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Current Path : /usr/bin/X11/ |
| Current File : //usr/bin/X11/srcredact |
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
my $USAGE = <<END;
srcredact - a program for redacting the sources
srcredact [OPTIONS] -e audience [full_file]
srcredact [OPTIONS] -u audience full_file [redacted_file]
srcredact -l [full_file]
srcredact -h|-v
srcredact is the program to extract ``redacted versions'' of the master
file (option -e) or to incorporate the changes in the redacted versions
into the master file (``unextract'', option -u).
The master file consists of chunks intended for different audiences.
Each audience has a name, e.g. "classified", "unclssified", "expert"
etc. Chunks are started and stopped by guard lines. Each guard line
has the format (for the default TeX syntax)
In the first cases the text following the guard is included for the
audiences "name1", "name2", .... In the second case it is excluded for
these audiences.
THere is a special audience "ALL": a wild card for all audiences. Thus
the idiom
means that the chunk is excluded for all audiences but "classified"
Exactly one of the options -e (extract) or -u (unextract) must be present.
In the redact mode the non-option argument is the name of the full file.
If it is absent, or is "-", standard input is used. In the unextract mode
the first non-option argument
-c list of comment patterns
Use the given pattern for comment lines to search for guards instead
of the default "TeX" pattern. The recognized patterns are:
The pattern names should be separated by commas, and the list may be
enclosed in quotes to prevent shell expansion, e.g
-c "TeX, c, shell"
-d Debug mode on.
-e audience
Extract the contents for the current audience into the file file.
The cuurent audience is guessed from the file name, if the latter
has the structure base-audience.extension, e.g.
"report-unclassified.tex". The key -a overrides this guess and
should be used if the file name does not follow this pattern. The
file name "-" means the standard output.
-h Print help information and exit.
-l List all audiences set in the file (one per line) and exit.
-u audience
Take a redacted file intended for the audience (the second
non-option argument) and incorporate the changes in it into the full
file (the first non-option argument). If the second argument is
missing, standard input is used instead. As usual, "-" also means
standard input. Note that only one of the two file arguments in this
case can be standard input.
-v Print version information and exit.
-w on|off|1|0|true|false
If "on", 1 or "true" (the deafult), implicitly wrap the full
document into the guards
srcredact - a program for redacting the sources
Copyright (C) 2015 Boris Veytsman. Version 1.0
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301, USA
# Reading arguments
use Getopt::Std;
use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;
our %opts;
getopts ('c:de:hlu:vw:', \%opts) or do {
if ($opts{h}) {
die ($USAGE);
if ($opts{v}){
my $DEBUG=0;
if ($opts{d}) {
my @commentPatterns;
if ($opts{c}) {
} else {
# We want exactly one of the modes -l, -e, -u:
my $audience;
my $mode;
my $modesFound=0;
if ($opts{l}) {
$mode = "list";
if ($opts{e}) {
$audience = $opts{e};
if ($opts{u}) {
$mode = "unextract";
$audience = $opts{u};
if ($modesFound != 1) {
print STDERR
"Exactly one of the options -l, -e, -u must be present.\n\n$USAGE";
exit (2);
my $wrap=1;
if (exists $opts{w}) {
if ($opts{w} eq '0' || $opts{w} =~ m/^off$/i ||
$opts{w} =~ m/^false$/i) {
} elsif ($opts{w} eq '1' || $opts{w} =~ m/^on$/i ||
$opts{w} =~ m/^true$/i) {
} else {
print STDERR "Unknwon value for -w option: $opts{w}.\n" .
"Must be 0|1|on|off|true|false\n";
exit (2);
if ($DEBUG) {
print STDERR "Wrapping in <ALL> is $wrap\n";
# Opening files
my $fullFH;
my $newFH;
# In 'l' or 'e' mode we need one or zero non-option arguments
if (($mode eq 'list') || ($mode eq 'extract')) {
if (scalar(@ARGV) == 0) {
if ($DEBUG) {
print STDERR "Usign stdin for full file\n";
} elsif (scalar(@ARGV) == 1) {
my $full = shift @ARGV;
if ($full eq '-') {
if ($DEBUG) {
print STDERR "Usign stdin for full file\n";
$fullFH = *STDIN;
} else {
if ($DEBUG) {
print STDERR "Usign $full for full file\n";
open ($fullFH, "<", $full) or do {
print STDERR "Cannot open file $full\n";
exit (2);
} else {
print STDERR
"Options -e and -l require one or zero non-option argument\n\n";
# In 'u' mode we need one or two arguments
if ($mode eq 'unextract') {
