Linux ip-172-26-7-228 5.4.0-1103-aws #111~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue May 23 20:04:10 UTC 2023 x86_64
Your IP :
Current Path : /usr/bin/X11/ |
| Current File : //usr/bin/X11/fmtutil |
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# $Id: 45872 2017-11-21 07:07:45Z preining $
# fmtutil - utility to maintain format files.
# (Maintained in TeX Live:Master/texmf-dist/scripts/texlive.)
# Copyright 2014-2017 Norbert Preining
# This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2
# or any later version.
# History:
# Original shell script (C) 2001 Thomas Esser, public domain
$^W = 1;
$TEXMFROOT = `kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFROOT`;
if ($?) {
die "$0: kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFROOT failed, aborting early.\n";
unshift(@INC, "$TEXMFROOT/tlpkg", "$TEXMFROOT/texmf-dist/scripts/texlive");
require "";
my $svnid = '$Id: 45872 2017-11-21 07:07:45Z preining $';
my $lastchdate = '$Date: 2017-11-21 08:07:45 +0100 (Tue, 21 Nov 2017) $';
$lastchdate =~ s/^\$Date:\s*//;
$lastchdate =~ s/ \(.*$//;
my $svnrev = '$Revision: 45872 $';
$svnrev =~ s/^\$Revision:\s*//;
$svnrev =~ s/\s*\$$//;
my $version = "r$svnrev ($lastchdate)";
use strict;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_autoabbrev ignore_case_always);
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;
use File::Spec;
use Cwd;
# don't import anything automatically, this requires us to explicitly
# call functions with TeXLive::TLUtils prefix, and makes it easier to
# find and if necessary remove references to TLUtils
use TeXLive::TLUtils qw();
require TeXLive::TLWinGoo if TeXLive::TLUtils::win32;
# numerical constants
my $FMT_FAILURE = 2;
my $FMT_SUCCESS = 3;
my $nul = (win32() ? 'nul' : '/dev/null');
my $sep = (win32() ? ';' : ':');
my @deferred_stderr;
my @deferred_stdout;
(our $prg = basename($0)) =~ s/\.pl$//;
# make sure that the main binary path is available at the front
# sudo sometimes does not reset the home dir of root, check on that
# see more comments at the definition of the function itself
# this function checks by itself whether it is running on windows or not
chomp(our $TEXMFDIST = `kpsewhich --var-value=TEXMFDIST`);
chomp(our $TEXMFVAR = `kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFVAR`);
chomp(our $TEXMFSYSVAR = `kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFSYSVAR`);
chomp(our $TEXMFCONFIG = `kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFCONFIG`);
chomp(our $TEXMFSYSCONFIG = `kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFSYSCONFIG`);
chomp(our $TEXMFHOME = `kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFHOME`);
# make sure that on windows *everything* is in lower case for comparison
if (win32()) {
# these need to be our since they are used from the
# functions in
our $texmfconfig = $TEXMFCONFIG;
our $texmfvar = $TEXMFVAR;
our $alldata;
# command line options with defaults
# 20160623 - switch to turn on strict mode
our %opts = ( quiet => 0 , strict => 1 );
# make a list of all the commands (as opposed to options), so we can
# reasonably check for multiple commands being (erroneously) given.
my @cmdline_cmds = ( # in same order as help message
our @cmdline_options = ( # in same order as help message
"edit", # omitted from help to discourage use
"_dumpdata", # omitted from help, data structure dump for debugging
my $updLSR;
my $mktexfmtMode = 0;
# make sure we echo only *one* line in mktexfmt mode
my $mktexfmtFirst = 1;
my $status = &main();
print_info("exiting with status $status\n");
exit $status;
sub main {
if ($prg eq "mktexfmt") {
# mktexfmtMode: if called as mktexfmt, set to true. Will echo the
# first generated filename after successful generation to stdout then
# (and nothing else), since kpathsea can only deal with one.
$mktexfmtMode = 1;
# which mode are we running in?
# what happens if root runs mktexfmt?
$opts{'user'} = 1;
GetOptions ( "help" => \$opts{'help'}, "version" => \$opts{'version'} )
or die "Unknown option in mktexfmt command line arguments\n";
if ($ARGV[0]) {
if ($ARGV[0] =~ m/^(.*)\.(fmt|mem|base?)$/) {
$opts{'byfmt'} = $1;
} elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ m/\./) {
die "unknown format type: $ARGV[0]";
} else {
$opts{'byfmt'} = $ARGV[0];
} else {
die "missing argument to mktexfmt";
} else {
# fmtutil mode.
GetOptions(\%opts, @cmdline_options)
|| die "Try \"$prg --help\" for more information.\n";
if (@ARGV) {
die "$0: Unexpected non-option argument(s): @ARGV\n"
. "Try \"$prg --help\" for more information.\n";
help() if $opts{'help'};
if ($opts{'version'}) {
print version();
exit 0; # no final print_info
{ # if two commands were given, complain and give up.
my @cmds = ();
for my $c (@cmdline_cmds) {
$c =~ s,=.*$,,; # remove =s getopt spec
push(@cmds, $c) if exists $opts{$c}; # remember if getopt found it
# we could save/report the specified arg too, but maybe not worth it.
if (@cmds > 1) {
print_error("multiple commands found: @cmds\n"
. "Try $prg --help if you need it.\n");
return 1;
} elsif (@cmds == 0) {
print_error("no command specified; try $prg --help if you need it.\n");
return 1;
# these two functions should go to TLUtils (for use in updmap)
($texmfconfig, $texmfvar) =
TeXLive::TLUtils::setup_sys_user_mode($prg, \%opts,
my $changes_config_file = $alldata->{'changes_config'};
# we do changes always in the used config file with the highest priority
my $bakFile = $changes_config_file;
$bakFile =~ s/\.cfg$/.bak/;
my $changed = 0;
unless ($opts{"nohash"}) {
# should be replaced by new mktexlsr perl version
$updLSR = new TeX::Update;
my $cmd;
if ($opts{'edit'}) {
if ($opts{"dry-run"}) {
printf STDERR "No, are you joking, you want to edit with --dry-run?\n";
return 1;
