Linux ip-172-26-7-228 5.4.0-1103-aws #111~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue May 23 20:04:10 UTC 2023 x86_64

Your IP :

Current Path : /var/www/html/mum/js/
Upload File :
Current File : /var/www/html/mum/js/ack_admentry_application.js

var gentrydegree = "";
var gentrytype = "";
function Calladmissionentry() {
    function() {
      document.getElementById("display_module_name").innerHTML =
        "Admission Entry";
      document.getElementById("module_name_for_save").value = "Admission Entry";
      //getDefaultHeadFooterLinks('Acknowledge Admission Challan');
      getDefaultHeadFooterLinks("Admission Entry");
      $(".ui-tabs .ui-tabs-panel").css("padding", "0px");
      $(".ui-tabs .ui-tabs-panel").css("padding-top", "21px");

function Calladmissionentrywom() {
    function() {
      document.getElementById("display_module_name").innerHTML =
        "Admission Entry";
      document.getElementById("module_name_for_save").value = "Admission Entry";
      getDefaultHeadFooterLinks("Admission Entry WOM");
      $(".ui-tabs .ui-tabs-panel").css("padding", "0px");
      $(".ui-tabs .ui-tabs-panel").css("padding-top", "21px");

function loadgetdetails() {
    type: "POST",
    async: false,
    url: $host_url + "loaddegree",
    success: function($responceCat) {
      $responceCat = eval("(" + $responceCat + ")");
      if ($responceCat.error_code == 0) {
        var optionsAsString = "<option value=''>--Select Degree--</option>";
        for (var i = 0; i < $responceCat.data.length; i++) {
          optionsAsString +=
            "<option value='" +
            $responceCat.data[i].internal_code +
            "'>" +
            $responceCat.data[i].internal_code +
            "-" +
            $responceCat.data[i].value +


function CallAdmentry() {
  $("#page_main_div").load("html_modules/adm_entry.html", function() {
    document.getElementById("display_module_name").innerHTML =
      "Admission Entry";
    document.getElementById("module_name_for_save").value = "Admission Entry";
    getDefaultHeadFooterLinks("Admission Entry");

function loadAdmDegree() {
    type: "POST",
    async: false,
    url: $host_url + "loaddegree",
    success: loaddegreeResponseAdm

function loadAdmDeg() {
    type: "POST",
    async: false,
    url: $host_url + "loaddegree",
    success: function($responceCat) {
      $responceCat = eval("(" + $responceCat + ")");
      if ($responceCat.error_code == 0) {
        var optionsAsString = "<option value=''>--Select Degree--</option>";
        for (var i = 0; i < $responceCat.data.length; i++) {
          optionsAsString +=
            "<option value='" +
            $responceCat.data[i].internal_code +
            "'>" +
            $responceCat.data[i].internal_code +
            "-" +
            $responceCat.data[i].value +


function GetCombinationdeg() {
    type: "POST",
    async: false,
    url: $host_url + "GetCombinationdeg",
    data: "&degree=" + $("#student_entry_degree_code").val(),
    success: function($responce) {
      $responce = eval("(" + $responce + ")");
      if ($responce.error_code == 0) {
        var option = '<option value="">--Select--</option>';
        var d = new Date();
        var year = d.getFullYear();
        for (var j = year; j > 1980; j--) {
          option += "<option value='" + j + "'>" + j + "</option>";


        var serv_arr = $responce.data["mascomb"];
        var serv_title = "";
        FillDropdownValues(serv_arr, "combination", serv_title);

        var serv_arr = $responce.data["category"];
        var serv_title = "";
        FillDropdownValues(serv_arr, "degree_category", serv_title);

        /*	var serv_arr = $responce.data['boards'];
				var serv_title = '';

        let uploadtable = `<style type = "text/css">
			.table-upd tbody tr td {
				padding : 2px;
				text-align: left;
			.table-upd tbody upd-file {
				display: inline !important;

			.table-upd tbody input[type="file"] {
				display: inline;

			.table-upd tbody button {
				padding : 7px;
				margin: 15px;
			.table-upd thead tr td {
				text-align: center;
			<table class='table table-bordered table-striped table-upd' id = "uploaddet">
						<tr class='ui-state-default ui-jqgrid-hdiv'>
							<td style='padding:2px; width:30px; border-left:1px solid #C5DBEC; 
							border-right:1px solid #C5DBEC; 
							border-bottom:1px solid #C5DBEC;'
							>Sl. No.
							<td style='padding:2px; width:265px; 
							border-right:1px solid #C5DBEC; 
							border-bottom:1px solid #C5DBEC;' >Description</td>
                            <td style='padding:2px; width:190px; border-right:1px solid #C5DBEC; 
                            border-bottom:1px solid #C5DBEC;'>
                            <td style='padding:2px; width:65px; 
                            border-right:1px solid #C5DBEC; 
                            border-bottom:1px solid #C5DBEC;'>
        var masdoc = $responce.data.masdoc;
        let z = 1;
        var alist = "";
        $.each(masdoc, function(key, value) {
          alist = "";

          uploadtable += `<tr class='ui-widget-content jqgrow'>
                <td class='tbl_row_new' align='center' 
                style='border-left:1px solid #C5DBEC; 
                border-right:1px solid #C5DBEC; padding:2px;text-align:center;'>
                <td class='tbl_row_new' align='center' style='border-right:1px solid #C5DBEC; padding:2px;' id = "doc_upload_${
				<td class='tbl_row_new' align='center' style='border-right:1px solid #C5DBEC; padding:2px;' >
					<input type="file"  name="${value.FFILENAME}"
					id="${value.FFILENAME}" class = "upd-file"
					style="width:100px;padding:5px 0px;" />
					<input type = "hidden" id = "h_${value.FFILENAME}"> 
					 <span class="raval_submit" style="margin-top: 2px;width:50px;
					 float:right;margin-left:0px;cursor: pointer;color:#545345; 
					 line-height: 25px;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold;" 
					 onclick= 'DisplayUserSelectedfile("${value.FFILENAME}")'>Upload</span>
                <td class='tbl_row_new' style='border-right:1px solid #C5DBEC; padding:2px;' id="attach_td_${

