Linux ip-172-26-7-228 5.4.0-1103-aws #111~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue May 23 20:04:10 UTC 2023 x86_64
Your IP :
function Generatetopsheet($aobj_context)
$college_code = $_SESSION['collcode'];
$degree_code = $aobj_context->mobj_data["degree_code"];
$exam_code = $aobj_context->mobj_data["examno"];
$batch_from = $aobj_context->mobj_data["batch_from"];
$batch_to = $aobj_context->mobj_data["batch_to"];
// global varibales
$p_count =1;
// end global varibales
//echo getnumber_to_word("001"); die();
$pdf= new FPDF();
// query for the page header
$page_header_university = "select FUNIVNAME,FTOWN, date_format(now(),'%d/%m/%Y') as date from control";
$lobj_page_header_university = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($page_header_university);
$page_header_college ="select concat('[ ',FCOLLCODE,' ] ',FCOLLNAME,', ',FTOWN) as college_name
from college where FCOLLCODE='{$college_code}'";
$lobj_page_header_college = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($page_header_college);
$page_header_degree = "select concat('[ ',FDEGREE,' ] - ', FDESCPN) as Degree_name,
concat('( ', FEXAMNAME ,' Examination ',FEXAMDATE,')') as Exam ,FADYEAR
from degree where FDEGREE = '{$degree_code}' and FEXAMNO='{$exam_code}' ";
$lobj_page_header_degree = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($page_header_degree);
$page_header_REGROLL = "select FREGROLL, fsnglent from control";
$lobj_page_header_REGROLL = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($page_header_REGROLL);
$pdf->aobj_context =$aobj_context ;
//$pdf->WhichReport = 'MARKS_SUBJECTWISE';
$pdf->FUNIVNAME = $lobj_page_header_university[FUNIVNAME];
$pdf->FTOWN = $lobj_page_header_university[FTOWN];
$pdf->date_1 = $lobj_page_header_university['date'];
$pdf->college_name = $lobj_page_header_college['college_name'];
$pdf->Degree_name = $lobj_page_header_degree['Degree_name'];
$pdf->Exam = $lobj_page_header_degree['Exam'];
$pdf->AdmissionYear = $lobj_page_header_degree['FADYEAR'];
/* $get_total_absent= " select m.FSUBCODE,count(distinct m.FREGNO) as total_absent
from marks m inner join student stu on m.fdegree = stu.fdegree and m.FREGNO = stu.FREGNO
inner join subject s on m.fdegree = s.fdegree and m.fexamno = s.fexamno and m.FSUBCODE = s.FCSUBCODE
where m.FDEGREE = '{$degree_code}' and m.FEXAMNO = '{$exam_code}'
and m.FSUBCODE between '{$sublist_start}' and '{$sublist_end}'
and m.FCOLLCODE = '{$college_code}' and IFNULL(stu.FDELETED,'F') <> 'T'
and m.FMARKS = -2
group by m.FSUBCODE order by m.FSUBCODE";
$$lobj_get_total_absent = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetAll($get_total_absent);
//var_dump($lobj_get_total_absent); die();
//echo $get_total_absent; die();
} */
/* $get_subject_data= " select distinct mk.FCOLLCODE, mk.FDEGREE, mk.FEXAMNO, mk.FREGNO, mk.FSUBCODE, mk.FBATCH, if(ifnull(mk.fmarks11,-1) = -2,'ABSENT','') as MARKS from marks_pr mk
inner join student stu on mk.fdegree = stu.fdegree and mk.FREGNO=stu.FREGNO
inner join subject s on mk.fdegree = s.fdegree and mk.fexamno = s.fexamno and mk.FSUBCODE = s.FCSUBCODE
inner join colldeg c on mk.fdegree = c.fdegree
