Linux ip-172-26-7-228 5.4.0-1103-aws #111~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue May 23 20:04:10 UTC 2023 x86_64
Your IP :
$main_src = substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], 0, strlen($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) - 7);
$pdf_writer_class = $main_src . "/tcpdf/tcpdf.php";
require_once $pdf_writer_class;
// ini_set('memory_limit','900M');
// ini_set('max_execution_time',0);
class MYPDF extends TCPDF
public function Header()
// get the current page break margin
$bMargin = $this->getBreakMargin();
// get current auto-page-break mode
$auto_page_break = $this->AutoPageBreak;
// disable auto-page-break
$this->SetAutoPageBreak(false, 0);
// set bacground image
$this->SetFillColor(248, 248, 255);
$img_path = $this->aobj_context->main_src . "/img/rur_logo.jpg";
// if (file_exists($img_path)) {
// $this->Image($img_path, 6, 6, 20, 20);
// }
$this->SetFont('Times', 'B', 13);
$this->Image($img_path, 50,0,110);
// $this->Cell(0, 4, $this->aobj_context->FUNIVNAME, 0, 1, 'C');
$this->SetFont('Times', '', 11);
$this->Cell(0, 4, $this->aobj_context->s_state, 0, 1, 'C');
$this->SetFont('Times', 'BU', 14);
$this->Cell(0, 5, 'PG Admission 2021-22', '0', 1, 'C');
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$this->Cell(0, 5, 'SEAT ALLOTMENT LETTER', '0', 1, 'C');
// restore auto-page-break status
$this->SetAutoPageBreak($auto_page_break, $bMargin);
// set the starting point for the page content
public function Footer()
$this->SetFont('helvetica', 'I', 8);
// var_dump();
if($this->CurOrientation == 'P')
$this->Cell(60, 10, 'IP : ' . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], 0, 0, 'L');
$this->Cell(60, 10, 'Date : ' . date("d-m-Y h:i:s A"), 0, 0, 'C');
$this->Cell(60, 10, 'Page ' . $this->getPageNumGroupAlias() . '/' . $this->getPageGroupAlias(), 0, 1, 'R');
else {
$this->Cell(90, 10, 'IP : ' . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], 0, 0, 'L');
$this->Cell(90, 10, 'Date : ' . date("d-m-Y h:i:s A"), 0, 0, 'C');
$this->Cell(90, 10, 'Page ' . $this->getPageNumGroupAlias() . '/' . $this->getPageGroupAlias(), 0, 1, 'R');
class ReprtObject
public function DefaultConstructor($aobj_context)
$this->aobj_context = $aobj_context;
$this->ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
$get_date = "select DATE_FORMAT(now(), '%d/%m/%Y') as now_date";
$obj = $this->aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($get_date);
$this->reportType = $aobj_context->mobj_data["rtype"];
$get_coll_name = "select FUNIVNAME as 'FUNIVNAME',FUNIVCODE,
FUNIVADD1 as 'state', pdf_logo_path,
ifnull(FEXAMAPPREQ,'F') as FEXAMAPPREQ From control";
$lobj_get_coll_name = $this->aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($get_coll_name);
// var_dump($get_coll_name);
$aobj_context->FUNIVNAME = $lobj_get_coll_name['FUNIVNAME'];
$aobj_context->s_state = $lobj_get_coll_name['state'];
$aobj_context->pdf_logo_path = $lobj_get_coll_name['pdf_logo_path'];
$aobj_context->FUNIVCODE = $lobj_get_coll_name['FUNIVCODE'];
$this->current_date = $obj['now_date'];
$deggrp = $this->aobj_context->mobj_data["deggrp"];
$get_coll_name = "select concat(fdeggrp, ' - ', fdescpn) as fdeggrp
from deggrp where fdeggrp = '{$deggrp}'";
$lobj_get_degree = $this->aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($get_coll_name);
$aobj_context->deggrp = $lobj_get_degree['fdeggrp'];
$this->pdf = new MYPDF('P');
$this->pdf->aobj_context = $aobj_context;
public function Report($data,$admfee)
$pdf = $this->pdf;
$pdf->SetMargins(15, 45);
$pdf->Cell(37,7,'Admission No.: ',0,0,'L');
$pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 13);
$pdf->Cell(15,7,'Date: ',0,0,'L');
$pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 13);
$pdf->Cell(38,7,'Application No.: ',0,0,'L');
$pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 13);
// $pdf->SetFont('Times','B',13);
// $pdf->Cell(15,7,'Rank: ',0,0,'L');
// $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 13);
// $pdf->Cell(30,7,$data['frank'],0,1,'L');
$cnd = "";
if($data['fpamount'] == '0')
$cnd = "(Freeship Card)";
$html = "<p>This is to confirm that<b> {$data['fname']} </b> is admitted
to <b>{$data['fdescpn']}</b> under
<b>{$data['fcatcode']} (claimed {$data['fcategory_ver']})</b> in
<b>{$data['fcollname']} </b> on <b>{$data['fpaymentdate']} </b>.
Admission Fees paid <b>Rs. {$data['fpamount']}/- {$cnd}</b>.
