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Current File : /var/www/html/admission/src/sendsms.php


function pushsms($aobj_context)

	$message = $aobj_context->mobj_data["message"];
	$type = $aobj_context->mobj_data["type"];
	$deggrp = $aobj_context->mobj_data["deggrp"];
	$stype = $aobj_context->mobj_data["stype"];
	$fevent = $aobj_context->mobj_data["fevent"];
	$univcode = $aobj_context->mobj_data["univcode"];
	$year =  date("Y");
	$month =  date("m");
	// select
	$query = "";
	$query = "select funivcode, funivname, fdbname, fstaffmobileno, fgenmsgno
	from dbname 
	where funivcode = '{$univcode}'";
	$result = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($query);

	$db = $result['fdbname'];
	$funivname = $result['funivname'];
	$stafmobile = $result['fstaffmobileno'];
	$msgno = $result['fgenmsgno'];
	$timestamp = date("dmY");
	if($type == 'student')
		$entype = "ST".$msgno.$timestamp;
		$entype = "CM".$msgno.$timestamp;

	$cnd = "";

	if($type == 'centre' && $deggrp == 'UG' )
		$cnd = "and fcollcode = fthcntr";

	if($type == 'centre' && $deggrp == 'PG')
		$cnd = "and fcollcode = fpgthcntr";

	if($type == 'centre' && $deggrp == 'MBA')
		$cnd = "and fcollcode = fpgthcntrmba";

	$year_type = $month <= 6 ? 1 : 2;

	$message = '['.$msgno.']'.$message;
	$dgrp_cnd = "";
	if($deggrp != 'ALL') {
		$dgrp_cnd = "and ffaculty like '%{$deggrp}%'";

	if($type == 'student')
		$commondb = "logisys3_comexam";
		if($stype == 'HT')
			$query = "insert ignore into {$commondb}.sendsms(funivcode, fregno, fenttype, fsubcode, fmessage, fstatus, fdeleted, fyear, fexamtype, fupdate,fexamdate)
				select distinct '{$univcode}', x.fregno, '{$entype}', '{$entype}', 
				'{$message}' as fmessage, 'F', 'F', x.fyear, x.fexamtype, now(),w.fexamdate
				from {$db}.candsum x inner join {$db}.collexam y
				on x.fdegree = y.fdegree and x.fcollcode = y.fcollcode
				inner join {$db}.student z 
				on x.fdegree = z.fdegree and x.fregno = z.fregno 
				inner join {$db}.degree w on x.fdegree = w.fdegree and x.fexamno = w.fexamno 
				where ifnull(x.frecptdate,'') <> '' 
				and date_format(now(),'%Y-%m-%d') between y.fhtfrom and y.fhtto
				and ifnull(z.fexamappblk,'') <> 'T' and ifnull(w.fdeggrp,'') = '{$deggrp}'
				and ifnull(y.fhtpush,'F') <> 'T'
				and ifnull(z.fmp,'') <> 'T'";
				$result = $aobj_context->mobj_db->Execute($query);

				// var_dump($query);
				// die();
			$sql1 = "update {$commondb}.sendsms x, {$commondb}.masuser y set x.fmobileno = y.fmobileno
			where x.funivcode = y.funivcode and x.fregno = y.fregno and ifnull(x.fmobileno,'') = ''";
			$result1 = $aobj_context->mobj_db->Execute($sql1);

		}else if($stype == 'ADA')
			/*$query = "insert ignore into {$commondb}.sendsms(funivcode, fregno, fenttype, fsubcode, fmessage, fstatus, fdeleted, fyear, fexamtype, fupdate,fexamdate)
				select distinct '{$univcode}', x.fregno, '{$entype}', '{$entype}', 
				'{$message}' as fmessage, 'F', 'F', x.fyear, x.fexamtype, now(),w.fexamdate
				from {$db}.candsum x inner join {$db}.collexam y
				on x.fdegree = y.fdegree and x.fcollcode = y.fcollcode
				inner join {$db}.student z 
				on x.fdegree = z.fdegree and x.fregno = z.fregno 
				inner join {$db}.degree w on x.fdegree = w.fdegree and x.fexamno = w.fexamno 
				where ifnull(x.frecptdate,'') <> '' 
				and date_format(now(),'%Y-%m-%d') between y.fhtfrom and y.fhtto
				and ifnull(z.fexamappblk,'') <> 'T' and ifnull(w.fdeggrp,'') = '{$deggrp}'
				and ifnull(y.fhtpush,'F') <> 'T'
				and ifnull(z.fmp,'') <> 'T'";*/

