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Current File : /var/www/html/bnu_old/libs/adodb5/tohtml.inc.php

  @version   v5.20.9  21-Dec-2016
  @copyright (c) 2000-2013 John Lim (jlim#natsoft.com). All rights reserved.
  @copyright (c) 2014      Damien Regad, Mark Newnham and the ADOdb community
  Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license.
  Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses,
  the BSD license will take precedence.

  Some pretty-printing by Chris Oxenreider <oxenreid@state.net>

// specific code for tohtml

$ADODB_ROUND=4; // rounding
$gSQLMaxRows = 1000; // max no of rows to download
$gSQLBlockRows=20; // max no of rows per table block

// RecordSet to HTML Table
// Convert a recordset to a html table. Multiple tables are generated
// if the number of rows is > $gSQLBlockRows. This is because
// web browsers normally require the whole table to be downloaded
// before it can be rendered, so we break the output into several
// smaller faster rendering tables.
// $rs: the recordset
// $ztabhtml: the table tag attributes (optional)
// $zheaderarray: contains the replacement strings for the headers (optional)
//  USAGE:
//	include('adodb.inc.php');
//	$db = ADONewConnection('mysql');
//	$db->Connect('mysql','userid','password','database');
//	$rs = $db->Execute('select col1,col2,col3 from table');
//	rs2html($rs, 'BORDER=2', array('Title1', 'Title2', 'Title3'));
//	$rs->Close();
// RETURNS: number of rows displayed

function rs2html(&$rs,$ztabhtml=false,$zheaderarray=false,$htmlspecialchars=true,$echo = true)
$s ='';$rows=0;$docnt = false;

	if (!$rs) {
		return false;

	if (! $ztabhtml) $ztabhtml = "BORDER='1' WIDTH='98%'";
	//else $docnt = true;
	$typearr = array();
	$ncols = $rs->FieldCount();
	$hdr = "<TABLE COLS=$ncols $ztabhtml><tr>\n\n";
	for ($i=0; $i < $ncols; $i++) {
		$field = $rs->FetchField($i);
		if ($field) {
			if ($zheaderarray) $fname = $zheaderarray[$i];
			else $fname = htmlspecialchars($field->name);
			$typearr[$i] = $rs->MetaType($field->type,$field->max_length);
 			//print " $field->name $field->type $typearr[$i] ";
		} else {
			$fname = 'Field '.($i+1);
			$typearr[$i] = 'C';
		if (strlen($fname)==0) $fname = '&nbsp;';
		$hdr .= "<TH>$fname</TH>";
	$hdr .= "\n</tr>";
	if ($echo) print $hdr."\n\n";
	else $html = $hdr;

	// smart algorithm - handles ADODB_FETCH_MODE's correctly by probing...
	$numoffset = isset($rs->fields[0]) ||isset($rs->fields[1]) || isset($rs->fields[2]);
	while (!$rs->EOF) {

		$s .= "<TR valign=top>\n";

		for ($i=0; $i < $ncols; $i++) {
			if ($i===0) $v=($numoffset) ? $rs->fields[0] : reset($rs->fields);
			else $v = ($numoffset) ? $rs->fields[$i] : next($rs->fields);

			$type = $typearr[$i];
			switch($type) {
			case 'D':
				if (strpos($v,':') !== false);
				else {
					if (empty($v)) {
					$s .= "<TD> &nbsp; </TD>\n";
					} else {
						$s .= "	<TD>".$rs->UserDate($v,"D d, M Y") ."</TD>\n";
			case 'T':
				if (empty($v)) $s .= "<TD> &nbsp; </TD>\n";
				else $s .= "	<TD>".$rs->UserTimeStamp($v,"D d, M Y, H:i:s") ."</TD>\n";

			case 'N':
				if (abs(abs($v) - round($v,0)) < 0.00000001)
					$v = round($v);
					$v = round($v,$ADODB_ROUND);
			case 'I':
				$vv = stripslashes((trim($v)));
				if (strlen($vv) == 0) $vv .= '&nbsp;';
				$s .= "	<TD align=right>".$vv ."</TD>\n";

			case 'B':
				if (substr($v,8,2)=="BM" ) $v = substr($v,8);
				$mtime = substr(str_replace(' ','_',microtime()),2);
				$tmpname = "tmp/".uniqid($mtime).getmypid();
				$fd = @fopen($tmpname,'a');
				if (!function_exists ("mime_content_type")) {
				  function mime_content_type ($file) {
				    return exec("file -bi ".escapeshellarg($file));
				$t = mime_content_type($tmpname);
				$s .= (substr($t,0,5)=="image") ? " <td><img src='$tmpname' alt='$t'></td>\\n" : " <td><a

				if ($htmlspecialchars) $v = htmlspecialchars(trim($v));
				$v = trim($v);
				if (strlen($v) == 0) $v = '&nbsp;';
				$s .= "	<TD>". str_replace("\n",'<br>',stripslashes($v)) ."</TD>\n";

		} // for
		$s .= "</TR>\n\n";

		$rows += 1;
		if ($rows >= $gSQLMaxRows) {
			$rows = "<p>Truncated at $gSQLMaxRows</p>";
		} // switch


	// additional EOF check to prevent a widow header
		if (!$rs->EOF && $rows % $gSQLBlockRows == 0) {

		//if (connection_aborted()) break;// not needed as PHP aborts script, unlike ASP
			if ($echo) print $s . "</TABLE>\n\n";
			else $html .= $s ."</TABLE>\n\n";
			$s = $hdr;
	} // while

	if ($echo) print $s."</TABLE>\n\n";
	else $html .= $s."</TABLE>\n\n";

	if ($docnt) if ($echo) print "<H2>".$rows." Rows</H2>";

	return ($echo) ? $rows : $html;

// pass in 2 dimensional array
function arr2html(&$arr,$ztabhtml='',$zheaderarray='')
	if (!$ztabhtml) $ztabhtml = 'BORDER=1';

	$s = "<TABLE $ztabhtml>";//';print_r($arr);

	if ($zheaderarray) {
		$s .= '<TR>';
		for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($zheaderarray); $i++) {
			$s .= "	<TH>{$zheaderarray[$i]}</TH>\n";
		$s .= "\n</TR>";

	for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($arr); $i++) {
		$s .= '<TR>';
		$a = $arr[$i];
		if (is_array($a))
			for ($j=0; $j<sizeof($a); $j++) {
				$val = $a[$j];
				if (empty($val)) $val = '&nbsp;';
				$s .= "	<TD>$val</TD>\n";
		else if ($a) {
			$s .=  '	<TD>'.$a."</TD>\n";
		} else $s .= "	<TD>&nbsp;</TD>\n";
		$s .= "\n</TR>\n";
	$s .= '</TABLE>';
	print $s;