Linux ip-172-26-7-228 5.4.0-1103-aws #111~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue May 23 20:04:10 UTC 2023 x86_64
Your IP :
#include "config.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "gd.h"
#include "gdfontt.h"
#include "gdfonts.h"
#include "gdfontmb.h"
#include "gdfontl.h"
#include "gdfontg.h"
main (void)
/* Input and output files */
FILE *in;
FILE *out;
/* Input and output images */
gdImagePtr im_in = 0, im_out = 0;
/* Brush image */
gdImagePtr brush;
/* Color indexes */
int white;
int blue;
int red;
int green;
/* Points for polygon */
gdPoint points[3];
int i;
/* gd fonts for font test */
gdFontPtr fonts[5];
int y;
/* Create output image, in true color. */
im_out = gdImageCreateTrueColor (256 + 384, 384);
/* 2.0.2: first color allocated would automatically be background in a
palette based image. Since this is a truecolor image, with an
automatic background of black, we must fill it explicitly. */
white = gdImageColorAllocate (im_out, 255, 255, 255);
gdImageFilledRectangle (im_out, 0, 0, gdImageSX (im_out),
gdImageSY (im_out), white);
/* Set transparent color. */
gdImageColorTransparent (im_out, white);
/* Try to load demoin.png and paste part of it into the
output image. */
in = fopen ("demoin.png", "rb");
if (!in) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't load source image; this demo\n");
fprintf(stderr, "is much more impressive if demoin.png\n");
fprintf(stderr, "is available.\n");
im_in = 0;
} else {
int a;
im_in = gdImageCreateFromPng (in);
fclose (in);
/* Now copy, and magnify as we do so */
gdImageCopyResampled (im_out, im_in, 32, 32, 0, 0, 192, 192, 255, 255);
/* Now display variously rotated space shuttles in a circle of our own */
for (a = 0; (a < 360); a += 45) {
int cx = cos (a * .0174532925) * 128;
int cy = -sin (a * .0174532925) * 128;
gdImageCopyRotated (im_out, im_in,
256 + 192 + cx, 192 + cy,
0, 0, gdImageSX (im_in), gdImageSY (im_in), a);
red = gdImageColorAllocate (im_out, 255, 0, 0);
green = gdImageColorAllocate (im_out, 0, 255, 0);
blue = gdImageColorAllocate (im_out, 0, 0, 255);
/* Fat Rectangle */
gdImageSetThickness (im_out, 4);
gdImageLine (im_out, 16, 16, 240, 16, green);
gdImageLine (im_out, 240, 16, 240, 240, green);
gdImageLine (im_out, 240, 240, 16, 240, green);
gdImageLine (im_out, 16, 240, 16, 16, green);
gdImageSetThickness (im_out, 1);
/* Circle */
gdImageArc (im_out, 128, 128, 60, 20, 0, 720, blue);
/* Arc */
gdImageArc (im_out, 128, 128, 40, 40, 90, 270, blue);
/* Flood fill: doesn't do much on a continuously
variable tone jpeg original. */
gdImageFill (im_out, 8, 8, blue);
/* Polygon */
points[0].x = 64;
points[0].y = 0;
points[1].x = 0;
points[1].y = 128;
points[2].x = 128;
points[2].y = 128;
gdImageFilledPolygon (im_out, points, 3, green);
/* 2.0.12: Antialiased Polygon */
gdImageSetAntiAliased (im_out, green);
for (i = 0; (i < 3); i++) {
points[i].x += 128;
gdImageFilledPolygon (im_out, points, 3, gdAntiAliased);
/* Brush. A fairly wild example also involving a line style! */
if (im_in) {
int style[8];
brush = gdImageCreateTrueColor (16, 16);
gdImageCopyResized (brush, im_in,
0, 0, 0, 0,
gdImageSX (brush), gdImageSY (brush),
gdImageSX (im_in), gdImageSY (im_in));
gdImageSetBrush (im_out, brush);
/* With a style, so they won't overprint each other.
Normally, they would, yielding a fat-brush effect. */
style[0] = 0;
style[1] = 0;
style[2] = 0;
style[3] = 0;
style[4] = 0;
style[5] = 0;
style[6] = 0;
style[7] = 1;
gdImageSetStyle (im_out, style, 8);
/* Draw the styled, brushed line */
gdImageLine (im_out, 0, 255, 255, 0, gdStyledBrushed);
/* Text (non-truetype; see gdtestft for a freetype demo) */
fonts[0] = gdFontGetTiny ();
fonts[1] = gdFontGetSmall ();
fonts[2] = gdFontGetMediumBold ();
fonts[3] = gdFontGetLarge ();
fonts[4] = gdFontGetGiant ();
y = 0;
for (i = 0; (i <= 4); i++) {
gdImageString (im_out, fonts[i], 32, 32 + y, (unsigned char *) "hi",
y += fonts[i]->h;
y = 0;
for (i = 0; (i <= 4); i++) {
gdImageStringUp (im_out, fonts[i], 64 + y, 64,
(unsigned char *) "hi", red);
y += fonts[i]->h;
/* Random antialiased lines; coordinates all over the image,
but the output will respect a small clipping rectangle */
gdImageSetClip (im_out, 0, gdImageSY (im_out) - 100,
100, gdImageSY (im_out));
/* Fixed seed for reproducibility of results */
srand (100);
for (i = 0; (i < 100); i++) {
int x1 = rand () % gdImageSX (im_out);
int y1 = rand () % gdImageSY (im_out);
int x2 = rand () % gdImageSX (im_out);
int y2 = rand () % gdImageSY (im_out);
gdImageSetAntiAliased (im_out, white);
gdImageLine (im_out, x1, y1, x2, y2, gdAntiAliased);
/* Make output image interlaced (progressive, in the case of JPEG) */
gdImageInterlace (im_out, 1);
out = fopen ("demoout.png", "wb");
/* Write PNG */
gdImagePng (im_out, out);
fclose (out);
out = fopen ("demoout.gif", "wb");
/* Write GIF (2.0.28) */
gdImageGif (im_out, out);
fclose (out);
/* 2.0.12: also write a paletteized png comparable to the gif */
out = fopen ("demooutp.png", "wb");
gdImageTrueColorToPalette (im_out, 0, 256);
gdImagePng (im_out, out);
fclose (out);
gdImageDestroy (im_out);
if (im_in) {
gdImageDestroy (im_in);
fprintf(stderr, "No PNG library support.\n");
#endif /* HAVE_LIBPNG */
return 0;