Linux ip-172-26-7-228 5.4.0-1103-aws #111~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue May 23 20:04:10 UTC 2023 x86_64
Your IP :
# scripts -- lintian check script -*- perl -*-
# This is probably the right file to add a check for the use of
# set -e in bash and sh scripts.
# Copyright (C) 1998 Richard Braakman
# Copyright (C) 2002 Josip Rodin
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, you can find it on the World Wide
# Web at, or write to the Free
# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301, USA.
package Lintian::scripts;
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
use List::MoreUtils qw(any);
use Lintian::Check qw($known_shells_regex);
use Lintian::Data;
use Lintian::Relation;
use Lintian::Tags qw(tag);
use Lintian::Util qw(do_fork internal_error strip);
# This is a map of all known interpreters. The key is the interpreter
# name (the binary invoked on the #! line). The value is an anonymous
# array of two elements. The first argument is the path on a Debian
# system where that interpreter would be installed. The second
# argument is the dependency that provides that interpreter.
# $INTERPRETERS maps names of (unversioned) interpreters to the path
# they are installed and what package to depend on to use them.
my $INTERPRETERS = Lintian::Data->new('scripts/interpreters', qr/\s*=\>\s*/o,
# The more complex case of interpreters that may have a version number.
# This is a hash from the base interpreter name to a list. The base
# interpreter name may appear by itself or followed by some combination of
# dashes, digits, and periods.
# The list contains the following values:
# [<path>, <dependency-relation>, <regex>, <dependency-template>, <version-list>]
# Their meaning is documented in Lintian's scripts/versioned-interpreters
# file, though they are ordered differently and there are a few differences
# as described below:
# * <regex> has been passed through qr/^<value>$/
# * If <dependency-relation> was left out, it has been substituted by the
# interpreter.
# * The magic values of <dependency-relation> are represented as:
# @NO_DEFAULT_DEPS@ -> '' (i.e. an empty string)
# @SKIP_UNVERSIONED@ -> undef (i.e the undefined value)
# * <version-list> has been split into a list of versions.
# (e.g. "1.6 1.8" will be ["1.6", "1.8"])
# A full example is:
# data:
# lua => /usr/bin, lua([\d.]+), 'lua$1', 40 50 5.1
# $VERSIONED_INTERPRETERS->value ('lua') is
# [ '/usr/bin', 'lua', qr/^lua([\d.]+)$/, 'lua$1', ["40", "50", "5.1"] ]
= Lintian::Data->new('scripts/versioned-interpreters',
# When detecting commands inside shell scripts, use this regex to match the
# beginning of the command rather than checking whether the command is at the
# beginning of a line.
= '(?:(?:^|[`&;(|{])\s*|(?:if|then|do|while|!)\s+|env(?:\s+[[:alnum:]_]+=(?:\S+|\"[^"]*\"|\'[^\']*\'))*\s+)';
#forbidden command in maintainer scripts
my $BAD_MAINT_CMD = Lintian::Data->new(
sub {
my @sliptline = split(/\s*\~\~/, $_[1], 4);
if(scalar(@sliptline) != 4) {
'Syntax error in scripts/maintainer-script-bad-command:', $.);
my ($incat,$exceptinpackage,$inscript,$regexp) = @sliptline;
$regexp =~ s/\$[{]LEADIN[}]/$LEADINSTR/;
# allow empty $exceptinpackage and set it synonymous to check in all package
= defined($exceptinpackage) ? strip($exceptinpackage) : '';
if (length($exceptinpackage) == 0) {
$exceptinpackage = '\a\Z';
# allow empty $inscript and set to synonymous to check in all script
$inscript = defined($inscript) ? strip($inscript) : '';
if (length($inscript) == 0) {
$inscript = '.*';
return {
# use not not to normalize boolean
'in_cat_string' => not(not(strip($incat))),
'in_package' => qr/$exceptinpackage/x,
'in_script' => qr/$inscript/x,
'regexp' => qr/$regexp/x,
# Any of the following packages can satisfy an update-inetd dependency.
my $update_inetd = join(
' | ', qw(update-inetd inet-superserver openbsd-inetd
inetutils-inetd rlinetd xinetd)