# it's not a good idea to edit fmtutil.cnf manually these days,
# but for compatibility we'll silently keep the option.
$cmd = 'edit';
my $editor = $ENV{'VISUAL'} || $ENV{'EDITOR'};
$editor ||= (&win32 ? "notepad" : "vi");
if (-r $changes_config_file) {
©File($changes_config_file, $bakFile);
} else {
system($editor, $changes_config_file);
$changed = files_are_different($bakFile, $changes_config_file);
} elsif ($opts{'showhyphen'}) {
my $f = $opts{'showhyphen'};
if ($alldata->{'merged'}{$f}) {
my @all_engines = keys %{$alldata->{'merged'}{$f}};
for my $e (sort @all_engines) {
my $hf = $alldata->{'merged'}{$f}{$e}{'hyphen'};
next if ($hf eq '-');
my $ff = `kpsewhich -progname='$f' -format=tex '$hf'`;
if ($ff ne "") {
if ($#all_engines > 0) {
printf "$f/$e: ";
printf "$ff\n";
} else {
print_warning("hyphenfile (for $f/$e) not found: $hf\n");
return 1;
} elsif ($opts{'listcfg'}) {
return callback_list_cfg();
} elsif ($opts{'disablefmt'}) {
return callback_enable_disable_format($changes_config_file,
$opts{'disablefmt'}, 'disabled');
} elsif ($opts{'enablefmt'}) {
return callback_enable_disable_format($changes_config_file,
$opts{'enablefmt'}, 'enabled');
} elsif ($opts{'byengine'}) {
return callback_build_formats('byengine', $opts{'byengine'});
} elsif ($opts{'byfmt'}) {
# for this option, allow/ignore an extension.
(my $fmtname = $opts{'byfmt'}) =~ s,\.(fmt|mem|base?)$,,;
return callback_build_formats('byfmt', $fmtname);
} elsif ($opts{'byhyphen'}) {
return callback_build_formats('byhyphen', $opts{'byhyphen'});
} elsif ($opts{'refresh'}) {
return callback_build_formats('refresh');
} elsif ($opts{'missing'}) {
return callback_build_formats('missing');
} elsif ($opts{'all'}) {
return callback_build_formats('all');
} elsif ($opts{'_dumpdata'}) {
} else {
# redundant with check above, but just in case ...
print_error("missing command; try $prg --help if you need it.\n");
return 1;
unless ($opts{'nohash'}) {
# TODO should only do this if built something, e.g., not --listcfg
print_info("updating ls-R files\n");
$updLSR->exec() unless $opts{"dry-run"};
# some simpler options
return 0;
sub dump_data {
require Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
print Data::Dumper::Dumper($alldata);
# callback_build_formats - (re)builds the formats as selected,
# returns exit status or dies. Exit status is always zero unless
# --strict is specified, in which case it's the number of failed builds
# (presumably always less than 256 :).
sub callback_build_formats {
my ($what, $whatarg) = @_;
# set up a tmp dir
# On W32 it seems that File::Temp creates restrictive permissions (ok)
# that are copied over with the files created inside it (not ok).
# So make our own temp dir.
my $tmpdir;
if (win32()) {
my $foo;
my $tmp_deflt = File::Spec->tmpdir;
for my $i (1..5) {
# $foo = "$texmfvar/temp.$$." . int(rand(1000000));
$foo = (($texmfvar =~ m!^//!) ? $tmp_deflt : $texmfvar)
. "/temp.$$." . int(rand(1000000));
if (! -d $foo) {
sleep 1;
if (-d $foo) {
$tmpdir = $foo;
if (! $tmpdir) {
die "Cannot get a temporary directory after five iterations ... sorry!";
if ($texmfvar =~ m!^//!) {
# used File::Spec->tmpdir; fix permissions
TeXLive::TLWinGoo::maybe_make_ro ($tmpdir);
} else {
$tmpdir = File::Temp::tempdir(CLEANUP => 1);
# set up destination directory
$opts{'fmtdir'} ||= "$texmfvar/web2c";
TeXLive::TLUtils::mkdirhier($opts{'fmtdir'}) if (! -d $opts{'fmtdir'});
if (! -w $opts{'fmtdir'}) {
print_error("format directory not writable: $opts{fmtdir}\n");
exit 1;
# since the directory does not exist, we can make it absolute with abs_path
# without any trickery around non-existing dirs
$opts{'fmtdir'} = Cwd::abs_path($opts{'fmtdir'});
# for safety, check again
die "abs_path failed, strange: $!" if !$opts{'fmtdir'};
print_info("writing formats under $opts{fmtdir}\n"); # report
# code taken over from the original shell script for KPSE_DOT etc
my $thisdir = cwd();
$ENV{'KPSE_DOT'} = $thisdir;
# due to KPSE_DOT, we don't search the current directory, so include
# it explicitly for formats that \write and later on \read
$ENV{'TEXINPUTS'} ||= "";
$ENV{'TEXINPUTS'} = "$tmpdir$sep$ENV{TEXINPUTS}";
# for formats that load other formats (e.g., jadetex loads latex.fmt),
# add the current directory to TEXFORMATS, too. Currently unnecessary
$ENV{'TEXFORMATS'} ||= "";
# switch to temporary directory for format generation
chdir($tmpdir) || die "Cannot change to directory $tmpdir: $!";
