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Current Path : /usr/bin/X11/ |
| Current File : //usr/bin/X11/texdiff |
#! /usr/bin/env perl
# See POD documentation below or use:
# $ perldoc texdiff
# to see embedded documentation. Alternatively, you can create manual
# or HTML pages using pod2man and pod2html. Below the POD part you
# can add your own macros to be skipped by the edit marks.
# $Id: texdiff 766 2009-09-24 19:19:38Z cengiz $
=head1 NAME
B<texdiff> - Compares two (La)TeX documents to create a merged version showing changes, similar to that of 'Change Tracking' in some word processors.
texdiff [--nofloats|-n] old.tex new.tex [diff.tex]
The first two files are compared and a new TeX file is output. When
the output file is processed with (La)TeX it marks new changes with
blue and old text with red with a strike-through line. Furthermore,
passages with changes are marked at the margin with grey bars by the
LaTeX C<changebar> package (although only after running C<dvips>, in
C<xdvi> the bars are one inch too far left to compensate the one inch
offset inserted by TeX printer drivers).
C<texdiff> uses and therefore requires the C<wdiff> command to insert
these marks. If LaTeX macros are included in those striked out or
underlined passages, the latex run will most likely fail. The source
of most problems lies in C<wdiff> tearing apart pairs of
braces. Therefore C<texdiff> is a perl script that calls C<wdiff> internally
and fixes C<wdiff>'s output by re-pairing braces again and handling some
commonly used LaTeX macros.
For texdiff to work, the following LaTeX code must be inserted in the
preamble of the LaTeX document:
\usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{ulem} \usepackage{changebar}
Define editing colors C<ins> and C<del> with existing C<xcolor> color names:
\colorlet{ins}{blue} \colorlet{del}{red}
Or from scratch:
\definecolor{ins}{rgb}{0, 0.5, 0}
These macros are NOT automatically interted at \begin{document} like
the original scripts did (see the B<ACKNOWLEDGMENTS> section below),
because this will not work on files of a multi-file document (those
included by \include or \input). Furthermore, if you insert the
macros manually, you can tune them as you like, i. e. change text
color or position of changebars. Have a look at the documentation of
the ulem and changebar packages on how to do this!
=head1 OPTIONS
=item B<--nofloats>, B<-n>
If given, skips contents of figure environments, but does show
insertions and deletions in the caption commands. This is done to
avoid complex messups in subfloat or complex figure environments.
=item B<--debug>, B<-d>
Turns on debugging. Temporary files that contain numbered braces are
kept and a raw difference file is written as output file name appended
with '-wdiff.tex'. In addition, several regular expression diagnostics
are printed. B<Warning: produces a lot of output.>
=head1 AUTHOR
Mark Doll <markdoll<AT>>, Cengiz Gunay <cengique<AT>>.
=item B<*>
Version 0.4, by CG, 2009/09/15. Added use of GetOpt to take an optional
parameter to skip float (e.g., figure or table) contents. Added an
optional debug mode. Embedded POD documentation. Fixed problem
with insertion and deletions appearing in the middle of sectioning
commands by throwing off LaTeX.
=item B<*>
Version 0.3, modified by Cengiz Gunay <>,
2009/06/30. Added some Latex commands that should be excluded and
fixed handling of '\%' characters.
=item B<*>
Version 0.2, is a perl implementation of TeXdiff by Mark Doll
<>, 2006/08/09. It was derived from the original bash
and perl scripts created by Robert Maron <>,
available at This version of texdiff
is available at
Copyleft 2006-2009, Mark Doll and Cengiz Gunay
This library is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
# - after removing excluded commands, unify deletions and insertions
# if there're no other differences
# - investigate causes of missing brace pairs
# - put option to add preamble automatically?
# - put option to flatten first?
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
use Pod::Usage;
use strict;
use re 'eval'; # CG: for RE code for skipping float contents
## Problematic commands, that will be removed from deletions and moved
## out of insertions. The array index equals the number of mandatory
## command parameters.
# Omit leading backslash and separate by '|', since this will be
# interpreted as a regular expression.
my @mycommands = (
## standard LaTeX macros
#FIXME: add more macros here!
