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Current File : /var/www/html/JQGrid4.4/src/grid.filter.js

 * jqFilter  jQuery jqGrid filter addon.
 * Copyright (c) 2011, Tony Tomov, tony@trirand.com
 * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses
 * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
 * The work is inspired from this Stefan Pirvu
 * http://www.codeproject.com/KB/scripting/json-filtering.aspx
 * The filter uses JSON entities to hold filter rules and groups. Here is an example of a filter:

{ "groupOp": "AND",
      "groups" : [ 
        { "groupOp": "OR",
            "rules": [
                { "field": "name", "op": "eq", "data": "England" }, 
                { "field": "id", "op": "le", "data": "5"}
      "rules": [
        { "field": "name", "op": "eq", "data": "Romania" }, 
        { "field": "id", "op": "le", "data": "1"}
/*jshint eqeqeq:false, eqnull:true, devel:true */
/*global jQuery */

(function ($) {
"use strict";

$.fn.jqFilter = function( arg ) {
	if (typeof arg === 'string') {
		var fn = $.fn.jqFilter[arg];
		if (!fn) {
			throw ("jqFilter - No such method: " + arg);
		var args = $.makeArray(arguments).slice(1);
		return fn.apply(this,args);

	var p = $.extend(true,{
		filter: null,
		columns: [],
		onChange : null,
		afterRedraw : null,
		checkValues : null,
		error: false,
		errmsg : "",
		errorcheck : true,
		showQuery : true,
		sopt : null,
		ops : [
			{"name": "eq", "description": "equal", "operator":"="},
			{"name": "ne", "description": "not equal", "operator":"<>"},
			{"name": "lt", "description": "less", "operator":"<"},
			{"name": "le", "description": "less or equal","operator":"<="},
			{"name": "gt", "description": "greater", "operator":">"},
			{"name": "ge", "description": "greater or equal", "operator":">="},
			{"name": "bw", "description": "begins with", "operator":"LIKE"},
			{"name": "bn", "description": "does not begin with", "operator":"NOT LIKE"},
			{"name": "in", "description": "in", "operator":"IN"},
			{"name": "ni", "description": "not in", "operator":"NOT IN"},
			{"name": "ew", "description": "ends with", "operator":"LIKE"},
			{"name": "en", "description": "does not end with", "operator":"NOT LIKE"},
			{"name": "cn", "description": "contains", "operator":"LIKE"},
			{"name": "nc", "description": "does not contain", "operator":"NOT LIKE"},
			{"name": "nu", "description": "is null", "operator":"IS NULL"},
			{"name": "nn", "description": "is not null", "operator":"IS NOT NULL"}
		numopts : ['eq','ne', 'lt', 'le', 'gt', 'ge', 'nu', 'nn', 'in', 'ni'],
		stropts : ['eq', 'ne', 'bw', 'bn', 'ew', 'en', 'cn', 'nc', 'nu', 'nn', 'in', 'ni'],
		strarr : ['text', 'string', 'blob'],
		_gridsopt : [], // grid translated strings, do not tuch
		groupOps : [{ op: "AND", text: "AND" },	{ op: "OR",  text: "OR" }],
		groupButton : true,
		ruleButtons : true,
		direction : "ltr"
	}, $.jgrid.filter, arg || {});
	return this.each( function() {
		if (this.filter) {return;}
		this.p = p;
		// setup filter in case if they is not defined
		if (this.p.filter === null || this.p.filter === undefined) {
			this.p.filter = {
				groupOp: this.p.groupOps[0].op,
				rules: [],
				groups: []
		var i, len = this.p.columns.length, cl,
		isIE = /msie/i.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window.opera;

		// translating the options
		if(this.p._gridsopt.length) {
			// ['eq','ne','lt','le','gt','ge','bw','bn','in','ni','ew','en','cn','nc']
			for(i=0;i<this.p._gridsopt.length;i++) {
				this.p.ops[i].description = this.p._gridsopt[i];
		this.p.initFilter = $.extend(true,{},this.p.filter);

