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var url_string = window.location.href;
var url = new URL(url_string);
var funivcode = url.searchParams.get("funivcode");
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if (funivcode == "026")
'<h2 class="brand" style="margin-left: 50px;">VIJAYANAGARA SRI KRISHNADEVARAYA UNIVERSITY</h2>'
else if (funivcode == "027")
'<h2 class="brand" style="margin-left: 50px;">RANI CHANNAMMA UNIVERSITY, BELAGAVI</h2>'
<h3 class="brand" class="m-t--5" style="margin-top: 10px;">
Online Registration for PG Entrance 2021-22
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ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
$funivcode = $_REQUEST['funivcode'];
if($funivcode == '026')
$db = "logisys3_vku";
else if($funivcode == '027')
$db = "logisys3_rcu";
else if($funivcode == '023')
$db = "logisys3_dud";
$servername = SERVERNAME;
$username = USERNAME;
$password = PASSWORD;
$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $db);
$get_query = "select * from {$db}.maspg where funivcode = '{$funivcode}' and fbank = 'Razorpay'";
$pgcred = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result1);
define("RAZORPAY_KEY_ID", $pgcred['fkey']);
define("RAZORPAY_KEY_SECRET", $pgcred['fworkingid']);
use Razorpay\Api\Api;
use Razorpay\Api\Errors\SignatureVerificationError;
$success = true;
$error = "Payment Failed";
$success = true;
$error = "Payment Failed";
if (empty($_POST['razorpay_payment_id']) === false)
// Please note that the razorpay order ID must
// come from a trusted source (session here, but
// could be database or something else)
$attributes = array(
'razorpay_order_id' => $_SESSION['razorpay_order_id'],
'razorpay_payment_id' => $_POST['razorpay_payment_id'],
'razorpay_signature' => $_POST['razorpay_signature']
// var_dump($attributes);
catch(SignatureVerificationError $e)
$success = false;
$error = 'Razorpay Error : ' . $e->getMessage();
if ($success === true)
$html = "<p>Your payment was successful</p>
<p>Payment ID: {$_POST['razorpay_payment_id']}</p>";
// use Razorpay\Api\Api;
$paymentid = $_POST['razorpay_payment_id'];
$api = new Api($keyId, $keySecret);
$payment = $api->payment->fetch("{$paymentid}");
$servername = SERVERNAME;
$username = USERNAME;
$password = PASSWORD;
/* $servername = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "";*/
$dbname = "logisys3_comexam";
$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
$get_data = "select * from dbname where ifnull(fdeleted,'') <> 'T'";
if (mysqli_num_rows($result1) > 0)
// output data of each row
$dbnames = array();
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result1))
$dbnames[$row['FUNIVCODE']] = $row['FDBNAME'];
$servername = SERVERNAME;
$username = USERNAME;
$password = PASSWORD;
/*$servername = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "";*/
$dbname = $dbnames[$payment->notes->univcode];
$univcode = $payment->notes->univcode;
$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
$status = "success";
$productinfo = $payment->notes->appno;
$txnid = $payment->id;
$payment['TXNAMOUNT'] = ((float)$payment->amount/100);
$firstname = 'razorpay';
$html = "";
echo "<h1 style='color:green;'>Thank You. Your payment was successful</h1>";
echo "<h2>Your Transaction ID for this transaction is ".$txnid.".</h2>";
echo "<h3>We have received a payment of Rs. " . $payment['TXNAMOUNT'] ."</h3>";
if(substr($productinfo,0,1) == 8){
$html = "";
<div class='m-l-10 btn btn-primary waves-effect btn' >
<span onclick=\"PrintApplication('{$productinfo}','{$univcode}');\" style='float:left;margin-left:8px;cursor: pointer; line-height: 19px;font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;'>Click here to take a PrintOut</span>
