Linux ip-172-26-7-228 5.4.0-1103-aws #111~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue May 23 20:04:10 UTC 2023 x86_64
Your IP :
# changelog-file -- lintian check script -*- perl -*-
# Copyright (C) 1998 Christian Schwarz
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, you can find it on the World Wide
# Web at, or write to the Free
# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301, USA.
package Lintian::changelog_file;
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
use Date::Format qw(time2str);
use Encode qw(decode);
use List::Util qw(first);
use List::MoreUtils qw(any);
use Parse::DebianChangelog;
use Lintian::Check qw(check_spelling spelling_tag_emitter);
use Lintian::Relation::Version qw(versions_gt);
use Lintian::Tags qw(tag);
use Lintian::Util qw(file_is_encoded_in_non_utf8 strip);
use Lintian::Data ();
= Lintian::Data->new('changelog-file/bugs-number', qr/\s*=\s*/o);
= Lintian::Data->new('changelog-file/invalid-dates', qr/\s*=\>\s*/o);
= spelling_tag_emitter('spelling-error-in-news-debian');
= spelling_tag_emitter('spelling-error-in-changelog');
sub run {
my ($pkg, undef, $info, undef, $group) = @_;
my $found_html = 0;
my $found_text = 0;
my ($native_pkg, $foreign_pkg, @doc_files);
# skip packages which have a /usr/share/doc/$pkg -> foo symlink
if $info->index("usr/share/doc/$pkg")
and $info->index("usr/share/doc/$pkg")->is_symlink;
if (my $docdir = $info->index("usr/share/doc/$pkg/")) {
for my $path ($docdir->children) {
my $basename = $path->basename;
next unless $path->is_file or $path->is_symlink;
push(@doc_files, $basename);
# Check a few things about the NEWS.Debian file.
if ($basename =~ m{\A NEWS\.Debian (?:\.gz)? \Z}ixsm) {
if ($basename !~ m{ \.gz \Z }xsm) {
tag 'debian-news-file-not-compressed', $path->name;
} elsif ($basename ne 'NEWS.Debian.gz') {
tag 'wrong-name-for-debian-news-file', $path->name;
# Check if changelog files are compressed with gzip -9.
# It's a bit of an open question here what we should do
# with a file named ChangeLog. If there's also a
# changelog file, it might be a duplicate, or the packager
# may have installed NEWS as changelog intentionally.
unless $basename =~ m{\A changelog (?:\.html|\.Debian)?
(?:\.gz)? \Z}xsm;
if ($basename !~ m{ \.gz \Z}xsm) {
tag 'changelog-file-not-compressed', $basename;
} else {
my $max_compressed = 0;
my $file_info = $path->file_info;
if ($path->is_symlink) {
my $normalized = $path->link_normalized;
if (defined($normalized)) {
$file_info = $path->file_info;
if (defined($file_info)) {
if (index($file_info, 'max compression') != -1) {
$max_compressed = 1;
if (not $max_compressed
and index($file_info, 'gzip compressed') != -1) {
tag 'changelog-not-compressed-with-max-compression',
if ( $basename eq 'changelog.html'
or $basename eq 'changelog.html.gz') {
$found_html = 1;
} elsif ($basename eq 'changelog' or $basename eq 'changelog.gz') {
$found_text = 1;
# Check a NEWS.Debian file if we have one. Save the parsed version of the
# file for later checks against the changelog file.
my $news;
my $dnews = $info->lab_data_path('NEWS.Debian');
if (-f $dnews) {
my $line = file_is_encoded_in_non_utf8($dnews);
if ($line) {
tag 'debian-news-file-uses-obsolete-national-encoding',
"at line $line";
my $changes = Parse::DebianChangelog->init({
infile => $dnews,
quiet => 1,
if (my @errors = $changes->get_parse_errors) {
for (@errors) {
tag 'syntax-error-in-debian-news-file', "line $_->[1]",
# Some checks on the most recent entry.
if ($changes->data and defined(($changes->data)[0])) {
($news) = $changes->data;
if ($news->Distribution && $news->Distribution =~ /unreleased/i) {
tag 'debian-news-entry-has-strange-distribution',
check_spelling($news->Changes, $group->info->spelling_exceptions,
if ($news->Changes =~ /^\s*\*\s/) {
tag 'debian-news-entry-uses-asterisk';
if ($found_html && !$found_text) {
tag 'html-changelog-without-text-version';