function loaddegreeResponseAdm($responceCat) {
  $responceCat = eval("(" + $responceCat + ")");
  if ($responceCat.error_code == 0) {
    var optionsAsString = "<option value=''>--Select Degree--</option>";
    for (var i = 0; i < $responceCat.data.length; i++) {
      optionsAsString +=
        "<option value='" +
        $responceCat.data[i].internal_code +
        "'>" +
        $responceCat.data[i].internal_code +
        "-" +
        $responceCat.data[i].value +


function DisplayAdmentryApplication(type) {
  var adm_degree = $("#adm_degree").val();

  if (empty(adm_degree)) {
    alert("Please Select Degree");
    return false;

  gentrydegree = adm_degree;
  gentrytype = type;
      "<h1 class='h1' style='font-size:12px'><img src='img/ajax-loader.gif' border='0'></h1>"
  var parameters = `&degree=${$("#adm_degree").val()}+&type=+${type}`;
    type: "POST",
    data: parameters,
    url: $host_url + "DisplayAdmentryApplication",
    success: DisplayAdmentryApplicationResponce

function DisplayAdmentryApplicationResponce(responce) {
  responce = eval("(" + responce + ")");

function AddEditStudentDetails(degree, mobile, name, type) {
    type: "POST",
    url: $host_url + "getAdmentryApplication.demo",
      "mobile=" +
      mobile +
      "&degree=" +
      degree +
      "&name=" +
      name +
      "&type=" +
    success: getAdmentryApplicationResponse

function getAdmentryApplicationResponse($responce) {
  $responce = eval("(" + $responce + ")");
  document.getElementById("is_add_edit").value = "Edit";

  if ($responce.error_code == 0 || $responce.error_code == -1) {
    $("#page_main_div").load("html_modules/adm_entry.html", function() {
      var option = '<option value="">--Select--</option>';
      var d = new Date();
      var year = d.getFullYear();
      for (var j = year; j > 1980; j--) {
        option += "<option value='" + j + "'>" + j + "</option>";


      var serv_arr = $responce.data["mascomb"];
      var serv_title = "";
      FillDropdownValues(serv_arr, "combination", serv_title);

      var serv_arr = $responce.data["category"];
      var serv_title = "";
      FillDropdownValues(serv_arr, "degree_category", serv_title);

      var serv_arr = $responce.data["degree"];
      var serv_title = "";
      FillDropdownValues(serv_arr, "student_entry_degree_code", serv_title);

      /*var serv_arr = $responce.data['boards'];
			var serv_title = '';

      // $("#subject_appearing").show();
      // $("#subject_appearing").html($responce.data.html);

      //gentrytype = $responce.data.perdetl['type'];
      if (gentrytype == "EA") {
        var gender = $responce.data.perdetl["student_entry_gender"];
        if (gender != "") {
          var $radios = $("input:radio[name=student_entry_gender]");
          $radios.filter("[value=" + gender + "]").attr("checked", true);

        $("#perdetl input[type=text],#perdet select").each(function(l) {

        $("#univdetl input[type=text],#univdetl select").each(function(l) {
      } else {

      document.getElementById("student_entry_mobile").disabled = true;

      let uploadtable = `<style type = "text/css">
			.table-upd tbody tr td {
				padding : 2px;
				text-align: left;
			.table-upd tbody upd-file {
				display: inline !important;

			.table-upd tbody input[type="file"] {
				display: inline;

			.table-upd tbody button {
				padding : 7px;
				margin: 15px;
			.table-upd thead tr td {
				text-align: center;
			<table class='table table-bordered table-striped table-upd' id = "uploaddet">
						<tr class='ui-state-default ui-jqgrid-hdiv'>
							<td style='padding:2px; width:30px; border-left:1px solid #C5DBEC; 
							border-right:1px solid #C5DBEC; 
							border-bottom:1px solid #C5DBEC;'
							>Sl. No.
							<td style='padding:2px; width:265px; 
							border-right:1px solid #C5DBEC; 
							border-bottom:1px solid #C5DBEC;' >Description</td>
                            <td style='padding:2px; width:190px; border-right:1px solid #C5DBEC; 
                            border-bottom:1px solid #C5DBEC;'>
                            <td style='padding:2px; width:65px; 
                            border-right:1px solid #C5DBEC; 
                            border-bottom:1px solid #C5DBEC;'>
      var masdoc = $responce.data.masdoc;
      let z = 1;
      var alist = "";
      $.each(masdoc, function(key, value) {
        alist = "";

        uploadtable += `<tr class='ui-widget-content jqgrow'>
                <td class='tbl_row_new' align='center' 
                style='border-left:1px solid #C5DBEC; 
                border-right:1px solid #C5DBEC; padding:2px;text-align:center;'>
                <td class='tbl_row_new' align='center' style='border-right:1px solid #C5DBEC; padding:2px;' id = "doc_upload_${
				<td class='tbl_row_new' align='center' style='border-right:1px solid #C5DBEC; padding:2px;' >
					<input type="file"  name="${value.FFILENAME}"
					id="${value.FFILENAME}" class = "upd-file"
					style="width:100px;padding:5px 0px;" />
					<input type = "hidden" id = "h_${value.FFILENAME}"> 
					 <span class="raval_submit" style="margin-top: 2px;width:50px;
					 float:right;margin-left:0px;cursor: pointer;color:#545345; 
					 line-height: 25px;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold;" 
					 onclick= 'DisplayUserSelectedfile("${value.FFILENAME}")'>Upload</span>
                <td class='tbl_row_new' style='border-right:1px solid #C5DBEC; padding:2px;' id="attach_td_${
  } else if ($responce.error_code == -2) {
    DeletedRecords = 0;
    //$("#error_msg").html(" In Valid SL Number ");
    alert("In Valid SL Number");

function DisplaystudentSignature() {
  var valid_file_extentions = new Array("jpeg", "jpg", "JPEG", "JPG");
  var ext = $("#student_entry_signupload").val();
  filepath = ext;
  ext = ext.substring(ext.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
  ext = ext.toLowerCase();
  if (ext != "" && !in_array(ext, valid_file_extentions)) {
    alert("Select valid photo!");
    return false;

      "<h1 class='h1' style='font-size:12px'><img src='img/ajax-loader.gif' border='0'></h1>"
  var lstr_data = "&filepath=" + filepath;
  $upload = $host_url + "DiaplayStudentSignature&" + lstr_data;