my @stdcommands = (
'\\\\|item|\%', # will match one backslash inside regex
# GetOpt::Long::
my $nofloats = 0;
my $help;
my $DEBUG=0;
my $result = GetOptions ("nofloats|n" => \$nofloats,
"debug|d" => \$DEBUG,
"help|?" => \$help );
#print "Figs= $nofloats\n";
pod2usage( -section => "SYNOPSIS") if ($#ARGV < 1 || $help);
## allow nesting of braces (aka curly brackets) up to 10**$w-1 levels
my $w = 2;
## wdiff marker
my $delstart = "TLSdel";
my $delend = "TLEdel";
my $insstart = "TLSins";
my $insend = "TLEins";
## LaTeX macros used to mark deletions/insertions in the output
my $texdelstart = "\\protect\\TLSdel\{";
my $texdelend = "\}";
my $texinsstart = "\\protect\\TLSins\{";
my $texinsend = "\}";
## parse command line
my ($in1,$in2,$out) = @ARGV;
## create temp files from input files with all comments removed and
## all braces numbered
sub write_temp {
my ($w,$file,$tmp) = @_;
$_ = `cat $file`;
## mark pairs of braces with the same $w digits.
# i. e. convert "{ { {} } {}}" to "{01 {02 {03}03 }02 {02}02}01" ($w=2).
# FIXME: marking braces before comparison makes them appear
# as changes if depth of nesting changes.
my $max=10**$w-1;
$::cnt = 0;
\{ (?{ die "Fatal: Braces nested deeper than $max!\n" if ($::cnt >= $max);
sprintf("\{%0${w}d",++$::cnt) }) |
\} (?{ sprintf("\}%0${w}d",$::cnt--) })
print STDERR "Warning: ".abs($::cnt)." unmatched ".($::cnt > 0 ? "opening" : "closing")
." brace".(abs($::cnt) == 1 ? "" : "s")."\n" if ($::cnt != 0);
## remove comments
# also remove trailing newline and all whitespace at the
# beginning of the following line like TeX does it
s/(?<!\\)%.*?\n[ \t]*//g;
## output
open(O,">$tmp") or return("Can't open $tmp: $!\n");
print O;
close O;
my $wdiff_cmd = ( "wdiff --avoid-wraps"
. " --start-delete=\'$delstart\' --end-delete=\'$delend\'"
. " --start-insert=\'$insstart\' --end-insert=\'$insend\'"
. " tmp1.$$ tmp2.$$");
$_ = `$wdiff_cmd`;
if ($DEBUG) {
## save wdiff output
if (open(O,">$out-wdiff.tex")) {
print O;
close O;
} else {
print STDERR "Failed to write wdiff output file $out-wdiff.tex.\n";;
### Phase I: generic processing
## remove paragraph boundaries (two newlines) that wdiff falsely inserted
# FIXME: Does wdiff always insert same spacing before deletion and the
# following insertion?!
([ \t]*\n[ \t]*\n[ \t]*)
$delstart (?!$delend)
(?: . (?!$delend) )* .
## Restore backslashed Spaces (prevents falsely escaped right braces)
# Escaped spaces '\ ' at the end of an insertion/deletion will result in the
# backslash before the end marker and the space after it. Therefore swap
# whitespace and end marker. (This might falsely make the insertion/deletion
# span the following paragraph boundary, but this will be fixed by the next
# step below). When the end markers finally get replaced by $tex(ins|del)end,
# which typically is a '}', without this swapping, this would result in escaped
# right braces and LaTeX complaining about a missing right brace.
## split up insertions and deletions that span multiple paragraphs
while (
$delstart (?!$delend)
(?: . (?! [ \t]*\n[ \t]*\n[ \t]* | $delend ) )*? .?
([ \t]*\n[ \t]*\n[ \t]*)
/$1$delend$2$delstart/gsx ) {}
while (
$insstart (?!$insend)
(?: . (?! [ \t]*\n[ \t]*\n[ \t]* | $insend ) )*? .?
([ \t]*\n[ \t]*\n[ \t]*)
/$1$insend$2$insstart/gsx ) {}
## Handle unpaired braces
# Search for all unpaired braces, meaning, they are inside a text
# deletion or insertion passage, but their counterpart is not within
# that passage. If they are located inside a deletion passage, simply
# delete them. If there a inside a insertion passage, move them out
# by placing an insertion end marker before and an insertion start
# marker after the brace. In case that a left brace belongs to a
# preceding LaTeX command (plus and any more zero-parameter commands
# directly preceding that command; that's matched by a non-whitespace
# character sequence started by a backslash), also delete resp. move
# that/these command(s) together with the left brace.
# FIXME: why is while loop necessary here, but not for handling right braces?
# FIXME: If there's not at least one character before the character
# sequence specified in the look-ahead negative assertion, the match
# would stop at the second occurence of that sequence instead of the
# first. This leads to the effect, that the following regular
# expressions may skip $(del|ins)end if it follows directly the left
# brace (+number). The use of *? instead of * mitigates this effect,
# but it's not perfect.
## 1. unpaired left brace inside a deletion: delete brace and any preceding LaTeX command(s)
while (
s/( # $1: everything till unpaired '{'
$delstart (?!$delend) # would otherwise not detect end marker of empty deletions!
