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#!/usr/bin/env python
""" pdfbook2 - transform pdf files to booklets
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
import sys
import subprocess
import os
from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup, HelpFormatter
import shutil
# Create booklet for file $name
def booklify( name, opts ):
#------------------------------------------------------ Check if file exists
print "\nProcessing", name
if not os.path.isfile( name ):
print "SKIP: file not found."
print "Getting bounds...",
#---------------------------------------------------------- useful constants
bboxName = "%%HiResBoundingBox:"
tmpFile = ".crop-tmp.pdf"
#------------------------------------------------- find min/max bounding box
if opts.crop:
p = subprocess.Popen( ["pdfcrop", "--verbose",
"--resolution", repr( opts.resolution ),
name, tmpFile],
stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.PIPE )
out, err = p.communicate()
if len( err ) != 0:
print err
print "\n\nABORT: Problem getting bounds"
sys.exit( 1 )
lines = out.splitlines()
bboxes = [s[len( bboxName ) + 1:] for s in lines if s.startswith( bboxName )]
bounds = [[float( x ) for x in bbox.split()] for bbox in bboxes ]
minLOdd = min( [bound[0] for bound in bounds[::2] ] )
maxROdd = max( [bound[2] for bound in bounds[::2] ] )
minLEven = min( [bound[0] for bound in bounds[1::2] ] )
maxREven = max( [bound[2] for bound in bounds[1::2] ] )
minT = min( [bound[1] for bound in bounds ] )
maxB = max( [bound[3] for bound in bounds ] )
widthOdd = maxROdd - minLOdd
widthEven = maxREven - minLEven
maxWidth = max( widthOdd, widthEven )
minLOdd -= maxWidth - widthOdd
maxREven += maxWidth - widthEven
print "done"
#--------------------------------------------- crop file to area of interest
print "cropping...",
p = subprocess.Popen( ["pdfcrop",
"--bbox-odd", "{L} {T} {R} {B}".format( L = minLOdd - opts.innerMargin / 2,
T = minT - opts.topMargin,
R = maxROdd + opts.outerMargin,
B = maxB + opts.outerMargin ),
"--bbox-even", "{L} {T} {R} {B}".format( L = minLEven - opts.outerMargin,
T = minT - opts.topMargin,
R = maxREven + opts.innerMargin / 2,
B = maxB + opts.outerMargin ),
"--resolution", repr( opts.resolution ),
stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.PIPE )
out, err = p.communicate()
if len( err ) != 0:
print err
print "\n\nABORT: Problem with cropping"
sys.exit( 1 )
print "done"
shutil.copy( name, tmpFile )
#-------------------------------------------------------- create the booklet
print "create booklet...",
pdfJamCallList = [ "pdfjam",
"--booklet", "true",
"--suffix", "book",
"--signature", repr( opts.signature ),
tmpFile ]
# add option --paper to call
if opts.paper is not None:
pdfJamCallList.append( "--paper" )
pdfJamCallList.append( opts.paper )
# add option --short-edge to call
if opts.shortedge:
# check if everyshi.sty exists as texlive recommends
p = subprocess.Popen( ["kpsewhich", "everyshi.sty"],
stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.PIPE )
out, err = p.communicate()
if len( out ) == 0:
print "\n\nABORT: The everyshi.sty latex package is needed for short-edge."
sys.exit( 1 )
pdfJamCallList.append( "--preamble" )
pdfJamCallList.append( r"\usepackage{everyshi}\makeatletter\EveryShipout{\ifodd\c@page\pdfpageattr{/Rotate 180}\fi}\makeatother" )
# run call to pdfJam to make booklet
p = subprocess.Popen( pdfJamCallList,
stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.PIPE )
#-------------------------------------------- move file and remove temp file
os.rename( tmpFile[:-4] + "-book.pdf", name[:-4] + "-book.pdf" )
os.remove( tmpFile )
print "done"
# Help formatter
class MyHelpFormatter ( HelpFormatter ):
"""Format help with indented section bodies.
def __init__( self,
indent_increment = 4,
max_help_position = 16,
width = None,
short_first = 0 ):
self, indent_increment, max_help_position, width, short_first )
def format_usage( self, usage ):
return ( "USAGE\n\n%*s%s\n" ) % ( self.indent_increment, "", usage )
def format_heading( self, heading ):
return "%*s%s\n\n" % ( self.current_indent, "", heading.upper() )
# main programm
if __name__ == "__main__":
#------------------------------------------------------------ useful strings
usageString = "Usage: %prog [options] file1 [file2 ...]"
versionString = """
%prog v1.2
(c) 2015 Johannes Neumann (
licensed under GPLv3 (
based on pdfbook by David Firth with help from Marco Pessotto\n"""
defaultString = " (default: %default)"
#------------------------------------------------- create commandline parser
parser = OptionParser( usage = usageString, version = versionString,
formatter = MyHelpFormatter( indent_increment = 4 ) )
generalGroup = OptionGroup( parser, "General" )
generalGroup.add_option( "-p", "--paper", dest = "paper", type = "str", action = "store",
metavar = "STR",
help = "Format of the output paper dimensions as latex keyword (e.g. a4paper, letterpaper, legalpaper, ...)" )
generalGroup.add_option( "-s", "--short-edge", dest = "shortedge", action = "store_true",
help = "Format the booklet for short-edge double-sided printing",
default = False )
generalGroup.add_option( "-n", "--no-crop", dest = "crop", action = "store_false",
help = "Prevent the cropping to the content area",
default = True )
parser.add_option_group( generalGroup )
marginGroup = OptionGroup( parser, "Margins" )
marginGroup.add_option( "-o", "--outer-margin", type = "int", default = 40,
dest = "outerMargin", action = "store", metavar = "INT",
help = "Defines the outer margin in the booklet" + defaultString )
marginGroup.add_option( "-i", "--inner-margin", type = "int", default = 150,
dest = "innerMargin", action = "store", metavar = "INT",
help = "Defines the inner margin between the pages in the booklet" + defaultString )
marginGroup.add_option( "-t", "--top-margin", type = "int", default = 30,
dest = "topMargin", action = "store", metavar = "INT",
help = "Defines the top margin in the booklet" + defaultString )
marginGroup.add_option( "-b", "--bottom-margin", type = "int", default = 30, metavar = "INT",
dest = "bottomMargin", action = "store",
help = "Defines the bottom margin in the booklet" + defaultString )
parser.add_option_group( marginGroup )
advancedGroup = OptionGroup( parser, "Advanced" )
advancedGroup.add_option( "--signature", dest = "signature", action = "store", type = "int",
help = "Define the signature for the booklet handed to pdfjam, needs to be multiple of 4" + defaultString,
default = 4, metavar = "INT" )
advancedGroup.add_option( "--signature*", dest = "signature", action = "store", type = "int",
help = "Same as --signature", metavar = "INT" )
advancedGroup.add_option( "--resolution", dest = "resolution", action = "store", type = "int",
help = "Resolution used by ghostscript in bp" + defaultString,
metavar = "INT", default = 72 )
parser.add_option_group( advancedGroup )
opts, args = parser.parse_args()
#------------------------------------ show help if started without arguments
if len( args ) == 0:
print ""
sys.exit( 2 )
#------------------------------------------- run for each provided file name
for arg in args:
booklify( arg, opts )