Linux ip-172-26-7-228 5.4.0-1103-aws #111~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue May 23 20:04:10 UTC 2023 x86_64
Your IP :
$pdf_writer_class =$main_src."/tcpdf/tcpdf.php";
require_once 'headerNfooter.php';
use Aws\S3\S3Client;
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class ra_invigilators_dairy extends TCPDF{
function DefaultConstructor($aobj_context){
$this->pdf= new TCPDF();
$yearmode = explode("*",$this->yearmode);
$this->year = $yearmode[0];
$this->examtye = $yearmode[1];
$get_date= "select NOW() as now_date,
CONCAT('[',fcollcode,'] ', fcollname,', ',FTOWN) as college_name,
dg.fexamdate as fresexamdate, d.fdescpn, d.fexamname from college c, degree d, degexam dg
where fcollcode = '{$this->collcode}' and d.fdegree = '{$this->degree}'
and d.fdegree = dg.fdegree and d.fexamno = dg.fexamno
and d.fexamno = '{$this->degexam}'
and dg.fyear = '{$this->year}'
and dg.fexamtype = '{$this->examtye}'";
$this->current_date = $obj['now_date'];
$this->college_name = $obj['college_name'];
$this->fresexamdate = $obj['fresexamdate'];
$this->fdescpn = $obj['fdescpn'];
$this->fexamname = $obj['fexamname'];
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function Header(){
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function formcolldata(){
$get_coll_name="select FUNIVNAME as 'FUNIVNAME',FUNIVCODE,
FUNIVADD1 as 'state', pdf_logo_path From control";
$get_data="SELECT c.FCOLLCODE,
where c.FCOLLCODE='{$this->collcode}'";
$this->college_details = $obj_student['FCOLLNAME'];
$this->degree_details = " College : {$this->FCOLLNAME}";
function writepdf($data){
$split = explode("*", $this->yearmode);
$year = $split[0];
$examtype = $split[1];
if($this->section === "All"){
$secCond = "";
$secCond = "and ifnull(fsection, '') = '{$this->section}'";
$deg = "select distinct fdescpn from degree where fdegree='{$this->degree}'";
$resDeg = $this->aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($deg);
if($this->funivcode !=="051"){
$qrySection = "select distinct fsection from student where ifnull(fsection, '') <> '' {$secCond} order by fsection";
$resSection = $this->aobj_context->mobj_db->GetAll($qrySection);
$qrySection = "select distinct fdescpn from degree where fdegree='{$this->degree}'";
$resSection = $this->aobj_context->mobj_db->GetAll($qrySection);
foreach($resSection as $value){
$query ="SELECT count(*)AS count, r.fdegree, (SELECT DISTINCT fsubshort FROM subject WHERE fsubcode = r.fsubcode
AND fdegree='{$this->degree}' AND fexamno='{$this->degexam}')AS fsubcode,
(select distinct fcredits from subject where fsubcode = r.fsubcode
and fdegree='{$this->degree}' AND fexamno='{$this->degexam}')as fcredits,
SUM(CASE WHEN IFNULL(fgrade, '') = 'NE' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)AS fne,
SUM(CASE WHEN IFNULL(fgrade, '') = 'F' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)AS ff, SUM(CASE WHEN IFNULL(fgrade, '') = 'AB' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)AS fab,
SUM(CASE WHEN IFNULL(fgrade, '') = 'MP' OR IFNULL(fgrade, '') = 'I' OR IFNULL(fgrade, '') = 'TL' OR IFNULL(fgrade, '') = 'DR' OR
IFNULL(fgrade, '') = 'W' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)AS fmp, SUM(CASE WHEN IFNULL(fgrade, '') = 'S' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)AS fs,
SUM(CASE WHEN IFNULL(fgrade, '') = 'A' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)AS fa, SUM(CASE WHEN IFNULL(fgrade, '') = 'B' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)AS fb,
SUM(CASE WHEN IFNULL(fgrade, '') = 'C' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)AS fc, SUM(CASE WHEN IFNULL(fgrade, '') = 'D' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)AS fd,
SUM(CASE WHEN IFNULL(fgrade, '') = 'E' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)AS fe, SUM(CASE WHEN IFNULL(fclass, '') = 'pass' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)AS
fpass, SUM(CASE WHEN IFNULL(fclass, '') = 'fail' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)AS ffail FROM resmarks r
INNER JOIN student s ON s.fdegree = r.fdegree AND s.fregno = r.fregno WHERE r.fdegree='{$this->degree}'
AND r.fexamno='{$this->degexam}' AND r.fyear='{$year}' AND r.fexamtype='{$examtype}' GROUP BY r.fsubcode, r.fdegree
ORDER BY r.fsubcode";
$query = "select count(*)as count, r.fdegree,
(select distinct fsubshort from subject where fsubcode = r.fsubcode
and fdegree='{$this->degree}' and fexamno='{$this->degexam}')as fsubcode,
(select distinct fcredits from subject where fsubcode = r.fsubcode
and fdegree='{$this->degree}' and fexamno='{$this->degexam}')as fcredits,
sum(case when ifnull(fgrade, '') = 'NE' then 1 else 0 end)as fne,
sum(case when ifnull(fgrade, '') = 'F' then 1 else 0 end)as ff,
sum(case when ifnull(fgrade, '') = 'AB' then 1 else 0 end)as fab,
sum(case when ifnull(fgrade, '') = 'MP' or
ifnull(fgrade, '') = 'I' or
ifnull(fgrade, '') = 'TL' or
ifnull(fgrade, '') = 'DR' or
ifnull(fgrade, '') = 'W'
then 1 else 0 end)as fmp,
sum(case when ifnull(fgrade, '') = 'S' then 1 else 0 end)as fs,
sum(case when ifnull(fgrade, '') = 'A' then 1 else 0 end)as fa,
sum(case when ifnull(fgrade, '') = 'B' then 1 else 0 end)as fb,
sum(case when ifnull(fgrade, '') = 'C' then 1 else 0 end)as fc,
sum(case when ifnull(fgrade, '') = 'D' then 1 else 0 end)as fd,
sum(case when ifnull(fgrade, '') = 'E' then 1 else 0 end)as fe,
sum(case when ifnull(fgrade, '') = 'pass' then 1 else 0 end)as fpass,
sum(case when ifnull(fgrade, '') = 'fail' then 1 else 0 end)as ffail
from resmarks r inner join student s on s.fdegree = r.fdegree and
s.fregno = r.fregno
where r.fdegree='{$this->degree}' and s.fsection='{$value['fsection']}'
and r.fexamno='{$this->degexam}'
and r.fyear='{$year}' and r.fexamtype='{$examtype}'
group by r.fsubcode, r.fdegree order by r.fsubcode";
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if($this->funivcode =="055"){
if($this->funivcode !=="051"){
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$this->pdf->cell(15,3, "","LRB",0,"C");
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function SendOutput(){
function gradewisesubjectanalysis($aobj_context){
$class_obj=new ra_invigilators_dairy();
$class_obj->SetTitle('Grade Wise Subject Analysis');