    .setAttribute("action", $upload);
  return AIM.submit(
    { onComplete: DiaplayStudentSignatureResponse }

function DiaplayStudentSignatureResponse($responce) {
  $responce = eval("(" + $responce + ")");
  if ($responce.error_code == 0) {
    $("#student_signature_photo").attr("src", $responce.data);
  } else if ($responce.error_code == -1)
    $("#student_signature_photo").attr("src", "images/sign_logo.png");
  else if ($responce.error_code == -2) {
    $("#student_signature_photo").attr("src", "images/sign_logo.png");

function GetCombinationSubjectList() {
  if (jQuery.trim($("#student_entry_degree_code").val()) != "") {
    $sl_no = "";

    $sl_no = encodeURIComponent(trim($("#student_entry_admno").val()));
      type: "POST",
      url: $host_url + "getsubjectAppearingTotal.demo",
        "degree_code=" +
        $("#student_entry_degree_code").val() +
        "&exam=" +
        $("#student_entry_exam").val() +
        "&sl_no=" +
        $sl_no +
        "&pmode=" +
        $g_student_retain_per_mode +
        "&sub_degree=" +
        encodeURIComponent(trim($("#student_entry_sub_degree_code").val())) +
        "&combination=" +
      success: subjectAppearingTotalResponse
function subjectAppearingTotalResponse($responce) {
  $responce = eval("(" + $responce + ")");
  $g_subject_appearing = $responce.data;
  $g_remaining_counter_inc = $responce.data.remaining_count;

function DiaplayStudentPhoto() {
  //var valid_file_extentions = new Array("jpeg", "jpg",);
  var valid_file_extentions = new Array("jpeg", "jpg", "JPEG", "JPG");
  var ext = $("#student_entry_upload").val();
  filepath = ext;
  // ext = ext.substring(ext.length - 3, ext.length);
  ext = ext.substring(ext.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
  ext = ext.toLowerCase();
  if (ext != "" && !in_array(ext, valid_file_extentions)) {
    alert("Select valid photo!");
    return false;

      "<h1 class='h1' style='font-size:12px'><img src='img/ajax-loader.gif' border='0'></h1>"
  var lstr_data = "&filepath=" + filepath;
  $upload = $host_url + "DiaplayStudentPhoto&" + lstr_data;

    .setAttribute("action", $upload);
  return AIM.submit(
    { onComplete: DiaplayStudentPhotoResponse }

function DiaplayStudentPhotoResponse($responce) {
  $responce = eval("(" + $responce + ")");
  if ($responce.error_code == 0) {
    $("#student_entry_photo").attr("src", $responce.data);
  } else if ($responce.error_code == -1)
    $("#student_entry_photo").attr("src", "images/default_photo.png");
  else if ($responce.error_code == -2) {
    $("#student_entry_photo").attr("src", "images/default_photo.png");

function DisplayUserSelectedfile(file_name) {
  var valid_file_extentions = new Array("jpeg", "jpg", "pdf", "JPEG", "JPG");

  var ext = $("#" + file_name).val();
  filepath = ext;
  // ext = ext.substring(ext.length - 3, ext.length);
  ext = ext.substring(ext.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
  ext = ext.toLowerCase();
  if (ext != "" && !in_array(ext, valid_file_extentions)) {
    alert("Select valid File");
    $("#" + file_name).val("");
    return false;

      "<h1 class='h1' style='font-size:12px'><img src='img/ajax-loader.gif' border='0'></h1>"
  var lstr_data = "&filepath=" + filepath + "&file_name=" + file_name;
  $upload = $host_url + "DisplayUserSelectedfile&" + lstr_data;

    .setAttribute("action", $upload);
  return AIM.submit(
    { onComplete: DisplayUserSelectedfileResponse }

function DisplayUserSelectedfileResponse($responce) {
  $responce = eval("(" + $responce + ")");
  if ($responce.error_code == 0) {
    $("#h_" + $responce.data.file_name).val($responce.data.path);

    var str = `<a href = "${$responce.data.path}" target = "_blank">${
      "attach_td_" + $responce.data.file_name
    ).innerHTML = str;
    console.log($("#h_" + $responce.data.file_name).val());
  } else if ($responce.error_code == -2) {

function Upload(file_file) {
  var file_name = $("#" + file_file).val();
  if (file_name == "") {
    alert("Please Select File.");
  var file_size = $("#" + file_file)[0].files[0].size;
  var file_extn = file_name.split(".").pop();
  var file_extn = file_extn.toLowerCase();
  if (file_extn == "jpeg" || file_extn == "jpg" || file_extn == "pdf") {
  } else {
    alert("JPEG, JPG, PDF files are allowed!");
    return false;

  if (file_size >= 10000000) {
    alert("Upload files with size less then 2MB!");
    return false;

  var file_data = $("#" + file_file).prop("files")[0];
  var form_data = new FormData();
  form_data.append("file", file_data);

      "<h1 class='h1' style='font-size:12px'><img src='../images/ajax-loader.gif' border='0'></h1>"
    type: "POST",
    url: "upload_file.php",
    data: form_data,
    cache: false,
    contentType: false,
    processData: false,
    success: function(data) {

      $("#h_" + file_file).val(data);

      var str = `<a href = "${data}" target = "_blank">${file_file}</a>`;
      document.getElementById("attach_td_" + file_file).innerHTML = str;
    error: function(data) {

function Uploadphotosignature(file_file) {
  var file_name = $("#" + file_file).val();
  if (file_name == "") {
    alert("Please Select File.");
  var file_size = $("#" + file_file)[0].files[0].size;
  var file_extn = file_name.split(".").pop();
  var file_extn = file_extn.toLowerCase();
  if (file_extn == "jpeg" || file_extn == "jpg" || file_extn == "pdf") {
  } else {
    alert("JPEG, JPG, PDF files are allowed!");
    return false;

  if (file_size >= 10000000) {
    alert("Upload files with size less then 2MB!");
    return false;

  var file_data = $("#" + file_file).prop("files")[0];
  var form_data = new FormData();
  form_data.append("file", file_data);