# we rebuild formats in two rounds:
# round 1: only formats with the same name as engine (pdftex/pdftex)
# round 2: all other formats
# reason: later formats might need earlier formats to be already
# initialized, e.g., xmltex.
my $suc = 0;
my $err = 0;
my @err = ();
my $disabled = 0;
my $nobuild = 0;
my $notavail = 0;
my $total = 0;
for my $fmt (keys %{$alldata->{'merged'}}) {
for my $eng (keys %{$alldata->{'merged'}{$fmt}}) {
next if ($fmt ne $eng);
my $val = select_and_rebuild_format($fmt, $eng, $what, $whatarg);
if ($val == $FMT_DISABLED) { $disabled++; }
elsif ($val == $FMT_NOTSELECTED) { $nobuild++; }
elsif ($val == $FMT_FAILURE) { $err++; push (@err, "$eng/$fmt"); }
elsif ($val == $FMT_SUCCESS) { $suc++; }
elsif ($val == $FMT_NOTAVAIL) { $notavail++; }
else { print_error("callback_build_format (round 1): unknown return "
. "from select_and_rebuild.\n"); }
for my $fmt (keys %{$alldata->{'merged'}}) {
for my $eng (keys %{$alldata->{'merged'}{$fmt}}) {
next if ($fmt eq $eng);
my $val = select_and_rebuild_format($fmt, $eng, $what, $whatarg);
if ($val == $FMT_DISABLED) { $disabled++; }
elsif ($val == $FMT_NOTSELECTED) { $nobuild++; }
elsif ($val == $FMT_FAILURE) { $err++; push (@err, "$eng/$fmt"); }
elsif ($val == $FMT_SUCCESS) { $suc++; }
elsif ($val == $FMT_NOTAVAIL) { $notavail++; }
else { print_error("callback_build_format (round 2): unknown return "
. "from select_and_rebuild.\n"); }
# if the user asked to rebuild something, but we did nothing, report
# unless we tried to rebuild only missing formats.
if ($what ne "missing") {
if ($err + $suc == 0) {
print_info("did not find entry for $what=$whatarg, skipped\n");
my $stdo = ($mktexfmtMode ? \*STDERR : \*STDOUT);
for (@deferred_stdout) { print $stdo $_; }
for (@deferred_stderr) { print STDERR $_; }
print_info("Disabled formats: $disabled\n") if ($disabled);
print_info("Successfully rebuilt formats: $suc\n") if ($suc);
print_info("Not selected formats: $nobuild\n") if ($nobuild);
print_info("Not available formats: $notavail\n") if ($notavail);
print_info("Failed to build: $err (@err)\n") if ($err);
print_info("Total formats: $total\n");
chdir($thisdir) || warn "chdir($thisdir) failed: $!";
if (win32()) {
# try to remove the tmpdir with all files
# return
return $opts{"strict"} ? $err : 0;
# select_and_rebuild_format
# check condition and rebuild the format if selected
# return values: $FMT_*
sub select_and_rebuild_format {
my ($fmt, $eng, $what, $whatarg) = @_;
if ($alldata->{'merged'}{$fmt}{$eng}{'status'} eq 'disabled');
my ($kpsefmt, $destdir, $fmtfile, $logfile) = compute_format_destination($fmt, $eng);
my $doit = 0;
# we just identify 'all', 'refresh', 'missing'
# I don't see much point in keeping all of them
$doit = 1 if ($what eq 'all');
$doit = 1 if ($what eq 'refresh' && -r "$destdir/$fmtfile");
$doit = 1 if ($what eq 'missing' && ! -r "$destdir/$fmtfile");
$doit = 1 if ($what eq 'byengine' && $eng eq $whatarg);
$doit = 1 if ($what eq 'byfmt' && $fmt eq $whatarg);
# original was stricter about existence of the hyphen file
# not sure how we proceed here; let's implicitly ignore.
# original seemed to have accepted full path to the hyphen
# file, so that one could give
# --byhyphen /full/path/to/the/hyphen/file
# but this does not work anymore (see Debian bug report #815416)
if ($what eq 'byhyphen') {
my $fmthyp = (split(/,/ , $alldata->{'merged'}{$fmt}{$eng}{'hyphen'}))[0];
if ($fmthyp ne '-') {
if ($whatarg =~ m!^/!) {
# $whatarg is a full path, we need to expand $fmthyp, too
chomp (my $fmthyplong = `kpsewhich -progname=$fmt -engine=$eng $fmthyp`) ;
if ($fmthyplong) {
$fmthyp = $fmthyplong;
} else {
# we might have searched language.dat --engine=tex --progname=tex
# which will not work. Search again without engine/format
chomp ($fmthyplong = `kpsewhich $fmthyp`) ;
if ($fmthyplong) {
$fmthyp = $fmthyplong;
} else {
# don't give warnings or errors, it might be that the hyphen
# file is not existing at all. See TODO above
#print_deferred_warning("hyphen $fmthyp for $fmt/$eng cannot be expanded.\n");
if ($whatarg eq $fmthyp) {
$doit = 1;
if ($doit) {
return rebuild_one_format($fmt, $eng, $kpsefmt, $destdir, $fmtfile, $logfile);
} else {
# compute_format_destination
# takes fmt/eng and returns the location where format and log files should be saved
# return value (dump file full path, log file full path)
sub compute_format_destination {
my ($fmt, $eng) = @_;
my $enginedir;
my $fmtfile = $fmt;
my $kpsefmt;
my $destdir;
if ($eng eq "mpost") {
$fmtfile .= ".mem" ;
$kpsefmt = "mp" ;
$enginedir = "metapost"; # the directory, not the executable
} elsif ($eng =~ m/^mf(lua(jit)?)?(w|-nowin)?$/) {
$fmtfile .= ".base" ;
$kpsefmt = "mf" ;
$enginedir = "metafont" ;
} else {
$fmtfile .= ".fmt" ;
$kpsefmt = "tex" ;
$enginedir = $eng;
# strip final -dev from enginedir to support engines like luatex-dev
$enginedir =~ s/-dev$//;
if ($opts{'no-engine-subdir'}) {
$destdir = $opts{'fmtdir'};
} else {
$destdir = "$opts{'fmtdir'}/$enginedir";
return($kpsefmt, $destdir, $fmtfile, "$fmt.log");
# rebuild_one_format
# takes fmt/eng and rebuilds it, irrelevant of any setting
# return value FMT_*
sub rebuild_one_format {
my ($fmt, $eng, $kpsefmt, $destdir, $fmtfile, $logfile) = @_;
print_info("--- remaking $fmt with $eng\n");
# get variables
my $hyphen = $alldata->{'merged'}{$fmt}{$eng}{'hyphen'};
my $addargs = $alldata->{'merged'}{$fmt}{$eng}{'args'};
# running parameters
my $jobswitch = "-jobname=$fmt";
my $prgswitch = "-progname=" ;
my $recorderswitch = ($opts{'recorder'} ? "-recorder" : "");
my $pool;
my $tcx = "";
my $tcxflag = "";
my $localpool=0;
my $texargs;
unlink glob "*.pool";
# addargs processing:
# can contain:
# nls stuff (pool/tcx) see below
# ini file (last argument)
my $inifile = $addargs;
$inifile = (split(' ', $addargs))[-1];
# get rid of leading * in inifiles
$inifile =~ s/^\*//;
if ($fmt eq "metafun") { $prgswitch .= "mpost"; }
elsif ($fmt eq "mptopdf") { $prgswitch .= "context"; }
elsif ($fmt =~ m/^cont-..$/) { $prgswitch .= "context"; }
else { $prgswitch .= $fmt; }
# check for existence of ini file before doing anything else
if (system("kpsewhich -progname=$fmt -format=$kpsefmt $inifile >$nul 2>&1") != 0) {
# we didn't find the ini file, skip
print_deferred_warning("inifile $inifile for $fmt/$eng not found.\n");