# Appearance of one of these regexes in a maintainer script means that there
# must be a dependency (or pre-dependency) on the given package. The tag
# reported is maintainer-script-needs-depends-on-%s, so be sure to update
# scripts.desc when adding a new rule.
my @depends_needed = (
[adduser => '\badduser\s'],
[gconf2 => '\bgconf-schemas\s'],
[$update_inetd => '\bupdate-inetd\s'],
[ucf => '\bucf\s'],
['xml-core' => '\bupdate-xmlcatalog\s'],
my @bashism_single_quote_regexs = (
$LEADIN . qr'echo\s+(?:-[^e\s]+\s+)?\'[^\']*(\\[abcEfnrtv0])+.*?[\']',
# unsafe echo with backslashes
$LEADIN . qr'source\s+[\"\']?(?:\.\/|\/|\$|[\w~.-])\S*',
# should be '.', not 'source'
my @bashism_string_regexs = (
qr'\$\[\w+\]', # arith not allowed
qr'\$\{\w+\:\d+(?::\d+)?\}', # ${foo:3[:1]}
qr'\$\{\w+(/.+?){1,2}\}', # ${parm/?/pat[/str]}
qr'\$\{\#?\w+\[[0-9\*\@]+\]\}',# bash arrays, ${name[0|*|@]}
qr'\$\{!\w+[\@*]\}', # ${!prefix[*|@]}
qr'\$\{!\w+\}', # ${!name}
qr'(\$\(|\`)\s*\<\s*\S+\s*(\)|\`)', # $(\< foo) should be $(cat foo)
qr'\$\{?RANDOM\}?\b', # $RANDOM
qr'\$\{?(OS|MACH)TYPE\}?\b', # $(OS|MACH)TYPE
qr'\$\{?HOST(TYPE|NAME)\}?\b', # $HOST(TYPE|NAME)
qr'\$\{?DIRSTACK\}?\b', # $DIRSTACK
qr'\$\{?EUID\}?\b', # $EUID should be "id -u"
qr'\$\{?UID\}?\b', # $UID should be "id -ru"
qr'\$\{?SECONDS\}?\b', # $SECONDS
qr'\$\{?BASH_[A-Z]+\}?\b', # $BASH_SOMETHING
qr'\$\{?SHELLOPTS\}?\b', # $SHELLOPTS
qr'\$\{?SHLVL\}?\b', # $SHLVL
qr'<<<', # <<< here string
$LEADIN . qr'echo\s+(?:-[^e\s]+\s+)?\"[^\"]*(\\[abcEfnrtv0])+.*?[\"]',
# unsafe echo with backslashes
my @bashism_regexs = (
qr'(?:^|\s+)function \w+(\s|\(|\Z)', # function is useless
qr'(test|-o|-a)\s*[^\s]+\s+==\s', # should be 'b = a'
qr'\[\s+[^\]]+\s+==\s', # should be 'b = a'
qr'\s(\|\&)', # pipelining is not POSIX
qr'[^\\\$]\{(?:[^\s\\\}]*?,)+[^\\\}\s]*\}', # brace expansion
qr'(?:^|\s+)\w+\[\d+\]=', # bash arrays, H[0]
$LEADIN . qr'read\s+(?:-[a-qs-zA-Z\d-]+)',
# read with option other than -r
$LEADIN . qr'read\s*(?:-\w+\s*)*(?:\".*?\"|[\'].*?[\'])?\s*(?:;|$)',
# read without variable
qr'\&>', # cshism
qr'(<\&|>\&)\s*((-|\d+)[^\s;|)`&\\\\]|[^-\d\s]+)', # should be >word 2>&1
qr'\[\[(?!:)', # alternative test command
$LEADIN . qr'select\s+\w+', # 'select' is not POSIX
$LEADIN . qr'echo\s+(-n\s+)?-n?en?', # echo -e
$LEADIN . qr'exec\s+-[acl]', # exec -c/-l/-a name
qr'(?:^|\s+)let\s', # let ...
qr'(?<![\$\(])\(\(.*\)\)', # '((' should be '$(('
qr'\$\[[^][]+\]', # '$[' should be '$(('
qr'(\[|test)\s+-a', # test with unary -a (should be -e)
qr'/dev/(tcp|udp)', # /dev/(tcp|udp)
$LEADIN . qr'\w+\+=', # should be "VAR="${VAR}foo"
$LEADIN . qr'suspend\s',
$LEADIN . qr'caller\s',
$LEADIN . qr'complete\s',
$LEADIN . qr'compgen\s',
$LEADIN . qr'declare\s',
$LEADIN . qr'typeset\s',
$LEADIN . qr'disown\s',
$LEADIN . qr'builtin\s',
$LEADIN . qr'set\s+-[BHT]+', # set -[BHT]
$LEADIN . qr'alias\s+-p', # alias -p
$LEADIN . qr'unalias\s+-a', # unalias -a
$LEADIN . qr'local\s+-[a-zA-Z]+', # local -opt
# function names should only contain [a-z0-9_]
$LEADIN . qr'(push|pop)d(\s|\Z)', # (push|pod)d
$LEADIN . qr'export\s+-[^p]', # export only takes -p as an option
$LEADIN . qr'ulimit(\s|\Z)',
$LEADIN . qr'shopt(\s|\Z)',
$LEADIN . qr'type\s',
$LEADIN . qr'time\s',
$LEADIN . qr'dirs(\s|\Z)',
qr'(?:^|\s+)[<>]\(.*?\)', # <() process substitution
qr'(?:^|\s+)readonly\s+-[af]', # readonly -[af]
$LEADIN . qr'(sh|\$\{?SHELL\}?) -[rD]', # sh -[rD]
$LEADIN . qr'(sh|\$\{?SHELL\}?) --\w+', # sh --long-option
$LEADIN . qr'(sh|\$\{?SHELL\}?) [-+]O', # sh [-+]O
# a local function to help use separate tags for example scripts
sub script_tag {
my($tag, $filename, @rest) = @_;
$tag = "example-$tag"
if $filename and $filename =~ m,usr/share/doc/[^/]+/examples/,;
tag($tag, $filename, @rest);
sub run {
my ($pkg, undef, $info) = @_;
my (%executable, %ELF, %scripts, %seen_helper_cmds);
# no dependency for install-menu, because the menu package specifically
# says not to depend on it.
foreach my $file ($info->sorted_index) {
next if not $file->is_file;
$ELF{$file} = 1 if $file->file_info =~ /^[^,]*\bELF\b/o;
next unless $file->operm & 0111;
$executable{$file} = 1;
my $all_parsed = Lintian::Relation->and($info->relation('all'),
my $str_deps = $info->relation('strong');
my $has_sensible_utils
=Lintian::Relation->and($str_deps, $info->relation('recommends'))
|| ($pkg eq 'sensible-utils');
for my $filename (sort keys %{$info->scripts}) {
my $interpreter = $info->scripts->{$filename}{interpreter};
my $calls_env = $info->scripts->{$filename}{calls_env};
my $path;
$scripts{$filename} = 1;