  //$.blockUI({ message: "<h1 class='h1' style='font-size:12px'><img src='../images/ajax-loader.gif' border='0'></h1>" });
    type: "POST",
    url: "upload_file.php",
    data: form_data,
    cache: false,
    contentType: false,
    processData: false,
    success: function(data) {
      //var str = `<a href = "${data}" target = "_blank">${file_file}</a>`;
      //document.getElementById('attach_td_'+file_file).innerHTML = str;
    error: function(data) {

function FillDropdownValues(arr, ele_name, def_title) {
  document.getElementById(ele_name).options.length = 0;

  var option = "<option value=''>--Select--</option>";
  for (let value of arr) {
    option +=
      "<option value='" + value.int_code + "'>" + value.val + "</option>";
  $("#" + ele_name).append(option);

function CalculateSETotalFee() {
  var student_entry_reg_fee = parseFloat(
      ? 0.0
      : $("#student_entry_reg_fee").val()
  var student_entry_exam_fee = parseFloat(
      ? 0.0
      : $("#student_entry_exam_fee").val()
  var student_entry_grade_card_fee = parseFloat(
      ? 0.0
      : $("#student_entry_grade_card_fee").val()
  var total_fee = parseFloat(
    student_entry_reg_fee +
      student_entry_exam_fee +

function getLateralEntrySubjects() {
  if (document.getElementById("is_lateral_entry").checked == true) {
  } else {

function GetCombinationFeeListResponse($responce) {
  $responce = eval("(" + $responce + ")");

function CalculateTotalFeePaid() {
  var obj = $("input[id*='fee_paying_']");
  var tot_paid = 0;
  jQuery.each(obj, function(k, v) {
    tot_paid = tot_paid + parseFloat($("#" + v["id"]).val());

function multifileUpload(degree) {
  var lstr_query_string = "degree=" + degree;
    type: "POST",
    url: $host_url + "GetCMSAmountValue",
    data: lstr_query_string,
    success: function GetCMSAmountValueResponce(responce) {
      try {
        responce = eval("(" + responce + ")");
        $("#exam_table tbody input").inputmask({
          mask: "9",
          repeat: 3,
          greedy: false
      } catch (err) {
        txt = err.message;

var avgTotalPer = 0;

function calcuPercent(index) {
  var secrmarks = $("#marks_sec" + index).val();
  var maxmarks = $("#marks_total" + index).val();

  if (parseInt(maxmarks) < parseInt(secrmarks)) {
    alert("Maximum marks should be greater than Secured marks");
    $("#marks_per" + index).val("");
    $("#marks_total" + index).val("");
    $("#marks_total" + index).focus();
    return false;
  if (secrmarks != "" && maxmarks != "") {
    var pertage = (parseInt(secrmarks) / parseInt(maxmarks)) * 100;
    pertage = pertage.toFixed(2);
    $("#marks_per" + index).val(pertage);

  var yscnt = $("#nosemYear").val();
  var secureTotal = 0;
  var maxTotal = 0;
  for (var j = 1; j <= yscnt; j++) {
    var secureVal = 0;
    var secure = $("#marks_sec" + j).val();
    if (secure != "") {
      secureVal = parseInt($("#marks_sec" + j).val());
    secureTotal += secureVal;

    var maxMarks = $("#marks_total" + j).val();
    var maxVMarksVal = 0;
    if (maxMarks != "") {
      maxVMarksVal = parseInt($("#marks_total" + j).val());
    maxTotal += maxVMarksVal;

  if (maxTotal != 0 && secureTotal != 0) {
    var totalpertage = (parseInt(secureTotal) / parseInt(maxTotal)) * 100;
    totalpertage = totalpertage.toFixed(2);
    avgTotalPer = totalpertage;

function acceptNumbersOnlyForModule(ev) {
  var keyCode = window.event ? ev.keyCode : ev.which;

  //codes for 0-9
  if (keyCode < 48 || keyCode > 57) {
    //codes for backspace, delete, enter
    if (keyCode != 0 && keyCode != 8 && keyCode != 13 && !ev.ctrlKey) {

function SelectBoardCode() {
  var id = jQuery("#table_grid3").getGridParam("selrow");
  if (id != null) {
      type: "POST",
      async: false,
      url: $host_url + "getBoardNames.demo",
      data: "board_id=" + id,
      success: PopulateBoardResponse
  } else {
    alert("Please select row");

function GetCombinationFeeList() {
  var fdegree = $("#student_entry_degree_code").val();
  if (empty(fdegree)) {
    alert("Please Select Degree");
    return false;
  var fexamno = "A";
  var fcatcode = $("#degree_category").val();

  var fcombcode = $("#combination").val();
  var fstudtype = $("#fstudtype").val();

  var lstr_str = "&fdegree=" + fdegree;
  lstr_str += "&fexamno=" + fexamno;
  lstr_str += "&fcombcode=" + fcombcode;
  lstr_str += "&fstudtype=" + fstudtype;
  lstr_str += "&fcatcode=" + fcatcode;
  lstr_str += "&fsl_no=" + $("#student_entry_slno").val();

    type: "POST",
    async: false,
    url: $host_url + "GetCombinationFeeList",
    data: lstr_str,
    success: GetCombinationFeeListResponse

function GetCombinationFeeListResponse($responce) {
  $responce = eval("(" + $responce + ")");


function loaddegree() {
    type: "POST",
    async: false,
    url: $host_url + "loaddegree",
    success: loaddegreeResponse

function loaddegreeResponse($responceCat) {
  $responceCat = eval("(" + $responceCat + ")");
  if ($responceCat.error_code == 0) {
    var optionsAsString = "<option value=''> Select Degree </option>";
    for (var i = 0; i < $responceCat.data.length; i++) {
      optionsAsString +=
        "<option value='" +
        $responceCat.data[i].internal_code +
        "'>" +
        $responceCat.data[i].value +


function onlyAlphabets(e, t) {
  try {
    var charCode = e.which || e.keyCode;
    if (
      (charCode > 47 && charCode < 58) ||
      (charCode > 64 && charCode < 91) ||
      (charCode > 96 && charCode < 123) ||
      charCode == 32 ||
      charCode == 190 ||
      charCode == 8 ||
      charCode == 188 ||
      charCode == 9 ||
      charCode == 46 ||
      charCode == 35 ||
      charCode == 36 ||
      charCode == 44
    ) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;
  } catch (err) {

function admentrydisplay() {
  var html = "";
  if (gentrytype == "wm") html = "html_modules/ack_admentry_application.html";
  if (gentrytype == "wom")
    html = "html_modules/ack_admentrywom_application.html";
  if (gentrytype == "EA") html = "html_modules/adm_edit_application.html";