# The original script just skipped it but in TeX Live we expect that
# all activated formats are also buildable, thus return failure.
return $FMT_FAILURE;
# If the 4th field in fmtutil.cnf contains
# -progname=...
# then we do not add our own progname!
if ($addargs =~ /-progname=/) {
$prgswitch = '';
# NLS support
# Example (for fmtutil.cnf):
# mex-pl tex mexconf.tex nls=tex-pl,il2-pl mex.ini
# The nls parameter (pool,tcx) can only be specified as the first argument
# inside the 4th field in fmtutil.cnf.
if ($addargs =~ m/^nls=([^\s]+)\s+(.*)$/) {
$texargs = $2;
($pool, $tcx) = split(',', $1);
$tcx || ($tcx = '');
} else {
$texargs = $addargs;
if ($pool) {
chomp ( my $poolfile = `kpsewhich -progname=$eng $pool.poo 2>$nul` );
if ($poolfile && -f $poolfile) {
print_verbose("attempting to create localized format "
. "using pool=$pool and tcx=$tcx.\n");
File::Copy($poolfile, "$eng.pool");
$tcxflag = "-translate-file=$tcx" if ($tcx);
$localpool = 1;
# Check for infinite recursion before running the iniengine:
# We do this check only if we are running in mktexfmt mode
# otherwise double format definitions will create an infinite loop, too
if ($mktexfmtMode) {
if ($ENV{'mktexfmt_loop'}) {
if ($ENV{'mktexfmt_loop'} =~ m!:$fmt/$eng:!) {
die "$prg: infinite recursion detected in $fmt/$eng, giving up!";
} else {
$ENV{'mktexfmt_loop'} = '';
$ENV{'mktexfmt_loop'} .= ":$fmt/$eng:";
# check for existence of $engine
# we do *NOT* use the return value but rely on execution of the shell
if (!TeXLive::TLUtils::which($eng)) {
if ($opts{'no-error-if-no-engine'} &&
",$opts{'no-error-if-no-engine'}," =~ m/,$eng,/) {
} else {
print_deferred_error("not building $fmt due to missing engine $eng.\n");
return $FMT_FAILURE;
my $cmdline = "$eng -ini $tcxflag $recorderswitch $jobswitch "
. "$prgswitch $texargs";
print_verbose("running \`$cmdline' ...\n");
my $texpool = $ENV{'TEXPOOL'};
if ($localpool) {
$ENV{'TEXPOOL'} = cwd() . $sep . ($texpool ? $texpool : "");
# in mktexfmtMode we must redirect *all* output to stderr
$cmdline .= " >&2" if $mktexfmtMode;
$cmdline .= " <$nul";
my $retval = system($cmdline);
if ($retval != 0) {
$retval /= 256 if ($retval > 0);
print_deferred_error("running \`$cmdline' return status $retval\n");
# original shell script did *not* check the return value
# we keep this behavior, but add an option --strict that
# errors out on all failures.
if ($opts{'strict'}) {
print_deferred_error("return error due to options --strict\n");
return $FMT_FAILURE;
if ($localpool) {
if ($texpool) {
$ENV{'TEXPOOL'} = $texpool;
} else {
delete $ENV{'TEXPOOL'};
# check and install of fmt and log files
if (! -f $fmtfile) {
print_deferred_error("\`$cmdline' failed (no $fmtfile)\n");
return $FMT_FAILURE;
if (! -f $logfile) {
print_deferred_error("no log file generated for $fmt/$eng, strange\n");
return $FMT_FAILURE;
open (LOGFILE, "<$logfile")
|| print_deferred_warning("cannot open $logfile, strange: $!\n");
my @logfile = <LOGFILE>;
close LOGFILE;
if (grep(/^!/, @logfile) > 0) {
print_deferred_error("\`$cmdline' had errors.\n");
if (!File::Copy::move( $logfile, "$destdir/$logfile")) {
print_deferred_error("Cannot move $logfile to $destdir.\n");
if ($opts{'recorder'}) {
# the recorder output is used by check-fmttriggers to determine
# package dependencies for each format. Unfortunately omega-based
# engines gratuitiously changed the extension from .fls to .ofl.
my $recfile = $fmt . ($fmt =~ m/^(aleph|lamed)$/ ? ".ofl" : ".fls");
if (!File::Copy::move( $recfile, "$destdir/$recfile")) {
print_deferred_error("Cannot move $recfile to $destdir.\n");
my $destfile = "$destdir/$fmtfile";
if (File::Copy::move( $fmtfile, $destfile )) {
print_info("$destfile installed.\n");