The candidate is directed to report to {$data['fcollname']}
on or before <b> {$data['fadmdate']} before 5:00 PM </b>.</p>";
$x = $pdf->GetX();
$y = $pdf->GetY();
$pdf->writeHTMLCell(180,0,$x,$y,$html, false,1, false, true, '', false);
if($data['fcollcode'] == '1070'){
$html = '<p>(<b>Note:</b> If a candidate fails to report to the above Department within the prescribed date and time, this admission stands cancelled.)</p>';
$html = '<p>(<b>Note:</b> If a candidate fails to report to the above College within the prescribed date and time, this admission stands cancelled.)</p>';
$x = $pdf->GetX();
$y = $pdf->GetY();
$pdf->writeHTMLCell(180,0,$x,$y,$html, false,1, false, true, '', false);
$pdf->Cell(50,7,'Signature of Candidate',0,0,'L');
// $pdf->Ln(12);
// $pdf->SetFont('Times','B',13);
$reg_sign_path = $this->aobj_context->main_src . "/img/02_regstrar_sign.jpg";
$y = $pdf->GetY();
$x = $pdf->GetX();
if (file_exists($reg_sign_path)) {
$pdf->Image($reg_sign_path, $x+80, $y-18, 25, 25);
$pdf->Cell(120,7,'Admission Committee Chairman',0,0,'R');
$pdf->SetLineStyle(array('width' => 0.5, 'cap' => 'butt', 'join' => 'miter', 'dash' => 4, 'color' => "black"));
$pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 13);
$pdf->Cell(37,7,'Admission No.: ',0,0,'L');
$pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 13);
$pdf->Cell(15,7,'Date: ',0,0,'L');
$pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 13);
$pdf->Cell(38,7,'Application No.: ',0,0,'L');
$pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 13);
if($data['fcollcode'] == '1070'){
$html = "<p>This is to confirm that {$data['fname']} (Application No.: {$data['fappno']}) has reported to the Department</p>";
$html = "<p>This is to confirm that {$data['fname']} (Application No.: {$data['fappno']}) has reported to the College</p>";
if($data['fcollcode'] == '1070'){
$reg_sign_path = $this->aobj_context->main_src . "/img/02_regstrar_sign.jpg";
$y = $pdf->GetY();
$x = $pdf->GetX();
if (file_exists($reg_sign_path)) {
$pdf->Image($reg_sign_path, $x, $y+30, 25, 25);
$sign = "Chairman of the Department";
$sign = "Signature of Principal";
$x = $pdf->GetX();
$y = $pdf->GetY();
$pdf->writeHTMLCell(180,0,$x,$y,$html, false,1, false, true, '', false);
public function SendOutput()
// ob_end_clean();
$this->pdf->Output("ApplicationFeeSummary.pdf", "I");
function moneyFormatIndia($num)
$explrestunits = "";
if (strlen($num) > 3) {
$lastthree = substr($num, strlen($num) - 3, strlen($num));
$restunits = substr($num, 0, strlen($num) - 3); // extracts the last three digits
$restunits = (strlen($restunits) % 2 == 1) ? "0" . $restunits : $restunits; // explodes the remaining digits in 2's formats, adds a zero in the beginning to maintain the 2's grouping.
$expunit = str_split($restunits, 2);
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($expunit); $i++) {
// creates each of the 2's group and adds a comma to the end
if ($i == 0) {
$explrestunits .= (int) $expunit[$i] . ","; // if is first value , convert into integer
} else {
$explrestunits .= $expunit[$i] . ",";
$thecash = $explrestunits . $lastthree;
} else {
$thecash = $num;
return $thecash; // writes the final format where $currency is the currency symbol.
function PrintAdmissionOrder($aobj_context)
//$univcode = $aobj_context->mobj_data["univcode"];
$appno = $aobj_context->mobj_data["fappno"];
// var_dump($appno);
// die();
// $fdeggrpfrm = $aobj_context->mobj_data["deggrpfrm"];
// $fdeggrpto = $aobj_context->mobj_data["deggrpto"];
//$fdegfrom = $aobj_context->mobj_data["fdegfrom"];
// $fdegto = $aobj_context->mobj_data["fdegto"];
$query = "SELECT a.fappno, b.fname, a.fallotno, a.frank, a.fdegree,a.fpamount, DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD(left(fpaymentdate,10), INTERVAL 1 DAY),'%d/%m/%Y') AS fadmdate,
d.fdescpn, a.fcollcode, c.fcollname, a.fcatcode, b.fcategory_ver,DATE_FORMAT(a.fpaymentdate,'%d/%m/%Y') AS fpaymentdate,
DATE_FORMAT(a.fallotdate,'%d/%m/%Y') AS fallotdate, DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%d/%m/%Y') AS fcurdate FROM entseatallot a
INNER JOIN entstudadm b ON a.fappno = b.fappno INNER JOIN entcoll c ON a.fcollcode = c.fcollcode
INNER JOIN entdeg d ON a.fdegree = d.fdegree AND a.fappno = '{$appno}'
AND IFNULL(a.fpaymentstatus,'') = 'success' ";
// var_dump($query);
// die();
$result = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($query);
$fappno = $result['fappno'];
$admfee = $result['fadmfee'];
$query = "select * from entseatallot
where fappno = '{$fappno}'
and ifnull(fpaymentstatus,'') = ''";
// var_dump($query);
// die();
$res = $aobj_context->mobj_db->GetRow($query);
$prevfee = 0;
// if($res)
// {
// $prevfee = $res['fadmfee'];
// if($admfee != $prevfee)
// $admfee = $admfee+$prevfee;
// }
$class_obj = new ReprtObject();
$class_obj->univcode = $univcode;
// If No data found Generate Blank Report
if (count($result) > 0) {