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Current Path : /var/www/html/oums/src/
Upload File :
Current File : /var/www/html/oums/src/task_reminder.php

$load_data = $_POST['load_data'];

$resp_mesg = "";
$resp_stat = "";
$resp_file = "";
$sms1_sent = "";
$sms2_sent = "";

if ($load_data == 'grid_data') {
    if ($type_id == 'ADMIN') {
        $myqry = " ftaskasby like '$_POST[task_asby]' and ftaskasto like '$_POST[task_asto]' ";
    } else {
        $myqry = " (ftaskasby like '$_POST[task_asby]' and ftaskasto like '$_POST[task_asto]') and (ftaskasby like '$empl_id' or ftaskasto like '$empl_id') ";
    $i = 1;
    $grid_sele = "select ftaskcode,date_format(ftaskdate,'%d/%m/%Y') as ltaskdate, ftaskname, ftaskasby, e1.femplname as fasbyname, ftaskasto, e2.femplname as fastoname, ftaskstat,fcompdate
    from taskreminder tk
    left join masempl e1 on tk.ftaskasby = e1.femplcode
    left join masempl e2 on tk.ftaskasto = e2.femplcode
    where ftaskstat like '$_POST[task_stat]' and ftaskname like '%$_POST[task_find]%' 
    and ". $myqry ."
    and ifnull(tk.fdeleted,'F')='F' 
    order by ftaskdate desc, ftaskcode desc";

    $grid_para = grid_limit($grid_sele);
    $page_numb = $grid_para[0];
    $last_page = $grid_para[1];
    $page_limt = $grid_para[2];
    $lowr_limt = $grid_para[3];

    $mysql = $grid_sele . " limit $lowr_limt, $page_limt";
    $myres = mysqli_query($mycon, $mysql);
    $mycnt = mysqli_num_rows($myres);
    if ($mycnt > 0) {
        echo "<table>";
        echo "<thead>";
        echo "<tr>";
        echo "<th width=4%> # </th>";
        echo "<th width=6%> ID </th>";
        echo "<th width=8%> Date</th>";
        echo "<th width=30%> Reminder Name </th>";
        echo "<th width=16%> Reminder from </th>";
        echo "<th width=16%> Reminder To </th>";
        echo "<th width=8%> Status </th>";
        echo "<th width=8%> Completed On </th>";
        echo "<th width=10%> Action</th>";
        echo "</tr>";
        echo "</thead>";
        echo "<tbody>";
        while ($myrow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($myres)) {
            $page_link  = " <a class='btn btn-success btn-sm' href=# onClick=edit_data('$myrow[ftaskcode]')>Edit</a> ";
            // $page_link .= " <a class='btn btn-danger btn-sm' href=# onClick=dele_data('$myrow[ftaskcode]')>Delete</a>";

            echo "<tr id=$myrow[ftaskcode]>";
            echo "<td align=center> $i</td>";
            echo "<td align=center>$myrow[ftaskcode]</td>";
            echo "<td align=center>$myrow[ltaskdate]</td>";
            echo "<td align=left>  $myrow[ftaskname]</td>";
            echo "<td align=left>  $myrow[fasbyname]</td>";
            echo "<td align=left>  $myrow[fastoname]</td>";
            echo "<td align=center>$myrow[ftaskstat]</td>";
            echo "<td align=center>$myrow[fcompdate]</td>";
            echo "<td align=center>$page_link</td>";
            echo "</tr>";
        echo "</tbody>";
        echo "</table>";
    } else {
        echo "<div class='alert alert-info'>No details found!</div>";

if ($load_data == 'dele_data') {
    $dele_code = $_POST['dele_code'];
    $mysql = "update taskreminder set fdeleted='T' where ftaskcode='$dele_code'";
    $myres = mysqli_query($mycon, $mysql);

if ($load_data == 'empl_list') {
    $mysql = "select * from masempl e left join masdept d on e.fdeptcode=d.fdeptcode where fempltype='P' and ifnull(femplstat,'F')='T' and femplcode not in ('1000') and e.fdeptcode not in ('DEP','IHF') order by femplname";
    $myres = mysqli_query($mycon, $mysql);
    if (mysqli_num_rows($myres) > 1) {
        echo "<option value=''>--Select--</option>";
    while ($myrow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($myres)) {
        echo "<option value='$myrow[femplcode]'>$myrow[femplname] | $myrow[femplcode] | $myrow[fempldesn] | $myrow[fdeptcode] | $myrow[fdeptshrt]</option>";

