Linux ip-172-26-7-228 5.4.0-1103-aws #111~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue May 23 20:04:10 UTC 2023 x86_64
Your IP :
#!/usr/bin/env wish
# epspdf conversion utility, GUI frontend
# Copyright (C) 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Siep Kroonenberg
# n dot s dot kroonenberg at rug dot nl
# This program is free software, licensed under the GNU GPL, >=2.0.
# This software comes with absolutely NO WARRANTY. Use at your own risk!
package require Tk
# tired of writing out this combined test again and again
set classic_unix [expr {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "unix" && \
$::tcl_platform(os) ne "Darwin"}]
# combo boxes and -ignorestderr introduced in Tk8.5
set ge_85 [expr {[string index $::tcl_patchLevel 2] > 4}]
# normally, epspdf.tlu should be in the same directory
# and texlua should be on the searchpath.
# However, the Windows installer version wraps this script in a starpack.
# logging: to a log window, not to a file
proc write_log {s} {
if {[winfo exists .log_t.text]} {
.log_t.text configure -state normal
.log_t.text insert end "$s\n"
.log_t.text yview moveto 1
.log_t.text configure -state disabled
# } else {
# puts $s
### calling epspdf.tlu #########################
# Get full path of epspdf.tlu. It should be in the same directory as
# either this script or of the starpack containing this script,
# For non-windows versions, epspdftk might be called via a symlink.
# Pdftops done elsewhere.
proc set_progs {} {
set scriptfile [file normalize [info script]]
set eproot [file dirname $scriptfile]
# if symlink, get the directory of the file it points to
if {! [catch {file readlink $scriptfile}]} {
# evaluate readlink from symlink directory
set savedir [pwd]
cd $eproot
set eproot [file dirname [file normalize [file readlink $scriptfile]]]
cd $savedir
# find the lua script
set ::epspdf_tlu [file join $eproot "epspdf.tlu"]
if {! [file exists $::epspdf_tlu]} {
# if starpack, look in binary directory
set eproot [file dirname [file normalize [info nameofexecutable]]]
set ::epspdf_tlu [file join $eproot "epspdf.tlu"]
if {! [file exists $::epspdf_tlu]} {
tk_messageBox -type ok -icon error -message "Epspdf.tlu not found"
exit 1
# texlua should be on the searchpath
set ::texlua "texlua"
# icon for starpack: add with sdx or with Windows utilities
### configured and automatic settings ##################################
# is_prog used for checking configured viewers under non-osx unix
proc is_prog {x} {
if {[expr {$::tcl_platform(platform) ne "unix"}]} {return 0}
# avoid current directory except with explicit directory
if {[expr {[string first "/" $x] >= 0 && \
[file executable [file normalize $x]]}]} {
return 1
# also check search path
set p [split $::env(PATH) ":"] ; # no need to accomodate msw
foreach d $p {
if {[expr {$d ne "" && [file executable [file join $d $x]]}]} {
return 1
return 0
# create a global empty settings array
array set ::settings [list]