  $("#page_main_div").load(`${html}`, function() {
    if (gentrytype == "EA") {
      document.getElementById("display_module_name").innerHTML =
        "Admission Entry";
      document.getElementById("module_name_for_save").value = "Admission Entry";
    } else {
      document.getElementById("display_module_name").innerHTML =
        "Edit Application";
      document.getElementById("module_name_for_save").value =
        "Edit Application";


function SaveStudentEntry() {
  jsonObj = [];
  gRgPerinfo = "";
  subdet = [];

  var missing_fields = [];

  if (document.getElementById("student_entry_upload").value == "") {
    missing_fields.push("Student Photo");

  /*if(document.getElementById("student_entry_signupload").value == '' )
		missing_fields.push("Student Signature");

  $("#perdetl input[type=text],#perdetl select,#perdetl textarea").each(
    function() {
      item = {};
      item["id"] = $(this).attr("id");
      item["value"] = $(this).val();
      if (
        $(this).val() == "" &&
        $(this).attr("id") != "student_entry_admno" &&
        $(this).attr("id") != "student_entry_national" &&
        $(this).attr("id") != "seAadharNumber" &&
        $(this).attr("id") != "student_entry_phone" &&
        $(this).attr("id") != "contactno" &&
        $(this).attr("id") != "student_entry_fincome"
      ) {

  var radio_names = ["student_entry_gender"];
  for (var i = 0; i < radio_names.length; i++) {
    if (!$('input[name="' + radio_names[i] + '"]').is(":checked")) {

  $("#subject_appearing .subcode input[type=text]").each(function() {
    if ($(this).val() == "") {
      missing_fields.push("Subject " + i);

  /*$("#univdetl input[type=text],#univdetl select").each(function()
 		if($(this).val() == '')

  var html_string = "";
  var i = 1;

  for (let field of missing_fields) {
    html_string += `\t ${i} ${field} \n`;

  var msg = "The Following fields are missing \n";

  if (missing_fields.length > 0) {
    msg += ` ${html_string}`;
  } else {
    $("#uploaddet input[type=hidden]").each(function() {
      var item = {};
      item["id"] = $(this).attr("id");
      item["value"] = $(this).val();

    $("#perdetl input[type=text],#perdetl select").each(function() {
      item = {};
      item["id"] = $(this).attr("id");
      item["value"] = $(this).val();

    $("#univdetl input[type=text],#univdetl select").each(function() {
      item = {};
      item["id"] = $(this).attr("id");
      item["value"] = $(this).val();

    perinfo = encodeURI(JSON.stringify(jsonObj));
    $("#subject_appearing .subcode input[type=text]").each(function() {
      item = {};

      item["id"] = $(this).attr("id");
      item["value"] = $(this).val();

    if ($("#fee_paying_1").val() == "0") {
      alert("Please Enter Amount");

    var fappno = "";
    var phpfile = "savestudententryapplication";
    if (gentrytype == "EA") {
      phpfile = "savestudentapplication";
      fappno = $("#student_entry_admno").val();

    gRgPerinfo = encodeURI(JSON.stringify(jsonObj));
    subdet = JSON.stringify(subdet);

    rgMultiMarks = [];
    $("#qalsemdet tr.ui-widget-content").each((i, el) => {
      var rgQal = $(el).find("td input");
      var rgTr = [];
      $.each(rgQal, (j, val) => {
        var item = {};
        item["name"] = val.name;
        item["value"] = val.value;

    var gender = $("input[name='student_entry_gender']:checked").val();
    var student_photo = $("#student_entry_photo_hidden").val();
    var student_sign = $("#student_entry_signupload_hidden").val();
    var datastring =
      "personal_info=" +
      gRgPerinfo +
      "&pRgSubjects=" +
      subdet +
      "&student_sign=" +
      student_sign +
      "&student_photo=" +
      student_photo +
      "&type=" +
      gentrytype +
      "&gender=" +
      gender +
      "&fappno=" +
      fappno +
      "&rgMultiMarks=" +

        "<h1 class='h1' style='font-size:12px'><img src='img/ajax-loader.gif' border='0'></h1>"
      type: "POST",
      data: datastring,
      url: $host_url + phpfile,
      success: function(responce) {
        responce = eval("(" + responce + ")");
        if (responce.error_code === -1) {
          alert("Updation Failed");
        } else {
            "Updated successfuly. Application Number is : " + responce.data
          var r = confirm("Do You Want to print the application?");

          if (r) {
            var parameters = "&app_no=" + trim(responce.data);
            window.location.href =
              $host_url + "printApplication.demo" + parameters;

function calcPercent() {
  var secrmarks = $("#secmarks").val();
  var maxmarks = $("#maxmarks").val();

  if (parseInt(maxmarks) < parseInt(secrmarks)) {
    alert("Maximum marks should be greater than Secured marks");
    return false;

  if (secrmarks != "" && maxmarks != "") {
    var pertage = (parseInt(secrmarks) / parseInt(maxmarks)) * 100;
    pertage = pertage.toFixed(2);

function getcombinationsubjectdetdeg() {
  var LT = $("#LT").val();
  var exam = "A";
  if (LT == "T") exam = "C";

    type: "POST",
    url: $host_url + "getcombinationsubjectdetdeg",
      "degree_code=" +
      $("#student_entry_degree_code").val() +
      "&combination=" +
      $("#combination").val() +
      "&exam=" +
    success: getcombinationsubjectdetdegResponse

function getcombinationsubjectdetdegResponse(responce) {
  responce = eval("(" + responce + ")");
  if (responce.error_code === -1) {
  } else {
    var LT = $("#LT").val();
    var exam = "A";
    if (LT == "T") exam = "C";


function ViewStudentDetails() {
  $main =
    "<table id='view_student_entry' class='scroll' ondblclick='SelectStudentRowId();'></table> <div id='sub_grid_div' class='scroll' style='text-align:center;'></div>";
  document.getElementById("page_main_div").innerHTML = $main;
  var student_details = jQuery("#view_student_entry")
      url: $host_url + "ViewStudentDetails",
      datatype: "json",
      colNames: ["Sl No", "Degree", "Exam", "Student Count"],
      colModel: [
        { name: "grid_sl_no", index: "grid_sl_no", width: 50 },
        { name: "grid_degree", index: "grid_degree", width: 100 },
        { name: "grid_exam", index: "grid_exam", width: 100, align: "center" },
        { name: "grid_name", index: "grid_name", width: 100, align: "center" }
      rowNum: 20,
      rowList: [20, 30, 40, 60],
      imgpath: $img_path,
      pager: jQuery("#sub_grid_div"),
      sortname: "id",
      height: "250",
      viewrecords: true,
      sortorder: "desc",
      multiselect: true,
      cellEdit: true,
      width: "840",
      caption: "Student Details"
      { edit: false, add: false, del: false, search: false },
      { multipleSearch: true }
    .navButtonAdd("#sub_grid_div", {
      caption: "Toggle",
      buttonicon: "ui-icon-pin-s",
      onClickButton: function() {
    .navButtonAdd("#sub_grid_div", {
      caption: "Edit",
      onClickButton: function() {
  $(".ui-search-toolbar").bind("keydown", function(evt) {
    var kC = evt.which ? evt.which : evt.keyCode;
    if (kC == 40) jQuery("#degree_grid").editCell(0, 0, false);

