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<h4>5.Curricular and Extension Activities in the following headings</h4>
<div class="tab-content-body">
<table class="table table-bordered" id="researchexptable">
<th style="width:200px;" >Nature of Activity</th>
<th style="width:200px;">Name of Activity</th>
<td>Student related Academic cocurricular activities (Max 50 words)</td>
<td><textarea type="text" id = "1CA1" rows="4" cols="80" name="researchexp"> </textarea></td>
<td>Other co-curricular activities (Cultural, Sports, NSS, NCC etc.) (Max 50 words)</td>
<td><textarea type="text" id = "1CA2" rows="4" cols="80" name="researchexp"> </textarea></td>
<td>Participation in workshops, symposia, etc. (10 most important ones) </td>
<td><textarea type="text" id = "1CA3" rows="4" cols="80" name="researchexp"> </textarea></td>
<div class="row mb40">
<div class="col-md-10 mb5">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn_3 btn-lg btn-info" onclick="savecurricular()">Submit</button>