# original did some magic trick for mplib-luatex.mem
# nowadays no mplib mem is created and all files loaded
# so we comment and do not convert this
# As a special special case, we create mplib-luatex.mem for use by
# the mplib embedded in luatex if it doesn't already exist. (We
# never update it if it does exist.)
# This is used by the luamplib package. This way, an expert user
# who wants to try a new version of luatex (hence with a new
# version of mplib) can manually update mplib-luatex.mem without
# having to tamper with mpost itself.
# if test "x$format" = xmpost && test "x$engine" = xmpost; then
# mplib_mem_name=mplib-luatex.mem
# mplib_mem_file=$fulldestdir/$mplib_mem_name
# if test \! -f $mplib_mem_file; then
# verboseMsg "$progname: copying $destfile to $mplib_mem_file"
# if cp "$destfile" "$mplib_mem_file" </dev/null; then
# mktexupd "$fulldestdir" "$mplib_mem_name"
# else
# # failure to copy merits failure handling: e.g., full file system.
# log_failure "cp $destfile $mplib_mem_file failed."
# fi
# else
# verboseMsg "$progname: $mplib_mem_file already exists, not updating."
# fi
# fi
if ($mktexfmtMode && $mktexfmtFirst) {
print "$destfile\n";
$mktexfmtFirst = 0;
unless ($opts{'nohash'}) {
return $FMT_SUCCESS;
} else {
print_deferred_error("Cannot move $fmtfile to $destfile.\n");
if (-f $destfile) {
# remove the empty file possibly left over if near-full file system.
print_verbose("Removing partial file after move failure: $destfile\n");
|| print_deferred_error("unlink($destfile) failed: $!\n");
return $FMT_FAILURE;
print_deferred_error("we should not be here! $fmt/$eng\n");
return $FMT_FAILURE;
# enable_disable_format_engine
# assumes that format/engine is already defined somewhere,
# i.e., it $alldata->{'merged'}{$fmt}{$eng} is defined
# Return values:
# 1 - success with changes
# 0 - no changes done
# -1 - error appeared
sub enable_disable_format_engine {
my ($tc, $fmt, $eng, $mode) = @_;
if ($mode eq 'enabled' || $mode eq 'disabled') {
if ($alldata->{'merged'}{$fmt}{$eng}{'status'} eq $mode) {
print_info("Format/engine combination $fmt/$eng already $mode.\n");
print_info("No changes done.\n");
return 0;
} else {
my $origin = $alldata->{'merged'}{$fmt}{$eng}{'origin'};
if ($origin ne $tc) {
$alldata->{'fmtutil'}{$tc}{'formats'}{$fmt}{$eng} =
$alldata->{'fmtutil'}{$tc}{'formats'}{$fmt}{$eng}{'line'} = -1;
$alldata->{'fmtutil'}{$tc}{'formats'}{$fmt}{$eng}{'status'} = $mode;
$alldata->{'fmtutil'}{$tc}{'changed'} = 1;
$alldata->{'merged'}{$fmt}{$eng}{'status'} = $mode;
$alldata->{'merged'}{$fmt}{$eng}{'origin'} = $tc;
# dump_data();
return save_fmtutil($tc);
} else {
print_error("enable_disable_format_engine: unknown mode $mode\n");
exit 1;
# enable a format named
# format[/engine]
# where the engine part is optional
# Case 1: no "engine" given:
# - if format is defined and has only one engine instance -> activate
# - if format is defined and has more than one engine -> error
# Case 2: engine given:
# - if format/engine is defined -> activate
# - if format/engine is not defined -> error
# Return values:
# 1 - success with changes
# 0 - no changes done
# -1 - error appeared
sub callback_enable_disable_format {
my ($tc, $fmtname, $mode) = @_;
my ($fmt, $eng) = split('/', $fmtname, 2);
if ($mode ne 'enabled' && $mode ne 'disabled') {
print_error("callback_enable_disable_format: unknown mode $mode.\n");
exit 1;
if ($eng) {
if ($alldata->{'merged'}{$fmt}{$eng}) {
return enable_disable_format_engine($tc, $fmt, $eng, $mode);
} else {
print_warning("Format/engine combination $fmt/$eng is not defined.\n");
print_warning("Cannot (de)activate it.\n");
return -1;
} else {
# no engine given, check the number of entries
if ($alldata->{'merged'}{$fmt}) {
my @engs = keys %{$alldata->{'merged'}{$fmt}};
if (($#engs > 0) || ($#engs == -1)) {
print_warning("Selected format $fmt not uniquely defined;\n");
print_warning("possible format/engine combinations:\n");
for my $e (@engs) {
print_warning(" $fmt/$e (currently "
. $alldata->{'merged'}{$fmt}{$e}{'status'} . ")\n");
print_warning("Please select one by fully specifying $fmt/ENGINE\n");
print_warning("No changes done.\n");
return 0;
} else {
# only one engine, enable it if necessary!
return enable_disable_format_engine($tc, $fmt, $engs[0], $mode);
} else {
print_warning("Format $fmt is not defined;\n");
print_warning("cannot (de)activate it.\n");
return -1;
sub callback_list_cfg {
my @lines;
for my $f (keys %{$alldata->{'merged'}}) {
for my $e (keys %{$alldata->{'merged'}{$f}}) {
my $orig = $alldata->{'merged'}{$f}{$e}{'origin'};
my $hyph = $alldata->{'merged'}{$f}{$e}{'hyphen'};
my $stat = $alldata->{'merged'}{$f}{$e}{'status'};
my $args = $alldata->{'merged'}{$f}{$e}{'args'};
push @lines,
[ "$f/$e/$hyph",
"$f (engine=$e) $stat\n hyphen=$hyph, args=$args\n origin=$orig\n" ];
# sort lines
@lines = map { $_->[1] } sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @lines;
print "List of all formats:\n";
print @lines;
# sets %alldata.
sub read_fmtutil_files {
my (@l) = @_;
for my $l (@l) { read_fmtutil_file($l); }
# in case the changes_config is a new one read it in and initialize it here
# the file might be already readable but not in ls-R so not found by
# kpsewhich. That means we need to check that it is readable and whether
# the lines entry is already defined
my $cc = $alldata->{'changes_config'};
if ((! -r $cc) || (!$alldata->{'fmtutil'}{$cc}{'lines'}) ) {
$alldata->{'fmtutil'}{$cc}{'lines'} = [ ];
$alldata->{'order'} = \@l;
# determine the origin of all formats
for my $fn (reverse @l) {
my @format_names = keys %{$alldata->{'fmtutil'}{$fn}{'formats'}};
for my $f (@format_names) {
for my $e (keys %{$alldata->{'fmtutil'}{$fn}{'formats'}{$f}}) {
$alldata->{'merged'}{$f}{$e}{'origin'} = $fn;
$alldata->{'merged'}{$f}{$e}{'hyphen'} =
$alldata->{'fmtutil'}{$fn}{'formats'}{$f}{$e}{'hyphen'} ;
$alldata->{'merged'}{$f}{$e}{'status'} =
$alldata->{'fmtutil'}{$fn}{'formats'}{$f}{$e}{'status'} ;
$alldata->{'merged'}{$f}{$e}{'args'} =
$alldata->{'fmtutil'}{$fn}{'formats'}{$f}{$e}{'args'} ;
sub read_fmtutil_file {
my $fn = shift;
open(FN, "<$fn") || die "Cannot read $fn: $!";