# Consider /usr/src/ scripts as "documentation"
# - packages containing /usr/src/ tend to be "-source" .debs
# and usually comes with overrides for most of the checks
# below.
# Supposedly, they could be checked as examples, but there is
# a risk that the scripts need substitution to be complete
# (so, syntax checking is not as reliable).
my $in_docs = $filename =~ m,^usr/(?:share/doc|src)/,;
my $in_examples = $filename =~ m,^usr/share/doc/[^/]+/examples/,;
# no checks necessary at all for scripts in /usr/share/doc/
# unless they are examples
next if $in_docs and not $in_examples;
my ($base) = $interpreter =~ m,([^/]*)$,;
# allow exception for .in files that have stuff like #!@PERL@
if ( $filename =~ m,\.in$,
and $interpreter =~ m,^(\@|<\<)[A-Z_]+(\@|>\>)$,);
my $is_absolute = ($interpreter =~ m,^/, or defined $calls_env);
# Skip files that have the #! line, but are not executable and
# do not have an absolute path and are not in a bin/ directory
# (/usr/bin, /bin etc). They are probably not scripts after
# all.
if ( $filename !~ m,(?:bin/|etc/init\.d/),
&& !$executable{$filename}
&& !$is_absolute
&& !$in_examples);
# Example directories sometimes contain Perl libraries, and
# some people use initial lines like #!perl or #!python to
# provide editor hints, so skip those too if they're not
# executable. Be conservative here, since it's not uncommon
# for people to both not set examples executable and not fix
# the path and we want to warn about that.
if ( $filename =~ /\.pm\z/
&& !$executable{$filename}
&& !$is_absolute
&& $in_examples);
# Skip upstream source code shipped in /usr/share/cargo/registry/
if $filename =~ m,^usr/share/cargo/registry/,;
if ($interpreter eq '') {
script_tag('script-without-interpreter', $filename);
# Either they use an absolute path or they use '/usr/bin/env interp'.
script_tag('interpreter-not-absolute', $filename, "#!$interpreter")
unless $is_absolute;
tag 'script-not-executable', $filename
unless ($executable{$filename}
or $filename =~ m,^usr/(?:lib|share)/.*\.pm,
or $filename =~ m,^usr/(?:lib|share)/.*\.py,
or $filename =~ m,^usr/(?:lib|share)/ruby/.*\.rb,
or $filename =~ m,^usr/share/debconf/confmodule(?:\.sh)?$,
or $filename =~ m,\.in$,
or $filename =~ m,\.erb$,
or $filename =~ m,\.ex$,
or $filename eq 'etc/init.d/skeleton'
or $filename =~ m,^etc/menu-methods,
or $filename =~ m,^etc/X11/Xsession\.d,)
or $in_docs;
# Warn about csh scripts.
tag 'csh-considered-harmful', $filename
if ( ($base eq 'csh' or $base eq 'tcsh')
and $executable{$filename}
and $filename !~ m,^etc/csh/login\.d/,)
and not $in_docs;
$path = $info->index_resolved_path($filename);
next if not $path or not $path->is_open_ok;
# Syntax-check most shell scripts, but don't syntax-check
# scripts that end in .dpatch. bash -n doesn't stop checking
# at exit 0 and goes on to blow up on the patch itself.
if ($base =~ /^$known_shells_regex$/) {
if (
-x $interpreter
and not script_is_evil_and_wrong($path)
and $filename !~ m,\.dpatch$,
and $filename !~ m,\.erb$,
# exclude some shells. zsh -n is broken, see #485885
and $base !~ m/^(?:z|t?c)sh$/
) {
if (check_script_syntax($interpreter, $path)) {
script_tag('shell-script-fails-syntax-check', $filename);
unless $has_sensible_utils;
# Try to find the expected path of the script to check. First
# check $INTERPRETERS and %versioned_interpreters. If not
# found there, see if it ends in a version number and the base
my $data = $INTERPRETERS->value($base);
my $versioned = 0;
if (not defined $data) {
$data = $VERSIONED_INTERPRETERS->value($base);
undef $data if ($data and not defined($data->[1]));
if (not defined($data) and $base =~ /^(.*[^\d.-])-?[\d.]+$/) {
$data = $VERSIONED_INTERPRETERS->value($1);
undef $data unless ($data and $base =~ /$data->[2]/);
$versioned = 1 if $data;
if ($data) {
my $expected = $data->[0] . '/' . $base;
unless ($interpreter eq $expected or defined $calls_env) {
script_tag('wrong-path-for-interpreter', $filename,
"(#!$interpreter != $expected)");
} elsif ($interpreter =~ m,/usr/local/,) {
script_tag('interpreter-in-usr-local', $filename,"#!$interpreter");
} elsif ($interpreter eq '/bin/env') {
script_tag('script-uses-bin-env', $filename);
} elsif ($interpreter eq 'nodejs') {
# Check whether we have correct dependendies on nodejs regardless.
$data = $INTERPRETERS->value('node');
} elsif ($base =~ /^php/) {
$filename, "$interpreter");
# This allows us to still perform the dependencies checks
# below even when an unusual interpreter has been found.
$data = $INTERPRETERS->value('php');
} else {
my $pinter = 0;
if ($interpreter =~ m,^/,) {
# Check if the package ships the interpreter (and it is
# executable).
my $interfile = substr $interpreter, 1;
$pinter = 1 if $executable{$interfile};
} elsif (defined $calls_env) {
for my $dir (qw(usr/bin bin)) {
if ($executable{"$dir/$interpreter"}) {
$pinter = 1;
script_tag('unusual-interpreter', $filename, "#!$interpreter")
unless $pinter;
# Check for obsolete perl libraries
if (
$base eq 'perl'
'libperl4-corelibs-perl | perl (<< 5.12.3-7)')
) {
my $fd = $path->open;
