Linux ip-172-26-7-228 5.4.0-1103-aws #111~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue May 23 20:04:10 UTC 2023 x86_64
Your IP :
Current Path : /usr/bin/X11/ |
| Current File : //usr/bin/X11/perltex |
#! /usr/bin/env perl
# Prepare a LaTeX run for two-way communication with Perl #
# By Scott Pakin <> #
# This is file `',
# generated with the docstrip utility.
# The original source files were:
# perltex.dtx (with options: `perltex')
# This is a generated file.
# Copyright (C) 2010 Scott Pakin <>
# This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions
# of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this
# license or (at your option) any later version. The latest
# version of this license is in:
# and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
# version 2006/05/20 or later.
sub top_level_eval ($)
return eval $_[0];
use Safe;
use Opcode;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use File::Basename;
use Fcntl;
use POSIX;
use File::Spec;
use IO::Handle;
use warnings;
use strict;
my $latexprog;
my $runsafely = 1;
my @permittedops;
my $usepipe = 1;
my $progname = basename $0;
my $jobname = "texput";
my $toperl;
my $fromperl;
my $toflag;
my $fromflag;
my $doneflag;
my $logfile;
my $pipe;
my @latexcmdline;
my $styfile;
my @macroexpansions;
my $sandbox = new Safe;
my $sandbox_eval;
my $latexpid;
my $pipestring = "\%\%\%\%\% Generated by $progname\n\\endinput\n";
$latexprog = $ENV{"PERLTEX"} || "latex";
Getopt::Long::Configure("require_order", "pass_through");
GetOptions("help" => sub {pod2usage(-verbose => 1)},
"latex=s" => \$latexprog,
"safe!" => \$runsafely,
"pipe!" => \$usepipe,
"synctext=s" => \$pipestring,
"makesty" => sub {$styfile = "noperltex.sty"},
"permit=s" => \@permittedops) || pod2usage(2);
@latexcmdline = @ARGV;
my $firstcmd = 0;
for ($firstcmd=0; $firstcmd<=$#latexcmdline; $firstcmd++) {
my $option = $latexcmdline[$firstcmd];
next if substr($option, 0, 1) eq "-";
if (substr ($option, 0, 1) ne "\\") {
$jobname = basename $option, ".tex" ;
$latexcmdline[$firstcmd] = "\\input $option";
push @latexcmdline, "" if $#latexcmdline==-1;
my $separator = "";
foreach (1 .. 20) {
$separator .= chr(ord("A") + rand(26));
$toperl = $jobname . ".topl";
$fromperl = $jobname . ".frpl";
$toflag = $jobname . ".tfpl";
$fromflag = $jobname . ".ffpl";
$doneflag = $jobname . ".dfpl";
$logfile = $jobname . ".lgpl";
$pipe = $jobname . ".pipe";
$latexcmdline[$firstcmd] =
sprintf '\makeatletter' . '\def%s{%s}' x 7 . '\makeatother%s',
'\plmac@tag', $separator,
'\plmac@tofile', $toperl,
'\plmac@fromfile', $fromperl,
'\plmac@toflag', $toflag,
'\plmac@fromflag', $fromflag,
'\plmac@doneflag', $doneflag,
'\plmac@pipe', $pipe,
$toperl = File::Spec->rel2abs($toperl);
$fromperl = File::Spec->rel2abs($fromperl);
$toflag = File::Spec->rel2abs($toflag);
$fromflag = File::Spec->rel2abs($fromflag);
$doneflag = File::Spec->rel2abs($doneflag);
$logfile = File::Spec->rel2abs($logfile);
$pipe = File::Spec->rel2abs($pipe);
$SIG{"ALRM"} = sub {
undef $latexpid;
exit 0;
sub delete_files (@)
foreach my $filename (@_) {
unlink $filename;
while (-e $filename) {
unlink $filename;
sleep 0;
sub awaitexists ($)
while (!-e $_[0]) {
sleep 0;
if (waitpid($latexpid, &WNOHANG)==-1) {
delete_files($toperl, $fromperl, $toflag,
$fromflag, $doneflag, $pipe);
undef $latexpid;
exit 0;
delete_files($toperl, $fromperl, $toflag, $fromflag, $doneflag, $pipe);
open (LOGFILE, ">$logfile") || die "open(\"$logfile\"): $!\n";
autoflush LOGFILE 1;
if (defined $styfile) {
open (STYFILE, ">$styfile") || die "open(\"$styfile\"): $!\n";
if (!$usepipe || !eval {mkfifo($pipe, 0600)}) {
sysopen PIPE, $pipe, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0755;
autoflush PIPE 1;
print PIPE $pipestring;
close PIPE;
$usepipe = 0;
defined ($latexpid = fork) || die "fork: $!\n";
unshift @latexcmdline, $latexprog;
if (!$latexpid) {
exec {$latexcmdline[0]} @latexcmdline;
die "exec('@latexcmdline'): $!\n";
if ($runsafely) {