# windows: pdftops from tex distro?
set ::psp_config 0
# ask epspdf.tlu for currently configured settings.
# this does not include automatically configured or transient settings.
# the availability of viewers is handled here.
proc getsettings {} {
if [catch {exec $::texlua $::epspdf_tlu --gui=config_w} set_str] {
error "Epspdf configuration error: $set_str"
# write_log "settings from epspdf.tlu:\n$set_str\n"
set l [split $set_str "\r\n"]
if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} {
set ::psp_config 0
set settings(pdftops_prog) ""
foreach e $l {
# puts "settings: $e"
# $e is either a string "var = value"
# or the empty string between <cr> and <lf>
set i [string first "=" $e]
if {$i>0} {
# write_log $e
set para [string trim [string range $e 0 [expr $i-1]]]
set val [string trim [string range $e [expr $i+1] end]]
if {$val eq "true"} {set val 1}
if {$val eq "false"} {set val 0}
if {$para eq "psp_config"} {
set ::psp_config 1
write_log "TL for Windows not detected by epspdf"
} else {
set ::settings($para) $val
# write_log "setting $para is $val"
# unix: viewer settings
# configured viewer, if valid, heads the list
if {$::classic_unix} {
set ::ps_viewers {}
if {$::settings(ps_viewer) ne "" && [is_prog $::settings(ps_viewer)]} {
lappend ::ps_viewers $::settings(ps_viewer)
foreach v {evince okular gv qpdfview} {
if {$v ne $::settings(ps_viewer) && [is_prog $v]} {
lappend ::ps_viewers $v
# puts [join $::ps_viewers " "]
set ::pdf_viewers {}
if {$::settings(pdf_viewer) ne "" && [is_prog $::settings(pdf_viewer)]} {
lappend ::pdf_viewers $::settings(pdf_viewer)
foreach v {evince okular xpdf epdfview qpdfview zathura acroread gv} {
if {$v ne $::settings(pdf_viewer) && [is_prog $v]} {
lappend ::pdf_viewers $v
# puts [join $::pdf_viewers " "]
if {[llength ::pdf_viewers] == 0 && [llength ::ps_viewers] != 0} {
lappend ::pdf_viewers [lindex $::ps_viewers 0]
if {[llength ::pdf_viewers] == 0} {
tk_messageBox -message "No viewers found"
} elseif {[llength ::ps_viewers] == 0} {
tk_messageBox -message "No PostScript viewers found"
if {[llength ::pdf_viewers] > 0} {
set ::settings(pdf_viewer) [lindex $::pdf_viewers 0]
if {[llength ::ps_viewers] > 0} {
set ::settings(ps_viewer) [lindex $::ps_viewers 0]
proc write_settings {} {
set s ""
foreach el [array names ::settings] {
set s "$s$el = $::settings($el)\n"
# write_log "\nsettings for epspdf.tlu\n$s\nend writing settings\n"
if [catch {exec $::texlua $::epspdf_tlu --gui=config_r << $s} result] {
error "Epspdf configuration error: $result"
# directory and other file data
if {$::argc > 0 && [file isdirectory [lindex $::argv 0]]} {
set ::gfile(dir) [lindex $::argv 0]
} elseif {[file isdirectory $::settings(default_dir)]} {
set ::gfile(dir) $::settings(default_dir)
} else {
set ::gfile(dir) $::env(HOME)
set ::gfile(path) ""
set ::gfile(type) ""
set ::gfile(name) ""
set ::gfile(npages) ""
# transient options
array set ::options [list gray "color" format "pdf" bbox 0 clean 1 \
pages "single" page 1]
proc viewable {} {
if { $::gfile(name) eq "" || ! [file exists $::gfile(path)] || \
$::gfile(type) eq "other" || $::gfile(type) eq ""} {
return 0
} elseif {! $::classic_unix} {
return 1
} elseif {$::settings(ps_viewer) ne "" && [regexp {ps} $::gfile(type)]} {
