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<p>Warm welcome to <b>Ph.D. Course Work Online Registration</b>.</p>
<b>Key Notes</b>
<ul style="text-align: justify;">
<li>Carefully Fill and Select all the details in the appropriate fields of online registration form.</li>
<li>Before filling online application candidate must aware of all the information required to fill the online form along with scanned copy of recent photograph in <b>JPEG
<li> Candidates shall go through the Website and the notification for details.</li>
<li> Candidates eligible for both Entrance Test(Form A) and Non-Entrance(Form B) test shall submit separate application and fees for both the streams.</li>
<li>If any information furnished by the applicant is found not correct, his admission is liable to be cancelled.</li>
<li>Candidates shall regularly browse the Website for further information.</li>
<li>Upon Successful payment through payment gateway, application form along with hall ticket will be generated.</li>
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<a href='MainPage.html' ><button class="btn btn-primary btn-lg waves-effect font-16" onclick="gomainpage('A')">Apply Form A</button></a>
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<a href='MainPage.html' ><button class="btn btn-primary btn-lg waves-effect font-16" onclick="gomainpage('B')">Apply Form B</button></a>
<a href='Reprint.html'><button class="btn btn-primary btn-lg waves-effect font-16">Make Payment / Re-print Application</button></a></td>
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-lg waves-effect font-16"
onclick='GenerateHallTicket()';">Hall Ticket</button></td>
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