@permittedops=(":browse") if $#permittedops==-1;
$sandbox->permit_only (@permittedops);
$sandbox_eval = sub {$sandbox->reval($_[0])};
else {
$sandbox_eval = \&top_level_eval;
while (1) {
my $entirefile;
local $/ = undef;
open (TOPERL, "<$toperl") || die "open($toperl): $!\n";
$entirefile = <TOPERL>;
close TOPERL;
$entirefile =~ s/\r//g;
my ($optag, $macroname, @otherstuff) =
map {chomp; $_} split "$separator\n", $entirefile;
$macroname =~ s/^[^A-Za-z]+//;
$macroname =~ s/\W/_/g;
$macroname = "latex_" . $macroname;
if ($optag eq "USE") {
foreach (@otherstuff) {
$_ = "'$_'";
my $perlcode;
if ($optag eq "DEF") {
$perlcode =
sprintf "sub %s {%s}\n",
$macroname, $otherstuff[0];
elsif ($optag eq "USE") {
$perlcode = sprintf "%s (%s);\n", $macroname, join(", ", @otherstuff);
elsif ($optag eq "RUN") {
$perlcode = $otherstuff[0];
else {
die "${progname}: Internal error -- unexpected operation tag \"$optag\"\n";
print LOGFILE "#" x 31, " PERL CODE ", "#" x 32, "\n";
print LOGFILE $perlcode, "\n";
undef $_;
my $result;
my $warningmsg;
local $SIG{__WARN__} =
sub {chomp ($warningmsg=$_[0]); return 0};
$result = $sandbox_eval->($perlcode);
if (defined $warningmsg) {
$warningmsg =~ s/at \(eval \d+\) line \d+\W+//;
print LOGFILE "# ===> $warningmsg\n\n";
$result = "" if !$result || $optag eq "RUN";
if ($@) {
my $msg = $@;
$msg =~ s/at \(eval \d+\) line \d+\W+//;
$msg =~ s/\n/\\MessageBreak\n/g;
$msg =~ s/\s+/ /;
$result = "\\PackageError{perltex}{$msg}";
my @helpstring;
if ($msg =~ /\btrapped by\b/) {
@helpstring =
("The preceding error message comes from Perl. Apparently,",
"the Perl code you tried to execute attempted to perform an",
"`unsafe' operation. If you trust the Perl code (e.g., if",
"you wrote it) then you can invoke perltex with the --nosafe",
"option to allow arbitrary Perl code to execute.",
"Alternatively, you can selectively enable Perl features",
"using perltex's --permit option. Don't do this if you don't",
"trust the Perl code, however; malicious Perl code can do a",
"world of harm to your computer system.");
else {
@helpstring =
("The preceding error message comes from Perl. Apparently,",
"there's a bug in your Perl code. You'll need to sort that",
"out in your document and re-run perltex.");
my $helpstring = join ("\\MessageBreak\n", @helpstring);
$helpstring =~ s/\. /.\\space\\space /g;
$result .= "{$helpstring}";
push @macroexpansions, $result if defined $styfile && $optag eq "USE";
print LOGFILE "%" x 30, " LATEX RESULT ", "%" x 30, "\n";
print LOGFILE $result, "\n\n";
$result .= '\endinput';
open (FROMPERL, ">$fromperl") || die "open($fromperl): $!\n";
syswrite FROMPERL, $result;
delete_files($toflag, $toperl, $doneflag);
open (FROMFLAG, ">$fromflag") || die "open($fromflag): $!\n";
if (open (PIPE, ">$pipe")) {
autoflush PIPE 1;
print PIPE $pipestring;
close PIPE;
open (DONEFLAG, ">$doneflag") || die "open($doneflag): $!\n";
alarm 1;
if (open (PIPE, ">$pipe")) {
autoflush PIPE 1;
print PIPE $pipestring;
close PIPE;
alarm 0;
close LOGFILE;
if (defined $latexpid) {
kill (9, $latexpid);
exit 1;
if (defined $styfile) {
[2007/09/29 v1.4 Perl-free version of PerlTeX specific to $jobname.tex]
\advance\plmac@macro@invocation@num by 1\relax
foreach my $e (0 .. $#macroexpansions) {
print STYFILE "\n";
printf STYFILE "%% Invocation #%d\n", 1+$e;
printf STYFILE "\\begin{filecontents}{noperltex-%d.tex}\n", 1+$e;
print STYFILE $macroexpansions[$e], "\\endinput\n";
print STYFILE "\\end{filecontents}\n";
print STYFILE "\\endinput\n";
close STYFILE;
exit 0;
=head1 NAME
perltex - enable LaTeX macros to be defined in terms of Perl code
[I<latex options>]
LaTeX -- through the underlying TeX typesetting system -- produces
beautifully typeset documents but has a macro language that is
difficult to program. In particular, support for complex string
manipulation is largely lacking. Perl is a popular general-purpose
programming language whose forte is string manipulation. However, it
has no typesetting capabilities whatsoever.