echo $html;
$html = "";
$update="update entstudadm set FPAYREMARKS = '{$txnid}',FPAYID = '{$txnid}',
FPAYSTATUS = 'success', FPAYDATE = now()
where fappno ='{$productinfo}'";
} else if(substr($productinfo,0,1) == 9) {
$update="update entaddcourse set FPAYID = '{$txnid}',
FPAYSTATUS = 'success', FPAYDATE = now() where faddappno ='{$productinfo}'";
$insert = "insert into entoptdeg(fappno, fdegree)
select a.fappno, b.fdegree from entaddcourse a, entdeg b
where faddappno = '{$productinfo}' and instr(a.fdegree, b.fdegree)";
}else if(substr($productinfo,0,1) == 7) {
$amount = $payment['TXNAMOUNT'];
$query = "select * from entseatallot where fallotno = '{$productinfo}'";
$row5 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res);
$fappno = $row5['fappno'];
$upd = "update entseatallot set fcancel = 'T',
fcanremarks = 'Casual Round Seat Accepted'
where fappno = '{$fappno}'
and fallotno <> '{$productinfo}'
and fpaymentstatus = 'success'";
$update="update entseatallot set fpaymentid = '{$txnid}',
fpaymentstatus = 'success', fpaymentdate = now()
where fallotno ='{$productinfo}'";
$query = "select * from entseatallot where fallotno ='{$productinfo}'";
$row3 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
$fappno = $row3['fappno'];
$fdegree = $row3['fdegree'];
$fcollcode = $row3['fcollcode'];
$fround = $row3['fallotround'];
$chmode = $row3['fchoice'];
if($chmode == 1)
$chstatus = "Confirmed";
if($chmode == 2)
$chstatus = "Confirmed. waiting for 2 round";
echo "<h2>Your seat status is ".$chstatus.".</h2>";
if($chmode == 1) {
$html = "";
<div class='m-l-10 btn btn-primary waves-effect btn' >
<span onclick=\"PrintApplication('{$productinfo}','{$univcode}');\" style='float:left;margin-left:8px;cursor: pointer; line-height: 19px;font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;'>Click here to take a PrintOut</span>
echo $html;
$query = "update entseatallot set
fchoice = '{$chmode}',
fchoicedate = now(),
fseatstatus = '{$chstatus}'
where fappno = '{$fappno}'
and fallotround = '{$fround}'
and fcollcode = '{$fcollcode}'
and fdegree = '{$fdegree}'";
$query = "update entstudadm set
fchoice = '{$chmode}',
fchoicedate = now(),
fseatstatus = '{$chstatus}',
fadmfee = '{$amount}',
fadmpaydate = now(),
fadmpayid = '{$txnid}',
fadmpaystatus = 'success'
where fappno = '{$fappno}'
and fround = '{$fround}'
and fcollcode = '{$fcollcode}'
and fdegree = '{$fdegree}'";
$query = "update entoptions set
fchoice = '{$chmode}',
fchoicedate = now(),
fseatstatus = '{$chstatus}'
where fappno = '{$fappno}'
and fround = '{$fround}'
and fcollcode = '{$fcollcode}'
and fdegree = '{$fdegree}'";
$query = "update entoptdeg set
fchoice = '{$chmode}',
fchoicedate = now(),
fseatstatus = '{$chstatus}'
where fappno = '{$fappno}'
and fround = '{$fround}'
and fcollcode = '{$fcollcode}'
and fdegree = '{$fdegree}'";
$html = "<p>Your payment failed</p>
echo $html;
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function PrintApplication(appno,univcode)
var db = ""
if(univcode =='026')
db = "vskub";
else if(univcode =='027')
db = "rcub";
else if(univcode =='023')
db = "dud";
if(db == 'rcub')
alert('Print application after login');
}else if(db == 'vskub')
if(appno.substr(0,1) == 7)
var $host_url =
"http://" + +
"/" +
window.location.pathname.split("/")[1] +
"/app.php?db=" +
db +
window.location.href = $host_url + "PrintAdmissionOrder&appno=" + appno+ "°ree=all";
var $host_url =
"http://" + +
"/" +
window.location.pathname.split("/")[1] +
"/app.php?db=" +
db +
window.location.href = $host_url + "vkuapplicationFormPGReport&appno=" + appno+ "°ree=all";