function ViewDegreeWiseStudentDetails(degid) {
  $main =
    "<table id='view_student_entry' class='scroll' ondblclick='SelectDegreeWiseStudentRowId();'></table> <div id='sub_grid_div' class='scroll' style='text-align:center;'></div>";
  document.getElementById("page_main_div").innerHTML = $main;
  var student_details = jQuery("#view_student_entry")
      url: $host_url + "ViewDegreeWiseStudentDetails" + "&degid=" + degid,
      datatype: "json",
      colNames: ["App. No.", "Degree", "Branch", "Exam", "Name", "Created By"],
      colModel: [
        { name: "grid_sl_no", index: "grid_sl_no", width: 70 },
        { name: "grid_degree", index: "grid_degree", width: 100 },
        { name: "grid_sub_degree", index: "grid_sub_degree", width: 100 },
        { name: "grid_exam", index: "grid_exam", width: 100 },
        { name: "grid_name", index: "grid_name", width: 100 },
        { name: "created_by", index: "created_by", width: 100 }
      rowNum: 200,
      rowList: [200, 300, 400, 600],
      imgpath: $img_path,
      pager: jQuery("#sub_grid_div"),
      sortname: "id",
      height: "250",
      viewrecords: true,
      sortorder: "desc",
      multiselect: true,
      cellEdit: true,
      width: "840",
      caption: "Student Details",
      editurl: $host_url + "deleteStudentDetails"
      { edit: false, add: false, del: false, search: false },
      { multipleSearch: true }
    .navButtonAdd("#sub_grid_div", {
      caption: "Toggle",
      buttonicon: "ui-icon-pin-s",
      onClickButton: function() {
    .navButtonAdd("#sub_grid_div", {
      caption: "Delete",
      buttonicon: "ui-icon-trash",
      onClickButton: function() {
    .navButtonAdd("#sub_grid_div", {
      caption: "Edit",
      onClickButton: function() {
  $(".ui-search-toolbar").bind("keydown", function(evt) {
    var kC = evt.which ? evt.which : evt.keyCode;
    if (kC == 40) jQuery("#degree_grid").editCell(0, 0, false);

function SelectStudentRowId() {
  var id = jQuery("#view_student_entry").getGridParam("selrow");
  if (id) {
  } else {
    alert("Please select row in grid");

function SelectDegreeWiseStudentRowId() {
  var id = jQuery("#view_student_entry").getGridParam("selrow");
  if (id) {
    var dataset = jQuery("#view_student_entry").getRowData(id);

    $g_se_degree = dataset["grid_degree"];
    $geditinternalcode = dataset["grid_sl_no"];

    EditAdmStudentDetails($geditinternalcode, $g_se_degree);
  } else {
    alert("Please select row in grid");

function EditAdmStudentDetails(id, degree) {
      "<h1 class='h1' style='font-size:12px'><img src='img/ajax-loader.gif' border='0'></h1>"
    type: "POST",
    url: $host_url + "getappnostudentdetails.demo",
    data: "app_no=" + id + "&degree=" + degree,
    success: function($responce) {
      $responce = eval("(" + $responce + ")");
        function() {
          var option = '<option value="">--Select--</option>';
          var d = new Date();
          var year = d.getFullYear();
          for (var j = year; j > 1980; j--) {
            option += "<option value='" + j + "'>" + j + "</option>";


          var serv_arr = $responce.data["mascomb"];
          var serv_title = "";
          FillDropdownValues(serv_arr, "combination", serv_title);

          var serv_arr = $responce.data["category"];
          var serv_title = "";
          FillDropdownValues(serv_arr, "degree_category", serv_title);

          var serv_arr = $responce.data["degree"];
          var serv_title = "";
          FillDropdownValues(serv_arr, "student_entry_degree_code", serv_title);

          var serv_arr = $responce.data["boards"];
          var serv_title = "";
          FillDropdownValues(serv_arr, "seUniversityName", serv_title);

          var gender = $responce.data.perdetl["student_entry_gender"];
          if (gender != "") {
            var $radios = $("input:radio[name=student_entry_gender]");
            $radios.filter("[value=" + gender + "]").attr("checked", true);

          $("#perdetl input[type=text],#perdet select").each(function(l) {

          $("#univdetl input[type=text],#univdetl select").each(function(l) {

          let uploadtable = `<style type = "text/css">
					.table-upd tbody tr td {
						padding : 2px;
						text-align: left;
					.table-upd tbody upd-file {
						display: inline !important;

					.table-upd tbody input[type="file"] {
						display: inline;

					.table-upd tbody button {
						padding : 7px;
						margin: 15px;
					.table-upd thead tr td {
						text-align: center;
					<table class='table table-bordered table-striped table-upd' id = "uploaddet">
								<tr class='ui-state-default ui-jqgrid-hdiv'>
									<td style='padding:2px; width:30px; 
									border-left:1px solid #C5DBEC; 
									border-right:1px solid #C5DBEC; 
									border-bottom:1px solid #C5DBEC;'
									>Sl. No.
									<td style='padding:2px; width:265px; 
									border-right:1px solid #C5DBEC; 
									border-bottom:1px solid #C5DBEC;' >Description</td>
		                            <td style='padding:2px; width:190px; border-right:1px solid #C5DBEC; 
		                            border-bottom:1px solid #C5DBEC;'>
		                            <td style='padding:2px; width:65px; 
		                            border-right:1px solid #C5DBEC; 
		                            border-bottom:1px solid #C5DBEC;'>
		                            <td style='padding:2px; width:65px; 
		                            border-right:1px solid #C5DBEC; 
		                            border-bottom:1px solid #C5DBEC;'>
		                            Remove File</td>
          var masdoc = $responce.data.masdoc;