		// set default values for the columns if they are not set
		if( !len ) {return;}
		for(i=0; i < len; i++) {
			cl = this.p.columns[i];
			if( cl.stype ) {
				// grid compatibility
				cl.inputtype = cl.stype;
			} else if(!cl.inputtype) {
				cl.inputtype = 'text';
			if( cl.sorttype ) {
				// grid compatibility
				cl.searchtype = cl.sorttype;
			} else if (!cl.searchtype) {
				cl.searchtype = 'string';
			if(cl.hidden === undefined) {
				// jqGrid compatibility
				cl.hidden = false;
			if(!cl.label) {
				cl.label = cl.name;
			if(cl.index) {
				cl.name = cl.index;
			if(!cl.hasOwnProperty('searchoptions')) {
				cl.searchoptions = {};
			if(!cl.hasOwnProperty('searchrules')) {
				cl.searchrules = {};

		if(this.p.showQuery) {
			$(this).append("<table class='queryresult ui-widget ui-widget-content' style='display:block;max-width:440px;border:0px none;' dir='"+this.p.direction+"'><tbody><tr><td class='query'></td></tr></tbody></table>");
		 *Perform checking.
		var checkData = function(val, colModelItem) {
			var ret = [true,""];
			if($.isFunction(colModelItem.searchrules)) {
				ret = colModelItem.searchrules(val, colModelItem);
			} else if($.jgrid && $.jgrid.checkValues) {
				try {
					ret = $.jgrid.checkValues(val, -1, null, colModelItem.searchrules, colModelItem.label);
				} catch (e) {}
			if(ret && ret.length && ret[0] === false) {
				p.error = !ret[0];
				p.errmsg = ret[1];
		/* moving to common
		randId = function() {
			return Math.floor(Math.random()*10000).toString();

		this.onchange = function (  ){
			// clear any error 
			this.p.error = false;
			return $.isFunction(this.p.onChange) ? this.p.onChange.call( this, this.p ) : false;
		 * Redraw the filter every time when new field is added/deleted
		 * and field is  changed
		this.reDraw = function() {
			var t = this.createTableForGroup(p.filter, null);
			if($.isFunction(this.p.afterRedraw) ) {
				this.p.afterRedraw.call(this, this.p);
		 * Creates a grouping data for the filter
		 * @param group - object
		 * @param parentgroup - object
		this.createTableForGroup = function(group, parentgroup) {
			var that = this,  i;
			// this table will hold all the group (tables) and rules (rows)
			var table = $("<table class='group ui-widget ui-widget-content' style='border:0px none;'><tbody></tbody></table>"),
			// create error message row
			align = "left";
			if(this.p.direction == "rtl") {
				align = "right";
			if(parentgroup === null) {
				table.append("<tr class='error' style='display:none;'><th colspan='5' class='ui-state-error' align='"+align+"'></th></tr>");

			var tr = $("<tr></tr>");
			// this header will hold the group operator type and group action buttons for
			// creating subgroup "+ {}", creating rule "+" or deleting the group "-"
			var th = $("<th colspan='5' align='"+align+"'></th>");

			if(this.p.ruleButtons === true) {
			// dropdown for: choosing group operator type
			var groupOpSelect = $("<select class='opsel'></select>");
			// populate dropdown with all posible group operators: or, and
			var str= "", selected;
			for (i = 0; i < p.groupOps.length; i++) {
				selected =  group.groupOp === that.p.groupOps[i].op ? " selected='selected'" :"";
				str += "<option value='"+that.p.groupOps[i].op+"'" + selected+">"+that.p.groupOps[i].text+"</option>";

			.bind('change',function() {
				group.groupOp = $(groupOpSelect).val();
				that.onchange(); // signals that the filter has changed
			// button for adding a new subgroup
			var inputAddSubgroup ="<span></span>";
			if(this.p.groupButton) {
				inputAddSubgroup = $("<input type='button' value='+ {}' title='Add subgroup' class='add-group'/>");
				inputAddSubgroup.bind('click',function() {
					if (group.groups === undefined ) {
						group.groups = [];

						groupOp: p.groupOps[0].op,
						rules: [],
						groups: []
					}); // adding a new group

					that.reDraw(); // the html has changed, force reDraw

					that.onchange(); // signals that the filter has changed
					return false;
			if(this.p.ruleButtons === true) {
			// button for adding a new rule
			var inputAddRule = $("<input type='button' value='+' title='Add rule' class='add-rule ui-add'/>"), cm;
			inputAddRule.bind('click',function() {
				//if(!group) { group = {};}
				if (group.rules === undefined) {
					group.rules = [];
				for (i = 0; i < that.p.columns.length; i++) {
				// but show only serchable and serchhidden = true fields
					var searchable = (that.p.columns[i].search === undefined) ?  true: that.p.columns[i].search ,
					hidden = (that.p.columns[i].hidden === true),
					ignoreHiding = (that.p.columns[i].searchoptions.searchhidden === true);
					if ((ignoreHiding && searchable) || (searchable && !hidden)) {
						cm = that.p.columns[i];
				var opr;
				if( cm.searchoptions.sopt ) {opr = cm.searchoptions.sopt;}
				else if(that.p.sopt) { opr= that.p.sopt; }
				else if  ( $.inArray(cm.searchtype, that.p.strarr) !== -1 ) {opr = that.p.stropts;}
				else {opr = that.p.numopts;}