return 1
} elseif {$::settings(pdf_viewer) ne "" && $::gfile(type) eq "pdf"} {
return 1
} else {
return 0
### groundwork for GUI #################################
# padding for buttons and frames
proc packb {b args} {
eval [linsert $args 0 pack $b -padx 3 -pady 3]
$b configure -border 2
proc packf {f args} {
eval [linsert $args 0 pack $f -padx 3 -pady 3]
# dummy widget for vertical spacing
set idummy -1
proc spacing {w} {
incr ::idummy
pack [label $w.$::idummy -text " "]
# bold font
font create boldfont
# create dummy label widget to get at the default label font properties
label .dummy
font configure boldfont -family [font actual [.dummy cget -font] -family]
font configure boldfont -size [font actual [.dummy cget -font] -size]
font configure boldfont -weight bold
destroy .dummy
# bitmaps for mycombo (no combobox in core tk8.4)
image create bitmap dwnarrow -data {
#define dwnarrow_width 15
#define dwnarrow_height 10
static unsigned char dwnarrow_bits[] = {
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x1f, 0xf8, 0x0f, 0xf0, 0x07, 0xe0, 0x03,
0xc0, 0x01, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
image create bitmap uparrow -data {
#define uparrow_width 15
#define uparrow_height 10
static unsigned char uparrow_bits[] = {
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x01, 0xe0, 0x03, 0xf0, 0x07,
0xf8, 0x0f, 0xfc, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
# mycombo
if {$::ge_85} {
proc update_combo {w vls} {
upvar $vls vs
set new [$w get]
if {$new ni $vs} {
if {[is_prog $new]} {
set vs [linsert $vs 0 $new]
$w configure -values $vs
} else {
tk_messageBox -title Error -icon error -message "$vl Not a program"
} else {
proc mycombo {w} {
# entry widget and dropdown button
frame $w
frame $w.ef
entry $w.ef.e -width 30 -borderwidth 1
pack $w.ef.e -side left
button $w.ef.b -image dwnarrow -command "toggle_list $w" -borderwidth 1
pack $w.ef.b -side right
pack $w.ef
# 'drop-down' listbox; width should match entry widget above
toplevel $w.lf -bd 0
listbox $w.lf.l -yscrollcommand "$w.lf.s set" -height 4 -width 30 \
-bd 1 -relief raised
grid $w.lf.l -column 0 -row 0 -sticky news
scrollbar $w.lf.s -command "$w.lf.l yview" -bd 1
grid $w.lf.s -column 1 -row 0 -sticky ns
grid columnconfigure $w.lf 0 -weight 1
wm overrideredirect $w.lf 1
wm transient $w.lf
wm withdraw $w.lf
# next two bindings:
# final parameter: unmap/toggle listbox
bind $w.lf.l <KeyRelease-space> {update_e %W [%W get active] 1}
bind $w.lf.l <KeyRelease-Tab> {update_e %W [%W get active] 1}
bind $w.lf.l <1> {update_e %W [%W index @%x,%y] 0}
bind $w.lf.l <Double-1> {update_e %W [%W index @%x,%y] 1}
bind $w.ef.e <Return> {update_l %W}
bind $w.ef.e <Tab> {update_l %W}
return $w
# toggle state of listbox.
# this involves calculating the place where it should appear
# and toggling the arrow image.
proc toggle_list {w} {
# $w.ef is the frame with the entry widget
# $w.lf is the toplevel with the listbox
# which needs to turn up right below $w.ef
if {[wm state $w.lf] eq "withdrawn" || [wm state $w.lf] eq "iconified"} {
set lfx [winfo rootx $w.ef]
set lfy [expr [winfo rooty $w.ef] + [winfo height $w.ef]]
wm geometry $w.lf [format "+%d+%d" $lfx $lfy]
