Linux ip-172-26-7-228 5.4.0-1103-aws #111~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue May 23 20:04:10 UTC 2023 x86_64
Your IP :
Current Path : /usr/bin/X11/ |
| Current File : //usr/bin/X11/glilypond |
#! /usr/bin/env perl
package main;
# debugging
# See `Mastering Perl', chapter 4.
# use strict;
# use warnings;
# use diagnostics;
use Carp;
$SIG[__DIE__] = sub { &Carp::croak; };
use Data::Dumper;
# Legalese
our $Legalese;
use constant VERSION => 'v1.3.1'; # version of glilypond
### This constant `LICENSE' is the license for this file `GPL' >= 2
use constant LICENSE => q*
glilypond - integrate `lilypond' into `groff' files
Source file position: `<groff-source>/contrib/glilypond/'
Installed position: `<prefix>/bin/glilypond'
Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Written by Bernd Warken <>
This file is part of `GNU groff'.
`GNU groff' is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the `GNU General Public License' as published by the
`Free Software Foundation', either version 2 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
`GNU groff' is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License' for more details.
You should have received a copy of the 'GNU General Public License`
along with `groff', see the files `COPYING' and `LICENSE' in the top
directory of the `groff' source package. If not, see
$Legalese =
'version' => VERSION,
'license' => LICENSE,
##### end legalese
# global variables and BEGIN
use integer;
use utf8;
use Cwd qw[];
use File::Basename qw[];
use File::Copy qw[];
use File::HomeDir qw[];
use File::Spec qw[];
use File::Path qw[];
use File::Temp qw[];
use FindBin qw[];
use POSIX qw[];
use constant FALSE => 0;
use constant TRUE => 1;
use constant EMPTYSTRING => '';
use constant EMPTYARRAY => ();
use constant EMPTYHASH => ();
our $Globals =
'before_make' => FALSE,
'groff_version' => EMPTYSTRING,
'prog' => EMPTYSTRING,
( my $volume, my $directory, $Globals->{'prog'} ) =
# $Globals->{'prog'} is `glilypond' when installed,
# `' when not
$\ = "\n"; # adds newline at each print
$/ = "\n"; # newline separates input
$| = 1; # flush after each print or write command
# script before run of `make'
my $at = '@';
$Globals->{'before_make'} = TRUE if '1.22.3' eq "${at}VERSION${at}";
my $file_test_pl;
my $glilypond_libdir;
if ( $Globals->{'before_make'} ) { # in source, not yet installed
my $glilypond_dir = $FindBin::Bin;
$glilypond_dir = Cwd::realpath($glilypond_dir);
$glilypond_libdir = $glilypond_dir;
} else { # already installed
$Globals->{'groff_version'} = '1.22.3';
$glilypond_libdir = '/usr/lib/groff/glilypond';
unshift(@INC, $glilypond_libdir);
umask 0077; # octal output: `printf "%03o", umask;'
require '';
#die "test: ";
# OOP declarations for some file handles
require '';
our $stdout = new FH_STDOUT();
our $stderr = new FH_STDERR();
# verbose printing, not clear wether this will be set by `--verbose',
# so store this now into a string, which can be gotten later on, when
# it will become either STDERR or /dev/null
our $v = new FH_STRING();
# for standard output, either STDOUT or output file
our $out;
# end of FH
# Args: command line arguments
# command line arguments are handled in 2 runs:
# 1) split short option collections, `=' optargs, and transfer abbrevs
# 2) handle the transferred options with subs
our $Args =
'eps_dir' => EMPTYSTRING, # can be overwritten by `--eps_dir'
# `eps-func' has 2 possible values:
# 1) `ly' from `--ly2eps' (default)
# 2) `pdf' `--pdf2eps'
'eps_func' => 'ly',
# files names of temporary files start with this string,
# can be overwritten by `--prefix'
'prefix' => 'ly',
# delete or do not delete temporary files
'keep_all' => FALSE,
# the roff output goes normally to STDOUT, can be a file with `--output'
'output' => EMPTYSTRING,
# temporary directory, can be overwritten by `--temp_dir',
# empty for default of the program
'temp_dir' => EMPTYSTRING,
# regulates verbose output (on STDERR), overwritten by `--verbose'
'verbose' => FALSE,
{ # `Args'
require '';