# we count lines from 0 ..!!!!
my $i = -1;
my @lines = <FN>;
$alldata->{'fmtutil'}{$fn}{'lines'} = [ @lines ];
close(FN) || warn("$prg: Cannot close $fn: $!");
for (@lines) {
next if /^\s*#?\s*$/; # ignore empty and all-blank and just-# lines
next if /^\s*#[^!]/; # ignore whole-line comment that is not a disable
s/#[^!].*//; # remove within-line comment that is not a disable
s/#$//; # remove # at end of line
my ($a,$b,$c,@rest) = split (' '); # special split rule, leading ws ign
my $disabled = 0;
if ($a eq "#!") {
# we cannot determine whether a line is a proper fmtline or
# not, so we have to assume that it is
my $d = shift @rest;
if (!defined($d)) {
print_warning("apparently not a real disable line, ignored: $_\n");
} else {
$disabled = 1;
$a = $b; $b = $c; $c = $d;
if (defined($alldata->{'fmtutil'}{$fn}{'formats'}{$a}{$b})) {
print_warning("double mention of $a/$b in $fn\n");
} else {
$alldata->{'fmtutil'}{$fn}{'formats'}{$a}{$b}{'hyphen'} = $c;
$alldata->{'fmtutil'}{$fn}{'formats'}{$a}{$b}{'args'} = "@rest";
= ($disabled ? 'disabled' : 'enabled');
$alldata->{'fmtutil'}{$fn}{'formats'}{$a}{$b}{'line'} = $i;
# and also be reused in!!!
# sets global $alldata->{'changes_config'} to the config file to be
# changed if requested.
sub determine_config_files {
my $fn = shift;
# config file for changes
my $changes_config_file;
# determine which config files should be used
# we also determine here where changes will be saved to
if ($opts{'cnffile'}) {
my @tmp;
for my $f (@{$opts{'cnffile'}}) {
if (! -f $f) {
die "$prg: Config file \"$f\" not found.";
push @tmp, (win32() ? lc($f) : $f);
@{$opts{'cnffile'}} = @tmp;
# in case that config files are given on the command line, the first
# in the list is the one where changes will be written to.
($changes_config_file) = @{$opts{'cnffile'}};
} else {
my @all_files = `kpsewhich -all $fn`;
my @used_files;
for my $f (@all_files) {
push @used_files, (win32() ? lc($f) : $f);
if (win32()) {
chomp($TEXMFLOCALVAR =`kpsewhich --expand-path=\$TEXMFLOCAL`);
@TEXMFLOCAL = map { lc } split(/;/ , $TEXMFLOCALVAR);
} else {
chomp($TEXMFLOCALVAR =`kpsewhich --expand-path='\$TEXMFLOCAL'`);
# search for TEXMFLOCAL/web2c/$fn
my @tmlused;
for my $tml (@TEXMFLOCAL) {
my $TMLabs = Cwd::abs_path($tml);
next if (!$TMLabs);
if (-r "$TMLabs/web2c/$fn") {
push @tmlused, "$TMLabs/web2c/$fn";
# user mode (no -sys):
# ====================
# TEXMFCONFIG $HOME/.texliveYYYY/texmf-config/web2c/$fn
# TEXMFVAR $HOME/.texliveYYYY/texmf-var/web2c/$fn
# TEXMFHOME $HOME/texmf/web2c/$fn
# TEXMFSYSCONFIG $TEXLIVE/YYYY/texmf-config/web2c/$fn
# TEXMFSYSVAR $TEXLIVE/YYYY/texmf-var/web2c/$fn
# TEXMFLOCAL $TEXLIVE/texmf-local/web2c/$fn
# TEXMFDIST $TEXLIVE/YYYY/texmf-dist/web2c/$fn
# root mode (--sys):
# ==================
# TEXMFSYSCONFIG $TEXLIVE/YYYY/texmf-config/web2c/$fn
# TEXMFSYSVAR $TEXLIVE/YYYY/texmf-var/web2c/$fn
# TEXMFLOCAL $TEXLIVE/texmf-local/web2c/$fn
# TEXMFDIST $TEXLIVE/YYYY/texmf-dist/web2c/$fn
@{$opts{'cnffile'}} = @used_files;
# determine the config file that we will use for changes
# if in the list of used files contains either one from
# TEXMFHOME or TEXMFCONFIG (which is TEXMFSYSCONFIG in the -sys case)
# then use the *top* file (which will be either one of the two),
# if none of the two exists, create a file in TEXMFCONFIG and use it
my $use_top = 0;
for my $f (@used_files) {
if ($f =~ m!(\Q$TEXMFHOME\E|\Q$texmfconfig\E)/web2c/$fn!) {
$use_top = 1;
if ($use_top) {
($changes_config_file) = @used_files;
} else {
# add the empty config file
my $dn = "$texmfconfig/web2c";
$changes_config_file = "$dn/$fn";
if (!$opts{'quiet'}) {
print_verbose("$prg is using the following $fn files"
. " (in precedence order):\n");
for my $f (@{$opts{'cnffile'}}) {
print_verbose(" $f\n");
print_verbose("$prg is using the following $fn file"
. " for writing changes:\n");
print_verbose(" $changes_config_file\n");
if ($opts{'listfiles'}) {
# we listed it above, so be done
exit 0;
$alldata->{'changes_config'} = $changes_config_file;
# returns 1 if actually saved due to changes
sub save_fmtutil {
my $fn = shift;
return if $opts{'dry-run'};
my %fmtf = %{$alldata->{'fmtutil'}{$fn}};
if ($fmtf{'changed'}) {
open (FN, ">$fn") || die "$prg: can't write to $fn: $!";
my @lines = @{$fmtf{'lines'}};
if (!@lines) {
print_verbose ("Creating new config file $fn\n");
unless ($opts{"nohash"}) {
# update lsR database
# collect the lines with data
my %line_to_fmt;
my @add_fmt;
if (defined($fmtf{'formats'})) {
for my $f (keys %{$fmtf{'formats'}}) {
for my $e (keys %{$fmtf{'formats'}{$f}}) {