if ($load_data == 'sele_empl_copy') {
    $mysql = "select em.femplcode,em.femplname,em.fempldesn,em.femplphot,dp.fdeptcode,dp.fdeptshrt from masempl em
    inner join masdept dp on em.fdeptcode = dp.fdeptcode 
    where ifnull(femplstat,'F')='T' and femplname like '%$_POST[sele_find]%' and femplcode not in ('1000','$_POST[task_asby]','$_POST[task_asto]') and em.fdeptcode not in ('DEP','IHF')
    order by femplname;";
    $myres = mysqli_query($mycon, $mysql);
    $mycnt = mysqli_num_rows($myres);

    if ($mycnt > 0) {    
        echo "<div class='list-group'>";                    
        while ($myrow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($myres)) {
            if ($myrow['femplphot'] == '') {
                $empl_imge = "img-empl/blank.png";
            } else {
                $url = dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "../img-empl/" . $myrow['femplphot'];
                $handle = curl_init($url);
                curl_setopt($handle,  CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
                $response = curl_exec($handle);
                $httpCode = curl_getinfo($handle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
                if ($httpCode == 404) {
                    $empl_imge = "img-empl/blank.png";
                } else {
                    $empl_imge = "img-empl/" . $myrow['femplphot'];
            echo "<label class='list-group-item text-left' style='padding:3px 5px;border-radius:0px;font-weight:normal;'>";    
            echo "<img src='$empl_imge' class='img-rounded' alt='' height='20px' width='20px' style='border:1px solid #ccc;' align='absmiddle'> $myrow[femplname] <div  style='float:right;'>  $myrow[femplcode] | $myrow[fdeptcode] <a href='#'>Add</a></div>";
            echo "</label>";
        echo "</div>";   
        echo "<div class='alert alert-info'>No details found to add!</div>";

if ($load_data == 'list_empl_copy') {
    $mysql = "select em.femplcode,em.femplname,em.fempldesn,em.femplphot,dp.fdeptcode,dp.fdeptshrt from masempl em
    inner join masdept dp on em.fdeptcode = dp.fdeptcode 
    inner join taskreminder rm on em.femplcode = rm.ftaskcopy and rm.ftaskcode = '$_POST[task_code]'
    where ifnull(femplstat,'F')='T' and femplname like '%$_POST[list_find]%' and femplcode not in ('1000','$empl_id') and em.fdeptcode not in ('DEP','IHF')
    order by femplname;";
    $myres = mysqli_query($mycon, $mysql);
    $mycnt = mysqli_num_rows($myres);

    if ($mycnt > 0) {    
        echo "<div class='list-group'>";                    
        while ($myrow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($myres)) {
            if ($myrow['femplphot'] == '') {
                $empl_imge = "img-empl/blank.png";
            } else {
                $url = dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "../img-empl/" . $myrow['femplphot'];
                $handle = curl_init($url);
                curl_setopt($handle,  CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
                $response = curl_exec($handle);
                $httpCode = curl_getinfo($handle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
                if ($httpCode == 404) {
                    $empl_imge = "img-empl/blank.png";
                } else {
                    $empl_imge = "img-empl/" . $myrow['femplphot'];
            echo "<label class='list-group-item text-left' style='padding:3px 5px;border-radius:0px;font-weight:normal;'>";    
            echo "<img src='$empl_imge' class='img-rounded' alt='' height='20px' width='20px' style='border:1px solid #ccc;' align='absmiddle'> $myrow[femplname] <div  style='float:right;'>  $myrow[femplcode] | $myrow[fdeptcode] <a href='#'>Remove</a></div>";
            echo "</label>";
        echo "</div>";   
        echo "<div class='alert alert-info'>No details found to remove!</div>";

if ($load_data == 'disp_data') {
    $mysql = "select * from taskreminder where ftaskcode='$_POST[task_code]'";
    $myres = mysqli_query($mycon, $mysql);
    $myrows = array();
    while ($r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($myres)) {
        $myrows = $r;
    echo json_encode($myrows);

if ($load_data == 'save_data') {
    $page_mode = $_POST['page_mode'];

    $task_code = $_POST['task_code'];
    $task_name = $_POST['task_name'];
    $last_date = $_POST['last_date'];
    $task_asby = $_POST['task_asby'];
    $task_asto = $_POST['task_asto'];
    $task_stat = $_POST['task_stat'];
    $strt_date = $_POST['strt_date'];
    $last_date = $_POST['last_date'];
    $comp_date = $_POST['comp_date'];