# end `Args'
# temporary directory .../tmp/groff/USER/lilypond/TIME
our $Temp =
# store the current directory
'cwd' => Cwd::getcwd(),
# directory for EPS files
'eps_dir' => EMPTYSTRING,
# temporary directory
'temp_dir' => EMPTYSTRING,
{ # `Temp'
if ( $Args->{'temp_dir'} ) {
# temporary directory was set by `--temp_dir'
my $dir = $Args->{'temp_dir'};
$dir = &path2abs($dir);
$dir = &make_dir($dir) or
die "The directory `$dir' cannot be used temporarily: $!";
# now `$dir' is a writable directory
opendir( my $dh, $dir ) or
die "Could not open temporary directory `$dir': $!";
my $file_name;
my $found = FALSE;
my $prefix = $Args->{'prefix'};
my $re = qr<
READDIR: while ( defined($file_name = readdir($dh)) ) {
chomp $file_name;
if ( $file_name =~ /$re/ ) { # file name starts with $prefix_
$found = TRUE;
$Temp->{'temp_dir'} = $dir;
my $n = 0;
while ( $found ) {
$dir = File::Spec->catdir( $Temp->{'temp_dir'}, ++$n );
next if ( -e $dir );
$dir = &make_dir($dir) or next;
$found = FALSE;
$Temp->{'temp_dir'} = $dir;
} else { # $Args->{'temp_dir'} not given by `--temp_dir'
# temporary directory was not set
{ # search for or create a temporary directory
my @tempdirs = EMPTYARRAY;
my $tmpdir = File::Spec->tmpdir();
push @tempdirs, $tmpdir if ( $tmpdir && -d $tmpdir && -w $tmpdir );
my $root_dir = File::Spec->rootdir(); # `/' in Unix
my $root_tmp = File::Spec->catdir($root_dir, 'tmp');
push @tempdirs, $root_tmp
if ( $root_tmp ne $tmpdir && -d $root_tmp && -w $root_tmp );
# home directory of the actual user
my $home = File::HomeDir->my_home;
my $home_tmp = File::Spec->catdir($home, 'tmp');
push @tempdirs, $home_tmp if ( -d $home_tmp && -w $home_tmp );
# `/var/tmp' in Unix
my $var_tmp = File::Spec->catdir('', 'var', 'tmp');
push @tempdirs, $var_tmp if ( -d $var_tmp && -w $var_tmp );
my @path_extension = qw( groff ); # TEMPDIR/groff/USER/lilypond/<NUMBER>
# `$<' is UID of actual user,
# `getpwuid' gets user name in scalar context
my $user = getpwuid($<);
push @path_extension, $user if ( $user );
push @path_extension, qw( lilypond );
TEMPS: foreach ( @tempdirs ) {
my $dir; # final directory name in `while' loop
$dir = &path2abs($_);
next TEMPS unless ( $dir );
# beginning of directory name
my @dir_begin =
( File::Spec->splitdir($dir), @path_extension );
my $n = 0;
my $dir_blocked = TRUE;
BLOCK: while ( $dir_blocked ) {
# should become the final dir name
$dir = File::Spec->catdir(@dir_begin, ++$n);
next BLOCK if ( -d $dir );
# dir name is now free, create it, and end the blocking
my $res = &make_dir( $dir );
die "Could not create directory: $dir" unless ( $res );
$dir = $res;
$dir_blocked = FALSE;
next TEMPS unless ( -d $dir && -w $dir );
# $dir is now a writable directory
$Temp->{'temp_dir'} = $dir; # tmp/groff/USER/lilypond/TIME
last TEMPS;
} # end foreach tmp directories
} # end to create a temporary directory
die "Could not find a temporary directory" unless
( $Temp->{'temp_dir'} && -d $Temp->{'temp_dir'} &&
-w $Temp->{'temp_dir'} );
} # end temporary directory
$v->print( "Temporary directory: `" . $Temp->{'temp_dir'} . "'\n" );
$v->print( "file_prefix: `" . $Args->{'prefix'} . "'" );
# EPS directory
my $make_dir = FALSE;
if ( $Args->{'eps_dir'} ) { # set by `--eps_dir'
my $dir = $Args->{'eps_dir'};
$dir = &path2abs($dir);
if ( -e $dir ) {
goto EMPTY unless ( -w $dir );
# `$dir' is writable
if ( -d $dir ) {
my $upper_dir = $dir;
my $found = FALSE;
opendir( my $dh, $upper_dir ) or $found = TRUE;
my $prefix = $Args->{'prefix'};
my $re = qr<
while ( not $found ) {
my $file_name = readdir($dh);
if ( $file_name =~ /$re/ ) { # file name starts with $prefix_
$found = TRUE;
my $n = 0;
while ( $found ) {
$dir = File::Spec->catdir($upper_dir, ++$n);
next if ( -d $dir );
$found = FALSE;
$make_dir = TRUE;
$Temp->{'eps_dir'} = $dir;
} else { # `$dir' is not a dir, so unlink it to create it as dir
if ( unlink $dir ) { # could remove `$dir'
$Temp->{'eps_dir'} = $dir;
$make_dir = TRUE;
} else { # could not remove
stderr->print( "Could not use EPS dir `" . $dir .
