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function studentfeesandattiashortagedata($aobj_context){
    $degree_code = $aobj_context->mobj_data["deg"];
    $exam = $aobj_context->mobj_data["sem"];

    if (strpos($regnos, "All") !== false) {
      $regnosArray = explode(',', $regnos);
      $quotedRegnosArray = array_map(function($regno) {
        return "'" . trim($regno) . "'";
    }, $regnosArray);
    $quotedRegnos = implode(',', $quotedRegnosArray);
    $regno = "AND cs.fregno IN ($quotedRegnos)";

    if(strtolower($exam) != 'all')
        $examstr1 = "and fexamno = '{$exam}'";
        $examstr2 = "and am.fexamno = '{$exam}'";
        $examstr3 = "and a.fexamno = '{$exam}'";
        $examstr4 = "and cd.fexamno = '{$exam}'";

    $query = "select distinct fyear, fexamtype from canddet where fdegree = '{$degree_code}' {$examstr1}";
			$res1 = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($query);
			$fyear = $res1['fyear'];
			$fexamtype = $res1['fexamtype'];

    // $query1 = "SELECT ifnull(s.fname,'')as fname, ifnull(cs.fregno,'')as fregno, ifnull(cs.ftotalfee,'')as ftotalfee, IF(att.fremarks='Attendance Shortage','Attendance Shortage', '')AS attshortage,
    //  IF(att.fremarks='IA Shortage', 'IA Shortage', '')AS iashortage   FROM candsum cs 
    //             LEFT JOIN attshort_r att 
    //             ON att.fregno = cs.fregno AND cs.fyear = att.fyear AND cs.fexamtype = att.fexamtype
    //             INNER JOIN student s ON s.fregno = cs.fregno
    //             WHERE cs.fdegree='{$degree_code}' AND cs.fyear='{$fyear}' AND cs.fexamtype='{$fexamtype}'";

    $query1="SELECT IFNULL(s.fname,'') AS fname, cs.fyear, cs.fexamtype, 
            IFNULL(cs.fregno,'') AS fregno,
            IF(IFNULL(cs.frecptdate,'') = '','Not Applied','Applied') AS fstatus,
            GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CONCAT(su.fsubshort,' - ',IF(cd.fpresent = 'P','Applied','-')) ORDER BY cd.fexamno,cd.fsubcode
            SEPARATOR ' | ' ) AS substatus
            FROM candsum cs 
            INNER JOIN student s ON s.fregno = cs.fregno AND cs.fcollcode = s.fcollcode
            INNER JOIN canddet cd ON cs.fregno = cd.fregno AND cs.fcollcode = cd.fcollcode
            INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT fsubcode,fdegree,fexamno,fsubshort 
            FROM subject WHERE fdegree='{$degree_code}' {$examstr1}) su ON su.fdegree = cd.fdegree AND su.fexamno = cd.fexamno 
            AND su.fsubcode = cd.fsubcode
            WHERE cs.fdegree='{$degree_code}' 
            AND s.fdegree = '{$degree_code}'
            AND cs.fcntrcode = '{$collcode}'
            AND IFNULL(cd.fpassmth,'') = ''
            GROUP BY cs.fregno";

    $results = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetAll($query1);

        $data['data'] = $results;
        echo $aobj_context->mobj_output->ToJSONEnvelope($data, 0,"success"); 
        $data['data'] = "Failed to show";
        echo $aobj_context->mobj_output->ToJSONEnvelope($data, -1,"fail"); 

    function getCandidateRegNoForHallTicket($aobj_context){
        $degree_code = $aobj_context->mobj_data["degree"];
        $exam = $aobj_context->mobj_data["exam"];

        $query="SELECT IFNULL(cs.fregno,'') AS fregno 
        FROM candsum cs 
                WHERE cs.fdegree = '{$degree_code}' 
                AND cs.fcollcode = '{$collcode}'
                GROUP BY cs.fregno";

        $results = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetAll($query);

            $data['data'] = $results;
            echo $aobj_context->mobj_output->ToJSONEnvelope($data, 0,"success"); 
            $data['data'] = "Failed to show";
            echo $aobj_context->mobj_output->ToJSONEnvelope($data, -1,"fail"); 

        function hallticketattendenceshortagedata($aobj_context){

            $college_code = $_SESSION['collcode'];
            $degree_code = $aobj_context->mobj_data["deg"];
            $exam = $aobj_context->mobj_data["sem"];

