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<font face="Tahoma"><u><b>APPLICATION GUIDELINES FOR STUDENTS</b></u><br><br></font>
<font size="2" face="Tahoma">- Re-valuation (RV) / Re-totalling (RT) / Photo copy (PC) can be applied only through Online Portal.
<br><br>- Students will be shown the list of subjects in which he / she had appeared for the examination for which RV / RT / PC is intended.
<br><br>- On selecting the subjects, the relevant fee is automatically displayed.
<br><br>- On selecting required subjects, student need to select the mode of payment.
<br><br>- In case of Bank Challan Payment, Application along with challan will be printed. Keep the application and submit the challan at bank and get the receipt for making the payment.
<br><br>- Unique application number is printed for each registration. Student has to use this application number for all correspondence with college.
<br><br>- Students no need to submit the application form at college.