"', use temp dir." );
} # end of unlink
} # end test of -d $dir
} else {
$make_dir = TRUE;
} # end of if -e $dir
if ( $make_dir ) { # make directory `$dir'
my $made = FALSE;
$dir = &make_dir($dir) and $made = TRUE;
if ( $made ) {
$Temp->{'eps_dir'} = $dir;
$v->print( "Directory for useful EPS files is `" . $dir . "'." );
} else {
$v->print( "The EPS directory `" . $dir . "' cannot be used: $!" );
} else { # `--eps_dir' was not set, so take the temporary directory
$Temp->{'eps_dir'} = $Args->{'temp_dir'};
} # end of make dir
EMPTY: unless ( $Temp->{'eps_dir'} ) {
# EPS-dir not set or available, use temp dir,
# but leave $Temp->{'}eps_dir'} empty
$v->print( "Directory for useful EPS files is the " .
"temporary directory `" . $Temp->{'temp_dir'} . "'." );
} # end `Temp'
# Read: read files or stdin
our $Read =
'file_numbered' => EMPTYSTRING,
'file_ly' => EMPTYSTRING, # `$'
{ # read files or stdin
my $ly_number = 0; # number of lilypond file
# `$Args->{'prefix'}_[0-9]'
my $lilypond_mode = FALSE;
my $arg1; # first argument for `.lilypond'
my $arg2; # argument for `.lilypond include'
my $path_ly; # path of ly-file
my $check_file = sub { # for argument of `.lilypond include'
my $file = shift; # argument is a file name
$file = &path2abs($file);
unless ( $file ) {
die "Line `.lilypond include' without argument";
return '';
unless ( -f $file && -r $file ) {
die "Argument `$file' in `.lilypond include' is not a readable file";
return $file;
}; # end sub &$check_file()
my $increase_ly_number = sub {
$Read->{'file_numbered'} = $Args->{'prefix'} . '_' . $ly_number;
$Read->{'file_ly'} = $Read->{'file_numbered'} . '.ly';
$path_ly = File::Spec->catdir($Temp->{'temp_dir'}, $Read->{'file_ly'} );
my %eps_subs =
'ly' => \&create_ly2eps, # lilypond creates EPS files
'pdf' => \&create_pdf2eps, # lilypond creates PDF file
# about lines starting with `.lilypond'
my $ly;
my $fh_include_file;
my %lilypond_args =
'start' => sub {
$v->print( "\nline: `.lilypond start'" );
die "Line `.lilypond stop' expected." if ( $lilypond_mode );
$lilypond_mode = TRUE;
$v->print( "ly-file: `" . $path_ly . "'" );
$ly = new FH_FILE($path_ly);
'end' => sub {
$v->print( "line: `.lilypond end'\n" );
die "Expected line `.lilypond start'." unless ( $lilypond_mode );
$lilypond_mode = FALSE;
if ( exists $eps_subs{ $Args->{'eps_func'} } ) {
$eps_subs{ $Args->{'eps_func'} }->();
} else {
die "Wrong argument for \%eps_subs: " . $Args->{'eps_func'} . "'";
'include' => sub { # `.lilypond include file...'
