordr>2 order by fuserordr";
$myres = mysqli_query($mycon, $mysql);
if (mysqli_num_rows($myres) > 1) {
echo "<option value=0>--Select--</option>";
while ($myrow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($myres)) {
echo "<option value='$myrow[fusertype]'>$myrow[ftypedesc]</option>";
if ($_POST['load_data'] == 'save_data') {
$dept_code = $_POST['dept_code'];
$empl_code = $_POST['empl_code'];
$empl_name = $_POST['empl_name'];
$empl_mobl = $_POST['empl_mobl'];
$user_type = $_POST['user_type'];
$user_code = strtoupper($_POST['user_code']);
$resp_stat = "";
$mysql = "select * from masempl where femplcode='$empl_code' and ifnull(fusercode,'')=''";
$myres = mysqli_query($mycon, $mysql);
$mycnt = mysqli_num_rows($myres);
if ($mycnt != 0) {
$mysql = "select * from masempl where femplcode<>'$empl_code' and fusercode='$user_code'";
$myres = mysqli_query($mycon, $mysql);
$mycnt = mysqli_num_rows($myres);
if ($mycnt != 0) {
$resp_stat = "";
$resp_mesg = "User ID already exists!, Please enter different user ID!";
} else {
$resp_stat = "T";
$mysql = "update masempl set fupdtpswd='T',fusercode='$user_code',fusertype='$user_type',fuserpswd='$user_code' where femplcode='$empl_code'";
$myres = mysqli_query($mycon, $mysql);
$resp_mesg = "User details created!";
set_user_logs($dept_id, $user_id, 'USER', 'USER CREATED FOR ' . $empl_code . ' - USER ID : ' . $user_code . ', USER TYPE : ' . $user_type);
$mess_text = "Dear " . $empl_name . ", OUMS Login details created, Login ID: " . $user_code . ", Password: " . $user_code . ", Updated on: " . date("d/m/Y H:i:s");
if (strlen($empl_mobl) == 10) {
send_sms($empl_mobl, $mess_text);
} else {
$resp_stat = "T";
$mysql = "update masempl set fusercode='$user_code',fusertype='$user_type' where femplcode='$empl_code'";
$myres = mysqli_query($mycon, $mysql);
$resp_mesg = "User type updated!";
set_user_logs($dept_id, $user_id, 'USER', 'USER UPDATED FOR ' . $empl_code . ' - USER ID : ' . $user_code . ', USER TYPE : ' . $user_type);
$mysql = "delete from sys_user_menu where fusercode='$user_code'";
$myres = mysqli_query($mycon, $mysql);
$mysql = "insert ignore into sys_user_menu (fusercode,fmodecode,fmainmenu,fmenucode,flinkstat)
select fusercode,fmodecode,fmainmenu,fmenucode,1 as flinkmenu from sys_menu sm
inner join masempl em on sm.fmenuuser like concat('%',em.fusertype,'%') and ifnull(em.fusercode,'')='$user_code'
where ifnull(sm.fmenuuser,'')<>''";
$myres = mysqli_query($mycon, $mysql);
$mysql = "insert ignore into masdept_user (fusercode,fdeptcode,fselestat,fupdttime) values ('$user_code','$dept_code','1',now())";
$myres = mysqli_query($mycon, $mysql);
echo json_encode(array("mesg" => $resp_mesg, "stat" => $resp_stat, "file" => $resp_file));