wm deiconify $w.lf
$w.ef.b configure -image uparrow
} else {
wm withdraw $w.lf
$w.ef.b configure -image dwnarrow
# note: in tcl/tk 8.5, values of (some) widget variables can be accessed
# directly and explicit use of upvar is unnecessary.
# list => entry; optionally toggle list display
proc update_e {v i toggle} {
set w [winfo parent [winfo parent $v]]
set lv [$w.lf.l cget -listvariable]
upvar $lv l
set tv [$w.ef.e cget -textvariable]
upvar $tv t
set t [lindex $l $i]
if {$toggle} {toggle_list $w}
# entry => list
proc update_l {v} {
set w [winfo parent [winfo parent $v]]
set tv [$w.ef.e cget -textvariable]
upvar $tv t
set lv [$w.lf.l cget -listvariable]
upvar $lv l
set found [lsearch $l $t]
if { $found < 0} {
set ok [$v validate]
if {$ok} {
lappend l $t
set l [lsort $l]
} else {
tk_messageBox -message "Not a program"
set the_index [lsearch $l $t]
$w.lf.l see $the_index
$w.lf.l activate $the_index
wm withdraw $w.lf
$w.ef.b configure -image dwnarrow
# end mycombo
### and now the actual GUI ###################################
wm title . "PostScript- and pdf conversions"
# help toplevel
proc readhelp {} {
.help_t.text configure -state normal
# this also works for the starpack:
set helpfile [file join [file dirname $::epspdf_tlu] ""]
if {! [file exists $helpfile]} {
# helpfile in starpack
set helpfile [file join [file dirname [info script]] ""]
if {[catch {set fid [open $helpfile r]}]} {
.help_t.text insert end "No helpfile $helpfile found\n"
} else {
while {[gets $fid line] >= 0} {.help_t.text insert end "$line\n"}
close $fid
.help_t.text configure -state disabled
.help_t.text yview moveto 0
toplevel .help_t
wm title .help_t "EpsPdf help"
packb [button .help_t.done -text "Close" -command {wm withdraw .help_t}] \
-side bottom -anchor e -padx 50
text .help_t.text -wrap word -width 60 -height 20 -setgrid 1 \
-yscrollcommand ".help_t.scroll set"
scrollbar .help_t.scroll -command ".help_t.text yview"
pack .help_t.scroll -side right -fill y
pack .help_t.text -expand 1 -fill both
.help_t.text configure -state disabled
wm withdraw .help_t
# log toplevel
toplevel .log_t
wm title .log_t "Epspdf log"
packb [button .log_t.b -text "Close" -command {wm withdraw .log_t}] \
-side bottom -anchor e -padx 50
text .log_t.text -wrap word -relief flat -height 15 -width 60 \
-setgrid 1 -yscrollcommand ".log_t.scroll set"
scrollbar .log_t.scroll -command ".log_t.text yview"
pack .log_t.scroll -side right -fill y
pack .log_t.text -expand 1 -fill both
.log_t.text configure -state disabled
wm withdraw .log_t
### configure toplevel ###################
toplevel .config_t
wm title .config_t "Configure epspdf"
# The settings array is edited directly in the configuration screen:
# for most control widgets, we need a global external variable anyway,
# so we better use the global that is already there.
# If the configuration screen is closed via the cancel button,
# the original values will be re-read from disk.
# If it is closed via the ok button, the new settings are written to disk.
# viewers (not on windows or osx)
if {$::classic_unix} {
packf [frame .config_t.viewf] -ipadx 4 -fill x
grid [label .config_t.viewf.title -font boldfont -text "Viewers"] \
-row 0 -column 0 -sticky w
grid [label .config_t.viewf.lb_pdf -text "Pdf"] \
-row 1 -column 0 -sticky w
grid [label .config_t.viewf.lb_ps -text "PostScript"] \
-row 2 -column 0 -sticky w
if {$::ge_85} {
grid [ttk::combobox .config_t.viewf.pdf] -row 1 -column 1 -sticky e
.config_t.viewf.pdf configure -values $::pdf_viewers
.config_t.viewf.pdf configure -textvariable ::settings(pdf_viewer)
bind .config_t.viewf.pdf <Return> {update_combo %W $::pdf_viewers}