(?: . (?!$delend))*?
( (?<!\\) \\\S* )? # $2: optional command(s) preceding the '{'
(?<!\\) \{([0-9]{$w}) (?!\}\3) # '{' and $3: number
( # $4: everything what's remaining
(?: . (?! (?<!\\)\}\3 | $delend) )*? .? # will stop at a matching '}', too
$delend # won't match if preceeding line found a matching '}'
/$1$4/sgx ) {} # remove the '{' with number and any preceeding command(s)
## 2. unpaired left brace inside an insertion: move brace out including any preceding LaTeX command(s)
while (
$insstart (?!$insend)
(?: . (?!$insend))*?
( \s* (?: (?<!\\) \\\S* )? ) # also move preceeding whitespace preceding out
(?<!\\) \{([0-9]{$w}) (?!\}\3)
(?: . (?! (?<!\\)\}\3 | $insend) )*? .?
/$1$insend$2\{$3$insstart$4/sgx ) {} # move the '{' with number and any preceeding command(s) out
## 3. unpaired right brace inside a deletion: delete brace
s/( # $1: everything till unpaired '}'
$delstart (?!$delend) # would otherwise not detect end marker of empty deletions!
(?> (?: ## grab all paired braces (prevent backtracking):
(?: . (?! (?<!\\)\{[0-9]{$w} | $delend) )*? .? # any text till next (unescaped) '{'
\{([0-9]{$w}) # '{' with $2: number
(?: . (?! (?<!\\)\}\2 | $delend) )*? .? #any text till matching '}'
\}\2 # '}' with same number $2
)* ) ## end of disabled backtracking
(?: . (?!$delend))*? # any text
( \}[0-9]{$w} ) # $3: the (first) unpaired '}' with number
( # $4: everything what's remaining
(?: . (?!$delend))*? .?
/$1$4/sgx; # remove the unpaired '}' with number
## 4. unpaired right brace inside an insertion: move brace out
$insstart (?! $insend)
(?> (?:
(?: . (?! (?<!\\)\{[0-9]{$w} | $insend ) )*? .?
(?: . (?! (?<!\\)\}\2 | $insend ) )*? .?
)* )
(?: . (?!$insend))*?
( \}[0-9]{$w} \s* ) # also move whitespace following the '}' out
(?: . (?!$insend))*? .?
/$1$insend$3$insstart$4/sgx; # move the unpaired '}' with number out
## concatenate consecutive insertions and consecutive deletions
# Don't concatenate over paragraph (two newlines) boundaries, since
# the LaTeX macros used to mark changed passages can't span multiple
# paragraphs. Run this before handling LaTeX-commands specifically to
# allow as much of a command inside a single passage as possible.
s/$delend([ \t]*\n?[ \t]*)$delstart/$1/g;
s/$insend([ \t]*\n?[ \t]*)$insstart/$1/g;
### Phase II: LaTeX-command specific processing
## For COMPLETELY removed/inserted sections, move section command out.
# May create empty insertions/removals, therefore execute this before
# the removal of empty (or whitespace only) insertions/removals!
# Partly changed section titles have been handled by the preceding
# rules. In case of removal, prevent renumbering by using asterisk
# form; in case of insertion, add a short form without markers to
# prevent problems when LaTeX'ing the diff.
my $sectionre = "chapter|section|subsection|subsubsection|paragraph";
( # $1: text before section command
$delstart (?!$delend)
(?: . (?!$delend) )*?
\\($sectionre) # '\' and $2: section command
\{([0-9]{$w}) # '{' and $3: number
( (?: . (?! (?<!\\)\}\3 | $delend) )*? .? ) # $4: section command parameter (title)
( \}\3 \s* ) # '}' and same number plus following whitespace
# move section commmand out and convert command to asterisk form
( # $1: text before section command
$insstart (?!$insend)
(?: . (?!$insend) )*?