if ($fmtf{'formats'}{$f}{$e}{'line'} == -1) {
push @add_fmt, [ $f, $e ];
} else {
$line_to_fmt{$fmtf{'formats'}{$f}{$e}{'line'}} = [ $f, $e ];
for my $i (0..$#lines) {
if (defined($line_to_fmt{$i})) {
my $f = $line_to_fmt{$i}->[0];
my $e = $line_to_fmt{$i}->[1];
my $mode = $fmtf{'formats'}{$f}{$e}{'status'};
my $args = $fmtf{'formats'}{$f}{$e}{'args'};
my $hyph = $fmtf{'formats'}{$f}{$e}{'hyphen'};
my $p = ($mode eq 'disabled' ? "#! " : "");
print FN "$p$f $e $hyph $args\n";
} else {
print FN "$lines[$i]\n";
# add the new settings and maps
for my $m (@add_fmt) {
my $f = $m->[0];
my $e = $m->[1];
my $mode = $fmtf{'formats'}{$f}{$e}{'status'};
my $args = $fmtf{'formats'}{$f}{$e}{'args'};
my $hyph = $fmtf{'formats'}{$f}{$e}{'hyphen'};
my $p = ($mode eq 'disabled' ? "#! " : "");
print FN "$p$f $e $hyph $args\n";
close(FN) || warn("$prg: Cannot close file handle for $fn: $!");
delete $alldata->{'fmtutil'}{$fn}{'changed'};
return 1;
return 0;
# $HOME and sudo and updmap-sys horror
# some instances of sudo do not reset $HOME to the home of root
# as an effect of "sudo updmap" creates root owned files in the home
# of a normal user, and "sudo updmap-sys" uses map files and updmap.cfg
# files from the directory of a normal user, but creating files
# in TEXMFSYSCONFIG. This is *all* wrong.
# we check: if we are running as UID 0 (root) on Unix and the
# ENV{HOME} is NOT the same as the one of root, then give a warning
# and reset it to the real home dir of root.
sub reset_root_home {
if (!win32() && ($> == 0)) { # $> is effective uid
my $envhome = $ENV{'HOME'};
# if $HOME isn't an existing directory, we don't care.
if (defined($envhome) && (-d $envhome)) {
# we want to avoid calling getpwuid as far as possible, so if
# $envhome is one of some usual values we accept it without worrying.
if ($envhome =~ m,^(/|/root|/var/root)/*$,) {
# $HOME is defined, check what is the home of root in reality
my (undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,$roothome) = getpwuid(0);
if (defined($roothome)) {
if ($envhome ne $roothome) {
print_warning("resetting \$HOME value (was $envhome) to root's "
. "actual home ($roothome).\n");
$ENV{'HOME'} = $roothome;
} else {
# envhome and roothome do agree, nothing to do, that is the good case
} else {
print_warning("home of root not defined, strange!\n");
# printing to stdout (in mktexfmtMode also going to stderr!)
# print_info can be suppressed with --quiet
# print_verbose cannot be suppressed
# printing to stderr
# print_warning can be suppressed with --quiet
# print_error cannot be suppressed
sub print_info {
if ($mktexfmtMode) {
print STDERR "$prg [INFO]: ", @_ if (!$opts{'quiet'});
} else {
print STDOUT "$prg [INFO]: ", @_ if (!$opts{'quiet'});
sub print_verbose {
if ($mktexfmtMode) {
print STDERR "$prg: ", @_;
} else {
print STDOUT "$prg: ", @_;
sub print_warning {
print STDERR "$prg [WARNING]: ", @_ if (!$opts{'quiet'})
sub print_error {
print STDERR "$prg [ERROR]: ", @_;
# same with deferred
sub print_deferred_info {
push @deferred_stdout, "$prg [INFO]: @_" if (!$opts{'quiet'});
sub print_deferred_verbose {
push @deferred_stdout, "$prg: @_";
sub print_deferred_warning {
push @deferred_stderr, "$prg [WARNING]: @_" if (!$opts{'quiet'})
sub print_deferred_error {
push @deferred_stderr, "$prg [ERROR]: @_";
# copied from TeXLive::TLUtils to reduce dependencies
sub win32 {
if ($^O =~ /^MSWin/i) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
# version, help.
sub version {
my $ret = sprintf "%s version %s\n", $prg, $version;
return $ret;
sub help {
my $usage = <<"EOF";
Usage: $prg [-user|-sys] [OPTION] ... [COMMAND]
or: $prg-sys [OPTION] ... [COMMAND]
or: $prg-user [OPTION] ... [COMMAND]
or: mktexfmt FORMAT.fmt|BASE.base|FMTNAME.EXT
Rebuild and manage TeX fmts and Metafont bases, collectively called
"formats" here. (MetaPost no longer uses the past-equivalent "mems".)
If the command name ends in mktexfmt, only one format can be created.
The only options supported are --help and --version, and the command
line must be either a format name, with extension, or a plain name that
is passed as the argument to --byfmt (see below). The full name of the
generated file (if any) is written to stdout, and nothing else.
If not operating in mktexfmt mode, exactly one command must be given,
extensions should generally not be specified, no non-option arguments
are allowed, and multiple formats can be generated, as follows.
By default, the return status is zero if all formats requested are
successfully built, else nonzero.