            if (strpos($regnos, "All") !== false) {
              $regnosArray = explode(',', $regnos);
              $quotedRegnosArray = array_map(function($regno) {
                return "'" . trim($regno) . "'";
            }, $regnosArray);
            $quotedRegnos = implode(',', $quotedRegnosArray);
            $regno = "AND att.fregno IN ($quotedRegnos)";
            if(strtolower($exam) != 'all')
                $examstr1 = "and fexamno = '{$exam}'";
                $examstr2 = "and am.fexamno = '{$exam}'";
                $examstr3 = "and a.fexamno = '{$exam}'";
            $query = "select distinct fyear, fexamtype from canddet where fdegree = '{$degree_code}' {$examstr1}";
                    $res1 = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($query);
                    $fyear = $res1['fyear'];
                    $fexamtype = $res1['fexamtype'];
                    $query = "select distinct fdeggrp from degree 
                    where fdegree = '{$degree_code}' {$examstr1}";
                    $res4 = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($query);
                    $fdeggrp = $res4['fdeggrp'];
                    $delqur = "delete from attshort_r where 
                    fdegree = '{$degree_code}' 
                    and fyear = '{$fyear}' and fexamtype = '{$fexamtype}'
                    $res2 = $aobj_context->mobj_db->Execute($delqur);
                    if($fdeggrp == 'UGMD')
                        $qyery = "insert ignore into attshort_r(fcollcode,fdegree,fexamno,fsubcode,fregno,fremarks,ftotval,fsecval,fperval,FUPDDATE,fyear,fexamtype,fshortiaper)
                        select m.fcollcode,m.fdegree,m.fexamno,m.fsubcode,m.fregno,'IA Shortage', sum(m.fmarks) as secmarks,sum(s.fvalmax) as maxmarks,
                        ((sum(m.fmarks)/sum(s.fvalmax))*100) as perval,now(),m.fyear,m.fexamtype,dg.fshortiaper 
                        from marks m inner join candsum cs on m.fregno = cs.fregno and m.fexamno = cs.ffreshexam
                        and m.fyear = cs.fyear and m.fexamtype = cs.fexamtype
                        inner join subject s on m.fdegree = s.fdegree and m.fexamno = s.fexamno and m.fsubcode = s.fcsubcode
                        inner join degree dg on m.fdegree = dg.fdegree and m.fexamno = dg.fexamno
                        where m.fdegree ='{$degree_code}' 
                        and m.fcollcode = '{$college_code}'
                        and ifnull(dg.fshortiaper,'') <> ''	
                        group by m.fcollcode,m.fdegree,m.fexamno,s.fsubcode,m.fregno
                        having (perval< CAST(dg.fshortiaper as unsigned))";
                        $res4 = $aobj_context->mobj_db->Execute($qyery);
                        $qyery = "insert ignore into attshort_r(fcollcode,fdegree,fexamno,fsubcode,fregno,fremarks,ftotval,fsecval,fperval,FUPDDATE,fyear,fexamtype,fshortiaper)
                        select m.fcollcode,m.fdegree,m.fexamno,m.fsubcode,m.fregno,'IA Shortage',
                        sum(fsmaxmarks) as totval,sum(if(ifnull(fmarks,'-1') = '-1',0,fmarks)) as secval,
                        (sum(if(ifnull(fmarks,'-1') = '-1',0,fmarks))/sum(fvalmax)*100) as perval,now(),m.fyear,m.fexamtype,dg.fshortiaper
                        from marks m 
                        inner join candsum cs on m.fregno = cs.fregno and m.fexamno = cs.ffreshexam
                        and m.fyear = cs.fyear and m.fexamtype = cs.fexamtype
                        inner join subject s on m.fdegree = s.fdegree and m.fexamno = s.fexamno and m.fsubcode = s.fcsubcode
                        inner join degree dg on m.fdegree = dg.fdegree and m.fexamno = dg.fexamno
                        where s.fintass = 'T' and m.fdegree like '{$degree_code}' 
                        and ifnull(dg.fshortiaper,'') <> ''
                        and m.fcollcode = '{$college_code}'
                        and s.fretain = 'T' 
                        group by m.fcollcode,m.fdegree,m.fexamno,m.fsubcode,m.fregno
                        having (perval< CAST(dg.fshortiaper as unsigned))";
                        // echo $qyery;
                        // die();
                        $res4 = $aobj_context->mobj_db->Execute($qyery);
                    $qyery = "insert ignore into attshort_r(fcollcode,fdegree,fexamno,fsubcode,fregno,fremarks,fperval,FUPDDATE,fyear,fexamtype)
                    select distinct a.fcollcode,a.fdegree,a.fexamno,s.fcsubcode,a.fregno,'Attendance Shortage',ifnull(a.fper,0) as perval,now(),a.fyear,a.fexamtype
                    from attend a inner join candsum cs on a.fregno = cs.fregno and a.fexamno = cs.ffreshexam
                    and a.fyear = cs.fyear and a.fexamtype = cs.fexamtype
                    inner join degree dg on a.fdegree = dg.fdegree and a.fexamno = dg.fexamno
                    inner join subject s on a.fdegree = s.fdegree and a.fexamno = s.fexamno
                    and left(a.fsubcode,4) = s.fsubcode
                    where ifnull(fper,0) < ifnull(dg.fshortattper,0) 
                    and a.fdegree = '{$degree_code}'
                    and ifnull(dg.fshortattper,'') <> ''
                    and s.fretain <> 'T'
                    and a.fcollcode like '{$college_code}' 
                    and ifnull(a.fentdate,'')<>''";
                    $res5 = $aobj_context->mobj_db->Execute($qyery);
            $query="SELECT  att.fregno as regno, st.fname as fname,  
            concat(su.fsubname,' - ',su.fsubshort) as subjectcode,
            att.FPERVAL as attper, concat(FSECVAL,'/',FTOTVAL,', Per.: ',att.FPERVAL) as iaper,
            FROM attshort_r att 
            INNER JOIN student st on att.fregno = st.fregno 
            AND att.fdegree = st.fdegree
            INNER JOIN subject su on att.fdegree = su.fdegree  
            AND  att.FEXAMNO = su.FEXAMNO
            AND att.fsubcode = su.fcsubcode
            WHERE att.fdegree='{$degree_code}'
            and att.fyear = '{$fyear}'
            and att.fexamtype = '{$fexamtype}'
            order by att.fregno,att.fsubcode";
           $results = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetAll($query);
               $data['data'] = $results;
               echo $aobj_context->mobj_output->ToJSONEnvelope($data, 0,"success"); 
               $data['data'] = "Failed to show";
               echo $aobj_context->mobj_output->ToJSONEnvelope($data, -1,"fail"); 