grid [ttk::combobox] -row 2 -column 1 -sticky e configure -values $::ps_viewers configure -textvariable ::settings(ps_viewer)
bind <Return> {update_combo %W $::ps_viewers}
} else {
grid [mycombo .config_t.viewf.pdf] -row 1 -column 1 -sticky e
.config_t.viewf.pdf.lf.l configure -listvariable ::pdf_viewers
.config_t.viewf.pdf.ef.e configure -textvariable ::settings(pdf_viewer)
.config_t.viewf.pdf.ef.e configure -vcmd {is_prog %P} -validate none
grid [mycombo] -row 2 -column 1 -sticky e -pady 4 configure -listvariable ::ps_viewers configure -textvariable ::settings(ps_viewer) configure -vcmd {is_prog %P} -validate none
grid columnconfigure .config_t.viewf 1 -weight 1 -pad 2
spacing .config_t
# settings for conversion to pdf
packf [frame .config_t.pdff] -ipadx 4 -fill x
pack [label .config_t.pdff.title -font boldfont -text "Conversion to pdf"] \
-anchor w
pack [label .config_t.pdff.l_target -text "Target use"] -anchor w
pack [frame .config_t.pdff.f_targets] -fill x
foreach t {default printer prepress screen ebook} {
pack [radiobutton .config_t.pdff.f_targets.$t \
-variable ::settings(pdf_target) \
-text $t -value $t] -side left -padx 2 -pady 4 -anchor w
pack [label .config_t.pdff.l_version -text "Pdf version"] -anchor w
pack [frame .config_t.pdff.f_version] -fill x
foreach t {1.2 1.3 1.4 default} {
regsub {\.} $t _ tp ; # replace dot in name: dots are path separators!
pack [radiobutton .config_t.pdff.f_version.$tp \
-variable ::settings(pdf_version) \
-text $t -value $t] -side left -padx 2 -pady 4 -anchor w
#pack [label .config_t.pdff.l_gs \
# -text "Custom Ghostscript/ps2pdf parameters"] -anchor w
#pack [entry .config_t.pdff.e_gs -border 1] -fill x -padx 2 -pady 2
#.config_t.pdff.e_gs configure -textvariable settings(pdf_custom)
spacing .config_t
# settings for conversion to EPS and PostScript
packf [frame .config_t.psf] -ipadx 4 -fill x
pack [label .config_t.psf.l_ps -text "Conversion to EPS and PostScript" \
-font boldfont] -anchor w
if { $::psp_config} {
if {[string tolower [string range $::settings(pdftops_prog) end-3 end]] ne \
".exe"} {set ::settings(pdftops_prog) ""}
pack [label .config_t.psf.l_pdftops -text "Find pdftops"] -anchor w
pack [frame .config_t.psf.findf] -anchor w
pack [entry .config_t.psf.findf.e -width 40] -side left -padx 4
.config_t.psf.findf.e configure -textvariable ::settings(pdftops_prog)
packb [button .config_t.psf.findf.b -text "Browse..." \
-command find_pdftops] -side left
proc find_pdftops {} {
set try [tk_getOpenFile -title "Find pdftops.exe" \
-filetypes {{"Programs" {.exe}}} -initialdir "c:/"]
if {$try ne ""} {
.config_t.psf.findf.e delete 0 end
.config_t.psf.findf.e insert 0 $try
pack [checkbutton .config_t.psf.c \
-text "Use pdftops if available (recommended)"] -anchor w
.config_t.psf.c configure -variable ::settings(use_pdftops) \
-onvalue 1 -offvalue 0
spacing .config_t
## hires boundingbox setting
#packf [frame .config_t.hiresf] -ipadx 4 -fill x
#pack [label .config_t.hiresf.title -font boldfont -text "Hires BoundingBox"] \
# -anchor w
#pack [label .config_t.hiresf.l -text "Uncheck to prevent clipping"] \
# -anchor w
#pack [checkbutton .config_t.hiresf.c \
# -text "Use hires boundingbox if possible"] -anchor w
#.config_t.hiresf.c configure \
# -variable ::settings(ignore_hires_bb) -onvalue 0 -offvalue 1
#spacing .config_t
# buttons for closing the configuration screen
pack [frame .config_t.buttonsf] -fill x
packb [button .config_t.buttonsf.done -text "Done" -command putsettings] \
-side right
packb [button .config_t.buttonsf.cancel -text "Cancel" \
-command cancelsettings] -side right