while (<$fd>) {
if (
m{ (?:do|require)\s+['"] # do/require
# Huge list of perl4 modules...
# ... so they end with ".pl" rather than ".pm"
) {
tag 'script-uses-perl4-libs-without-dep',
"$filename:$. ${1}.pl";
# If we found the interpreter and the script is executable,
# check dependencies. This should be the last thing we do in
# the loop so that we can use next for an early exit and
# reduce the nesting.
next unless ($data and $executable{$filename} and not $in_docs);
if (!$versioned) {
my $depends = $data->[1];
if (not defined $depends) {
$depends = $base;
if ($depends && !$all_parsed->implies($depends)) {
if ($base =~ /^php/) {
tag 'php-script-but-no-php-cli-dep', $filename,
} elsif ($base =~ /^(python|ruby|[mg]awk)$/) {
$filename, "#!$interpreter");
} elsif ($base eq 'csh' && $filename =~ m,^etc/csh/login\.d/,){
# Initialization files for csh.
} elsif ($base eq 'fish' && $filename =~ m,^etc/fish\.d/,) {
# Initialization files for fish.
} elsif (
$base eq 'ocamlrun'
&& $all_parsed->matches(
) {
# ABI-versioned virtual packages for ocaml
} elsif ($base eq 'escript'
&& $all_parsed->matches(qr/^erlang-abi-[\d+\.]+$/)) {
# ABI-versioned virtual packages for erlang
} else {
tag 'missing-dep-for-interpreter', "$base => $depends",
"($filename)", "#!$interpreter";
} elsif ($VERSIONED_INTERPRETERS->known($base)) {
my @versions = @{ $data->[4] };
my @depends = map {
my $d = $data->[3];
$d =~ s/\$1/$_/g;
} @versions;
unshift(@depends, $data->[1]) if length $data->[1];
my $depends = join(' | ', @depends);
unless ($all_parsed->implies($depends)) {
if ($base =~ /^(wish|tclsh)/) {
tag "$1-script-but-no-$1-dep", $filename, "#!$interpreter";
} else {
tag 'missing-dep-for-interpreter', "$base => $depends",
"($filename)", "#!$interpreter";
} else {
my ($version) = ($base =~ /$data->[2]/);
my $depends = $data->[3];
$depends =~ s/\$1/$version/g;
unless ($all_parsed->implies($depends)) {
if ($base =~ /^(python|ruby)/) {
tag "$1-script-but-no-$1-dep", $filename,"#!$interpreter";
} else {
tag 'missing-dep-for-interpreter', "$base => $depends",
"($filename)", "#!$interpreter";
foreach (keys %executable) {
my $index_info = $info->index($_);
my $ok = 0;
if ($index_info->is_hardlink) {
# We don't collect script information for hardlinks, so check
# if the target is a script.
my $target = $index_info->link_normalized;
if (exists $info->scripts->{$target}) {
$ok = 1;
tag 'executable-not-elf-or-script', $_
unless (
or $ELF{$_}
or $scripts{$_}
or $_ =~ m,^usr(?:/X11R6)?/man/,
or $_ =~ m/\.exe$/ # mono convention
or $_ =~ m/\.jar$/ # Debian Java policy 2.2
open(my $ctrl_fd, '<', $info->lab_data_path('control-scripts'));
# Handle control scripts. This is an edited version of the code for
# normal scripts above, because there were just enough differences to
# make a shared function awkward.
my (%added_diversions, %removed_diversions, %dh_cmd_substs);
my $expand_diversions = 0;
while (<$ctrl_fd>) {
m/^(\S*) (.*)$/
or internal_error("bad line in control-scripts file: $_");
my $interpreter = $1;
my $file = $2;
my $path = $info->control_index_resolved_path($file);
$interpreter =~ m|([^/]*)$|;
my $base = $1;
# tag for statistics
tag 'maintainer-script-interpreter', "control/$file", $interpreter;
if ($interpreter eq '') {
tag 'script-without-interpreter', "control/$file";
if ($interpreter eq 'ELF') {
tag 'elf-maintainer-script', "control/$file";
tag 'interpreter-not-absolute', "control/$file", "#!$interpreter"
unless ($interpreter =~ m|^/|);
if ($interpreter =~ m|/usr/local/|) {
tag 'control-interpreter-in-usr-local', "control/$file",
} elsif ($base eq 'sh' or $base eq 'bash' or $base eq 'perl') {
my $expected = ($INTERPRETERS->value($base))->[0] . '/' . $base;
tag 'wrong-path-for-interpreter', "#!$interpreter != $expected",
unless ($interpreter eq $expected);
} elsif ($file eq 'config') {
tag 'forbidden-config-interpreter', "#!$interpreter";
} elsif ($file eq 'postrm') {
tag 'forbidden-postrm-interpreter', "#!$interpreter";
} elsif ($INTERPRETERS->known($base)) {
my $data = $INTERPRETERS->value($base);
my $expected = $data->[0] . '/' . $base;