          let z = 1;
          var alist = "";
          $.each(masdoc, function(key, value) {
            alist = "";
            if (value.file_path != "") {
              alist = `<a href = "${value.file_path}" target = '_blank'>${
            uploadtable += `<tr class='ui-widget-content jqgrow'>
		                <td class='tbl_row_new' align='center' 
		                style='border-left:1px solid #C5DBEC; 
		                border-right:1px solid #C5DBEC; padding:2px;'>
		                <td class='tbl_row_new' align='center' style='border-right:1px solid #C5DBEC; padding:2px;' id = "doc_upload_${
						<td class='tbl_row_new' align='center' style='border-right:1px solid #C5DBEC; padding:2px;' >
							<input type="file"  name="${value.FFILENAME}"
							id="${value.FFILENAME}" class = "upd-file"
							style="width:100px;padding:5px 0px;" />
							<input type = "hidden" id = "h_${value.FFILENAME}"> 
							 <span class="raval_submit" style="margin-top: 2px;width:50px;
							 float:right;margin-left:0px;cursor: pointer;color:#545345; 
							 line-height: 25px;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold;" 
							 onclick= 'DisplayUserSelectedfile("${value.FFILENAME}")'>Upload</span>
		                <td class='tbl_row_new' style='border-right:1px solid #C5DBEC; padding:2px;' id="attach_td_${
		            	<td class='tbl_row_new' align='center' style='border-right:1px solid #C5DBEC; padding:2px;' >
							 <span class="raval_submit" style="margin-top: 2px;width:50px;
							 float:right;margin-left:0px;cursor: pointer;color:#545345; 
							 line-height: 25px;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold;" 
							 onclick= 'removedocument("${value.FFILENAME}")'>Remove</span>

function adddyrow() {
  if ($("#qalsemdet tr").length > 0)
    var last_row_id = $("#qalsemdet tr.ui-widget-content td input");

  var ids = $("#qalsemdet tr").length;

  var rowIncrId = parseInt(ids) - 1;
  var i = parseInt(ids) - 2;
  var semsub = $("#subsem1_" + i).val();
  var semmo1 = $("#subsem1mo_" + i).val();
  var semmm1 = $("#subsem1mm_" + i).val();
  var semmo2 = $("#subsem2mo_" + i).val();
  var semmm2 = $("#subsem2mm_" + i).val();
  var semmo3 = $("#subsem3mo_" + i).val();
  var semmm3 = $("#subsem3mm_" + i).val();
  var semmo4 = $("#subsem4mo_" + i).val();
  var semmm4 = $("#subsem4mm_" + i).val();
  var semmo5 = $("#subsem5mo_" + i).val();
  var semmm5 = $("#subsem5mm_" + i).val();
  var semmo6 = $("#subsem6mo_" + i).val();
  var semmm6 = $("#subsem6mm_" + i).val();

  if (
    semmo1 == "" ||
    semmo2 == "" ||
    semmo3 == "" ||
    semmo4 == "" ||
    semmo5 == "" ||
    semmo6 == "" ||
    semmm1 == "" ||
    semmm2 == "" ||
    semmm3 == "" ||
    semmm4 == "" ||
    semmm5 == "" ||
    semmm6 == "" ||
    semsub == ""
  ) {
    alert("Please enter all the details");

  var trRow = `<tr id = "${rowIncrId}" class='ui-widget-content jqgrow'>
		<td class='tbl_row_new tdfirst'>${rowIncrId}.</td>
		<td class='tbl_row_new'>
			<input type="text" name="subsem1_${rowIncrId}"  
			id = "subsem1_${rowIncrId}" 
			style="width: 175px !important;">
			<input type="hidden" name="subcode_${rowIncrId}"  id = "subcode_${rowIncrId}" value="S0${rowIncrId}">
		<td class='tbl_row_new'>
			<input type="text" name="subsem1mo_${rowIncrId}" 
			onchange = "gettoal('${rowIncrId}')"  
			onkeypress="return acceptNumbersOnlyForModule(event);" 
			id = "subsem1mo_${rowIncrId}">
		<td class='tbl_row_new'>
			<input type="text" name="subsem1mm_${rowIncrId}" 
			onchange = "gettoal('${rowIncrId}')" maxlength="4"
			onkeypress="return acceptNumbersOnlyForModule(event);" 
			id = "subsem1mm_${rowIncrId}">
		<td class='tbl_row_new'  >
			<input type="text" name="subsem2mo_${rowIncrId}" 
			onchange = "gettoal('${rowIncrId}')" maxlength="4"
			onkeypress="return acceptNumbersOnlyForModule(event);" 
			id = "subsem2mo_${rowIncrId}">
		<td class='tbl_row_new'>
			<input type="text" name="subsem2mm_${rowIncrId}" 
			onchange = "gettoal('${rowIncrId}')" maxlength="4"
			onkeypress="return acceptNumbersOnlyForModule(event);" 
			id = "subsem2mm_${rowIncrId}">
		<td class='tbl_row_new' >
			<input type="text" name="subsem3mo_${rowIncrId}" 
			onchange = "gettoal('${rowIncrId}')" maxlength="4"
			onkeypress="return acceptNumbersOnlyForModule(event);" 
			id = "subsem3mo_${rowIncrId}">
		<td class='tbl_row_new' >
			<input type="text" name="subsem3mm_${rowIncrId}" 
			onchange = "gettoal('${rowIncrId}')" maxlength="4"
			onkeypress="return acceptNumbersOnlyForModule(event);" 
			id = "subsem3mm_${rowIncrId}">
		<td class='tbl_row_new' >
			<input type="text" name="subsem4mo_${rowIncrId}" 
			onchange = "gettoal('${rowIncrId}')" maxlength="4"
			onkeypress="return acceptNumbersOnlyForModule(event);" 
			id = "subsem4mo_${rowIncrId}">
		<td class='tbl_row_new' >
			<input type="text" name="subsem4mm_${rowIncrId}" 
			onchange = "gettoal('${rowIncrId}')" maxlength="4"
			onkeypress="return acceptNumbersOnlyForModule(event);" 
			id = "subsem4mm_${rowIncrId}">
		<td class='tbl_row_new' >
			<input type="text" name="subsem5mo_${rowIncrId}" 
			onchange = "gettoal('${rowIncrId}')" maxlength="4"
			onkeypress="return acceptNumbersOnlyForModule(event);" 
			id = "subsem5mo_${rowIncrId}">
		<td class='tbl_row_new'>
			<input type="text" name="subsem5mm_${rowIncrId}" 
			onchange = "gettoal('${rowIncrId}')" maxlength="4"
			onkeypress="return acceptNumbersOnlyForModule(event);" 
			id = "subsem5mm_${rowIncrId}">
		<td class='tbl_row_new' >
			<input type="text" name="subsem6mo_${rowIncrId}" 
			onchange = "gettoal('${rowIncrId}')" maxlength="4"
			onkeypress="return acceptNumbersOnlyForModule(event);" 
			id = "subsem6mo_${rowIncrId}">
		<td class='tbl_row_new' >
			<input type="text" name="subsem6mm_${rowIncrId}" 
			onchange = "gettoal('${rowIncrId}')" maxlength="4"
			onkeypress="return acceptNumbersOnlyForModule(event);" 
			id = "subsem6mm_${rowIncrId}">
		<td class='tbl_row_new'>
			<input type="text" name="subtotalmo_${rowIncrId}" 
			maxlength="4" readonly 
			onkeypress="return acceptNumbersOnlyForModule(event);" 
			id = "subtotalmo_${rowIncrId}">
		<td class='tbl_row_new'>
			<input type="text" name="subtotalmm_${rowIncrId}" 
			maxlength="4" readonly 
			onkeypress="return acceptNumbersOnlyForModule(event);" 
			id = "subtotalmm_${rowIncrId}">
		<td class='tbl_row_new'>
			<input type="text" name="subpercentagemm_${rowIncrId}" 
			maxlength="5" readonly 
			onkeypress="return acceptNumbersOnlyForModule(event);" 
			style="max-width: 70px !important;" 
			id = "subpercentagemm_${rowIncrId}">
		<td class='tbl_row_new'>
			<span onclick="adddyrow()">
				<img src='images/add.png' style="width:19px; height:17px;">
			<span onclick="removedyrow('${rowIncrId}')">
				<img src='images/remove.png' style="float: right;width:19px;height:19px;">