wm transient .config_t
wm overrideredirect .config_t
wm withdraw .config_t
proc edit_settings {} {
wm deiconify .config_t
raise .config_t
grab set .config_t
# store new settings
proc putsettings {} {
if {$::classic_unix && ! $::ge_85} {
wm withdraw .config_t.viewf.pdf.lf
wm withdraw
wm withdraw .config_t
grab release .config_t
proc cancelsettings {} {
if {$::classic_unix && ! $::ge_85} {
wm withdraw .config_t.viewf.pdf.lf
wm withdraw
wm withdraw .config_t
grab release .config_t
# re-read config file / reg entries
### main screen #############################
proc show_w {w} {
wm deiconify $w
raise $w
# buttons to call up configure-, log- and help screens
pack [frame .topf] -fill x
packb [button .topf.config_t -text "Configure" \
-command edit_settings] -side left
packb [button .topf.help_t -text "Help" \
-command {show_w .help_t}] -side right
packb [button .topf.logb -text "Show log" -command {show_w .log_t}] \
-side right -anchor w
# file info in grid layout
packf [frame .infof -relief sunken -border 1] -fill x
grid [label .infof.dir_label -text "Directory" -anchor w] \
-row 1 -column 1 -sticky w
grid [label .infof.dir_value -textvariable ::gfile(dir) -anchor w] \
-row 1 -column 2 -sticky w
grid [label .infof.name_label -text "File" -anchor w] \
-row 2 -column 1 -sticky w
grid [label .infof.name_value -textvariable ::gfile(name) -anchor w] \
-row 2 -column 2 -sticky w
grid [label .infof.type_label -text "Type" -anchor w] \
-row 3 -column 1 -sticky w
grid [label .infof.type_value -textvariable ::gfile(type) -anchor w] \
-row 3 -column 2 -sticky w
grid [label .infof.npages_label -text "Pages" -anchor w] \
-row 4 -column 1 -sticky w
grid [label .infof.npages_value -textvariable ::gfile(npages) -anchor w] \
-row 4 -column 2 -sticky w
grid columnconfigure .infof 1 -weight 1 -pad 2
grid columnconfigure .infof 2 -weight 3 -pad 2
spacing .
# conversion options
pack [frame .optsf] -fill x
# grayscaling
pack [frame .optsf.gray] -side left -anchor nw
pack [label .optsf.gray.l -text "Grayscaling"] -anchor w
pack [radiobutton -text "No color conversion" \
-variable ::options(gray) -value "color"] -anchor w
pack [radiobutton .optsf.gray.gray -text "Grayscale" \
-variable ::options(gray) -value "gray"] -anchor w
#pack [radiobutton .optsf.gray.gRAY -text "Try harder to grayscale" \
# -variable ::options(gray) -value "gRAY"] -anchor w
# output format
pack [label .optsf.format] -side right -anchor ne
pack [label .optsf.format.l -text "Output format"] -anchor w
pack [radiobutton .optsf.format.pdf -text "pdf" -command set_widget_states \
-variable ::options(format) -value "pdf"] -anchor w
pack [radiobutton .optsf.format.eps -text "eps" -command set_widget_states \
-variable ::options(format) -value "eps"] -anchor w
pack [radiobutton -text "ps" -command set_widget_states \
-variable ::options(format) -value "ps"] -anchor w
spacing .
# boundingbox
pack [checkbutton .bbox -text "Compute tight boundingbox" \
-variable ::options(bbox) -command set_widget_states] -anchor w
# page selection
pack [frame .pagesf] -fill x
pack [radiobutton .pagesf.all -text "Convert all pages" \
-variable ::options(pages) -value "all" -command set_widget_states] \
-side left
pack [radiobutton .pagesf.single -text "Page:" \
-variable ::options(pages) -value "single" -command set_widget_states] \
-side left
pack [entry .pagesf.e -width 6 -textvariable ::options(page)] -side left
#.pagesf.e configure -vcmd {page_valid %W} -validate focusout \
# -invcmd "focusAndFlash %W [.pagesf.e cget -fg] [.pagesf.e cget -bg]"
.pagesf.e configure -vcmd {page_valid %W} -validate focusout \
-invcmd "see_red %W"
spacing .