--user use TEXMF{VAR,CONFIG}
--cnffile FILE read FILE instead of fmtutil.cnf
(can be given multiple times, in which case
all the files are used)
--fmtdir DIR write formats under DIR instead of TEXMF[SYS]VAR
--no-engine-subdir don't use engine-specific subdir of the fmtdir
--no-error-if-no-format exit successfully if no format is selected
exit successfully even if a required engine
is missing, if it is included in the list.
--no-strict exit successfully even if a format fails to build
--nohash don't update ls-R files
--recorder pass the -recorder option and save .fls files
--quiet be silent
--catcfg (does nothing, exists for compatibility)
--dolinks (does nothing, exists for compatibility)
--force (does nothing, exists for compatibility)
--test (does nothing, exists for compatibility)
--all recreate all format files
--missing create all missing format files
--refresh recreate only existing format files
--byengine ENGINE (re)create formats built with ENGINE
--byfmt FORMAT (re)create format FORMAT
--byhyphen HYPHENFILE (re)create formats that depend on HYPHENFILE
--enablefmt FORMAT[/ENGINE] enable FORMAT, as built with ENGINE
--disablefmt FORMAT[/ENGINE] disable FORMAT, as built with ENGINE
If multiple formats have the same name and
different engines, /ENGINE specifier is required.
--listcfg list (enabled and disabled) configurations,
filtered to available formats
--showhyphen FORMAT print name of hyphen file for FORMAT
--version show version information and exit
--help show this message and exit
Explanation of trees and files normally used:
If --cnffile is specified on the command line (possibly multiple
times), its value(s) are used. Otherwise, fmtutil reads all the
fmtutil.cnf files found by running \`kpsewhich -all fmtutil.cnf', in the
order returned by kpsewhich.
In any case, if multiple fmtutil.cnf files are found, all the format
definitions found in all the fmtutil.cnf files are merged.
Thus, if fmtutil.cnf files are present in all trees, and the default
layout is used as shipped with TeX Live, the following files are
read, in the given order.
For fmtutil-sys:
TEXMFSYSCONFIG \$TEXLIVE/YYYY/texmf-config/web2c/fmtutil.cnf
TEXMFSYSVAR \$TEXLIVE/YYYY/texmf-var/web2c/fmtutil.cnf
TEXMFLOCAL \$TEXLIVE/texmf-local/web2c/fmtutil.cnf
TEXMFDIST \$TEXLIVE/YYYY/texmf-dist/web2c/fmtutil.cnf
For fmtutil-user:
TEXMFCONFIG \$HOME/.texliveYYYY/texmf-config/web2c/fmtutil.cnf
TEXMFVAR \$HOME/.texliveYYYY/texmf-var/web2c/fmtutil.cnf
TEXMFHOME \$HOME/texmf/web2c/fmtutil.cnf
TEXMFSYSCONFIG \$TEXLIVE/YYYY/texmf-config/web2c/fmtutil.cnf
TEXMFSYSVAR \$TEXLIVE/YYYY/texmf-var/web2c/fmtutil.cnf
TEXMFLOCAL \$TEXLIVE/texmf-local/web2c/fmtutil.cnf
TEXMFDIST \$TEXLIVE/YYYY/texmf-dist/web2c/fmtutil.cnf
(where YYYY is the TeX Live release version).
According to the actions, fmtutil might write to one of the given files
or create a new fmtutil.cnf, described further below.
Where formats are written:
By default, format files are (re)written in TEXMFSYSVAR/ENGINE by
fmtutil-sys, and TEXMFVAR/ENGINE by fmtutil, where /ENGINE is a
subdirectory named for the engine used, such as "pdftex".
If the --fmtdir=DIR option is specified, DIR is used instead of
TEXMF[SYS]VAR, but the /ENGINE subdir is still used by default.
In any case, if the --no-engine-subdir option is specified, the
/ENGINE subdir is omitted.
Where configuration changes are saved:
If config files are given on the command line, then the first one
given will be used to save any changes from --enable or --disable.
If the config files are taken from kpsewhich output, then the
algorithm is more complex:
1) If \$TEXMFCONFIG/web2c/fmtutil.cnf or \$TEXMFHOME/web2c/fmtutil.cnf
appears in the list of used files, then the one listed first by
kpsewhich --all (equivalently, the one returned by kpsewhich
fmtutil.cnf), is used.
2) If neither of the above two are present and changes are made, a
new config file is created in \$TEXMFCONFIG/web2c/fmtutil.cnf.
In general, the idea is that if a given config file is not writable, a
higher-level one can be used. That way, the distribution's settings
can be overridden system-wide using TEXMFLOCAL, and system settings
can be overridden again in a particular user's TEXMFHOME.
Resolving multiple definitions of a format:
If a format is defined in more than one config file, then the definition
coming from the first-listed fmtutil.cnf is used.
Disabling formats:
fmtutil.cnf files with higher priority (listed earlier) can disable
formats in lower priority (listed later) fmtutil.cnf files by
writing a line like
\#! <fmtname> <enginename> <hyphen> <args>
in the higher-priority fmtutil.cnf file. The \#! must be at the
beginning of the line, with at least one space or tab afterward, and
there must be whitespace between each word on the list.
For example, you can disable the luajitlatex format by creating
the file \$TEXMFCONFIG/web2c/fmtutil.cnf with the line
#! luajitlatex luajittex language.dat,language.dat.lua lualatex.ini
(As it happens, the luajittex-related formats are precisely why the
--no-error-if-no-engine option exists, since luajittex cannot be
compiled on all platforms.)
fmtutil-user (fmtutil -user) vs. fmtutil-sys (fmtutil -sys):
When fmtutil-sys is run or the command line option -sys is used,
TEXMFVAR, respectively. This is the primary difference between
fmtutil-sys and fmtutil-user.
See for details.
Other locations may be used if you give them on the command line, or
these trees don't exist, or you are not using the original TeX Live.
Supporting development binaries
If an engine name ends with "-dev", formats are created in
the respective directory with the -dev stripped. This allows for
easily running development binaries in parallel with the released
Report bugs to: tex-live\
TeX Live home page: <>
print &version();
print $usage;
exit 0; # no final print_info
### Local Variables:
### perl-indent-level: 2
### tab-width: 2
### indent-tabs-mode: nil
### End:
# vim:set tabstop=2 expandtab: #