					field: cm.name,
					op: opr[0],
					data: ""
				}); // adding a new rule

				that.reDraw(); // the html has changed, force reDraw
				// for the moment no change have been made to the rule, so
				// this will not trigger onchange event
				return false;

			// button for delete the group
			if (parentgroup !== null) { // ignore the first group
				var inputDeleteGroup = $("<input type='button' value='-' title='Delete group' class='delete-group'/>");
				inputDeleteGroup.bind('click',function() {
				// remove group from parent
					for (i = 0; i < parentgroup.groups.length; i++) {
						if (parentgroup.groups[i] === group) {
							parentgroup.groups.splice(i, 1);

					that.reDraw(); // the html has changed, force reDraw

					that.onchange(); // signals that the filter has changed
					return false;

			// append subgroup rows
			if (group.groups !== undefined) {
				for (i = 0; i < group.groups.length; i++) {
					var trHolderForSubgroup = $("<tr></tr>");

					var tdFirstHolderForSubgroup = $("<td class='first'></td>");

					var tdMainHolderForSubgroup = $("<td colspan='4'></td>");
					tdMainHolderForSubgroup.append(this.createTableForGroup(group.groups[i], group));
			if(group.groupOp === undefined) {
				group.groupOp = that.p.groupOps[0].op;

			// append rules rows
			if (group.rules !== undefined) {
				for (i = 0; i < group.rules.length; i++) {
                       this.createTableRowForRule(group.rules[i], group)

			return table;
		 * Create the rule data for the filter
		this.createTableRowForRule = function(rule, group ) {
			// save current entity in a variable so that it could
			// be referenced in anonimous method calls

			var that=this, tr = $("<tr></tr>"),

			// first column used for padding
			//tdFirstHolderForRule = document.createElement("td"),
			i, op, trpar, cm, str="", selected;
			//tdFirstHolderForRule.setAttribute("class", "first");
			tr.append("<td class='first'></td>");

			// create field container
			var ruleFieldTd = $("<td class='columns'></td>");

			// dropdown for: choosing field
			var ruleFieldSelect = $("<select></select>"), ina, aoprs = [];
			ruleFieldSelect.bind('change',function() {
				rule.field = $(ruleFieldSelect).val();

				trpar = $(this).parents("tr:first");
				for (i=0;i<that.p.columns.length;i++) {
					if(that.p.columns[i].name ===  rule.field) {
						cm = that.p.columns[i];
				if(!cm) {return;}
				cm.searchoptions.id = $.jgrid.randId();
				if(isIE && cm.inputtype === "text") {
					if(!cm.searchoptions.size) {
						cm.searchoptions.size = 10;
				var elm = $.jgrid.createEl(cm.inputtype,cm.searchoptions, "", true, that.p.ajaxSelectOptions, true);
				//that.createElement(rule, "");

				if( cm.searchoptions.sopt ) {op = cm.searchoptions.sopt;}
				else if(that.p.sopt) { op= that.p.sopt; }
				else if  ($.inArray(cm.searchtype, that.p.strarr) !== -1) {op = that.p.stropts;}
				else {op = that.p.numopts;}
				// operators
				var s ="", so = 0;
				aoprs = [];
				$.each(that.p.ops, function() { aoprs.push(this.name); });
				for ( i = 0 ; i < op.length; i++) {
					ina = $.inArray(op[i],aoprs);
					if(ina !== -1) {
						if(so===0) {
							rule.op = that.p.ops[ina].name;
						s += "<option value='"+that.p.ops[ina].name+"'>"+that.p.ops[ina].description+"</option>";
				$(".selectopts",trpar).empty().append( s );
				$(".selectopts",trpar)[0].selectedIndex = 0;
				if( $.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 9) {
					var sw = parseInt($("select.selectopts",trpar)[0].offsetWidth, 10) + 1;
					$(".selectopts",trpar).width( sw );
				// data
				$(".data",trpar).empty().append( elm );
				$.jgrid.bindEv( elm, cm.searchoptions, that);
				$(".input-elm",trpar).bind('change',function( e ) {
					var tmo = $(this).hasClass("ui-autocomplete-input") ? 200 :0;
						var elem = e.target;
						rule.data = elem.nodeName.toUpperCase() === "SPAN" && cm.searchoptions && $.isFunction(cm.searchoptions.custom_value) ?
							cm.searchoptions.custom_value($(elem).children(".customelement:first"), 'get') : elem.value;
						that.onchange(); // signals that the filter has changed
					}, tmo);
				setTimeout(function(){ //IE, Opera, Chrome
				rule.data = $(elm).val();
				that.onchange();  // signals that the filter has changed
				}, 0);

			// populate drop down with user provided column definitions
			var j=0;
			for (i = 0; i < that.p.columns.length; i++) {
				// but show only serchable and serchhidden = true fields
				var searchable = (that.p.columns[i].search === undefined) ? true: that.p.columns[i].search,
				hidden = (that.p.columns[i].hidden === true),
				ignoreHiding = (that.p.columns[i].searchoptions.searchhidden === true);
				if ((ignoreHiding && searchable) || (searchable && !hidden)) {
					selected = "";
					if(rule.field === that.p.columns[i].name) {
						selected = " selected='selected'";
					str += "<option value='"+that.p.columns[i].name+"'" +selected+">"+that.p.columns[i].label+"</option>";
			ruleFieldSelect.append( str );

			// create operator container
			var ruleOperatorTd = $("<td class='operators'></td>");
			cm = p.columns[j];
			// create it here so it can be referentiated in the onchange event
			//var RD = that.createElement(rule, rule.data);
			cm.searchoptions.id = $.jgrid.randId();
			if(isIE && cm.inputtype === "text") {
				if(!cm.searchoptions.size) {
					cm.searchoptions.size = 10;
			var ruleDataInput = $.jgrid.createEl(cm.inputtype,cm.searchoptions, rule.data, true, that.p.ajaxSelectOptions, true);
			if(rule.op == 'nu' || rule.op == 'nn') {
			} //retain the state of disabled text fields in case of null ops
			// dropdown for: choosing operator
			var ruleOperatorSelect = $("<select class='selectopts'></select>");
			ruleOperatorSelect.bind('change',function() {
				rule.op = $(ruleOperatorSelect).val();
				trpar = $(this).parents("tr:first");
				var rd = $(".input-elm",trpar)[0];
				if (rule.op === "nu" || rule.op === "nn") { // disable for operator "is null" and "is not null"
					rule.data = "";
					rd.value = "";
					rd.setAttribute("readonly", "true");
					rd.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
				} else {

				that.onchange();  // signals that the filter has changed

			// populate drop down with all available operators
			if( cm.searchoptions.sopt ) {op = cm.searchoptions.sopt;}
			else if(that.p.sopt) { op= that.p.sopt; }
			else if  ($.inArray(cm.searchtype, that.p.strarr) !== -1) {op = that.p.stropts;}
			else {op = that.p.numopts;}
			$.each(that.p.ops, function() { aoprs.push(this.name); });
			for ( i = 0; i < op.length; i++) {
				ina = $.inArray(op[i],aoprs);
				if(ina !== -1) {
					selected = rule.op === that.p.ops[ina].name ? " selected='selected'" : "";
					str += "<option value='"+that.p.ops[ina].name+"'"+selected+">"+that.p.ops[ina].description+"</option>";
			ruleOperatorSelect.append( str );
			// create data container
			var ruleDataTd = $("<td class='data'></td>");

			// textbox for: data
			// is created previously
			//ruleDataInput.setAttribute("type", "text");
			$.jgrid.bindEv( ruleDataInput, cm.searchoptions, that);
			.bind('change', function() {
				rule.data = cm.inputtype === 'custom' ? cm.searchoptions.custom_value($(this).children(".customelement:first"),'get') : $(this).val();
				that.onchange(); // signals that the filter has changed

			// create action container
			var ruleDeleteTd = $("<td></td>");