function removedyrow(id) {
  var r = confirm("Are you sure you want to delete the Record");

  if (r) {
    if ($("#qalsemdet tr.ui-widget-content").length == 1) {
      alert("You cannot remove the last row");
    } else {
      $("#" + id).remove();
  } else {

  $("#qalsemdet tr.ui-widget-content").each((i, el) => {
      .html(++i + ".");

function calcPercent10() {
  if ($("#maxmarks10").val() == "") {
    alert("Enter SSLC Maximum Marks");
  if ($("#secmarks10").val() == "") {
    alert("Enter Secured Marks");
      (parseFloat($("#secmarks10").val()) * 100) /

function gettoal(i) {
  var semmo1 = parseInt($("#subsem1mo_" + i).val());
  var semmm1 = parseInt($("#subsem1mm_" + i).val());

  if (semmo1 > semmm1 && !isNaN(semmm1)) {
    alert("sem 1 obtained marks is greater than the max. marks");
    $("#subsem1mm_" + i).val("");
    $("#subsem1mo_" + i).val("");
    $("#subsem1mo_" + i).focus();

  var semmo2 = parseInt($("#subsem2mo_" + i).val());
  var semmm2 = parseInt($("#subsem2mm_" + i).val());

  if (semmo2 > semmm2 && !isNaN(semmm2)) {
    alert("sem 2 obtained marks is greater than the max. marks");
    $("#subsem2mm_" + i).val("");
    $("#subsem2mo_" + i).val("");
    $("#subsem2mo_" + i).focus();

  var semmo3 = parseInt($("#subsem3mo_" + i).val());
  var semmm3 = parseInt($("#subsem3mm_" + i).val());

  if (semmo3 > semmm3 && !isNaN(semmm3)) {
    alert("sem 3 obtained marks is greater than the max. marks");
    $("#subsem3mm_" + i).val("");
    $("#subsem3mo_" + i).val("");
    $("#subsem3mo_" + i).focus();

  var semmo4 = parseInt($("#subsem4mo_" + i).val());
  var semmm4 = parseInt($("#subsem4mm_" + i).val());

  if (semmo4 > semmm4 && !isNaN(semmm4)) {
    alert("sem 4 obtained marks is greater than the max. marks");
    $("#subsem4mm_" + i).val("");
    $("#subsem4mo_" + i).val("");
    $("#subsem4mo_" + i).focus();

  var semmo5 = parseInt($("#subsem5mo_" + i).val());
  var semmm5 = parseInt($("#subsem5mm_" + i).val());

  if (semmo5 > semmm5 && !isNaN(semmm5)) {
    alert("sem 5 obtained marks is greater than the max. marks");
    $("#subsem5mm_" + i).val("");
    $("#subsem5mo_" + i).val("");
    $("#subsem5mo_" + i).focus();

  var semmo6 = parseInt($("#subsem6mo_" + i).val());
  var semmm6 = parseInt($("#subsem6mm_" + i).val());

  if (semmo6 > semmm6 && !isNaN(semmm6)) {
    alert("sem 6 obtained marks is greater than the max. marks");
    $("#subsem6mm_" + i).val("");
    $("#subsem6mo_" + i).val("");
    $("#subsem6mo_" + i).focus();

  var totobt = 0;
  var totmarks = 0;

  if (
    !isNaN(semmo1) &&
    !isNaN(semmo2) &&
    !isNaN(semmo3) &&
    !isNaN(semmo4) &&
    !isNaN(semmo5) &&
  ) {
    totobt =
      parseInt(semmo1) +
      parseInt(semmo2) +
      parseInt(semmo3) +
      parseInt(semmo4) +
      parseInt(semmo5) +
    $("#subtotalmo_" + i).val(totobt);

  if (
    !isNaN(semmm1) &&
    !isNaN(semmm2) &&
    !isNaN(semmm3) &&
    !isNaN(semmm4) &&
    !isNaN(semmm5) &&
  ) {
    totmarks =
      parseInt(semmm1) +
      parseInt(semmm2) +
      parseInt(semmm3) +
      parseInt(semmm4) +
      parseInt(semmm5) +
    $("#subtotalmm_" + i).val(totmarks);
    var totpercetage = (parseInt(totobt) / parseInt(totmarks)) * 100;
    $("#subpercentagemm_" + i).val(Math.round(totpercetage * 100) / 100);