Linux ip-172-26-7-228 5.4.0-1103-aws #111~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue May 23 20:04:10 UTC 2023 x86_64
Your IP :
function printMarkListSubWise($aobj_context)
$degree_ = $aobj_context->mobj_data['degree'];
$deg = explode(' - ', $degree_);
$degree = $deg[0];
$dept = $deg[1];
$sem_ = $aobj_context->mobj_data['sem'];
$seme = explode(' - ', $sem_);
$sem = $seme[0];
$semester = $seme[1];
$subject = $aobj_context->mobj_data["subject"];
$section = $aobj_context->mobj_data["section"];
if(strtolower($section) == 'all'){
$cond_sec = ' ';
$secList = 'All';
$cond_sec = "and at.fsection='{$section}'";
$secList = $section;
$fregno = $aobj_context->mobj_data["fregno"];
$tregno = $aobj_context->mobj_data["tregno"];
$marks_ = $aobj_context->mobj_data["marks"];
$markSplit = explode('_', $marks_);
$marks = $markSplit[0];
$college = $_SESSION['collcode'];
// var_dump($marks);
$pdf= new TCPDF();
$page_header_university = "select FUNIVNAME as 'FUNIVNAME',FUNIVCODE,
FUNIVADD1 as 'state', pdf_logo_path,
ifnull(FEXAMAPPREQ,'F') as FEXAMAPPREQ From control";
$lobj_page_header_university = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($page_header_university);
$get_coll_name = "select CONCAT(FCOLLCODE, ' - ', FCOLLNAME,', ',FTOWN) AS FCOLLNAME, ftown as FTOWN from college
where fcollcode = '{$college}'";
$res_coll_name = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($get_coll_name);
$get_deg_name = "select fdescpn from degree
where fdegree = '{$degree}'
and fexamno = 'A'";
$res_deg_name = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($get_deg_name);
$fdescpn = $res_deg_name['fdescpn'];
$img_path = $aobj_context->main_src .$db.'/'. $lobj_page_header_university['pdf_logo_path'];
$FUNIVNAME = $lobj_page_header_university['FUNIVNAME'];
$STATE = $lobj_page_header_university['state'];
$COLLNAME = $res_coll_name['FCOLLNAME'];
//$COLLNAME = $res_coll_name['FCOLLNAME'];
$query_marks = "select sum(FSMAXMARKS)as maxmarks from subject
where fdegree = '{$degree}' and fexamno = '{$sem}' and fretain='T'
and fintass = 'T' and fsubcode = '{$subject}'";
$res_marks = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($query_marks);
$maxmarks =$res_marks['maxmarks'];
// var_dump($res_marks);
if(strtolower($subject) == 'all')
$maxmarks = '50';
$havcnd = "having if(prmarks >0 and thmarks >0,(((prmarks/20)*100) < '{$marks}' or ((thmarks/30)*100) < '{$marks}'),((totmarks/50)*100) < '{$marks}')";
if($marks == '100')
$havcnd ="";
if($subject == "All"){
$cond_sub = " ";
$cond_sub = "and left(s.fsubcode,4) = '{$subject}'";
$teachcode = $_SESSION['usr'];
$query_teach = "select fteachname, fteachcode from masteach
where fcollcode = '{$college}' and fteachcode = '{$teachcode}'";
$res_teach = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($query_teach);
$teachname = $res_teach['fteachname'];
$query = "select * from s_sysdb where sysusr = '{$teachcode}'";
$res0 = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($query);
$user_type = $res0['user_type'];
// var_dump($user_type);
