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# ===========
# Filename : yplan[.pl]
# Revision : 0.3, 2000-03-14
# Purpose  : Writes LaTeX2e code for an A4 year-planner,
#          : in the style designed by Dick Nickalls
# Author   : John Palmer,
#          : using matter from Dick Nickalls and Harald Harders
# ===========
# Revision History
# 0.3, 2000-03-14 avoids long lines in the program where possible
# 0.2, 2000-03-08 YEAR arg mandatory; PAGE arg added;
#                 error-messages changed
# 0.1, 2000-02-18 alternative languages added (after Harald Harders)
# 2000-02-11 adding the bulk of the boilerplate
#            (copied from Dick Nickalls)
# 1999-08-28 dividing into two pages and adding more TeX boilerplate
# 1999-08-18 program begun: first attempt to align days of week
# ===========
#   where:
#   LANGUAGE is one of: english, german, french, italian, spanish,
#   portuguese, swedish, latin; if omitted, english is assumed;
#   LETTERCASE is one of: uppercase, lowercase; controls the setting
#   of month-names; if omitted, uppercase is assumed;
#   PAGE is one of: p1, p2; selects the first or second six months
#   of the chosen YEAR; if omitted, both pages are printed;
#   YEAR must be written with four digits;
#   FILE.tex is where to put the generated LaTeX code.
# Acceptable variants:
#   Arguments wholly or partly in uppercase are translated to
#   lowercase.
#   Arguments are recognised even if given in the wrong order.
#   You may write any argument with - or / at the start, and, in
#   general, obvious extra characters at start and end of arguments
#   are ignored.
# Fatal errors:
#   The program will stop with an error-message in these cases:
#   if YEAR missing; if YEAR <1999; if LANGUAGE not in the set above.
# Location: in CTAN at macros/latex/contrib/other/yplan/yplan.pl
# Things to do:
sub Leapyear
  my $year = shift; # one argument
  if (($year%4) != 0) {return 0}
  elsif (($year%400) == 0) {return 1}
  elsif (($year%100) == 0) {return 0}
  else {return 1};
# Multilingual facilities Copyright 1999 Harald Harders
# <harald.harders@dlr.de>
# Adapted to Perl, with Swedish, Latin extensions,
# by John Palmer, 2000

@{$MonthsOfYear{english}} =
@{$DaysOfWeek{english}} = ('Su','Mo','Tu','We','Th','Fr','Sa');
$LY{english} = 'leap year';

@{$MonthsOfYear{german}} =
( '','Januar','Februar','M\"arz','April','Mai','Juni',
@{$DaysOfWeek{german}} = ('So','Mo','Di','Mi','Do','Fr','Sa','So');
$LY{german}= 'Schaltjahr';

@{$MonthsOfYear{french}} =
@{$DaysOfWeek{french}} = ('Di','Lu','Ma','Me','Je','Ve','Sa');
$LY{french}= "ann\\'ee bissextile";

@{$MonthsOfYear{italian}} =
@{$DaysOfWeek{italian}} = ('Do','Lu','Ma','Me','Gi','Ve','Sa');
$LY{italian}= 'anno di salto';

@{$MonthsOfYear{spanish}} =
@{$DaysOfWeek{spanish}} = ('Do','Lu','Ma','Mi','Ju','Vi',"S\\'a");
$LY{spanish}= 'A\~no bisiesto';

@{$MonthsOfYear{portuguese}} =
# \c needs special treatment when converting to uppercase
@{$DaysOfWeek{portuguese}} =
$LY{portuguese}= 'Ano de pulo';

@{$MonthsOfYear{swedish}} =
@{$DaysOfWeek{swedish}} =
$LY{swedish} = 'skott\aa{}r';

@{$MonthsOfYear{latin}} =
@{$DaysOfWeek{latin}} = ('So','Lu','Ma','Me','Io','Ve','Sa');
$LY{latin} = 'annvs bissextilis';
# use v not u as it will be set as \textsc
# Antiquarian note:
# There is evidence for a seven-day cycle in Latin-speaking
# communities in the 1st cent. AD.  The days are: (dies) Solis,
# Lunae, Martis, Mercurii, Iouis, Veneris, Saturni.  Iulius, Augustus
# were originally Quintilis, Sextilis but were renamed after two
# personages of the 1st cent. BC.  In Latin of this period there is
# no distinction between I and J (I used for both) or between
# U and V (lowercase u, uppercase V). ---JP
# Set default values for the arguments:
$Year = '';
$Language = 'english';
$Monthcase = 'uppercase';
$Page = '';