# this may not be used within lilypond mode
next LILYPOND if ( $lilypond_mode );
my $file_arg = shift;
my $file = &$check_file($file_arg);
next LILYPOND unless ( $file );
# file can be read now
# `$fh_write_ly' must be opened
$ly = new FH_FILE($path_ly);
my $include = new FH_READ_FILE($file);
my $res = $include->read-all(); # is a refernce to an array
foreach ( @$res ) {
if ( exists $eps_subs{ $Args->{'eps_func'} } ) {
$eps_subs{ $Args->{'eps_func'} }->();
} else {
die "Wrong argument for \$eps_subs: `" . $Args->{'eps_func'} . "'";
}, # end `.lilypond include'
); # end definition %lilypond_args
LILYPOND: foreach (<>) {
my $line = $_;
# now the lines with '.lilypond ...'
if ( /
/x ) { # .lilypond ...
my $args = $1;
$args =~ s/
$args =~ s/
$args =~ s/
my $arg1 = $1; # `start', `end' or `include'
$args =~ s/["'`]//g;
my $arg2 = $args; # file argument for `.lilypond include'
if ( exists $lilypond_args{$arg1} ) {
} else {
# not a suitable argument of `.lilypond'
$stderr->print( "Unknown command: `$arg1' `$arg2': `$line'" );
} # end if for .lilypond
if ( $lilypond_mode ) { # do lilypond-mode
# see `.lilypond start'
$ly->print( $line );
} # do lilypond-mode
# unknown line without lilypond
unless ( /
/x ) { # not a `.lilypond' line
} # end foreach <>
} # end Read
# clean up
exit unless ( defined($Temp->{'temp_dir'}) );
if ( $Args->{'keep_all'} ) {
# With --keep_all, no temporary files are removed.
$v->print( "keep_all: `TRUE'" );
$v->print( "No temporary files will be deleted:" );
opendir my $dh_temp, $Temp->{'temp_dir'} or
die "Cannot open " . $Temp->{'temp_dir'} . ": $!";
for ( sort readdir $dh_temp ) {
next if ( / # omit files starting with a dot
/x );
if ( /
/x ) {
my $file = File::Spec->catfile( $Temp->{'temp_dir'}, $_ );
$v->print( "- " . $file );
} # end for sort readdir
closedir $dh_temp;
} else { # keep_all is not set
# Remove all temporary files except the eps files.
$v->print( "keep_all: `FALSE'" );
$v->print( "All temporary files except *.eps will be deleted" );
if ( $Temp->{'eps_dir'} ) {
# EPS files are in another dir, remove temp dir
if ( &is_subdir( $Temp->{'eps_dir'}, $Temp->{'temp_dir'} ) ) {
$v->print( "EPS dir is subdir of temp dir, so keep both." );
} else { # remove temp dir
$v->print( "Try to remove temporary directory `" .
$Temp->{'temp_dir'} ."':" );
if ( File::Path::remove_tree($Temp->{'temp_dir'}) ) {
# remove succeeds
$v->print( "...done." );
} else { # did not remove
$v->print( "Failure to remove temporary directory." );
} # end test on remove
} # end is subdir
} else { # no EPS dir, so keep EPS files
opendir my $dh_temp, $Temp->{'temp_dir'} or
die "Cannot open " . $Temp->{'temp_dir'} . ": $!";
for ( sort readdir $dh_temp ) {
next if ( / # omit files starting with a dot
/x );
next if ( / # omit EPS-files
/x );
if ( /
/x ) { # this includes `PREFIX_temp*'
my $file = File::Spec->catfile( $Temp->{'temp_dir'}, $_ );
$v->print( "Remove `" . $file . "'" );
unlink $file or $stderr->print( "Could not remove `$file': $!" );
} # end if prefix
} # end for readdir temp dir
closedir $dh_temp;
} # end if-else EPS files
} # end if-else keep files
if ( $Temp->{'eps_dir'} ) {
# EPS files in $Temp->{'eps_dir'} are always kept
$v->print( "As EPS directrory is set as `" .
$Temp->{'eps_dir'} . "', no EPS files there will be deleted." );
opendir my $dh_temp, $Temp->{'eps_dir'} or
die "Cannot open `" . $Temp->{'eps_dir'} . ": $!";
for ( sort readdir $dh_temp ) {
next if ( / # omit files starting with a dot
/x );
if ( /
/x ) {
my $file = File::Spec->catfile( $Temp->{'eps_dir'}, $_ );
$v->print( "- " . $file );
} # end if *.eps
} # end for sort readdir
closedir $dh_temp;
} # end package Clean
### Emacs settings
# Local Variables:
# mode: CPerl
# End: