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Current Path : /proc/thread-self/root/var/www/oasis/Report_details/
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Current File : //proc/thread-self/root/var/www/oasis/Report_details/subwiseGrafAnalysis1.php

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    use Aws\S3\S3Client;
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    class ra_invigilators_dairy  extends TCPDF{
	    function DefaultConstructor($aobj_context){
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            $yearmode = explode("*",$this->yearmode);
		    $this->year = $yearmode[0];
		    $this->examtye = $yearmode[1];
            $get_date= "select NOW()  as now_date,
            CONCAT('[',fcollcode,'] ', fcollname,', ',FTOWN) as college_name,
            dg.fexamdate as fresexamdate, d.fdescpn, d.fexamname from college c, degree d, degexam dg 
            where fcollcode = '{$this->collcode}' and d.fdegree = '{$this->degree}'
            and d.fdegree = dg.fdegree and d.fexamno = dg.fexamno 
            and d.fexamno = '{$this->degexam}'
            and dg.fyear = '{$this->year}'
            and dg.fexamtype = '{$this->examtye}'";
            $this->current_date = $obj['now_date'];
            $this->college_name = $obj['college_name'];
            $this->fresexamdate = $obj['fresexamdate'];
            $this->fdescpn      = $obj['fdescpn'];
            $this->fexamname    = $obj['fexamname'];
            $this->first    = true;
            $this->headeractive = true;
        function Header(){
            $deg = "select distinct fdescpn from degree where fdegree='{$this->degree}'";
            $resDeg =  $this->aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($deg);

            if($FUNIVCODE == '031'){
                    $img_logo_path=$this->aobj_context->main_src. '/'.$this->aobj_context->mobj_data["db"]."/img/report_uni_logo.jpg";

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            $this->pdf->cell(0,6, "College : $this->college_details ","0",1,"C");
            $this->pdf->cell(0,7,"SUBJECTWISE RESULT ANALYSIS(GRADEWISE) - ".$this->fresexamdate." EXAMINATION", "0",1,"C");
            $this->pdf->cell(0,7,$this->fexamname." - ". ($resDeg['fdescpn']),"0",1,"C");
        function Footer(){
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        function formcolldata(){
            $get_coll_name="select FUNIVNAME as 'FUNIVNAME',FUNIVCODE,
                            FUNIVADD1 as 'state', pdf_logo_path From control";
            $get_data="SELECT c.FCOLLCODE,
                    CONCAT(c.FCOLLCODE, ' - ', c.FCOLLNAME,', ',c.FTOWN) AS FCOLLNAME FROM college c
                    where c.FCOLLCODE='{$this->collcode}'";					
            $this->college_details = $obj_student['FCOLLNAME'];
            $this->degree_details  = " College : {$this->FCOLLNAME}";

        function writepdf($data){
            $split = explode("*", $this->yearmode);
            $year = $split[0];
            $examtype = $split[1];
            if($this->section === "All"){
                $secCond = "";
                 $secCond = "and ifnull(fsection, '') = '{$this->section}'";

            $qrySection = "select distinct fsection from student where ifnull(fsection, '') <> '' {$secCond} order by fsection";
		    $resSection =  $this->aobj_context->mobj_db->GetAll($qrySection);
            $deg = "select distinct fdescpn from degree where fdegree='{$this->degree}'";
            $resDeg =  $this->aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($deg);
            foreach($resSection as $value){

                $query = "select count(*)as count, r.fdegree,
                        (select distinct fsubshort from subject where fsubcode = r.fsubcode 
                        and fdegree='{$this->degree}' and fexamno='{$this->degexam}')as fsubcode,
                        sum(case when ifnull(fgrade, '') = 'NE' then 1 else 0 end)as fne,
                        sum(case when ifnull(fgrade, '') = 'F' then 1 else 0 end)as ff,
                        sum(case when ifnull(fgrade, '') = 'AB' then 1 else 0 end)as fab,
                        sum(case when ifnull(fgrade, '') = 'MP' or 
                        ifnull(fgrade, '') = 'I' or  
                        ifnull(fgrade, '') = 'TL' or 
                        ifnull(fgrade, '') = 'DR' or 
                        ifnull(fgrade, '') = 'W'
                        then 1 else 0 end)as fmp,
                        sum(case when ifnull(fgrade, '') = 'S' then 1 else 0 end)as fs,
                        sum(case when ifnull(fgrade, '') = 'A' then 1 else 0 end)as fa,
                        sum(case when ifnull(fgrade, '') = 'B' then 1 else 0 end)as fb,
                        sum(case when ifnull(fgrade, '') = 'C' then 1 else 0 end)as fc,
                        sum(case when ifnull(fgrade, '') = 'D' then 1 else 0 end)as fd,
                        sum(case when ifnull(fgrade, '') = 'E' then 1 else 0 end)as fe,
                        sum(case when ifnull(fgrade, '') = 'pass' then 1 else 0 end)as fpass,
                        sum(case when ifnull(fgrade, '') = 'fail' then 1 else 0 end)as ffail
                        from resmarks r inner join student s on s.fdegree = r.fdegree and 
                        s.fregno = r.fregno 
                        where r.fdegree='{$this->degree}' and s.fsection='{$value['fsection']}' 
                        and r.fexamno='{$this->degexam}'
                        and r.fsubcode = 'A021'
                        and r.fyear='{$year}' and r.fexamtype='{$examtype}' 
                        group by r.fsubcode, r.fdegree order by fsubcode";
                        $res =  $this->aobj_context->mobj_db->GetAll($query);
                    $s = 0;
                    $a = 0;
                    $b = 0;
                    $c = 0;
                    $d = 0;
                    $e = 0;
                    $ne = 0;
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                    $np = 0;
                    $ot = 0;
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                    foreach($res as $val){


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                        const xValues = ["Italy", "France", "Spain", "USA", "Argentina"];
                        const yValues = [55, 49, 44, 24, 15];
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                          type: "pie",
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                          options: {
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                              display: true,
                              text: "World Wide Wine Production 2018"

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                        $a = (round($val['fa'] / $val['count'] * 360,2));
                        $b = (round($val['fb'] / $val['count'] * 360,2));
                        $c = (round($val['fc'] / $val['count'] * 360,2));
                        $d = (round($val['fd'] / $val['count'] * 360,2));
                        $e = (round($val['fe'] / $val['count'] * 360,2));
                        $ne = (round($val['fne'] / $val['count'] * 360,2));
                        $f = (round($val['ff'] / $val['count'] * 360,2));
                        $ab = (round($val['fab'] / $val['count'] * 360,2));
                        $pp = (round($val['fpass'] / $val['count'] * 360,2));
                        $np = (round($val['ffail'] / $val['count'] * 360,2));
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        function SendOutput()

    function subwiseGrafAnalysis1($aobj_context){
        $class_obj=new ra_invigilators_dairy();