# Override them by actual arguments:
foreach (@ARGV)
  if ($_ =~ m/(p1|p2)/i) { $Page = lc $1 }
  elsif ($_ =~ m/([0-9]+)/) { $Year = $1 }
  elsif ($_ =~ m/(uppercase|lowercase)/i) { $Monthcase = lc $1 }
  elsif ($_ =~ m/([a-z]+)/i) { $Language = lc $1 };
if ($Year !~ /^\d+$/)
{ die "Usage: yplan [language] [lowercase] [page] year >file.tex\n" };
if ($Year < 1999)
{ die "Years < 1999 not available\n" };
if (! exists $MonthsOfYear{$Language})
{ die "Language $Language not available\n" };
if ($Monthcase =~ m/uppercase/)
{ foreach (@{$MonthsOfYear{$Language}})
  { $_ = uc $_; $_ =~ s/\\C/\\c/g;
    if ($Language eq 'latin') {$_ =~ s/U/V/g}
$shortYear = $Year ; $shortYear =~ s/..(..)/$1/ ;
# count days from 1999 January 1 to $Year January 1:
$thisYear = 1999 ;
$startDayofWeek[1] = 5 ;
# 1999 January 1 is a Friday. 0=Sunday,1=Monday,etc.
# count days from 1999 January 1 to $Year January 1:
while ($thisYear < $Year)
  $daysinYear = Leapyear($thisYear) ? 366 : 365 ;
  $startDayofWeek[1] = $startDayofWeek[1] + $daysinYear ;
$startDayofWeek[1] = $startDayofWeek[1] % 7 ;
# make a list of the lengths of months:
@monthLengths =
( 0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 ) ;
$Ly = '';
if (Leapyear($thisYear))
{ $monthLengths[2] = 29 ; $Ly = $LY{$Language} };
# for each month, determine the day of week of day 1 of the month
for ($i=1; $i<12; $i++) 
  $startDayofWeek[1+$i] =
  ( $startDayofWeek[$i] + $monthLengths[$i] ) % 7;
# for each month, write an appropriately shifted array of daysofMonth;
# meantime determine the greatest index (plus one) to any such array:
$stopRow = 0;
for ($i=1; $i<=12; $i++)
  $monthVec[$i] = (); # create the array
  $j = $startDayofWeek[$i];
  $k = 1;
  while ($k <= @monthLengths[$i])
    ${$monthVec[$i]}[$j] = $k;
    $k++; $j++;
  if ($stopRow < $j) { $stopRow = $j };
# fill in $monthVec[0] with the days of week:
$j = 0;
for ($i=0; $i<$stopRow; $i++)
  ${$monthVec[0]}[$i] = $j; $j++; $j %= 7;
# determine the least of @startDayofWeek:
$topDayofWeek = 6;
for ($i=1; $i<=12; $i++)
  if ($startDayofWeek[$i]<$topDayofWeek)
# emit the opening boilerplate:
print <<ENDFRONT;
%% Yplan
%% Vertical year-planner calendar
%% ---------------------------
%% Copyright 1999 RWD Nickalls, 2000 John Palmer
%% Multlingual support based on yplan.sty,
%% copyright 1999 Harald Harders
%% This program Yplan[.pl] can be redistributed and/or modified
%% under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License distributed
%% from CTAN archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt;
%% either version 1 of the License, or any later version.
%% --------------------------
%% Author of the original LaTeX source:
%% Dr RWD Nickalls,
%% Department of Anaesthesia,
%% City Hospital,
%% Nottingham, UK.
%% dicknickalls\@compuserve.com
%% TEL: +44-(0)-115-9691169 Ext:45637
%% FAX: +44-(0)-115-9627713
%% Author of the original multilingual package:
%% Harald Harders,
%% harald.harders\@dlr.de
%% Author of the Perl program:
%% John W Palmer,
%% johnp\@bcs.org.uk
%% Designed for LaTeX 2e, although it can be easily adapted for
%% use with LaTeX 2.09, since it is only a big table.
%% I designed this year planner as one year my
%% A4 diary had no good year planner at the end
%% The vertical size can be adjusted by changing \datestrut.
%% ---enjoy!  RWDN
%% \\monthstrut controls the white space above the month.
%% \\datestrut controls the white space above the date.
%% Used in the footnotes.
%% no pagenumbering
# start emitting rows.  In each row, col 0 is a dayofWeek,
# the remainder are daysofMonth for different months.

$ema=6; $emb=12;
if ($Page eq 'p1') { $emb = 6 } elsif ($Page eq 'p2') { $ema = 12 };
for($endmonth=$ema; $endmonth<=$emb; $endmonth+=6)
print <<ENDHEAD;
\\hspace{1cm} {\\LARGE $Year}\\qquad\\textsc{$Ly}\\\\
{\\ } \\\\
  print '%%',"\n";
  print '\hline',"\n";
  print ' \multicolumn{1}{|c||}{\monthstrut\ }',"\n" ;
  for ($j=$endmonth-5; $j<=$endmonth; $j++)
    print ' & \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{',
  print "\\\\\n\\hline\n\\hline\n";
  for ($i=$topDayofWeek; $i<$stopRow; $i++)
    print '\datestrut ',
    for ($j=$endmonth-5; $j<=$endmonth; $j++)
      if ($j>0) { print ' & ' };
      print ${$monthVec[$j]}[$i];
    print " \\\\\n"; # that's space, two backslashes and a newline
    if (${$monthVec[0]}[$i]==0) # Sunday
    { print '\hline\hline',"\n" } # full double rule at `end' of week
    { print '\cline{1-1}'; # always put rule in day-of-week column
      for ($j=$endmonth-5; $j<=$endmonth; $j++)
      { if (${$monthVec[$j]}[$i] || ${$monthVec[$j]}[$i+1])
        { print '\cline{',($j-$endmonth+7),'-',($j-$endmonth+7),'}' }
        # in month columns put rule only above or below a day-number
      print "\n";
      if ($i==$stopRow-1) { print '\hline',"\n" };
      # end of tabular matter
print <<ENDFOOT;
{\\ } \\\\
\\hfill\\hbox{\\copyright{} 1999 RWD Nickalls, H Harders, 2000 J Palmer}
print '\end{document}',"\n";
# End of program