# temp files
pack [checkbutton .clean -text "Remove temp files" \
-variable ::options(clean)] -anchor w
proc focusAndFlash {w fg bg {count 9}} {
focus $w
if {$count<1} {
$w configure -foreground $fg -background $bg
} else {
if {$count%2} {
$w configure -foreground $bg -background $fg
} else {
$w configure -foreground $fg -background $bg
after 200 [list focusAndFlash $w $fg $bg [expr {$count-1}]]
proc see_red {w} {
focus $w
set orig [$w cget -bg]
$w configure -bg red
update idletasks
after 1000
$w configure -bg $orig
update idletasks
proc page_valid {w} {
# w entry widget
set p [$w get]
set isvalid 1
#puts "check pageno $p"
if {! [string is integer $p] || $p<=0} {
set isvalid 0
} elseif {$::gfile(npages) ne "" && [scan $p "%d"] > $::gfile(npages)} {
set isvalid 0
return $isvalid
# end conversion options
pack [label .status -justify left] -side bottom -anchor w -fill x -expand 1
# main buttons
pack [frame .bottomf] -side bottom -fill x
packb [button .bottomf.view -text "View" -command view] -side left
packb [button -text "Open" -command openDialog] \
-side left -padx 2
packb [button .bottomf.convert -text "Convert and save..." \
-command saveDialog] -side left -padx 2
packb [button .bottomf.done -text "Done" -command exit] -side right
proc view {} {
if {! [viewable]} {
tk_messageBox -icon warning -type ok \
-message "No viewer for $::gfile(path)"
if {$::tcl_platform(os) eq "Darwin"} {
catch {exec open $::gfile(path) &}
} elseif {$::tcl_platform(platform) ne "unix"} {
# use shortname to sidestep quoting problems
catch {exec cmd /x /c start [file attributes $::gfile(path) -shortname]}
} else {
if {$::gfile(type) eq "pdf"} {
catch {exec $::settings(pdf_viewer) $::gfile(path) &}
} elseif {$::gfile(type) ne "other" && $::gfile(type) ne ""} {
catch {exec $::settings(ps_viewer) $::gfile(path) &}
proc openDialog {} {
set types {
{"PostScript and pdf" {.eps .epi .epsi .ps .prn .pdf}}
{"Encapsulated PostScript" {.eps .epi .epsi}}
{"General PostScript" {.ps .prn}}
{"Pdf" {.pdf}}
{"All files" *}
if {[file isdirectory $::gfile(dir)]} {
set try [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types -initialdir $::gfile(dir)]
} else {
set try [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types]
if {$try != ""} {
set ::gfile(path) [file normalize $try]
set ::gfile(dir) [file dirname $::gfile(path)]
set ::gfile(name) [file tail $::gfile(path)]
set ::gfile(type) ""
if {! [catch {exec $::texlua $::epspdf_tlu --gui=gui -i $::gfile(path)} \
result]} {
# parse output
regexp {has type (\w+)(?:.+ (\d+) pages)?\.} $result \
mtc ::gfile(type) ::gfile(npages)
if {[regexp {^eps} $::gfile(type)]} {set ::gfile(npages) 1}
if {$::gfile(type) eq ""} {
# unsupported type
tk_messageBox -message "$try: unreadable or unsupported type" \
-title "Error" -icon error
set ::settings(default_dir) $::gfile(dir)
proc saveDialog {} {
if {$::options(format) eq "pdf"} {
set types {{"Pdf" {.pdf}}}
} elseif {$::options(format) eq "ps"} {
set types {{"PostScript" {.ps}}}
} elseif {$::options(format) eq "eps"} {
set types {{"Encapsulated PostScript" {.eps}}}
set try [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes $types -initialdir $::gfile(dir)]
if {$try != ""} {
# fix extension
set try [file normalize $try]
set idot [string last "." [file tail $try]]
if {$idot == -1} {
append try ".$::options(format)"
} else {
# don't bother checking whether the extension is already correct
set try [string range $try 0 [string last "." $try]]
append try $::options(format)
set try [file normalize $try]