unless ($interpreter eq $expected) {
tag 'wrong-path-for-interpreter',
"#!$interpreter != $expected",
tag 'unusual-control-interpreter', "control/$file",
# Interpreters used by preinst scripts must be in
# Pre-Depends. Interpreters used by postinst or prerm
# scripts must be in Depends.
unless (not $data->[1]) {
my $depends = Lintian::Relation->new($data->[1]);
if ($file eq 'preinst') {
unless ($info->relation('pre-depends')->implies($depends)){
tag 'preinst-interpreter-without-predepends',
} else {
unless ($info->relation('strong')->implies($depends)) {
tag 'control-interpreter-without-depends',
} else {
tag 'unknown-control-interpreter', "control/$file",
next; # no use doing further checks if it's not a known interpreter
# perhaps we should warn about *csh even if they're somehow screwed,
# but that's not really important...
tag 'csh-considered-harmful', "control/$file"
if ($base eq 'csh' or $base eq 'tcsh');
next if not $path or not $path->is_open_ok;
my $shellscript = $base =~ /^$known_shells_regex$/ ? 1 : 0;
# Only syntax-check scripts we can check with bash.
my $checkbashisms;
if ($shellscript) {
$checkbashisms = $base eq 'sh' ? 1 : 0;
if ($base eq 'sh' or $base eq 'bash') {
if (check_script_syntax("/bin/${base}", $path)) {
tag 'maintainer-shell-script-fails-syntax-check', $file;
unless $has_sensible_utils;
# now scan the file contents themselves
my $fd = $path->open;
my (
$saw_init, $saw_invoke,
$saw_sete, $has_code,
$saw_statoverride_list, $saw_statoverride_add,
my %warned;
my $cat_string = '';
my $previous_line = '';
while (<$fd>) {
if ($. == 1 && $shellscript && m,/$base\s*.*\s-\w*e\w*\b,) {
$saw_bange = 1;
if (/\#DEBHELPER\#/) {
tag 'maintainer-script-has-unexpanded-debhelper-token', $file;
if (/^# Automatically added by (\S+)\s*$/) {
my $dh_cmd = $1;
# dh_python puts a trailing ":", remove that.
$dh_cmd =~ s/:++$//g;
tag 'debhelper-autoscript-in-maintainer-scripts', $dh_cmd
if not $dh_cmd_substs{$dh_cmd}++;
next if m,^\s*$,; # skip empty lines
next if m,^\s*\#,; # skip comment lines
$_ = remove_comments($_);
# Concatenate lines containing continuation character (\)
# at the end
if ($shellscript && /\\$/) {
$previous_line .= $_;
$_ = $previous_line . $_;
$previous_line = '';
# Don't consider the standard dh-make boilerplate to be code. This
# means ignoring the framework of a case statement, the labels, the
# echo complaining about unknown arguments, and an exit.
unless ($has_code
|| m/^\s*set\s+-\w+\s*$/
|| m/^\s*case\s+\"?\$1\"?\s+in\s*$/
|| m/^\s*(?:[a-z|-]+|\*)\)\s*$/
|| m/^\s*[:;]+\s*$/
|| m/^\s*echo\s+\"[^\"]+\"(?:\s*>&2)?\s*$/
|| m/^\s*esac\s*$/
|| m/^\s*exit\s+\d+\s*$/) {
$has_code = 1;
if ($shellscript
&& m,${LEADIN}set\s*(?:\s+-(?:-.*|[^e]+))*\s-\w*e,) {
$saw_sete = 1;
if (m,$LEADIN(?:/usr/bin/)?dpkg-statoverride\s,) {
$saw_statoverride_add = $. if /--add/;
$saw_statoverride_list = 1 if /--list/;
if (m,$LEADIN(?:/usr/bin/)?dpkg-maintscript-helper\s(\S+),) {
my $cmd = $1;
$seen_helper_cmds{$cmd} = () unless $seen_helper_cmds{$cmd};
$seen_helper_cmds{$cmd}{$file} = 1;
$saw_udevadm_guard = 1 if m/\b(if|which|command)\s+.*udevadm/g;
if (m,$LEADIN(?:/bin/)?udevadm\s, and $saw_sete) {
tag 'udevadm-called-without-guard', "$file:$."
unless $saw_udevadm_guard or m/\|\|/;
if ( m,[^\w](?:(?:/var)?/tmp|\$TMPDIR)/[^)\]}\s],
and not m/\bmks?temp\b/
and not m/\btempfile\b/
and not m/\bmkdir\b/
and not m/\bXXXXXX\b/
and not m/\$RANDOM/) {
#<<< no perltidy - tag name too long
tag 'possibly-insecure-handling-of-tmp-files-in-maintainer-script',
unless $warned{tmp};
$warned{tmp} = 1;
if (m/^\s*killall(?:\s|\z)/) {
tag 'killall-is-dangerous', "$file:$." unless $warned{killall};
$warned{killall} = 1;
if (m/^\s*mknod(?:\s|\z)/ and not m/\sp\s/) {
tag 'mknod-in-maintainer-script', "$file:$.";
# Collect information about init script invocations to
# catch running init scripts directly rather than through
# invoke-rc.d. Since the script is allowed to run the
# init script directly if invoke-rc.d doesn't exist, only
# tag direct invocations where invoke-rc.d is never used
# in the same script. Lots of false negatives, but
# hopefully not many false positives.
if (m%^\s*/etc/init\.d/(?:\S+)\s+[\"\']?(?:\S+)[\"\']?%) {
$saw_init = $.;
if (m%^\s*invoke-rc\.d\s+%) {
$saw_invoke = $.;
if ($shellscript) {
if ($cat_string ne '' and m/^\Q$cat_string\E$/) {
$cat_string = '';
my $within_another_shell = 0;
if (
and $1 ne 'sh'
) {
$within_another_shell = 1;
# if cat_string is set, we are in a HERE document and need not
# check for things
if ( $cat_string eq ''
&& $checkbashisms
&& !$within_another_shell) {
my $found = 0;
my $match = '';
# since this test is ugly, I have to do it by itself
# detect source (.) trying to pass args to the command it runs
# The first expression weeds out '. "foo bar"'
if (
not $found
and not m{\A \s*\.\s+
and m/^\s*(\.\s+[^\s;\`:]+\s+([^\s;]+))/
) {
my $extra;
($match, $extra) = ($1, $2);
if ($extra =~ /^(\&|\||\d?>|<)/) {
# everything is ok
} else {
$found = 1;
my $line = $_;
unless ($found) {
for my $re (@bashism_single_quote_regexs) {
if ($line =~ m/($re)/) {
$found = 1;
($match) = m/($re)/;