    $mysql1 = "select * from masempl where femplcode='$task_asto'";
    $myres1 = mysqli_query($mycon, $mysql1);
    while ($myrow1 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($myres1)) {
        $asto_name = $myrow1['femplname'];
        $asto_mobl = $myrow1['femplmobl'];
        $asto_mail = $myrow1['femplmail'];

    $mysql1 = "select * from masempl where femplcode='$task_asby'";
    $myres1 = mysqli_query($mycon, $mysql1);
    while ($myrow1 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($myres1)) {
        $asby_name = $myrow1['femplname'];
        $asby_mobl = $myrow1['femplmobl'];
        $asby_mail = $myrow1['femplmail'];

    $updt_time = date("d/m/Y H:i:s");
    if ($page_mode == "add") {
        $mysql = "insert into taskreminder (ftaskdate, ftaskname, ftaskdetl, ftaskasby, ftaskasto, ftaskremk, ftaskstat, 
			fstrtdate, flastdate, fcompdate,fremndat1,fremndat2,fremndat3,fupdtuser, fupdttime) values(
            str_to_date('$_POST[task_date]','%d/%m/%Y') , '$_POST[task_name]', '$_POST[task_detl]', 
			'$_POST[task_asby]', '$_POST[task_asto]', '$_POST[task_remk]', '$_POST[task_stat]', 
            str_to_date(if('$_POST[remn_dat2]'='',null,'$_POST[remn_dat3]'),'%d/%m/%Y'), '$user_id',now())";
        $myres = mysqli_query($mycon, $mysql);

        $resp_stat = "T";
        $resp_mesg = "Task added!";
        $crtd_code = str_pad(mysqli_insert_id($mycon), 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
        set_user_logs($dept_id, $user_id, 'TASK', 'TASK REMINDER CREATED: ' . $crtd_code . ' - ' . $_POST['task_date'] . ', by: ' . $asby_name . ', to: ' . $asto_name);

        //sms note
        if (strlen($asto_mobl) == 10) {
            $asto_mesg = "Task Created [" . $crtd_code . "] " . chr(10) . "Task Name : " . $task_name . chr(10) . "Task From : " . $asby_name . chr(10) . "Start Date : " . $strt_date . chr(10) . "Due Date : " . $last_date . " - Uniclare";
            send_sms($asto_mobl, $asto_mesg);
            $asto_qry = "insert ignore into logisys3_comexam.sendsms(funivcode,fregno,fmobileno,fenttype,fsubcode,fmessage,fstatus,fdeleted,fyear,fexamtype,fupdate) values('999','$_POST[task_asto]','$asto_mobl','oums',concat(date_format(current_date,'%d/%m/%Y'),'_nt_','$crtd_code'),'$asto_mesg','T','F',year(current_date),'1',now())";
            $asto_res = mysqli_query($mycon, $asto_qry);

        if (strlen($asby_mobl) == 10) {
            $asby_mesg = "Task Created [" . $crtd_code . "] " . chr(10) . "Task Name : " . $task_name . chr(10) . "Assigned To : " . $asto_name . chr(10) . "Start Date : " . $strt_date . chr(10) . "Due Date : " . $last_date . " - Uniclare";
            send_sms($asby_mobl, $asby_mesg);
            $asby_qry = "insert ignore into logisys3_comexam.sendsms(funivcode,fregno,fmobileno,fenttype,fsubcode,fmessage,fstatus,fdeleted,fyear,fexamtype,fupdate) values('999','$_POST[task_asby]','$asby_mobl','oums',concat(date_format(current_date,'%d/%m/%Y'),'_nt_','$crtd_code'),'$asby_mesg','T','F',year(current_date),'1',now())";
            $asby_res = mysqli_query($mycon, $asby_qry);
    } else {
        $mysql = "update taskreminder set ftaskname='$_POST[task_name]', ftaskdetl='$_POST[task_detl]', ftaskasto='$_POST[task_asto]', 
        ftaskremk='$_POST[task_remk]', ftaskstat='$_POST[task_stat]', fstrtdate=str_to_date('$_POST[strt_date]','%d/%m/%Y'), 
        flastdate=str_to_date('$_POST[last_date]','%d/%m/%Y'), fcompdate=str_to_date('$_POST[comp_date]','%d/%m/%Y'), 
        fupdtuser='$user_id',fupdttime=now() where ftaskcode='$_POST[task_code]]'";
        $myres = mysqli_query($mycon, $mysql);
        $resp_stat = "T";
        $resp_mesg = "Task details updated!";

        set_user_logs($dept_id, $user_id, 'TASK', 'TASK REMINDER UPDATED: ' . $task_code . ' - ' . $_POST['task_date'] . ', by: ' . $asby_name . ', to: ' . $asto_name);

