Linux ip-172-26-7-228 5.4.0-1103-aws #111~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue May 23 20:04:10 UTC 2023 x86_64
Your IP :
function teachworksumaryapi($aobj_context)
$univcode = $aobj_context->mobj_data["univcode"];
$tcodefrom = $aobj_context->mobj_data["tcodefrom"];
$tcodeto = $aobj_context->mobj_data["tcodeto"];
$vdatefrom = $aobj_context->mobj_data["vdatefrom"];
$vdateto = $aobj_context->mobj_data["vdateto"];
$fcollcode = $aobj_context->mobj_data["fcollcode"];
$cnd = "";
if($fcollcode != '' && $fcollcode != NULL)
$cnd = "and t1.fcollcode = '{$fcollcode}'";
$query = "select count(*) as cnt from mastabu where frevcode = '{$tcodefrom}'";
$result = $aobj_context->pobj_db->GetRow($query);
if($result['cnt'] <= 0)
$arr['msg'] = 'Reviewer details not found';
echo $aobj_context->mobj_output->ToJSONEnvelope($arr, -1, "failure");
$query1 = "select fqpcode, fsubname, fteachcode, fteachname, cnt from (
select v.fqpcode,m.fsubname, v.fvalcode as fteachcode, ifnull(t1.fteachname,'') as fteachname,
sum(ifnull(v.fvcount,'')) as cnt
from mastabu v inner join masqp m on v.fqpcode = m.fqpcode
left join masteach t1 on v.fvalcode = t1.fteachcode
where v.fvalcode between '{$tcodefrom}' and '{$tcodeto}'
and v.fdate between date_format(str_to_date('{$vdatefrom}','%d/%m/%Y'),'%Y-%m-%d')
and date_format(str_to_date('{$vdateto}','%d/%m/%Y'),'%Y-%m-%d')
and ifnull(fteachname,'')<>''
select v.fqpcode,m.fsubname, v.fvalcode as frvalcode, ifnull(t1.fteachname,'') as fteachname,
sum(v.frcount) as frscriptcnt
from mastabu v
inner join masqp m on v.fqpcode = m.fqpcode
left join masteach t1 on v.fvalcode = t1.fteachcode
where v.frevcode between '{$tcodefrom}' and '{$tcodeto}'
and v.fdate between date_format(str_to_date('{$vdatefrom}','%d/%m/%Y'),'%Y-%m-%d')
and date_format(str_to_date('{$vdateto}','%d/%m/%Y'),'%Y-%m-%d')
group by fqpcode, fteachcode) a where ifnull(fteachcode,'') <> ''
order by fqpcode, fteachcode";
$result1 = $aobj_context->pobj_db->GetAll($query1);
if ($result1) {
$res['valdet'] = $result1;
echo $aobj_context->mobj_output->ToJSONEnvelope($res, 0, "success");
} else {
$arr['msg'] = 'No Deatils found';
echo $aobj_context->mobj_output->ToJSONEnvelope($arr, -1, "failure");