	}else if($type == 'qpzone') {

		$query = "insert ignore into logisys3_comexam.sendsms(funivcode, fregno, fmobileno, fenttype, fsubcode, fmessage, fstatus, fdeleted, fyear, fexamtype,fupdate)
		select distinct '{$univcode}', fmobile, fmobile, '{$entype}', '{$entype}', 
		concat('Message from ', cl.funivname,':', c.fansreceive) as fmessage, 'F', 'F', dg.fyear,dg.fexamtype, NOW() 
		from {$db}.college c inner join {$db}.deggrp dg on dg.fdeggrp = '{$deggrp}'
		inner join {$db}.degcntr dc on dg.fdeggrp = dc.fdeggrp and dc.fyear = dg.fyear
		and dc.fexamtype = dg.fexamtype and c.fcollcode = dc.fexamcodet
		where IFNULL(c.fdeleted,'') <> 'T' and IFNULL(c.fmobile,'') <> '' 
		{$dgrp_cnd} and ifnull(fansreceive,'') <> ''";
		$result = $aobj_context->mobj_db->Execute($query);

	else if($type == 'centre')
		$query = "insert ignore into logisys3_comexam.sendsms(funivcode, fregno, fmobileno, fenttype, fsubcode, fmessage, fstatus, fdeleted, fyear, fexamtype,fupdate)
		select distinct '{$univcode}', fmobile, fmobile, '{$entype}', '{$entype}', 
		'{$message}', 'F', 'F', dg.fyear,dg.fexamtype, NOW() 
		from {$db}.college c inner join {$db}.deggrp dg on dg.fdeggrp = '{$deggrp}'
		inner join {$db}.degcntr dc on dg.fdeggrp = dc.fdeggrp and dc.fyear = dg.fyear
		and dc.fexamtype = dg.fexamtype and c.fcollcode = dc.fexamcodet
		where IFNULL(c.fdeleted,'') <> 'T' and IFNULL(c.fmobile,'') <> '' 
		$result = $aobj_context->mobj_db->Execute($query);
	}else if($fevent == 'ADA')
		$query = "insert ignore into logisys3_comexam.sendsms(funivcode, fregno, fmobileno, fenttype, fsubcode, fmessage, fstatus, fdeleted, fyear, fexamtype,fupdate)
		select distinct '{$univcode}', fmobile, fmobile, '{$entype}', '{$entype}', 
		'{$message}', 'F', 'F', '{$year}', '{$year_type}', NOW() 
		from {$db}.college  
		where IFNULL(fdeleted,'') <> 'T' and IFNULL(fmobile,'') <> '' 
		{$dgrp_cnd} {$cnd}";	
		$result = $aobj_context->mobj_db->Execute($query);
	// var_dump($result);
		// $res['data'] = $result;
		$query = "update logisys3_comexam.dbname set fgenmsgno = fgenmsgno+1 where funivcode = '{$univcode}'";
		$result = $aobj_context->mobj_db->Execute($query);
		// echo $entype;
		// return;
		$res['sms'] = sendsms($aobj_context, $univcode, $entype, $stafmobile);
		echo $aobj_context->mobj_output->ToJSONEnvelope($res,0,"success"); 
		$arr['msg'] = 'Invalid Mobile No. / Password';
		echo $aobj_context->mobj_output->ToJSONEnvelope($arr,-1,"failure"); 	

function sendsms($aobj_context, $univcode, $entype, $stafmobile)
	$query1 = "SET SESSION group_concat_max_len=10000000";

	$result1 = $aobj_context->mobj_db->Execute($query1);

	$query = "select funivcode, group_concat(concat('91', fmobileno)) as mobilenos,
	fenttype, fmessage,fexamdate,
	if(length(fmessage) > 160, ceiling(307/153), 1) as msg_cnt 
	from sendsms 
	where fmobileno is not null
	and fstatus = 'F'
	and fenttype = '{$entype}'
	and funivcode = '{$univcode}'
	group by  funivcode, fmessage";
	$result = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetAll($query);

	$qury = "select FSMSUSER, FSMSPASSWD, FSMSSENDID from dbname where funivcode = '{$univcode}'";
	$res = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($qury);
	$username = $res['FSMSUSER'];
	$password = $res['FSMSPASSWD'];
	$from = $res['FSMSSENDID'];

	// var_dump($result);
	// return true;
	// $username = 'logisyhttp';
	// $password = 'logisy@928';
	// $from = 'UNISOL';
	$category = 'bulk';


		$url = "{$username}&password={$password}";
		$session = curl_init($url);
		curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);

		curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

		$response = curl_exec($session);
		$res = explode(",",$response);

		$res1 = explode("=",$res[1]);
		$creditused  = $res1[1];

		$res2 = explode("=",$res[0]);
		$credit  = $res2[1];

		$smsremain = (int)($credit-$creditused);

		$qury1 ="insert into smssum(funivcode, fprocdate, fstarttime, fstartcredits) values('{$univcode}',now(),now(),'{$smsremain}')";
		$res1 = $aobj_context->mobj_db->Execute($qury1);

		$last_id = $aobj_context->mobj_db->insert_id;