# is this a native Debian package?
# If the version is missing, we assume it to be non-native
# as it is the most likely case.
my $version = $info->field('version', '0-1');
$native_pkg = $info->native;
$foreign_pkg = (!$native_pkg && $version !~ m/-0\./);
# A version of 1.2.3-0.1 could be either, so in that
# case, both vars are false
if ($native_pkg) {
# native Debian package
if (any { m/^changelog(?:\.gz)?$/} @doc_files) {
# everything is fine
} elsif (
my $chg = first {
) {
tag 'wrong-name-for-changelog-of-native-package',
} else {
tag 'changelog-file-missing-in-native-package';
} else {
# non-native (foreign :) Debian package
# 1. check for upstream changelog
my $found_upstream_text_changelog = 0;
if (any { m/^changelog(\.html)?(?:\.gz)?$/ } @doc_files) {
$found_upstream_text_changelog = 1 unless $1;
# everything is fine
} else {
# search for changelogs with wrong file name
my $found = 0;
for (@doc_files) {
if (m/^change/i and not m/debian/i) {
tag 'wrong-name-for-upstream-changelog',
$found = 1;
if (not $found) {
tag 'no-upstream-changelog'
unless $info->is_pkg_class('transitional');
# 2. check for Debian changelog
if (any { m/^changelog\.Debian(?:\.gz)?$/ } @doc_files) {
# everything is fine
} elsif (
my $chg = first {
) {
tag 'wrong-name-for-debian-changelog-file',
} else {
if ($foreign_pkg && $found_upstream_text_changelog) {
tag 'debian-changelog-file-missing-or-wrong-name';
} elsif ($foreign_pkg) {
tag 'debian-changelog-file-missing';
# TODO: if uncertain whether foreign or native, either
# changelog.gz or changelog.debian.gz should exists
# though... but no tests catches this (extremely rare)
# border case... Keep in mind this is only happening if we
# have a -0.x version number... So not my priority to fix
# --Jeroen
my $dchpath = $info->lab_data_path('changelog');
# Everything below involves opening and reading the changelog file, so bail
# with a warning at this point if all we have is a symlink. Ubuntu permits
# such symlinks, so their profile will suppress this tag.
if (-l $dchpath) {
tag 'debian-changelog-file-is-a-symlink';
# Bail at this point if the changelog file doesn't exist. We will have
# already warned about this.
unless (-f $dchpath) {
# check that changelog is UTF-8 encoded
my $line = file_is_encoded_in_non_utf8($dchpath);
if ($line) {
tag 'debian-changelog-file-uses-obsolete-national-encoding',
"at line $line";
my $changelog = $info->changelog;
if (my @errors = $changelog->get_parse_errors) {
foreach (@errors) {
tag 'syntax-error-in-debian-changelog', "line $_->[1]",
# Check for some things in the raw changelog file and compute the
# "offset" to the first line of the first entry. We use this to
# report the line number of "too-long" lines. (#657402)
my $chloff = check_dch($dchpath);
my @entries = $changelog->data;
if (@entries) {
my %versions;
my $first_timestamp = $entries[0]->Timestamp;
for my $entry (@entries) {
if ($entry->Maintainer) {
if ($entry->Maintainer =~ /<([^>\@]+\@[^>.]*)>/) {
tag 'debian-changelog-file-contains-invalid-email-address',
$versions{$entry->Version} = 1 if defined $entry->Version;
if ($first_timestamp) {
my $warned = 0;
my $dch_date = $entries[0]->Date;
foreach my $re ($INVALID_DATES->all()) {
if ($dch_date =~ m/($re)/i) {
my $repl = $INVALID_DATES->value($re);
tag 'invalid-date-in-debian-changelog', "($1 -> $repl)";
$warned = 1;
my ($weekday_declared, $date) = split(m/,\s*/, $dch_date, 2);
$date //= '';
my ($tz, $weekday_actual);
if ($date =~ m/[ ]+ ([^ ]+)\Z/xsm) {
$tz = $1;
$weekday_actual = time2str('%a', $first_timestamp, $tz);
if (not $warned and $tz and $weekday_declared ne $weekday_actual) {
