Linux ip-172-26-7-228 5.4.0-1103-aws #111~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue May 23 20:04:10 UTC 2023 x86_64
Your IP :
$load_data = $_POST['load_data'];
$resp_mesg = "";
$resp_stat = "";
$resp_file = "";
if ($load_data == 'grid_data') {
$dept_code = $_POST['dept_code'];
$resn_code = $_POST['resn_code'];
$mcpr_stat = $_POST['mcpr_stat'];
$mcno_find = $_POST['mcno_find'];
if (!(isset($_POST['page_numb']))) {
$page_numb = 1;
} else {
$page_numb = intval($_POST['page_numb']);
$page_limt = ($_POST["page_limt"] <> "" && is_numeric($_POST["page_limt"])) ? intval($_POST["page_limt"]) : 10;
$grid_query = "select * from mcprint where fdeptcode='$dept_code' and (fstrtmcno like '%$mcno_find%' or flastmcno like '%$mcno_find%') and fresncode like '%$resn_code%' and ifnull(fdeleted,'F')<>'T' order by fdeptcode,fstrtmcno";
$myres = mysqli_query($mycon, $grid_query);
$mycnt = mysqli_num_rows($myres);
$last_page = ceil($mycnt / $page_limt);
if ($page_numb < 1) {
$page_numb = 1;
} elseif ($page_numb > $last_page) {
$page_numb = $last_page;
if ($last_page == 0) {
$lowr_limt = ($page_numb) * $page_limt;
} else {
$lowr_limt = ($page_numb - 1) * $page_limt;
$mysql = $grid_query . " limit $lowr_limt, $page_limt";
if ($myres = mysqli_query($mycon, $mysql)) {
$i = 1;
echo "<table class='table_grid' border=1>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th> # </th>";
echo "<th> Client </th>";
echo "<th> Exam Date </th>";
echo "<th> Degree </th>";
echo "<th> Exam </th>";
echo "<th> College </th>";
echo "<th> Reg. No. </th>";
echo "<th> Start MC </th>";
echo "<th> Ending MC </th>";
echo "<th> Total </th>";
echo "<th> Reason </th>";
echo "<th> MC Date </th>";
echo "<th> Status </th>";
echo "<th> Action </th>";
echo "</tr>";
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($myres)) {
$page_link = "<a class='grid_link' href=# onClick=edit_data('$row[fdeptcode]')>Edit</a> | ";
$page_link .= "<a class='grid_link' href=# onClick=dele_data('$row[fdeptcode]')>Delete</a>";
$mcpr_stat = $row['fmcissued'] == 'T' ? "ISSUED" : "NOT ISSUED";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td width='4%' align='center'> $i</td>";
echo "<td width='06%' align='center'>$row[fdeptcode]</td>";
echo "<td width='08%' align='center'>$row[fexamdate]</td>";
echo "<td width='06%' align='center'>$row[fdegrcode]</td>";
echo "<td width='06%' align='center'>$row[fexamcode]</td>";
echo "<td width='06%' align='center'>$row[fcollcode]</td>";
echo "<td width='08%' align='center'>$row[fregrcode]</td>";
echo "<td width='08%' align='center'>$row[fstrtmcno]</td>";
echo "<td width='08%' align='center'>$row[flastmcno]</td>";
echo "<td width='06%' align='center'>$row[ftotlmcno]</td>";
echo "<td width='06%' align='center'>$row[fresncode]</td>";
echo "<td width='08%' align='center'>$row[fmcnodate]</td>";
echo "<td width='08%' align='center'>$mcpr_stat</td>";
echo "<td width='15%' align='center'>$page_link</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th align='center' colspan='99'>";
echo "<div style='width:80%;float:left;text-align:left;'>Pages: ";
if (($page_numb - 1) > 0) {
echo "<a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='load_grid_data($page_limt,1);'> First</a>";
echo "<a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='load_grid_data($page_limt,$page_numb-1);'> Previous</a>";
for ($i = 1; $i <= $last_page; $i++) {
if ($i == $page_numb) {
echo "<a href='javascript:void(0);' class='selected'> $i</a>";
} else {
echo "<a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='load_grid_data($page_limt,$i);'> $i</a>";
if (($page_numb + 1) <= $last_page) {
echo "<a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='load_grid_data($page_limt,$page_numb+1);'> Next</a>";
if (($page_numb) != $last_page) {
echo "<a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='load_grid_data($page_limt,$last_page);'> Last</a>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<div style='width:20%;float:right; text-align:right;'>Rows / Page - ";
echo "<select onChange='load_page_limt(this.value);' style='width:50px;'>";