        //sms note
        if ($task_stat == 'COMPLETED') {
            $mysql = "select ftaskcode,datediff(fcompdate,flastdate) as task_dely from taskreminder where ftaskcode='$task_code';";
            $myres = mysqli_query($mycon, $mysql);
            while ($myrow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($myres)) {
                $task_dely = $myrow['task_dely'];

            if (strlen($asto_mobl) == 10) {
                $taskqry =  "insert ignore into logisys3_comexam.sendsms(funivcode,fregno,fmobileno,fenttype,fsubcode,fmessage,fstatus,fdeleted,fyear,fexamtype,fupdate) 
                select '999' as funivcode,ftaskasby as fregno,e1.femplmobl as fmobileno,'oums' as fenttype,
                concat(date_format(current_date,'%d/%m/%Y'),'_rm_',ftaskcode) as fsubcode,
                concat('Task Completed [',ftaskcode,']\nTask name : ',ftaskname,'\nTask From : ',e1.femplname,'\nCompleted On : ',date_format(fcompdate,'%d/%m/%Y'),'\nStart date : ',date_format(fstrtdate,'%d/%m/%Y'),'\nDue date : ',date_format(flastdate,'%d/%m/%Y'),'\nDelay : ',datediff(fcompdate,flastdate),' days - Uniclare') as fmessage,
                'F' as fstatus,'F' as fdeleted,year(current_date) as fyear,'1',now() 
                from logisys3_oums.taskreminder t
                inner join logisys3_oums.masempl e1 on t.ftaskasby=e1.femplcode
                inner join logisys3_oums.masempl e2 on t.ftaskasto=e2.femplcode
                where ftaskstat='COMPLETED' and ftaskcode='$task_code' and flastdate<=current_date and ifnull(t.fdeleted,'F')<>'T';";
                $taskres = mysqli_query($mycon, $taskqry);

                $asto_mesg = "Task Completed [" . $task_code . "] " . chr(10) . "Task Name : " . $task_name . chr(10) . "Task From : " . $asby_name . chr(10) . "Completed On : " . $comp_date . chr(10) . "Start Date : " . $strt_date . chr(10) . "Due Date : " . $last_date . chr(10) . "Delay : " . $task_dely . " days - Uniclare";
                send_sms($asto_mobl, $asto_mesg);

            if (strlen($asby_mobl) == 10) {
                $taskqry =  "insert ignore into logisys3_comexam.sendsms(funivcode,fregno,fmobileno,fenttype,fsubcode,fmessage,fstatus,fdeleted,fyear,fexamtype,fupdate) 
                select '999' as funivcode,ftaskasby as fregno,e1.femplmobl as fmobileno,'oums' as fenttype,
                concat(date_format(current_date,'%d/%m/%Y'),'_rm_',ftaskcode) as fsubcode,
                concat('Task Completed [',ftaskcode,']\nTask name : ',ftaskname,'\nCompleted By : ',e2.femplname,'\nCompleted On : ',date_format(fcompdate,'%d/%m/%Y'),'\nStart date : ',date_format(fstrtdate,'%d/%m/%Y'),'\nDue date : ',date_format(flastdate,'%d/%m/%Y'),'\nDelay : ',datediff(fcompdate,flastdate),' days - Uniclare') as fmessage,
                'F' as fstatus,'F' as fdeleted,year(current_date) as fyear,'1',now() 
                from logisys3_oums.taskreminder t
                inner join logisys3_oums.masempl e1 on t.ftaskasby=e1.femplcode
                inner join logisys3_oums.masempl e2 on t.ftaskasto=e2.femplcode
                where ftaskstat='COMPLETED' and ftaskcode='$task_code' and flastdate<=current_date and ifnull(t.fdeleted,'F')<>'T';";
                $taskres = mysqli_query($mycon, $taskqry);

                $asby_mesg = "Task Completed [" . $task_code . "] " . chr(10) . "Task Name : " . $task_name . chr(10) . "Completed By : " . $asto_name . chr(10) . "Completed On : " . $comp_date . chr(10) . "Start Date : " . $strt_date . chr(10) . "Due Date : " . $last_date . chr(10) . "Delay : " . $task_dely . " days - Uniclare";
                send_sms($asby_mobl, $asby_mesg);
    echo json_encode(array("mesg" => $resp_mesg, "stat" => $resp_stat, "file" => $resp_file));