# Ignore anything inside single quotes; it could be an
# argument to grep or the like.
# $cat_line contains the version of the line we'll check
# for heredoc delimiters later. Initially, remove any
# spaces between << and the delimiter to make the following
# updates to $cat_line easier.
my $cat_line = $line;
$cat_line =~ s/(<\<-?)\s+/$1/g;
# Remove single quoted strings, with the exception
# that we don't remove the string
# if the quote is immediately preceded by a < or
# a -, so we can match "foo <<-?'xyz'" as a
# heredoc later The check is a little more greedy
# than we'd like, but the heredoc test itself will
# weed out any false positives
=~ s/(^|[^<\\\"-](?:\\\\)*)\'(?:\\.|[^\\\'])+\'/$1''/g;
unless ($found) {
# Remove "quoted quotes". They're likely to be
# inside another pair of quotes; we're not
# interested in them for their own sake and
# removing them makes finding the limits of
# the outer pair far easier.
$line =~ s/(^|[^\\\'\"])\"\'\"/$1/g;
$line =~ s/(^|[^\\\'\"])\'\"\'/$1/g;
=~ s/(^|[^\\\"](?:\\\\)*)\'(?:\\.|[^\\\'])+\'/$1''/g;
for my $re (@bashism_string_regexs) {
if ($line =~ m/($re)/) {
$found = 1;
($match) = m/($re)/;
# We've checked for all the things we still want
# to notice in double-quoted strings, so now
# remove those strings as well.
=~ s/(^|[^<\\\'-](?:\\\\)*)\"(?:\\.|[^\\\"])+\"/$1""/g;
unless ($found) {
=~ s/(^|[^\\\'](?:\\\\)*)\"(?:\\.|[^\\\"])+\"/$1""/g;
for my $re (@bashism_regexs) {
if ($line =~ m/($re)/) {
$found = 1;
($match) = m/($re)/;
if ($found) {
tag 'possible-bashism-in-maintainer-script',
"$file:$. \'$match\'";
# Only look for the beginning of a heredoc here,
# after we've stripped out quoted material, to
# avoid false positives.
if ($cat_line
=~ m/(?:^|[^<])\<\<\-?\s*(?:[\\]?(\w+)|[\'\"](.*?)[\'\"])/
) {
$cat_string = $1;
$cat_string = $2 if not defined $cat_string;
if (!$cat_string) {
generic_check_bad_command($_, $file, $., $pkg, 0);
if (m,/usr/share/debconf/confmodule,) {
$saw_debconf = 1;
if (m/^\s*read(?:\s|\z)/ && !$saw_debconf) {
tag 'read-in-maintainer-script', "$file:$.";
if (m,>\s*/etc/inetd\.conf(?:\s|\Z),) {
tag 'maintainer-script-modifies-inetd-conf',"$file:$."
unless $info->relation('provides')
if (m,^\s*(?:cp|mv)\s+(?:.*\s)?/etc/inetd\.conf\s*$,) {
tag 'maintainer-script-modifies-inetd-conf',"$file:$."
unless $info->relation('provides')