		$table = "<table><tr><th>Sl. No.</th><th>Mobile No. </th><th>Status</th></tr>";
		$j = 1;
		foreach($result as $key => $row)
			$rgBigArr = explode(',', $row['mobilenos']);
			$rgSmallArr =  array_chunk($rgBigArr,90);
			$text = $row['fmessage'];
			$msg_cnt = $row['msg_cnt'];			


			foreach($rgSmallArr as $key => $value)
				$strTo = implode(',', $value);

				$response = sendsmaapibulk($username,$password,$from,$strTo,$text,$category);
				$rgExpAmp = explode('&', $response);
				array_walk($rgExpAmp, function($val,$key) use(&$final){
				    list($key, $value) = explode('=', $val);
				    $final[$key] = $value;

				$errorcode = explode(',', $final['errorcode']);
				$mobnos = explode(',', $final['seqno']);
				$rgInsert = array();
				$rgTrimedMobs = array();
				for($i = 0; $i < count($mobnos);$i++)
					$rgInsert[] = "('".$row['funivcode']."','".substr($mobnos[$i],2,11)."','".$errorcode[$i]."','".$final['guid']."','".$row['fenttype']."', DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%Y-%m-%d'), DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%T'),'".$row['fexamdate']."','{$msg_cnt}','{$last_id}')";
					$rgTrimedMobs[$i] = substr($mobnos[$i],2,11);
					$table .= "<tr><td>{$j}</td><td>{$rgTrimedMobs[$i]}</td>
					<td>Sent. </td></tr>";
				$strInsertQuery = "insert into smslog(funivcode, fmobileno, freasoncode, fguid, fenttype, fackdate, facktime, fexamdate, fsmscnt, fprocid) values".implode(',',$rgInsert);
				$result = $aobj_context->mobj_db->Execute($strInsertQuery);

				$srtImplodedMobs = implode("','",$rgTrimedMobs); 
				$strUpdateQuery = "update sendsms set fstatus = 'T' where fenttype = '{$row['fenttype']}' and fmobileno in ('{$srtImplodedMobs}')";
				$result = $aobj_context->mobj_db->Execute($strUpdateQuery);
			//echo "Sms Sent.";
		$response = sendsmaapibulk($username,$password,$from, $stafmobile ,$text,$category);
		$table .= "</table>"; 
		return $table; 

function sendsmsotp($aobj_context)
	$to = $aobj_context->mobj_data["mobileno"];
	$text = $aobj_context->mobj_data["msg"];

	$qury = "select FSMSUSER, FSMSPASSWD, FSMSSENDID from logisys3_comexam.dbname where funivcode = '041'";
	$result = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($qury);

	$username = $result['FSMSUSER'];
	$password = $result['FSMSPASSWD'];
	$from = $result['FSMSSENDID'];
	$category = '';
		$smsresp = sendsmaapi($username,$password,$from,$to,$text,$category);
		echo $smsresp;

function getSMSDet($aobj_context)
	$univcode = $aobj_context->mobj_data["univcode"];

	$qury = "select funivcode, fenttype, fmessage, sum(if(fstatus='T',1,0)) as fsent, sum(if(fstatus='F',1,0)) as ffpend,
	 count(fmobileno) as ftotal, date_format(fupdate,'%d/%m/%Y') as pushdate, fyear, fexamtype, fusertype, 
	if(date_format(fupdate, '%Y-%m-%d') > date_format(date_sub(now(), interval 3 DAY), '%Y-%m-%d'), 'T', 'F') as curdate
	from sendsms where funivcode = '{$univcode}' and fmsgtype = 'G'
	group by funivcode, fenttype
	order by fupdate desc";
	$result = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetAll($qury);

		$arr['data'] = $result;
		echo $aobj_context->mobj_output->ToJSONEnvelope($arr,0,"success"); 
		$arr['msg'] = 'No Deatils Found';
		echo $aobj_context->mobj_output->ToJSONEnvelope($arr,-1,"failure"); 	

function getNotificationDet($aobj_context)
	$univcode = $aobj_context->mobj_data["univcode"];

	$qury = "select funivcode, fenttype, ftitle, fbody, sum(if(fstatus='T',1,0)) as fsent, sum(if(fstatus='F',1,0)) as ffpend,
		count(fmobileno) as ftotal, date_format(fpushdate,'%d/%m/%Y') as pushdate, fyear, fexamtype,
		if(date_format(fpushdate, '%Y-%m-%d') = date_format(now(), '%Y-%m-%d'), 'T', 'F') as curdate
		from pushnotif where funivcode = '{$univcode}'
		and ifnull(fmobappid,'') <> '' and ifnull(fmsgtype,'') = 'G'
		group by funivcode, fenttype
		order by fpushdate desc";
		// var_dump($qury);die();
	$result = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetAll($qury);

		$arr['data'] = $result;
		echo $aobj_context->mobj_output->ToJSONEnvelope($arr,0,"success"); 
		$arr['msg'] = 'No Deatils Found';
		echo $aobj_context->mobj_output->ToJSONEnvelope($arr,-1,"failure"); 	