my $real_weekday = time2str('%A', $first_timestamp, $tz);
my $short_date = time2str('%Y-%m-%d', $first_timestamp, $tz);
tag 'debian-changelog-has-wrong-day-of-week',
"$short_date is a $real_weekday";
if (@entries > 1) {
my $second_timestamp = $entries[1]->Timestamp;
if ($first_timestamp && $second_timestamp) {
tag 'latest-changelog-entry-without-new-date'
unless (($first_timestamp - $second_timestamp) > 0
or lc($entries[0]->Distribution) eq 'unreleased');
my $first_version = $entries[0]->Version;
my $second_version = $entries[1]->Version;
if ($first_version and $second_version) {
tag 'latest-debian-changelog-entry-without-new-version'
unless versions_gt(
$first_version =~ s/^([^:]+)://r,
$second_version =~ s/^([^:]+)://r
or $entries[0]->Changes =~ /backport/i
or $entries[0]->Source ne $entries[1]->Source;
tag 'latest-debian-changelog-entry-changed-to-native'
if $native_pkg and $second_version =~ m/-/;
my $first_upstream = $first_version;
$first_upstream =~ s/-[^-]+$//;
my $second_upstream = $second_version;
$second_upstream =~ s/-[^-]+$//;
my $first_debian =substr $first_version, length($first_upstream);
$first_debian =~ s/-([^-]+)$/$1/ if length($first_debian) > 0;
my $second_debian =substr $second_version,length($second_upstream);
$second_debian =~ s/-([^-]+)$/$1/ if length($second_debian) > 0;
if ($first_upstream eq $second_upstream) {
if ($entries[0]->Changes
=~ /^\s*\*\s+new\s+upstream\s+(?:\S+\s+)?release\b/im) {
tag 'possible-new-upstream-release-without-new-version';
if ($first_debian =~ /^\d+$/ and $second_debian =~ /^\d+$/) {
unless ($first_debian == $second_debian + 1) {
tag 'non-consecutive-debian-revision';
my $first_dist = lc $entries[0]->Distribution;
my $second_dist = lc $entries[1]->Distribution;
if ($first_dist eq 'unstable' and $second_dist eq 'experimental') {
unless ($entries[0]->Changes
=~ /\bto\s+['"‘“]?(?:unstable|sid)['"’”]?\b/im) {
tag 'experimental-to-unstable-without-comment';
my ($first_epoch) = ($first_version =~ /^([^:]+):/, '(none)');
my ($second_epoch) = ($second_version =~ /^([^:]+):/, '(none)');
if ($first_epoch and $second_epoch ne $first_epoch) {
tag 'epoch-change-without-comment',
"$second_epoch -> $first_epoch"
unless $entries[0]->Changes =~ /\bepoch\b/im;
# Some checks should only be done against the most recent
# changelog entry.
my $entry = $entries[0];
my $changes = $entry->Changes || '';
if (@entries == 1) {
if ($entry->Version and $entry->Version =~ /-1$/) {
tag 'new-package-should-close-itp-bug'
unless @{ $entry->Closes };
if ($changes=~ /(?:#?\s*)(?:\d|n)+ is the bug number of your ITP/i)
tag 'changelog-is-dh_make-template';
while ($changes =~ /(closes\s*(?:bug)?\#?\s?\d{6,})[^\w]/ig) {
tag 'possible-missing-colon-in-closes', $1 if $1;
if ($changes =~ m/(TEMP-\d{7}-[0-9a-fA-F]{6})/) {
tag 'changelog-references-temp-security-identifier', $1;
# check for bad intended distribution
if (
$changes =~ /uploads? \s+ to \s+
my $intended = lc($+{intended});
if($intended eq 'sid') {
$intended = 'unstable';
my $uploaded = $entry->Distribution;
unless ($uploaded eq 'UNRELEASED') {
unless($uploaded eq $intended) {
tag 'bad-intended-distribution',
"intended to $intended but uploaded to $uploaded";
if($changes =~ /Close:\s+(\#\d+)/xi) {
tag 'misspelled-closes-bug',$1;
my $changesempty = $changes;
$changesempty =~ s,\W,,gms;
if (length($changesempty)==0) {
tag 'changelog-empty-entry';
my $closes = $entry->Closes;
# before bug 50004 bts removed bug instead of archiving
for my $bug (@$closes) {
if ( $bug < $BUGS_NUMBER->value('min-bug')
|| $bug > $BUGS_NUMBER->value('max-bug')) {
tag 'improbable-bug-number-in-closes', $bug;