# Check for running commands with a leading path.
# Unfortunately, our $LEADIN string doesn't work
# well for this in the presence of commands that
# contain backquoted expressions because it can't
# tell the difference between the initial backtick
# and the closing backtick. We therefore first
# extract all backquoted expressions and check
# them separately, and then remove them from a
# copy of a string and then check it for bashisms.
while (m,\`([^\`]+)\`,g) {
my $cmd = $1;
if (
$cmd =~ m{ $LEADIN
) {
tag 'command-with-path-in-maintainer-script',
"$file:$. $1";
my $cmd = $_;
# check for test syntax
$cmd =~ m{\[\s+
(?:!\s+)? -x \s+
\s+ \]}xsm
tag 'command-with-path-in-maintainer-script',
"$file:$. $1";
$cmd =~ s/\`[^\`]+\`//g;
if ($cmd =~ m,$LEADIN(/(?:usr/)?s?bin/[\w.+-]+)(?:\s|;|$),)
tag 'command-with-path-in-maintainer-script',
"$file:$. $1";
unless ($file eq 'postrm') {
for my $rule (@depends_needed) {
my ($package, $regex) = @$rule;
if ( $pkg ne $package
and /$regex/
and not $warned{$package}) {
if ( m,-x\s+\S*$regex,
or m,(?:which|type)\s+$regex,
or m,command\s+.*?$regex,) {
$warned{$package} = 1;
} elsif (!/\|\|\s*true\b/) {
unless (
$info->relation('strong')->implies($package)) {
my $shortpackage = $package;
$shortpackage =~ s/[ \(].*//;
#<<< no perltidy - tag name too long
tag "maintainer-script-needs-depends-on-$shortpackage",
$warned{$package} = 1;
generic_check_bad_command($_, $file, $., $pkg, 1);
if (m,$LEADIN(?:/usr/sbin/)?dpkg-divert\s,
&& !/--(?:help|list|truename|version)/) {
if (/--local/) {
tag 'package-uses-local-diversion', "$file:$.";
my $mode = /--remove/ ? 'remove' : 'add';
my ($divert) = /dpkg-divert\s*(.*)$/;
$divert =~ s{\s*(?:\$[{]?[\w:=-]+[}]?)*\s*
# options without arguments
# options with arguments
|(?:admindir|divert|package) \s+ \S+)
# Remove unpaired opening or closing parenthesis
1 while ($divert =~ m/\G.*?\(.+?\)/gc);
$divert =~ s/\G(.*?)[()]/$1/;
pos($divert) = undef;
# Remove unpaired opening or closing braces
1 while ($divert =~ m/\G.*?{.+?}/gc);
$divert =~ s/\G(.*?)[{}]/$1/;
pos($divert) = undef;
# position after the last pair of quotation marks, if any
1 while ($divert =~ m/\G.*?(["']).+?\1/gc);
# Strip anything matching and after '&&', '||', ';', or '>'
# this is safe only after we are positioned after the last pair
# of quotation marks
$divert =~ s/\G.+?\K(?: && | \|\| | ; | \d*> ).*$//x;
pos($divert) = undef;
# Remove quotation marks, they affect:
# * our var to regex trick
# * stripping the initial slash if the path was quoted
$divert =~ s/[\"\']//g;
# remove the leading / because it's not in the index hash
$divert =~ s,^/,,;
# remove any remaining leading or trailing whitespace.
$divert = quotemeta($divert);
# For now just replace variables, they will later be normalised
$expand_diversions = 1 if $divert =~ s/\\\$\w+/.+/g;
$expand_diversions = 1
if $divert =~ s/\\\$\\[{]\w+.*?\\[}]/.+/g;
# handle $() the same way:
$expand_diversions = 1 if $divert =~ s/\\\$\\\(.+?\\\)/.+/g;
if ($mode eq 'add') {
= {'script' => $file, 'line' => $.};
} elsif ($mode eq 'remove') {
push @{$removed_diversions{$divert}},
{'script' => $file, 'line' => $.};
} else {
internal_error("\$mode has unknown value: $mode");
if ($saw_init && !$saw_invoke) {
tag 'maintainer-script-calls-init-script-directly',
unless ($has_code) {
tag 'maintainer-script-empty', $file;
if ($shellscript && !$saw_sete) {
if ($saw_bange) {
tag 'maintainer-script-without-set-e', $file;
} else {
tag 'maintainer-script-ignores-errors', $file;
if ($saw_statoverride_add && !$saw_statoverride_list) {
tag 'unconditional-use-of-dpkg-statoverride',
for my $cmd (qw(rm_conffile mv_conffile symlink_to_dir)) {
next unless $seen_helper_cmds{$cmd};
# dpkg-maintscript-helper(1) recommends the snippets are in all
# maintainer scripts but they are not strictly required in prerm.
for my $file (qw(preinst postinst postrm)) {
tag 'missing-call-to-dpkg-maintscript-helper', "$file ($cmd)"
unless $seen_helper_cmds{$cmd}{$file};
# If any of the maintainer scripts used a variable in the file or
# diversion name normalise them all
if ($expand_diversions) {
for my $divert (keys %removed_diversions, keys %added_diversions) {
# if a wider regex was found, the entries might no longer be there
unless (exists($removed_diversions{$divert})
or exists($added_diversions{$divert})) {
my $widerrx = $divert;
my $wider = $widerrx;
$wider =~ s/\\//g;
# find the widest regex:
my @matches = grep {
my $lrx = $_;
my $l = $lrx;
$l =~ s/\\//g;
if ($wider =~ m/^$lrx$/) {
$widerrx = $lrx;
$wider = $l;
} elsif ($l =~ m/^$widerrx$/) {
} else {
} (keys %removed_diversions, keys %added_diversions);
# replace all the occurrences with the widest regex:
for my $k (@matches) {
next if ($k eq $widerrx);
if (exists($removed_diversions{$k})) {
$removed_diversions{$widerrx} = $removed_diversions{$k};
delete $removed_diversions{$k};
if (exists($added_diversions{$k})) {
$added_diversions{$widerrx} = $added_diversions{$k};
delete $added_diversions{$k};
for my $divert (keys %removed_diversions) {
if (exists $added_diversions{$divert}) {
# just mark the entry, because a --remove might
# happen in two branches in the script, i.e. we
# see it twice, which is not a bug
$added_diversions{$divert}{'removed'} = 1;
} else {
for my $item (@{$removed_diversions{$divert}}) {
my $script = $item->{'script'};
my $line = $item->{'line'};
next unless ($script eq 'postrm');
# Allow preinst and postinst to remove diversions the
# package doesn't add to clean up after previous
# versions of the package.
$divert = unquote($divert, $expand_diversions);
tag 'remove-of-unknown-diversion', $divert, "$script:$line";
for my $divert (keys %added_diversions) {
my $script = $added_diversions{$divert}{'script'};
my $line = $added_diversions{$divert}{'line'};
my $divertrx = $divert;
$divert = unquote($divert, $expand_diversions);
if (not exists $added_diversions{$divertrx}{'removed'}) {
tag 'orphaned-diversion', $divert, $script;