			// create button for: delete rule
			if(this.p.ruleButtons === true) {
			var ruleDeleteInput = $("<input type='button' value='-' title='Delete rule' class='delete-rule ui-del'/>");
			//$(ruleDeleteInput).html("").height(20).width(30).button({icons: {  primary: "ui-icon-minus", text:false}});
			ruleDeleteInput.bind('click',function() {
				// remove rule from group
				for (i = 0; i < group.rules.length; i++) {
					if (group.rules[i] === rule) {
						group.rules.splice(i, 1);

				that.reDraw(); // the html has changed, force reDraw

				that.onchange(); // signals that the filter has changed
				return false;
			return tr;

		this.getStringForGroup = function(group) {
			var s = "(", index;
			if (group.groups !== undefined) {
				for (index = 0; index < group.groups.length; index++) {
					if (s.length > 1) {
						s += " " + group.groupOp + " ";
					try {
						s += this.getStringForGroup(group.groups[index]);
					} catch (eg) {alert(eg);}

			if (group.rules !== undefined) {
					for (index = 0; index < group.rules.length; index++) {
						if (s.length > 1) {
							s += " " + group.groupOp + " ";
						s += this.getStringForRule(group.rules[index]);
				} catch (e) {alert(e);}

			s += ")";

			if (s === "()") {
				return ""; // ignore groups that don't have rules
			return s;
		this.getStringForRule = function(rule) {
			var opUF = "",opC="", i, cm, ret, val,
			numtypes = ['int', 'integer', 'float', 'number', 'currency']; // jqGrid
			for (i = 0; i < this.p.ops.length; i++) {
				if (this.p.ops[i].name === rule.op) {
					opUF = this.p.ops[i].operator;
					opC = this.p.ops[i].name;
			for (i=0; i<this.p.columns.length; i++) {
				if(this.p.columns[i].name === rule.field) {
					cm = this.p.columns[i];
			if (cm == null) { return ""; }
			val = rule.data;
			if(opC === 'bw' || opC === 'bn') { val = val+"%"; }
			if(opC === 'ew' || opC === 'en') { val = "%"+val; }
			if(opC === 'cn' || opC === 'nc') { val = "%"+val+"%"; }
			if(opC === 'in' || opC === 'ni') { val = " ("+val+")"; }
			if(p.errorcheck) { checkData(rule.data, cm); }
			if($.inArray(cm.searchtype, numtypes) !== -1 || opC === 'nn' || opC === 'nu') { ret = rule.field + " " + opUF + " " + val; }
			else { ret = rule.field + " " + opUF + " \"" + val + "\""; }
			return ret;
		this.resetFilter = function () {
			this.p.filter = $.extend(true,{},this.p.initFilter);
		this.hideError = function() {
			$("th.ui-state-error", this).html("");
			$("tr.error", this).hide();
		this.showError = function() {
			$("th.ui-state-error", this).html(this.p.errmsg);
			$("tr.error", this).show();
		this.toUserFriendlyString = function() {
			return this.getStringForGroup(p.filter);
		this.toString = function() {
			// this will obtain a string that can be used to match an item.
			var that = this;
			function getStringRule(rule) {
				if(that.p.errorcheck) {
					var i, cm;
					for (i=0; i<that.p.columns.length; i++) {
						if(that.p.columns[i].name === rule.field) {
							cm = that.p.columns[i];
					if(cm) {checkData(rule.data, cm);}
				return rule.op + "(item." + rule.field + ",'" + rule.data + "')";

			function getStringForGroup(group) {
				var s = "(", index;

				if (group.groups !== undefined) {
					for (index = 0; index < group.groups.length; index++) {
						if (s.length > 1) {
							if (group.groupOp === "OR") {
								s += " || ";
							else {
								s += " && ";
						s += getStringForGroup(group.groups[index]);

				if (group.rules !== undefined) {
					for (index = 0; index < group.rules.length; index++) {
						if (s.length > 1) {
							if (group.groupOp === "OR") {
								s += " || ";
							else  {
								s += " && ";
						s += getStringRule(group.rules[index]);

				s += ")";

				if (s === "()") {
					return ""; // ignore groups that don't have rules
				return s;

			return getStringForGroup(this.p.filter);

		// Here we init the filter

		if(this.p.showQuery) {
		// mark is as created so that it will not be created twice on this element
		this.filter = true;
	 * Return SQL like string. Can be used directly
	toSQLString : function()
		var s ="";
			s = this.toUserFriendlyString();
		return s;
	 * Return filter data as object.
	filterData : function()
		var s;
			s = this.p.filter;
		return s;

	getParameter : function (param) {
		if(param !== undefined) {
			if (this.p.hasOwnProperty(param) ) {
				return this.p[param];
		return this.p;
	resetFilter: function() {
		return this.each(function(){
	addFilter: function (pfilter) {
		if (typeof pfilter === "string") {
			pfilter = $.jgrid.parse( pfilter );
			this.p.filter = pfilter;