$cnd = "inner join attendsum a on s.fdegree = a.fdegree and s.fexamno = a.fexamno
and s.fsubcode = left(a.fsubcode,4)
and a.fteachcode = '{$teachcode}'";
if($user_type == '40' || $user_type == '14')
$cnd = "";
$qry_subject = "select distinct s.fsubcode,s.fsubname,s.fsubshort from subject s
where s.fdegree = '{$degree}'
and s.fexamno = '{$sem}'
// var_dump($qry_subject);
$result_subject = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetAll($qry_subject);
foreach($result_subject as $sub)
$fsubcode = $sub['fsubcode'];
$exam_data = "select ifnull(d.fexamdate,'') as fexamdate from degree d
inner join student s on s.fdegree = d.fdegree
and d.fexamno = s.fexamno where d.fdegree = '{$degree}' and
s.fexamno = '{$sem}' and s.fregno between '{$fregno}'
and '{$tregno}' group by d.fexamdate";
$lobj_get_exam_data = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($exam_data);
$examdate = $lobj_get_exam_data['fexamdate'];
if($marks == "100"){
$cndCIE = 'Continuous Internal Evaluation Submission Form: '.$examdate;
$cndCIE = 'CIE Less Than '.$marks.'% for '.$examdate.' Form C';
$degname = 'Degree: ';
if($FUNIVCODE == '049')
$degname = 'Program: ';
$query1 = "select fssubname from subject
where fintass='T' and fretain = 'T'
and fexamno = '{$sem}'
and fdegree ='{$degree}'
and fsubcode = '{$fsubcode}'
group by fssubname order by fssubcode";
$res1 = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetAll($query1);
$totheader = count($res1);
//sum(if(fmarks = '-1',0,if(fmarks = '-2',0,fmarks))) as totmarks,
$first = true;
$get_subwise = "select m.fregno,mid(st.fname,1,18) as fname1,
mid(st.fname,19,37) as fname2,
ifnull(left(m.fsubcode,4),'') as fsubcode,ifnull(s.fsubname,'') as fsubname, ifnull(s.fsubshort,'')as coursecode,
group_concat(concat(concat(s.fssubname))order by s.fssubcode separator '*') as sublist,
GROUP_CONCAT(concat(right(concat(if(ifnull(m.fmarks,'-1.00') = '-1.00','0',m.fmarks)),9)) ORDER BY s.fssubcode ASC SEPARATOR '*') as markslist,
(sum(if(s.ftheory = 'T',if(fmarks = '-1',0,if(fmarks = '-2',0,fmarks)),0))) as th,
(sum(if(s.ftheory = 'F',if(fmarks = '-1',0,if(fmarks = '-2',0,fmarks)),0))) as pr,
(sum(if(s.ftheory = 'T',if(fmarks = '-1',0,if(fmarks = '-2',0,fmarks)),0))*.6) as thmarks,
(sum(if(s.ftheory = 'F',if(fmarks = '-1',0,if(fmarks = '-2',0,fmarks)),0))*.4) as prmarks,
if((sum(if(s.ftheory = 'F',if(fmarks = '-1',0,if(fmarks = '-2',0,fmarks)),0))*.4) >0
and (sum(if(s.ftheory = 'T',if(fmarks = '-1',0,if(fmarks = '-2',0,fmarks)),0))*.6) >0,((sum(if(s.ftheory = 'T',if(fmarks = '-1',0,if(fmarks = '-2',0,fmarks)),0))*.6)+(sum(if(s.ftheory = 'F',if(fmarks = '-1',0,if(fmarks = '-2',0,fmarks)),0))*.4)),sum(if(fmarks = '-1',0,if(fmarks = '-2',0,fmarks)))) as totmarks,
from marks m inner join subject s on s.fcsubcode = m.fsubcode
and m.fdegree = s.fdegree and m.fexamno = s.fexamno
inner join ( select at.fdegree,at.fcollcode,at.fregno,at.fsubcode, at.fexamno,sum(fnoclass) as conducted, sum(if(fpresent = 'P',fnoclass,0)) as attend From attendsum at left join attend_det a on a.fexamno = at.fexamno and a.fdegree = at.fdegree and a.fsubcode = at.fsubcode