# Handle man page diversions somewhat specially. We may
# divert away a man page in one section without replacing that
# same file, since we're installing a man page in a different
# section. An example is diverting a man page in section 1
# and replacing it with one in section 1p (such as
# libmodule-corelist-perl at the time of this writing).
# Deal with this by turning all man page diversions into
# wildcard expressions instead that match everything in the
# same numeric section so that they'll match the files shipped
# in the package.
if ($divertrx =~ m,^(usr\\/share\\/man\\/\S+\\/.*\\\.\d)\w*(\\\.gz\z),)
$divertrx = "$1.*$2";
$expand_diversions = 1;
if ($expand_diversions) {
tag 'diversion-for-unknown-file', $divert, "$script:$line"
unless (any { $_ =~ m/$divertrx/ } $info->sorted_index);
} else {
tag 'diversion-for-unknown-file', $divert, "$script:$line"
unless $info->index($divert);
# -----------------------------------
# try generic bad maintainer script command tagging
sub generic_check_bad_command {
my ($line, $file, $lineno, $pkg, $findincatstring) = @_;
# try generic bad maintainer script command tagging
foreach my $bad_cmd_tag ($BAD_MAINT_CMD->all) {
my $bad_cmd_data = $BAD_MAINT_CMD->value($bad_cmd_tag);
my $inscript = $bad_cmd_data->{'in_script'};
my $incat;
if ($file !~ m{$inscript}) {
next BAD_CMD;
$incat = $bad_cmd_data->{'in_cat_string'};
if ($incat == $findincatstring) {
my $regex = $bad_cmd_data->{'regexp'};
if ($line =~ m{$regex}) {
my $extrainfo = defined($1) ? "\'$1\'" : '';
my $inpackage = $bad_cmd_data->{'in_package'};
unless($pkg =~ m{$inpackage}) {
tag $bad_cmd_tag, "$file:$lineno", $extrainfo;
# Returns non-zero if the given file is not actually a shell script,
# just looks like one.
sub script_is_evil_and_wrong {
my ($path) = @_;
my $ret = 0;
my $i = 0;
my $var = '0';
my $backgrounded = 0;
my $fd = $path->open;
local $_;
while (<$fd>) {
next if m/^#/o;
next if m/^$/o;
last if (++$i > 55);
if (
# the exec should either be "eval"ed or a new statement
# eat anything between the exec and $0
# optionally quoted executable name (via $0)
# optional "end of options" indicator
# Match expressions of the form '${1+$@}', '${1:+"$@"',
# '"${1+$@', "$@", etc where the quotes (before the dollar
# sign(s)) are optional and the second (or only if the $1
# clause is omitted) parameter may be $@ or $*.
# Finally the whole subexpression may be omitted for scripts
# which do not pass on their parameters (i.e. after re-execing
# they take their parameters (and potentially data) from stdin
) {
$ret = 1;
} elsif (/^\s*(\w+)=\$0;/) {
$var = $1;
} elsif (
# Match scripts which use "foo $0 $@ &\nexec true\n"
# Program name
# As above
) {
$backgrounded = 1;
} elsif (
and m~
# the exec should either be "eval"ed or a new statement
) {
$ret = 1;
return $ret;
# Given an interpreter and a file, run the interpreter on that file with the
# -n option to check syntax, discarding output and returning the exit status.
sub check_script_syntax {
my ($interpreter, $path) = @_;
my $fs_path = $path->fs_path;
my $pid = do_fork();
if ($pid == 0) {
open(STDOUT, '>', '/dev/null');
open(STDERR, '>&', \*STDOUT);
exec $interpreter, '-n', $fs_path
or internal_error("cannot exec $interpreter: $!");
} else {
waitpid $pid, 0;
return $?;
sub check_script_uses_sensible_utils {
my ($path) = @_;
my $fd = $path->open;
while (<$fd>) {
if (m/${LEADIN}(?:select-editor|sensible-(?:browser|editor|pager))\b/){
tag 'script-needs-depends-on-sensible-utils',
$path->name, "(line $.)";
sub remove_comments {
local $_;
my $line = shift || '';
$_ = $line;
# Remove quoted strings so we can more easily ignore comments
# inside them
# If the remaining string contains what looks like a comment,
# eat it. In either case, swap the unmodified script line
# back in for processing (if required) and return it.
if (m/(?:^|[^[\\])[\s\&;\(\)](\#.*$)/) {
my $comment = $1;
$_ = $line;
s/\Q$comment\E//; # eat comments
} else {
$_ = $line;
return $_;
sub unquote($$) {
my ($string, $replace_regex) = @_;
$string =~ s,\\,,g;
if ($replace_regex) {
$string =~ s,\.\+,*,g;
return $string;
sub _parse_interpreters {
my ($interpreter, $value) = @_;
my ($path, $dep) = split m/\s*,\s*/, $value, 2;
$dep = $interpreter if not $dep;
if ($dep eq '@NODEPS@') {
$dep = '';
} elsif ($dep =~ m/@/) {
"Unknown magic value $dep for versioned interpreter $interpreter");
return [$path, $dep];
sub _parse_versioned_interpreters {
my ($interpreter, $value) = @_;
my ($path, $regex, $deptmp, $vers, $deprel) = split m/\s*,\s*/, $value, 5;
my @versions = split m/\s++/, $vers;
$deprel = $interpreter if not $deprel;
if ($deprel eq '@NO_DEFAULT_DEPS@') {
$deprel = '';
} elsif ($deprel eq '@SKIP_UNVERSIONED@') {
$deprel = undef;
} elsif ($deprel =~ m/@/) {
join(q{ },
"Unknown magic value $deprel",
"for versioned interpreter $interpreter"));
return [$path, $deprel, qr/^$regex$/, $deptmp, \@versions];
# Local Variables:
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# cperl-indent-level: 4
# End:
# vim: syntax=perl sw=4 sts=4 sr et