Linux ip-172-26-7-228 5.4.0-1103-aws #111~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue May 23 20:04:10 UTC 2023 x86_64
Your IP :
Current Path : /usr/bin/X11/ |
| Current File : //usr/bin/X11/pdfatfi |
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
$^W=1; # turn warning on
# Copyright (C) 2005-2010, 2012 Heiko Oberdiek.
# This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
# conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
# version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
# version. This version of this license is in
# and the latest version of this license is in
# and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
# LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
# This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
# This Current Maintainer of this work is Heiko Oberdiek.
# See file "attachfile2.pdf" for a list of files that belong to
# this project.
# This file "" may be renamed to "pdfatfi"
# for installation purposes.
my $prj = 'pdfatfi';
my $file = "$";
my $program = uc($&) if $file =~ /^\w+/;
my $version = "2.7";
my $date = "2016/05/16";
my $author = "Heiko Oberdiek";
my $copyright = "Copyright (c) 2005-2010, 2012 by $author.";
# History:
# 2005/05/21 v1.0: First release.
# 2006/08/16 v2.2: Included in DTX file of attachfile2.dtx.
# 2010/09/27 v2.6: Keys ModDateTZ and CreationDateTZ added.
# 2016/05/16 v2.8: Option --version added.
use POSIX qw(strftime); # %z is used (GNU)
use Digest::MD5;
### program identification
my $title = "$program $version, $date - $copyright\n";
### error strings
my $Error = "!!! Error:"; # error prefix
### variables
my $atfifile;
### option variables
my @bool = ("false", "true");
$::opt_help = 0;
$::opt_quiet = 0;
$::opt_debug = 0;
$::opt_verbose = 0;
$::opt_version = 0;
my $usage = <<"END_OF_USAGE";
${title}Syntax: \L$program\E [options] <file[.atfi]>
Function: Help program for LaTeX package "attachfile2".
Options: (defaults:)
--help print usage
--version print version number
--(no)quiet suppress messages ($bool[$::opt_quiet])
--(no)verbose verbose printing ($bool[$::opt_verbose])
--(no)debug debug informations ($bool[$::opt_debug])
### process options
my @OrgArgv = @ARGV;
use Getopt::Long;
) or die $usage;
!$::opt_help or die $usage;
if ($::opt_version) {
print "$prj $date v$version\n";
@ARGV == 1 or die "$usage$Error Missing jobname!\n";
$::opt_quiet = 0 if $::opt_verbose;
print $title unless $::opt_quiet;
### get jobname
$atfifile = $ARGV[0];
if (!-f $atfifile && -f "$atfifile.atfi") {
$atfifile .= ".atfi";
-f $atfifile or die "$Error File `$atfifile' not found!\n";
print "* job file = $atfifile\n" if $::opt_verbose;
if ($::opt_debug) {
print <<"END_DEB";
* ARGV: @OrgArgv
my $tmpfile = $atfifile . ".tmp";
my $timezone = strftime "%z", localtime;
sub gettz ($) {
my $time = shift;
my $tz = strftime "%z", localtime($time);
return '' unless $tz;
return 'Z' if $tz eq '+0000';
$tz =~ s/^([+\-]\d\d)(\d\d)$/$1'$2'/;
return $tz;
open(IN, $atfifile) or die "$Error Cannot open `$atfifile'!\n";
open(OUT, ">$tmpfile") or die "$Error Cannot write `$tmpfile'!\n";
while(<IN>) {
# timezone
if (s/^(\\attachfile\@timezone\{).*(\})$/$1$timezone$2/) {
print "* timezone = $timezone\n" if $::opt_verbose;
# file entry
if (/^\\attachfile\@file\[[^\]]*\]\{(.*)\}$/) {
my $hexfile = $1;
my $file = pack('H*', $hexfile);
my @s = stat($file);
if (@s == 0) {
print "!!! Warning: File `$file' not found!\n";
else {
my $size = @s[7];
my $mtime = @s[9];
my $ctime = @s[10]; # inode change time
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) =
my $moddate = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d",
$year + 1900, $mon + 1, $mday,
$hour, $min, $sec);
my $moddatetz = 'D:' . $moddate . gettz($mtime);
# Manual page "perlport" says that "ctime" is creation
# time instead of inode change time for "Win32" and
# "Mac OS", but it is unsupported for "Mac OS X".
my $creationdate = "";
my $creationdatetz = "";
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { # cygwin?
($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) =
$creationdate = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d",
$year + 1900, $mon + 1, $mday,
$hour, $min, $sec);
$creationdatetz =
'D:' . $creationdate . gettz($ctime);
# md5 checksum
my $checksum = "";
my $ctx = Digest::MD5->new;
if (open(FILE, $file)) {
$checksum = $ctx->hexdigest;
else {
print "!!! Warning: File `$file' cannot be read,"
. " dropping checksum!\n";
$_ = "\\attachfile\@file["
. "ModDateTZ=$moddatetz"
. ",Size=$size"
. ($checksum ? ",CheckSum=$checksum" : "")
. ($creationdatetz ?
",CreationDateTZ=$creationdatetz" :
($creationdate ?
",CreationDate=$creationdate" : ""))
. "]{$hexfile}\n";
if ($::opt_verbose) {
print "* file entry = $file\n";
print " size = $size\n";
print " moddate = $moddate\n";
print " creationdate = $creationdate\n"
if $creationdate;
print " checksum = $checksum\n" if $checksum;
print OUT $_;
unlink($atfifile) or die "$Error Cannot delete old `$atfifile'!\n";
rename $tmpfile, $atfifile
or die "$Error Cannot move `$tmpfile' to `$atfifile'!\n";
print "*** ready. ***\n" unless $::opt_quiet;