\\($sectionre) # '\' and $2: section command
\{([0-9]{$w}) # '{' and $3: number
( (?: . (?! (?<!\\)\}\3 | $insend) )*? .? ) # $4: section command parameter (title)
( \}\3 \s* ) # $5: '}' and same number plus following whitespace
# move sections command out and add short form without markers
\\($sectionre) # '\' and $1: section command
(?{ $::titlecontents = ""; $::optcontents = "" }) # initialize vars
( (?: \[ (?: (?! \] ) . )* \] # $2: optional argument
(?{ print "====Found \\$1 opt arg '$^N'." if $DEBUG; })
)? )
\{([0-9]{$w}) # '{' and $3: number
(?: # Groups text followed by ins or del block
( (?! \}\3) (?: (?! \}\3 ) . )*? (?= $insstart | $delstart ) )
(?{ print "=====Found ins\|del start before section end '$^N'!\n" if $DEBUG;
$::titlecontents .= $^N; $::optcontents .= $^N })
(?: ( $delstart (?: (?!$delend) . )* $delend )
(?{ print "=====Found del end!\n" if $DEBUG;
$::titlecontents .= $^N }) )? # dont keep deletions in opt
(?: $insstart ( (?: (?!$insend) . )* ) $insend
(?{ print "=====Found ins end '$^N'!\n" if $DEBUG;
$::titlecontents .= "$insstart$^N$insend";
$::optcontents .= $^N }) )? # keep insertions in opt
)+ # end text + ins or del (need at least one for this to succeed)
(?: ( (?: (?! \}\3 ) . )+ )
(?{ print "=====Found text after ins\|del end and before section end: '$^N'!\n" if $DEBUG;
$::titlecontents .= $^N; $::optcontents .= $^N}) )?
(?: \}\3) # '}' and same number
(?{ print "=====End of \\$1.\n" if $DEBUG;
$::optcontents = ($2 ne "" ? $2 : $::optcontents ) })
# Add a short form with removed insertions and deletions in section commands
# Will not add the short form if it already exists.
## Remove problematic commands from deletions and move them out of insertions
for my $num (0 .. ($#mycommands>$#stdcommands ? $#mycommands : $#stdcommands)) {
my $command = "";
$command .= $mycommands[$num] if ($mycommands[$num] );
$command .= "|" if ($mycommands[$num] && $stdcommands[$num]);
$command .= $stdcommands[$num] if ( $stdcommands[$num]);
next if(!$command);
( # $1: anything before the command
$delstart (?!$delend)
(?: . (?!$delend) )*? .?
( # $2: the command with all its parameters
\\(?:$command) # the command itself (preceded by a '\')
(?: \[ .*? (?<!\\)\] )* # any optional parameters (enclosed in '[]')
(?: \{([0-9]{$w}) .*? (?<!\\)\}\3 ){$num} # $num mandatory parameters
$insstart (?!$insend)
(?: . (?!$insend) )*? .?
(?: \[ .*? (?<!\\)\] )*
(?: \{([0-9]{$w}) .*? (?<!\\)\}\3 ){$num}
## CG: optionally leave figure contents intact: remove deletions and keep
## insertions. do not touch the caption command
## => tested with multiple figures
## => tested with multi-captions and no captions. should work with subfig and subfloat
s/( \\begin\{[0-9]{$w}\s*((?:figure|table)\*?)(?{ $::floatname = $^N })\s*\}[0-9]{$w} ) # begin figure or table line
(?{ print "=====Found figure!\n" if $DEBUG;
$::figcontents=$^N }) # Save into variable
(?: # Groups BLOCK + caption command
(?: # BLOCK of insert and delete commands until caption
( (?! \\caption) (?: (?! $insstart | $delstart | \\caption | \\end\{[0-9]{$w}\s*figure ) . )* )
(?{ print "=====Found ins\|del start or caption '$^N'!\n" if $DEBUG;
$::figcontents .= $^N })
(?: $delstart (?: (?!$delend) . )* $delend
(?{ print "=====Found del end!\n" if $DEBUG; }) )? # dont keep deletions
(?: $insstart ( (?: (?!$insend) . )* ) $insend
(?{ print "=====Found ins end '$^N'!\n" if $DEBUG; $::figcontents .= $^N }) )? # keep insertions
)*? # end BLOCK
(?: (\\caption (?: \[ (?: (?! (?<!\\) \]) . )* \])? \s*
\{ ([0-9]{$w}) (?{ $::captiondepth=$^N })
(?: (?! \}(??{ $::captiondepth })) . )* \}(??{$::captiondepth}) )
(?{ print "=====" . pos() . ": Found caption ($::captiondepth) '$^N'!\n" if $DEBUG; $::figcontents .= $^N }) )? # caption
)*? # end BLOCK + caption
( \\end\{[0-9]{$w}\s*figure\*?\s*\}[0-9]{$w} )
(?{ print "=====Found figure end '$^N'!\n" if $DEBUG; $::figcontents .= $^N })
### Phase III: cleaup, conversion, output
## remove insertions and removals that are empty or only mark whitespace
## remove brace numbers
## substitute final LaTeX macro code
## output
if ($out ne "") {
if (open(O,">$out")) {
print O;
close O;
} else {
print STDERR "Failed to write output file $out.\n";
} else {
print ;
## remove temp files
if (!$DEBUG) {