if ((scalar(@ARGV) < 1) || (scalar(@ARGV) > 2)) {
print STDERR
"Option -u requires one or two non-option argument\n\n";
my $full = shift @ARGV;
if ($full eq '-') {
if ($DEBUG) {
print STDERR "Usign stdin for full file\n";
$fullFH = *STDIN;
} else {
if ($DEBUG) {
print STDERR "Usign $full for full file\n";
open ($fullFH, "<", $full) or do {
print STDERR "Cannot open file $full\n";
exit (2);
if (scalar(@ARGV) == 0) {
if ($DEBUG) {
print STDERR "Usign stdin for redacted file\n";
} else {
my $redacted = shift @ARGV;
if ($redacted eq '-') {
if ($DEBUG) {
print STDERR "Usign stdin for redacted file\n";
$newFH = *STDIN;
} else {
if ($DEBUG) {
print STDERR "Usign $redacted for redacted file\n";
open ($newFH, "<", $redacted) or do {
print STDERR "Cannot open file $redacted\n";
exit (2);
# And the real work
if ($mode eq 'list') {
if ($DEBUG) {
print STDERR "List mode\n";
my @audiences=ListAudiences($fullFH, \@commentPatterns);
print join("\n", @audiences), "\n";
exit (0);
if ($mode eq 'extract') {
if ($DEBUG) {
print STDERR "Extract mode\n";
ExtractText($fullFH, \*STDOUT, $audience,
\@commentPatterns, $wrap);
exit (0);
if ($mode eq 'unextract') {
if ($DEBUG) {
print STDERR "Unextract mode\n";
my $exitCode = UnextractText($fullFH, $newFH, \*STDOUT,
$audience, \@commentPatterns, $wrap);
exit ($exitCode);
# Extracting comment patterns
sub GetCommentPatterns {
my %knownPatterns = ( 'c' => '^/\*<([^>]*)>\*/',
'cpp' => '^\/\/<([^>]*)>',
fortran => '^C<([^>]*)>',
shell => '^#<([^>]*)>',
tex => '^%<([^>]*)>'
my $input = shift;
if ($DEBUG) {
print STDERR "Got pattern string $input\n";
$input =~ s/^\s*//;
$input =~ s/\s*$//;
my @languages = split /[\s,]\s*/, $input;
my @patterns;
foreach my $lang (@languages) {
$lang =~ s/^(.*)$/\L$1\E/;
if ($DEBUG) {
print STDERR "Processing language $lang... ";
if (exists $knownPatterns{$lang}) {
push @patterns, $knownPatterns{$lang};
if ($DEBUG) {
print STDERR "found pattern $knownPatterns{$lang}\n";
} else {
print STDERR
"Unknown comment language $lang. The supported languages are ",
join(", ", keys %knownPatterns), "\n";
return @patterns;
# List audiences
sub ListAudiences {
my $fh=shift;
my $patterns=shift;
my %foundAudiences = ('ALL' => 1);
while (<$fh>) {
my @result = FindAudiences ($_, $patterns);
if (scalar @result) {
shift @result;
foreach my $audience (@result) {
$foundAudiences{$audience} = 1;
return (sort keys %foundAudiences);
# Check whether the line is a comment
# Return 0 to delete, 1 to add, and the list of
# audiences
sub FindAudiences {
my $line = shift;
my $patterns=shift;
foreach my $pattern (@{$patterns}) {
if ($line =~ m/$pattern/) {
if ($DEBUG) {
print STDERR "Line $. is a guard: $line";
my $guards = $1;
my @result;
if (substr($guards,0,1) eq '*') {
push @result, 1;
} elsif (substr($guards,0,1) eq '/') {
push @result, 0;
} else {
die "Wrong guard line $line\n";
@result = (@result, split(/\|/, substr($guards,1)));
return @result;
return ();
# Extracting text for the given audience
sub ExtractText {
my $fullFH=shift;
my $outFH=shift;
my $audience = shift;
my $patterns = shift;
my $state = shift;
if ($DEBUG) {
print STDERR "Initial state $state\n";
while (<$fullFH>) {
my @result = FindAudiences ($_, $patterns);
if (scalar @result) {
my $newstate = shift @result;
foreach my $tryaudience (@result) {
if (($tryaudience eq 'ALL') ||
($audience eq $tryaudience)) {
$state = $newstate;
if ($DEBUG) {
print STDERR "Changing state to $state\n";
} else { # Normal line
if ($state) {
print $outFH $_;
# Merge files
sub UnextractText {
my $fullFH=shift;
my $newFH=shift;
my $outFH = shift;
my $audience = shift;
my $patterns = shift;
my $state = shift;
# Creating tempdir. We leave the tempdir in place in
# the debug mode
my $tmpdir = tempdir (CLEANUP => !$DEBUG);
if ($DEBUG) {
print STDERR "Creating directory $tmpdir\n";
open (FULL, ">$tmpdir/full") or do {
print STDERR "Cannot open temporary file $tmpdir/full\n";
print FULL <$fullFH>;
close FULL;
open (FULL, "<$tmpdir/full") or do {
print STDERR "Cannot open temporary file $tmpdir/full\n";
open (EXTRACTED, ">$tmpdir/extracted") or do {
print STDERR "Cannot open temporary file $tmpdir/extracted\n";
if ($DEBUG) {
print STDERR "Extracting text\n";
ExtractText(\*FULL, \*EXTRACTED, $audience,
$patterns, $wrap);
close FULL;
open (NEW, ">$tmpdir/new") or do {
print STDERR "Cannot open temporary file $tmpdir/new\n";
print NEW <$newFH>;
close NEW;
if ($DEBUG) {
print STDERR "Merging text\n";
print $outFH `diff3 -m $tmpdir/full $tmpdir/extracted $tmpdir/new`;