where mk.FDEGREE = 'msczl' and mk.FEXAMNO = 'a'
and mk.fbatch between '01' and '02' and mk.fcollcode = 'pg23'
order by FCSUBCODE, mk.FREGNO"; */
/* $get_subject_data = "select distinct mk.fcollcode, mk.fdegree, mk.fexamno, group_concat( distinct mk.FREGNO order by mk.FREGNO) AS FREGNO,
concat(mk.fsubcode,':',s.FSUBNAME) as fsubcode, mk.fbatch, group_concat(if(ifnull(mk.fmarks11,-1) = -2,'ABSENT','')) as Marks,
count(if(ifnull(mk.fmarks11,-1) = -2,'ABSENT','')) as cnt from marks_pr mk
inner join student stu on mk.fdegree = stu.fdegree and mk.FREGNO=stu.FREGNO
inner join subject s on mk.fdegree = s.fdegree and mk.fexamno = s.fexamno and mk.FSUBCODE = s.FCSUBCODE
inner join colldeg c on mk.fdegree = c.fdegree
where mk.FDEGREE = '{$degree_code}' and mk.FEXAMNO = '{$exam_code}'
and mk.fbatch between '{$batch_from}' and '{$batch_to}' and mk.fcollcode = '{$college_code }'
group by mk.FBATCH,mk.fsubcode
order by FCSUBCODE, mk.FREGNO"; */
$get_subject_data = "select distinct mk.fcollcode, mk.fdegree, mk.fexamno,
group_concat( distinct mk.FREGNO,'->',if(ifnull(mk.fmarks11,-1) = -2,'ABSENT','') order by mk.FREGNO separator '~') AS FREGNO,
concat(mk.fsubcode,':',s.FSUBNAME) as fsubcode, mk.fbatch,
group_concat(if(ifnull(mk.fmarks11,-1) = -2,'ABSENT','')) as Marks,
count(if(ifnull(mk.fmarks11,-1) = -2,'ABSENT','')) as cnt
from marks_pr mk inner join student stu on mk.fdegree = stu.fdegree and mk.FREGNO=stu.FREGNO
inner join subject s on mk.fdegree = s.fdegree and mk.fexamno = s.fexamno and mk.FSUBCODE = s.FCSUBCODE
inner join colldeg c on mk.fdegree = c.fdegree where mk.FDEGREE = '{$degree_code}' and mk.FEXAMNO = '{$exam_code}'
and mk.fbatch between '{$batch_from}' and '{$batch_to}' and mk.fcollcode = '{$college_code }' group by mk.FBATCH,mk.fsubcode
order by mk.fdegree,mk.fexamno,FCSUBCODE, mk.fbatch,mk.FREGNO";
$lobj_get_subject_data = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetAll($get_subject_data);
$fbatchold = "";
foreach($lobj_get_subject_data as $key => $value)
$j = 1;
$newsub = $value[fsubcode];
$fbatchnew = $value['fbatch'];
if($pdf->GetY() > 250)
if($newsub != $oldsub || $fbatchnew!=$fbatchold)
$oldsub = $newsub;
$fbatchold = $fbatchnew;
//$pdf->Cell(0,4,'College : '.$pdf->college_name,0,1,'C');
$pdf->Cell(0,4,'Degree : '.$pdf->Degree_name,0,1,'C');
//$pdf->Cell(0,6,' Subjectwise I.A. Marks List',0,1,'C');
$pdf->Cell(0,6,' Subject : '.$newsub,0,1,'C');
$pdf->Cell(0,8,"Batch ".$value['fbatch'],0,1,'L');
$FREGNO = explode('~',$value['FREGNO']);
$sl_no == 0;
$presentList = '';
$absentList = '';
$a = 0;
$p = 0;
foreach($FREGNO as $key => $regeno)
$present = explode('->',$regeno );
if($present[1] != 'ABSENT')
$presentList .= $present[0].' , '; //substr("Hello world",0,-1)
$absentList .= $present[0].' , ';
$pdf->Cell(90,5,'Total Number Of Present Students ','1',0,'L');
$pdf->Cell(150,5,'Number Of Present Student','1',1,'L');
$presentList = substr($presentList,0,-2);
$presentList = strtoupper($presentList);
$pdf->Cell(90,5,' Total Number Of Absent Students ','1',0,'L');
$pdf->Cell(150,5,' Number Of Absent Student ','1',1,'L');
$absentList = substr($absentList,0,-2);
$absentList = strtoupper($absentList);