<option value="13" <?php if ($_POST["page_limt"] == 13) {
echo ' selected="selected"';
} ?>>13</option>
<option value="20" <?php if ($_POST["page_limt"] == 20) {
echo ' selected="selected"';
} ?>>20</option>
<option value="40" <?php if ($_POST["page_limt"] == 40) {
echo ' selected="selected"';
} ?>>40</option>
<option value="50" <?php if ($_POST["page_limt"] == 50) {
echo ' selected="selected"';
} ?>>50</option>
<option value="100" <?php if ($_POST["page_limt"] == 100) {
echo ' selected="selected"';
} ?>>100</option>
echo "</select>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</th>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
if ($load_data == 'dept_data') {
if ($type_id == 'ADMIN') {
$mysql = "select * from masdept where fdeleted<>'T' order by fdeptcode";
} elseif ($type_id == 'CHIEF') {
$mysql = "select * from masdept where fdeptstat='T' and fdepthead='$empl_id' order by fdeptname";
} else {
$mysql = "select * from masdept where fdeptcode='$dept_id' and ifnull(fdeleted,'F')='F' order by fdeptcode";
$myres = mysqli_query($mycon, $mysql);
if (mysqli_num_rows($myres) > 1) {
echo "<option value=0>--Select--</option>";
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($myres)) {
echo "<option value='$row[fdeptcode]'>$row[fdeptname]</option>";
if ($load_data == 'exam_data') {
$dept_code = $_POST['dept_code'];
$mysql = "select * from masmcexam where fdeptcode='$dept_code' and fdeleted<>'T' order by fyearmode";
$myres = mysqli_query($mycon, $mysql);
if (mysqli_num_rows($myres) > 1) {
echo "<option value=%>ALL [EXAM]</option>";
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($myres)) {
echo "<option value='$row[fyearmode]'>$row[fexamdate]</option>";
if ($load_data == 'resn_data') {
$mysql = "select * from masmcresn where fdeleted<>'T' order by fresncode";
$myres = mysqli_query($mycon, $mysql);
if (mysqli_num_rows($myres) > 1) {
echo "<option value=%>ALL [REASON]</option>";
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($myres)) {
echo "<option value='$row[fresncode]'>$row[fresndesc]</option>";
if ($load_data == 'dele_data') {
$dept_code = $_POST['dele_code'];
$mysql = "update mcprint set fdeleted='T' where fdeptcode='$dept_code'";
$myres = mysqli_query($mycon, $mysql);
if ($load_data == 'disp_data') {
$dept_code = $_POST['dept_code'];
$mysql = "select * from mcprint where fdeptcode='$dept_code'";
$myres = mysqli_query($mycon, $mysql);
$rows = array();
while ($r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($myres)) {
$rows = $r;
echo json_encode($rows);
if ($load_data == 'save_data') {
$page_mode = $_POST['page_mode'];
$dept_code = $_POST['dept_code'];
$dept_name = $_POST['dept_name'];
$dept_head = $_POST['dept_head'];
$dept_stat = $_POST['dept_stat'];
$attn_updt = $_POST['attn_updt'];
$salr_comp = $_POST['salr_comp'];
$logi_time = $_POST['logi_time'];
$logo_time = $_POST['logo_time'];
$expn_date = $_POST['expn_date'];
$code_rate = $_POST['code_rate'];
$dept_bank = $_POST['dept_bank'];
$mysql = "select * from mcprint where fdeptcode='$dept_code'";
$myres = mysqli_query($mycon, $mysql);
$mycnt = mysqli_num_rows($myres);
if ($page_mode == "add") {
if ($mycnt == 0) {
$mysql = "insert into mcprint (fdeptcode,fdeptname,fdepthead, fdeptstat, fattnenbl, fsalrenbl, fcoderate,fdeptbank,fdeleted) values('$dept_code','$dept_name','$dept_head' ,'$dept_stat','$attn_updt','$salr_comp', '$code_rate','$dept_bank','F')";
$myres = mysqli_query($mycon, $mysql);
$resp_mesg = "Details inserted!";
} else {
$resp_mesg = "Client already exists!";
$resp_stat = "F";
} else {
if ($mycnt == 0) {
$resp_mesg = "Client does not exists!";
$resp_stat = "F";
} else {
$mysql = "update mcprint set fdeptname='$dept_name',fdepthead='$dept_head', fdeptstat='$dept_stat', fattnenbl='$attn_updt', fsalrenbl='$salr_comp', flogitime='$logi_time', flogotime='$logo_time' , fexpndate=str_to_date('$expn_date','%d/%m/%Y'), fcoderate='$code_rate' , fdeptbank='$dept_bank' where fdeptcode='$dept_code'";
$myres = mysqli_query($mycon, $mysql);
$resp_mesg = "Details updated!";
echo json_encode(array("mesg" => $resp_mesg, "stat" => $resp_stat, "file" => $resp_file));