Clearly, Perl's programmability could complement LaTeX's typesetting
strengths. B<perltex> is the tool that enables a symbiosis between
the two systems. All a user needs to do is compile a LaTeX document
using B<perltex> instead of B<latex>. (B<perltex> is actually a
wrapper for B<latex>, so no B<latex> functionality is lost.) If the
document includes a C<\usepackage{perltex}> in its preamble, then
C<\perlnewcommand> and C<\perlrenewcommand> macros will be made
available. These behave just like LaTeX's C<\newcommand> and
C<\renewcommand> except that the macro body contains Perl code instead
of LaTeX code.
=head1 OPTIONS
B<perltex> accepts the following command-line options:
=over 4
=item B<--help>
Display basic usage information.
=item B<--latex>=I<program>
Specify a program to use instead of B<latex>. For example,
C<--latex=pdflatex> would typeset the given document using
B<pdflatex> instead of ordinary B<latex>.
=item B<-->[B<no>]B<safe>
Enable or disable sandboxing. With the default of B<--safe>,
B<perltex> executes the code from a C<\perlnewcommand> or
C<\perlrenewcommand> macro within a protected environment that
prohibits ``unsafe'' operations such as accessing files or executing
external programs. Specifying B<--nosafe> gives the LaTeX document
I<carte blanche> to execute any arbitrary Perl code, including that
which can harm the user's files. See L<Safe> for more information.
=item B<--permit>=I<feature>
Permit particular Perl operations to be performed. The B<--permit>
option, which can be specified more than once on the command line,
enables finer-grained control over the B<perltex> sandbox. See
L<Opcode> for more information.
=item B<--makesty>
Generate a LaTeX style file called F<noperltex.sty>. Replacing the
document's C<\usepackage{perltex}> line with C<\usepackage{noperltex}>
produces the same output but does not require PerlTeX, making the
document suitable for distribution to people who do not have PerlTeX
installed. The disadvantage is that F<noperltex.sty> is specific to
the document that produced it. Any changes to the document's PerlTeX
macro definitions or macro invocations necessitates rerunning
B<perltex> with the B<--makesty> option.
These options are then followed by whatever options are normally
passed to B<latex> (or whatever program was specified with
C<--latex>), including, for instance, the name of the F<.tex> file to
In its simplest form, B<perltex> is run just like B<latex>:
perltex myfile.tex
To use B<pdflatex> instead of regular B<latex>, use the B<--latex>
perltex --latex=pdflatex myfile.tex
If LaTeX gives a ``C<trapped by operation mask>'' error and you trust
the F<.tex> file you're trying to compile not to execute malicious
Perl code (e.g., because you wrote it yourself), you can disable
B<perltex>'s safety mechansisms with B<--nosafe>:
perltex --nosafe myfile.tex
The following command gives documents only B<perltex>'s default
permissions (C<:browse>) plus the ability to open files and invoke the
C<time> command:
perltex --permit=:browse --permit=:filesys_open
--permit=time myfile.tex
B<perltex> honors the following environment variables:
=over 4
Specify the filename of the LaTeX compiler. The LaTeX compiler
defaults to ``C<latex>''. The C<PERLTEX> environment variable
overrides this default, and the B<--latex> command-line option (see
L</OPTIONS>) overrides that.
=head1 FILES
While compiling F<jobname.tex>, B<perltex> makes use of the following
=over 4
=item F<jobname.lgpl>
log file written by Perl; helpful for debugging Perl macros
=item F<jobname.topl>
information sent from LaTeX to Perl
=item F<jobname.frpl>
information sent from Perl to LaTeX
=item F<jobname.tfpl>
``flag'' file whose existence indicates that F<jobname.topl> contains
valid data
=item F<jobname.ffpl>
``flag'' file whose existence indicates that F<jobname.frpl> contains
valid data
=item F<jobname.dfpl>
``flag'' file whose existence indicates that F<jobname.ffpl> has been
=item F<noperltex-#.tex>
file generated by F<noperltex.sty> for each PerlTeX macro invocation
=head1 NOTES
B<perltex>'s sandbox defaults to what L<Opcode> calls ``C<:browse>''.
=head1 SEE ALSO
latex(1), pdflatex(1), perl(1), Safe(3pm), Opcode(3pm)
=head1 AUTHOR
Scott Pakin, I<>