# epspdf can read persistent options from configuration.
# only options from the options array need to be converted to parameters.
set args [list]
if {$::options(gray) eq "gray"} {
lappend args "-g"
if {$::options(bbox)} {lappend args "-b"}
if {! $::options(clean)} {lappend args "-d"}
if {$::options(pages) eq "single"} {
if {$::options(page) eq ""} {set ::options(page) 1}
lappend args "-p" $::options(page)
lappend args $::gfile(path) $try
.status configure -text "Working..." -justify "left"
foreach b {view open convert done} {
.bottomf.$b configure -state disabled
update idletasks; # force immediate redisplay main window
if {$::ge_85} {
set failed [catch [linsert $args 0 \
exec -ignorestderr $::texlua $::epspdf_tlu --gui=gui] result]
} else {
set failed [catch [linsert $args 0 \
exec $::texlua $::epspdf_tlu --gui=gui] result]
write_log $result
if {$failed} {
tk_messageBox -icon error -type ok -message "Error; see log window"
} else {
set ::gfile(path) [file normalize $try]
set ::gfile(dir) [file dirname $::gfile(path)]
set ::gfile(type) $::options(format)
set ::gfile(name) [file tail $::gfile(path)]
# parse result output
regexp { is (\w+)(?: with (\d+) pages)?[\r\n]*$} \
[string range $result [string last "File type of" $result] end] \
mtc ::gfile(type) ::gfile(npages)
if {$::gfile(type) eq "eps"} {set ::gfile(npages) 1}
set ::settings(default_dir) $::gfile(dir)
set ::options(page) 1
.status configure -text ""
foreach b {view open convert done} {
.bottomf.$b configure -state normal
focus .bottomf.view
proc set_widget_states {} {
# states (normal/disabled) for various widgets.
# their values should already be mutually consistent.
# widgets concerned:
# view / save
# output format / bbox / single page / page no.
# view
if {[viewable]} {
.bottomf.view configure -state normal
} else {
.bottomf.view configure -state disabled
# convert
.bottomf.convert configure -state normal
if {$::gfile(path) eq "" || ! [file exists $::gfile(path)]} { \
.bottomf.convert configure -state disabled
if {$::gfile(type) eq "other"} {
.bottomf.convert configure -state disabled
if {$::gfile(npages) ne "" && $::options(pages) eq "single" && \
$::options(page) > $::gfile(npages)} {
.bottomf.convert configure -state disabled
# type
if {[regexp {ps|pdf} $::gfile(type)]} {
foreach f {pdf eps ps} {.optsf.format.$f configure -state normal}
} else {
foreach f {pdf eps ps} {.optsf.format.$f configure -state disabled}
# pages and page
foreach f {all single} {.pagesf.$f configure -state normal}
if {$::options(format) eq "eps"} {
.pagesf.all configure -state disabled
set ::options(pages) "single"
if {$::options(format) eq "ps"} {
.pagesf.single configure -state disabled
set ::options(pages) "all"
if {$::options(pages) eq "all"} {
.pagesf.e configure -state disabled
} else {
.pagesf.e configure -state normal
# boundingbox
if {$::options(format) eq "eps"} {
.bbox configure -state normal
} elseif {$::options(pages) eq "all"} {
.bbox configure -state disabled
set ::options(bbox) 0
} else {
.bbox configure -state normal
update idletasks