# unstable, testing, and stable shouldn't be used in Debian
# version numbers. unstable should get a normal version
# increment and testing and stable should get suite-specific
# versions.
# NMUs get a free pass because they need to work with the
# version number that was already there.
my $changelog_version;
if ($info->native) {
$changelog_version = $entry->Version || '';
} else {
if ($entry->Version) {
($changelog_version) = (split('-', $entry->Version))[-1];
} else {
$changelog_version = '';
unless (not $info->native and $changelog_version =~ /\./) {
if ( $info->native
and $changelog_version =~ /testing|(?:un)?stable/i) {
tag 'version-refers-to-distribution', $entry->Version;
} elsif ($changelog_version =~ /woody|sarge|etch|lenny|squeeze/) {
my %unreleased_dists
= map { $_ => 1 } qw(unstable experimental);
if (exists($unreleased_dists{$entry->Distribution})) {
tag 'version-refers-to-distribution', $entry->Version;
# Compare against NEWS.Debian if available.
if ($news and $news->Version) {
if ($entry->Version eq $news->Version) {
for my $field (qw/Distribution Urgency/) {
if ($entry->$field ne $news->$field) {
tag 'changelog-news-debian-mismatch', lc($field),
$entry->$field . ' != ' . $news->$field;
unless ($versions{$news->Version}) {
tag 'debian-news-entry-has-unknown-version', $news->Version;
# We have to decode into UTF-8 to get the right length for the
# length check. For some reason, use open ':utf8' isn't
# sufficient. If the changelog uses a non-UTF-8 encoding,
# this will mangle it, but it doesn't matter for the length
# check.
# Parse::DebianChangelog adds an additional space to the
# beginning of each line, so we have to adjust for that in the
# length check.
my @lines = split("\n", decode('utf-8', $changes));
for my $i (0 .. $#lines) {
my $line = $i + $chloff;
tag 'debian-changelog-line-too-short', $1, "(line $line)"
if $lines[$i] =~ /^ [*]\s(.{1,5})$/ and $1 !~ /:$/;
if (length($lines[$i]) > 81
and $lines[$i] !~ /^[\s.o*+-]*(?:[Ss]ee:?\s+)?\S+$/) {
tag 'debian-changelog-line-too-long', "line $line";
# Strip out all lines that contain the word spelling to avoid false
# positives on changelog entries for spelling fixes.
$changes =~ s/^.*(?:spelling|typo).*\n//gm;
check_spelling($changes, $group->info->spelling_exceptions,
# read the changelog itself and check for some issues we cannot find
# with Parse::DebianChangelog. Also return the "real" line number for
# the first line of text in the first entry.
sub check_dch {
my ($path) = @_;
# emacs only looks at the last "local variables" in a file, and only at
# one within 3000 chars of EOF and on the last page (^L), but that's a bit
# pesky to replicate. Demanding a match of $prefix and $suffix ought to
# be enough to avoid false positives.
my ($prefix, $suffix);
my $lineno = 0;
my ($estart, $tstart) = (0, 0);
open(my $fd, '<', $path);
while (<$fd>) {
unless ($tstart) {
$estart = 1 if m/^\S/;
$tstart = 1 if m/^\s+\S/;
if (
|| m/closes:\s*(?:bug)?\#?\s?\d+
) {
tag 'wrong-bug-number-in-closes', "l$.:$1" if $2;
if (/^(.*)Local\ variables:(.*)$/i) {
$prefix = $1;
$suffix = $2;
# emacs allows whitespace between prefix and variable, hence \s*
if ( defined $prefix
&& defined $suffix
&& m/^\Q$prefix\E\s*add-log-mailing-address:.*\Q$suffix\E$/) {
tag 'debian-changelog-file-contains-obsolete-user-emacs-settings';
return $lineno;
# Local Variables:
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# cperl-indent-level: 4
# End:
# vim: syntax=perl sw=4 sts=4 sr et