and a.fregno = at.fregno and a.fcollcode = at.fcollcode
and a.fclassid = at.fclassid
where at.fregno between '{$fregno}' and '{$tregno}' and at.fdegree = '{$degree}' $cond_sec
group by at.fregno,at.fsubcode) a1 on a1.fdegree = m.fdegree
and a1.fexamno = m.fexamno and a1.fregno = m.fregno
and left(a1.fsubcode,4) = left(m.fsubcode,4)
inner join student st on st.fdegree = m.fdegree and
st.fcollcode = m.fcollcode and m.fregno = st.fregno and
m.fexamno = st.fexamno
where m.fregno between '{$fregno}' and '{$tregno}'
and s.fdegree = '{$degree}'
and left(a1.fsubcode,4) = '{$fsubcode}'
and fintass = 'T' and s.fexamno='{$sem}'
and ifnull(st.fdeleted,'') <> 'T'
and a1.fcollcode = '{$college}'
group by m.fregno,left(a1.fsubcode,4),coursecode
{$havcnd} order by left(m.fsubcode,4)";
$res2 = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetAll($get_subwise);
$count = 1;
foreach($res2 as $value)
if($z == 15 || $first){
$first = false;
if (file_exists($img_path)) {
$pdf->Image($img_path, 115, 2, 60);
$pdf->SetFont('Times', 'B', 16);
$pdf->SetFont('Times', 'B', 16);
$pdf->Cell(0, 5, $COLLNAME, 0, 1, 'C');
$pdf->Cell(0, 5, $cndCIE, 0, 1, 'C');
$pdf->Cell(0, 5, 'Department: '.$fdescpn, 0, 1, 'C');
$pdf->Cell(0, 5, 'Course Code: '.$sub['fsubshort'].' '.'Course Title: '.$sub['fsubname'], 0, 1, 'C');
$pdf->Cell(0, 5, 'Faculty Name: '.$teachname.' '.'Section: '.$secList.' '.'Semester: '.$semester, 0, 1, 'C');
$pdf->Cell(0, 5, 'Section: '.$secList.' '.'Semester: '.$semester, 0, 1, 'C');
$totheader = count($res1);
if($college == '1001')
$pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 8);
foreach($res1 as $ssub)
if($value['prmarks'] >0 && $value['thmarks']>0)
foreach($res1 as $ssub)
if($value['prmarks'] >0 && $value['thmarks'] >0)
if($totheader <5)
$pdf->SetFont('Times', 'B', 9);
foreach($res1 as $ssub)
if($totheader <=5)
foreach($res1 as $ssub)
if($college == '1001')
$pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 8);
if($value['fname2'] != '')
foreach(explode('*',$value['markslist']) as $re)
$na = "";
if($value['prmarks'] >0 && $value['thmarks']>0)
if(((($value['prmarks']/20)*100) < '40') || ((($value['thmarks']/30)*100) < '40'))
$na = "NE";
if($na == '')
$na = "NE";
foreach(explode('*',$value['markslist']) as $re)
if($value['prmarks'] >0 && $value['thmarks'] >0)
$na = "";
foreach(explode('*',$value['markslist']) as $re)
if($value['prmarks'] >0 && $value['thmarks']>0)
if(((($value['prmarks']/20)*100) < '40') || ((($value['thmarks']/30)*100) < '40'))
$na = "NE";
if($na == '')
$na = "NE";
$pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 10);
if($college == '1002'){
if($totheader <5)
if($value['fname2'] != '')
foreach(explode('*',$value['markslist']) as $re)
if($college == '1002'){
if($totheader <=5)
foreach(explode('*',$value['markslist']) as $re)
foreach(explode('*',$value['markslist']) as $re)
$pdf->SetFont('Times', 'B', 10);
$pdf->Cell(25,4," Name and Signature of Faculty",'0',0,'L');
$pdf->Cell(0,4,"Signature of the H.O.D/Principal ",'0',1,'R');