Linux ip-172-26-7-228 5.4.0-1103-aws #111~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue May 23 20:04:10 UTC 2023 x86_64
Your IP :
require_once $main_src.'/swiftmailer/lib/Swift.php';
require_once $main_src.'/swiftmailer/lib/Swift/Message.php';
require_once $main_src.'/swiftmailer/lib/Swift/Connection/SMTP.php';
class CMailer {
function __construct($aarr_mailer_info) {
$this->marr_mailer_info = $aarr_mailer_info;
//Using Candor mail server
// $this->mobj_swift = new Swift(new Swift_Connection_SMTP("", Swift_Connection_SMTP::PORT_SECURE, Swift_Connection_SMTP::ENC_TLS,"","candorsalary123")); // or
$this->mobj_swift= new Swift(new Swift_Connection_SMTP("",25,'',"","vinod123"));
//Using Gmail mail server
//$this->mobj_swift = new Swift(new Swift_Connection_SMTP("", Swift_Connection_SMTP::PORT_SECURE, Swift_Connection_SMTP::ENC_TLS,"","tarka123")); // or
//Using tarka soft mail server
// $this->mobj_swift = new Swift(new Swift_Connection_SMTP("",25,"","tarka123")); // or
$this->mobj_swift_recp = new Swift_RecipientList();
public function send_mail() {
# Checking if all the required params are passed
$larr_mandatory_fields = array(
'from' ,
foreach ($larr_mandatory_fields as $key => $value) {
if (!array_key_exists($value, $this->marr_mailer_info)) {
throw new Exception('Required mailer information not present / need to pass proper format');
# Checking if atleast one value is passed for 'to' address
if( !is_array($this->marr_mailer_info['to']) || count($this->marr_mailer_info['to']) < 1 ) {
throw new Exception('The TO address is invalid / need to pass proper format');
# Checking if 'from' address is passed correctly
if( !is_array($this->marr_mailer_info['from']) || count($this->marr_mailer_info['from']) != 2 ) {
throw new Exception('The FROM address is invalid / need to pass proper format');
$this->subject = $this->marr_mailer_info['subject'];
$this->body = $this->marr_mailer_info['body'];
$this->from = $this->marr_mailer_info['from'];
$this->to = $this->marr_mailer_info['to'];
# Setting the From address of the mail
$this->mobj_swift_addr = new Swift_Address($this->from['email'],$this->from['name']);
# Setting To address(es) of the mail
foreach($this->to as $key => $value) {
# Setting Cc address(es) if any
if(is_array($this->marr_mailer_info['cc'])) {
foreach($this->marr_mailer_info['cc'] as $key => $value) {
# Setting Bcc address(es) if any
if(is_array($this->marr_mailer_info['bcc'])) {
foreach($this->marr_mailer_info['bcc'] as $key => $value) {
# If there are Attachments
if(is_array($this->marr_mailer_info['attachments'])) {
# creating the swift message instance, setting the subject of the mail
$this->swift_msg = new Swift_Message($this->subject);
# message body of the mail
$this->swift_msg->attach(new Swift_Message_Part($this->body,'text/html'));
# attachment(s) of the mail
foreach($this->marr_mailer_info['attachments'] as $key => $value) {
if( array_key_exists('disposition', $value) && in_array($value['disposition'],array('inline','attachment')) ) {
$disposition = $value['disposition'];
} else {
$disposition = 'attachment';
if( isset($value['mime_type']) ) {
$this->swift_msg->attach(new Swift_Message_Attachment(new Swift_File("{$value[file_source]}"), "{$value[file_name]}", "{$value[mime_type]}", "base64", "{$disposition}"));
} else {
$this->swift_msg->attach(new Swift_Message_Attachment(new Swift_File("{$value[file_source]}"), "{$value[file_name]}", "application/octet-stream", "base64", "{$disposition}"));
} else {
# If there are no Attachments
$this->swift_msg = new Swift_Message($this->subject, $this->body, 'text/html');
# Setting return-path
if( array_key_exists('return-path', $this->marr_mailer_info) ) {
# Setting reply to
if( array_key_exists('reply-to', $this->marr_mailer_info) ) {
# Setting read receipt
if( array_key_exists('read-receipt', $this->marr_mailer_info) ) {
# Setting priority of the mail
if( array_key_exists('priority', $this->marr_mailer_info) ) {
# You can provide an integer ranging from 1 (High) to 5 (Low) to indicate the priority. PRIORITY_HIGH = 1 , PRIORITY_NORMAL = 3 (default), PRIORITY_LOW = 5
# Sending mail
$this->mail_recipients_count = $this->mobj_swift->send($this->swift_msg, $this->mobj_swift_recp, $this->mobj_swift_addr);
return $this->mail_recipients_count ;